Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, November 01, 1895, Image 1

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    , V
Fqr Watches, Clocks,
and Jeivclry
......GOTO THE
City Jewelry Store
(Repairing dene an d
satisfaction guaranfd
. City Jewelry Store
NO. 36
Ofiloia.l Dii'ootory.
( Je.. Harry, ltt Dlflt.
Comm1sfttonerM4Ja.HolIinrake. 8nd Olst.
.. ., (Uco. W Duncan.lrd Illst.
Judco D. K. Hpnoht.
Olerk-J. K. Nnl.
Shorlff-E. A. HbII
Tnwurer -8. B. Llbby.
Attorney II. F.GIltnnn
Ooronor I. It. Drlscoll.
Hurveyor- J. V. Hazard
Supt. ofSobools-U. F. Fillmore.
Olxuroli Directory.
CWNGREOATJONAL. Preaching each ultor
ynate Sunday, bORlnnlnjr January, 1. iwil, at
11 o'clock a. m., and at 7 p.m. 8undak- School
at 10 a. m. Prayer Mooting each Wedncsdnr
at 7 p. m.
EUMAN LUTIIEHANs-Scri-lc at the
Court House, ltov. Wnnderllch, Pastor.
pATHOL10:-Hov. Charles Zok Pastor.
METHODIST. Hov J,V. Kendall Pastor
Preaching tho ttocond mid tourtb Sunday In
each month at It a. m., and 7 p. m.
I JiPISCOPAL: Service In tho Congrcgat
Vtanal Church. Rev. I'ustor.
Service! on the third Thursday In each month
at 7 p. in.
MW. A. Rosebush Camp No. MM. Meets
eocond and fourth Tuesday night of each
month. Visiting Neighbor cordially invited.
W. M. Iodknce. Cleric. F. IIdot. V. C.
IlKMiNoronD postofllce. On week days door
opens at 7 a. m, general delivery opens at 8 a.
in. and closes at 6 p. m. Open Sundays 0 to
10 a. tn.
Heminofobd and Box Bonis stage dally except
HEMiKOroBO and Ddnlap stage, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
Now Short Lino to Helena, Butto
Spokano, Seattle and Tacoma.
Oh X. & "W. O. Tim. Card.
So. 43, jiassenKtir arrlvos at 11:25 p. rn.
" IBfrelcht ' " 0:00 p.m.
" 48 freight arrives nt 10:10 a. m,
No, passenger arrives at :21 a. m.
" 4&trelcht " 11:59 p. m.
",7 freight arrlvos at 3:35 p. m.
AH trains onrry pxsioncors.
V. W. Wheatucy, Agent.
Attorney at Law,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Practices Jn all the courts and be
fore U. S. Land Office.
Attorneys - at - Law,
Alliance, -: Nebraska.
Njl-Ofilce in Fletcher Block.
E. E. BARR, I!. D.
" Laryngologist.
State University of Iowa 1887.
and Surgical Diseases of
tiie Nose and Turoat a
Alliance. - - - Nebraska
The .
Sioux City
Tho Best Market Reports of any
Newspaper In the West.
Millinery Store
Come and see the Goods, got
prices, and be convinced that the'
are the bust and cheapest in tho
Thanking you for post favors
and trusting for a continuance of
the same.
Yours respectfully,
Mies L. Adams.
M. Shindlcr is very ill.
Charlie Irion is in town today.
H. B. Wildy is in Lead City,
S. D.
H. R. Ditto was in town Tues
day. W. L. Convis was down from
Crawford Tuesday.
A voto for Paynorjneans ' that
much for Sweeney.
Postmaster Lockwood of Can
ton was in town yesterday.
John Christy dropped in Mon
day and subscribed for tho Her
ald. Will O'Mara and W. E. Hall
woro over from Box Butto Mon
day. Alox Muirhead tho Belmont
pedagogue Sundayed in Heming
ford. Rov. W. B. Dada departed for
Watervliet, Mich., Thursday
D. C. Norris station agent at
Abie, Butler Co., writes for tho
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Walker on Oct. 20th, a boy. All
parties doing well.
V. R. Siders, principal of tho
Alliance schools, spent Sunday
with Hemingford friends.
Tho marriage to bo, mentioned
in tho Herald last week wo un
stand has been declared off.
Dan Dunn was up from Al
liance Monday. Mr. Dunn thinks
thatHerncall will bo tho next
J. K. Neal, B, E.- Johnson, C.
Olds, W. M. Iodence and J. V.
Nichols wont to Alliance Monday
night to attend tho populist
D. M. Moran was up from Al
liance Tuesday. He has been
engaged in working out tho rail
road tax as far cast as Grand
Superintendent Fillmore is
busily engaged in visiting all tho
school (mams) in tho county be
fore ho retires to "irrigate and
A number from hero attended
tho teachers meeting in Alliance
Saturday. Papers were read by
each of the candidates for county
A surprise was given Phil
Michaels Friday evening. Danc
ing and games woro indulged in
and thoso who attended report a
pleasant time.
Miss Georgia Miller camo
down from Marsland Monday
and remained until Wednesday.
She assisted with tho funeral
services of Mrs. Glassner.
Attorney Jas. H. H. Howitt
republican candidate for judge
and F. M. Fhelps republican
candidate for clerk called at
these democratic headquarters
A.S. Beobe and family 'arrived
in town Wednesday from Edgor-
ton, S. D., having driven all tho
way. Mrs. Beebe is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shindler,
with whom they will visit.
Hon. W. H. Westover, of
Rushville' populist candidate for
district judge, addressed a good
sized audience at the court house
Saturday evening. Mr. West
over Is all right politics except
ed. On Monday night nearly every
out house in town was overturn
ed. Wo do not know whether it
was Hemingford or Allianco
smart alecks, that played tho
trieir, out it snows inm republi-i
canism anynow.
S. Wallick night operator has
moved his family to Homingford;
Mr. Wallic has rented tho Gerbor
residence on east Niobrara av
enue. . ,.
J. H. Johnson o'fLuwn was in
town last weoic. Ho informs us
that lie has docided not to take-
tho Lawn postofllco and that J. ,
Lutsch will probably bo uppointd
and will also run a store.
O. L. Spracklen and moth6r
woro down from Marsland Tuos-
day. They called at this office,
made application to prove up on
their homesteads and subscribed
for this famllv tanrnnl. '
r Kiwio.qo,, 4? o
pleasant surprise was given Rov.
W. B. Dada provious to his de
parture for his homo in Michigan.
About fifty people woro present
and a pleasant evening was
Prof. Worden went to Craw
ford last week to got some of his
art material. Ho informs us,
that when the syndicate block s
completed, will return to Craw
I ford and opon up tho finest art
I parlors in tho west, and wo be
lieve the professor is capable of
doing that very thing.
Hon. F. W. Smith accompanied
the Alliance delegation to Hem
ingford Monday ovoning. No
doubt Mr. Smith is a hustler and
has done more for republicanism
in this part of the state than any
one else but how much bettor it
would be if ho woro working for
a grand and noble party m which,
the common people are . allowed
to have a voice democracy.
It -rnakos us laugh to Jubaifcj
such men as Sullivan, Preston,
Payne and deputy sheriff Trout
talk about Horncall being a
straw man and Mike Elmore sup- j
porting Sweeney. Tho follow
ing amusing incident occured in
Alliance a few days ago:
Mr. Elmore put the question:
"Who is tho best man for
sheriff?" Simon Spry answered,
"Payne." Mr. Elmore pulled out
a five dollar bill and said ho
would givo it to anyone who
. would name a meaner, ornery-
1 in Allianco than Payne. Dave.
Leo (Scrub Peeler) answered,
"Sweeney ! " Elmore said!
"Horo's your money," which
Scrub took and
a new hat.
bought himself
Mrs. Glassner, wife of Rev. W.
O. Glassner, died at her homo in
Crawford on Sunday Oct 27,
1895, at tho ags of 02 yrs, 10
mos, and 2 days. Death was
caused by paralysis of the bowels
after an illness of only 10 days.
Mrs. Glassner, formerly Mrs.
C. E Howard, was born in Jeffer
son county, Now York, in 1832,
, and with her family camo to Box
Butte 10 years ago. She was al
ways known as a kind and loving
wifo and mother who was admir
ed by everyone with whom sho
was acquainted.
Tho funeral services took placo
in Crawford and were preached
by Rov. O. S, Baker of Chadron
assisted by Rev. G. W. Prioleau.
Tho remains were taken to
Hemingford Monday night and
after a brief service conducted by
i Rov. Kendall at ono o'clock
Tuesday, woro followed to their
; last resting placo in tho Heming
ford ceraoteiy by a largo con
course of sorrowing friends.
A devoted husband, two sons, S.
J. and O. E. Howard, and a
daughter who resides at Capo
Vincent, N. Y., aro left to mourn
her loss.
q.J. Wildy wants somo dressed.
poultry and hogs.
False Statcmants by Political
A few of tho Alliaucofor-cnunty
Heat populist hmlora with John
I'hAIiI i. Injtn I nl-Hiltrlu 4 m r- itt MAit In t
JLlUlll 113 1UUUI aiiutui IUU UilUIIIUL-
ing tho report that Miico Elnioro
and olhor prominent democrats aro
against Horncall and working for
Sweeney. They do this for the
purpose- of trying to convince
tho pcoplo that Horncall h a straw
undulate. Wo nro in a position
to refute this statement. Mr. El-
""ore " not homo at present but
v1" fore man John Burns informs
ua thut it is a lie made out o wholo
rclOtJl. liolll lumsolt ftlld JNlr. i!
uiu wm KW iur. iiuriicun uioir
11 At IT llrfl
j hoalrty nPFti Mr. Burns also
stated that if any of thodo unsoru
pulous liars disputed it, send them
to him mid he will back it.
Wo have talked with many other
democrats in Alliance nnd they all
say that Horncall will roceivo tho
full democratic vote.
Republican Circus.
Tho republican rally Monday
iftgiit was a success so far as at
tendance was concerned. Hem
ingford turned out and with the
250 who camo up from Alliance,
tho Congregational church in
which tho "services" woro hold,
was filled to its utmost capacity.
A republican rally iB similur to
a circus, when you see ono you boo
everything. Tho only drawing
card is the Jumbo olophant and
tho gentlemen who was billed to
represent Jumbo Moudav nirht
wug Gonoral Colby, of Beatrice
However boforo Mr. Colby was
led to tho rostrum, presiding officer
lSanjamin 1?. Gilman announced
that tlic county candidates would
say a few words and us predicted
by The Hehald last week, thoy
spoke their littlo pioeos again and
thoy all had them pretty well com
mittod except A. M. Miller and ho
mado the best impression, at any
rato it was a relief to tho audience.
Jasper H. H. Howitt was tho
first to tell how good a republican
, ho was and how glad ho would bo
, of "your support," etc.
Erasmus jropgun owoenoy was
tho next victim. Ho began by
saying that ho didn't know how
to make a public speech and
whilo ho was explaining
this the
ho didn't
' audionco discovered that
know enough to make a public of
ficer. Presently somo ono in tho
audience yelled, "Say, Mr. Sween
ey, have you ever been up Red
River? " A brief silence and tho
echo went through tho houso "ho's
just a going" and Sweeney foil iuto
his chair with a sickening thud.
Bob Noloman was "sicked" on to
roast the candidates but as Bob is
considered a big joko in himself,
pcoplo paid no attention to hira.
Then camo General Colby tho
groat. He began by saying that
Coroner Miller mado on examina
tion of his thioat and discovered
that ho was afilicted with "clergy
man's soro throat" but ho thought
that it would becomo better as he
proceeded and it did. Ho had his
littlo tale well learned and for an
hour and a half continued to pour
hot shot into tho democratic and
populist ranks. Mr. Mullin of
Alliance, got out his gun several
times and returned tho firo with
good effect. And Messrs. G. W.
Waisner and II. II. Tomlinson
were thero. We warned these
gentlemen not to attend this meet
ing but tho replied that they "liked
to hear 'em all" and went. When
tho firing atthe populists was tho
heaviest and the sraoko the thick
est, two ' elderly gentlemen were
noticed taking to their foot and
making for the door. But you ask,
"What did tho democrats do?".
Well sir, they didn't dp aching
only sit thoro nnd laugh to think
what an nss nu clophant
could uiako of himself. In fact
tho only sonsiblo re
mark wo heard Mr. Colby mako
was when ho showed up the free
silver fallacy.
Tho hour of clovou camo. Every
body was tirod. The turn-koy un
, locked tho door and a rush was
i made for puro air. People retired
and commenced to dream. Thoy
j dreamed that thoy woro at n circus
' and saw olophnnts, monkeys, bob
, tailed peacocks, wild cats, and
General Colby, all having a repub
lican label stamped on thorn "at
both ends." It Was a torriblo
sensation and everyone hopes that
this is the last circus of the season .
Born, oi "0ct. 20th, to Mr' and
Mrs. W. G. Mounts, an 8 1-2 lb.
girl . All parties doing well.
Thoro will bo a mooting of tho
Northwost.Nobraska S. S. associa
tion held in tho Congregational
church at Homingford, on Friday
ovoning, Nov. 15th and Sat. Nov.
10th. By order of Com.
California canned Road IS cents a
cm at W. K. flcrncnll's.
A now lot of shoes Just received by
W. K. IlerncrtU.
Machiuo Oils at Green's.
Shoes of all kinds, styles and
prices. Can lit any foot and pocket
book. W. K. HERNOALti.
I leavo Homingford Nov. 4th,
for a fow months. Call and see
mo next week.
R. H. BlanChard,
Dressed hogs bought at Anton
TJ brig's. '-
Paint, Glass and oils of all kinds
sold according to the hard times
cheaper than the cheapest, ut
Anton Uhkio's.
Horncall wants somo dressed
W. K. Horncrll has been out
getting acquainted with the
voters nearly every day since his
nomination. Ho thinks his
chances aro good and ho has
reason to think so.
The Genuine Hound Oak Stove
mftdo by Iicckwltli, DowuRiac, Mich.,
with the mime on tho legs, is the
most fuel-saving stovo on tho market
and is tho only btdvo that will burn
wood, Inird coal, 6oft coal, and coke,
successfully, and also nan bo mnde it
self-feeding hnse burner ut the sumo
timo. For sale by Anton UnmrJ
If you owe Wildys' cull in an
spoak to them about it thoy need
all what is duo them.
Order your stovo repairs at Anton
Toe Genuine Round Oak Is "good !
gnod8." How good, not hqw cueup.
Tlmy last, they heat, they save you
money, they have a reputation. Can
you point to another that has? They
lead tho world of heating stoves,
simply becanso they are perfectly
mado and do perfect work. You
cannot afford to buy any other. See
the name on the leg. Fur sale by
Anton Unmo.
Paints of all kinds at Green's.
Tho Herald and the ,0m abi;
semi-woekly World-Heraldi both
ono year for 81.75. t -'
The following good and lawful
men have beeu drawn to serve as
jurors ut tho next term of the dis
trict court which convenes Nov."
19, 1895.
Win. Fosket L. A. Turnr
Ed J. Kinsley Barney Halbur
Henry ltadel John Sauerwein
0. D. Rouse Henry J. Winten
C. H. Britton Lorenzo Flower
W. T. Johnson Frank Bauor, jr.
1. F. Marshall W. W. Norton
W. W. Wilson M. McD. Bullock
Robert Marler Frank Bushoy v
Frank Russell Charles Faccmire
E. I. Gregg John Hunt
Charlie Ti&rnau Willis Young,
Final Proof Notice s
Hon. J. W. Wciin, Jn., BwlstuT.
Hon, F. M, BndoMr, Receiver.
Parties having notices in this oolnmn aw re
quested to read the same carefully and report to
this ollice for correction any errors that may
exist. This will prevent possible delay i
making proof.
Land Office at Alliance, Nrb.,Oct.J, 19M.
tVottro is hereby siren .that Cho foiiowlac
named settler has filed notlco of his intention to
tnakttlnal troof In support of his claim and
that said proof will bo mado before HeglstM and
Kreciror at Allianco, Nob., on Doc. 10, 1SW, vli:
of Marsland. Neb., who mado H E. No.2W4, for
ilo names the ollowlnir witnesses to prove his
continuous resldenno tipon nnd cultivation of
said land, viz: frank Honcyman. , Joseph
liOro. of Marsland. Neb., John D. John, WU-
jiamoonn, oi uomingioru noo. jmso,
of MariJand, Nob., who made H. E. No. 985 for
tho a R H see 21, tp Mn.rgW vi.
She names tho following wltnossos to prove
hor continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vlt: Frank Honoyman, Joseph
Loxto, John D. John, William John.otKesa
inalord. Nob. '
" ' J. W. Whn, Jb Register.
Land Ofllco at Alliance, Neb., Oct. 23, 1895.
Notice is hereby given that Kll F. Johnson, of
I'llRor,. Nob., has filed notice of latentiua
to malm final proof boforo J, K. Neat,
Clerk DiBt Ooart, nt his oilloe In Homluxfotd,
Neb., on Monday, tho Snd of December, 1MH, on
timbir n iltnfo application No. 190, for t-ho S E
U of soctlou 8, tp 'Hi n, r& 60 w.
Ho names as witness : Petor Jttnsen, Jen
PChrlstonSoi, I). F. Price, U. E. Johnson, all.
of Hemlngrord, Nob.
J. Wi Wkhk. Jb Register.
w I, . i in M i i im ii ii
Und Ofllco t Alliance, Neb., Oot. 98, 18M.
Nutlcu Is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notice of his intention tu
make final proof in support of his claim, aud
that said proof will bo mado boforo L. A. Dor
rhiKton, U.S. O. O. Commissioner, at Chadron,
Ntib on Nov. DO, ltjtttvitt
of Clindron, Nob., who msdo IT. E. No. SU0 for
tho E K 8 i; U sac 10 and S H BW ii aw 11, twp
St u, rg to w.
He names tho following witnesses to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
fnid lan.l, viz: William Anv, of Chadron,
Mob., tieorgo Hatch. Jou&O. Woods, Grant Ag
now, of Marsland, Nob.
J. YA Wehn. Jb., Register.
, 1-ind OlHce nt Alliance, Neb.. Oct. IS, 1895.
Notion is hereby given that the following am
od settler has mi notlco of his intestlon to
make final prpof in support of his claim, and
that raid proof wUI be maila De-foro Register or
Receiver at Allianco, Neb., on Nor. 26, 1390, vlx:
of Box Ilntto, nob., who mado II. E. No. 3888
for tho s i' a o 4 and iKivit sec. 31. tp 2b n,
rg w.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
lilu continuous resldenoo upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz: John Fiasolc. Frank Yeohout,
John Kovarulk, John l'otmeisel, all of Box
Butto, Neb. Also,
of Box nutte, Neb., who made b. a. No, 3M1 tee
the n w H, sec U, tp 98 n, rg 48 w.
Ilenamostho following witness to prove
his continuous residence upon aad etiHivatiea
of said laud, viz. John Urbaaevtltjr, Joen
I'otMuisfl, John Plasefc? Fnttkr eabMrt,HC
Box Butto, Nob.
' Land OfHce at Allianco, Nob.. Oct.", 1B85.
Notlco i hereby given that tho foUowiag Bsa
cd settler has fflod notice ot his intention to
make ina' proof in support of his claim, and
that Mill proof will bomaUe boforo Register or
Receiver at Alliance, Nob., on Nov, 19. U95.
of Hemingford, Neb., who made n. c. no. 2170
for tho J E i sou m. tp S3 n, rg 4 w,
llo names tho following witness to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Leo Kronaptel, Michael R.
Mtirphy, Bernard Pitz, John Holllnrako, aU of
liemingford, Nob. Also
of nemingford. Neb., who made K. x.jio.3314
for the K J4 S E H, soo S3, tp 2 n, rg 4i w,
Ho names tho following witnesses to prove
hie continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vizt Leopold Moller, Joseph
Moellor. James Whelan, Otto Gibson, all of
Hemingford, Neb. Also
of Hemingford, Neb., who mado h.k. no, 397 for
tho aw H86C25. tpSfln. rgtw.
Ho names the following witnesses to provo hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Michael R. Murphy, Leo Fron
aptel. I'oter Annua, William Dels lag, all of
liemingford, Neb. ,
J. W. Wehn, Jb.. Register.
Land Offic at Alliance, Nek, Oct. 3, 18M.
Iiotlce ia hereby given that the following
named sottler has nled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will bo made before Register and
Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on Nor. 11, ISM, viz:
of Dnnlap. Nob., who mode H. x. 1986 for the
lot2w noK&tKnwUseo S.tp 28 n, rg
48 w.
He name the following wtthtose to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivaUoa of.
said land, viz: Henry Koch, Peter Soderburg,
of Oonlap. Neb., John Knutson, Karl Porstroia
of U3mlngford, Neb
J. W. Wehn, Jr., Register.
Land Office at Alliance, Nb., Sept. 24, 1R9S.
Notice la hereby given thai too following
named settler has tiled notlco of bis intention
to make final proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof wiU be made before the register
or receiver, at Alliance, Neb., on Nor. 4, ISM,
of Hemingford, Neb , who made H. . no. 3SM
for the Lot 3 aod 4 and S Jt n w X see 1. tp 38 n,
rgSlw. '
He name the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Jacob Hhetler, Joseph Carey,
of liemingford. Neb., Ferdinand Nlkont, John
Nikont, of Lawn, Neb.
J. W. Wxhk. Jb.. RegUter.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Aug. H.lSSi.
Notice is, hereby, given that the toliowiag
named settler has filed notice of hi intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, ana
that said proof wiU be made before Register
or Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on Nov. ,
1S03, viz:
of Borea, Neb., who made IL E, No. 1973 fox tfcs
i lie name the following witnesses to pror
his continuous residence upon and coltintlon
of eald land, viz: henry Von Bargen. John
Von Bargen, Erik Kasmnsson, Bendiok D.
Vllue, all of Bore. Nh.
J W. Wxhn.Je. Reiter.
! "i ' '
Reoelvar'a Notioa,
To aU whom it may concern, pursuant to as or
der of the District Court oi Box Batta county.
Btate of Nebraska. .
Any and all persons having, holding or own
ing claim against the Bank ot aemfagferd.of
Hemingford. Box Butte county, Nebmeka. mtf
hereby notined and required to yrsssat an
make proof of same to Ira JLTah rolvr
said bank, at Hemingford, Box Botte ooaafcr,
Nebraska, on or before Deosraber . UM-
Recelvsrof Bankof Hmbuo3, '
Firt pnblioatlon Hor. I, lssiv
Take your product to Wildy',
"tho old staadby,'1