Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 01, 1895, Image 5
X 1 !A J S.V v SV i A NEW LEVIATHAN. LARGEST SAILING VESSEL NOW IN COMMISSION. A Fall-nigged SoUInc Ship with 1'Uo Malta roar Hundred and Trtenty lr Feet I.ottff unit Fifty-two Feet Onr Horn. ' lilTTLB more than three years have passed since the proud German five master, Maria Rlck- nicr8, started from inn English port on Us flrBt voyage, from which lt'iicvcr returned. It disap peared w It h o u t leaving a trace Only one sailing vessel ot similar di mensions has been built since( we re fer, to tho French five-master, La France); but now Germany has become tho possessor of the largest sailing ves sel In the world. On June 8 of this year, tho five-master, Potosl, wos launched from tho yards of Tecklen borg, and a short tlmo ago started on its first voyago to Iqulque, says the Illus trated Zeitung. Tho vessel Is owned by the well-known Hamburg house of F. Laelsz, and Its command was given to Captain Hllgendorf, who has made re markably quick voyages with other vessels built in tho Tecklenborg yards and enjoys a very high reputation for anility. The Polos is so enormous. that other sailing vessels which have been considered large' appear like dwarfs .beside It. -It Is about 420 feet. C inches long; 5fcctn. Inches broad and 32 feet 0 inches deep. It has a capacity' of 0,160 tons, or 550 tons more than that of La France. Tho uninitiated may obtain a better Idea of tho great size f this vessel from tho following figures: THE POTOSI, LARGEST SAILING VESSEL ON THE OCEANS. 5,511,500 pounds of Iron were used In Its construction, and the vessel, which will make regular trips to the Western coast of South America for saltpetre, can car ry about 13,227 bags of this Bait. For the transportation of tho same quantity .by. rail, 600 doubo cars .would.-,be re-, quired, vhlch.if coupled together, would make a train more than three miles long. Tho Potosl carries 39 sails, that are made of canvas nearly two feet wide, and If all of these pieces ot canvas were tewcd together they would make a strip nearly one and one-half miles long. Tho vessel can carry as many people as there aro in a city tho size of Bremen. The Potosl excels other sailing ves sels not only In size, but also In the el egance of Its construction and fitting The Maria Rtckmers was 'built In an X uu mui it .nti;iiiuvia hud uuih 111 u English yard, but, as we have said, tho Potosl was constructed In Germany and is a specimen of shipbuilding of which all Germans may well bo proud. May good fortune attend her In nil her voy ages. nrautlet of tho Mute-Hal T.lfp. All the hymns, ail the prayers, all the scripture reading aro as nothing un less you make thelrbeauty come Into your dally life, writes Ruth Ashmore. Take some of the care off the shoulders of the busy mother; make life seem more pleasant by your gracious thought of that father who toils all day long. Make it easier for a outer to dislike the wrong and do the right; show a brother the rosy side ot the croBS and so make It lighter for him to carry. And do all this, not with loud protes tations, but quietly and gently, lotting God's name be whispered In your heart, and being only the sister and daughter without forcing the knowledge that you 'are the Christian. Then, very soon some one will realize that your beauti ful life Is lived for Christ's sake, and ' then you will represent Him as all , women should, not by speaking from the pulpit, not by giving commands, but by living every day the life that HS would wish should be yours. A Cable Quarrel. The cable was once the medium for a lovera' quarrel, which took place be tween a lady In New York and a gen- tleraan.ln France. The (.heroine was no other than that divine French ar tiste whose genius we all admire. The gentleman was a dramatic author, now no more. This curious quarrel took 'place one Sunday, the cable being Joined through direct. It bristled with passionate reproaches, bitter, stinging sarcasms, couched in picturesque French. The sceno was intensely dra matic. Both the actorsso near and yet o far, trembled wltliTjealous passion as their bitter sarcasms were flashed through the colls of this gigantic sea serpent.' Mutual complaints, re proaches and threats continued, until a last stinging sarcasm from France reduced the excitable artiste to a state of nervous excitement which culmina ted in hysterics. The cable was then restored to Its normal condition and the artiste to her senses. London Standard. LINCOLN AND MATRIMONY. ApprcbenaiVe That the Pathway Wm Not On of -flower. Letters from Lincoln to his closest friend, Joshua Fry Speed, subsequent to tho latter's mnrrlage, betray an anx ious and impatient desire to learn It marriage is a pathway of flowers and sunlight, and not of darkness and pain tho two had morbidly feared It to be. John Gilmer Speed presents theso.hlth erto unpublished letters bearing upon "Lincoln's Hesitancy to Marry," in tho Ladles Home Journal. In one Lincoln says: "It cannot bo told how it now thrills me with Joy to hear you say you are 'far happier than yon ever expected to be.' That much I know Is enough. I know you too well to supposo your ex pectations were not, at least Bometlmes, extravagant, and If tho reality exceeds them all, I say, enough, dear Lord. I am not going beyond tho truth when I tell you that the short space It took me to read your last letter gave mo moro pleasure than the sum total ot nil I have enjoyed since tho fatal first of January, 1841. Since then, it aeems to me, I should have been entirely happy but for the never-absent Idea that there is one (referring to Miss Mary Todd) who Is still unhappy, whom I have con tributed to make so. That still kills my soul. I cannot but reproach" myself for even wishing to be happy while sho is otherwise. She accompanied a large party in tho railroad cars to Jackson ville last Monday? and on her return spoke eo'that I heard of lf.of having en Joyed the Irlp exceedingly." God bo praised Ifor that." One thing I can tell you which I know you will be glad to hear, and that is that X have-Seen Mary and Bcrutlnlzed"'her'feellnga'as well as I could, and am fully c6iivlnccdBho 13 "far happTer now (Klin she' lias been for the last fifteen months past." Eight months after Speed had mar ried Mr. Lincoln wrote him: "But I want to ask a close question: 'Are you now In feeling as well as Judgment glad that you are married as you are? From anybody but me this would-be an imprudent question not to be tolerated; but I know youwlllpardon it in me. Please answer It quickly, as I am Impatient to know." Mr. Lincoln's object in asking this "close question" is manifest. Mr. Speed gave the answer quickly and satisfac torily, and on the fourth of November (1842), one month exactly after tho question had been submitted, Mr. Lin coln was married. I)ack That Won't Swim. Boston Journal. Many things are said to be as natural as that ducks take to water. But a writer in a French magazine tells of ducks that i ih,i.uuuj imiu m uiti . iucio wuic three of them, and they had lived somo nntimlln Itfiturl irnlni. FTli.t..A . years In Paris, where they had a small basin and their dally bath. Their own er finally took them to the country to live beside a fine lake, thinking it the ideal place for the amphibious. What was his surprise, on putting them Into the lake, to seo them instantly scramble ashore and waddle Indian file to a neighboring stable, whence they never .came out save to feed. Never could they be induced to remain in the water save by force or fear, and when there they always drew close together, so as to occupy no more space than their bath basin in Paris. They were thoroughly afraid of the lake, and they never became used to It. In Picardy, it seems, young ducks are often kept from tho water in order to protect them from water rats and prevent them from eating things that might injure their flavor when they appear upon the table. Ducks thus brought up until their full growth of feathers is acquired refuse to enter the water, and, If forced in, sometimes drown. After all, what does instinct amount to? A Ilrown Leaf. In the "woods today a leaf fluttered down, It waswrjnkled and old and bent and brown, But it met the wind and began to play, And I watched It until It whirled away. And I could but wonder, when time and crlef 'Should have made me old and bent as the leaf, Would my heart be as young and full of glee As the brown leaf playing In front of me? On a Roof Garden. She, (dreamily): "Meyerbeer always brings such sweet recollections to me." He (from Cincinnati): "I never feel any effects from It, but It I take Rhine wine Jt goes to my head." The Color-Hearer. Whene'er this man was angry He patriotic gTew; ' His face. got red, he then turned white. And made the air look blue. Know, then, thyself; presume not God to -scar-; The r roper study of mankind Is man. Pope. VANDALISM Savagery of Bome reople Who Cat Thtmtelve Civilized. Tho savngsry of savages Is as noth ing to tho Bnvngcry of some creatures who are brought tip In civilized com munities and call themselves civilized also. Wo have fow records of In dians or Zulus wnntonly destroying pictures or books or statuary unless they thought them "bad modlclno" and hold devils. Yet, how far could ono of our city thugs and loafers be trusted in tho presence ot a work of art or a thing of beauty? It seems to be a eort of Instinct with him to throw a Btono whenever ho socs flowers or ornaments, or to pull out a knlfo and hack at them, or to upset or scratch or lnjuro them. In a certain blind nnd brute way per haps his conduct gives him n flatter ing senso of power. He cannot mnko anything useful or beautiful himself, but ho can destroy it. Tho only way to euro theso vandals appears to bo either to cducato them early or drown them. Drowning Is the lenBt expen sive, but there Is a public prejudice against It, bo for a few centuries we must expect to seo our public buildings defaced, our metal work bent and scratched, our plato glass broken, our street lights ahattorcd, our pictures Jabbed with canes and umbrellas, our mirrors marked with Initials carved by diamond rings, our rugs and carpets and wood work spat upon, our walls scribbled with names, our streets made depositories of filth and our books torn and dog-eared: for It takes n long time to cure a vandal ot his vandalism. Ono needs to begin with his, father. Thoro Is bo closo a relation between tho wan tonness. of tho do&troycr and the dark er jdeedB of tho criminal that perhaps wo are Justified invkecping n.EUsptclous watch on any man, woman or chlldwho will destroy plants, books and pictures or throw stones at helpless animals. Tho excesslvo aggression that mutilates and makes ugly will trespass on others' enjoyments, rights and properties with but little more development. This Is seen particularly in tho case of bur glars. These follows, not content with stripping a house ot all they can get, not infrequently destroy what they cannot carry away. They burn papers, tear paintings from their frames, smash furniture, break glass and other wise act like Incarnate fiends. It might not bo a bad idea in case of tho cap ture of these men to impose sentences graded to accord with tho amount of damage they had worked. It would make others of their tribe a little more considerate perhaps. On general principles these wanton destroyers should go to prison, anyway. Ex. LOVING TOO LATE. A Common Knoticli Story l'ortray a Vathetlc Moral. Not long ago I met a young lady in poverty whom I had previously known In wealth, and this was, in substance, the Btory sho told me: "Father died suddenly In Washington, and the pro fessional skill through which he had coined money for us died with him. I am not weeping because we are poor. I am broken-hearted because none ot us saw that he was dying. Was it not pitiful that he should think It best not to tell any of us that he was sick? And I, his petted daughter, though I knew he was taking opium to soothe his great pain, was so absorbed by my lovers, my games and my dresses, that I Just hoped It would all come right. If I could only remember that even onco I had pitied his suffering or felt nnxlous about his life, I might bear his loss better!" The Btory is common enough. Many a father, year after year, goes in and out of his homo carrying the burden and doing tho labor of life, while those whom he tenderly loves hold with but careless hands all of honor and gold he wins by toll and pain. Then some day his head and hands can work no more! And tho hearts that have not learned the great lesson of unselfish lovo whle love was their teacher must now begin their Bad duty when love has left them alone forever. Uoium and the Pose. Dumas, tho elder, had a dog as hos pitable as his master, and tho dog once invited twelve others to Monte Crlsto, Dumas' palace, named after his fam ous novel. Dumas' factotum in chief wished to drive off tho whole pack. "Michael," said the great romancer, "I have a social position to sustain. It entails a fixed 'amount of trouble and expense. You say that I have thirteen dogs and that they are eating mo out of houso and home. Thirteen! What an unlucky number!" "Monsieur It you will permit there Is but one thing left to do. I must drive them all away." "Never, Michael!" replied Dumas. "Never! Go at once and find me a four teenth dog!" Covering a Oraver Crime. Mrs. Outertown; "That Mr. Subbubs shows moro consideration for his neighbors than any manI ever saw." Mr. Outertown (astonished): "Consider ation! Good heavens! Do you call It con sideration to wheel a lawn-mower up and down his grass plot every morn ing at 6 o'clock?" Mrs, Outertown: "Yes; but he does it so the neighbors will not hear his daughter practicing her singing lessons." Unlucky Speecbei. "Wouldn't you like some music, pro fessor?" "No, thanks. I'm quite happy as I am. To tell you the truth, I prefer the worst possible conversation to the best music tbero is." Would Do III 1'art. Edltorr""Yes, we need a man. Do you know how to run a newspaper?". Appli cant: "No, sir; but I'm willing to learn. I've been In the business over ten years." AgEACLAW-EINaERED STRANGE DBFORMITY OF A FAMILY IN NEW YORK. Resident of the Valley ot Zoar Who for Four tleneratlon Itava Developed Clavr-I.lke ringer and Toei- -Heredity. HE most pictur esque stream In Western Now York is tho Cattaraugus. Through most of Us course it Is tho boundary between the couutles ot Erie and Cattaraugus, nncHt hrnot a largo stream except when molting anow or-nu- tumn rains havo swelled It Into a tor rent. Rich farms, wooded slopes, deep gorges, wIiobo lofty walls form the high banks, ns tho nntlvcs call them, and a tangled wilderness where nature still ruiiB riot, ns sho has from tho first; these mark the course of tho Cntturau gUB. The Indian name Is Itself musical ly expressive, and rocallB tho days when only red men occupied Its banks. There nro still Indians along It, nnd tho res ervation named tor It contains most ot the few remaining members ot tho Sen eca tribe, onco tho possoBSor of nil the region from Lako Erlo to nnd beyond t-the. Oencsflec. The reservation begins near tho vil lage of Gowandn, and Just above there, phut In byhlgh-hills, Is tho .wildest and most inaccessible spot In tho whole region, thevvalloy of Zoar. -How or from whom tho placo received Its' Biblical name;-or what Is the semblance between this secluded spot and the city which, In the Old Testament story, figures nlong with Sodom and Gomorrah, are matters which not even tho oldest In habitant Is nblo to explain. Here among tho hills, ,whcre Btrnngo faces nro rarely scon, Is concealed a remarka ble example of nature's occasional va garies and the strango persistence ot abnormalities through acridity. Among the tew residents of Zoar there aro sev eral families of claw-fingered persons. They are not wild nor hair covored, nt least not more so than most ot the folk nlong the Cattaraugus, but nearly all ot them have a curious deformity of the fingers nnd toes which gives them their name. They havo lived there many years, and -although their neighbors are still Inclined to look' upon them somewhat askance, they aro no longer regarded. ns especially wonderful, nnd one might travel through the vnlley a dozen times without once hearing n word about its strange inhabitants. In driving through tho vnlloy recently the writer came across an old farmer loading hemlock bark by the roadside, and inquired for the claw-fingered res idents. Although tho residents of Zoar usual lyrefcr to their Btrange neighbors us a tribe, they use the word only as It is frequently employed In rural districts In speaking of any large family. They arc by no mans looked upon as a sep arate order of beings. Still there Is a strong social prejudice against them. Although this prejudice has not been sufficient to pi event marrlagcB with other families in tho neighborhood, It has discouraged such marriages. The consequence Is that "thoro has been much Intermarrying In tho family, and this may have something to do with the perpetuation ot tholr deformity. As well as can be learned, the pecul iar digital formation of tho claw-fingered folks hus existed in Zoar through four generations. In the early part of the century a man named Robblns set tled in Zoar. He was remarkable be cause his fingers and toes were so bent that they resembled clawB somewhat more than they did human digits. In other respects, there was nothing par ticularly striking about his appearance. His strange, claw-like hands and toes became objects of considerable curios ity, but it does not appear that Robblns ever explained the origin ot his de formity. Of course, after It reappeared In his descendants It became the gen eral opinion that Robblns himself In herited it. Others bellevo that he was the founder of the claw-fingered fam ily, and that ho settled In this remote spot because ot his disfigurement. Several children were born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Robblns, nnd all of them nad the usual number of fingers and toes of the usual 'size and- appearance, in the succeeding generation, however, the claw fingers reappeared, and since .then they have been found on some I members of every family that claimed descent from the man who introduced them into Zoar. A peculiar thing about this strange family .heritage is that it Is impossible to tell whero or in what form It will appear. Sometimes It If inherited from the father, sometimes from the mother; sometimes It appears In all the children of a family, at others only In one or two out of a largo num ber; sometimes a father and mother who, have well-formed hands and feet will bring up a' family of children all of whom are badly, and perhaps vari ously, deformed. Again parents whoso hands are bo deformed as to be un sightly will have children all with hands perfectly straight Occasionally the deformity will appear In a person's bands and not in his feet, or vice versa. Sometimes it is In the right hand or foot and not In his left; and so on till all the possible combinations are ex hausted. The term claw-fingered cer tainly would not fit more than half ot those with deformed extremities. Ot course none of them has-what could properly be called claws. An Affinity. He; "That was a queer freak of Price's marrying a woman twice his age. I wonder how It came about?" She: Naturally enough. He was without noney anJ 3he was without Price' Ml TRUE AMERICAN LIFE. Edward W. flok Contend That It ExUrt Best In Smaller Cltlt. It Is whentwo go into the smaller cities of our country that wo find the real American life, tho truest phases of American living, writes Edward W. Bok In an nrtlclc on "Where American Life Really Exist," In thoLndles'Home Journal. Ono need only go Into such charming anddellRhtful homoltles as Albany," Troy,' Syracuse, Blnghamton, Rochester and Buffalo In New York state, or In such spots ot charming In tellectuality as New Haven or Hart ford in Connecticut, or Springfield, Worcester or Lowell In. Massachusetts, to see how. far removed from tho truest nnd happiest wny of living aro the peo ple ot the lnrger cities. American. homo life and'ovcrythlng that 1b upllttingsln Amerlcnn domesticity nro porfe,ct.ly fragrant in such cities ob Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Louisville, Cleveland or Cincinnati. Peoplo Hvo In thei-e cities nB if they enjoy living. The very ex teriors o! homes in theso cities breathe forth a wholesome domestic atmos phere. A man ot fair Income in any ot these cities lives like a human being In a home In which tho suushlno visits each tide or his houso during'"- ay For less money he has a house with ground around it than his brother ot greater means who lives In a larger city and has only a brown-stone chest of drawers In n closely-built block Into which the sun penetrates only through oni side ofhl-TiDnse'. ' The raan'of ih smaller community is, neceBEarlly-'liap- pier with such living, arid hit -"wife amL. children "aro the healthier for lt Life means something to a man living in thiB wny; it nWlhns contentment and -comfort. Tho1 quality of 'in tellectual llfefrof-tlio smaller ''American cities astonishes ono who finds it for tho first time. And tho secret of It lies In the simple acUht.pcqple In these cities have more time .for. tho cultiva tion ot mind, for the gratification ot mental tastes. Literary clubB and neigh borhood guilds havo a deeper meaning than In tho great cities. A woman's bo clnl Ufa is absolutely refreshing and stimulating in these cities, and in di rect contrast to tho exhaustion of social gayetles of the large cities. But people come closer to each other, and their amusements aro more satisfying, more harmonious. Then, too, the church comes closer In tho fulfillment ot Its mission in our smaller American communities. The rclIgldlW life 1b truer than in the large centers. Tho church Is taken Into tho lives of Its people, and Its interests aro their interests, spirit ual and material. How Sho Died Illm. He was a theatric lover, and Bhe didn't like his style a little bit. He was constant In Mb devotion, however, and that mado matters worse. Sho had tried gentle means to get rid ot him, but he had disregarded them with pain ful persistency. In this moment of her desperation he felt It incumbent upon him to propoo to her, as men under similar circumstances so often do. Which they wouldn't if they had any sense at all. "Dear one," he cxelnlmed, hurling himself tragically at her feet; "I love you. My life Is yours. Will you take It?" She did not look like a murderess. "Mr. Singleton," sho responded, with calm determination, "I will." He gazed nt her rapturously. "Don't do that," Bho begged, drawing back from him as If In horror. "I have taken your life, as you requested me to do, and you are henceforth to all in tents and purposes dead." He seemed dozed. "I do not, Mr. Singleton," sho con tinned, turning aside, "desire to have a dead person in the house, and if you do not go away at once I shall ring for an ambulance at once and have you re moved to the morgne." Then tho dreadful situation in which his own precipitate folly had placed him was revealed, and he removed him self with promptness .and. dispatch. New York Sun. RAM'S HORNS. The worst deception is ce'f-deccp-tlon. A good thought planted in good soli will grow. The real coward is the one who Is afraid to do right. It is impossible to love God until his word is believed. When -bad men are elected to office the devil rules tho city. Wo can't keep away from other peo ple and know ourselves. The man whomever gives away any thing, cheats himself. It is hard to please the man who never ksowa- what he wants. As soon 'as Eve took the forbidden fruit the devil had an army. Don't go security for the man who runs his boots down at the heel. The sermon that most pleases may not be the one that most helps. The recording angel never gets any Information from a gravestone, i Tho "more a'Christlan gt-iJwB in graco the less he thinks of himself. He Is not very good who is not better than his friends imagine him to be. God can Bay much to the poor that he cannot maka known to the rich. A He trembles all over whenever It discovers that truth Is on Its track. Love to God and neighbor is the only law needed for the good of men. Try to count your mercies, and many of your troubles will be rubbed out. If we have only given Christ a second place, we baven't"glven ,him any. The poorest man In the world is the one who gets rich by selling whisky, A tool will bo all.his life in learning what the wise can see at a glance. In taking revenge a man Is but even with his enemy; in passing it, he U superior. UNUSUAL THtNQB. rrcnbt of Variant Kind Mo t rJM Ben la the Maaeana. There is a man in Musaourt whM feet aro so largo tkit ho haa to tt Us trousers on over hrehead. A Kentucky shoemaker, for Uje oak of economy, has his alga painted thus; B BROWN'SHO P '-fA-tWeet.Virjglnla. man iHuwupacuUftrly affected by riding on a tralo'thatko h" to chain hL-nselt to a seat to praveathlA Jumping mit of'the,cartwlndow. Peoplo In Madlaon county, Ky.,wAo have paid, their ,taxe aro entitled. t be married) free l-yahe'sherlff. An llllnoln farmer owns a honwhlck lays twin egga every day, aelger8VlllellKy.,-l9.the birthplace. ot a boy who was an laveterote tobacco !hewt)r before ho was ayoar old. An Alabama father haa taught all his children to read with their hooka upside down. A Mississippi woman, who chawu to bacco and drinks whisky, thinks that women havo all the "rlgkt3" they need. A Minnesota girl of Its can distinguish no color, everything bolng whltd to her, and Bho Is compelled to wear -dark 'glosECB "to protect "htjr eyeu from the glare. Young Darling killed & man la Wash ington county, Ky., the other day, and Love Divine stole a wagon load ot tools In Fayette county. The servants in a school for girls la ConhebtI6Vitw'fthl1tfWBrehfBgaP 'tho robmB after the schodl closod, dtBeov ered 3,078 wads of chowlug gumjstuck about In various places. " A Florida negro 13 growing fat oa cnake steaks. One county lnPennsy-lvanta has con. tributed two menthaf.! to congress, two to the Btate Bertato and two convicts to the penitentiary . Aj MjBslsBlppl'rlvbr' steamboat rousta bout drinks a half gallon ot whisky verj-.'day". A South Carolina wldo- became aer own motncr-ln-law recently. That la to say, Bho is now th wlto of her hus band's father, A New Hampshire girl of 23 never tasted hot bread until threo weaks ago, when she Btopped with friends at a Boston hotel. A dude In Philadelphia waa turned out of the club to which ho belonged because he paid his tailor's bill two days utter he gpHiila clothes. An Idnho school teacher enforces 'obedience with a revolver. A Baptist preacher In Osorgla re fuses to baptize except In running water. An Arkansas hUntor has a 'hound that will catch his tail in his teeth-and roll dowii a hill faster than any other hound In the pack can run. A Malno mother h03 an old slipper, still In use, which haa spanked six gen erations of her family. Michigan has a man who Is so fat that he can't fall down hard enough to hurt hlmBelf. He 13 known 33 the hu man spheroid. A Delaware peach grower haa found an apple with fuzz on It growing on a peach tree. An Indluna calf, now two months old, has hoofs like a horse. A Chicago man paid his first visit to St. Louis In July, and he liked it so well that ho has gone there to live. "Jl Texas preacher threw a Bible at a deacon who started to run away with tho collection, and knocked him down the front steps of taa church, breaking his leg In two places. Divorced on a Train. Mrs. M. L. Ta)lor formerly 3ldea with her husband at Spring Valley, Minn., but when a disagreement aroio which resulted In their estrangement sho removed to LaCrosae, Wis., and la now the proprietor of a millinery es tabllshmenL An understanding was arranged that her husband was to make no contest In her divorce suit 'Mrs, Taylor went to Spring Valley last Tues day, but Just before the case wa3 callod the Judge received an urtntcMummons to repair to an adjacent town. The train was already due to leave the depot and Judge, plaintiff and counsel all boarded the cars. The evidence In the case was heard en route and as the train pulled Into Wyokoff, seven milej out, the court handed the woman her decree ot divorce. New York Herald. I'rotpectlttt Jnf. "Say, Chlmmle, come down goln' to have a bully lot o fun." "W'at?" "We've ' fed" de goat' six 3eldlttz pow ders, an now we're soia to let 'Im drink." WORDS OF WISDOM . ,In.jro4th one .has tears without grief; In old age,'gr.lef without tears. Tho most' amiable. people are. those who least wound the selMove of.others. Mystery Is but another name, for our Ignorance; it we wera omniscient all would be perfectly p.aia. Ho who seeks tor and empruaizes the good In others is not only blessing and IraprovtaK lem, buhiaiao.t also. Envy 'Is 'thus laid low; .all the. more amiable qualities are brought out; th habit ot giving happiness is In Itselt a joy, and the manifest benefits thus conferred are fully shared by tha giver. At whatever period ot life friend ships are made, so long us they con tinue sincere and affectionate, they form undoubtedly one ot the greatest blessings we can enjoy. In lite It Is difficult to say who d you the most mischief eaemles with the worst intentions, or friends with the best. How bitter It Is to took Into happi ness through another man's eyes! At all. times presence of mind is valu able. In time of repose it enables us to say and do whatever Is most befit ting the occasion that presents itself; while In time of trial it may protect, and in time ot danger preserve.