Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, October 04, 1895, Image 1

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    (Repairing done anil"
satisfaction guarant'd
ATTHE...... ,
City Jewelry Store
j:i Jewelry
GO to the ....
City Jewelry Store
VOL. 1
NO. 82
mtmmm m m iMUjnijimimjwuumiuminii,iiaiawi
tmJMMtnmummmmammtmmmmaitKm. i in
Wasn't that a nice shower last
,Mrs. Ben Prico has been ill
fpr several days.
L. F, Loavitt is a new sub
scrjbor this week.
I?ev. Wornom held services at
Berea last Sunday.
A. L. Paradis of Alliance spent
Sunday in Homingford,
I. E. Tash was out of town a
couplo of days this week. i
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. C. Penner of
Dunlap are in town to day.
Miss Otilla Nikont of Lawn is
spending a few days in the city.
A. A. Record of Chadron -vas
doing business in town Wednes
day The post office at Mirage Sher
idan county, has been discontin
ued. Independent county conven
tion at the court house to mor
row. Attorney S. P, Tuttlo trans
acted business at Allianco Mon
day. Dr. Haller arrived in town this
morning and will remain two
Mr. and Mrs. VE. A. Hall re
turned from Ellsworth, Kansas,
yesterday. t
Dr. Blanchard contemplates a
ifip up the road in a few days,
Miss Susie Prazior is spending
her three weeks' vacation with
her parents, near Alliance.
A marriage liconso was grant
ed on Tuesday to Lee Acheson
jjnd Miss Mota Jodcr, all of Al
liance. C. Jasper Wildy and Miss Nel
lie Goodenough drove out to Box
Butte today tov visit Miss Lulu
F. H. Ruhtcr renewed for the
Herald anil paid a year's sub
ceription for his brother William,
Misses Lena Jay and Alma
Fennor visited Mrs. Frazier,
near Allianco Saturday, and
M. Fairman of Hildreth, Nob.,
was in the City Tuesday. Ho
represents tho Western Supply
Co., Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvillo Kidwell
will take up their residence on
tho O'Keofo place the first of
next week.
Rev,. H. E. Robbins of Allianco
held Episcopal sorvices at the
Congrogational church Wednes
day evening.
C. A. Posvar of Lawn precinct
'was in towm Saturday. Charlie
is one of the most prosperous
farmers in the county.
Atty. E. C. Wood, of Omaha,
-was in Hemingford yesterday on
important business. The Her
ald acknowledges a call.
L. Farley deposited $2.00 on
subscription and John Armstrong
renewed for the Herald Satur
day. Let the good work go on.
Dr. R. II. Blanchard has moved
his family back to the' city to
winter and is occupying his
smaller residence on Niobrara
P. H. Zoblo, tho democratic
war horse of Box Butto precinct
was in the city "Wednesday. Box
Butto will roll up a big democrat
ic vote this fall.
M. E. Gooch did not go to In
diana as he had cxpectod but re
turned to Hemingford Sunday
morning. Marshall can't stay
away from tho best town in
Northwest Nebraska.
' Mr. Gerber and family went to
Alliance Tuosday to attend tho
Acheson-Joder wedding.
A. M. Clark tho Marsland ped
agogue Sundayed inHomingfonl.
Mr. Clark is tho independent
candidate for superintendent of
schools in Dawes county.
E. E. Ford was in town Tues
day. Mr, Ford says thoro are
lots of live democrats in Lawn
precinct and they will turn out
en masse to tho convention next
0. B. Runyou who resides
eight miles northwest is building
a new house. Tho so-called
"hard times" seem to have littlo
effect on Hemingford and Box
Butto county.
Omaha Trado Journal: Mar
shall Field & Co. say the fall
trado is tho best it has been any
year since 1892. Merchants aro
buying with more confidence than
for the past three years.
Mrs. M. C. Beaumont was
taken suddenly ill Saturday ov
ening. Her husband who was at
Ulm, Wyo., was tolegraphod
for and came home Monday ev
ening. She is reported bettor at
this writing.
Lawrence Farley who was a
resident of this county during
the years '83 and '89, was hero
last week looking after his land
and yisiting with old tiino
friends His homo is near
Do Kalb, 111.
Volnoy Curtis called Saturday
and requested us to place his
namo on tho Hsrald list. Mr.
Curti3 will wield the birch this
winter and ho has tho reputation
of being one of the best teachers
in tho county.
Harry Pierce has loased tho
Earnest livery stable and moved
his outfit therein, which gives
him control of both barns. Bus
iness is good and Harry is sure
to receive his share of patronage,
because ho is obliging and' gives
Tho fino new church at Mars
land will bo completed within a
few days and will be dedicated
Sunday, Oct. 10th at 11 o'clock,
by Rev. O. L. Ramsey of Valen
tino, Neb. The poople of this
county aro cordially invited to
bo present.
Row Kendall expects to com
mence a series of meetings at
Marsland immediately after tho
dedication of the new church.
Ho will bo assisted by Rev.
Ramsey of Valentino, who has
had a nurabor of years exper
ience in Evangelistic work.
Joseph Dvorak and Miss Maiy
Chitka wore united in marriage
on Tuesday, Oct. 1st, at tho res
idence of Vincent Dvorak, Judge
Spacht officiating. A big dance
was given in the ovoning at tho
homo of the bride's father, music
being furnished by tho Band.
The Northwest Nebraska Bap
tist Association closed its work
at this place Sunday evening,
with a sermon by Rev. Davis, of
Chadron. The meeting has been
a pleasant and profitable one and
Hemingford would like to havo
the association hold their noxt
mooting here.
Tho Bank of Homirigf rd togeth
er with tho general merchandise
store owned by tho bank wore
fjfosed Wednosday morning,
ponding an examination by Stato
Bank Examiner E. L. Dodder, jr.
It is stated by thoso in a position
to know that the assets aro suf
ficient to pay all liabilities. It
is tQ bo hoped that a receiver
will not have to bo appointed
and that tho bank and storo will
resume business in a short time.
All interested in Sabbath
School work aro invited to attond
a Sunday School convention to
bo held in tho M. E. church nt
at Allianco on Oct. 12th, for tho
purpose of organizing district
work. There will be an inter
esting programme. Morning
session at 10 o'clock. Do not fail
to attend.
Jos. Ilashmau and Lois Lapt
ham were marriod last Friday.
Judgo Spacht tied tho nuptial
Box Butto Bulletin.
Mrs. Ilirara "Wilson is quite ill.
Wm. Hall shipped cattlo to
Oranlia Tuesdny.
A valuable horse belonging to
Mrs. Hood broko one of its legs.
A "social meeting" was hold at
Clark Chapel Thursday evening.
Bert Tracy, one of tho old Box
Butte hoys, arrived hero from
Omaha this week for a short visit.
Miss Maud Emery gave a
"necktie party" Thursday ovoning
at the homo of her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Nason.
Mivand Mrs. Ed M. Tracy left
Monda' evoniug for Lincoln
where Mr. Tracy will resume his
studies in tho Law department of
the University.
It is time for Box Butto people
to think of our Literary society.
Our neighboring communities
havo already done so. "Why
stand wo hero idle?"
Clayton Worlcy leaves Box
Butto for Lincoln whoro ho will
attend school. When noxt ho vis
its Box Butte it will bo with a
"D. D." attached to his namo ho
Burtoajnlc Buclsot.
Potato digging is tho order of
tho day.
Charles Tiernan made a trip to
Pino Ridgo last week.
Mr. and Mrs. ltumbaugh havo
moved out on their farm.
Miss Abbio Kennedy is staying
witii Mrs. Bon, of Willoy, Neb.,
at present.
Miss Alta Thompson was tho
gueBt of Miss Abbio Kennedy one
day last week.
Ask Roy Whipple for particu
lars as to the cause of his not go
ing to Alliance Sunday.
Messrs L. M. Kennedy and
John Henderson transacted busi
ness on tho Platte Inst week.
Misses Lizzie Burk and Annie
King were the guests of Misses
Annie and Alice Tiernnli Sundnj
Misses Annie Tiernan and Liz
zie Burk spent a few days in Al
lianco last1 week visiting Mrs.
Mrs. L. M. Kennedy and Mrs.
DoVo re have. boon on the sick list
for sovoral days past but at pres
ent aro somo hotter.
Miss Kate Stroud after visiting
for a week with B urban k relatives
departed for her home in Carson,
Iowa, Tuesday night.
A number of young peoplo of
tho neighborhood spent Friday
ovoning at Mr. DoVore's. Music,
games, otc., wore indulged in until
a Into hour.
Campmeoting in Wells' grove
that was to havo lasted a week or
more, began Saturday as sbted in
tho Heiuld week before last, but
owing to tho small attendance it
was adjourned Sunday. Uncle
Jesse Wright gave a very interest
ing talk Sunday afternoon.
Mortgage Record.
Farm M'tg's filod C,
" rol'sd 10,
Town " filed 6,
" rol'sd 5,
Chattel filed 33,
41 - J rcl'Btl '12,
Alliance News
Mrs. D. W. Bailor has roturnod
homo from hor Iowa visit.
Miss Addio Poole of Marsland
filod on a homosted Tuosday.
Mrs Dr. liollwood is visiting for
a few wooka with friends back in
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrf. E I ltiek Hvu.15 in Simonson's
addition, last Sunday.
The oldest dauohtor of Mr. mid
(Mrs. G. W. Clurk has been under
nTdtyivo of Dr. Bollwood this week.
Mrs. Otis of lluinphroy, Nob.,
was visiting with Mrs. W. A.
Hampton tho fore part of tho week.
Fred Smith received a card from
his brother, Dr. Smith at Loa
Augoles, Cal.j announcing tho
birth of a son on the 25, inst.
A number of Allianco sports aro
taking iu the Goring races this
weok, among them being Wm.
Hough, Simon Spry, James Bruce,
and others.
J. 0. Alexander, and his moth
er, Mi's.'' Elii'.a Alexander with
their witnosses were tit tho land
oHiceMonday making final proof
on their homesteads.
Mis3 Ida Mosor lias opened up
hor millinery in tho JDoinpsoy
building opposite the Preston
House. Her stock is all now and
comploto in all details, and wo pro
diet for hor a very liberal patron
Tho town was very much alivo
Wednesday night. The brass
band was out in force, a crowd was
out with horns, pans, bolls etc.,
and oYerybody was wondering
whalvas up. The occassion was
caused by tho mariiagd of Loo
Tho regular meeting of tho
City Council had to go by default
on Tuosday night. Councilman
MoWhinnay had to go to the stato
convention nnd Councilman Mc
Intyro had business put on tho
road, which did not leave a quorum
in town. An effort will bo made
to secure a quorum this Iriday
Missss Katie and Maggie El
more gave a reception last Friday
evening at their home in honor of
their cousiu Miss Lizzie Murphoy
of Kansas City who was visiting
them. A largo number of young
ladies and gentlemen wero in at
tendance as invited guest, and the
pleasant timo spent was but an
other of tho many royal entertain
ments for which tho Elmore fam
ily aro noted for giving.
"Work has begun on ropairing
all damaged sidewalks in town.
Marshal Shay wont over tho town
and mado a note of al damaged
places. Property owners all paid
for tho cost of new lumber requir
ed in front of their places, and an
estimate was mado for repairing of
crossings for which tho City must
pay. A now crossing will bo put
in at tho alloy east of St. Mathows
church. The Marshal and street
Commissioner aro boing tho work
without extra cost outside of .their
Hon. T. V. Goldon, populist
candidate for District Judgo was
in the City Sunday and Monday,
in the interest of his candidacy,
lie is a man of vory pleasing ad
dress, and used to be a hard work
ing domocrat before he joined tho
populist party. Had ho como on
any other businoss than politics ho
could havo had a better opportun
ity of sizing up tho town, but as
Allianco is so rank against any
man on the populist tickot ho
found it a pretty cold place.
Wore ho running on his personal
qualities rather than on tho pop
ulist ticket, Mr. Golden would be
a vory formidable candidate.
Commissioner Diuiam informs
us that at a mooting of tho Board
at Homingford this week tho mat
tor of allowing two polling places
for Allianco was discussed, and
as none of tho citi.ons had given
expression to any views on tho
tho subject, it was thought ho3t to
J lot tho mutter slide along. The law
1 makes it a duty of thp Commis
sioners to dlvido precincts after tho
i tln 1 i .
votes oxcocu auu wunout waning
for what iionnlu mav rhv. lmr. if it
( ja tm expression of sontimont that
, they want they can got plenty of it
; for people hoi'o do not want to wait
fill llirrlit. for llm Vnfon i ln pnnnk
i od in ordor to loarn who has been
Boron. Soro.pin.sa.
Miss Ortio Johnson is on
sick list.
There is boiiio talk of roviviug
tho Literary hero this fall.
Mrs. Jewott returned from hor
daughters funeral last Friday.
A brother to Martin Logan ar
rived from Norway last weok.
Wp aro sorry to learn that Mrs.
F. Kauffold has lost the sight of
her right eyo.
Mrs Anderson of ifavolocjc is
visit iqg with friends and relatives
near Berea.
Rev. Wornom, from near Hem,
ingford, hold sorvicos iu our moot
ing houso last Sunday. His sub
ject was "Christ's Conversation
with Nicodomus." Mr. Wornom
is a good earnest christian who
puts his whole soul into his work j
in tho sorvico of tho Lord.
0. S. "Wildy wants somo dressed
poultry and hogs.
Machino Oils at Green's.
Order your stovo repairs at Anton
California conned goods 15 cents a
can tit W. K. Herncall's.
All those knowing themsolvos to
mo, either by note or book account,
plense como and sottlo, as 1 havo
heavy payments to meet".
Anton Uhmo.
Paints of all kinds at Green's.
Shoes of all kinds, styles and
prices. Can fit any foot nnd pocket
book. W. K. Hernoall.
A now lot of shoes Just received by
W. K. Ilerncrtll.
Tako your produce to Wildy's
"tho old Btandby." .
If you owo Wildys' call in and
speak to thorn about it they need
all what is duo thorn.
Tun Heuald smd tho American
Parmer Established 181U, tho
oldest Agricultural publication in
America both one year for $.150.
The Genuine Round Oak Stovo
mado by Ueckwith, Dowuglac, Mich.,
with the name on the legs, is tho
most fuel-saving stoyo on tho market
and Is tho only stovo that will burn
wood, hard coal, soft coal, and coke,
successfully, and also can bo made a
self-feeding baso burner at tho same
time. For salo by Anton1 Uiikip
NEW :: GOODS ! !
inery Store.
Come and see tho. Goods, got
prices, and be convinced that tljoy
aro thq best and cheapest in tho
Thanking you for past favors
and trusting for a continuance of
tho aine.
Yours respectfully,
Miss L. A'dajis.
Ofdola.1 Dirootory.
(Jan. Unrrr, lt Dint.'
OomrnlsMononHJa. Ilollinrako, 8ml Dt,
(Ooo. W Duucan,)rd Wat.
.fintco-I). K. Rpnoltt.
Clork-J. K. Noftl.
HIiorlfT K. A. Hnll
Tnwurer -H. II. Mhoy.
Attorney II. tQllitinn
Uaronor l. II. Drincoll.
s Surveyor- J. 1. Hazard
Hum. or Soiioola-H. e. Fillmore.
Olaurola Dlreotory.
"lONnilEHATIONAIj. I'roohlnire&oh nltor-
.nutu Miitimy,(rinntnir jnnitnry.i iw, at
1 o'clock it. in., unit nt 7 p. m. Buiiilnr School
nt 10 a, in.
I'rijyor Mooting each Wednesday
nt . li. m.
Court House, ito v., Wumlerlloh, Pastor.
A'fllOI.tOt-ltoy. Chattel Zak Pastor.
MKTIlOMSTt-lto J.W. Kendall Pnntor
l'ronoliln tlio second nnd lourtb Sunday In
caoh month nt 11 a. m., and 7 p. in.
liMUSOOI'Al-Borvloca In tho Oontrreent
tvrionul Clmrcli. ltov. I'nator.
KorvJoes on tlio third Thursday In each month
at 7 p. 111.
KoMohuRh Camp JN'o. IT. to. Moota
Anil fourth Ttipfttlav nlclitof Meh
mouth, VIhIUiuc NolKhbora cordially invited.
W. M. 100KKCK, Clerk,
I'. 1IUOT. V. 0.
IlEMiNoronn postoMc-o. On wok daya door
opvna nt 7 n. m. ROneral delivery often at 8 a.
in. and olonoa at K p. m. Upon Sundays 0 tt
10 a.m. Y
JIemikofohd and Uox lltmx atagfldally except
Sunday. ' '
r.MiNOFonn And DcNt.Ar atago, Monday
HWwlneadny nnd Friday.
iilmj fflgffflfl
Now Short Lino to Helena, Butto'
Spokano, Seattle and Tacoma.
C3-. X. Ba "VV. a. Time Os.rcl. '
No. , pnaRonRor urrlvus M 1l:M p. m,
" MlrolKht , 0:0) p.m.
" iBfrolntit nrrlvoR nt loU0a.ru,
No, 41 pniKentfornrrlvos nt 8;21 a. m.
" U froluht " HzStt p. in.
" 47 froloht nrrlvoR nt 3:sj p. ru.
AH trnlDB curry nnnnoncorB.
V. W. WUBATLKV, Agent.
Attorney at Law,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Practices in all the courts and be
fore U. S. Land Offlcc.
Attorneys - at - Law,
Wn. fllTCHELL,
JIOfllco In lflot:her Dlock.
E. E. BARR, h. D,
State University ov Iowa I887.
Chicago I'oleclinio 1894.
suitqehy and thk medical
and suuqical diseases ov
the uosk and tliroat x
Alliance, - - - Hebraatea
Sioux City
The Best Market Reports ofS apy
Newspaper In tbo West,
To you delinquent tax-payers:
I wish to say that we aro still
paying 100 cents on the dollar for
all of tho 50 ct silver dqllars that
you may bring in, tq apply on
you taxes, and will also throw in
one of Coxey's non-interest Bond
magazines which is interesting
reading for nil parties. Wo havo
about 50 copies Jeft, qno copy of
which will be given with each re
ceipt whilo they last. Coma early
ana avoid the rush, and bo mad
happy with tho thought that yon
have been able to pay your ;taxe
once nioro with silver as money.
Co, Tresuur
" f