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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1895)
ronio shis avknt. TklBs nln'l liko they used to bo Fore sho went awny; jMt don't look the same to mo Doa't by night or rtayl Weather's colder, skies nln't half ; Like they wus when she j Made the silver sunbeams laugh - From the bine to me. Seems like, fore she went away, Nuthln' over wrong: j' It wuz summer all the day Summer sweet with jHonpr. Summer In them eyes o' hers, Bright ns luouutnln lakes When tho wind above 'cm stirs An' the inorutii breaks. Summer In her lips 'at thrilled Like tho ong birds; Hlch nil' rosy lips 'at spilled Music with their words. Summer all crboul her! She Seemed the whole day long Just n llvln' melody Sunshine set to song! Will she mine again? Some time I shall wake nil' hsar Silver bolls' o" music ehtmo Soft-like on tho air; An' the wlnd'll waft Uie snows Winter will depart, An' the BjtriiiR'U pin n rose Hero on my poor heart! Atlanta Constitution. THAT INTERVIEW. i A Newiaf)r Story. We wcro In a parlor car on tho Canadian Pacific, forty miles out of Mooscjaw, and westward bound. I met thrco civil engineers, In tho cm ploy of the conlpany, at Winnipeg, and we were "chumming" It to Vancou ver. "Deuced fine looking girl," said Par kin, under his b recti). "Douccd lino looking irl," said Gra ham, with nu admiring glance In tho direction of tho star passenger. "Clean built and well groomed," muttered Clarke, critically. "I won der how she talks." 1 had been regarding the young wo inau carefully. Sho was vory pretty, but that was not nlono caused mo to transgress tho rules of good breeding by staring hard at our charming vis-n-vls. Was It fancy? At any rate, I could havo sworn that, ns her eyas met initio over tho top of the book, there was an expression In them which wild, us plainly as words could havo conveyed tho Idea: "I dcslro to com municate." It was llko a Hash, this gesturo of tho girl across tho way, and possibly I could havo been mlstnkeu. Could she havo been simply tossing back a stray lock of tho golden sheen that en veloped her handsomo head? Perhaps but then, that glance? "Let's go nnd smoke," Bald Parkin, rising and making for tho smoking compartment. "I'll Join you In n moment," I said, and my companions filed out. As they disappeared down tho alslo I cast a guarded glance In the direction of tho young womnn. Sho had dropped tho book to her knees and was leaning forward slightly. Ouo white hand lay on the plush-covered arm of the scat the other still separated tho leaves of tho magazine, ller lustrous eyes woro gazing straight at me; her lips, parted slight)', seemed about to address me. Surely, there could bo no mistaking tho situation; but still, I reflected, It was well to bo guarded In such mat-, tors. Having filled my cigar caso from a box In my grip, preserving meanwhllo what I have always flat tered myself was an air of Indiffer ence, I made a move to rejoin my com panions. Then, with a quick motion of tho body, a nervous gesturo of tho hand, she spoke. "I beg you pardon," sho said. "I er that Is will you grant mo a mo ment's conversation?" Ah, tho voice was not disappointing quite tho rovcrse, I thought well modulated, subdued, ladylike, In a "word, but unmistakably American. "1 "shall bo profoundly honored," I answered, approaching tho plush throne of my fascinating neighbor. "Pray sit down er that Is If I nm not detaining you," she went on, with the sweetest smile In tho world, Indi cating at tho samo time a feat oppo site her own. "Coolest cheek I ever encountered." was my silent reflection, but I sat down and awaited developments. "It Is so er such a dltllcutt matter to approach," she began, In a queer sort of way, "I wish wo know each other a little better, you know." "Heaven send tho opportunity," I spoke with all tho gallantry nt my commnnd. "Lost her purse wants to borrow money father a minister In Montreal, and nil that sort of thing," I thought, nud then kicked myself for harboring such an Idea. "If I cau bo of any possible service," I said, "I shall be charmed." "Sir," she replied, with an appealing gesture, "you are ablo to render mo nn Immense service If you will. Hut stay of course you consider my ad dreeing you in this manner an un pardonable Impertinence. I am an American, you know," bIio contiuued, with a quaint little prldo In tho say ing of it, and (with a touch of heroics) a business woman." "Pardon me," I ventured; "a lady can address a gentleman under al most any conceivable circumstances." "Will you, then, accept my card?" she proceeded, offering mo a tiny slip of cardboard. I took it and read tho Inscription: "Margaret Stanford, Spe cial Correspondent." In the lower left-hand comer, was printed, in large type, the name of a well known San Francis paper. "Ah, I have heard of you," I re marked. I never had, but then, It Is the proper thing to say to a newspaper woman. Sho likes you all the better for it, though satisfied tba you have lied. Miss Stanford smiled graciously. "That was nice of you," Bke said qui etly, and then, without more ado, went t the Heart of her dilemma. "Do you know the Crown Prince of Austria?" she began. "No I left Vienna when only four and-" "Oh, plea so don't frivol," cried my little friend from 'Frisco, "It's too seri ous a matter." "What? Knowing the Prince, or not knowing hlmV" "Both," she replied, with an air of exasperation, "but listen: Tho Crown Prince Ferdinand of Austria Is on this train. Ills car Is a special, In tho rear of ours, and he Is touring the llockles. I have been sent to obtain an Inter view with him, but my cant has been returned twice by Count Somebody or-other, who Is one of tho suite. To all Intents nnd purposes, the Prlneo has refused to see me." "The Idiot!" I cjarulated-"cr I mean tho man must bo Insane." "No," snld MIbb Stanford. Ignoring my remark, "ho's been talked to death, that's all. I overheard your convorsn- mtRA If 0 if On ilin Arm of u StllT-lluckt'il UlK- nltiirj'. tlon nnd discovered your profession. You arcit newspaper man." "True," I said, "but If the Prince will) not receive you, he certainly would not listen to my request." "Hero Is a plan," went on my Jour nalistic friend. "I must sec the Prince; It's absolutely necessary to my future. I am determined to tnlk to htm. There Is no one else in this pnrt of tho car but ourselves. Sup poso you forced nn ituwclcome atten tion on me what would I be most likely to do?" "You'd run awny, wouldn't you?" I hazarded. "Hun where?" she gasped, eagerly. "Where should I run to?" "Into the next car, by .love," I an swered, catching the daring Idea. "That's It!" and the girl from 'Frisco literally danced on her seat with de light. "Don't you understand tho Prince Is young, he Is chivalrous even hot-headed, they say. If you will pur suo mo Into the next car I will be your friend for life. Will you do It?" She sat there with both hands ex tended toward me hi nu attitude of supplication. I saw Pnrkin coming down the aisle from tho smoker In the rear end, nnd witnessed tho astonish ment on his face. He ducked out again ns silently as a ghost. It was risky business, this chasing women Into prince's caravans, but still, It was business. Lord, If 1 could only got that royal Austrian to punch my head, that, and the story leading up to It, would sell like a Yankee toy In the Strand. It was a good enough thing to take a chanco on. "All right," I said; "go on." Llko lightning sho was oil down the aisle, past tho smoking compartment, whero my Winnipeg frlondH were awaiting my arrival, and Into the rear coach. Three piercing shrieks, uttered as sho disappeared, brought n crowd of foreign notables to her rescue, and I was unceremoniously hustled off the platform by one of tho biggest of tho lot. Tho next instant I was strug gling desperately in tho arms of those thrco engineers from Winnipeg, who swore I had suddenly gone Insane, and wanted to telegraph my friends. It took me half an hour to explain innt tcrs to them and to tho conductor, whoso Indignation passed all under standing. Then Miss .Stanford emerged leaning on the arm of a stiff backed dignitary of the Austrian sllH r 'IliiH'Ti Inlmmmk b nil' All )raJWt nt ffSak. milM'wf'YlziM"' " T" uHL ! inml I 1 ml jl rwm MMmsmj fflltli ft I fOmll lie ProtoniiUly Honored." court, who bowed her luto our car with profound ceremony. "Shako hands!" she cried, her face flashing with excitement and satisfac tionshake both hands kiss me, If you want to. I've got It the best tsory that ever was printed." Somehow I always thought that Miss Stanford forgot to print tTio best part of the story. And this is the whole thuth nbout that interview with Ferdinand, Arthur James Pcglar. THE KI.ECTHIG MOTOll. It I DUplaelnir Steam a rowrr Generating Mnchlne. New examples of the tendency to replace steam engines by electric mo tors are dally coming to public notice. Only recently it was announced that the Baldwin Locomotive works In Philadelphia had substituted electric motors to drive the machinery on the main floor of their factory, with the further announcement that tho man agers purposed to Introduce electric power In all the departments as soon as tho economy of the chnnge should bo demonstrated." Now the Maryland Steel company has followed suit by deciding to mnko use of electric mo tors In place of steam cugliips lit Its extensive works nt Sparrows Point. Tho acting superintendent of tho elec trical department states that It Is tho Intention to utilize electrical iowcr a great deal more in tho future than In tho past In running the motors In the shops nnd for other purposes. All of the smnll engines will be takon out nnd the electrical power substituted. This, tho superintendent claims, will bo n saving to the company. In running by steam, he says, tho 103S by condensation is the great number of pipes is very heavy. The substitution of electricity will do uway with about twenty-live engines, varying from twenty-five to fifty horse-power. The change will be made at oiiee. In the case of a large factory, whero a sluglo engine was employed to drive many machines, It was found, by recent experiment, that not more than 10 per cent of the Initial 1 force was made effective, the remain der being used up in dragging the chevy bolts around pulleys and turn I ing sliafts that labored In their efforts to resist the strain of tho bells. That l single engine has now been replaced : by several small and high-speed ones, aggregating '-!."() horse-power, and tho energy is taken rroni tnein in tne shnpe of electricity directly to tho ma chines, each machine being run by a scpnrato motor. All of" the overhead net-work of shafts, wheels and lndts hns been done awny with, with the consequence, aside from tho saving of the coal pile, that instead of a dnrk come a clean, well ventilated and well and dirty room, the inntu shop has bo lighted room. New York Post. I.IKK TIIUMIKIICIjAVN. Hinv n Klj'n Trotllnir Soiuiiln In n .Mlt'roplioiit'. The improvements which W. H. Soulby lias lately added to the micro phone, or "sound magnifier," makes It one of the most marvelous mechanical contrivances of the nge. The special construction of this Instrument Is of no particular Interest to anyone except experts, but what Is told of Its won derful powers as a magnifier of sounds well as tho scientific and unscientific wol las the scientific and unscientific readers of "Notes for the Curious." After tho Instrument had been com pleted with the exception of a lew fin ishing touches, Soulby found it abso lutely necessary to keep the door of Ids workshop tightly closed so as to admit no sounds from tho outside, otherwise the inarticulate rumblings given oft by the "ejector" would have become unbearable. Kven with closed doqrs the cap had to be kept constant ly lu plnco on the receiver to keep the Instrument from sending forth a roar, which previous Investtgntlnn had proved to be a combination of sounds produced by watch-beat i, breathing, tho hum of files, etc. A fly walking across the receiver of tho instrument made a sound equal to a horse walking across a bridge, and when Mr. Soulby laid his arm across tho box, the blood rushing in ids veins gave forth a sound which much re sembled that mnde by tho pump of a largo steam engine. The playing of a piano in a house across the street was, when ejected from Soulby's machine, like tho roar of an avalanche, and the washing of dishes lu the kitchen of a house across the alley made a sound which tho inventor of the machine said was "a burden to his soul." When anyone entered the room. walked about, coughed, touched a table or the door handles, the shriek which Issued from tho ejector was most painful to hear. Hundreds of useo have been suggest ed for the microphone, the most prac tical being those of blood circulation and lung tests. St. Louis Republic. A Curious Oath. Tne following curious oath was un til recently administered lu the courts of tho Isle of Man: "By this book, ami by the holy contents thereof, and by the wonderful worka that God has mlraculou-ly wrought In heaven abovo and in the earth beneath in six days uud seven nights, I do swear that I will, without respect of favor or friendship, love or sln, consan guinity or affinity, envy or malice, ex ecute the laws of this isle, and be tween party and party as Indifferently as the herring's luickboue doth lie In 1 f.A ml.l11.. nt Ua Mai. IUC iuiuuii; v luv uau. WHAT YOUn mANI)SO.V MAY SAY O, grandma, Is It really true That men did once delight To look on girls as' goddesses Who dwelt uion n height? O, did they really slave for Uicin And think It was but right? O, had they then no grievances They organized to air? Did they ne'er vow her tyranny Was more than they could benr, When woman wore n petticoat, And never cut her hair? O, were men happy subjects once, Of an unconscious queen, Ere yet the sea of Progress came "JL'wixt them to Intervene That heavy sea In which, to-day, Wo watch her throne careen? Was sho a thing of beauty once, Kre yet she did affright A wond'rlng world by blazing out In blooinercttcs bedlght; Kre Freedom In her hooks was made Synonymous with Fight? O, grandmn, I was bom too late! A lump comes In my throat To think that a divinity, On whom all men might dole, Died an unnatural death the day That woman got a vote. Boston Globe. It was "steamer day" at Sitka and amid all tho joyous stir and excite ment that tho monthly boat brought was ouo forlorn, unhappy man. Tom Douglas watched his friends as they eagerly opened their letters and lis tened with assumed Interest to tho bits of news they were .anxious to share, for at Sitka the population throngs to the wharf when the steain er's whistle is heard and waits the coming of the ship nud distribution of tho mails. The people crowd Into tho tiny postofiice on the dock and watch Impatiently for the longed-for home letters. But Tom's home letter was uot a comfort to him. "Well, she Is really coming," he thought, "a mouth from to-day, if the steamer is on time. I will be a married man, worse luck. How can I ever tell Natalia, dear lit tle girl! I wouldn't willingly hurt her tender feelings for $1,000,000, as hard up as I tun." And Tom whistled rue fully. Tom Douglas was a naval ollicer, and before being stationed at Sitka ho had been on duty a winter In Washington, where he plunged Into society with that gay abandon that ' only a sailor knows, for after three years at sea a young fellow Is quite ready for the .rush and whirl of the gay capital. All houses were open to the handsomo lieutenant, but there was one where he was especially wel come. Tho hostess was a pretty wid ow of some twenty-six or twonly Kovcu years of age. ller husband, wlto had died soon after their mar riage, seemed not to have had a very strong hold on her affections, for :ifle mourning him decorously for n ear sho had blossomed into the gayest of the gay, and her house became u cen ter for the young officers who had been the friends of her husband. It was there that Tom spent the most of his time. He dropped' lit dur ing the morning and discussed the newest gossip or the latest magazines, ami came lu for a cup of tea In the afternoon and remained till her cozy parlor was empty save for himself and her. "Arc you going to the assembly to night?" he would ask. "Will you be there. Tom?" .Mrs. Dccilng had such a good fellowship way of using her friend' first names. "Yes, 1 presume so." "Well, then. I am going," the-little widow would reply. And that was the way the winter passed, Tom running In at all hours, privileged to smoke or read, to1 talk or listen, the most Indulged of nil her callers. When ids orders came for ids immediate removal to Alaska he nut the document in ids pocket and went as usual to tho cheery homo of Mrs. Deeiing. lie told her the news and was really surprised and flat tered by her reception of it. She took Ixuli his hands in hers and tho tears gathered In her bright eyes. , "Oh, Tom," she said, "I hate to have you go." ' Now. It never occurred to Lieut. ' Douglas before, but tit this nnnneit the idea did come to htm that he was lu love with tho widow. He diew her to him and kl-sed away her tears and before he knew It he was en gaged to Alice Deerlng. He left soon alter arranging to havo . Alice Join liini later In the siiiiiim, but owing to the loss of a distant rel ative, the heir of whose modest estate j she was, her coining had been greatly , delayed. It was now more than a year since To in and sho had parted In Washington. In the meantime Tom whlled away his leisure hours lu the somewhat narrow circle of Sitka so ciety, but In that narrow buiind he had" found n fair Itusslan tlower that ho knew bloomed for him. Though Tom had not made love to Natalia ho was too honorable for that they hud iM'en together constantly, and each knew instinctively what was In the other's heart. "1 believe I'll go aud tell Natalia all." Tom continued to muse, "right now, for of course, as a gentleman and otficer I am bound to keep my word, and my word is given to marry Alice -hung It! I wish I had never been born. She, too, poor girl, may discov er that my love has somewhat cooled. If It ever was love, it never was the same feeling that I have for dear little Natalia, bless her loving Heart:' So Tom went to Natalia and told her that be wns emrnuod. and that auotli- er month would see him married. Her delicate face whitened, hut, eon trolllug herself, she said: "I congratulate you, Mr. Douglas." Then, bursting Into tears, she turned away. The sight of her tears was too much for Tom. Embracing her ten derly, he said: "I love but yoji, Na talia, darling. Oil, that I had met you first! My fondness for Alice wns but ti tleetlng thing, nnd my love for you will last forever!" npgsggg-ressssggsaBaj I A WIDOW'S ;,ove. $ Pressing warm kisses on her lips, lie held her close. "Leave me, Tom. It Is right fpr you to keep your word, but you should have told me of your engagement be fore. We had best part now. Good bye." "But can't I come to see you. Nata lia, as usual?" "Why, certainly not, Mr. Douglas. It would only be painful, for wo can never, from this time forward, be any thing but the most formal of friends." Tom was touched by the simple dig nity of the young ltusslnu girl .whose quiet life had -been spent by the sea shore under the shadow of the mount ains, far from the noise of city or town, so lie bowed to her will. Their parting was a heartbreaking one to both. "Natalia, 1 can't bear to leave you. I must have you, dearest." "There, go now. Tfils Is only fool ish." "Well, then, let me kiss you for the last time, darling," pleaded Tom. Natalia put up her little tear-stained faco and Tom silently kissed her nnd went nway. That month patted only too quickly for poor Tom, who looked with dread toward the coming of tho steamer. He studiously avoided !'atalla. deny ing himself the regular afternoon walk to the Indian river, which is the event of the day to all the white people at Sitka, lie kept -close to his rooms when not on board ship, curs ing the mistake of his lffo which was so soon to mnko an unwilling bride groom of him. To Natalia, w!iosc soft, brown eyes wcro red with weeping, life seemed a dreary blank now that the daily visits of Tom had ceased. There appeared lu her mental horizon nothing for which to live. She wondered 1ioy she had existed before he came to Sitka. But then she had been busy with her lessons, and now, in tho idea of her old-fashioned father, her simple edu cation was complete, nnd it wns time for her to marry one of the Itusslan lads who sought her hand. The next "steamer day" Tom Dou glas was seen rushing madly to Nata lia's home. Tho neighbors who, of course had noted his long absence, were greatly surprised. "Natalia, Nafnlla!" lie cried, as soon as she came Into the quaint drawing room to receive lilin, "I've come to ask you to bo my wife. Dearest, say yes, at once!" "Why, Tom, are you crazy? What has become of Alice?" "Well, by George, Natalia, she Is married. Just think of it married! And I am the happiest man on earth. A pardoned convict's feelings of relief are not to be compared to mine. You see, soon after she left Washington she met tin old sweetheart whom shu , had cast off to marry Mr. I5ceiing, i whose position and prospects seemed I better. In the meantime this old fel low had made a fortune, and as he i was on his way to Alaska for a ploa , sere trip they decided also to make It also a wedding trip and break the .news to mo in person. 1 tat her awk- ward, you might think, but 1 eongrat . ulaled them with all my heart and i thanked my stars for my freedom. I Come, little girl, put on your hat, and I II take you down to tho steamer to ' oi the bride, and I'll Introduce to her my fiancee, because you say 'yes' don't i you. dear?" "I uppo-e so. Tom; but ifs all so , sudden. Shall I wear my lcg!iorn lilt?" 't. Louis Ilcpuhllc. A Sunk,. ItiuiK-H Ithfir. Tho following niake sto-y is v ached for by several iicrsi-us whoso er.tcilv .. ..e,,uu , ........... ui iiieiii '"-, a lawyer h.-tc for his health, ! and tuiot her a preacher: I Yc.sleiilav Anlnir IMlien ami .lames Wo dell, while in iho mnuiilnins near! Addison, Wis., caught a large bla-k- snake. The leptiie was a big one, but not remarkably large. A string was tied around Its neck and it was brought to WodeH's house, whore It was hitched to a stake.'s chil dren were much interested In It, and prodd d it with sticks till the snake Ih'diii'c wild with rage. It being a lr.'irniles v;ii lelv It ivns flrw.Miwl lnti.i- , to ,., tt ,l'sce what It would do. The snake crawled oil' slowly until came to a small apple tree, which It I (III tlw. Iliul ..... ........1..1 v.. ...... ,. ,... a.i . i.i-m .ll.lll M tin ,1.1. ,1 lli Out on this It crawled until It found a branch about twice as large as Its , own Ixidy. It stretched Itself along I the limb and. doubling Itself nbout tho i middle, began to wind the rear half , of its body around the front half till j It was about the shape of two 'wires , which a lineman lias spliced. Tho I wlrdlng process was kept up, the coils awing forward and lightening till the middle and strongest part of Its body covered Its head. Then the snake deliberately put n tho pressure and squeezed its head Mil it liursr open :.ud death ioIIoed It. Louisville Cour- tor-Journal Norilitu mill (he llcKcucrutcM. Not ji few of my adversaries have found refuge In the contemptuous as sertion Unit I showed no comprehen sion of the men whom I subjected to my analysis. I had no conception of poetry or art. I wonder If these phrases havo made any impression upon my readers. I have no need of answering them. I have devoted mi'ch space In my look to the pre tension of the degenerates that they hive a finer Intelligence and more del icate precept Ions than those who deny the beauty of green-tinged human laces, senselessly raving verses, and Idiotic marionette dramas. This pre temion Is scarcely worth a shoulder rirug. To disprove It would be ab surd. The black cannibals from whose feats Livingstone turned away with i horror grinned nt him and said: "You have no taste. You do not know what Is good." These cannibals were firm ly convinced thnt Livingstone laek-'d all higher Intelligence, "A lteiily to , My Critics," by Max Nordau in The , t.entury. 'The World In Mine." "What's the matter?" asked the po liceman. "Haven't you any plnco to go?" "Any place to go?" replied Me andering Mike, with contempt, "l'vo got the whole United States lefore me. I've got so many places ter go to dat It's worrylu' me dizzy makin' up me mind which way ter start." Washington Stnr. A N12W AMI5RIOAXEDKN. Qni-er l.-KiiiN f Turnip unit Pumpkin Wlirn liiiiiilKruiitK r Wuntot, Vew York Tribune. There is a inau hero from Georgia burdened with schemes for making hit region prosperous. Ho owns land by the thousand acres and thinks that if he can persuade immigrant farmers to buy oT htm it will bo to their everlast ing prosperity, and help him along in tiio world, besides doing a. little for, his state, lledoubtsnotthuthisniolives aro patriotic. "The people of Geor gia," hosays, "don't bother their heads about immigration. Foreigners may coino tliero if they want to, but they've got to coino without begging. "We don't mind their coming if they'll set tle among us nnd learn our ways, but wo don't want 'cm in colonies, bringing their socialism and communism and their other isms with them to destroy1 the peace of our state. Give us immi gration, but notcolonizntion.' That's the way they tulkandthat'swhy wuVe had no agent to turn foreigners down our own way." "What inducements havo you to of fer to fanners?" "Nolhitigcxtr'ortiary, I reckon. My region's tho Eden of America. Tlmts all. Ain't no place that can beat it for crops." "Corn?" "One hundred nnd thirty bushels to the acre. Plant in April -ami gather in November. Ono plowing, no hoe ing. Fodder till you can't vest. Have to pull it from horseback. Why? Stalks so high can't reach to the top. There's only one trouble with crowing corn in Georgia; you don t have enough nubbins to feed your steers." "Nubbins for steers?" "That's what's tho matter. Tho ears aro so big that a steer can't get 'em in his mouth. See? You've got to chop Vm up, and that takes time." "Do you grow potatoes?" "Sweet? No. They grow themselves. Wo just give 'em half a chance. Run a furrow in tho sand, drop in your seed, cover it with your foot as you go along and leave the crop to it self. It grows summer and winter nnd you needn't over dig it for a year or two. Of course, by-and-by tho 'ttiters get too big to bo good. At 18 month old half a ono makes a meal for ten persons." "And turnips?" "A few. It don't take many to do us. We daren't sow the seed A3 your Northern fanners do. Wo check oil tho turnip patch like n chess-board, inn king the corners eight feet apart, so that tho turnips won't crowd. It don't do to havo tho turnips too thick. How large do they grow? Well, I had l-l merino sheep, fine fel lows they were, and I use to fold 'em every night for fear of dogs. Ono day three of the biggest wcro missing and the whole farm turned out to find 'oni. We hunted for 'etn lor two days, killed 17 dogs on suspicion, and gave up tho search. The next day 1 found the tlirceinsideof one of my turnips. Yon see they had jumped into tho turnip patch and eaten their way rigbt into one ot the vegetables." "How could you feed such things to youi stock?' "Oh, we have to chop 'cm up. I use n 1 ."i-foot cross-cut saw on mine." "How about pumpkins?" I "I'umkin .' Nicy luuiy sweat, they grow -o fast There ain't no prettier ;,. ,lflI1 Ult, HMind of growing pun- j-j,,.,. h,.s.,. ,.. -,:-ow hi tho world, self-acting. lYowsniidblnckbinUwor- lied us lot until 1 inadethedUcos cry. Plant one in your raspberry patch and the bird, won't come around. Why? The grow mg pains and tho groans of the punkiii trmhten 'em nway. tever hear of Punkin Vino creek? Got its name from a punkin vino. Years ago, when the Cherokee Indians lived in North Georgia, they wanted some sort of a bridge across tho creek. There wasn't n tree around, nnd they didn't know what to do. An old settler said he'd fix it. Ho planted a punkin seed near the bank, and, when tho vino be gan to grow, he trained it in the direc tion of the water. In a few days it grew ncros-. to tho other bank, and bore a big punkin on that side, which held it so that the Indinnscouldcio.-s, Any old fanner down there'll tell you that story. From what I've fcecu of piuikiiiH I readily believe it." "Is yoiir's a "good fruit country? any iipide-?" Moie ii wc know what to do with. 1 turned inv hogs aud my neiihbor-. into inv on hard tho othev day to -ee jf thev couldn't rid mo of a few lui-hl s i 0f u,'. f,..,j.. j". ..- didn't do much good, I drove ; IiiouaIi the nevl day with u hor.-e nnd buggy. The tipples were so thick on the ground tlinttheie was ti i egular slucii of cider following mo wherever 1 went. Mashed out, you know, bv tho wheels nnd the horse's hoofs. That'll give you some idea of our fruit crops. Anything else you'd like to know?" "Is it all like what you've been tell ing me?'' "Kvery man for himself, you know. I'm talking for my own region. I haven't traveled much." "Do you mean to say" "Yirting man, 1 haven't got time to go into details. Do you want to go to Georgia? Coino down and start a, newspaper." A wooden ship of 2,028 tons is a curiosity indeed, and it is no wonder that tho people of thowholesurround ing country ' poured into liockport, Maine, to see the launch of tho big four-master Fredrick Billings. Benson's watch, the size of a six pence, creates quite a sensation at the London "Inventions," There is an other thesue of a shilling, which shows tho time, the year.the month, tho day of the mouth nnd wcek and tho phase of the moon, It arranges itself to suit the exigencies of leap year, nnd per forms nil theso various functions by being wound as an ordinary but less complicated chronometer. It repeats, when required.tho hours, thequarters. und minutes dn a deep-toned gon. It is priced at 500. hi " JUv'.i 4 II! i 6 m: r & TT-vtwrr VsV-t... l .rnsmiT aeaA3&K& '1 .V! '