Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 11, 1895, Image 1
.-& !t "'"" 'j ' ", w. " aqr For Watches, Clocks, and jewelry GO to the City Jewelry Store Iteming MiMMttMKMH (Repairing dorieafiil satisfaction guaranfdl y- ATTnc City Jewelry Store Sit VOL- 1 HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEfellASKA, FRIDAY, OCT. II, 1895, NO. 33 ffetlo H IT. V-" I W ' Offtaial Dii'ootory. ,rCODNTV- ( Jas. Harry, if t Dlst. OoromlsBloncrS'f Jus. Holllnrnkp. Snd Dlst. (Geo. W Dancan.lrd Dlst. Judirc DJK. Bpaoht. Clork-J.K. Noal. Bhorlff-E. A. Hnll Treasurer -B. B. Llbby. Attorney D. FjGllmaii Coroner P. II. Drlscoll. Httrvoyor- J. P. Hazard. 8upt. of Schools II. F. Fillmore. Olxurolx Directory. ClONGREOATIONAL. Preaching; each ulter natc Sunday, boqtnnlng January, 1. 1H. at 11 o'clock a. in., nnd at 7 p.m. Bunder School nt 10 a. m. l'rayor Meeting each Wednesday at 7 p. m. Gi ERMAN LDTHEllANi-Sorvlooi at 4J10 Court Houbo. itar. Wunilerlioh, Pastor. rtATIIOLIC:-lter. QbarleeZak Pastor. METHODIST:-Uov J,W. Kendall Pastor Pronohlnxtho Ecoond and tonrtli Sunday a each month ut 11 a. m., and 7 p. ra. J EPISCOPAL: Services In tho Oonjrregat liioiml Church. Her. l'Aator. Services on tho third Thursday lu each month rat 7 p. in. MY. A. Rosebush Camp No. 2610. Meets second and fourth Tuesday night of each imonth. Visiting Neighbors cordially Invited. V. U.Iodknce. Clerk. F. Huot, V. C. MAIL directory. lEMlNOyonD postofflco. On week days door opens at 7 a. m, general delivery opens at 8 a. m and closes at 8 p. tn. Open Sundays 0 to 10 a.m. Hxmingford and BoxJJSttx tage dally except Sunday. JlruiKOFonD and DuNLAr stage, Slonday Wednesday and Friday. JSJT ew Short Line to Helena, Buto Spokane, Scuttle and Tacoina. Gr. I. Sa "W. O. Time Oard RA8T SOUND. No. 42, piiascnsrur urrlves nt " 4r.TrWgtit " " 48 height nrrlvos nt WEST BOUND; No, 41 pnspensyr urrlvus nt " JSfrolirlit ll:85.p. m. COO p. m. 10:10 n. m, B;21 a. m. 11:59 p. m. 3:U p. m. " 47 frtMnhtarrlvoR nt All trnliiu entry nasBoncrers. F. w. Whbatley, Agent. W. Q. SIMONSON. Attorney at Law, Alliance, Nebraska, Practices In all the courts and be fore U. S. Land Office. TUTTLE & TAS3I Attorneys - at - Law, 41FMINGF0RD. NEBRASKA. Wn. niTCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Alliance, -:- Nebraska. Office in Fletcher Block. E. E. BARR, n. D. Surgeon -AND- Laryngelogfet. State University of Iowa 1887. Chicago Folkclinic 1804. buitqerv and the medical AN Surgical Diseases of Tnn Nose and Th,hoat a 8iecialt?. Alliance, - - - Nebraska The Sioux City Tribune. The Best Market Reports of any Newspaper In the West. NEW GOODS ! ! AT.. THE Millinery Store. Oome and boo tho Goods, get prices, and be convinced that the' are jfche best and cheapest in the county. Thanking you for past favors and trusting for a continuance of the same. -YourB respectfully, Miss lj. Adams. THE CITY. H. B. Austin, is in Lincoln this weok. H. B. Wildy was an Allianco visitor Tuesday. Master Julian Huot was quito ill Monday night. R. McLood wont up tho road Thursday morning. J. C. McCorldo drives a "fly" team and now buggy. J. A. Harris ,camo up from Broken Bow this morning. B. P. Gilman arid A. M. Miller drove to Alliance Tuesday. Mrs. Osborn has returned to her homo in Pennsylvania. Mr. A. S. Enyeart deposited 1.50 for tho Herald Saturday. Mr. R. S. Shipley of Liberty was a Hemingford visitor Tues day. J. C, McCorkle, the grain man, has a new ad this week. Read it. MesdamesJ. W. Christy and G. W. Sparks visited Alliance yesterday. Tho county commissioners will meet in special session next Thursday. Frank Martin drove- up from Alliance Wednesday, returning he next day. George Austin has been "deviling" around the Herald office this week. Missess Goodenough, Parkin and McCorkle commenced their schools Monday. W. K. Herncall the next sher iff of Box Butto county visited Allianco yesterday. Just received a large invoice of "candidates" cards. "We print 'em whilo you wait. Mrs. Mollring of Alliance, was the guest of Mrs. W. J. Bean Monday and Tuesday. E. D. Payne, populist candi date for sheriff was a Heming ford visitor Tuesday. Rev. O. L. Ramsey arrived from Valentino this morning and is the guest of Rev. Kendall. V. Cladok of Dunlap went to Omaha Monday night to appear as a witness in the U. S. Court. Box Butte claims to have a positivo cure for Sweeney with out Payne. Read tho correspon dence. Bert Tracy of Omaha, who is spending a fow days at Box Butte, was a county seat visitor Tuesday, T. V, Golden, populist nomi nee for District Judge will speak at the court house noxt Wednes day evening. Collectors Wingard, for the Deering and Bowering for the McCormiek Co's, havo been in town this week. S. "Wallick our pleasant and accommodating night operator, returned from his visit at Dewitt Sunday morning. H. R. Green returned from Al lianco Tuesday. His brother Tom is improving rapidly, which we are glad to hear. There will be services at tho Catholic Church on Saturday, Oct. 19th. Rev. T. P. Haley of Allianco will officiate. James Connolly one of the prominent stockmen of snake creek was doing business in Hemingford yesterday. Supt. Fillmore, Co. Clerk Neal, Shoriff Hall and Judgo Spacht, contemplate a trip to some fishing resort in tho near juturp. Mrs. E. W. Alexander was in town Wednesday. Her son Hilt ! has been very sick but is now recovering, which wo aro pleas ed to hear. Rev. Wundorlich wont to Har rison Wednesday to conduct tho funeral services of Gustavo Schwartz a young man, who died of catarrhal fever. ; Rev. W. B. Dada of "Water vliet, Mich., ' is expected hero noxt week, and will preach in tho Congregational church tho following Sabbath. Born, on Monday Oct. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gassoling, a girl. All parties reported do ing well and Henry is the proud est man on tho rivor. WTo are informed that Rev. J. E. Thoeh, a minister of the Nor wegian Lutheran church, will t Full particulars lator Messrs Sherwood and Parkin brought a steam engine from near Hay Springs, this week, with two teams. It weighed nearly five tons. These gentle men can move anything. Misses Horrick and Brown, tho noted evangelist, conducted tho services at the Congrega tional church Sunday eyening. Tho ladies received a hearty welcome -from tho people of Hemingford. Mrs. Lotspoich received word yesterday that her only daugh ,ter, residing in Kansas City' was dead, leaving a husband with flvo young children, She loft for Kansas City last night,,, ac companied by her son Alva. Allianco Guide. The Congregational Mission ary Society will meet with Mrs, Pierce on Wednesday, Oct. 16. All are cordially invited; mem bers are especially requested to be presost for tho election of of ficers. Dinner will bo served on the old plan. O. A. Miller, Andrew Tsch acher, jr., John Lally, J. M. Trout and F. McCoy of Allianco, contributed a years subscription since our last issue, Tho Her al-d is certainly receiving its share of patronage, for which we aro truly grateful. Died, on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1895, Matthias Posvar, aged 64 years, at his homo near Lawn, after ono weeks illness. Deceas ed was the father of Charlie and John Posvar and was an upright man well thought of by every one. The funeral will tako place today. Tho Hearld ex tends sympathy to tho bereaved ones. Amiel Herncall gave a party to a number of his little friends Monday, the occasion being his seventh birthday. Those present were Edna Mc Leod, Edith Jones, Mamie Mil ler, Edith Broshar, Mary Io dence, Clara Parkins, Charlie Tash, Carl Neal, Ray Reed, Ju lian Huot, Roy Parkin, Louis Huot. Elmer Reed, Elliot Mc Leod, and Gladstone Iodonco, Tho framo houso of John Christy, two, miles northwest of town was burned to the ground yesterday at noon. Mrs. Christy was away from home and John was preparing dinner for him self,' when the roof of tho houso caught fire from tho flue. J. A. Sheldon and Harvo Goodenough wero close by and together with Mr. Christy succeeded in saving most of tho household goods, Herman Schultalbors received a letter from B. F. Dill, yester day, who is now at Tokamaha, Neb. Ho jays that there js lots of land ihoro that is not half as good os old Box Butto and that it will tako just twice as much to buy his land hero now, as before ho made tho trip. Wo boliovo Ben will bo back to Box Butto inside of six months. They all return. Bojc .Butt Bulletin.. ..Miss Pnuliuo Roberts is visiting Mta Geo. Sncdoker, jftVin. Randolph and Frank Dar ing woro Box Butto visitors Sun day. J. A. Hninos has traded somo o his property near Box Butto or "goods" of tho Clifton Houso in Allianco nnd will removo his fam ily to that town soon . Mr. and Mr;s. S. J. Howard en tertained tho young pooplo of thoir neighborhood Wednesday evening in their usually able maimer. High tino was the order of tho evening. Afc tho PopuliBt convention Sat Box Butto precinct presented the name of a straightforward man for the office of sheriff, but it was of no, avail. Allianco came up prepSred.to gobble everything, and did bo, but Box Butte has a posi tivo cure for Sweeney without Paine. The remedy is W.K. Horn call, our noxt sheriff. Bvu-toanlc Budget. W. IC. Herncall is our choice for Bheriff. Charles Logan is working for B. M. Kennedy at present. , Misses Mary Gill and Alta Thompson wero tho guests of Miss Iola DeVoro Sunday. Messrs. A. 3'. and W. G . Simon son of Alliance, took dinner at Mr. Eumbaugh's Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Wolls has been on the sick list for Bovernl days past. Mr. Wells has been over on the Platte. Miss Delia Thompson was ex pected homo from Felix, Wyo., where sho has been Bponding tho summer. Wo have not hoard if sho arrived yet or not. There was a very small attend ance at Sunday school, Sunday. Unclb Jesso Wright will bo pres ent at tho Burbank school house next Sunday, and all those inter ested in S. S. work, shopld bo present. Boreo, Sorp,plnga, Digging potatoes is tho order of tho day . Al. Payno and attorney Sullivan of Allianco passed here Tuesday. They left a fow cigars. Our friend P. H. Zobel passed through hero last Tuesday on his way to 'Alliance. Wo understand ho is a candidate for Commissioner of tho third Dist on the democratic ticket. Voto for him boys. Editor Ellis and foreman Bal lenger of tho Alliauco Times made a flying visit to Berea last Sunday on thoir bikos. Balleugor broke down and had to tako tho train home. Call ugain boys, but secure a hotter wheel. Our neighbor, D. Eborly is can didate for Superintendent of schools on tho republican ticket, and although we are not a republi can ourselves, wo boloive in sup porting a good man, no mattor what party ho belongs to. Mr. Eberly is an honest aud upright man and if oloctd will do justice to all. Ho is fully qualified for tho office having kept apace with the times in educational matters. He deserves a good largo majority. Prof. Fennor lianco Tuesday. visited Al- E. S. Wildy. made a trip to Al liance Monday. Democratic Conyention EHTHUSIASM and HARM'NY Prevails and a Strong Ticket Placed in the Fields The democrats of Box Butto county mot in convention at tho court houso in Hemingford, Mon day, Oct. 7. Tho convention was called to or dor nt 1 ;80. S. M. Smysor was elected Chairman, and Thos. O'Ketffo, Secretary. Goo. E. Zimmerman, P. II. Zo bol and Samuel Switzer wero ap pointed ns a committee on creden tials. The committee reported C9 delegates in attendanco nnd nil products represented except Run ningwator and Snake. Tho lirat in order was tho nom ination of Bheriff. The nnmo of W. IC. Herncall" was presented by W. J. Bean and that of M. A . Shay by Ed Whitlook. Horncoll recoivod the majority of votes and was declared tho nominee As tho republican and populist parties solooted thoir candidates! for this office from the town of Allianco, it was deemed boot by tho democrats to nominate a man from tho north part of tho county. A. D. Millett was placed in nom ination for county treasurer by P H. Zobel without opposition. Tho names of Mrs. W. J. Eavn ost, Miss Hamilton, W. T. John son and L. B. Fenncr wore pre sented for Sup't of Schools. After the firBt ballot, Mr. Fcnner with drew his - nnmo nnd - nominated Miss Anna Neoland. Sho receiv ed 82 of tho 59 voles cast, and on motion of Zobol hor nomination was made unanimous. P. H. Zobol was nominated for commissioner of tho third district. Thero being no candidates for tho other offices, they wero loft vacant. It was moved and carried that fivo dologates be elected to attend tho Judicial convention at Chad ron. Tho following wore selected: F. M. Broomo, A. Triplott, S. M. Smyser, F. H.. Smith and L'. B. Fennor. Hon. F. M. Broomo delivered an interesting address. Harmony and good feeling pre vailed throughout tho convention and it is tho general opinion that tho whole ticket will bo elected. Horncall wants some dressed hogs. C. J. Wildy wants somo dressed poultry and hogs. Machine Oils at Green's. Order your stove repairs at Anton Uhrlg's. California canned goods 15 cents a can at W. K. Ilcrncall's. Paint, Glass and oils of all kinds sold according to the hard tlniee, cheaper than the cheapest, at Anton Uurio's. Tbe Genuine Bound Oak is "good Roods." How good, not how cheap. They Inst, they heat, they savo you money, they havo a reputation. Can you point to another that has? They lead tho world of heating stoves, simply boennso they aro perfectly made aud do perfect work. You cannot afford to buy arly other. See the name on the leg. For sale by Anton Urnno. Shoes of all kinds, styles and prices. Can fit any foot nnd pocket book. W. K. Herncall. A now Ioi, of shoes just received by W. K. Herncall. Take your produce to Wildy's "th old standby." If you ewe Wildy a' call in efltj speak to them about it thoy need all what is duo thorn. Final Proof- Notices. Hon. J. W. Wehn, Jn., RegUter. Hon. F. M. Ruoomr, Receiver. Parties liarlng notices In this column aro rc anestd to raid the tama carol ally and rooott to this ofltce for correction any errors that may exist. This vrlll prerent pottlbla 'delay In malting proof, Notice Is hereby glTon thntthe foU owing nam ed settler has fund notice ot his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mado before lioslttcr or Receiver at Alliance, Nob., on not. 10. ItW. LEOPOLD MOLLER, of nemlngford, Nob., who mfido n. K. no. 470 for tho d E M eeo . tp 38 n, rg 48 w. Ho names tho folIowtliK witnesses to prote his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlzt Iro Pronspfel, Michael IV. Murphy. Uernard.Pjtz, John Bolllnrako, all ot Hemingford, Neb. Also MICHAEL R. MURPHY, otnemtngford. Neb., who made n.x. no. 2314 for the E H 8 B H. sea 83, tp29 u, rs 4!) w, Hn names tho following wittteseos (o proTO his Continuous residence upon and cnltlvatloh of paid land, tIk Leopold Mollor. Joseph Mooller. James Whclan, Qtto Gibson, all of nomlngiord, Neb. Also JOSEPH MOELLER, of itcmlnirford, Neb., who mado II. c no. 2097 for Uie tt W ! seo &V tp OT n, r i'isr s , . Ho names tho following wltnonses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlzs Michael It. Murphy, Loo Froa apfol. Peter Anneu, William Seising, aU qc Hemlnford,Nob. J. V. WgHN, Jn Register. Land Oflljxtnt Alllonco,Nel., Oct. 3. 1895. Notloo Is hcroby uiven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to mako final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado before Register and Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on Noy. 11, 1893, vin JOHN A. JOHNSON, of Dnnlap, Nob,, who mode it. x. IPSO for tho lot"w!i uok&s H nvrUaeo 0,tp 2tf n, rg 48 w. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence tipon and cultivation of ' said land, viti Henry Koch. Pjtcr Soderburg, of Dunlap, Neb., John Knutsun, Karl yorstrom of Hemingford, Nob J, W, Wedn, Jn., Register. Land OUlceat Alliance, Nd.. Kept, 24, 1893. Notioo is hereby given that tiio following' named settler has tiled notion, of his Intention to makn final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made tietoro tho register or receiver, at AHlanoe, Neb., on Nov. 4, 1093, CHAHLES 0. PRICE, ot Hemingford, Neb , who made n. c, no. 2MMI fur the Lots 3 and 1 and B i N vr li sea 1. tp ,, rgSlw. Ho names Uio following witnesses to ptuya his continuous residence upon .and cnltlTataon ot said land, vlr: Jacob Hnctler, Joseph Carey, of uemingford. Neb., i'ordlnand-Hikoat. Joha. Nlkont, of Lawn, Neb. J. W. Wxhn, Jb., Register. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Aug. 14. lbl. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has illed notice otitis Intention to make tlnal proof in support ot bis claim, and that said proof will be mado before Register or Hecolvor at Allianco, XJeb., an Nov. S, lb!, vU: " URLAHD 1'EDERSCN WOLIIEH, ot IJcrca, Neb., who mado H. E.No. 1972 for the b W 14 see 8, tp 20 n, rg 48 w. Ho names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vizi Henry Yon U&rgen, John Von liargen, Krlk Rasmnsson, Hendick D. Vlkse, allot Berea. Neb. J W.Wwin.Jb.., Register. Land Ofllco at Alliance. Neb., Bent. 7, 1805. Notlco Is hereby given that tho following named settlor has filed notice of his Intention to mako final proof In support ot his claim and that said proof will be mado boforo L. A. Dor rlngton U. B. O. O. Commissioner, at Chadroa, Neb., on Oct. 10, 1803, vli: WILLIAM CTJRRY, of Dunlap, Neb., who made u x no. 3103 for tfcs H W H, seo 28. t p 30 n, rg 48 w. Bo names the following witnosses to ptovo his continuous resldenco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: David Bess of Dunlap, Nob., Arthur M. llartlett of Chadron, Nob., James Dlckerson, Charles Naylor, Dunlap, Neb. Also DAVID HESS, of Dnnlap, Keb., who mads h x no. 1M for tbe N H BK U and B.HN IS U ecj,tp 30 n,riw. Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rosldenco npon and cultivation of said lapd, viz: William Curry, of Dunlap, Neb. Arthur M, Uartleit, of Chadron, Neb., Jama Dlckereon, Onirics Naylor, of Dunlap. Neb. J. W. Wehn, Jb., Register. Land Office at Alliance. Nob.. Sept. 4,1896. Notlco Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on October 16, 1096, viz: ' ' JOnN IRION, ot Lawn, Neb., who made n. x. no. 2086 for th B M NJ5 H andN M 8E X ot seo 8,tp 28 n.r 63 w. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Benjamin F. land, Neb , Leo Brandle, Lo xr. aiooro, oi mars Louis Larson, John, ' ' J. VV. WEHN. Jb., Register. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Sept 5, 1863. wotico is hereby given that Che following samed setUer bas filed notice of his intention to maki final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Alliance, Nob., on Oct. 17, 1633, viz: WILLARD M. EVANS, ot Uarsland, Neb., who made H. x. No. ITU tor the 8 E U seo 15, tp 23, rg a w- his continuous reaideace npon and cultivation H9 names ine ronowing witnesses to prove of said land, viz: llnah B. Jones. Perry Erik- son, of Marsland, Neb., Franclska .Kratochvel, Henry Bbimek, of Lawn, Neb. Also FRANCIBKA KRATOCHVEL, formerly Franclska Skoda, of Lawn, Neb.who made H. x. no. 2943 for tbe n x H seo 2d, tp at!, rg si w. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation, of said land, viz: Willard M. Evans, Mar. land, Neb. Benry t hlmek, ot Lawn, hob., Hugh U. Jones. Perry xrlkson,of Marsland, Neb. Also- HENRY BBIMEK, ot Lawn, Neb , who made H. x. No. mi for the 8 W H sec 28. tp 28, rg 61 w. He names the following witnesses to prove h continuous residence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: Willard M. Evans. Hneh B. Jones, ot Marsland, Neb., Frsnclska Kratoch vel. Perry xrikson, of Marsland, Neb. J.V.Wxbn.Jb., Eagister. i ' Notice of ApplIcaUon for Liquor License. Public notice Is hereby given that the under signed has filed with the village clerk of the vil lage ot Bemingford, Box Butts county, Nebras ka, an application tor a liquor license to sell malt, spiritous and vinous liquors, said busi ness to bo carried on, on lot number 10. in block number 13, in the village ot Hemingford. Box Butte county, Nebraska, tor tbaTemalnderot the muniolpal year, beginning on the first in May, 1893, and that we wlU apply for said li- nfennAAta mfeitincr of tha board of trasteAa nf fJjJ.d1TweonturyVr&ANstxBt.' First publication Oct 4, IsOJ. Paints of all Hinds at Green's. The Herald and tho American Farmer- Established 1819, the oldest Agricultural publication i America both one vear for ?.160, A