Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 01, 1895, Image 7

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from the Stnlo Journal, Lincoln, Neb,
There Is jrrobubly not a stronger mnn or
more trustworthy guard employed at tha
Nebraska Btato Penitentiary tbnn J. T.
Itnlstou To a stranger be appear n very
Kood example of tb man who boast tbat
be was never sick n dny In his life.
For ninny ycnrs Jlr. Ralston lived at
Byrnctue. Nebraska, nud the old residents
there remember him rt one of thottrougest
nnd hoalthlest of their number.
In '89, or thereabouts, Avhen the "grip"
llrat broke forth iu this tectlon of the coun
try, it claimed him as one of its earliest
victims. Like most men with n stronr
phytiquc, he sneered at the diseaso and did
not cuard properly ogaiui.t it. Fordtxysho
lay in bed and left it only as a conOrmcd
About this time ho mo veil with his family
to Peru, Nobrnska, where eouib of his chil
dren woto nltendluR the Btato Normal
School. He hoped tho change would do him
good, but ho wimdisappolnted. Hodoctored
with tho local physicians, and evon with his
own son, who was practicing medicine. All
deemed to no avail, and miserable in mind
and body the poor man told his family that
he feared thero was no hope for him.
A hnppy thought of hisown lcdhlm to
try htrong stimulants. He was ngnin ablo
to work. But he Boon found that his relief
was but temporary, and when bad weather
came on ho Was subjoct to severe attacks
of the '"grip" as betore.
Two yearn ago Mr ltal&tonwos employed
nt tho Ncbrnska Btato Penitentiary nt Lin
coln, tho state capital, and enjoyed compar
ative onso while performing the duties of
usher. Last full, however, he was put out
on tho wall, aud with the chaugo of work
came his old trouble- in oven moro aggravat
ed form. He was not only troubled with tho
usual miserable- feelings of the "grip." but
he found hinitelf short of breath nnd gen
erally weak, these things unfitting him for
the duties of hiR position.
Once moro. almost in despair, he sought
n cure and purchased a box of Dr. "Williams'
Pink Fills for Palo People He used them
according to directions and lelt better Five
more boxes followed the first, and thelong
EUiTerer was a well man.
Said ho to a Journal reporter, to w horn ho
had just given tho above facts: "I feel now
as though I could stack moro hay than any
man in Nebraska: and if I needed n posi
tion now I would hunt one on a harvest
field. Why. only last Sunday night 1 took
a sovere cold which, a year ago, would have
laid mo up a weok with the 'grip'; but
now it causes mo only temporary annoy
nnco, nr.d I simply live it oif."
f Mr. Piktou has boon 'ong and favorably
known in many parts of Nebraska, both ns a
private citizen nnd as a loader in tho orig
inal Farroers'AllIauce movement, and hosts
of friends rejoice with him in his remark
ablo recovery, for which he unhesitatingly
gives tho credit to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a
condensed form, all tho elements necessary
to give now llfo nnd richness to tho blood
and restore shattered serves. Fink Pills are
sold by all dealers, or will bo sent post paid
ou recoipt of prico, 60 cents a box. or six
boxes for $2..'.0, by nddressing Dr. Williams'
'Uedlciue Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
God never wrought miracles to con
vlnco nthelam, bectiu&e his ordinary
works convince it. Bacon.
Drudgery Is aa necessary to cdll out
tho treasures of the mind hb harrowing
and planting thoso of the earth.
Margaret Fuller.
It is only when to-morrow's burden
Is added to tho burden of to-day that
tho weight is moro than a man 'can
bear. -George Mncdonald.
There is nothing to small but that we
may honor God by asking his guidance
of It, or Insult him by taking it into
our own hands. KuBkiu.
Tho talent of success Is nothing
novo than doing vrhat you can do well,
and doing 7'ell whatever you do with
out n thought of fame. Longfellow.
If you wjsh succoes In life, make per
se verance jour bosom friend, experi
ence your wise counselor, caution your
elder brother, and hope your guardian
genius. AddUon.
No one can ask honestly or hopefully
to be delivered from temptation unless
he ha3 himself honestly and firmly de
termined to do the best he can to keep
out of it. Ituskln.
A child of ordinary capacity nnd des
titute of property, but converted to God
In childhood, is frequently worth more
to the church than ten wealthy men
converted at the moon of life. John
Honest good humor Is the oil nnd
wine of a merry meeting, and. there Is
no jovial companionship equal to that
where the jokes are rather small and
tho laughter Is abundant. Washington
What cares the child when tho moth
er rock3 it, though all storm3 beat with
out? So we, if God doth shield and tend
us, shall be heedless of the tempests
and blasts of life, blow they ever so
rudely. Henry Ward Beecher.
An employment, the satisfactory pur
suit of which requires of a mnn that he
shall bo endowed with a letontlve mem
ory, qnlck at learning, lofty-minded
and graceful, Is the friend and brother
of truth, fortitude and temperance.
Every description of thin, gauzy, ma
terial Is popular for gowns and waists.
Red, yellow, blue, mauve, and green
organdies, trimmed with cream or
black lace, make very stylish-looking
Black loco end insertion on whlto cos
tumes Is one of the newest fancies of
the hour.
White tucking, combined with while
or colored beading and satin baby rib
bon, is very pretty for yokes, gulmpes,
nnd plastrons on children's frocks,
Parasols for everyday wear are most
ly ot shaded silks; lavender nnd gold
gives a charming, rhimmering effect,
and red ones arc always pretty, espe
cially for n pale-faced girl.
Women have colds in the head less
frequently than men, because they aro
not accustomed to heavy head cover
ings. When an artery has been severed the
blood comes In jets, because the heart
throws It directly to tho point whore
the artery has been cut.
The most sensitive nerves are in
the nose, tongue and ?yes, because in
these organs greater sensitiveness
Is needed than In any other part of tho
Soma Lnle rail Fashions rrock Coats of
the Louis XVI. Cut Will lie Worn New
Woman Does Sot Kxlit AUvIco for n
Slrl The Household,
ROCK coats ot
Louis XVI. cut will
bo worn In velvet,
In rich combina
tion with wool
skirt and Brocado
waistcoat, making
very handsome
street gowns that
will render an
overgarment un
necessary until very
cold weather, Many of tho new
coats nro very gorgeous affairs,
exceedingly rich of material, and
displaying no llttlo artistic ingenuity
In their designing. Jacket bodices are
fewer and ordinarily moro modest In
their materials, but somo of them aro
not far behind tho other stylo ot bodice
in the novelty and tastefulness ot their
designs. Ono of these is tho artist's con
tribution here, and wns found in blue
and black striped suiting, com
bined with plain bluo cloth.
The skirt had on each sldo a
panel of tho plain stuff finished
with machine stitching and ornamented
with small silk buttons. The fitted
jacket bodice had a short, full basque,
and wns cut out In a novel manner In
front to admit tho Insertion of a bluo
silk vest, trimmed with several rows
of Valenciennes lace. In tho waist tho
jacket had an imitated girdle orna
mented with buttons, and liko buttons
appeared on the sleeves and upper
part of tho bodice. Of course, the but
tons at the sides of the skirt panels In
dicated pockets, and these are not
merely Imitations, but arc really true
pockets. Though of about man's size,
they aro put so low that there Is no
danger of tho wearer's carrying her
hands In them, man-fashion, so there's
still a chance for further advance to
ward "new woman" notions. In the
matter of coats that arc Intended for
projection against severe cold, It 1b ru
mored that women are going to button
themselves into great Russian cut over
coats of cloth, lined throughout with
costly fur, and finished with fur collar
and cuffs. If this is so, what's to be
done with nil the lovely fur capes In
vested in last season? Yet from this
reflection women should not despair,
but comfort themselves with the pleas
ing certainty that lots of women won't
button themselves Into such great coats,
but will wear pretty capes of American
Nottilntr Munnl-.li Aliout Tlirin.
It must be an exceedingly trying, not
to say flat, stale and unprofitable time
of tho year for tho "new woman" this
season, when there is nothing talked of
but the newest modes ot gown and bon
net, things in which they, of course,
have no Interest, or, at least should
! have none, for such frivolity is only for
' the weaker sisters, who do not aspire
( to ruling all sorts of conditions of men
ffifffii 9MOi k sfe
and law. You simply cannot dress a
bit "manny" nnd bo In the mode of this
full, for nil of the newest things are
French to tho backbone, nnd you know
thnt, even if every French womnn wero
a "new womnn," which few of them
are, their drcso would show llttlo ling
ering traits of their old love for finery.
Ono of tho most fly-away little coats of
tho season Is of black velvet, made
very round and smooth In the body,
and very flaring nnd full in the skirt.
It Is double-breasted and fastened with
immense pearl buttons. Thero arc no
sleeves, merely full capes let in at tho
shoulder and allowed to flare out over
the sleeves of the gown. These capes
are richly lined, ns is tho entire jacket,
with n soft, dove-colored satin, and fin
ished about the edge with a deep band
of gray-tinted lace. It is worn with a
Blnvplo but striking gown of dove-gray
mohair, perfectly plain unless ono no
tices tho softness aud richness of the
lining of satin. A pettlcont of dove
gray taffeta, trimmed about the foot
with deep frills of gray lace add the fin
ishing touch.
Miagcy Cloth unit ltnlloon Mrevro.
When one is deciding as to what form
of fall wrap, or, at least, trying to de-
c'.de, a visit to the shops, instead of
being helpful, only Intensified ono's Le
tt :'.Jermeut. A cape Is known, which,
far fetchlnets. cannot be competed with.
It seems as if this were the iery thing
desired; the accommodating show
womnn next brings out n love of a
coat, and one's resolutions, a la capj,
aro thrown utterly to tho winds, for
can thero be anything moro completely
Btunnlng than these short skirted, Im
pertinent llttlo nffatrs called coats?
Such a droop and Ilufllnoas as tho big
Bloovc3 show, which, nflor all, oro tho
biggest part of them. Ono of thoso
swagger llttlo garments is shown In n
very shaggy beaver, having long shag
gy hairs all over it, and so wonderfully
furry and costly looking. Tho color 1b
a deep hunter's green, such a refresh
ingly clear lint. It has a short, Ioobq
body, flaring as much ns possible at tho
back of the skirt, nnd fastened across
tho front by two huge metal buttons.
Tho rolling collar Is faced with hunt
er's gteon velvet, and tho deep cuffs
finishing tho huge glgot sleeves are of
tho snmo rich material. With this Is
worn a hat having a perfectly straight
brim of braided green felt, faced with
velvet, and tho top massed with choux
of green and black tulle, nnd two sharp
quills, ono of rooo and ono of yollow,
Thero Is nothing which qulto equals tho
delight of the first nppearanco In such n
Jaunty suit of fall toggory, when ono
Is perfectly conscious of their being
very much up to dato nnd extremoly
Tho Nir Womnn.
Elizabeth has read a great deal about
tho New Woman and liar doings, and
would vory much liko to know what
sho Is and whero she Is lo bo found.
iilfwn.i I ' ii .1 I i. I Hill ! in . . i .
Also, what her future is to be, and it
the many paragraphs now going the
rounds of tho press ate based upon fact.
Also, if it is truo that women aro grow
ing less domestic and less fond of homo
and Its cares, duties and responsibili
ties. Answer: It Js entirely against
Nature's laws nnd the established or
der of things that women will over be
willing to give up tho endearments nnd
rolatlons of home. The New Woman
Is not made of any different material
from that of tho old. Indeed, the New
Woman, as she is pictured and talked
of, Is a will-o'-the-wisp, and no one has
thus far ben able to catch her. Wo
men of nil ages, classes and conditions
aro very fond of their homes, their fam
ilies and their special responsibilities
and ties. There is no reason for tho
apprehension that the race will die out
on account of the assumption that the
New Woman Is not willing to assume
the cares of maternity. The world Is
going along just tho same, and there
will still be children and mu aeries am
happy mothers.
I'lrkleil ('iinllfloirer.
Separate the flowers, pick off tho
leaves, and put into cold water, then
Into slightly-salted boiling water! Cook
until tender, but do not allow to break.
Removo from tho kettle, throw the
water away, nnd put In tho kettle a suf
ficient quantity of vlnogar to cover the
cauliflower Heat It to boiling, put in
ono tnblespoonful of sugar, skim if
necessary, und add six pepper corns
and a few whole allspice for each pint
of vinegar; then put In the cauliflower,
let them come to a boll, put In cans and
cover while hot.
Still te ourselves in every place oon
our own felicity we make or find.
Highest ofall in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
AtitlrlpnftMl rirumroi.
Tho entire Smith family took n fort
night's vacation litis hummer. It wns
an unusual llilnir for them all to tfo
nway topother. nnd they talked ubont
it, individually and collectively, for
weeks beforehand. Thoy wero poiiip;
to do nnd they were not tfoliifr to do nil
sorts of things during tho precious va
cation period. Uisf Sister Mild she
meant to ride the bicycle. Llttlo Sis
ter said that sho mnunt to make mud
pics nil day lonjr, unit Ills Brother said
that hu meant to not so much ns look
at a Lntln fjramuinr. "I tell you what
I mean to do," cried .Small Brother, all
on firo nt tho tnospeet of bo much do
as-you-plcaseness. "I'm not point; t
say my prayers." New York Kvcnliiff
A Ulir KoRiilur Arm v. '
Tho tnlfrhtloHt host of this sort Is the army
ot Invalids vrlio.o bowel. Hvnrs tout mioih
ucIih hum been regulated by Iloitutt0r'
Ntoiim Ii Hitter A rpRU tir habit of tutUy
U brought about through using the tlltturs,
uotliy lolntilly agitating uud mining thu
Intomllii"!, hut by irlnfoiotug lliolr enev
mill cuuHlriBu. Itow of tho lillii Into IIh nro-
jrr elnnmi-1. Maliirtu. lit criH ilyn))0wlu.
and a tt'iHlont'V to Hun
uturomiuut'cd by tho HltHus.
riivuy o
f the klriueyfl,
A .Matter of Miulr.
Detroit Frco l're-s: A Third streot
mini's ucifrhborhnd bought a new pluuo,
nnd tho daughter had been banging
away on It ever slnco it hud been in tho
"Got a new nlnno. I henr." snld tho
man over tho buck fencu to his neigh
bor. "Yes. Got It on tho Installment
"Is that ko? Wonder If your daugh
ter can't let us huvo tho music from it
In the humc way?"
i -nil .ii n i ..
Cott'a Cough IlaUam
Is I lie olilrnt ami ltt. It wilt break un aCold nutate
riUkii uu thing cue. It lialwain reliable. 'IrytU
A Ho is tho meanest thing that over
crawled out of tho pit.
For Whcoplug Cough, l'lho's Cm e Is a
Buccewful remedv.- M I. Diistbii, 07
lluoopAve., Hrooldyn. 2f. Y., Nov. H, 'W.
Dolnsgood will lo found moro profltab'o
in tho end than digging gold.
Jl tho llnliy la CuttliiK Teotn.
Rciiiro inl u.e tint olil ami well tried Inuolr, Mrs.
WiNsumV SooTiil.ia Hrnir for Children Teething-
If Homo i eoplu would do mora thinking,
their tougucft would get inoio rest.
Vnrkrr'M Glngrr Tniile liiiapulnr
forlti kociI work. Pniturliiv, ilred, klouitiit.t, nprr
uui woiiiim til cl imtlilECOomiCliiIng anil rvTlvluK.
1'eop'o who U' their own horn? make
poor music to other foll.s.
"V1im I it tMmi of i't-llt'1 It la tn know
Hint yem luivu in m iro o us Uliiitvriimu reiiinrct
tuum, unit vriy fuiufonliiK it Ib. I&auWlnus
Growth In iraro U not ptomotud by
lug faults iu other.
mum, urin viy ouiuiunniK u ib. iuovuniagiui.
"Kannon'a Katrio Corn Qalvo."
Warrantnl to euro or moiwy ufundnl. AiU year
drucKlut lor lu I'i Icu is Kenu.
A luid man most Imtei tho tiling lhat
would do him tho most good.
BU!in?d t.ib!e, Eorond hand, for sale
chcup. Aiily to or ml Ire'-", H ' mc,
Ml H. Uth Kt., Oniuha, Nob.
Tho nervous system I weakened by tho
la Torture.
Every nerve Is strengthened in
!rY N AVS.A v
W mnufacture a complete )lu of Kmooth Wire Iniclntf nnd entrant try artier tu Im u rrprv.
lulled. If y ou roiuiiler quallt oimou niontj-. C'HtHlwsue frrr.
De Kalb Fence Co., ,2' H,gh I'lb. .u.
Timely Warning.
Tho groat success of the chocolate preparations of
the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established
in 1780) has led
many misleading
of their name,
I 111
flu i sil'l&ll
Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu
facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and
Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are
used in their manufactures.
Consumers should ask for, and bo sure that
they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods.
WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited,
The ooctors tell us, now-a-days, that disease germs
are everywhere; in the air, in the water, in our 'f$od,
clothes, money ; that they get into our bodies, live
there, thrive and grow, if they ii nd any thing to thrive on.
Consumption is the destruction of Jung-tissue by
germs where the lung is too weak to conquer them.
The remedy is strength vital force.
Scott's 'Emulsion, with hypophosphites, means the
adjustment of lung strength to overcome germ-life.
It is fighting the germ with the odds in our fhvor.
These tiny little drops of fat-food make their way
into the system and re-fresh and re-invigorate it.
Whether you succeed with it or not depends on how
good a start the germs had, and how carefully yOu. can
live. The shortest way to health is the patient , one.
The gain is often slow. . ,.
50 cents and St.(X
Iliu Kmlrtti tlin Lemton.
Her Mother- "HorsIc. dear, t am
sorry to see toy Httlq girl show suuh ft
lack of respect for her sen lord. When
a neighbor comes to call on u you
should hit quietly and not speak unless
you aro spoken to. You do nob mean
to bo disrespectful, I am suro, but you
should think of the impression you aro
making on our neighbors, and you will
try hereafter, I hope, to"
HcRsie "You'd better look out,
muminn. You'll talk yourself to deatlu"
--Chicago Tribune.
A ItlJ.UAKKAlll.i: m?Ifj;it.
Ilniiiitilltliortor TtluYOtTIICUHfAWIiA'MTb
Jul minion ii'iiufknlil o(ir to tlid rcftiMr oftliU
linger. New niiuifrlliort who win .jn J at on their
tlnuio nmt lditroi!i unit II. 75. xlll lOwlti frco ll
hMiilHitdefuiir-pni.ecuti'ndiir.ixftln., Ultras riipti pit
In ulnu rotor-, Minll iir'.co tUceittt t irl 01 th'k
iohi'Amiin ficecTctjnueois to.lan'iirr t V1 ''"
'llinnksulvl.iit, ClirlMlutit Hill Nsw toiuH IB.uhlo
Nuuilwri fict. ftml Tim Yoitii 4 C'OMIMMUV U
wevkn. n mil )uar. to Jau 1 IW Adln- Tim
Vot'TH t IIMI'AMOX. IW f uh.mtHI1 AV., BoVUIl.
A ciiiid r.iijoyi
Tho pleasant flavor, ucntto aellnu and
soothing offcctH of Syrup of ITlga, when In
need of n laxative, and if tho futlW or
mother bo costUo or bilious, thu most
gratifying rcsultH follow It? uboj jm that It
is the best family remedy known, andovery
family should huvo a bottlu on hand.
Wifidom enn live on what foolti' tratnplo
.. PITO -AllKIMntomvi! freoby Ilr. K!lnN flrrit
JVitym KrMorcr. fsol'llaiittritienriit.il'iy um.
Xarvi'louni'urt'i. Tronllamit2 trial lwtiwfiwt.
IILliuI'M. Meml Iu 111'. U'llni'.ail ArLliKU.l'LIiiL.l'a.
A v rung desire overcome u a tempta
tion leslited.
The Qreatest fledicul Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovercil In one of our common
mslure weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst S-'rofuU
down to a common Pimple
He has tried it In over eleven luitUred
cases, and never failed except In two cases
(both thunder humor). He lus now in his
possession ocr two hundred tertiilcates
of lis value, all wtlhln twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal carvl for book.
A benefit is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a perfect cure H war
ranted when thrg!it inutility i? takeq,
When Hie lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through theitu the saint with, the Liver
or Dowels. This Is caused by the ducts
heing stopped, aiul always disappears hi a
week after taking It. Read the label.
If the stomach is foul .or bilious H will
cutw squeamish fee-lines a first
No change of diet eser necessary. Eat
lb? bfst von ca.i tret, and enough 6( It.
1 Do$e one tablepobnful In water at bed
I time, bold by all Druggist
the cure of It by
to the placing on the market
and unscrupulous imitations
labels, and wrappers. Walter
BOWNE, Cbeauu.
New York