Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 25, 1895, Image 8

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4th Great Vrcher Addresses lttmst
" 10 TOrn and DtnirSiters.
Among -the s;oo4,btn58 frora,the pen
of Sain Jones ie following' worthy
' tamnotnnalrfeUt fercrybnlj
.rrera to brenfc I Troujon't lose a cent
.and J could Trnlk homo. I havo got
two sjxgujdcrs of meat In tho smoke
ihouso, and clothes to last si months.
' WVro jsat to get back to hoadqii.tr
.tew home-itpnd out the troublo,
Hdme ought ip ,V the brlghtlcat, hap
'pfcat and ch ceres t jilco under the sun,
on"tho face of the earth.
' Every man shown what he thinks of
f,hle wife and children byiho kind ot
home ho puta thorn In, A man whoso
.home lfl nil out of whack, the li)Ind3
fi6,a ind the doors off the hinged, tho
'Btep8 rotten that shows his character.
Tho husband febows bis character by
the exterior of his honie; tho Wife by
'.the interior. I don't ec now somo
'men can Iceop pious on what they got
hroo times a day. Bpurgeon Includes
nll htimnn ml.orlo. ,,n,1nr ,1lff AnvH
7lebt." I hnvo been In houses where
' thy JioM twenty-five hundred dollars'
torthof silverware and fifteen cents'
wti'rtn of grub. I would llko to be nblo
to digest silver, but I can't J. like girls
wlio can piny on tho otove as well as
on tho piano. Many 'a man has been
bnt p-a ilrtinknrd'8 bn
gravo by what he
ha been given to eat by his wife. You
Jgtve a man n biscuit that wlU knock
'down a yearling, nnd he's got to havo
ea drink or something cjcjS before night.
Jf you've got a good wife, a good
Apmo nnd a' good c'ogrS'ou aro elected,
'jk the Prca6ytdrnjjfl say.
,8lRSttUr Fucojtr of a Kontucky DIno of
an Imlmtrlons Titrp.
Archibald Clark, a farmer living a
ew nUc? from arpenup; Is without
doubt' .the 'most remarkable soinnam
' bullst ln tho state. Curing tbo past
ummer he has boon accusing his
neighbors of clipping Into his truck
patches at night and cultivating them.
pt course ho did not object to Oils, but
jthpuht it moaf extraordinary. It was
fllBo a strange fact that they always did
at nfghjt what ho had Intended to do
tho following day. Becoming anxious
4toknow which of hie neighbors ho waa
indebted to for tho kindness, hp spont
niany wakeful nights watching his
jlrck pajtches, but without success. No
ovfi .ever came Into them when he was
on tho watch, but when he would miss
,watchlng for a night thero waa Invari
ably some work done. . short tlmo
.flgotho drovo his wagon Into his potato
Jpatch Into one evening, bo that ho could
Joad It early Jn the morning. He waa
very fnjetous to get well on his way to
mferjtet before sun-up. However, ho
verslept hlmsolf, nnd got up ln a ter
rible Blew; but great waa his ourprlso
,whcn ho went Into tho potato patch to
ilnd the wagon already loa'ded and
horses hitched tit It, ready to start, thus
-avlng him a'c.buplo of hours' tlmo and
'hard 'wjbrk. One night his wlfo saw him
'stealing out of the house in his night
clothes, and, following him to tho barn,
saw him tako a mattock and go out
jind begin digging up grubs In an old
tonco row. 8ho then understood who
Tiad'beoa-doing her husband's work.
A Common Enouph Story Portrayt n
Not long ago I met a young lady in
overly whom I had previously known
n wealth, and this waa, in substance
the story she told mo: "Father died
Suddenly In Washington, nnd the pro--fealonal
dklll through which ho had
Tcolnpd money for us died with him. I
-Vm hbt' weeping' because we aro poor.
I am broken-hoarted because none of
Jis saw that he was dying. Was it not
pitiful that ho should think it best not
-to to I any of us that ho was slckT And
), tils patted daughter, though I knew
ie was taking eplum to sootho his great
yaln, was so auarha'd by my lovers,
my games and' my drosses, jtbat I Just
)ioned 'St would all comp right If I
'colld only jemembor thai even once I
ad pitied his suffering or felt anxious
about his lite, I might bear his losa
i Tho story Is common enough. Many
a father, year after year, goos in and
'ouf of "blB home carrying the burden
'and 'doing the labor of life, while thoso
whom ho tenderly loves hold with but
careless hands all of honor and gold
Ito jyis for toil and pain. Thefi sorao
day'hls head and baft'da can work no
more; And tho hearts 'that havo not
JearlJBd tjio great lesson ot unselflah
ovo whle lovo waa their teacher must
now begin their sad duty when fovo
has left thorn alone forever.
A Xow ColJTajn.
For tljoe who refuso to give up tho
? retry parting of the hair, the Napoleon
j uo'wlll be permitted. The parted hair
"is pulffd fully over tho ears and so
prawn loosely to the back, where it Is
iraldcd. Tho braid is allowed to hang
vel on tho napo of tho neck, la then
jurned jipder ant a largp "cue' bow
Is placed just where it wfll hqld the
hair flrmjy Into the curve of trte head.
jTbls samo bow Is often made feo'wlde
that It shows coquottlshly from tho
front at either eldfe. as did the bows
Siirn a little, vhlle ago on cqllara. For
4dcU drccslness a high comb is set
t tho top of' tbo head from to front,
riving the effect of hght and the" Jaunty
tou,ch that has so often been confusing
with the demurenesS of the ' recent
rutrs!do curls. ' '
Vhr.t lid Yn.
Ifewly armed tuade to at Peter
This crown Is entirely too heavy, tho
targ strings pt my Angers and the
vjtgs pinch' niyfihouldera;' ''
StfPeter-'hat on earth were you,
juiyway? '? tl
Shade AlwJT was a calamity bowl
r 'Birmlrfzhjsm, ge-Hcrald.
,pae of Them ByfcXt Is Becadu JrtUj
' Wi& to rimt Km.
A ccup of yongromcri $i.t arottnd a
dainty tort Ubl discussing tdreis and
tucir waters almost in tbe swno breath
fere In my gown?," sod IeuS.
v i,i .-,.. .'., ...J. ... a
browned maid who had Just returned
from a summer resbrtjvvhere 'there were
twontr-sl glrjs to three men. "Al
though my Bummer costumes were per
fectly lovely, I did not thrill oyer them
once, for what was the use of donning
tho mdft becoming frock when thero
were no men to be overpowered by the
effect, I arguo that we dress to please
tho men, thereforo I Btate In nil candor
thnt,I don't care a button what sort of
gowns I havo unless I know that men
aro going to see them."
"Cut a woman knows moro about
their valuo and their Btyle", put ln a
brown-eyed creature' who always looks
''That's nil very tr,ue," argued number
' "bl!t tho Influence that men oxer-
C,S0 UPon Women's drCSS is Certainly
band, tho .tajite of tho lover, of tho itf
,tlmat friend, and ovtm ot the brother,
has al,waj-3 to be dofcrred and sub
hilttod to, nnd in each and every case
s acknowledged to bo superlor'to that
possessed by his fair subject Tho Se
cret of this Is, perhaps, In a njeasuro,
due to tho Tact that tho masculine eye
seea nnd Judgca from tho effect pro
duced, nnd a verdict is passed accord
ingly, whereas the femlnlno mind Is
often distracted by tho choice of color,
material, trimming and style offered;
and when and Where natural good
tnate deed exist It is frequently domin
ated by ,the will of another actuated
by eolf-lnterest, and thUH good Judg
ment Is for tho moment overpowered.
Again, tho desire to confine oxpenue
wlthfn a certain limit Is another fer
tile source of sacrifice on tho altar of
good taste. Still, allowing all this and
moro, the fact remains Incontrovertible
that a man intuitively knows what
suls a woman bcttpr than she docs
With a convincing air the spoakcr set
her cup down, gave herself a furtlvo
Blanco In the mirror, and departed to
bo Ecen soon after on Walnut street
looking perfectly radiant ob she walked
along quito conscious that the man by
her sldo regarded her got-up as emi
nently fetching.
They Made Tiling Excemllmxly J.lvtly
at tlio Itnrrtrnrk for Airhltp.
A curious Incident occurred at Aecot
Whllo a largo number of pleasant
luncheon parties were enjoying the de
lights of an opon-alr report In the gar
deua behind tho grandind a groat
swarm of bees settled down on the
guesta around a tablo In a corner. They
buzzed and buzzed everywhere. Ladles
hn'd bees In their bonnets and gentle
men found th6lr hat3 turned Into strik
ing Hkellne3sca of "Catch-'om-allve-foh's."
Some of tho swnrm settled on
tho cold salmon and other members of
It tumbled Into tho champagno cup. In
facjt. tho bees created tho greatest con
ftternatlon among the ladles and gentle
men ln that quarter ot the grounds.
They wero gradually drawn off tho
luncheon party by a gentleman, to
whom occurred the happy Idea of treat
ing thotn to a little music on a metal
tray under a tree. After the tapping
or tinkling on tho artlclo had continued
for two or three moments tho queen
bee settled on tho branches nbovo to lis
ten to It, and wna at onco followed by
all tho swarm. It wbb an extraordinary
sight to see hundreds of'tho Insects
hanging llko a great black and gold
cluster on tho treo while tho tinkling
continued. It ceased with tho luncheon,
and the bees did no more harm. In
Jjjo early part of the performance a
lady waa pretty (severely stung,
A Plum OroTT on llnrnul Lacd In
St. Paul Pioneer Press: Tho people
in Hubbard county, Minnesota, are
puzzlod over a new fruit which hag
made its appoaranco this summer for
the first time. Tho crop Is very abund
ant It la a yellow, egg-shaped plum,
tho larger Rpoclmens being about the
size of a small bon'a ogg. It grows on
a plant very much llko tho tomato plant
and the plaut smells llko a tomato'.
The plupa or berry grows partially ln;
closed In a thin husk. When green tho,
fruit is white, but turns a straw color
when ripe; has a good supply of small,
hard, black seeds, and has a peculiar
sub-acid flavor, which is quite pleasant.
It grows only In clearings which wore
burned over last season, but grows ln
soma of these In immense quantities,
Sorao of tho plants are vpry large, cov
ering a Epace six feet In diameter, and
bearing a half-bushel of fruit. The
peculiar thing about tho plant la that
no ono has ever seen it or hoard of it
bofore. People ln northern Wadona
and Louthern Hubbard counties havo
pipked large quantities ot them and
use, thqm for cauco and preserves.
Spoclmqps havo been sent to the stato
experimental station for Identification.
Coal of Ftp.
"Take my Boat," she said.
A flush ot genuine gratltudo suffused
tho pink and white complexion of the
man who was clinging to the strap.
"Thank you," he answered cordially.
The age-en woman betook herself
to the front platform, where she at
fectod to smoke her clgarotte insqu
ciantly, but hex thoughts were never
theless with thb past when conditions
wero different, and her hoart was tuU
of the bitterness of remorse. Detroit
An Affinity.
I H$: "That was a queer freak pt
Prlco's-marryins woman twiwhU
1 p'attirany enou5h. He fi WIUlt
j uwaV aa sbe was wlthqpt PrJee." '
The Herajud,
PablUhfd trerj Friday and entered at tho
pusoiiir ia iifminsroM, rpbrsjca, a sooond
nai mall mattftr. Tim Hmali is el-jvouxl to
tho intemtft ot Iletnlngford and Dor Hot la
THOS. J. O'KEEFIE. Publish .
. i - i.f
ftimBcnxmoM batts:
.r .....75
FRIDAY, OCT. 25, 189,5.
Democratic Ticket.
For Supwrno Judge, '
of Ornuin.
.w. S. Asnny, of iji.iidrci.
J. H. AMES, of Lincoln:
Jj'or County Treasurer,
For County Supcrlnt'nd'nt of aCjhoG,!
For County ShorlfT,
For Commissioner Third rttlt,
For Assessor,
For Justice of tho Peace,
For Constable,
For E,pd Overseer,
Tho following good and lawful
men lmve boon drawn to servo as
jurors at tho noxt term of tho dis
trict court which convenes Nov.
19, 1805.
Wm. Foskot
L. A. Turner
Barney Hallmr
John Saucrwein,
Henry J. Winleu
Lorenzo Flower
Ed J. Kinsley
Henry Ra.lol
O. D. Rouso
0. H. Britton
W. T. Johnson Franli J3au3r, ir.
I. F. Marshall W. W. Norton
W. W. Wilson M. McD. Bullock
Robert Marler Frank Bushoy
Frank Bussoll Charles Fuecrain.
E, I. QrcKK Jhu Hunt
Oharlio Tiernan Willis Young,
This 5pce
Belongs to
W-1' - I -Sj".
Watch it
Next Week.
Notice to Non-resident Defence
In the District Court ot Box Hntto County.
Ktu Ureen, jilalntlff, vs. Harry Groon. de
fendant Von art) hereby notified that on the 0th div of
Octotor, lSUis, plaintitl herein, tiled her petuiou
in thn alnivp entitled cause, in tho District Conit
ot Box Hiitto Couuty, Mebraska. atraiust Harry
Qreen, defendant, tho objeot of which is to oi
tain a diorco from thn plaintiff, on the itrounds
o( alandoument.ana asK that thararo and cus
tody ot tliorhtld, lna Qrcen. agetl Ayraro. a
t'irl, f ruitH of said marriage, be aw ardeti to nn
bid i tiler, mother n( the plaintitf. '
You aro required to anuwer said petition on
or before the 18th day of NosemlW, li-BR. '
liATE QUEEN, rialntiff.
Uy fiMrrn P. Ttrrrr e. Attorney for PlaiutUf .
Fiikt publication Oct. 11, 1MB.
Painty pf all kinds at Green'd.
Tho Herald and thp Omaha
semi-wei'kly World-Herald both
one year for SI. 75.
The Herald and tho American
Unrmor- Estahlished
1819, the
oldest Agrionlturol publicatiqn in
j America-' bqth oqp year for ,150.
Edited by Ei-Conerosmn
Is the greatest newspaper tcc$t
of the AfitMOuri Jiiver.
It advocates FREE SILVER
at tho present ratio of sixteen
to ono.
Its news sorvico is the best to
be obtained,
rfaily, $ 0 00 per year; 50 cents
per mont,h. Weekly, $1 00 per
Subscriptions for the
received at this office
uuBKcaia noil lor Hi our? aitd sumo smyi.uinrvii .
fortliJU,our nttM) wootl-rlmi, 25 lt8.. nunc iiuij
1 125 usee!. 12stjle8tl0tottU I
UoarantceJ came oi ajrrnts toll for ITS to flOO.
Perfoctllnca. perfect (itcerind.pcrfcctadjostment.
OnnrantectlBBmcn ascnls sell for C12.' tmtl (1CS.
Written narrnnty with t-Tcry mtirbltiQ CTrry tlmo
yuu buy nblcyclBthrounhonji (rent you pay tdutotSO
luorLUunn our wholesale jirlco for nme quality
It costs nbout ni much to sell bicycles throtich
ecenn nnd dealers as It does to make tlicm. Let
prudence nnd eeonomy Bmrcert tho better Tray nnt
buy from us direct ut xliolcsalo prices.
Illustrated Catalom:o f reo.
Acme Cycle Company,
f Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained nnd all Pat-J
fent business conducted ior modcratc Fees.
5ooorncti90pposiTcU,s. PATeNtomct;
and wccaasecuie pitcntm less tlmo than those)
fremote from Washinrton. . . . . '
I Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-'
tIon. We advise, if patentable or not, (res of;
(charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
i A PAMPHLCT. " How to Obtain Patents," with
(cost of same in th U. S. and foreign coon tries J
(sent free. Address,
f A eSMaTViiiWJ&f A?
WBBaB'jr ww wi,iu'ya
A Beautiful Woma n
Attracts Attention Everywhere.
Q-old -;- Le6f,
Afler Giving it a Trial
Esnivznra-OKiD nxx-pXjxnra-
Silks, Lawns, Cashmeres, Underwear
"" in suits and all the latest novelties in Dross Fabrics, for tho coming season, in tbxturo, finish,
wn. Pnmhinniion and colorincs. is as indefinably beautiful as tho yaried hues, pf tb
llpwers of spring. Thoy
Satisfy tlxe Olosest S0r-u.tin.3r
and evoke the unqualilied praise of all who behold them. Unrqpittent study of the prevail
ing stylo in vogue, and strict attention p the most exacting wants of my patronage,
makes mv store in tho estimation of tho refined and tasty, tho
whereat to procuro iho daintiest,
most stylish, economical, uniquo
FrtilRit Groceries at Lowest Prices.
bargains in my Shoe Department,
Shelf $ Heavy Hardware,
This Card is to (Benefit Cash (Buyers. (Don't Lose It.
20 2f.
100 100 101) 100 100
20 25
20 j 25
'20 1 25
20 25
20 25
20 25
20 25
Read $Vhat This .Card
. . . .Say s. . . .
When you pay Cash, lot tho Clerk punch out
tho amount; and when you havo paid us
Twenty Dollars in cash, will give you
One (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge.
20 25
20 125
35011 all Roods except Darb rlr
50 50 50 1 50 50
We will not be undersold. Always bring this Card with you.
.Proprietor of.
Livery and Feed Stables.
We have first-class stock and douhle and sinsle rigs, which wo
furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarders
aro unexcelled in the city. Give us a call.
JSSy Stable Corner Box Butte Avenuo and Sheridan Street.
I am Ready to Buy Yotiib
and will Pay CASH for it.
T. O. 3vd:caor3s:le.
You will wonder now You Eyer
The Elegance
Emporiurq Par Excellence
-uf-j mkiiM3K&'i.nrM!iirimxiimjv
100 100 50 50
15 j 10 5
15 I 10
15 J 10
15 'f 10
15 I 10 I 5
"lo i
nnd HurnMg by tho get.
15 10 I 6,
50 j 50 50 5Q
15 10 5
JK& tlio
An Ugly Woman
Can Make Better Bread With
Qolel - Lecjf - Floqt
Got Along without it.
c onzirsr