Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 18, 1895, Image 1

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$pr Waters, Vloctej
an Jewelry ,
GO tO TJOI -.fo
City Jewelry SiSfcfc
llwi timi nTiif
(Retairini' domt'l
satisfactiqn guafdd
$. City Jewelry Store
TOL. -1
NO. 34
i i ii i JLU i ' i - ! i ii ii n in iiaiiii ii siiiesssai i sssmIih jssjMwpaggjpaM WKw - -- - -- 1 in i ii i in- - n-- r ' -,j i i in i i - hum i i i - r
. Im
Ofxlola.1 piveaotory.
( Jas, Harry, lit Dlst
ComailntlomertM las. Holllnrake. nd Dlst.
J - (Go.W DuncaB.JrdDist.
neiisE. A. Hail
reasurer -a. s: lADQf.
Uorney B. F.GAlman
roner r. n. xiubooii.
;rveyor- J. I'. Ifeiard.
pt. of SohoolsnH. F. Fillmore.
Olruroh Slreotorsr.
CONGREGATIONAL. Preacblneesch nltor
ntts Sunday, beginning January. 1. lM. at
U o'etaek . m., nnd.at 7 p.m. Sunder School
r t 10 a. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday
v 4tf T IN to.
OERMAN LDTHEAN:-Srvlco at ths
Coart House, ttov. Wnnderlioh, Pastor.
tYlATHOUC:-llor. Charles Zak Pastor.
METHODIBTs-Hov J.W. Kendall pastor
Preaching tbo second and tourtu Hunday lo
ch month lit 11 a. m., and 7 p. m.
TJIPISCOPAL: Services In tho CqnffroRat-
Juional Church, Rev.
'Servloei on the third Thursday In each month
,.at7 p. m,
W. M. Iodxncb, Clerk. F.Huot.Y.C.
.JlraiNoroHD postofilce. On week days door
opens at 7-a. m-( general delivery opens at (la.
m. and close at 8 p.m. Open Sundays 0 to
10 a.m.
JSxKiNaFOBO ASD Box Bern stags dally except
C' Sunday.
KMSiNoroBB and Ddnlap stage, Monday
TVedeesdynd Friday.
"jnyr Skort Line to Helena, Butte
Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma.
Ofc X o "W". O. TlrxMOsirci.
,W&, . pasannffor,arrl vos at
J ' 44 freight arrives at
9 vur tinirwiv
6:00 p. m-
loao a. m.
No. 11 passenger arrives at 6:21 a. ra.
" tsirnlirht "
" it inMcht arrives at
Jl:59 p. m.
3:35 p. m.
au iraiUBoarr
irrr nai
'. W. WHSATUtt, Agent.
J Attorney at Law,
AlHancp, Nebraska.
Practices In .'ill the courts and bc
f ore U. S. Ijao,d Office.
tornep - at - Law,
Allujice, -:- Kjbdraska.
j-OQ1co in fleteher Block.
E. E. BARR f. D.
Statk University of Iowa 187.
surqerv and the medical
And Subqical Diseases of
the Nose and Throat a
Alliance, - - - Hebraska
Sioux City
The Best Market Reports of any
Newspaper in tho West.
NEW :: GOODS ! !
Millinery Store
Gome and see the Goods, get
prices, and be convinced that they
are the best and cheapest in the
Thanking you for past favors
jtnd trobting for a continuance of
Yonr respectfully,
Hies L. Adams.
Candidates aro numerous.
Rov. Wundorlich -will hold sor
vices in Alliance Sunday.
A little lady put in her appear
ance at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Jelinok last Wednes
day, week. All parties doing
Dresaod hogs taught at Anton
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gass
ing's baby died Sunday morning
and was buried Tuesday. The
grief stricken parents have $10
sympathy o the community.
Marsland was represented in
Hemingford yesterday by A. H.
McLaughlin and A. J. Palmer.
Paint, Glass and oils of all kinds
sold according to the hard times,
cheaper than the cheapest, at
Anton Unnio's.
Misses Georgia Miller and
Alma Fenner witnessed the play
"East Lynno," in Alliance last
Saturday night.
Thos. Green has recovered
from his recent illness. He re
ceived the best medical care,
which accounts for his being
around so soon.
V. Cladek returned from Lin
coln and Omaha Wednesday
$Ir$. J. H. Broshar received a
letter this week fr,om Mrs. Fos
ter, formerly of Lawn precinct,
but now of Fostoria, Ohio. Mrs.
Foster says that times are very
dull there and they think of re
turning to their farm, west.of
Hemingford this fall or next
Mrs. Sherwood visited in Al
liance Saturday.
Hemcali wants some dressed
Mrs. James Hollinraka has
been spending a couple of days
n town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Christy
have moved to town for the win
ter. They will occupy the Par
kin house onsonth Larmie av
enue. Dr. Blackburn who is now at
Hastings, writes for the Herald.
The Doctor says he wants to
keep posted on BoxButte affairs.
Order your stove repairs at Anton
Mrs. John Frazfer and Mr.
Jay were the guests .of their sis
ter Miss Lena Jay, Sunday.
Bert Tracy and Miss Lulu
Blair of Box Butte visited at Mr.
Goodenough's Sunday.
Of J. Wildy wants some dressed
poultry and hogs.
After a pleasant visit with H.
J.-Schluntz, Mrs. F. Schroeder
departed for her home in Cedar
Creek, Neb., Tuesday night.
Oalifornia canned goods 15 cents a
can nt V. K. Herncalt's.
J. M. Trout and family, Mrs.
Broshar and daughters, Pearl
and JBdith, attended Bap.tist ser
vices at Lawn, Sunday.
Shqes of all kinds, styles and
prices. Can fit any foot and pockot
book. W. K. Hernoall.
There will be services at the
Methodist church to-morrow
night. Revs. Julian of Chadron,
and Ramsey of Valentino will
The .Genuine Round Oak Is "good
goods.11 How good, not how cheap.
They last, they heat, they save you
money, they have a reputation. Can
you point to another that has? They
lead the world of heating stoves,
simply becanse they .are perfectly
made aud do perfect work. You
cannot afford to buy any other, pee
the name on ,tue leg. For sale by
Antok Uhbw.
Rov. H. B. Robblns wftl hold
Episcopal, services at tho Con- J
gregational church tonight.
J. O. McCorkle will buy horses
and pay cash for thorn.
B. F. Johnson, came out fro'
Pilsror. Nob., this weok to maVa
proof on his treo claim sodthwe
nftfnmWfnrdbutftftor trotting
of Hemingford but after getting
V.. 1nonI 4TiBftf. a nme.lW'Mt"10uil"uUDU " mo
sary to advertise before he teaai-Pf1101 meot94 th th, ?'
provoup. This is a late ruling.
Muchiao Oils at Greori'a.
Father Halov will sav mass at
the Catholic church to-morrow
morning at 10 o'clock.
Attorney John G. Mahor, of
Chadron, stopped in Wednesday
forenoon, enrouto to Alliance.
Mr. Maher has a host of friends
in this county.
A now lot of shoes just received by
W. K. Herncall. ,
A. D. Millett, our , next county
treasurer, is a lato subscriber to
this family journal.
Take your prbduceuto WLldy'a
"tho old standby."
Mrs; Switzer called Saturday
and ordered tho HeraijD sent to.
her brother, vfm. Nash, West
Nanticoke, Pa.
J, C. Alexander is teaching
school at Ardmorei S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal, Mr. and
Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Bnyeart; Miss
Bonds and Miss Garnett Kendall
attended the dedication services
of the now. church at Marsland
Sunday. ,
Jf you want to realize cash out
of your extra horsos, see J. C.
Mrs. S. A. McCandless was in
town yesterday, She expects
to go to Iowa and Illinois on a
visit next week-
C. A. Posvar and B. E. Ford
of Lawn, were in the city yester
day. Wanted to buy a single
buggy or buck-board- Inquire
at the Herald office'.
If you owe Wildys' call in and
speak to themb aout it they need
all what js due them.
A. L. Paradls visited in Hem
ingford Sunday.
Henry Winten and C. IQemke,
two prosperous farmers of Lib
erty precinct, were in the city
Miss Anna E. Neeland, who
will preside over the office of
county superintendent for the
next two years, subscribed for the
Herald this week.
T. V. Golden, of jO'Neill, pop
ulist candidate for disfrict judge,
addressed a good-sized audience
at tho court house Wednesday
The Genuine Round Oak Stove
made by Ueckwith, Dowugiae, Mich.,
vwith tho name on the legs, is the
most fuel-saving stove on the market
and is the only stove that will burn
wood, hard coal, soft coal, and coke,
successfully, and also can be made a
self-feeding base burner at the same
time. For sale by Anton UnniF
Sixtyrfour republicans, populists
and democrats took advantage of
tho free transportation and attend
ed the republican blow-out in Al
liance last night.
Tho following good and lawful
men have been drawn to serve as
jurors at the next term of tho dis
trict court which convenes Nov.
19, 1895.
I Wm. Fosket
Ed J. Kinsley
Henry Radel
O. D. Rouse
0. H. Britton
W. T. Johnson
1. F. Marshall
i W. W. Wilson
'Robert Marler
Frank Russell
Ju A. Turnr
Barney Hal bur
John Sauerwein
Henry J. Winten
Lorenzo Flower
Frunk Bauor, jr.
W. W. Norton
M. MoD. Bullock
Frunk Bushoy
Charles Fuccmire
E. I. Gregg
John Hunt
Charlie Tiernan Willis Young,
Let Havo an Artesian Woll.i
Attboir mooting tho 17th Inst.,
the mmisslonors decided to
submit tho question of sinking
artesian well on the poor
lan to tho votors at tho coming
lootton, also the question of
lovyfcig wpeotal taxof flvo mills
o ttip dollar of assossed.valua-:
1 tiori for 1890. provided the first
imfi-al of a majority of tho
votfri. A petition signed by a
ood manv of the citizens of tho
r ' a- t.- t. . 1. ai.-a
;uumyAiau uuuu uiuu usuviiiy wiuu
thofirst uronoslton be submitted
and that of - voting $5,000 bonds
to defray the expenses of the
well but the commissioners bo
live it wisor to levy a special tax
than to vote bonds;'
Tf s. maiorltv of the voters
favor tho sinking of a well It
l.ZriZZ :Z
peupwmuvuBuoiwmu uti
pian uuiremuuu iu;i;BBaua
-i m- :w,, : h...MnnMir..i
and th whole people will bear
the.exsa oi the experiment
whloh may prove of groat. Value
to thlst portion of tho state.
M9V90f. Morebplxige.
Sweeney, Payno or Herncall?
A hard winter is before us. Pre
pare sholtor and fodder for your
Miss Edna Johnson has scoured
a five months' term of school up in
theRpnningwatcr country.
MrAMillatt, our noxt county
treasurer, passed through hero lost
TpoBdeWs He didn't have any
ReiYoTnoni bolcl servicegTf dr
a woll-filled house at Berea Sun
day. He will he hero again a
week from next Sunday.
Born, to Mr. and
Mrs. O. A.
Mother and
Davig, a girl baby.
daughter doing nicely, and Ole
well, ho is now able to sit up and
notice things.
Our singing school has com
menced and meetings aro held reg
ular every Saturday night in tho
school house one-half mile west of
Berea. Young people take ad
vantage of .this and get benefitted
thorefrom. It is free.
Everybody is hauling wood now-;
Rev. Schlosser held Baptist ser
vices at tho school houso last Sun
day. There was .a good attend
ance. Mrs. E. E. Ford is teaching a
nine months term of school in dis
trict No. 56.
Postmaster Irion has moved to
bis ranch and we understand will
resign his office in favor of J. H.
Rumor has it that thero are
some chicken rustlers in this vicin
ity and if they continue their dep
redations, somo one will come out
"the worse for wear."
Alliance News
Miss Lena Kramer of Hastings
was in Alliance Tuesday and
Wednesday en route for Bozo
man, Mont., where she has se
cured tho position in tho school
thero formerly held by Miss El
la Hood. Miss Hood has secur
ed a better position.
Miss Ida Willis has returned
from Omaha whore she mado
purchases In tho millnery line
that will certainly please
ladles. She and her sister
well kowen dress makers,
with Mrs. Hart In tho milinory
department they are sure to do
a good business. They will oc
cupy part of Todd jfcMcClure's
Dr. L. P. Vaughn postmaster
at Hyannis Was a visitor inAl-
lianoo during tho races. Tho
doctor is a genuiue lovor of
sports, and makG9 things lively
for his friends.
gtd Mannin was one of the
Hyannis sport that enjoyed the
TTnn T? W RtrtltV. raf.iimil
Tuesday from a trip over on tho
TCllrhnYti rrah TTn wont, vm tVinrn
the interest of the republican
... i.it. t.. i -lA
POTl,y ior wult5U no ls B"tu COIU'
mittooman. That party has
novor before had a committee
man so onergotlo and luthuslastlc
ovor his work as Is Mr. Smith.
Tho populist had a rally horo
Monday night which was about
all that could be expected In a
At! aii
town like Alliance.
After all the advertising and
drumming np of people there
b t 58 mong t,resent
- f - fc t f
idlo currioslty only. Prosperity
. aml nnrmg,m a0 not, M Wother
and no man ought to ba oncour-
Btrorl hv omnlovmorifr nr ftthnr1
, . . , . . j, ,
Wise WhO insists On adVOCatingl
sucu pernicious doctrine in so
. , , ji, 1
live and prosperous City as Al
liance. Uncll John Irion one of the
oldest settlors at Lawn, made
final proof on his homestead
Alliance, has now secured a
live and active correspondent to
tho World-Herald, and the newsy
and interesting items that appear
daily will go a long way toward,
advertising' the City .beforjaha
world. " -
The dances and supper1 at the
Hibernian hall each night dur
ing tho races wore largely at
tended by a very orderly set of
people and every body had a
...... . ,. . ..
Splendid gOOd timO. A gOOdly
splendid good
sum of money was realized which
goes partly to tho Hibernian
society, and partly to tho church.
Miss Barbara Mclntyro has
succeeded Miss Ella McCollough
as clerk in McWhinney's store.
Both these young ladles are very
popular with tho ladles who pat
ronizo dry goods starts, .. .,.,.,..,
Roadmastor D, O. Mclntyre is
building a Targe addition to his
residence. A large and growing ,
family requires plehty of room
and Mr. Mclntyre always looks
out for the comfort of his family.
Postmaster O'Keofe was down
from Hemingford Wednesday at
tending tho races, and viewing
the political situation. He is,
very well satisfied that demo-.
crats of Alliance are honest In !
the support of their, ticket, and
will do their duty toward elect
ing it.
Tho races as hold on Tuesday,
t.wuvovAujr uuu v.avM.jr ""
with out exception as interesting ;
and exciting as any ever held in
Alliarice.' Attorney Dailoy of
Crawford was secured as starter
which insured a fair start in all
races. The brass band furnished
music on oil three days and the
weauiur uuuig uio uuusi uvur ba-
perieced was sufficient to draw
out large crowds of people each
day. All races were filled by
horses numbering from three to
flvo each race, and they all made
! creditable time. All pnrses wore ,
1 promptly paid In ML I
All those kpowing themselves to
me, either byaiote or book account,
please come and settle, as 1 have
heavy payments to meet.
Anton Uhrio.
The Herald and tho American
Farmer Established 1819, tho
oldest Agricultural publication in
America both ose year for $.150.
Teacher's Association.
The Box Butte County Tcsdher'
Association will nv-ot in Alliance at
the High School building, Saturday,
Oct. 26th, and the following pro
gram will be carried out.
The National association at Den
ver -W. R. Sldors.
Shall wo organize one or mora , . .
Reading Circles In the county? 'F.
H. ttuhter. i ... Jkj
piwwt .ywiwr OyTfoair-BWiapSt
gardner. r
Aro Wo as Box Uutte teachjrs -r
keeping up with tho edHeftUoiiiailMHal,
vaticemcnt In other parts, of the'
state? Anna Neeland.
If not, why not? David Eberly.
DlacKsMuti and suggestions by ev-
Music committee O. R. Bowman,
Jewile Frew
Que9tloa Box conducted by Miss
Iim Marshall.
The subjects on the programme
are important and they have there
fore been assigned to our educational
leaders, with the hope that they
will enthuse all present with the
Importance of our work and the ne
cessity of constant study and a thor
ough organization of our forces that
the greatest good may be accomplish
Final Proof --Notices ;;
Hon. J. W. Vhn, Jb., Register.
Hon. F. M. Dhoomb, Recel w.
Parties havfn notices in this column .ar re-
quested to read the samo carefully and report to
this oraco ror i
exist. This
correction any errors tnatswy
will prerent posibl delay la
making proof.
Land Offleo at Alliance, Neb.. Oct. 15, IBM.
ail settler hfti
notion is neretur siren rnat me loiiowmg
notlco of lil lntentlaat
SMlce final proof In sapport of bis clsl:
that raid proof wIUbemad nefors Rwlster or
BeeeWer at Alliance, Neb., on Not. 86, 1886, via:
. n..n.ii. u.i. mI... ... if v ... ,
ror tua h H and liiiKl. see, w.i Jea,
20 &aea the following wltBesses te prare
his twatlnnoua restde&ce tiDon and ealtlTatioB
of 8M land, vU: Joha PlaseV, Fraalr Yeafaeat,
John KoTarnlk, John I'otmeisel, all of Dos.
Untie, Jteb. Alsa,
ot Bex Butte, web., who a4 h. e. Me. 9Ml.fec
tae a vr U see M, tp M b, rg t) w.
, He names the following wltueee t jwar -;
hi eoatlnnoES reeidanee upoa and jmmUottJAm
at Mid lied. viz:. John, UrbaotlarJ" Jto.-fe-
I FftWlail, JoKk -tltki FmbK. tvkjpii&Loi'i&fSff
Land Office at Alliance, Neb.. OcU7,l8i.
Notlco Is bereliy glren that the roUowIn aam
ed sottler has filed notlco of his intention to
make Una1 proof in support ot his claim, and ,
that said proof will bo tuatio before Kegister or
Receiver at Alliance, Jfob., on not. 19. ltia
, or aeminford, eb., who
'He names the foUowhwr
made n. s. ho. 2.70
rg w,
' wltnpaaci to nrora
his continuous rosldonce npon and cnlttratloa
of said land.Tlz: Loo Fronapfel, Michael K,
Muriiliy. Uernard Pits, John Kolllnrake, all of
Hemingford, Neb. Also
ot Hemingford. web., who made B.fc.Ho,3SU
f or tho E M B K 54 soo 83, tp 2 n, rg w,
Ho names the following witnesses to prore
his continuous residence npon and culUvatioh
of. said land, vis! Leopold Moller, Joseph
Moeller. James Wholan, Otto Olbsoa, all of -Hemingford,
neb. ' Also
ot Hemingford, web., who made K,X. Ho. 9087 for -the
S W H see S3, tp 89 n, rg 9 w.
He names the following witnesses to prore his
continuous resldeceo upon aad cultiTatloa of
em ng o , Jt w ygHw. Jb., Register.
Ijihd Offloh at Alliance, Neb., Oct. 8. 188.
Notice is. hereby glren that the, following
named settler has Bled notice of his tBteatioa u
make final proof In suDPort of his claim, and
that said proof will bemada before Register aad
Recelrer at Alliance, Neb., on Nor. 11, lbW, tU:
of Dnnlap, Neb., who modo E. x. 19P6. for the
lotSswHnsiidcsMBwKseoH.tpK , rg
He names the following wltliessesio prof ebb
continuous residence upon and cnluvaUoa of
said land, viai Henry Koch, Peter Soderbarg,
ot Dunlap. Neb., John Knutsoa, Karl Forstroa
orKemlwora'K8DJ.w.WlH.jB,. Register.
Land Office at Alliance, Nib., gent 24. 1W5.
Notice is hereby glren that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of bis claim. and
that said proof wlU be made before the register
or recelrer, at Alliance, Nob., on Nor. 4, 1886,
of Hemingford, Nob , who made r.k. No. 2336
fortheLots3and4andBKNWKscol tp28n,
hUcontlnnous residence upon and culUraUoa'
ua names mo following wiuiesseo o proTOj
XtoleCi SuTt'joffi
-of Bemingfora, Neb., J
Mlknnt. of lavn. Nb.
'J. W. YKU.t.JB.. Register.
Land Office at AUlance, Neb., Aug. 14. 1B9I. ' .
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notlco ot his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that tald proof will bo made before Register
or Reoblrer at Alliance, Neb., on Uor, 8,
1895, viz:
of Berea. Neb., who made IL E. No. 1072 tor the
b W Vi seo8,tp2en. rgfS w.
u&!fiSoaf USt&j&rJb8S
of said land, vlx: Henry Voa llargen. John
Von llargen, Erik Kasmasson, Jsendick U.
Vlkse, allot Berea, Neb.
J. W.Wtay.JB.. Register.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Sept 7. 1S96.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler hs filed notice of hit intention
5lⅈ?,mr?u"oaer' at c
to maice nnai proof in sapport or uis ciaimaaa
ot Dun!p, Neb., who made itxo, 813 for tks
Be names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: David Bess of Dunlap, Neb..
Arthur M. Rartlett ot Chadron, Men.. Jasass
iMckersoa, Charles wajrlor, Uualap, pete. Also
of Dunlap, Neb., who mads ISKO. IBs? for the
M K B K U and S H w K J soo Mp ft) B. r 40 r.
' as names the foUowiug witnesses to grera bU
contlsmous residejsee upon sad cnlUys&n
Artliur H.1
lu4,m: wmum i;urry, or. unais. .
ur.Brut. ot unaacsu nco v
"" "" jrcwsMiiw,
' ....1...- ....Iam ... T.....I... kn&. .
l'5" '
& .
s K