C P r f J- RAFTER AR1VEB HORSE A DAY'S SPORT ON NILE. nE RIVER Tlmot E. Chapman, Who Krrrntljr Ite turnccl from ncjpt, TrIU of an Ail Tpnlure on the Dark Continent Hone with a Harpoon. Y friend, Wllmot E. Chnpninn, who returned a few weeks ngo from Egypt, where ho went as a newspa per correspondent, bits had some Inter- e b t Ing experience w 1 1 h t h e r i v e r horse, which abounds In many parts of the Upper Nile, writes Captain John D. Horton In that delightful pa per, Cheerful Moments. Chapman found a skilled mid trustworthy guldo, who had been recommended to him In Cairo, and who cheerfully took charge of the traveler, promising him that he should gain a sight of the hippopota mus at the earliest practical moment. "They arc not so plenty as they used to be," said Charbl, who spoke English as well as his native Arabic; "the ani mals keep away from civilization, but I will tako you to a place where I have agreed to Join n party of hunters." "May I form one of your company?" "You shall," replied Charbl, in such a positive manner that the American felt on the instant ho was some per sonage, of more than ordinary authori ty even in a hippopotamus hunt. According to promise, Charbl lntro- THE WEAPON SANK INTO THE duced his young friend to a party of Bix, who had Just completed their prep arations for a hunt of tho river-horse, which, as may well be understood, Is one of the most formidable animals that tho experienced sportsman ven tures to attack. The party. Instead of venturing out on the Nile in a canoe, had constructed a rafL Chapman was disposed to question tho wisdom of this, for the structure was unwieldy, and must nec essarily float with the current; hut his native friend explained that that was the principal reason why it was adopted. The hippopotamus Is wonderful acute of hearing, and the most careful boatman cannot propel his canoo through the water without his approach being discovered by the suspicious ani mal, who Immediately drop? to the bot tom like a load of coal, and easily baflles all efforts to get close enough to bury the harpoon In his back. The raft was made of a species of river-grass, which abounds along the Upper Nile, It being cut off nbove the water, so as to secure the most buoy ant portion. Great masses of this were flung together until it was buoyant enough to float twenty men, who wero supported high above the water. A single canoe was drawn against, and partly upon, the raft, to be used when needed. Charbl pointed out a section toward which they were drift ing, that abounded with the species of grass of which the raft was composed, tho tops pointing only a few inches above the surface. Just below, the river made a sweeping bend, and tho native said If nothing was seen of tho animals before passing that point, he was confident they would come upon them Immediately below, Ac the raft was not floating more rap idly than two miles an hour, Chapman saw that he had still a good long time to wait, and he stretched out once more on his face, and looked at the dark water which was bearing him and his companions so slowly down stream. He had no expectation of seeing any thing unusual, but he could gaze only a few minutes, when, to his amaze ment, an immense hippopotamus ap peared. It came up like the hull of a vessel, floating to the surface. First .there was a darkening of a portion of Sr4 the stream, and before ho discovered what It meant, ho observed the outllno of the gigantic creature. Just ns the American called to Char bl, tho rlver-horso opened his enor mous mouth, caught hold of tho raft, gave ono tremendous wrench, nnd then sank out of Bight. Tho hippopotamus had not dono any thing In anger or malice. Ho simply found some choice food floating over his head, and camo up and stole a mouthful. But that mouthful was pro digious. It scorned to Chapman that he had wrenched off a fourth of the raft. As he was almost over the spot from which It was taken, nnd ho felt a distinct collapse beneath him, ho scrambled over to his friends with ! greater ardor than he hnd ever shown before. Several of the natives, divining what It meant, hurried back with their for midable spears; but the hippopotamus had sunk so quickly that ho was be yond their reach. As tho river horso cannot stay moro than ten or twelve minutes under wat er without coming to the surface, Char bl and the others were astonished; for they could not understand how it was they had failed to see him, when ho must have been in sight only a short tlmo before. As It was equally certain that ho would reappear, three of tho natives were in favor of launching tho canoo and majdng ready for him; It was de cided, however, to wnlt, In tho hopo of coming upon a school of them further bolow, inasmuch as tho hip popotami aro accustomed to go in groups or families. Accordingly, tho canoo was allowed to remain where It was, nnd tho bulky rnft continued drifting with the cur- CHOCOLATE COLORED BODY. rent. Chapman lay down again on his face, and, Btlll smoking his cigar, watched for the reappearance of tho monster. It was not long before he descried Its head floating a short dis tance away, like a short, thick log; but, after one or two ponderous whiffs, ho dropped out of sight again. As the raft began moving around the bend of tho river, a few minutes later, tho crew gave their attention to what was ex pected In front. The entire party were thrown into a state of exeitempnt and pleasure, shortly .after, by the discovery that they were approaching a regular colony of hippopotami. The structure drifted very slowly, attracting no notice at all from the hip popotami. The nathes looked like so many bushwhackers or pirates, who were thus floating down In ambush upon their unsuspicious prey. Suddenly Charbl touched the should er of Chapman, and pointed to ono of the monsters. "What about him?" asked tho Amer ican. "He's going to get himself into trouble." "In what way?" "You will see; ho will soon be in our path." Tho animal alluded to by Charbl, was blowing water through his nos trils most of the time, moving hither and thither quite awkwardly, but with considerable swiftness. Suddenly he sank, and a minute after came up so close to tho raft that his vast back brushed against the grass. Instantly the leader of the party rose noiselessly to his feet, holding his ter rible harpoon over his head. Tho next moment he drove it forward with the skill and terrific force of a veteran whaler. The weapon sank Into the ohocolate colored body as though tho latter were so much lard; the wounded animal emitted a wheezing sniff and cry, which put all the others to flight at ouce, and he dropped to the bottom of tho Nile like an anchor from a ship. By-and-by, the half-exhausted mon ster rose to tho top for a mouthful of fresh air. The instant he appeared, three moro spears were burled In his body, and down he went again, the water Immediately surrounding tho 1 TlfJetrx wl,hlhe!CHlNA HAS HEROES. U1UUU VA. I 111? Jj'VVl H'lIU Vt The canoe followed tho float hither and yon, on the watch for tho behemoth when he should reappear, as he must do at Intervals. On such occasions, tho men, who wero plentifully provided with the ordinary spcarB, launched one aploco into his body, so that after a while he came to look like a gigantic pincushion. Finally, after going down ho failed to come up again; ho was dead. Tho natives In the ennoe Blowly pad dled to lond, where they made tho rope fast to a tree. "Why Is that?" asked Chapman of his friend when they met again. "After nwhllo tho river will give up tho body; It will tloat, and we do not wish to lose It." THE TOW LINEN SUIT. rntrmilzril by llnilncnt .stntrMnrn It h Ujirdlnlttc Tlinlr llrroril. Tho tow-llncn suit seems to I ho nffectcd far more In Washington than In any other city In tho United States, says the Post. Although tho most serviceable clothes for hot summer weather that a man can wear, combin ing with comparative cheapness great advantages over flannels suits as re gards coolness nnd adaptability to the laundry process, there aro still many prejudices against It which have been gradually overcome in the capital by such men as ex-Speaker Reed, Con gressman Ultt, Congressman Hatch and other statesmen, who have pioneered the tow suit to popularity. A good tow suit can be purchased for about $20 and some tailors make them for $15, but they can be bought for $10 and as low as $5. Ono young man sent to Kentucky last year for ono of those $5 tow suits. It proved a perfect fit, even if It did look suspiciously like sacking, hut ho wore It until It was soiled nnd thon sent it to tho laundry. He nover dis covered tho full extent of his purchase until ho put it on after Us first wash ing. Instead of shrinking the trousers had stretched six Inches nnd tho coat nearly reached to his knees. He car ried It to tho tailor and had the sur plus trimmed off, until onco more It fitted him perfectly. After wearing It a week or ton days ho sent It ngaln to the laundry nnd when It came back he opened the package with a feeling of wonder what Idiosyncrasy the suit had developed in tho meantime. This tlmo It hnd stretched only about four Inches, but had shrunk correspondingly In breadth, forming a very close fit about tho hips and shoulders. Once moro It was rehabilitated by tho tailor and worn until soiled. When It camo back from tho laundry the third tlmo It was still long enough In tho legs to fit tho original possessor, while in every other direction it hnd shrunk Into a fading remembrance of Its former self and this season adorns the shrinking figure of a modest boot-black. A new use has been found for balloon sleeves, through the Ingenuity of an enterprising Imcntor, which promises great results "The 'bustle Inside the sleeves has up to date been adopted somewhat warily, as hardly filling a long-felt want. But now a silk life-preserver Is to take Its place, which can be In flated at will, and enables the wearer to float in perfect ease on the water. Sailing pnrtles made up largely of ladles will leave the man at the helm very much at ease, with each female member of the company transformed Into an animated life-preserver; for If ones moves carelessly on the deck and gets blown overboard there Is no dan ger of a tragedy. The balloons will also add no little to the sail area In fair winds. Tho life-saving sleevo will doubtless prove a big thing, and all that it Is puffed up to be. WITH THE WITS.' Tough I tried the bunco game on a Kansas farmer yesterday. Another Tough How did you come out? Tough He got my dollar and a half. Judge. "Are you the minister?" The person addressed turned up his nose, and, casting a contemptuous glance, upon his Interlocutor, replied: "No, I'm the leader of the choir." ."Cousin Ethel, Is Col. Blazer a brave soldier?" "Oh. 1 don't think he's afraid of powder." "No, I don't think he Is, for I saw his nose agulnst your face last night." Minneapolis Tribune. "Do you stay up to receive him when your husband stays out late at night?" "No, indeed. I go to bed very early, so I can scold him the rest of the night, after he haH come in, without loss of sleep." Ex. Willis- "Hello, old man! Had you much luck nn your vacation? Did the bass rise to tlte flies all right?" Wal lace: "No, the bass didn't, but I did every morning at daylight." Cincin nati Enquirer. "I can't understand why you haven't as amiable a temper as James," said the proprietor to an office boy, referring to another. "James never has to an swer the telephone," replied the abused young man. Detroit Free Press. Jumpuppe Confound these theoso phlsts, Jasper Why? Jumpuppe They convinced my wlfo that Bhe has soven bodies, and she went off and bought a dress for each one. Tld-Blts. Vlnley Doctor, I believe I need a pair of eyeglasses. I see everything double. Last night I looked at my wife's dog, and he seemed to havo two tails. Dr. Lens Yes? Have you tried tho gold cure? Judge. "It's a conspiracy," she said with agi tation, to the reporter, "It Is a plot to ruin my dramatic future!" "How do you mean?" "I've Just brought an ac tion for divorce and the papers refuse to publish the details." Washington Star. BRIGHT SIDE OF THE PICTURE OF OUTRAOES Kfurral Mlmloimrlrn Siiiticclnl lu Kufrtjr ltrure Native with a Nwortl tlrfrntl Ainrrli-an Womrn -Mimr ChrUtlan .Mlmloiuirlm Are Vrt .III Itunccr. OURESPONDENCK Just received at San Francisco by Btcnmcr Toklo jN gives fuller partic ulars of tho nntl missionary out rages in Sze Chueu Sw: The story does not present a pago al together black nnd forbidding, for there are some spots of light upon tho record. Miss Hal, of the China Inland mis sion, describes how, when tho house In which she and two other women re sided was attacked by the mob, a man with a drawn sword appeared at tho door nnd while engaged lu sharpening his weapon on a stone warned tho rioters that tho women wero good folk, nnd that ho meant to defend them. The crowd fell back and ono of the two women, attended by a Chinese maid, effected her cscnpe to tho yamen, only to be refused admittance. But the Chinese nttendant raised a loud out cry, walling that unless the officials gave them refugo they would dlo at the gates, and at length they gained entry. Tho officials, however, were too terror ized to send, succor to the other two women. They also owed their safoty to tho man with the sWo. I, who pro cured chairs for them and got them to tho yamen. MIo appears to have re mained Incognito. Another missionary, escaping from his burning homo, entered the house of a Chinese doctor, who swathed him In bandages, covered his head with a Chlncso hood, nnd In tho guise of a moribund Chinaman placed him on tho shoulders of coolies and sent him to the yamen. Another missionary reached tho out-station, where his wife nwalled him, by disguising himself as nn official en route to meet the Incom ing viceroy, the real olllclals making him up with blue glasses, long boots, uniform, cap, etc. But against the comfort Inspired by the evidences of native good-will has to bo placed tho fact that, although a month and a half hns elnpsed since the riots took place, many missionaries at out-stations in Szo Chuen still ro ,maln without protection and exposed to mob violence at any moment. From all parts of China comes In telligence Hint tho war has not pro duced tho smnllest perceptible effect on tho nation. Some know nothing about it; others believed their country was victorious. The much-predicted awak ening of China is a myth; she sleeps as soundly as over. THE LAST OF HIS RACE. Tim !rent ItnlTiilo of the Wtml Mltit IIIh I'litliui'ly l"nt-. Scarred by arrows, wounded by bul lets, pursued by foes from vnlley to valley nnd from river to river, the whilom monarch hns at last found n covert and a breathing spell for n day. He has nkulked like a wounded wolf; he has crouched like a fox In his lair. The cry of a vulture hovering high above had made him tremble he, who had driven the dreaded grizzly out of his path more than ouce, anil whoso sharp, stout horns had sent moro than one Indian pony to his death! Ah! But the cries of the coyote have brought company! They come sneak ing out of thicket and grass nnd crevice until there nre a dozen. The youngest calf of a herd would not fenr them, and yet their ungrj unnrls make the old monarch tremble! Tho sun seems to drop Into a lower notch as tho old monaich m6ves softly about to snatch a bite hero and there, but i-'wrvs keep- lng his eye on the pack. As tho cra- imr of hunger becomes ii.irlh sailing. the lire comes back to his eye, and lip even gives h!s head a de.lant toss. If their howling brings the savago wolf, he will die lighting he wil die game Ho has fought them a hundred battles., and never buffered defeat. Here they come! He lookn up to 11 ml himself u'. most encircled. They are hungry and gaunt. Their eyes blaze, and foam falhi fiom their lips at; they close In on him. Now, watch him! He is no longer the fugitive-the eraen, trembling at every sound. Ills head is held hich; I them is a royal II ro In his great eye ; and he utters a low bellow of defiance nnd paws tho earth as a challenge for thorn to come on. Crack! Crash! ( Hurrah! The bull totteis. u.vay. to and fro, and fails to the earth, shot through the heurt. A man leaps out of ' tho thicket, VaeB his hat and gun, and cheers tho success of his shot, while the wolves sneak away Into the twilight and growl and snap at each other. The last of his race Is dead. He would have died fighting as a monarch should, but man prevented. It Is the last hide the last feast for wolves and vul tures tho last monument to mark man's savagery when stirred by cupid ity and selfishness. M. Quad In De troit Free Press. Not AtlogetluT Antritr. Fogg saya ho received a letter the other day, and ho hnd a strong present iment that he would find a ten dollar bill in it. When he opened It, he found a bill for ten dollars, which, he bays, though not exactly the same thing, shows that his Impression was pot nl ogether astray - Ex. MSfcs WT.--' S BELLOWS HOLD THEIR OWN. lllarkmitltli Mthk In Them Notwlth tntulliiff the .evrrr I'nwrr IMower. Tho blacksmith's bellows baa threo boards. When the bellowB la set up lu position the middle board is fixed; the upper nnd lowei boards nro mov uiu uuiii.T nun luiti" uuiuun mu wui- I able. There Is a valve In tlio middle board nnd ono In tho lower board. When tho hollows Is not in uso tho lower hoard falls as far as the leather will permit It, and that compartment 1b then filled with nlr. With the working of the lever and tho raising of the lower board tho nlr In tho lower compart ment U forcer through tho vnlvo In the middle board Into tho upper compart ment, which Is the reservoir, whonce ft blows through tho uozzlo of tho bel lows Into the fire. When tho pressuro from bolow ceases tho vnlvo In tho middle board closes, and tho nlr Is then forced out from tho upper compart ment or reservoir of tho bellows by tho weight of tho upper hoard; somotlmes this board Is weighted to make It ex pel the alt more rapidly nnd forcibly. Tho continuance of tho blast without tho working of tho lover, caused by tho gradually pinking upper hoard of tho bellowB, may last for a quarter of a minute; It Is a highly prized charac teristic of tho bellows, Tho blacksmith who Is nlouo Is thus enabled, If ho Hhoulil bo desire, to use both hands nt tho fire; or ho might go across tho Bhop and be back, swaying tho lover onco moro beforo tho blast had ceased. A good bellows will last many ycara with out repairs. Blacksmiths' bellows aro made In various Hlzes, from 24-lnch to G0-tnch. The 30-Inch Is tho bIzo most commonly Bold. Tho size Is tho width nt tho widest point. Bellows are longer than they aro wide, nnd they are made of different lengths in tho Bamo width, ordinary, and long. Thefo aro about fifteen bellows manufacturers In tho country. Including three In New York and one In Brooklyn, says Now York Sun. Manufacturing nnd other estab lishments supplied with power forges are nowadays equipped with power blowers; and there aro also various hand blowers, boujo operated with a crank nnd somo with a lover, and there aro now used many portablo forges and blowers combined. Tho Balo of modern appliances for blowing forgo fires has Increased greatly In recent years, while the sale of bellows has not; but there are shlpsmlths and holler makers, wheelwrights, carrlago nnd wagon makers, and nthoro who Btlll. uso bel lows, and prefer It to nny other moans of blowing his lire, so thnt thcro aro still sold thousands of bellows nn nually. Somi. (Jn.irr J'oIroii. The Bombay (lovcrnment's analyst has been Investigating the vnrlous poi sons thnt aro used In Indin, and In tho course of his report he disposes of tho old notion that pounded glass Is tho most deadly kind of substnnco you can mix with the food of nny one against whom you entertnln n particular grudge. "Pounded glass," ho says, "Is a most useful poison." Ho does not, of course, mean by this thnt It assists digestion or can safely bo recommended as a pick-me-up after a hard day's work, but that It Is useful In tho r.ensn of not doing very much harm to the person whose life Is aimed at and leading very easily to tho detection of the would-be murderer. If It Is pounded until It becomes very fine. It causes merely slight discomfort and can bo detected in the first mouthful of the food with which It Is mixed. The same may be said, It appears, of dl mond dust, tiger's whiskers, chopped hair, and such like. After all, two penn'orth of blacKbeetlc-klller is ns good or an bad- as anything, and you enn get this at tho nenrest grocer's. Whole, I wonder, would you have to go In search of tiger's whiskers or dia mond dust? JOSH BILLINGS' PHILOSOPHY. Betting on a sure thing Iz no hotter Hutu Mealing It. If It wax uglnst tho law to guess at I things, wo wouldn't kno mutch. 'Hie phools hav made moro trouble In j this world than the rasknlls hav. ! We all ov u.s owe to our vault moro than we would like to bo told ov. Ml friend if j u Just give other people tho tame piivilegus that .mi klnlm for ouuelf. jou will bo Hirprlzed to see how KUiootho and still the old mnshecn runs. I hav often found It n good plan to cum up on the tear Hide ov things and work towurdjhe front; then. If wo hav made a mistake, we knit bak out eazler. I want It dlstlnktly understood that I luv and respekt woman, not so mutch for the bed that U on her az for the lie.tt t that 1 in her. If ('.into wnzn't euny phools this world would be a t'.redful desolate plnco to Ilv In; It wouldn't pay to be wise, or (en cunning Ono ov tho ftrongeat points In the devil's karakter Iz, never to konsldrr euny thing out nv hiz reach. Whenever I hav undcrtnkon to plan a gratuitous amttbemeut for others, 1 hav allwayB failed. The best way Iz to lot every ono pay his mutiny, and then pile out his own game. Kind Heaven knu that lazyuess wuz the strongest habit ov the heart. This makes that plalntlvo refrain, "Root, hog, or die," sound allmos't like revula Bhun. Sum ov the most modest and humble men I hav ever run aginst hav beon thore who hnd matched themselfs agin the devil, and got badly beat. I hav glv up all kinds ov kreeds long ago, even in religion, philosophy and horseflesh. When a man informs mo thnt a certuln barell has got good elder In it, I smile and say, "Jess so," but ho kant prove It to mo unless the barrel Iz tapt, and 1 hav Inhaled a quart ov the Juice. TAURUS ON OUARL Schema of a New fork Farmer t Vtw tlwt HU rreinUe. Farmer Jackson, of the town f Thompson, N. Y., has adopted a novel modo of keeping trout fishermen off hi premises. The old farmer has a splen- jt i . i . 'd trout stream of pure spring water running through his form, and for years hns been bothered with boys and "city fellers," who, with rod and line, would traverse his fields and tram down the growing grass and grain, says tho Pittsburg Telegraph. He put up warning notices for trespassers, but tho bad boys of tho neighborhood would tenr them down nnd tho fishermen per sisted In fishing In tho brook, causing tho old mnn to commit much sin there by. Ah his hotiso was half tulle nwny, ho could not afford to Bpoud tho time watching the prcsorvo with a shotgun. At last he hit upon n,happy expedient, nnd It works like a charm. This sca boh his premises hnve been free from intruders. Jncksnn last yoar became tho possessor of a fine blooded Jersey bull. It carries a splendid pair of homo, nnd Is as vicious and ugly us any of the bulls used in tho bullfights of Spain. , In the Held through which the brook' flows the null has beon allowed to roam free. Whenever a strnngor enters the forbidden lnclosuro hta "royal nibs" scents him from nfar, and with tall i ect and lowering bond ho charges on tho Intruder, who takes log ball and makes haste to get out of tho loL A few days ago ono of tho cfty guests at Moutlcello, who was Ignorant of the bull's presence, had Just cast his fly In the stream when he henrd a loud bellow and saw nn angry bull maklug rapidly toward him. Without taking tho trou ble to reel his line ho madu for the nearest tot c, which happened to e made of uai bed wire. Ho landed on the other side Just as tho hull camo up to him, but U'ft a portion of tho scat of his trousers clinging to tho fence. The hay crop Is short in Sullivan county, hut tho farmer refuses to sell the hull and ns he will keep tho animal oa long as his horns aro good nnd ho re tains his hatred of fishermen. THEY WHIPPED TOMMY. II.. Mil n In) Hpnrrow, but Didn't Want nil Til tro Win lit Andnrnon. "Tom" Is a maltcso cat living in. An derson, Intl. Ho took a young spar row from Us nest the othor day and downs of tho birds nttneked him. The sparrows swarmed about tho despoller of the nest, pecked at his head, ears anil back, and then darting away before he had a chance to claw them. Occasion ally Tom would rise on his hind legs, make u wicked Iutigo at tho birds, and hoxeral were sent to tho earth as the result of his sharp claws. Tho air wan filled with the littlo oxclted birds and their chatter could bo heard a block away. By this time Tom was squalling at the top of his voice and his eyes glowed like coals of fire. The fight continued up the street until the hotel was reached, when Tom made a dive for the office, but was headed off and at last found refuge under a cab that stoofl In front of tho door, A large crowd gathered and saw the fight waged by the birds on their common enemy. Un der the cab the birds could not reach Tom without subjecting themselves to greot danger from his shnrp claws, and soon flew back to tho barn chattering and making every possible manlfcsta-. tlon of de'.lgut. When the noise was stlllod thp thoroughly whipped Tom. crawled from under his retreat and scurried down the nlloy. ' Wilson. The commonest name In the new British Parliament Is Wilson. No ewer than eight gentlemen of that naiuo have hccui'cd election to St. Stephen's, The tnsk of distinguishing between them will bo Homowhttt dlfllcult, especially ai live have the same Christian name of John. Next to Wilson the most com mon namo Is Smith. Thero are five Smiths In the House, not reckoning Mr. Smith-Harry. There Is only ono Brown, and but two Joneses, and u solitary Hoblinon. ' MISSING LINKS. A copperhead snake, seven feet long, wan killed In a cigar store In Franklin. N. J.. Monday. Microbes killed a bank clerk lately who. In counting a pile of bank notes, moistened his flngera with his lips. A Maine physician prescribes for ner vous exhaustion tomcod chowder, and the patient mtut catch his own cod. Atlanta, Ga., is the only city in the United States that has a house con structed wholly of paper from founda tion to chimney. A child born In the northern suburb of Omaha last week has finger nail an Inch locg and a thick growth of hair ovir his body. A pstrJI'.ed frog found In an Elmlra, N. Y.. stone quarry in 1SSC was two tfn and eight Inches In length aurt weighed over 100 pounds. Tin Is said to have been discovered In .Huerfano county, Colorado, In better paying quantifies than any other place In the United States. B. II, Freeman of Toomsboro,. Gsl. one kept a moccasin snake, tightly sealed up lu a bottle, for two yearn without food or water, "yet it live and grew tat." In 1892 the cost of the election is England was 958,522, an average of 4 little over 4 shillings a vote. In 1871 each vote cost 14 to 15 shillings, and In 1859 over 1. The amount of New England rum sent from Boston to Africa has de creased In the last two years from !,- 025,226 gallons to 5G1.2G5. The eans of this decrease Is not given. The very latest "standplpo" In tka United States Is at the corner of Seven teenth and Crocker streets, Des Mole Iowa. It Is 135 feet high and tweal; odd feet in diameter, ind holds SM gallons.