Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 27, 1895, Image 2

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    . ,!t WWawrlrMG3
Til OS. J. O'KUUITE, rnl.llnlior.
An A. O. U. W. lodge hus been organ
ized at Bancroft.
Stanton county's fair will bo hold
September 24, 2ft, 2U and 27.
Iiikfkhon county's fnlr this year was
not quite up to expectations.
Thk Old Settler' association of Sarpy
county has a membership of 137.
IN Ashland potatoes and tipples bring
tho same price 25 cents a bushel.
UiwruucTivR prairie llrcs Imvo boon
raging in the vicinity of Thcdford.
Tiik York college- opened the school
year with an encouraging outlook.
ConoNRii lNnt:i(Soi.i. will glvo a lec
turo in Fremont some lime in Novem
ber. Tiik young Indies of Ainsworth are
talking of organizing n ladies' brass
It in estimated thnt 40,000 pcoplo
visited tho state fair on tho second
day, Tuesday.
Tiik Atchison Graphic figures that
700,03.1 acres of land in Nebraska aro
undpr tho ditches
ON account of heat the schools of Ne
braska City cut down tho afternoon
session to forty minutes,
Tub dog poisoner has begun his
deadly work at Sterling. A very valu
able mastiff was tho first victim.
Wim.K viewing tho circus parade in
Nebraska Cjty tho wlfo of Capt Mapes
of company 0 was touched for her gold
Tub Standard Cattle company at
Ames has 1,800 acres of corn nnd has
hired men to cut and shock Dm whole
Tiik Methodists of Norfolk will short
ly hegin the construction of ono of tho
largest church edifices in the North
Platto district.
Kx-Sknatoii Mandkiison has gono to
Chattanooga, where ho delivers tho
oration at tho reunion of tho Army of
tho Cumberland,
Thk family of Mr. Ilellel of Scotia is
sorely afflicted. Six children aro down
With typhoid fever und tho poronts got
no rest night or day.
War, S. Rkksok, aged 07, formerly of
tho Ono Hundred and Fifty-fourth Illi
nois infantry, died at tho "soldiers'
ll2in ill Grand Island last week.
"' Worn? on llio excavation for tho
foundation of the lnro addition lo the
Grand Island soldiers homo progresses
finely and is nearly finished.
&E!!IAhka City has an Imported
clairvoyant who advertises liarsolf as
"the wonuer ot tho age." &lio otters a
feward of 81,000 for information lead
ng to tho discovery of her peer in tho
Tin: ISaptist association of tho Loup
and tilkhorn districts will hold its an
nual convention in llnttlo Creek, com
mencing Thursday evening, October 3,
und continuing until Saturday uvening,
October C.
Cuius Bulls, a resident of Millard,
was fitruck and killed by a freight
train. Ho had started to run across tho
track uheud of tho train. Ho lived but
a few minutes. Ho was about 3i and
Wiw.K taking in tho sights of Omaha
a Michigan traveling man took a prom
enqdo through a dark alloy with u ne
gress, and was by her touched to tho
tuna of 8100 in cold cash and certifi
cates ot deposit to tho amount of
Thk body of tho unknown man who
was drowned in tho Missouri river near
Vlattsmouth was found by two men
near Kock I Huffs. Tho man's identity
is not yet known, as tho only article ho
had in his pocket was n set of falsa
T. E. Day. while getting oitn freight
train in tho Elkhoru yards at Fremont,
blipped and fell and tho wheels passed
over his left foot. He was removed to tho
hospital and Drs. llrown and Haslam
amputated tho limb between tho anklo
and kuce.
T. O. Fkiiouson of Heaver Crossing
has a flowing well from which ho Irri
gated ten acres of land. Two and a
half acres was planted to sweet pota
toes, from which ho harvested 1,000
bushels. Ha iinds a ready sale at SI
per bushel.
It. W. Owkns, a preacher of the de
nomination of "saints," who has been
traveling about over the stato holding
meetings In a tent, was arrested at
Falrbury aud paid a flno of SQO and
costs In justivo court for brutally beat
ing his two daughters.
The resldenco of Mrs. Carolino Hesto,
about six miles from Elmwood, was
struck by lightning, and tho shock to
Mrs. Hesto rendered her unconscious
for several hours. Ono of her shoes
was torn to pieces aud both feet woro
badly blistered by tho electric fluid.
She is recovering.
Wiui.r Miss Mnraio Mallaliuu of tho
Kearney -industrial school was out
Tiding with Mrs. Frank Spafford, a big
hurley fellow jumped out from beside
the road and made u grub for tho
horse's bridle. Tho horse jumped a
little to one side so tho fellow did not
get a good hold and Miss Mallalieu
piled the whip, getting beyond tho
reach of tho scoundrel.
As a motor car was going south at
Beatrice, Kuby, tho little 5-year-old
daughter of Ed Delude, was struck and
almost Instantly killed. Tho littlo
girl, after crossing, turned und in at
tempting to got back was struck on tho
head und knocked down undone of her
feet cutchlng in a wheel or some part
of the gearing of tho car she was drag
ged somo distance. Her neck was
GovKitNor. Hnr.coMii received a tele
gram from Mayor Fletcher of Sioux
C(ty, la., oillcers of the fair association
and the commercial association, to at
tend the fuir on governor's day, Sep
tember 20, when Governor Stone of
Mississippi is to bo met by tho gover
nors of several states adjoining Iowa.
The creamery committee met at
Humboldt tho other day and reported
tho amount of stock subscribed. Work
on the building will begin at once and
the creamery will be in operation with
in sixty days. Humbold is on the loom.
Tin: grocery establishment of John
AV, PIttlnger, Beatrice, was closed on -a
chattel mortgage.
The Stntfl Fntr,
Tho Nobraska stato fair was a de
cidod success, both in tho matter of ex
hibits and attendance. If anybody had
any doubt about this a visit to tho
grounds was sutllclent to dlspol tho
doubt. Tho weather for most part
was not nil that could have been de
sired, nnd yet tho attondanco went
considerably beyond tho record, and
would undoubtedly Imvo been much
greater hud not heat and dust inter
fered. Forty thousand pcoplo are
credited with being on tho grounds
Wednesday, and at least 10,000 in ad
dition to this number on Thursday.
There was a lack of means of trans
portation, tho dust was not properly
luld, and somo other things were left
undone thnt should have been attend
ed to. Tho managers havo gained ex
perience that will enable thorn another
year to havo all matters arranged and
carried out in a satisfactory way.
The agricultural exhibit was tho best
ever seen in Nobraska, and this is nay
in? a good deal when it is considered
how many splendid exhibitions tho
stato has held. All tho various depart
ments wero full to overflowing, and
ovidence was present on every hand
thnt Nobraska is not only a productive
state, but that her citizens take prldo
and satisfaction In making It known
to tho world. Counties vied with coun
ties in elaborate displays, and all were
so good, so full and complete, that It
was diillcult to draw comparisons.
Omaha took caro of tho largo crowd
in a splendid way, making her claim
good to every protension previously set
forth. Tho city was brilliantly illum
inated through tho cntiro week nnd en
tcrtalnment elaborately provided for
tho thousands of guests within her
gates. Hands innumerable wrought
enchanting music on all sides, and tho
parades arranged for tho various even
ings wero up to expectations und drew
hundreds of thousands of sightseers.
Tho Nebraska stato fair for 1805 passes
into history ns one of the most success
ful ever hold, and if thcro was any
thing lacking tho experience that has
been gained will enable tho managers
to provide it in 181d. The fair has ad
vertised tho state's resources in a man
ner that will bring good fruit in groat
abundance in coming years.
Irrigation Content Dlnrlnlon.
Following is tho opinion of Judge
Nevillo in tho matter of tho alfalfa irri
gation district recently organized under
tho now law;
In tho District Court of Keith Countv,
Nob., Board of Directors of Alfalfa Ir
rigation District Plaintiffs: And now
on tho Olsldiiyof August, 1805, this
causo camo on for hearing' and trial to
th? court upon the petition of tho plain
tiff, tho answer of tho defendants
thereto, nnd tho evidence, and t-3
court having henrd all tho testimony
nnd arguments of counsel nnd being
fully advised in tho premises finds!
That tho said district has been organ
ized in nil roswecls us provided by Taw,
and that all things required to be done
by said law, paVticutttrly as required by
tho act of tho lctrtelaturo which passed
and took effect March 20, 1895, entitled
'An act to provldo for tho organization
and government of irrigation districts,
etc," havo bcon done and performed
und that tho bonds of said alfalfa Irri
gation district in tho sum of 622,000
have been in all respects voted by said
board of directors in accordance with
tho law, and said bonds are in form,
substance aud amount in btrict con
formity to law.
Tho court further finds that tho or
ganization of said alfalfa irrigation
district and tho voting and issuing of
said bonds In tho sum of $22,000, of
which bonds there aro forty-four of
2.100 each were regular and according
to law. The court further finds that
tho notice of the tiling of the petition
heroin was given, and for tho timo in
tho manner prescribed uy law.
It is therotoro considered, adjudged
and decreed that tho said proceedings
and each thoreof in and about tho or
ganization of said alfalfa irrigation
district and tho election and voting for
nnd proceedings to issue nnd the Issuq
of said bonds and all things pertaining
thereto bo and the snmo aro and each
thereof approved and confirmed, nnd
tho issue of said bonds of said district
and tho said bonds and each of them
arc declared to bo legal and valid and
in the respects binding upon tho said
alfalfa Irrigation district
1'rotcctn t!u Cattlemen.
Tho Northwestern Live Stock asso
ciation of Cherry county, Nebraska,
with headquarters at prebent at Merrl
am, held n special meeting at Valen
tino for the purpose of extending the
hand of welcome to all cattlemen of
tho middle and enstern portion of Cher
ry county. On December 13, 1S03, this
association was organized and incorpo
rated under tho laws of tho stato of
"Nebraska. It Is in its infancy as yet,
but it has proved itself worthy of con
sideration in protecting stockgrowers
nnd shippers from tho potty pilfering
that has been carried on In tho last few
yearn Tho association's next semi-an
nual meeting will bo held in ulentlne
for tho purpose of umending its by
laws and increasing its membership,
und if possiblo locating tho associa
tion's main oillco nt Valentine, Neb.,
which is tho county seat of Cherry
The Feast of Moiidnntln.
Tho great parade on Thursday night
at Omaha was the crowning feature of
tho kind in tho west Thousands aud
thousands of people viewed the irreat
pageant aud expressions of uwo and
surprise wero many and pronounced.
Never a bight so beautiful iu this west
ern land. Inconceivable in beauty
hardly describes tho mugnltlcentflouts,
twenty in number. Blending with the
richness of the costumes wero tho colors
of the king and Undo Sam red, white
and blue and tho rainlow hues of heav
en. Indescribable was its gradeur. It
was fairy land In reality an epoch In
tho life of every witness. Omaha has
achieved a grand distinction in her ef
forts to please her visitors.
Morrlkun Nut Worrying.
Chndron dispatch: Tho all-absorbing
topic of conversation on the street
is tho verdict in the Morrison mur
der trial Morrison xnrcsses himself
i as believing tho verdict returned was
better for 'him than one of a less de
gree, as It -would give htm a better
chance for a new trial. Much sympa
thy is expressed for Mrs. Morrison and
her two children. Morrison has lived
at different times at LaSalle, 111.; Hu
ron, S. D.; in Montana, Wyoming and
several 'Other western states. The town
, of Crawford, of which he -was marshal,
I is much divided on the case, as there
are two-strong factions there.
WILL PLEDGE $30,000,0(10 TO THE
They Ilmlro to Avoid Any Action Which
Would Havo the Kffect of Checking
the Steadily Increasing Iltmlurx
l'roaperlty Thnt In Now In
All M-ctloim of (tin
Washington, Sept. 23. The easy as
surance nnd conlidcucuof the treasury
ofllcials that thcro will not bo a bond
Jssuc nnd that tho treasury gold re
serve will not ngln bo boriously de
pleted Is explained by a prominent of
ficial, who says that through tho good
ofliccs of tho bond syndicate, promises
havo been secured from bankers In tho
principal cities of tho country that In
caso of necessity they can be called
upon to place up to S.IO,000,00() of gold
in the treasury in exchange for legal
tender. This important matter has
bcon quietly negotiated by Messrs.
Belmont aud Morgan during tho last
fifteen days.
Tho reasons which havo led to tho
action arc varied, but all tend to tho
bamo end. On tho part of the admin
istration it is recognked as good poli
tics to avoid another bond issue and
throw tho responsibility and necessity
for remedial financial legislation upon
tho incoming congress. It was deter
mined by tho president several months
ago that there would bo no bond issue
until after tho elections, as nu issue
previous thereto would havo tho effect
of strengthening tho hands of the free
silver men nnd tho Populists.
On tho other side tho syndicate
wishes to avoid tuiy action which
would havo tho effect of checking tho
steadily Increasingbusines prosperity.
Tho parties to the present voluntary
combination for tho protection of tho
treasury gold reservo are almost en
tirely within tho list of banks that
wero allowed to participate In tho
handling of tho last bond Ust.e.
A Wyoming Stt' cnu.t"r Wnrn? Sci-ro-iury
Smith to Investigate.
Chkykn.ne, Wyo., Sept. 23. Ilobert
Footo, state senator of Johnson
county, has wrlutn an open letter
to Secretary Smith of tho in
terior department, opposing what ho
charactnrizes as "ono of tho most
gigan o and glaring frauds of tho
ago" which is about to bo com
mitted, ho says, In Wyoming, under
tho Carey arid land law. Ho says
that all tho nator.i of tho streams
in tho Hi? Horn basin wero 'parceled
out to members of tho "statu land
ring" by tho state engineer and com
panies hnvu been formed which pro
pose to oharga to tettlers for Water
rights J10 per acre which aro not
worth over 10. Tho lantU which tho
stato authorities havo asked to havo
set apart under tho Carey law are not
dcscrthinds as contemplated in tho act
of congress, Mr. Footo asserts. In
conclusion tho senator say.s the. design
Is to ci'eato a system of peonauo or ten-
antry-ut-wlil In our rich valleys where
honorable and independent manhood
should be found.
Tho Young Ouhn Declares That Ho J
Kngaged to ."M1 Coiisnrin Vundcrhllt.
Nkw Yohk, Sept. 2.1. Tho young
duko of Marlborough sot at rest last
night conflicting reports concerning
himself nnd Miss Consuelo Vander-
bllt, by requesting that
lowing bo made public:
oiliciully announced that
rlago has been arranged
the fol-
"lt Is
a mar-
tho duko of Marlborough and Miss
Consuclo Vnnderbilt. Tho engage
ment was arranged by Mr. Vander
bllt's friends and those of tho duke of
Marlborough. The wedding will tuko
place toward tho latter part of this
year in Now York."
This marriage will connect thehoue
of Vanuerbllt to the principal ducal
families of tho British umpire, partic
ularly those of Buccluugh, Itoxburg
and Aborcorn. Tho duko of Abercorn
is an uncle of the duko of Malrbor
Sol lltighlctl'4 Crooked Mork (imiring
In lliti-nt New VlrtlniN round.
Mkxico, Mo., Sept. 23. Thuschodnlo
of people who wero swindled by tho
lato Sol Hughlett of WolUvilio is
growing. Judge K. M. Hughlett, who
is now holding circuit court here, lost
gOO. Mrs. V. Dickroger and two sons
of Wright City and .1. A. ForMell, of
Forlstoll, Mo , hold forged notes and
fraudulent deeds rf trut executed by
llughlott for SV.00 against tho farms
of G A. Burwell, .1. C. Mitcholl. Mrs.
Bergmuu, V. C Bush and J, 1! Alder
son. Many furmers about Wellsvillo
have small clouds on tho titlo to their
farms in tho shape of bogus deeds of
trust It is estimated that t lie whole
indebtedness will aggregato nearly
MWiourlitns After it Unit p.
Nevada. Mo, Sept 25 Miss O'Ho
Frame, daughter of a leading farmer
living near Liberal, was on Iter way to
milk tho cows Thursday night when
an unknown wretch seized her, choked
her insenilhle, drugged her a short
distance and brutally assaulted her.
Scores of people started iu pursuit,
with blood hounds. The man will bo
lynched if caught.
A Lout; Kentucky Strike lelraib
Danvii.lk, Ivy., Sept 23. The
miners strike in tho Laurel dis
trict, pending since May 1, ended
to-day by the acceptance of the old
scale of 70 cents a ton, the operators
refusing to negotiate with tho Knights
of Labor, or rccoguize that orgautjui-
won in any .particular, u
Colonel lto' KznhitiHtlon of Where
970,000 of Indian I'liniU Went.
Washixoto.v, Kept. 23. Colonel D.
M. Boss, of Guthrio, Ok., spent flvo
hours on tho witness stnnd trying to
toll what he did with tho 375,000 ho
received from tho secretary of tho
treasury on tho woll known 33,000,000
payment to tho Choctaw nnd Chick
asaw Indians for their shadow
claim to tho Cheyenne and Aiiipa
hoo lands In Oklahoma. Colonel Ross
stated that ho had paid 310,000 to one
Colonel Parsons of Maryland, who has
been a member of tho state legislature
and voted for Gorman, and who is gen
erally believed to bo the flno financial
manipulator of Senator Gorman in
certain western legislative matters.
This 310,000 ho paid Parsons was for
tuiauua inuiBcii. as coionoi Koss
stated. Then Colonel Ross says ho set
apart SlO.OOO for hlmsolf, and then ho
gave Sam Donaldson of Kentucky,
who was supposed to havo a financial
lobby pull in tho treasury, 3r.,000, und
mu iuiuuiiiui)r 33U,IIUW no palU to
Colonel Parsons in 'n;li nrwl If. Iu l.le
understanding that Parsons paid it out
to certain persons, but not knowing
whu nicy were, no can not explain fur
ther. Will Ilrlng Clnlnm Agnlnut 1 la will I.
SAN FjtANCIBCO. Sent. 23 A nnmU
ui men wuo woro lmprlsoncri by tho
Dole government during tho rebellion
In Hawaii havo organized for tho pur
pose of gaining tho assistance of their
respective governments in nn effort to
obtain damages from tho Hawaiian
government. George Lyccrgius, who
was imprlsono 1 several months on a
charge of treason and afterward setat
liberty without a trial, passed through
this city on the way to Washington,
where ho will lay tho matter before
the state dopartment. From Washing
ton ho will go to London, then to Tarls
and thenco to Athens. At these points
ho will act as agent of members of
members of each nationality now re
siding in Hnwnil who havo claims
against tho Hawaiian government.
Death of Mn. Lizzie Flckllu.
CiiAiir.KBTON, III,, Sept. 23. Mrs.
Lizzie Fickllu died at her homo in this
city Inst night, ag-d 00 years. Sho
was a daughter of Senator W. T. Col
quitt, and several years ago was a
contributor to Harper's and Frank
Leslie's weeklies. Her husband was
Hon. Orlando B. Ficklin of Illinois,
and sho was a sister of ex-Governor
and Senator Alfred Colquitt, who died
at Washington last winter. During
President Cleveland's first term Mrs.
Ficklin was postmaster in this city.
Aiiaotn RonciiAeht Dead.
New Yoiuc, Sopt 23. Ansom Rosen
field ib dead of Bright's disease at his
homo In this city. His death will re
call old California days to many news
paper men and women who know Mr.
Bosenficld through his connection
with tho "Alto. California," of which
ho was a part owner for many years.
Mr. ltoiunfleld was a forty-niner, nnd,
In common with the enterprising men
who Invaded tho Western coast durintr
that lueky year, rapidly accumulated
a fortune. Ho was born in Germany
nnd came to this country In 1842.
Nolilo und Shields f.uvr Pnrtnorn.
St. Louis, Mo., Sopt 2S. General
John W. Noble und General Georgo II.
Shields havo formed a partner
ship for tho practice of law. Gen
eral Noblo was Secretary of tho
Interior and General Shields was as
sistant attorney general under Presi
dent Harrison. Tho two have been
intimate friends personally for years,
and f heir copartnership makes one of
tho strongest Arms in the west.
Turkey Vrenjring for Trouble.
London, Sept 23. Somo timo ago a
Arm of cartographers received an or
der from a house iu Constantinople for
tho British admiralty charts of tho
Dardanelles. The order was Ailed.
The chronicle's correspondent at Con
stantinople declares that theso charts
woro produced for tho Turkish minis
try of war, for the uso of engineers in
laying torpedoes in tho straights.
An Actress Seeks DItorce.
Nkw Yohk, Sept 23. Mrs. Paul L.
Wilkes, known in theatrical circles as
Virginia Paul, has brought suit ugainst
Paul T. Wilkes in tho city court of
Brooklyn for absoluto divorce.
Full Illvcr Weavers Will Not Strike.
Fam, Uivkh, Muss., Sept. 23. Tho
Weavers association, at a meeting last
night, voted almost unanimously not
to strike.
"1 am a Democrat," said ex-Con-grcssman
Bland iu a speech at Clinton,
Washington Italians celebrated
Italy's national day with various fes
tivities. It is said that tho tight on Judge
Scott of Oklahoma will bo taken into
Tho old receiving ship, Minnesota, is
to bo given to Massachusetts for its
naval militia.
The cotton crop of Louisiana, Ar
kansas and East 'lexas is estimated to
bo forty per cent short
General Milton Mooro was appoint
ed election commissioner of Kansas
City by Governor Stone.
Ambassador Eustls is said to bo lay
ing tho wires to bucceed Bianchard in
the senate from Louislanu.
Emperor William has yielded to
Hohenloho and will not urge repres
sive measures against Socialists.
Kcnlucklans in Washington aro hot
over tho alleged Interference in their
politics by ex-secretary Whitney.
In answer to many queries Mexico
states that she doesn t give Irish more
privilege than other immigrants
Chicago banks are busy examining
employes' accounts since the big Van
Bakkclcn-Jones-Wilbon shortage.
Minister Den by has cabled tho state
department thnt China has withdrawn
opposition 'to tno investigation ot the
Cheng Tu riots.
Four hundred men stopped a train
at Danceville, Ark., seized a negro ac
cused ot a brutal assault and took him
to the wools aud hanged hlm
Tho United State Unlikely to Take Any
roftltlto Action tit rrencnt.
Washington, Sopt 18. Savo vaguo
newspaper reports, nothing is known
nt tho statu department of tho Inten
tion of any of the governments of tho
American republics to rccognlzo tho
belligerency of tho Cuban revolution
ists, and it is qulto certain that no
lonnai nppncatlon for such recogni
tion by tho United States has been
made. It Is not perceived hero how
the insurgents can reap any substan
tial advantages at this timo for such
recognition. Tho only comfort that
thoy would derive would bo from tho
moral effect of an assent by an Inde
pendent power to tho proposition that
they had assumed statehood.
As far as tho United States is con
cerned, it took such a pronounced stand
in tho caso of tho late Brazilian insur
rection that it could scarcely rccog
nlzo tho insurgents in tho caso of
Cuba at present without a complcto
reversal of its position. It has held
that, to entitle them to rceognltion.ln
surgents must sot up a seat of govern
ment and maintain it; that thoy must
issue money, and must possess a navy
to mako effectual nny blockade thoy
wish to establish in short, that they
must have an actual defacto govern
ment. The stato department is not in
formed that any of theso requirements
havo been met by the Cubans.
rrofcaaor Warner of California Attacks
tliol'rcscnt rollce System.
Denver, Col., Sept 18. At this
morning's session of the national pris
on congress a paper on "Politics and
Crime," written by Amos G. Warner,
professor of economics and social bcI
enco in tho Leland Stanford university
of California, and read by John N.
Dryden of Kearney, Nob., created a
sensation. "If the stato itself is under
the Influcnco of criminals," wrote Mr.
Warner, "how can it hope to reform
criminals? Setting a thief to
catch a thief was an old-timo
doctrine, but tho plan of setting a
thief to reform a thief has never yet
been defended. Tho representatives
of tho stato with which criminals aro
most frequently brought into contact
aro policemen, police justices, sheriffs,
sheriffs' deputies and others only a
shade if at all better than tho crim
inals themselves. The hope for tho
euro of criminals largely lies in cura
tive treatment in tho early stages.
Petty offenders and those on tho verge
of criminality in tho largo cities sel
dom or never get beyond this lino of
guards, aud live moro or less in their
presence. The police to them repre
sent tho state."
John and Simon Hancock Mortally
Wounded nt a Urldul Ifce'cptlon,
Columbia, Ky., Sept 18. John and
Simon Hancock, brothers, both of
whom havo been desperate men, wero
shot and mortally wounded last night
at tho resldenco of Lauo Hatfield, In
Green county. Jacob Hatfield, who is
a brother of Lane, had just been mar
ried and was giving a reception. After
tho tablo was set tho two Hancock
boys entered tho houso and got on tho
table and kicked tho refreshments nil
over tho room, whereupon tho llat
Aclas, both of whom wero armed,
drew their pistols and Ared. Simon
was shot four times and John was both
shot nnd stabbed. They aro not ex
pected to live.
The Mora Ono Not landed.
Washington, Sept 18. Nathaniel
Paige, ono of tho attorneys for An
tonio Mora in tho claim which has
just been settled, has protested to tho
state department against tho non-allowance
of interest, but it is believed
at tho department that the protest
Will not amount to anything.
Quotations from New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, Omnlia nnd Klaowhore.
nutter Creamery separator.. 17 C4 18
Hutter l'alr to good country. 14 C Ifi
l.BKs-l'resli 13 i I3S4
Honey California, per ID U 46 1J
lleiiB Live, per lb 0 't! OH
Spring Ohlckons, tier lb 8 814
Lemons Cholco lesslnas 0 60 ft 7 50
Apnlcs-per bbl a (JO 2 25
urunges I'loridas, per box.... 3 25 i& 3 35
l-otutocs per bu 23 u 30
Watermelons per dozen 1 75 tfl 2 00
beans Navy, hnnd-ulckod, bu 2 00 it 2 25
lluy Upland, per ton 0 M) 45 7 00
Unions Tor bu..... 23 46 50
theeso Nob. k la., full cream 10 11
Tomatoes -per bushel ,. 73 4J K)
liogs Mixed packing 10 4 4 23
Hogs Hoavy weights i 20 4i 4 50
I. luvi'g-Mockers and f coders. 2 23 46 3 50
beef Mccrs 500 & 5 15
l.tllK 123 46 2 50
Lanes. 2 15 4S 5 0)
tows 175 4 2 CO
hellers... 2 00 i& 4 00
Westerns , 173 46 3 00
tlieeu Lumbs 3 00 46 4 SI
fci.eep Choico natives 2 75 46 3 50
Wheat No. 2. spring SGJJio 6S
Cum 1'cr bu 31 :n
i.mb lerbu is 46 ls&
lork 8 12 46 8 23
hlird 5 77H46 5 H)
liogs 1'nrkors and ml'ted 4 20 J. 4 3i
Liutlo Wostoruraugo stools.. 3 00 & 4 40
theup I.amiif, 3 00 4 50
thvep Natives 3 00 46 3 33
Wheat, No. 2, red winter Gl f CIV
Corn No. 2 37 (6 37t
Uuls No.2 'it 46 24i
1 or I: ...10 50 x. 17 M
Lard 0 17 46 0 20
6T. LOUli
Wheat No 5Ted.cash 58 '& 5814
Corn I'erbu... 30 (i 30s
Ciats 1'er bu is 46 18!4
hops Mixed packing ,. 3 75 46 4 10
Cuttle Export steer 5 40 46 5 7
thi-en Mixed natives 2 50 r-a M
Lambs 3 00 4 60
Wheat No. 2 hard ,vj O 54
Cum No. 5 nv 6 18
ciau.-Nc,s . i:Ra is
C utile Mockers and feeaeri. 2 53 J. 4 0J
lipgk Mixed packers 4 10 46 4 30
cheep Muttons.. 2 60 & 313
Trnfllo In Mexlcau Cattle.
San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 18. An
immense traffic In Mexican cattlo is
being built up under the present
favorable conditions for their Importa
tion into this country. Twelve thous
and head of stock cattle were purchased
in the stato of Coahuila, Mexico, last
week and brought into Texas, and tho
Dolores ranch, in Kinuey county, was
stocked with them. Arrangements are
being made with English capitalists to
purchase several hundred thousand
head of Mexican cattle and briug
them to Texas, whero they will ba
fattened on cottonseed meal and
shipped alive to Knglaud.
A Leading l'hyilclnn nt Innt Dlnptivnr
the Itemedy.
The majority of sufferers rrorrr
Afithma and kindred complnlnts, after
trying Doctors nnd numberless Reme
dies advertised ns positive cures, with
out avail, have come to the conclusion
that there is no cure for this most dis
tressing disease, nnd these same per
sons will be the more in doubt and skep
tical when they learn through the col-
Umnn ft tlln tirnaa Hint Tif 1 n.lr.l.,1.
Schlftmann, the recognized authorltj,
who has treated more cases of these dis
eases than any living Doctor, has
achieved success by perfecting a rem
edy which not only gives relief in the
worst cases, hut has positively cured
thousands of sufferers who were con
sidered Incurable. These were Just ns
skeptical ns some of our readers now
are. Dr. SchlfTmann's remedy no doubt
possesses the merit which Is clnlmed for
It or he would not authorize this pnper
to announce that he Is not only willing
to give free to each person suffering
from Aathma, Hay Fever, Phthisic, or
Bronchitis one free liberal trial packago
of his cure, but urgently requests all
sufferers to send him their name and'
address nnd receive a package, abso
lutely free of charge, knowing that in,
making the claim he does for his cure
a strong doubt may arise in the minds,
of many and that a personal test, as he
offers to nil, will be more convincing
and prove Its merits than the publish
ing of thousands of testimonials from
others who have been permanently
cured by the use of his Asthma cure.
Dr. SchlfTmann's Asthma Cure," as It
Is called, has been sold by all drug-
ITtstS 6V(P llnrA It wna flraf lt.(M,1i.n.j
although many persons may never have
heard of It, and It Is with a view to
reaching these that he makes this offer.
This Is certainly a most generous nnd
fair offer.and all who are suffering from
any of the above complaints should
write to him at once and avail them
selves of tho same, as positively no freo
samples can be obtained nfter Oct. 10. Ad
dress Dr. H. Schifrman, 825 Rosabel streot.
St. Panl, Minn.
A Wlm Choice.
A young lady in charge of the cap
tain of a P. & O. boat had t-vo suitors
on board and a pug dog. Tho latter
fell overboard and ono of her swains
instantly jumped after it into tho sea.
Tho other confined himself to leaning
over tho side and crying, "Poor dojr
gio!" When the rescuer came on board,
dripping, tho young lady turned to tho
captain and asked him which of her
two lovers, after such an incident, ho
would recommend her to take. He was
a practical man and replied, "Take tho
dry one," which sho accordingly did.
SelAshnoss is a hard snako to kill.
Tho cross of Christ Is tho key to
Everything God gives us to do needs
to bo done.
Christians get along faster when
they travel In pairs.
God's flro in tho heart soon melts all
tho lead in tho feot.
Whoever takes Christ for a topic will
soon havo him for a guest
The better wo know the Bible, tho
plainer God can talk to us.
If we talk about Christ wo will never
run out of something to say.
It takes tho mm. wlio-.oarrleo-aoaB"
message a long while to get tired.
Many hear tho voice of Christ before'
they know who it Is that speaks.
Whatever Christ has given the church
to do, every Christian should gladly
try to do.
Police Justice What's the charge
against this man? Policeman Im
personating an officer. "What did ho
do?" "Ho walked up to a street ven
der's stand and took a handful of pea
nuts." Chicago Record.
A Virginia Taper Hrought to Terms by
tho American Hook Company.
A dispatch from Norfolk, Vn.. snys:
"Tho American Book company of New
York has just gained a signal victory in the.
courts of Virginia and has received an ab
solute and complete vindication after a long
and exhaustive trial by special jury iu tho
Circuit court of this city. The l'llot news
paper of this city, upon tho awarding of
the contract for school books to the Amer
ican Uook company, printed a long article
written and prepared by 11. K. Byrd, an
agent and attorney forGfnn & Co., of New
York, in which it vas charged that tho
stato superlatendcut had been bribed by
tho Americnn Iloolf company. The l'llot
vas immediately sued for libel, und, after
a live weeks' trial, which created an im
mense amount of interebt throughout the
state, a verdict for punitive damages was
recently awarded, and tbo jury fouud that
the statements made, wero faho and a
deliberate lihol. Not only so, but the
company, upon uiiim oichable evidence,
was proved to havedeaJt bouornbly aud u
rightly in ovory particular in their negotia
tions with the stato ofllcials. It was furth
er proved at the trial that no better terms
bnd bcon mndo with auy othor state for
school bcois. In fact, the attorney-general
of Virginia stated that tho American Book
company 'seemed to throw open tuolr whole
business to us,' nnd after full and complete
examination of nil tbo original contracts
made with tho various Mutes bo expresbcd
himself ns absolutelv mtltfied thnt the-
prices were the same In all ca&es anil that
no discrimination whatever hod been modo
agaiust tho state of Virginia. Furthermore
be mentioned that none of tbo utatomenta
of tho American Book company ha1 boon
accented until every cuo of thun hud been
absolutely verified by diroct reference to
tho governors of somo fifteen states, with
whom contracts bad been made. This
proved conclusivolvtbat tho representations
of tho American Book company wero cor
rect in toto. This celebrated caso hag thus
ended iu a complete triumph in every re
spect for the American Book company, und
has shown In clear contrast the clean nnd
buslness-liko methods in which they carry
on their great industry ns compared with
the attempted uto of political pu:l and
mUstnteaeats by their opponents." CM
caoo Tribune.
Indiscriminate, breeding Is one of tho
rauECs of lessened profits with fcheop.
Nearly nil tho London newspapers buy -their
i rlnt paper iu Germany,
Gave llliii-lf Away.
Miss Psalter (at divine service, whis
pering) It's so good of Mr. Nicefcllo
to go to the assistance of that old gen
tleman who fainted; and do you notice
how deftly ho makes his way in und
out of pews without incommoding any
body? Mrs, Psalter Ho is entirely too
graceful ubout it He must have had
a good deal of practice going out be
tween the acts ut theaters. N, Y.
The man who snores, is a found sleeper.
The Hinile that heirs other has to legin i
in the heart