Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 22, 1895, Image 1

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J' or i r Mates, io?fj,
and TCivriiy
......UOTOTHR ,,
City Jewelry Store
satisfaction giiardHpa
City Jewelry Store
. -
VOL- 1
NO. 80'
5 -
P. H. Rensvold is in town
Mrs. W J. Earnest is on tho
sick list.
Judge Kinkaid was a welcomo
- callor Tuesday.
. ', Ilea Mirshall was courtincr"
, o
Tuesday and Wodncsday.
Mrs. Clark Olds returned from
Callaway Monday morning.
C. J. "VViidy has placed a fine
roll top desk in his office.
H. B. Austin returned from
Lincoln Tuesday morning. .
C. Reck, the World-Herald
solicitor, was in the city Tues
day. Wm. Wholun wont to Iowa last
'Week and will be gone several
Misses Harnck and Brown, tho
-ovnngolists, are in Crawford this
Jos. Eckl of Liberty called tho
pother day and renewed for tho
-Mrs. Hattio Wheeler visited
jrelatives and frionds in Homing
ford Sunday.
John Sampy came down from
tho Hills Monday and will re
main two weeks.
Sapsrintendsnfc-eleafc Naalanl
spent Sunday with her parents
in Dawes county.
Miss Georgia Miller closes a
three months term of school near
Mvrsl and today. '"
1 A. M. Clark, suporintondent
ject of Dawes county, visited in
Hemingford Sunday.
A. M. Miller's residence has
recently boon treated to a now
"coat" of shingles .
J. M. Kuhn has been ill for
several days, tho result of an ab
cess. Ho is improving,
Albert Rensvold and wife of
Alliance aro spending a week
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul.
H. P. Goodenugh commenced
a 4-months term of school in the
Whelan district Monday.
Mrs. Z. T. Cunningham of Box
Butto called Wednesday and sub
scribed for this family journal.
Baxter Pierce is back from
Montana and will spend the win
ter with his father north of town.
M. E. Gooch left for Emma,
Illinois, Sunday night. His
father who resides at that place
is seriously ill.
Allen W. Leach and and Mrs.
Anna M. Goldsmith, both of
Bingham, wore married by Jus
tice Nichols, Wednesday.
Dr. Bowman of Alliance has
an ad in this'issue. Tho Doctor
formerly resided at Hay Springs
and is highly spoken of by every
ona. Miss Collins expected to com
mence a term of school near
Marsland this week but as she is
yet ill, the directors postponed
the school for her.
The two year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Taylor was kicked by
a horse Wednesday, crushing his
skull. It is a very sorious case
and tho little follow's recovery is
Rev. T. P. Schlosser of Mars
land will hold services at Prairie
Flower school house, four miles
west and one milo north of Hem
ingford, on Sunday, Nov. 21th,
at 11:30 a. m.
T. J. Wallace and Miss Clay
McGlemor were united in mar
riage at the Metropolitan hotel
by Judge Spacht last Saturday.
Mr, Wallace is the proprietor
of a meat market in Aljjancc.
Tho Baptist mcotings this
week aro woll attondod and much
interest manifested.
Ford Dodds has secured em
ployment at Deadwood. Ho
writes for tho Hehal.d.
There will bo Thanksgiving
servicos in tho Congregational
church at 11 o'clock, by Row
Dada. All aro invited.
B. L. Ponnor was down from
Dunlap Friday. L. B. and Miss
Alma accompanied him homo
remaining till Sunday.
Rev. J. M. Crocker departed
for his homo in Iowa Monday.
He dolivored an interesting ser
mon at tho M. E. church Sunday
On Wednesday Harvo Good
enough purchased L. F. Loav
itt's barber shop. Geo. Good-
enough will have charge of the
shop this winter.
Tho Congregational Aid So
ciety will givo a social at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sher
wood, Friday ovening, Nov. 29,
A "blind" menu will bo served.
Everyono is cordially invited.
Tho attorneys in attendance at
this term of court are, Simonson,
Sullivan, Noleman, Mitchell,
Montgomery and W. A Hampton,
of Alliance. Fanning of Craw
ford, Gutterson, of Broken Bow,
Blacklodgo of Culbertson.
In our notico last week in
reference to tho cemetery, Mrs.
Wm. Fosket's name should also
havo been mentioned, as she and
Mrs. Sherwood first thought of
tho work, and Mrs. Fosket has
shown much interest in the same
Tommy Pringlo m3t with a
painful accident "Wednesday.
Whilo trying to lead u colt from
Mr. Uhrig's barn the animal ran
out tho door ahead of him whilo
tho ropo was fastened to his
hand, dislocatiing his wrist.
Dr. Miller attondod him and ho
is getting along nicely.
' Tho ladies of the M. E. church
will givo a Thanlcsgiving dinner
in tho building first door south
of Wildy's. Dinnor, 25 and 15cts.
Tho ladies are making great
preparations and no doubt it will
bo tho "dinner of tho season."
Come prepared to partake of a
hearty meal and enjoy yourself.
Last week wo neglected to
mention tho party given by Mr.
and Mrs. A. Uhrig in honor of
Miss Mary Basse. All tho young
people in town wero present and
an enjoyable time was had by
everyone. Miss Basso was tho
recipient of an olegant toilet sot
and other gifts, with tho best
wishes of her many friends.
Tho dinner given by tho Mis
sionary society at the homo of
Mrs. P. Abloy, Tuesday, was a
decided success. The following
were in attendance.
Mesdauns Iodonca, Tash, Gil
man, Nichols, Parkin, A. M.
Miller, Gerber, Piorco, Libby,
Ward, Waisner, Reed, Ham
mond, Eliss, Millott, B. F. Price,
Leslie Price, Kidwell, Fillmore,
Christy, Rav. Kendall and wife,
Miss Stratton, Miss Dada, Miss
Marjorio Gilmau.
Thanksgiving Ball.
A grand ball will bo given at the
court liouso hall, Thursday oven
ing, under tho auspices of the
Hemiugford base ball club. Every
body come out and help make this
the event of the season.
By Order ofCommittco.
All of our subscribers shall re
ceive a copy of tho New York
World next week, Tho World
has the reputation of being ono
of tho best papers in tho World.
Rqad our club rata on another
Alliance Lawyers and Politicians
The Tax-payers of Box Butt
The last issuo of tho Alliance
Guide rovoals the fact that her
"representative business men"
aro again preparing to mount the
ringbonod, spavined aud short'
windod old hobby horso of CounMroctin' the Hunter school this win
tv Seat romoval. Oho would -i
think that tho small portion of
Alliance population who favor
tho renewed agitation of this
question, would havo learned bjr
past experience that the majority
of tho people of Box Butto Coun
ty aro entirely satisfied with
their present County Seat Hom
ingford. A contest was had, fair
on Hemingford's sido, though
undeniable attempts at fraudu
lent practices woro made by Al
liance's partisans. It was decid
ed that Hemingford bo tho coun
ty seat of Box Butte comity.
Wo do not deny that if Alliance
wero mo uountv aeat it would
b'e moro convenient for a fow Al-
lianco lawyers. But is the desire
of tho majority of tho people of
Box Butto County to ho set aside
for tho convenience of a fow at-.
torneys and somo politicians to
whom an agitation of this kind
offers an opportunity for cheap
Hemingford is in the center of
tho county. Tho interests of tho
major part of tho people of tho
County demand that Hemingford
remain the County Seat. Tho.
town of Hemingford has present
ed to tho County a fino Court
House. Thera is thus no exponso
!, ut annM x ni.
' 'representative business men"
passed a resolution declaring
that if the county seat bo remov
ed to Alliance, it was not tho in
tention to issuo bonds to build an
expensive Court House.
In tho first placb wo would like
to inquire, by what authority these
"representative business men" pro
tend to guide the destines of Box
Butte County to state what tho
County will or will not do?
Furthermore, though their dec
laration be true, what difference
would it mako to tho tax-payers of
tho county whether they pay taxes
to keep up the interest on bonds
or pay rent for county offices,
which the abandonment of the
present Court House at Heming
ford would necessitate? The elec
tion which it is proposed to havo
would entail an expense of up
wards of a thousand dollars. In
these hard times tho people should
think twice before burdening them
selves with this additional indebt
edness. But wo havo no fear that
this matter will be moro than
"a tempest in a tea-pot." Tho
West has had enough of these
senseless county scat fights, where
by somo unwisely ambitious town
seeks to put aside tho will of tho
people of the county for its per
sonal advantage.
Alliance has the railroad round
house and machine shops to which
it is justly entitled; Hemingford
has tho county seat which by vir
tue of its location and choice of
tho people, it should remain in un
disputed possession of. There
should bo no animosity between
wo two towns. Jjot us live in
peace and harmony allowing this
county seat matter to bo only a
memory of the past.
Weather very fino for this time
of year.
The Pleasant Ridgo literary met
Saturday evening and elected offi
cers, Our old friend M. Tuttlo and a
Mr. Gillispio of Lakeside, wero
visiting H. Hall ono day lust week.
homo from
intends to
'.Montana again. Ho
havo his buggy fixed up and will
break in lib humpbacked mule,
so look out girls.
Miss Mary Collins of Marsland
will teach tho winter terra at tho
Lono Tree school house. MUs
Curry of Chadron is wielding tho
H. F. Furtnnn of the Running-'
water has taken out an irrigating
ditch which will bo ono and a half
miles long when completed.
river is a naif mile wiuo in some
1 places whero the water has been
a m
turned on to flood buy lund.
Barea Soraplnjj3,
Ye scribe is on tho sick lint.
Mrs Bolgmn is visiting with
Mrs. Dunham at Hemingford.
John Garret invited a host of
his friends to parti cipa to in an
oyster supper last Wednesday
nieht, tho youngsters doolared with
oho accord that thev never had a
"rer time,
An accident whicli might havo
proved serious, happened hero
a$b Monday. As train 47 pulled
out of hero a mover's wagon came
along and tho horBos became
frightened throwing the men out
of tho wagon breaking tho wagon
polo and smashing things up in
general. Tho men escaped with
out very serious consequences.
Which has done tho most dam
ago to mankind, fire or water?
This has been a question that
never has been satisfactorily solved,
ul tlintiivli if lina 1-mnn rliQtnaan1 nit
j C " -" "J
fSearnedi - men for centuaies past,
but now, thanks to our young
people, it is forever settled. It
was debated on last Saturday
night and decided that fire is tho
most distructivo element. We are
glad that it is settled at last.
Bosc Butt Bulletin.
Protracted meetings are progress'
ing nicely.
Win. Hall arrived home from Iowa
George McCutclieon has been visit
ing Wlllard Cowltu the past wecjj.
M. D. AtL-in ailed an order for
1,000 lbs. of chickens this week, be
sides a 600 lb order for turkeys.
II. L.Wilson and II. F. Hoffman
returned trom tho Hills. They tell
tho usual fish stories, but brought
home on'y on poor dead jack rabbit.
Literary Tuesday evening, Nov. 25,
commencing at 7:30, sharp. A liter
ury program will first be rendered,
after which will be a debate. Every
body come.
Alliancs Nsws
Hon. Patrick Gibbons receiver
of the McCook land office was in
tho city yesterday.
W. H. Harris, one of the sheep
barons of upper Snake Creek
"was in town Monday.
G. H Clayton, one of tho old
standbys of Lawn precinct, was
doing business in town last Sat -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atchin
son have gono to Kansas City to
live. Wo wish them all possible
success in their new home.
Tho little baby of Mr. and Mrs.
Honry Crilly died of typhoid
fever and was buried from tho
Catholic church on Saturday
Geo. R. Jones one of the old
6Bttlers wno has recently been
working at his trade as painter,
1 as purchased half interest in
I ayn's laundry.
Rev. T. P. Haley returned
fom Omaha Wednesday, whoro
went to hear Archbishop Ire-
land spoak, and also in the intor-
t of his library.
Mr. BiTlnr Pimt'ft in
Harry Armfiold has been in
town this week' having driven
over-land from Wyominy. Ho is
still in tho employ of Mike El
moro as book keeper.
T, J. Wallace and Miss Kato
McGlomoro were married by
Judge Spacht at Homlngford Inst
Saturday. They will go to
housekeeping in Tom's nom brick
i house on Laramie avenue.
Mr. Knight acoompanied by
his son-in-law D. N. Browor
woro in town Monday. Mr.
Knight is a recent arrival from
tho eastern part of tho state and
contemplates filing on a home
stead. n. W. Axtoll arrived in town
from. Lincoln Tuesday on busi
ness connected with lands. Ho
says that Allianco is a moro live
ly town than Lincoln, but as Mrs.
Axtoll is enjoying hotter health
down thera ho will continue re
siding there.
A team attachod to a hay rack
with no ono on it except llttlo
Johnio Elmore, ran away Wed
nesday afternoon. It created
quite an excitement until they
woro caught. No damago was
done and Johnnie was brought
back safe and sound.
L. A. Dorrington was down
from Chadron last Saturday on
route for Lincoln. Al. is stuck
on Allianco as boing a very live
town, and wo hope somo day to
seo him move down with his
family. Mrs. Dorrington being
an accomplished dancing teacher
-would To warmly welcomed by
; """ '
0f -which
Allianco society many members
aro Tery desirous of
learning the now dancos and
steps now prevalent in eastern
Prior to oloction it was known
that Charloy Atchinson had sold
out all of his business and had
ma do arrangements to move to
Kansas City. In tho face of this
tho republican majority in Al
lianco being so anxious to got
every thing gavo him a majority
of votes over S. M. Smysor a
most acceptable democrat' there
by demonstrating that they
would consider even a dead man
proforablo to a democrat. A
populist board of commissioners
will now have tho appointing of
a justice to fill tho vacancy caus
ed by the removal of Mr. Atch
inson. Court Proceedings.
Distriot court commomcod Tues
day with his honor Judge Kinkaid
presiding and J. J. King us stenog
rapher. There are 69 cases on tho
docket, 19 of which are foreclos
ures and 11 confirmations. We
givo only tho cases in which per
sons of this county aro connected.
A full report will bo published
next week. Court adjourns to
morrow. Allen Hutchings vs. Honry
, Hier, suit for damages. Verdict in
1 favo; o plaintjff
T. H. Posey vs Wm and James
Butler, appeal. Dismissed, de-
fondant to pay costs.
Hamilton Hall vs S. S. Hoover,
suit for damages. Continued, ser
vice not complete.
D. W. Butler and W. W. Nor
ton vs M. Robinson and N. Vance,
In tho matter of the estate of
Rolando Preston deceased vs Lena
Jackson et a), continued.
Olivia E. Bower vs Daniel C.
Bower, divorce, granted.
J Kate Green vs Harry E. Green,
divorce granted,
' Truc Miller v H- F Grant, ap-
Pt,fll- Judgment tor planum, wi.
Wood will bo received on hub
ecriptum at this oflico.
Business Pointers.
Now York Counts, 45ctsperrnn
at tho meat market.
Take your produce to Wildy's,
"tho old standby ."
Homcall wants some dressed
Order your stovo repairs nt Anton
Points of all kinds at Greeks.
A new lot of shoes just received by
W. K. HcrneaU.
The Genuine Hound Oak Stove
made by Heckwlth, DowtiRlac, Mich,,
with (ho nntnoon tho legs? Is tho
most ftiel'Snvlng stove nn tho market
and is the only stovo that will burn
wood, hard conl, soft coal, and coke,
successfully, and also can bo mado u
self-food Ing base burner at Ilia snme
tltno. For oalo by Antok UhbipJ
Suous of nil kinds, styles and
prices. Can lit any foot and pocket
book. W. K. Hermoall.
California emmed goods 16 cents a
can at W. K. Hcnieah'u.
Ptdnt, G I iiss and oils "of all kinds
sold according to the hard times
cheaper than tho cheapest, nt
Aston Uimia.
If you owo Wildys' call in an
speak to thera about it thoy need
all u hat is duo them.
Tho Herald and the Omaha
semi-woukly World-Herald both
6ne j'ear for$1.7C.
C. J. Wildy wants some dressed
poultry and hogs.
If you want to realiaa cash out
of your extra horsos, see J. C.
Tbo Genuine Round Oalc is "good
goodi." How good, not how cheap,
Tlmy lust, they bent, they sava you
money, thoy havo a reputation. Cta
you point to another that has? They
loud tho world of heating stoves,
simply brcunse they are perfectly
made nud do perfect work. You
cannot affoid to buy any other. Seo
the numo on the leg. For sale by
Anton Umtra.
Skates A fino -lino of ico
skates just recoived at H. R.
Green's Hardware store.
Calvin J. Wildy,
Wo aro pleased to inform our
many friends and patrons that we
are now loaded down with an im
mense stock of Fall and Winter
goods, as well us groceries, pro
visions, and Glass & Queensw&re.
Our Holiday Goods aro now in
"We aro making exceedingly
low priebs on all grades of dress
goods, trimmings and linings. Wo
show you an olegant line of mon's
Judies' and children's underwear.
In boots and shoes, rubbers and
folts, we alwayp lead and never fol
low. Wo buy all your produce,
' butter, eggs, cheese, potatoes,
chickens, geese, turkeys, pork, and
' pay you more for it than anyone
else as wo havo a branch store in
Lead City, 8. Dak., manuged by
H. B,, wo are in a position to ob
tain the highest market price
therefore never forget the oldest
stand in Box Butte county, when
you come to tho city where yon
will always receive your money's
worth, cordial treatment, and the
best of everything in exchange for
your produce.
Your Servant, '
L. W. BOWilAN,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in Norton's Blook.
Culls attended promptly.
Charges reasonable.
Fresh bulk oysters at the Meat
Market, Tbpy are choice.