Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 25, 1895, Image 1

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    ,' 5
For Watches, Clocks,
and Jewdry
00 TO THE ....
City Jewelry Store
" (Repairing dbikfi&
satisfaction guamntfi
$ City Jewelry Store
VOL. 1
NO. 35
nfc if ' II "v
t L
w w
Ik W
Official Direotory.
Cotnmlflslonora-iJRf". llolllutnko, Sod Dial.
, ,r , " w Duucan.lrd Diet.
Jnrtce-D. K. Bpaclit.
JI6rk-J. K. Neul.
NhorlfT-E. A. Halt
Treemrer -H. IJ. Ltbby.
Attorney D. I Gllmiin
Coroner P. It. nrliieoll.
Surveyor- J. F. Ha7ard
Supt. of Schools II. F. Fillmore.
Olvurola Dlreotory.
f Jas. IUrry, lt Dint.
ClONdTlEOATIONAL. Preachlnirraoh nlter
nate Sunday, lvRlnnliiK JtimiBry. 1, IHOl, at
11 o'clock a. ., und nt J p. m. Suudar School
lit lit a. in. I'ruyor otlDj each Wednesday
at 7 p, nt.
ERMAN LUTHEUANt-Scrvlcoe at tho
Court House, ltov Wnndorlich, Pastor.
riATnOL10:-Hov. Charlos Zak Pastor.
ETHODIST.'-Ro J,Y. Kendall Pactor
Proitchln tlio second and tourth Sunday (n
each month at 11 a m.. and 7 p.m.
7iiP)SCOPAlj:-SorTices In tlio OowrreRiU-
l'Jlonnl Church, Rev. Pastor.
Services on the third Thursday In each month
nt? p. in.
W. A. Rosebush Camp No. 2010. Meet
Boron d mid fnnrth Tiipdnv nlcht. nf mnli
month. Visiting NoUrhbore cordially invited.
W. It. Iodenck. Clerk. F. Hoot. V. C.
IIeminofobd postoulce. On week days door
opens at 7 a. nt., general delivery opens at 8 a.
nt. and closes at 8 p.m. Open Sundays 0 to
10 a. ra.
IIeunoford and Box Dotte stagedaily oxcept
Uekikcifobd and Do.ir.AP stago, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
,Now Short Lino to Holenn, Butte
Spokane, Seattle and Tacouia.
G. X. & W. O. Tim Card.
Jf o. 42, paHSfinKor arrlv es iU
" 6 freight " "
" 48 freight nrrlvos nt
No. 41 pasRentjur arrives nt
" 41 frelirttt
0.0a p. nt.
lo:io n. m,
n:2l a. m.
ll:5'J p. in.
"' 41 lroiht,nrrIvee at
All trains curry nnwoncers
3:33 p. m.
. w.
. wueatlct. Agent,
Attorney at Law,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Prictlces in all tlio courts and be
fore U. S. Land Ofllco.
Attorneys - at - Law,
Alliance, :- Nebraska.
QrOftlco in Fletcher Block.
E. E. BARR, n. D.
State University or Iowa 1887.
Surgery and the Medical
Tne Nose and Thuoat a
Specialt .
Alliance,. - - - Nebraska
Sioux City
Tribune .. ,
The Best Market Reports of any
Newspaper in tlio West.
NEW :: GOODS ! !
Millinery Store
Como and seo the Goods, got
prices, and bo convinced that they
are the best and cheapest in the
Thanking you for post favora
and tnibting for a continuance of
he hamo.
' yourfl reBpoctfolly,
"" .' - Miss "L. Ada2I8.
'J t '
Lots of wheat coming into
town these days.
Mrs. Wheeler visited in Horn
ingford Sunday.
Dr. Blancliard is spening a few
days in Lusk, Wyo.
Cliff Abloy camo in from Dead
wood Monday night.
There is some now sido walk
being built this wook.
Attoney S. M. Smyser was in
town Saturday night.
R. McLeod returned from tho
west last Friday morning.
Martin Lally has been up from
Lakeside for sovoral days.
M. E. Gooch and Miss Velma
Dada drove to Alliance Monday.
Rev. Schlosser will preach in
the Congregational church to
night. Rumor has it that thoro will
be a marriago in this vicinity in
the near future.
Harry Piorce, our popular liv
eryman, has a new ad in this
issue. Read it.
Mrs. John Keoffo and little
Willie are visiting relatives and
friends in Hemingford.
Godfried Roiraan called today
and deposited two bright silver
dollars on subscription, i
Rov. W. B. Dada of Wator
vleit' Mich., is visiting with his
brother, Rev. E. P. Dada.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Shipley
and Henry Sweezey of Liberty,
are in town today.
J. C, McCovkte' will", ship a car
load of horses to the St Louis
markot tomorrow.
P. H. Dillon of Box Butte pro
duct was doing business at the
county seat Tuesday.
James McLonuan has severed
his connection with H. R. Groen's
store and is now a "gentleman
of leisure".
Druggist Bean rolled up his
sleeves yesterday and gayo
ovorytiung in tne store a
thorough cleaning np.
That good friend, Scott Mc
Corkle, called yesterday and or
dored tho Herald sent to his
father, E. W. McCorkle, Knox
villo' Iowa.
Miss Fanuio Gerber has chargo
of Miss Neeland's room in tho
High school while tho lattor is
doing "missionary work" jimong
tho voters.
Don't forgot tho populist msot
ing tomorrow nighc and the re
publican rally Monday night.
Admission free.
W. G. Simonson, Editor Para
dis and E. P. Sweonny aro
among tho Alliancoitcs in town
today. The two former gentlo
men visited these headqartors.
Mrs. F. E. Luhr of Lincoln,
Neb., and Mrs. E. Sandsbury.of
Grafton, W. V., sister and aunt
of Mrs. M. C. Boauruont, have
been hor guests for tho past
Last week wo neglected to
montion that Judges Kinkaid
and Bartow waro in Hemingford
Thursday. They made tho Heu
ald office a pleasant ''campaign
Henry Schluntz, John Kinsley
and Martin Lally went to Cass
county Tuesday and will probab
ly remain during the winter.
Ira Reed has mDvod to Mr.
Schluntz' farm.
E liters Ellis of tho Times and
Paradis of the Guide aro having
a newspaper war. It was
brought about by ono claiming I
to bo a better republican bvaa I
tljg other.
Messrs S. P. Tuttlo, H, B.
Austin, I. E. Tash, B. R.Gilman,
W. M. Iodonco and E. L. Dodder:
attended tho hearing of tho bank
caso in Chadron on Monday, at
which Mr. Tash was appointed
Borea 0ora.pln.g3.
Many aro nominatedr but fo
aro elected.
Sweeney is n'irlicted with? PaynnM
10 immt nerncau wm do our next
Ludwig Mastrud and Rollin
Ebbrly reprosentod Borea at tho
races in Alliance last weolc.
Mr. Millctt stands a good show
of being elected this full, it is not
a very good year for millet oitlier".
Mr. Miller is a good miller and
attondd his mill in a way .that is a
credit to any miller, but in our
opinion he will not bo elected
treasurer this fall.
Rev. Dado, a brother to our X
P. of Hemingford, preached ton
well-filled houae at Bovea last Sun
day. His subject was, "Suffer1
little children to come unto mo."
Box Bvatt, Bullotln."
Miss Viola Scott is a Box Butte
visitor this wook.
John Wilson 13 hauling hay
from the sand hills.
Yo correspondent went wool
gathering last Week. if
Preaching Sunday morninb at
lv.ou uy j-iov. jruuiuiuu. v
Elmer Hancock made a Hying
trip to Box Butte Sunday.
Billy Randolph is helping Mrs.,'
Atkin during M. D's absenco.
Mrs. Taylor who lrft - forOnraOT
" ' I
some time ago reports hor sister
in that place as very ill
S. J. Howard received a tele
gram calling him to Crawford as
his mother was seriously ill.
Everybody como to Chirks
Chapol Friday ovening, Oct. 25th
and holp reorganize tho Literary
Bert Tracy returned to his homo
in Omaha Saturday followed by
tho good whises of his many
The republicans will hold forth
in Box Butte Saturday evening
Nov. 2nd Ail Jbo candidates will'
be present.
M. D. Atkin left sorao time ago
for Crown Point, Indiana, to visit
his father who has been very sick
for somo time.
Harry Wilson who has boon
working in North Dakota returned
Saturday on account of tho severe
illness of his mother, Mrs. Hiram
Charlie Hancock has rocently
moved his family to his brother
Elmer's homestead near Lakeside,
whore Mr. Hancock has been do
ing blacksmith work for sometime.
Tho populist will have a blow
out in Alliance Monday evening
and the ropublicans put up a job
(so tho pops say) to tako all tho
Alliance people and brass
baud to Hemingford and
havo a republican love-feast tho
samo night. At any rate it
mukos put little difference who
will havo tho audience as people
aro getting tired of those kind
of meetings as tho principal ob
ject of tho "orators" seem to bo
how long thoy can hold tho floor
praising themselves and abuse
ing somobody olso before tho
audience begin to scatter. It is
to be hoped that Judges Lansing
and Hazard will bo put and the
candidates will speak their little
pieces again.
J. 0, McCorkle will buy horses
and pay cash for them.
I leave' Hemingford Nov, 4th,
for a fow months. Call and seo
mo next wook.
R. II. Blanciiaud,
DroBscd hogs bought at Anton
Pulnt, Glass and oils of nil kind
sold according to tlio" hard Mutes
cheaper than the cheapest, nt
f , Anton Uimia's.
Horncall wanta somo dressed
The Genuine Hound Oak Slovo
uiiido by lScckwlth, JJownixlnc, Mich.,
with the tiiinte on the legs, Is the
moat fuel-saving stove on the market
and Is the only stove that will burn
wood, hard coal, soft coal, and coke,
successfully, and also can bo mndo n
self-feeding base burner at l.lio samo
time. Fqr sale by Anton UumfJ
If you ovta Wildys' call in and
speak to thomb aout it they need
all what is duo them.
If you want to realize cash out
of your extra horses, see J. C.
W- m.,1,r. ,,,, v.,1., 4 VJM..,
a.uxvu juut juuuuvu vu vi Aiuj' a
"the old standby."
A new lot of shoes just received
W. K. Jlcrncall.
Machino Oils at Groon's.
Shoes of all kinds, styles and
(priccs. Can lit any foot and pocket
book. W. K, Herngamj.
California ennned goods 15 cents a
can at W. K. Ilcrncali's.
, 0. J. Wildy wants orao dressed
poultry und hogs.
, Ordor your stove repairs at Anton
h rig's.
The Genuine Round Oak is "good
- 11' n6tl ''"W
rrhnv lnol fliov limit. Mlnv aim mi
They lust, they heat, thoy save you
money, they have a reputation. Can
you point to another that has? They
lead tho world of heating stoves,
simply becanso they are perfectly
made and do perfect work. You
cannot afford to buy any other. See
tho name on the leg. For stile by
Anton Uhuio.
Hon. W. If. Westovor, of Rush
ville, popuKst candidate for dis
tiicr j'-rde, will address the peoplo
of Hemingford at the couit house
Oct. 2G, at 7:30 p. m. ,
-Hon. John H. Powers will ad
dress tho peoplo of Alliance on
Oct. 23, at 7:30 p. m. Mr. West-
over will also tako part in tins
meeting. Come out everybody
to those meotings und hear some
thing said about the issues of the
day, ns this will be your only op
portunity during this campaign.
Meetings of the populist candi
dates of Box Butte county, will bo
hold at the following places:
Wright school houses Oct. 21, 7:30
Nov. 2,
Runningwator, North Hall, Nov. 4.
By Order of Committee.
(From Our Itecular Correspondent.)
On to Atlanta! The distinguish
ed part', including tho President,
his entire Cabinet and most of tho
ladies of tho Cabinet families,
which left hero tonight on a spec
ial train for Atlanta, carried no
banners, brass bands or other im
plements of war, but their arrival
will be hailed with much more
delight by tno citizen's of Geor
gia's metropolis than was another
party which visited the samo city
something liko thirty-one years
ago, amid tho roar of cannons, tho
rattling of drums, tho blare of
trumpets und waving of flags. Mrs.
Cleveland did not go. Shu was too
good a mother to leave the baby,
and it was doomed injudicious for
so young a miss to mako such a
long railroad journey, Secrotary
OIney had a Ipng conference today'
with the wifo of Ex-Consul Wal
ler, who was sontonced to twenty
years in prison by a French Court
martial for his alldgcd juterferondo
with trench military operations in
Madagascar. Mrs. Waller, who
only reached Washington this
morning, from Mudncascur, via
', France,, told tho Secretary tho.
wholo story from hor side. After
.the interview sho oxprossed her
self as being perfectly satis-flod
that the ndmiuiBtratiou was doing,
and Would continue to do every
thing that it -could pronorly do
for tho roliof of her husband.
It is really amusing to hear tho
fours expressed by some of the re-'
publican senators, that they will
bo compelled, when Congress
meets to reorganize tho Senate and
take charge of tho committees,
thus becoming responsiblo for leg
islation without tho majority to
pass it. Pray, who is going to
compel them to assume such re
sponsibility? Surely uot the dem
ocrats, who are probably willing,
although not anxiout, to allow
things to remain as they arc; noi
tho ponuiista, unless they cau
make a deal for their own benefit.
If there is any compelling it will
bo dono by the republicans.
In order to keep the lino gun
makingplant at the Washington
uiumujiuui, ui. w.u , uouiii6iwu
"Nnwir Vnwl in nnnmlinn ?f Im..
jMavy lam in operation, it nas
been decided to make tho three
inch field guns, which are needed
ft !, Vnvir tlinrn Almnf nnn I lAHtl Office .St Alliance, Neb., Oct. 15, 1B96.
tOrtllO CSavy tUOtO. .aDOUt Ono tiotloiia horebfRUon that the follpwiwriHH
1inn1vn1 nt ili..un mine irill Ian . esttlcr has tiled notice of hia intention to
nunuroa or tuuso guns win bo i ,, j!n(ll proot ,n mppQtt of hu claim, a
made. Tho Navy Department had
authority to havo them mado by
contract, hut whon the bids were
t received it was found that thoy,
'could bo' made by the government
' just us cheap or cheaper, and tho
keeping together of the skilled
force of mechanics which aro em
ployed in tho Government gun
shop turned tho scales in favor of
having tho work dono there.
While I do not know that Sen
ator Sherman has chosen this time
for tho publication of his recollec
tions during forty j'cars in office
with tho special idea of injuring
ono Bonj. Harrison, thoro aro rea
sons which squint that way. For
inolnnen iXfy Slinrmon nharnna in
his book, without any ifs, auds, or
buts, that Mr. Harrison's nomina-
tion for tho presidency in 1S83 was
, brought about by a corrupt ' bar
gain with ono man who controlled
the New York dolectition. Al-
though no names arc used, it is
perfectly plain that Mr. Sherman
1 refers to tho promise made by
Steve Elkins, now a member of
I the senate from West Virginia, on
' behalf of Mr. Harrison, to Boss
Tom rlatt, wiio was tne man in
control of the New York dologa-
tion, that if Harrison was noraina-
ted and elected, he (Piatt) should
be Secretary of tho Treasury. The
breaking of that promise mado
Piatt tho bitter enemy of Harrison
that ho has boon ever since. Mr.
Sherman also has a fling at all the
prominent republicans, and he
leaves tho impression that,
iuu u.copuuu ui uuvcb-wuu tuuuu
,, ,. rt i
r swKm n n rl a
B"WU uwit)
fw, r, i , .1 m
Sherman Secretary of tho Treasury
,,, , ,. .. , . . ,
nnu unowuu ixm wuuiu uuuuuibiru-
., ,, i t -n
tion to be used to push hw Presi-
dontial boom they WCrO a had
i i i . it
and tricky lot, an impression, bar- I
,. .. ii. , i ,
ring tho exception, doubtless Shared
by lots of people.
Teacher's Association.
The Iiox liutte Qounty Teachers'
AssocUtion will-met7 In Alliance at
tlio High bchool building, Saturday,
Oct, 20th, and the following pro
gram will be carried out.
, The National association at Den
ver. W. It. Slders.
'Shall we organize ono or more
, Reading Circles iu the county? P.
H. Ruhter.
Dtscussloo opeucd by John Dauni
gardne'r. '- '
Are wo as Box lttitte teachers
keeping Up with the educational ad
vancement In other parts of the
state? Anna Neclnnd.
If not, why not?--Davltl Eberly.
Discussion and suggestions by ev
eryone. Music committee O. R. Bowman,
JcAle Frew
Question Hox conducted by Miss
tun Murslnill:
fl!lic subjects 0I1 the programme
are Important and they have ttai'rc
foro been assigned to our educational
leaders, with tlio hupo tlTat they
will cuthuso all present with tho
iluporninro of opr work and the ne
cessity of constant study and a thor-
1 nugh orgnutzutloti of our forces thnt
the greatest good may be accomplish
ed. FinalProof Notices
rioK. J. W. Weus, Jr., Heultter.
Hon. K. M. Uhoomc, Receiver.
rartlmi having notices la thU column are re
nuPhted to rend tlio fame carefully and report to
Oil oltloti for cnrreetioti nuy error n that may
exist, Tlila will prevent possible delay In
renkitut proof.
Land Office at Alliance. Neb., Oct. 2S. ISM.
Notice la hereby given tliat KU F. Johnnon. ot
l'Ufror, Kbt nam liicu notice ot intention
In nme final proof leforo J. K, Nral,
Clerk Dint Court, aUi In olltce In HcmliiRford,
Noli., on Monday, theSnd of DceuiW, I'm, on
tlmlnr onltttro npn iMttoa No. IBJ tor thd S U
i otaeetlouH. tp'2(ln, rx&Ow.
Houvuisnt "W.tn'n: Pjtir .Taasin. Jen
PHhtlHtensori. 0. V, I'rloo. U.K. Jotinloa, ail,
ot uominitiora, hpu.
J, W. Wrnw. Jn.. Keslafer,
Land OUIen at Alliance, Neb., Oct. 1. ISMS.
Kotlea U hereby olvon that the followlnu1.
named ottlr has filed notice of hi intention to
that alcl proof will be made, before L.
mako Ileal nroot lnannnnrtor liu
proof Ininppottof )iU claim, and
r Inn ton. U. S. 0. (1. Cotnmlyalonnr. at Chadroa.
ltd nroot will no rondo ueroni Lt. A, uoe-
Nob., on Nov, 30, 180 J, vizi
of Chadrou, licit., who maio II. Ii. Ho. SVtO fo?
tlio E V, S K i M 10 an 1 H U HW sea 11. twn
"sSUtha foiiowlnjt witne.M to m hi.
Ho najneii the foUowlnr; wltneM to MW8 hli
' couttnuoui residence upon and cultivation 1
iaian.i.vi wiuum auw. ot cuadroa.
Neb., tloorgo Hatoh, John C. Woo Js, Orant Ag
nnw, ot Maraland, Nob. .
J. W. Wehx, Jr., BcBletnr
of Doxllntto, Nob., who made U.K. so. 9BM
fortbe.ftKaHaal.HBWU tec. 2i.tSMB,
no jiamf i. the f oIIowIbb, ,witfte-.t- pror
his continuous realilcnco npon and cnlUratlo
ot Btd land, vlt: John Planelc. brank Yechont,
John KorarnlW, John i'otmclBCl, all of Hex
liutto, Nob. Alto,
of Uo llntto, Neb , who made h. d, no !B2t for
the uwHM S4, tp 2a n. r 4B w.
lie liarnti tho fo'.lowlnit wltnereea to prove
hia contlnuon residence upon and cultivation
of raid laud, vlr' John , Urhanavalcy, John
I'otninlssl, John Piaiek, Frank Vcclioat, all ot
Box Dutte, eb. , . m . n ,
J.W.WBita.Jn., IlegUter.
Laud OBlco at Alliance, Neb.. Oct. 7, W.
Notice la hereliy Riven that the following nam
ed not tier hat hied notice of his intention to
make lino1 proof in anpport ot hia claim, and
that Bald proof will bo mado before HettUtoror
llocohcr ut Alliance, Nob., on Kov. 19. It'Ji.
of ncmlnford, sob,, who made U.K. No. SATO
tor the J U U oi. ri to 'JS n, tit V w.
lie names the followtw,- wltncssoe tn p,'oto
"&&&Jgl IWSS ft
Uenilnifford, pob. Also
tin coutinuoas restudiice upon ana cniuraitou
of untnlncforil. Ken., .who made n. r..to. J3U
for tho 12 S 12 J4 aeo SB, tp M n, rg V w,
Jlenameii the followlntc wltneasea to prova
his continuous residence upon and oultitatluli
of nald land, lz: Leopold M oiler. Josept
Monllor. James Whelan, Otto Qlbson, all ot
uemlufffurd, eb. liio
ot Hemingford, el., who made H.r. o. 2987 for
tlio B w ! eee . tp sy n, x a w.
Ho names tlio folio win? witneeses to prove hia
aprei, reier Annen, tviinam ueistng, an ot
William De
mmimtiora, eo.
J. W. Wrnjf, Jb., Register.
Land Olllot, at Alliance, Nch OcU a, 105.
Notice is hereby Klven that the followl&fj
named settler has tiled notice ot his intention tn
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before ilcgliter and
lluceiver at Alliance Neb., on Nov. 11, 1B35, vis:
&' "s.Wt'S
He names the foUowinwithess to prove hU
ut uuniap, nou., Jonn ixuutson, jvari coreirom
ot Ilomiaflord, Hob . ,
J. W. Webs. Jn., Be gUter.
Land Office at Alliance, Nob., Sept. 2. IfflB.
Notice is hereby (riven that the following
named setUer has filed notice of hie intention
to maka final proof in support of hia claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
or receiver, at AUlance, Neb., on Nov. t, 1803,
of nemlngford, Neb , who made u.E. K0.2S38
lurunuJWdauutBuuonn niw. if.,,
igeiw. .!!
I iio name's mo iu.iuvviutf wiiursvoo in pruvti
' bis continuous residence upon and cuitivatioa
I of said land, vli: Jacob Hbetler, Joseph Carey,
ot neuunjjtoru. Men., iroratnana wikoqc joan
Klkont.otLawn, scb.
J. vr, ,wmi, Jb.. Register.
Land Office at Alliance. Neb., Aug. 14. ISO.
r-otiee Is hereby gien that the following-
named settler has filed notice ot his intention
to make final proof In support of hia claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register
1813 vlx
of Rerea, Neb., who made 11. E, No. 1072 for the
S W U see 8, tp So n, rg tS w.
He name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot ald land, vh: boury Von Rargcn. John
Von Uaiaen, Erik llasmusson, Ueudlck D.
Vlkse, allot Rerea. Neb.
J W. Weh-x, Jb.. Register.
Notice of Application for Liquor License.
Public notice is hereby alven that tbe under
signed has filed with the village clerk ot the vil
lage of uemlogford. Rox Rutte county, Nebras
ka, an apptioxtiou for a liqupr license to sell
malt, spiritous and nnoue licjuore, aald bust
nees to be carried on, on lot number 10. in bloclc
number 19, in the vtllsge ot uemlugfora. Bote
liutto county, xebtaska, tor tho remainder pt
the municipal year, beginning on Uto irst ba
iley, lb., and that we wUl opply 1c said u;
cense at a met'.ng ut , U .boatd. ot trustees o
uiid vlnti-e on bturdsf. the Uta dr ot Oct.-i
Lor, if w, iixrtoz U SkXilXX.,
tint publication Ctt. I, U