Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 11, 1895, Image 9
V V .1 V.. iA A FILTER INSIDE YOU HOW YODP. BLOOD IS KEPT POBE. Itcnltli Conip I'rom rnre niood, l'nro lllood Drpeiuli on Yonr Filter Inililo You. Vnur Klttncys Kcc Your Tltnod Fur If Thry Aro Well. A Few FncU About Thoni, and llotr to Make Them Well Wlmn Ther Aro Sick. Your blood Is what nourishes your body. Now blood is mado every minute. It goes to tho lungs, gets fresh air, and then passes through tho body. In pass ing, it deposits new flesh, fat, bones, etc., and takes up worn out matter. This worn out matter goes to tho kid neys. Tho kidneys filter it out of tho blood and throw it out of tho body. That is, when they aro well, thoy do. "When your kidneys aro well, thoy net, as perfect inters, to keep your blood pure. When they are sick, thoy net imperfectly. They leave tho bad matter in. Sometimes they take out tho good. Thero Is nothing more poisonous than bad blood. A proof of this is rheumatism. It is simply a blood-poisoning caused by tho bad matter left in tho blood by Blck kidneys. Brlght's disease is tho kidneys work ing the other way taking the good food out of tho blood. kJU Hinds pf kjdney sickness aro unnoTJrous. "Doth Can bo cured by I)r. liobb'a Sparagus Kidney Pills. One of the most wonderful facts of our body is this natural filter inside U3. Our kidneys aro very important organs. Wo don't take enough caro of them. Wo aro sick oftener than thero s any need for. It is simply because we taltc no heed to our kidneys. Sick kidneys show their effects In many different diseases. I ftheumatlsm and Brlght's diseaso ni-Q Very common. AnaGffila, Neural gia, Pain In the Back, Dizziness, Blad der Troubles, Gravel, Diabetes, Sleep lessness, Nervousness. These ere only a few symptoms, or so-called "diseases." Back of them all aro tho Blck kidneys. Once tho filters can bo made to work, all theso symptoms will disappear. Dr. Hobb'B Sparagus Kidney Pills arc made principally from the roots of the asparagus plant, which has a spe cial curative action on the kidneys. It gives them new life and strength. It helps them to do their work as it ought to be done. It cures their sickness. It cleans and renews tho filter. When the kidneys aro well you will feel a great difference at once. Your complexion will clear, and your whole body will get renewed life and fresh ness. This Is the effect of Dr. Hobb's Spar agus Kidney Pills on the sick kidneys, of the re-vitallxei kidneys on the im pure blood. With a course of Dr. Hobb's Spara gus Kidney Pills you will get new life. They will cure yon when other medi cines, which do not reach tho real seat of diseaso, cannot help you. Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills nre for Bale by all druggists, prlco 50c. per box, or will bo sent prepaid to any ad dress on receipt of price. An interesting booklet, explaining nbout the kidneys and their power for good and evil, sent .free on request. Address Hobb's Medicine Co., Chicago, or San Francisco. SPICES AND OTHER THINGS. Indigo is tho sap p the lndlgofera. Cork is the outer rind of tho cork oak. Ginger Is tho dried rootstalk of tho ginger plant. Asphalt Is a cumbustlble mineral pitch of a brownish color. Gutta pcrcha Is the milky sap of tho Isonandra gutta tree of the East Indies. Cnmphor Is contained In tho wood and tho root of tho camphor treo of tho East Indies. Madder Is tho root of an horb-llko growth. It Is about the size of a lead pencil and much longer. It is cleansed, dried and ground. It is dye stuff. Logwood Is tho marrow of a peculiar tree in the West Indies. It is shipped In long, thick pieces of firm, heavy, dark red wood. It is split up and .inolstoned by water or acid for use. Litmus Is produced from lichens which prow on the shores of tho Med iterranean The lichens aro ground, moistened and treated with potash, lime and ammonln and converted into dough. It is then fermented, and after ward mixed with plaster of paris and dried and pressed. Caoutchouc (India rubber) 1b obtained from tho milky secretion of voilous trees and c'n.i'nuj:. plants of South America. Tho 'jark of the tree la thor oughly Cleansed, after which they cut through the bark and let tho milky sap run Into clay troughs or Into hollow pumpltlns. Tho sap Is then dried. For practical uso It I3 rooked for two or three hours. It Is finally given chem 'cal treatment vulcanized. The longest suspension lirldgo is tho HrooUyn bridge. fi.tfeU feet. Tho oldest Gerninn college Is HelilolLerg, KC(). The longest river is tho Nile, -1,100 miles. Kiitn Field In Ilrnirr. Ih'.xvjm, ept. 1U My journey from Chicago was over the Chicago, Burling ton & Qulncy railroad, one of tho best managed systems in tho country, I hhoulil ssiy, judging by the civility of tho employes, tho comfort I experi enced, the excellence of its roadbed, and tho punctuality of arrival. 1 no tually reached Denver ahead of time. The Burlington ltoute is nlso the best to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha and Kansas City. There Is talk of the restoration on the Missouri Pacific of tho wages of two years ago. More mountain-climbers have been seriously or fatally injured in the Alps this ceason than ever before In an equal length of time. It is now claimed that the Connecti cut pool law is thoroughly enforced and that there is not a pool-room doing busi ness in the state. , Sturgeon fishing In Connecticut Is nbout over for this season, though oc casionally catches are oa la. The sea eon bss been a good 00 . MAN WITH A SHADOW. E had driven tho Apaches into tho wild fastnesses of Devil's Mountains, but thero they suc cessfully eluded us, and Colonel Brad wlck was about dis couraged, when, ono night shortly aftor dark, a Bentlnel brought In a stran ger. Ho was at least six feet and three inches in height, and lie could not havo wolghed moro than one hundred and forty pounds, but still ho did not scorn to bo a man who was suffering from a disease, ob his step was steady, though catlike, and his voice natural if re 8traincd at times. ThlB stranger had a wild, haunted stare in his eyes, which combined with a manner of glancing nervously over his shoulders at Intervals, mado It seem that ho was In constnnt dread of some thing. When ho was presented to tho colonel ho dropped tho butt of his long rlflo on tho ground and mado an awk ward salute. "Well, my man," said Colonel Brad wlck, curiously," what aro you doing In this Apache-infected section of tho country?" "Wa-al, kunnel," was tho drawled ro ply, "thar bo some things as Is wuss'n Caches, though you may not believe It. My name's Saul Tropp."' "What Is your buslnoss, Saul Tropp?" "It's mostly keepln under klver when the sun shines an' layln' low moonlight nights." "Well, you seem to bo In a bad section of the country for such a business. Tho sun shines every day, and there Is not. much cover for a man. Thoro 19 moro moon here than In any other part of tho world. What do you want In this camp?" "Reckoned I'd llko tor bo soclbul, of you hov no objections. Out hyar a man don't find much of anything to bo socl bul with, an when whlto folkB come along he feels aB tickled as a dorg with two tails." "Aro you acquainted with theso mountains?" "Aro I? Wa-al, I should say I are! 1 know 'em durncd nigh from from ono cend to t'other." "Then you may prove of service to us. Wo are hot after Red Hand's butch ers, but they know tho Ecctlon so well thoy have twice given us tho slip when they were cornered." W M mt ". . , i ,,,,. m am rmm''Wpi$ iin . vaz wi "i S-T33m j5 PALL HJ2AVILY TO THE GROUND. "Red Hand. I saw that critter once, an' I've alius regretted that I didn't make his close acquaintance. His ha'r would hev been an ornyment wuth bav in'." "Can you and will you assist us In tracking down the rod d Is?" "Wa-al, TH try It, but I warn ye, kun nel, I'm not a very 'greeablo galoot tor hev around. I hev spells, an w'on hev spells, I'm wuss'n thunder. Arter I hev about ono o' them yar spells, you'll reckon you kin git along without m aid, an not hafo try." For all of this warning, tho colonel engaged the man, and then ho directed mo to liave a good watch sot over the fellow, aB ho might prove crooked. Jeff Shaw, howover, Informed mo that ho knew Tropp by reputation, and the man was straight enough, though thero was not a doubt but he was crazy. "He 'lows he's alius follered by a shadder," explained Shaw, who was a guide and scout. "Notice how ho keeps lookln' over his shoulder uvry now an ng'ln? Wa'al he's lookln' for tho Bhad der." "I obeorved a wild look In his eyes." "Thet kem thar senco four year ago, when he killed a man over In Prescott. They do say ther man ho killed wuz Saul Tropp's perfect double looked so much alike one couldn't fa bin told from t'other. Somo folkB. even went en fur as to Bay It wuz Saul Tropp as wuz killed, nnd this man what has bin dodgln' his shaddor ever Bence Is t'other critter." Tropp ctarted out well. Ho had no horse, but wo found him tireless and licet of foot. Still, be was ever glancing over his shoulder with those wild, haunted eyes, and dodging when ho found his own shadow hanging close upon him. He loved the darkness of ravines and gorges, and I fancied I un derstood why he had buried himself in the mountains. I observed he had a peculiar .way of toeing in with his left foot, and the Im pression made by that foot was one not easily fprgotten. Along in the middle of the aftexaoon Saul had one of his "spells." Of a sud den he gave a wild yell, whirled about and struck out right and left. It was really as desperate a battle as I had ever witnessed, and I watched it fascinated, until, utterly exhausted, Tropp fell gasping and foaming at the mouth to the ground, whero ho lay in a semi-unconscious condition. However, in lesa than thirty minutes lie seemed all right once more, nnd we rent onward. "I reckon I'd best go now, kunne, for Cm shore you're good an' sick o mo an" w my spoils by UiIb ynr time. I hain't oven so much nB found ono 'Pacho sign for ye, bo I reckon I'll skip." But Colonel Bradwlck was IntorcsteA In tho fellow, nnd ho would not hear It. "Whon I don't want you any moro I'll toll you so," wbb all he said. Near midnight wo wore aroused by a torrlblo racket, and I looked from my tent to find Saul Tropp fighting with his Bhadow In tho moonlight. I watched him n moment, battling llko a fiend with this Imaginary something, and then ho reeled Into tho deep shadow of tho mountains that roso to our right. I know whon tho "spoil" was over, for I heard Saul fall heavily to tho ground, uttorlng a dismal groan, nnd then all wns still. In tho morning wo found him Ju3t whero ho had foil, nnd his own kntfo was buried to tho hilt In his heart. It is supposed ho had stabbed himself In tho mad contortions of his Btrugglo, but Jeff Shaw pointed out trackB on tho grotind a trail that led to tho spot and led away again. It was that of a man who toed in with his left foot, exactly as Tropp had done, and It passed within ten feet of tho spot where a sentinel had been posted. That scntinol swore no living thing had passed him In tho night. Somo said Saul Tropp had sneaked out of tho camp and returned In tho night; somo shook their heads and said nothing. Deep in the darkness of a lonely ra vine, amid thoso desolate mountains, vta burled him whero no shadow could over haunt Ulra more, for neither sunshine nor moonlight over reached tho spot to cast a shadow there. HER FIRST OCEAN BATH. Country ainld, Married Ulster anil Wcltoil nrotltur-lii-I'tiff, I At first sho would nnd Ihfen oho wouldn't; but really, after till, It would bo a shamo after coming GOO miles to tho sea not to go Into tho surf. This nnd the married sister from Brooklyn, and tho mild ridicule of her wicked brother-in-law, settled it. But Bho shivered as Bho noted tho effects of the hired bathing suits upon tho human form divine. Some of them wcro Just too dreadful, says New York World. You could mark Iter shrinking little figure coming down tho sands, piloted by tho married Bister, to the spot where waited the wicked brothcr-ln-law. Her freckled face was red. but not from the sun. Sho kept her eyes on the near foreground, certain that the 5,000 per sons on the beach and pier were look ing directly nt her bare ankles. "Oh, dear! lot us go In quick; I want to cover up!" she said pleadingly. "Take her other hand, George," said tho married sister. "Now, don't bo n fool, Mary. You're not tho only ono hero, remomber," added tho old-timer, rather obscurely. "Come onf tried the wicked brothcr-ln-law with a grin. Aud they ran down, ,plt-n-pat, splt-a-splat-ter, just In time to meet a stiff roller curling in. "Jump now!" yelled the married s!e ter, but the -wicked brother-in-law dragged her down with him, smother ing a piercing shriek of terror. When tho gentle, freckled face cam up again It -was whlto Instead of red, and Bho choked with salt water, and tho smart In her eyes mado tho tears (low. Sho looked reproachfully at the wicked brother-in-law and shook him off, but before, sho recovered speech an other wave knocked her over and bur led her, -screech and all. "Keep hold of George!" cried the married sister. "Go 'way, you brute!" gasped the lit tle ono. "Don't you see I'm drowning? Oh! Oh"! Yeouw!" Down sho went again before a wave not more than knee high. The wicked brothcr-ln-law laughed. "I'll never speak to you again!" she sobbed, shivering all ovor, and cower ing between tho fear of the sea and tint mocking crowd on the sands. "Come In here by the ropo, Mary!" yelled tho married sister, "Bring nor In, George. What are you standing around thero for?" "Never!" cried the freckled girl, get ting her volco enco more. "You novor told mo3t wns lco water! And that It Is nasty ugh! I'vo swallowed a bucketful of It yes; nnd you think It's funnydon't you touch me! I'm go ing out! Now, you dare!" But the wicked George grabbed her round the slender waist and horo her, kicking, struggling, shrieking, her oyes llnshlng fire, out to the ropo to his wife. And thoro sho remained in wild frolic, terrors soon all forgotten, until both the wicked brother-in-law and his wife had to join In coaxing her to come out, TEXAS SIFTINCS Ability is n poor man's wealtn. A rifle-team a pair of pickpockets. Work to which a man Bhould give his whole heart courtship, A pawnbroker's life may not be n wealthy one, but It has Its redeeming features. Tho man who registers at the hotel at night can be said to be on the "re tired list." Marriage Is not ouo-tenth'as much a failure as the average summer resort engagement. Dancing may improve your carriage somewhat, but it is no valuable accom plishment for the horse. Tho wife of a Massachusetts minister wears a bluo dress on Monday to match her husband's mood. There wouldn't have been any milk in a cocoanut if somo dairymen had bad the construction of it. A Pittsburg girl whoso lover Is a whitewasher named Kelsey, always calls him "Kelooy-mlne." Brlght's diseaso seems to have a pref erence for great statesmen, and othors of the sarao kidney. A good many men who are talking very bitterly about the difficulty of get- ; ting Into a church have never tried it. Ohlfftt Tnlnti In tlio V orlit. Nathaniel awl Benjamin It. lln'ry, If thoy livo until Novembor 30, nex will bo K7 yenrs old, sayu tho Now York Woihl. They wcro born in the town of Munholm, Herkimer county, N. Y,, In 1803, nnd moved to Gates, Orleans county, with their parents in 1910. Nathaniel, who lost his wife last win tor, still lives on n farm with two of his sons. He still helps them in the work. Ho lives about two miles and n half from his brother llenjumlu, who resides nt Yates Center, nnd enjoys going ilshlnp with him utShndagee, on Lako Ontario. Benjamin H. lives on a small place of thirty and n half acres, which ho helps to work, lie also oversees his farm of 117 acres nnd goes fishing nearly ovcry day. Both brothers cast their first voto for Andrew Jackson, and luiva voted tho democratic ticket ever since. Ben jamin hus taken the Now York World ever slnco it was first published. On August 22 tho twins attended tho Or leans County Pioneer picnic, at Lake side park. They sat on tho speakers' stand and wore cheered nnd also sere naded by tho b'and. Strain i;pl Tlio .Moorlnc Cut Off. Majestically tho urcut ocean error bound loaves tlio dock und Mourns iltiwn iliuilrer mitwurd iiounil, lint uro you. my dour sir, prcmirotl for tlio sou alckms. nltnou nlvrny incident to ft triiim-Atlnntle trip, with U10 Infallible stomachic, llostottor's Hlotniuh IllttcnY If not. expect to sutler without nld. Tim Hitters Isthustnuiichfrleiuluf ull who travel by son or land, emigrants, tour ists, commercial traveler, mariner?. It completely remeillos nausea, biliousness, jlyspojxlu. rheumatic twinges nmt lnitctl ity of tho kidneys. Ilciiuttrft of tho Material Life. All tho hymns, all tho prayers, all thostrlpturo readings aro as nothing1 unless you make their beauty come into your dally life,- writes Ruth Ash more in tho October Ladies' Homo Journal. Take solno of tho caro oft tho shoulders of tho busy mother; make life seem more plcnnnut by your gracious thought of thai father who toils nil day Ion?. Make It easier for a slsloi' to dislike the wrong and do the right; show a brother the rosy side of tho cross, and so umbo it lighter for hlra to carry. And do nil this, not with loud protestations, hut oulotlv nnd trontlv. leltliiL' Ood'R nnum be whispered In your hcurt, and bciuir only tho bister and daughter without forcitig thoknowledgo that you aro the Christian. Then, very noon, Bomu ono will realize that your beautiful life is lived for Christ's sake, and then you will represent llim as all women should, not by speaking from the pulpit, not by pivinir commands, but by living every day tho life that ho would wish should be yours. Marlon Crawford Is writing for Tho Century Magazine a scries of papers on Rome und a famous artist is drawing tho illustrations. These nrticlcs will describe unusual features of the Sacred City, and the pictures will include somo remarkablo restorations of classical scenes. A series of four studies on his toric naval engagements will boa lead ing feature and Henry M. Stanley will contribute a paper on Africa, to be supplemented bo articles of tho late Congo explorer E. J. Olavc. ltninnnrr In tho Ksc Mnrkat. Some months ago Miss Honua Dun can of Beaver Valley, Minn., while hortiug eggs for market, conceived the Idea of writing her name and address ait one of them, with thu rcoue&t that the person who found it would corre--, derision so frequently recorded. "Be spoud with her. This was done slm- posu Is always elegance," and rapidity nlv astt ioke. and tho L'irl thoucrht no moro of -the matter until Kite received a letter from Bobert Crawford, a grocer at Providence, 11. I., who had found the egg in n lot ho had purchased. The acquaintance formed 111 this way grow into nwarni friendship. Mr. Crawford Jirrived in Beaver Valley recently, and both ho and Miss Duncan wero pleased with oach other, and they wero mar ried. A most important contribution to the political litw.ituro of tho day appears in the North American Review for Sep tember. It is entitled "The Outlook for Ireland, n anil iaicrom the pen of tho Right Hon. Tlio Earl of Crewe, (Lord Houghton) late lord lieutenant gov ernor of Ireland under tho recently de posed liberal government. Among the short articles published in the North American Review for September are: "St Anthony's Bread," by Charles Robinson; "Then and .Now," by Kil ward P. .IncUson, und "Country Roads tnd Trolleys," by John Gilmer Speed. Tho Ijanil of Big Ecd Apples, la an attractive and iutereeting book, handsomely illustr tod -with news .of South Mispouri .cconery, inuludfng the (tonous O-don fruit farm of tl.OOO norej in Howoll county. It pirtnlns to fruit rnising in that great fruit belt of America, tho nouthern slopo of tho 'Oznrda, nnd will prove of great value, noj only to fruit-grower, but to every fnriunr nnd liomceeeker looking for a farm aud a tliome. Mailed fro;. Addro", J. 15. IrfXTKWOOD, Eanautt City, Mo. Harper's Bazar for October 12th will 4q distinguished by n varied array of autumn gowns and wraps. The senson hivitos to so much outdoor life, and the tidal flow from country to town brings so much gaiety wuu it, mat a journui of fashion limls opportunity Jor ais playing costumes of elegance and taste for sail wearers. A practical paper, en titled ''The fcmnll Dinner," by Anno Wcntworth Scars, describes minutely a form of hospital open to people of limited purses. No dotal is omitted which cau make the article really help ful. Tho strongest Gibraltar. fortress in tho vtorM is DR. J. C. AVER'S Highest Awards Cherry Pectoral At the World's Fair. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Sound nt Night. Sir David Browster has given nn ex cellent account of a mysterious night sound which would havo frightened most persons, but whloli proved inno cent and harmless when tested by a steady observer. A gentleman heard 11 stratigo sound every night soon aftor getting into bed. His wifo, who re tired earlier than he, also heard tho wierd sound, but not until tho husband had got Into bed. For a long 1 1 1110 no possible cuuso Could be assigned, and tho cirect upon the imagination became rather unpleasant. The husband dis covered somo timo afterward that the nol.so cnluo from the door of a ward robe which stood near tho head of the bed. It was his custom to open nnd eloso this wardrobo when undressing, but, nB the door was a little tight, ho could not quite Bhut -it. The door, probably ntfected by changes In tho temperature, farced itself open with a dull Found which was over In an In btunt And so many a ghost story could bo solved by a Httlo attention to the sounds resulting from tho expansion and contraction of woodwork, such as doors, muds, window-frnmco, wain- scoating and furniture. Heard ntnight, I when nil is still, the sudden creaking of furniture in a room is often quite , startling, until ono comes to know that iti.stiuc to tlio weather. Lippincoirs Maga.ine, 6100 Rotvnrd, 81CO. Tho readers of this paper will bb pleased to learn that thero is at least ono dreaded disease that science bos been able to cure In all Its stages, nnd that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive :ur9 now known to the medical fraternity. Catirrh being n rnnRtltutlonnl disease rociulres a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syatcm, thereby destroying the foundation of the dlscupo nnd giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and nsalstlng nature In doing Its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith In Its curntlvo powers tint they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists: 7Bc. Hall's Family Pais, 25c IVmnnn'n Wujn on tho Whorl. It Is noticed in cycling that tho clo gant woman does not coast; neither docb sho race. Bapidity of movement she considers neither conducive to grace nor ns evincing good style. On tho contrary, she sits erect, with elbows well in, gliding along slowly, nnd with ho Httlo motion that tho loss of dignity Is not thought of in her connection. Sshe uocs not wear siwrtH so uoi u as m uv tract attention whon sho dismounts. In fact, in cvervthlnir connected with the wheel her movements arc so quiet nnd unobtrusive as to excite the admi ration of tho onlooker instead of the . on the wheel Is quite tho reverie. Forum. It tlfo llnlir ts Cutting Tcotn. Do mtro nmt ute that ol4 nnd cll-till rernwiy, lias. WntUiW ' Sooiiuxa Svxi'r for Children Ti-ctLIui;- 'Hie largest ocean is tlio TatlUe, 70,000,000 Bqtttiro miloM. ,, Tho longest tubular bridge is tho l!rltan nta, 004 fcut After phvHleians hud given mo up, I vtm saved by 1'iso'n Curo. ltAl.rn EiUKo, Wll liamsiiort, la, Nov. '"J, 1113. Tho greatest collection of National lllniry ot 1'urin. IiooIch i tho CHEAP EXCURSION SOUTH. Tlio Farm, Field and Fireside. Chicago, is doing a most excellent work in helping thoso who want to better thoir condition to secure homes In a moro congenial climate, or whero tho opportunities for getting a start in life are better. Its colony plan 1 very iwpular, and cnubles homo-seekers to secure u chunk of excellent land nt almost half tho usual price. For its Oct. 15 ex cursion to Urccn Cove r prlnjrs, Florida, tho lowest rates over given to that stato bavo been scenrcd. A splendid train will bo run from Chicago with mioclul cars from Oma ha. Kansas Citr, St. Paul and Clovelund, and a steamer from Now York The train will bo composed maliilvof sleeping cars. which will bo used for beds throughout tho trip. Flfty-slx thousand acres of tho best land In the stato has been secured, the greater part of whloli will ho told at if.(0 an acre Any of our readers who want to loin this excursion shovld write tho Farm, Field and 1 ironido tit onco. They will also run n special excursion to California ou tho Mth of Nov. ureonlsh . ,or; mii3ty brown Is a now shade; light and dark Ioathcr shades are good and all reddish browns, but this color has not bcou worn hero as much ns has been ex pected. "Hannon's Hafffc Corn Salve." Warranted tu rum or muiicy icfMidvd. Mk jojt lruvffit for (t. l'rk- 14 ccnu. 'I ho C'rotcn nnmsliu-t at N Ynrli In rtmrty-eigiit mv.cn long. PE KINQ CURE OVER AUL FOR The remedy for coughs and colds. Its lQQQrd : fifty - years of eureg. I'hiitncrHptilti? 1'lylntr Insects. Tho French artists appear to huvo gotten the art of photography down to a much liner basis than thoso of Amor ica and England. They wcro first to nhotogrnpli Hying bullets, race horsca In motion nnd other rapidly moving objects. Tho Intcst triumph re ported from Paris is a photograph of n flying dragon Hy by M. Marcy, in whloli the exposure was but tho 1-2.1,000th part of n second. By tho aid of a small electric lamp inside of tho mouth of an assistant, Marey nlso claims to havo photographed tho moving globules of blood circulating In the veins, and to havo detected a dif ference in tho motion of tho colored' nnd colorless corpuscles. tlrgrmnn' Camphor Ic with QlycrilniH Thi; tirlRlnnl nmt only ecnulnc CiirraChnpptil HniwW and face, Cola Soriw, Ac. C 0. Ctark Ca,N.lIavc.Ci. ringtio of Hnnlls. Dr Unkefcr, health officer, has been In consultation with Secretary Probst of the State Board of Health In regard to a nuisanco which is becoming un bearably annoying to tho residents of n portion Piqun, says n Columbus spe cial to tlio tluvolnnu bender, it con- sists of tho presence of a lnigo number of snails from four to six inches in length, which crawl Into tho houses at nlffht and down Into wells nnd cis terns, polluting tho water. Tho sjmIIh come out at night nnd almost cover tho ground in places. Hvrry itullnr spent In Iiirke.'iifJ Inner Tonlo l veil Invi iol. llMilMlueninln. nmt l)ilnj bolloc ilUcstlun. Lflic-rsin'iiiilli iimibelicriicaHii, Drrmirs or tho I.onln XVI Period. Tho revived Louis XVI designs fh Cludn the elbow sleeve in a largo pull finished with n rnillo of lace for even ing wear and the pointed front to n. waist, but this is given a modern turn bv a round belt Tho fichu named ftftor the Ill-starred tjucen is applied on. woolen or silk dresses. This is of tho shaded charaoleon or figured tniTettn, forming njccrchlof sufficiently largo to cover tho shoulder and knotting in. front over tho bust, with two or throo narrow knlfo-palntcd ruilles around tho edge, Onutl rriiiitii why yim tlioulil ii-o lllndcrcorns. IV vwv uu, in,, u mil 111111 iiiu . jwii ii,t.i i;. w . euiulort, ma-lr u p.o J cxc.aiicu. ISo, m tlniHShtn. ,. ' n Tho city of Washington has tho blghotik monument in t'jo world, Rubber, spun glatw, tecl and ivory oro the most eliiHtic nulmtuncos. .FlT8-.)lKltiitoriwi1frcrbyl)r.Kllneflre)ifc Ji'rvo Jtrstorer. Molrltantli'rthuUnviiH'niifu. llurteluuacuiv. TrratlMiMMlS'.SlrlaltJOltlfliwfc tUuiues. tcudtol)r.Ullm-,(UlAriUKl.,l'l.tlu.,l'ii. Tho oldest United States collogo in Harv ard, founded in HKW. Milliard tnhlo, sofoud-ltnnd. for nolo' cheap. Apply to or ndlresi, If. C. Aki, Ml B. h.th 8t Oninhn, Nob. Tho miMt lengthy canal m thowor'd H- tne urlo, 205J!, mici. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who livo bet ter than others and enjoy lifo more, with less expenditure, by moro promptly adapting the world'H best productn to tho needs of physical being, will nttest tho value to health of tho pure liquid laxative principles embraced iu tho remedv, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to its prescntinp; in tho form most acceptable and pleas ant to tho taste, tho rcf resiling nnd truly beneficial proicrties of a perfect lax ative ; cfibctually cleansing tho system, dispelling colds, headaches cad fevera ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions nnd met with tlio approval of the mcdicnl profession, becauw) it acts on tho Kid neys, Liver nnd Bowels without weak ening them and it ia perfectly free from ovcrv objectionable subbtauce. Syrup of Figs h for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co, only, whose name is printed on ivcty; package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, und being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if oilcrcd. Attkth'k' -v HAIR BALSAM Clunttt ami brautine itu, ti,, I roiuetu a luxur.Q gn fti, Kevcr Fallfl to Eton vlrav Hair to lUi Voutt-f-ii i!orT Currt ca)p dtM-atta A hiv .alUuk. aviideiM)i nrmsrku DATCU7C. f-aKi-ld-kM -.il i "hi.i.miw,wm. tY. I. II., Otmitin4B, 1H.S. Uitn uni.weHiiK advertlM'muutii WliuJIy uitntion thti paper l:H.JCC LVUtbt All EltJE (anc Beat Oongn Bjrrup. Toneauoud. In time, fluid by druiwlnU. Cmm IPIP' wmm