Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 01, 1895, Image 8

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"P --.
21 ME ;IiER,A'LJ,
' ' : YV- 1
Ttl.1I..Vh11 . jm.m P-Mab a- .! Iktflral ( Itlft
oitl ti
tbo; Intel eat of
The HKhAIillotoll to
llnnlnBiora nuu
Uox liutto
TtlOS. J. O'KEnj'J-B, PublUher.
I- i j ip i n . iin mil
BDnsonimoR batms
ONEYKAn.,.5 .'. tiro
UIXM0Jiril8 .vs
FRIDAY, NOV. 1,1 895.
Democratic Ticket.
jFor Suprflran Ju'tlgo,
3 T. J. ftAUONEV,
""' of Oraahn.
' ' W. . ASIIBV, of Hlldrctb.
. J. H. AMES, of Lincoln:
' :
JETor County Truasuror,
JTor County Superlnt'nd'nt of i3chools
JFr County Shnrlff,
. K W. K. I1TC
Commissioner Third District.
IFor Assessor,
Justice of the Peace,
Jfor Constable.
JTor Road Overseer,
There yill ho fow straight
.tiokots voted noxt Tuesday.
Tho agony will soon bo ovor
.and (jvoryono will bo glad of it.
Don't fail to cast your voto for
P.'fl. Zobol tho "flying dutch
"man.?.' You will never regret it.
This is a rather quiet cam
.paign but there is considerable
vjindor-hand work being dono.
lion't allow yourself to bo work
ed. Mr. Sweeney boasts publicly
that ho will got tho railroad
4voto. If conceit will elect a man
J3weonoy will bo tho noxt sheriff.
", !" " ..'i
P. H. 5$obol candidate for com
missioner of tho Third district
ji'as dono moro for th intorosts of
"liox Butto county during tho last
Ihree years than any other man.
As President of the Agricul
tural society ho labored faithfully
and has proved to all that ho is a
man wherever you put him.
liss Anna E. Neoland tho
democratic candidate for super
intendent of schools is making a
vigorous campaign. Sho is em
inently fitted for tho position and
holds a firsf.-grado certificate.
4f you form her acquaintance,
ou can not help casting your
Voto for Miss Neoland, tho first
lady superintendent of Box
Jutto county.
The offico of county treasurer
js an important ono, Tho per
son who aspires for this qftico
should be a man of honesty, good
jsound judgment, and should'pos
ess a liberal education. Mr.
X D. " Millett pqssosses all' of
these' qualifications and ho wuld
make an offler of whom eyoryono
could bo proud of. Cast your
"jolo for A.D. Millett.
' i '
About the Sheriff.
Whilo in Allianco tho other
day W. It. Horncall was ' ap
proached by J. Trout who made
Vgreaf play for scaring him by
filing how the democrats in Al-
lance were going to slaughter
im on election day. G. M. Sul-
lyan came up to Hemingford and
tried to do the same thiug. In
jioth instances Mr. Herncall
replied that ho was in the
race to stay, and that populist
porkers had neither argument or
npney enough to ' cause him to
withdraw.' Wo give these facts
as evidence of the straits to
yhich 'the supporters of Mr.
ijayne are driven. Thpy know
hat unless Mr Herncall is pull
ed off the track there is no pos
sible snow ior Payne. Tho race
Is between tho republican, Mr.
Sweeney, and the democrat, Mr.
Herncall. ' Mr. Sweeney is mak-
te-t.. - -- :.
ig his'oanyas on the issue that'4
Ei ijiiiBuiiuiiJ-jjftuijiUJui'MJBU'wituaktawuiww n, n,n
m tho Allianco candidate ho will
got the solid" railroad voto. Ho
1mrt told this to parties in thol
jhas told this to parties in thol
- A -1 t. .iwf . . .i ...a '
country nnu ouii u sucruMvu
Violate no confideneo in Btating t0 tno imtcr'a marriage, botray an mix
What WO have '-lizard. Neither lous and Impatient dealro to learn JJ
tho republicans or populists in
I this section of tho country aro
party conventions, as tho con
ventions of both parties woro
packed in tho intorost of county
seat at Alliance. "Wo have mado
a special investigation of ' tho
voto in Allianco and can say in
all confidence and truthfulness
that there aro at least 100 votes
down there that will bo cast for
Mr. Horncall as against tho other
candidates in spite of tho Al
lianco county seat issue.
In, Snako Creek, Wright, Lake,
Boyd, and Box Butte precincts,
all tho men who woro hot at the
democratic convention for not
nominating Mr. Shay, aro now
satisfied, and with Mr. Shay
himself they aro all working loy
ally for Mr. Horncall who will
got a good vote in each of tho
above named precincts. We
want to impross forcih? on the
minds of our readers that Mr.
Horncall Is tho loading candidate
in this race, and unless voters al
low themselves to bo buncoed by
sucn stories as Mr. Kullivan and
his kind of wiro pullers go
around telling in order to got
voters scattered, there will be
no doubt but what Mr. Horncall
will bo the next sheriff.
Box Butt Bulletin..
Thero is many a slip eh, Hunk?
Littlo Margaret Howard has
beon very sick the past week.
Flo Strobrldge is visiting roia
tivoa in tho vicinity pf Box Butto.
Mrs. Ole Gilbert and Mr. S. D.
Luck aro on tho sick list this week.
H. Keistor nnd Wm. McLean
went to Allianco on businoss Tues
day. Messrs Haines and Puyno of AU
liunce wore in thid vicinity Sun
day. Mr. Sultz a former resident of
Box Butto ft in tho burg this wook
on business.
The birthday party at Aleck
Loorais' now homo lust wook was a
grand success.
A little discharge of "foin bird
shot" in tho neck of a neighbor's
horso cost John McCarthy $15
A sufficient lesson we hope.
Mrs. Gliissner died at hor homo
in Crawford Sunday morning at
9:30 a. m. Tho bereaved relatives
havo the sympathy of tho ontiro
A teacher who had attended tho
Toachors Mooting in Allianco Sat
urday, remarked. "The voters
would not tako long, to decide in
favor of Miss Necland for Co.
Supt, if thoy could have heard the
papors read by tho three candidates
Saturday." Never fear Miss Nco
land's superior ability will bo re
cognized by a big majority on Nov.
Berea Soraplnga.
Rev. and Mrs. Wornotn passed
throtigh here lust Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Waisncr
from near Hemingford, wont' by
hero on their way to Allianco lajt
Mr. Bonedict and family, rela
tives of Mr. Eberly, came up from
Iowa last weok. driving all the
way 4UU miles with team. Mr.
Benedict left this county some
years ago, but, as wo see, has re
turned. It is over thus; those
who leavo here will sooner or later
return. A daughter of Mr. D.
Eborly accompanied them.
As train No. 48 passed us last
Wednesday we noticed someone
sticking thoir head out of tho win
dow and dropping something, we
naturully supposed it was an order
fron tho Roadnuuter, but no, it
was something better this time. It
! was an envelope full of cigare
from pur friend A. M. Miller.
Here is luok to you A. M.,
don't smoke.
but we
If you want to realize cash out
of your extra horses, see J. C
Tub Herald and the American
Farmer Established 1819. ' thol
1 oldest Agricultural publication in
America both one year for !lC0,
Lincoln and patrimony.
APPr.ii.u- mut th rthwr ti
Not on or riow.
Letters from Lincoln to his closest
tVlrtnrl trtetittfi V?rv Stnjtn1 imKainitnnt
marriago Is n pathway of -flowers and
sunlight, and not of darknoo3 and pain
the two had morbidly teardd It to be.
John Ollmer Speed presents these hlth
crto unpublished letters bearing Upon
"Lincoln's Hesitancy to Marry," In the
Ladles' Homo Journal. In one Lincoln
"It cannot bo told how It now thrills
me with Joy to hear you may you are
'far happier than you over expected to
bo.' That much I know Is enough. I
know you too well to suppose your ex
pectations wcro not, at least sometimes,
.extravagant, and it tho reality exceods
them all, I say, enough, dear Lord. I
am not going boyond tho truth when I
toll you that the short space It took mo
to read your last lettor gave me more
plcasuro than tho sum total of all I
have enjoyed since the fatal first of
January, 1841. Since then, It seems to
me, I should have been entirely happy
but for tho never-absent Idea that there
is one (referring to Miss Mary Todd)
who Is still unhappy, whom I have con
tributed to make bo. That still kills my
soul. I cannot but reproach myself for
tsven wishing to bo happy while she is
otborwlso. Sho accompanied a largo
party in tho railroad cars to Jackson
ville last Monday, and on hor return
spoke so that I heard of It, of having en
Joyed the trip exceedingly. God bo
praised for that. Ono thing I can tell
you which I know you will bo glad to
hear, and that Is that I have scan Mary
and scrutinized hor feelings as well as
I could, and am fully convinced sho is
far happier now than sho has been for
tho last fifteen months past"
Eight months after Speed had mar
ried Mr. Lincoln wrote him:
"But I want to ask a close question:
'Are you now In feeling aa well as
Judgment glad that you are married aa
you are? From anybody but mo this
would bo an lmprudont question not to
be tolerated; but I know youwlllpardon
It In me. Pleaso answer It quickly, as I
am Impatient to know."
Mr. Lincoln's object In asking tills
"close question" is manifest. Mr. Speed
gavo the answer quickly and satisfac
torily, and on tho fourth of Novomber
(1842), one month exactly after the
question had beon submitted, Mr. Lin
coln was married.
An Obirrvln;; American Faints n Ven
Picture nf a Great Cltjr.
"i A Niw York business man, who Is In
England, has written a letter from Lon
don to one of his friends, which is
quoted by the Philadelphia Record.
"I was In parliament when tho lib
eral ministers threw up the sponge.
Thero are many curious-looking En
glishmen In tho houso of commons, and
I never saw a moro motley crowd. There
were solemn-looking personages, wear
ing wigs; thero were strange beings
with bald , heads and whlsuers) there
were red;ha!red and yellow-haired
men: thoro wero 100 face3 which Slg.
Lombroso ought to put In a book.
Three-fourths of the members woro
their hats In the house, mostly stove
pipes and derbies. Nearly all of them
wero clumsily clad. Some wore-Ill-flt-tlng
dress suits, others cutaways; many
had sack coats of all colors, and but
few had stylish clothes. Lots of them
had trousers that were too Bhort or
were too long or very slouchy, while
somo woro clothes that looked so gro
tesque as to suggest Baxter street in
New York or Petticoat lane In London.
So much for my first Impression of the
first assembly of gentlemen in the
world. I used to think that the' house
of representatives at Washington was
badly dressed, but I had not seen tho
British House of Commons. riAs for
brains of parliament,, it seems to mc
that every man whom I havo heard
Bpeak during my four visits tp. It had
a hatful of them, closely packed, wheth
er ho was a tory, a unionist or a Glad
stonian. Tho speeches In tho Houso of
Commons uro not In the nature of rani,
but aro rather plain and direct state
ments." Florence Klchtlngale'a Message. "'
Flor'enco Nightlngalo recently sent
the following message to the girls of
Great Britain. It will apply to Ameri
can girls as well:
"My 'message' to girls would be: 1.
Train yourselves to your work, to your
life. Tho last twenty-five or thirty
years has recognized beyond every
thing this necessity of training. 2.
Have a higher object than the mere
undertaking in nil you undertake
When wo fall or are disappointed, wo
lose heart and perhaps 'Btrlke 'work.'
But If we havo recognized ourselves
as (I will not say only) a wheel or a
tool In the hands of that Almighty
highest and truest and best, we have
that blessing of being a part of the
whole, and, whatever our own failure,
are never cast down. 3, As one of
the best women workers of our days
says, 'The talk now Is of rights, not
right. Let that not be our case I
am myself always a prisoner from Ill
ness and overwork, but all the more I
wish you X3od speed."
Flossie's Dilemma.
Flossie is six years old. "Mamma,"
ghe called one day, "if I get married
will I have to have a husband like pa?"
"Yes,'' replied tho mother with an
unused smile.
"And it I don't get married -will I
ka.ve to be an old maid like Aunt
"Mamma" after a pause "It's
tough world for us women, ain't it?"
Tho superlative
egotist la the In
fault wKk eTorr-
dividual who finds
i " himself.
.i.. y-.-
Notice to Non-resident Defend
ants, In thi. District Court of
Uox Itatta Count;,
nit to ti recti, plaintiff, r,
Hnrrr Grton, do-
Xuii nro hcreliy notified that on trie 0th day of
Octotier. lHWi. iiiftlntllTlirrein, filed tier ttitioti
In tlw alioro entitled cmim", In Iffo District t'onit i
of Ilox Hutu) I'onnty. Kelirnnka. aMinst lUrrr
Hreesi, (lnfcmtanC, tho ofoji'it of flitch Is to ob
tain a ilivorcn iruiu the tualnlllt, on tlie prooinU
o(alan(Inmnent.anilnsk that thA care and run-
tudvof thflrhlhl
ui biiu t;iiiiii, inn uic-mi. iniii iiiaiPi u
fruits of f aid marrlAKO, tp awarded to Ann
t a fliunn Ktt.l X. maaiA
itlrl. fruits of f aid marriAun,
tfhli tiler, mother of the plaintiff.
Yon are rtfiuired to answer a!ri petition on
or Ix-furo tho 18th lar oi Notemlxtr. ltW.
KATK UliUUN. rialntlff.
IJy BMtTU V. TCtti.e. Attorney for Plaintiff .
Flrstfimblicntion Oct. 11, 1K83.
- '.. . i i '. i
This Space
Belongs to
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-1
Cent business conducted lor Moderate Fees.
ionn amcc in Opposite U. n. PvrcNTOrriee
and we can secure patent in less time thaa those
(remote from Washington.
Send model, drawintr or rnoto.. With decriiv
ttlon. We advise. If patentable or not. free of
JcharsT. Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
A PAMPHLET, now to UDtain i-atents, wun
(cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
(sent tree. Aaaresi,
opp. patent Orrtcc, Washington, d. C. f
A Beautiful Woman
Attracts Attention Everywhere.
After Giving it a Trial
op ctches sso:E,I::Iiv:E!:T1, op
Silks, Lawns, Cashmeres,
in suits and all tho latest novelties in Dress Fabrics, for tho coming season, in tbxture, finish,
wave, combination and colorings, is as indefinably beautiful as tho vuried hues of the
flowers pf spring, They
Satlsfsr tle Closest Scr-u.tirL'sr
and evoke tho unqualiiied praise of all who behold them. Unremittent study of the prevail-
ing style in vogue, and strict altontion to the most exacting wants of my patronage,
makes my store in tho estimation of the refined and tasty, the
whereat to procure the daintiest,
most stylish, economical, unique
3S3C- 13- O
Shelf d Hea
This Card is to (Benefit Cash (Buyers. (Don't Lose It,
20 25
loo i loo i loo i loo mo
20 25
Kead What This Card
. . ..Says. . ..
20 I 25
20 25
When you pny Cash, let tho Clerk punch out
tho amount; and when you havo paid us
Twenty Dollars in cusu, will give you
One (Dollar hi Goods Free of Charge
20 125
20 1 25
tSTQxx all goods except Darb wiro
50 50 50 1 50 50
We will not be undersold. Always bring this Card with you.
Proprietor of
Wo havo first-class stock and douhle and single rigs, which wo
furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder,
arc unexcollcd in ihe city. Give us a call.
$3" Stable Corner Box Butte Avenuo and Sheridan Street.
2Cem.ingrfb3:cL, - :Te"fora,s:is:a,.
I am Ready to Buy Your
and will Pay CASH for it.
0 CL nEcOorlrle-
You will wonder now You Ever
Emporium Par Excellence
Groceries at Lowest Prices:
in ij Shoe
- EEBliT,
vy Hardware,
loo loo soT&o
15 1 10
15 110
15 10
10 5
10 5
and Harness by tho Ret.
10 15,
1 50 j 50 1 50T50
15 I 20 5
,, Attho
An Ugly Woman
Can Make Better Bread With
Qold - Leif -.Floqi
Got Along without it.
Underwear A
mrm juT-v