Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 27, 1895, Image 1

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For Watches, Clocks,
and Jeivelry
(Repairing dene avd
satisfaction guarani'ii
. City Jewelry Store
,.,.UU XU lilt, ....
City Jewelry Store
VOL. 1
NO. 3i.
aw fa Q ftl H W u H Bi rJ hi H
Hilt Alexander is on the sick
.Commissioner Barry was in
the city Tuesday.
John - Kinsley drove up- to
Chadron Monday.
Ernest Meints was up from
Alliance Tuesday.
McCorkle shipped several car
loads of stock Monday.
W. J. Earnest returned from.
York county Sunday morning.
Rev. "VVundrlich hold Lutheran
services in Alliance last Sunday.
The county commissioners
will meet in regular session next
John Hughes of Marsland was
doing business at the county seat
Messrs. H. R. and T. A. Green
sojourned in Alliance a couplo of
days this week.
Mrs. E, P. Dad a was quite ill
last Saturday and Sunday but is
now improving.
Henry Shimek of Lawn drop
pod in Wednesday to tell us ho
wanted the Herald.
Ernest Oldag returned from
Platte county where ho has been
for the past two months.
One of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
vThelan's twin babies has been
quite ill for soveral days.
E. P. Sweeney, of Alliance,
republican candidate for sheriff
Sundayed in Homingford.
Attorney W. A. Hampton of
Alliance was doing business at
. the court housoVodnpsday,,.,
Sunday" "School m the "M. 13.
vchurch will convono at 9:30 in
stead of 10 o'clock, Sunday 29th.
The Missionary dinner will bo
givon at the home of Mrs. Ham
mond next Tuesday. Everybody
John Jolinek came up from
Alliance Sunday and is spending
"the week at homo. His arm is
doing nicely. ,
N. A. Kuhn has returned to
his homo atTiskilwa, HI., aftpra
-visit of seyoral weeks with his
brother John.
Brakeman Melvin Miller bruis
ed his back quite severely at
Edgcmont last week by falling
on a piece of coal.
Sheriff Hall is at Ellsworth,
Kansas, this week. Mrs. Hall
-will accompany him homo about
the first of October.
Mrs. Silk was a Hemingford
visitor yesterday. She called
and contributed the price of the
Herald, for a year.
Night 'operator S. Wallick
went to Dowitt, Nebr., last week
to visit his family. 0. D. Peck
enpaugh releived him.
The Junior league will give a
social at Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Miller's on Oct 4th. Everybody
come and have a good time.
Mrs. M. J. Tracy who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed M.
Tracy at Box Butte, departed for
her homo in Omaha, yesterday.
Messrs. Summers, Wheatstono
and Blumers all thorough farm
ers of Dawes county marketed
grain in Homingford Wednesday.
M. E. Gooch is visiting at Al
bion. He expects to spend a few
weeks at his formon homo in
Indiana before returning to
Tbos. Botebonner of Crawford
was ldoking after his farm south
west of town, yesterday. Ho
was one of the early- settlers in
Liberty precinct. " ' '
Mrs. Nellie Osborn, of Indian I
Run, Pa., arrived in Hemingford
yesterday morning and will visit
two weeks with her parents, Mr.
nvil AiVe C2. "V T sei
D. T. Mauk gladdened our
heart Wednesday by bringing in '
soveral fine spring chickons on
subscription. Mr. Mauk knows
the needs of an editor.
Mr. tind Mrs. C. N. Taylor of
Modeling, S. D are visiting G.
L. Taylor and family near Gi-
rard. They expect to return
homo on Monday next.
The dance at Willis Young's
Saturday night wa.s not largely
attended owing to the inclemen
cy of tho weather but thoso who
did attend report a pleasant time.
V. Oladek and daughter return
ed from Omaha Monday. Mr.
Cladek received first premium on
Dunlap cheese at tho state fair
and it is no surprise to us, either.
John W. Ditto, one of the
oldest settlers in tho county,
gavo us tho benefit of his gonial
presence yesterday. Ho is again
living on his farm 12 miles south
of Hemingford.
S. Hutchins returned to his
former homo in Ohio last week
for a visit with his family. Wo
may look for Mr.
Hutchins and
family in Homingford next spring
to remain permanently.
I will leave Hemingford Octo-
ber 1st, to bo gono about four
weeks. .Those who are in need
of Dental work, should call at'
once. R. H. Blanchard,
Prof. W. S. Worden called last
Saturday and.renawod for tho
Herald. The Professor is meet
ing with tho best of success in
Crawford, of which his many
Hemingford friends aro pleased
to hear.
L. P. Leavitt has purchased
V. O. Mounts' tonsonal outfit
and will continue the business at
fhn nlfl Kt.nwl. Mr. Tjp.jivit.f. lmnws
the old stand. Mr. Leavitt knows
how to manipulate a razor and, no
doubt will receive his share of
Born On Sept.. 20th, to Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Hucko, a 10 lb.
boy. Mother and child doing
nicely and Fred well ho has no
intention of leaving this county
until that boy has acquired title
to 100 acres of Box Butte soil,
Prof, Fenner interested tho
congregation at tho Methodist
churcl Sunday ovening with, a
paper on "Christian and Educa
tional Work" and Mr. Neal talk
en for thirty minutes on tho M.
E. conference which he attended
at Valentine.
The Herald acknowledges
receipt of a complimentary ticket
to the Scotts Bluff County Fair,
to bo hold at Gering on Oct. 2, $
and 4. The Scotts Bluff county,
people always take great inter
est in their fairs, and no doubt
tlis will be one of the best.
J. P. Nolson returned from the
Big Horn Basin Tuesday night.
Mr. Nolson is running a black
smith and wagon shop at Thor
mopolis and is doing a pretty
good business. Ed Endorly who
is in business there, has disposed
of his stock of merchandise and
is now running a drug store.
Uncle George Waisner is visit-
ing throughout tho county this
week, perhaps in tho interest of
Supt. Fillmore. But if you at
tend picnics just wait until the
populist convention, Oct. 5th, for
it will bathe most interesting
event of tho season, Resorved
seats (whore there will bo less
danger of having your proboscis
disfigured) should bo procured at
an early date. ' '
Mis. Hattio Whoolor has no
cepted a position in W. W. Nor
ton's dry goods storo at Alliance,
Mrs. Wheeler is an oxcollont
ctilndn1 tr mwl ATt AJrttfrv 4o T !
tunato in securing hor services,
Teal Mattox, of Casper, Wyo.,
was iu iown Monday and mado
arrangements to open a saloon
here in a few days. Mattox &
Fanslor is the firm namo and the
Knapp building will bo the plSco
of business with Mr. .Teal as
A Big Blaze. ""
Tho largo f ramo house of John
Urbanosky who lives 12 miles
northeast of Hemingford was to
tally distroyed by firoon Wednes
day ovening. Mrs. Urbanosky
lighted the lamp and went to tho
barn close-by and when she dis
covered tho fire tho house was in
flames and too late to save any
thing. It is supposed that tho
lamp exploded. Loss about $300,
insurance $100.
They Always Return.
Mr. and Mrs- Orvillo Kidwell
returned to Hemingford Wednes
day after an absenco of several
months in the Big Horn Basin in
Wyoming. Mr. Kidwell says that
I he has enough of that country
, and wouldn't agree to live there
if ho was donated 10,000 acres of
its "fertile soil," They will
sPend tllG winter here and may
remain permanently. No placo
like Box Butto.
While in Omaha last week tho
writer met soveral old Box Butto
.boys. John Kierce and Wm.
"Ryan-aro'imthe ice -business'and'
aro do'uig well. Mr. Ryan thinks
of moving on his farm east of
Homingford next spring. P. J.
Pittle has been clerking in tho
I Boston Storo for two years.
Ralph Jackson is in tho employ
of McCord, Brady & Co., and
j Gust E. Larson holds a good po-
' cttmn -.T.S4-1-. v.r wo. 7vT-..tc.
paper Union.
Wo might hava added that all
aro married except Mr. lyerce
and apparently his prospects
wore very bright.
i Henry Laudan and Miss Alwino
Hoffman wero united in tho
bonds of holy wedlock Thurs
day afternoon, by Rev. Aug.
Wundorlich, pastor of tho
Lutheran Church.
Tho groom is a sterling young
man who is quite well lniown in
Hemingford. Ho is at present
holding a good position in Dead
wood and enjoys tho respect and
esteem of all with whom, ho is
Tho brido is a sister of Mrs. J
Adam Preis and is a charming
young lady whoso friends aro
limited only by her acquaintances.
Tho wedding was a private af
fair, only a few intimate friends
being present. Mr. and Mrs.
Laudan will make Doadwood
their future homo. Tho Herald
extends best wishes to tho hap
py couplo.
After Barney.
Many of tho older residents of
the county remoraber Barney
McCabo who resided north of
Box Butte in '87 and '88 and who
was granted a divorce from his
; wif0 wh0 resided near Clarence,
' iowa, in 1888, service beinc: had
by publication, on tho
of cruelty and desortion.
facts wore brought vividly to
mind yesterday when Mrs. Mc
Cabe tho deserted wife arrivod
in Homingford, and sought legal
advice, with tho view of having
hor wrongs righted and hor or-ringojje-husband
punished for tho
crimes she claimed he commited,
among which, she alloges, uro
porjury and bigamy. Sho claims
ho sworo falsely in his petition
for divorce, and committed biga
my in re-marrying boforo tho
statutory six mouths had oxpir
od, and bocauso tho divorce was
fraudulent and illegal. Mr.
McCabo scorns an avopging
Nemesis and declaros hor inten
tion of following tho rocroant
Batioy 4o tho ends of tho earth
unless her vengeanco is satiated
by"nnding him behind prison
Tho domocrats of Dorsoy pre
cinct hold thoir caucus Tuesday
evoning and raado.tho following
For Assessor, J. 0. Parkin.
For Gonstable, II, llulbur.
For Justlco, A. II, Tierce,
For Road Overseer, 1. Kinsley.
Tho tickot is a strong ono
from top to bottom and should
rccoivo ;tho hearty support of
every democrat' in 'tho precinct.
Thq following named gentle
men ,woro soloctod to attend tho
county convention as dologatos:
J. 0. Parkin, A. II Piurco,
A.-UhriL', B. Halbnr,
Sam'SMtzer, W, J. Etrnest,
B. "Hoyer, Joint O'KeolTe,
A. Fol'lor, W. K. Uornciill,
P. Kinsley, W. J. Bean.
fjBox Butte News
Mrs. Jessie McBrido is the guest
of Mrs, yormillion this weok,,
Sam Graham's bloudo counten
ance? "was Been on our streets today
Johi A. Wilson mado a flying
trip to
Pino Ridge today, gathoring
N. G. Johnson had tho mistoiv
tuno to lose tho sight of ono of bis
eyes, last week.
Hoary Dilliug returned from
Alliunco last evening in his usual
happy condition.
It. C. Worley roturncd from his
eight weeks' sleep and is with us,
wido-a-wuko, again.
R. H. Gammon, the now M. E.
minister, has not yet made his ap
pearance; too much, snow, Sunday,
wo guess.
,Mn. M. J. Tracy returned to
Omaha this p. m., on account of
tho illness of Master Donald, her
' W. II. Koistor tho would-bo pro
bate judge of Box Butto county, is
sojourning in tho sand hills south
east of Alliance
Throo or Rpht. Kittlomnn's
children aro suffering with moun
tain fever, but wo aro glad to say
tlioy aro recovering.
Miss Lottie Worley returned to
hor studies at tho State University
a few days since. Her mother
will spend tho winter with her in
M. D. Atkin has moBt of the in
terior work of his storo completed
and 'now has tho frcslnst, cleanest
stock of general merchandise in
Box Butte county.
Berea Soraiplngs.
Threshing is now all done and
the yiold was as could bo expected,
rather light.
G W. Waisner and Attor'ny Io
denco of Hemingford passed
through hpro last Wodnesduy.
Owing to tho inclemency of the;
wedthor our Sunday school atton,-)
dunce was rather light last Sunday.
D. C. Mclntiro, J. H. Carlson
and J. C. Birdsall of Alliance were
paying Berea a visit last Monday.
Mr. Sweeney from down in tho
Sand Hills, was buying cattlo in
this port of tho country last Mon
day. Ho is candidate for Sheriff
on tho Republican ticket. Ho
wanjted us to voto for him.
Two wooIcb ago last Thursd ay
Mr. nqtl Mrs. Jowett rocievod a
tologrum from their son-in-law, J.
Williams at Chcrokco, Iowa, that
thoir daughter Qoorgia was at tho
point of donth. Mrs. Jowett stated
tho same night but.cnmo to Into to
find hor a live. Sho loaves a hus
band and two little children to
mourn tho loss of a loving wifo
and kind and affectionate mother.
Tho ontiro com'mnity extends thoir
sympathy to tho borouvod ones.
It is ovor thus, in tho midst of
lifo wo are in death.
A. KiNasKiPE.
Burbanlt BadgoV
Mr. Bonus and family arc mov
ing to Alliance
Tho first snow of tho season
ctnno quite early.
J. Connolly and Charlos Logan
aro transacting busiuoss on tho
Platte this weok.
Mr. Elt Waisnor of Homingford
passed through Burbank Monday
on his way to Malinda.
F. M. DoVore and family arriv
ed home from Cherry Co., Sunday.
Pretty chilly weather for camping
Thoro scorns to bo vory littlo ox
citemont in our neighborhood at
present, consequently thoro is httlo,
news to write.
MiSB Kate Stroud of Carson,
Iowa, has been visiting at F. M,
DoVorp's tho last few days. She
Will returnhomo in about a wook.
W. Johnson's father from Mini
ov, III., has boon visiting him for
the past two weeks. lie expresses
himself as being well pleaped with
this country.
' "Mft Rumlmtygh'ar'himHtfislfas.t
Hearing completion. When finish
ed it will bo a vory neat looking
houso. Wo have not heard if ho
intends t.o inovo out hero or not,
Sand Crane.
Newsy Notes From Our Ex
changes. As Richard Preston wa.s going to.
Wagon Box canyon with his family,
Friday, his six months old daugh
ter, Delia, was taken sick with
cholera infantum and died boforo
they could got medical attendance
The funeral took place Saturday
afternoon. Doadwood Times.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston have tho
sympathy of frionds in this
Gerintr Courier:
Wo had n conversation with Hon.
Wm. Kaup tho other day, in
the courbo fo which ho said: "In
travoling ovor this county I find
as is tho case in all new countries,
people who haved lived hero
through tho hardships of frontier
lifo, and as tho dawn of n brighter
day appears in tho not distant fu
ture, thoy aro willing to spend
what they have moving somewhoro
else, thus missing the fruits of
their own labor. Think boforo
you leap, as tho Garden of Edon
is only beyond tho river of death."
Newcastle Democrat:
United States Marshal MoDcr
mott is up north says tho Chey
cnuo Sun, serving some papors on
some persons charged with illegally
fencing government land. Many
complaints aro being made of the
unlawful fencing of public land,
and in every case called to the at
tention of tho federal government
action will be ut once commenced
to have tho fonco removed. Thero
will sooti bo many cases of this
character in the United States
court hero.
Edgemniit Express:
In the near futuro there will bo
two churches erected in Edgemont.
The Catholics raised nearly $600
at their fair, and havw selected a
site and will begin the erection of
their houso of worship very short-
ly As soon as Rev. Baker returns
from tho oast tho plans for tho
Mo'hodist church will bo drawn up
and a magnificent stone odilico will
bo erected.
George Pitlcor, a section hand
on tho 1J. & M,, and Miss Smith,
daughter of the late landlord of
the quarry hotel, ran away togothor
Saturday yiiht and aro probably
man and wifo by this time. Tho
elopement caused considerable ex
citement for a time, as tho runaway
brido was promised to another
man, who hail boiijjht the wedding
dresses and othor fixings for thoir
wedding. Mrs. Smith, fearing
hor daughtor was going to slip
through thoi r fingers boforo tho
time to marry tlu m in of thoir
choice, lookod her up in hor room
Thursdny and Friday, intending on
Saturday to take the train for Oraw
ford. Saturday tho daughter fell
iu with hor raomor's plans and talk
ed so nicoly of the Crawford trip
and hor coming happy marriago
that hor mother's susp citms wor.
lulled to sloop. D irug Siturdiy
forenoon hor littlo suter stolo out
Miss Smith's elotho and handed
them to Goorgo Pitkor, who was
waiting in the brush about a milo
from tlio house. At dusk, making
an excuso to ijo to a neighbor's
house, Miss Smith disappeared
and has not been scon since. It
was learned that Miss Smith, Geo.
Pitkor and a friend of his walked
soveral milos to a county seat,
whufo the coromony was preformed.
Her narents aro furious, but not
knowing anything of tho where
abouts of tho runaways aro porfeck
ly holploss. The othor man in tho
casp is a sadder but wiser man.
NEW :: GOODS ! !
Millinery Store.
Come and see the' Goods, got
prices, ami do coiivjuccu ,uiai tftey
aro the boat and cheapest in the
Thanking you for past favors-
and trusting for a continuance of
tho samp.
' Yours respectfully,
Mjbb.L. Adams.
'Machine. Oils a Green's.
California canned goods IS cents &
can at W. K. HerncaU'a.
Wanted A girl for general
housework. Inquire at tho Her
ald office .
Paints of all kinds nt Green's.
Siioks of all kinds, styles and
prices. Can lit any foot and pocket
book. W. K. HEUNOAtL.
A now lot of shoes just received by
W. K. Ilcrncall.
I have a raarkot for 25 dozon
spring chickens. "Will pay Cash.
Como and see me. R. McLeod,
Attorney at Caw,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Prictlccs in all tho courts and be
fore U. S. Land Office.
Attorneys - at - Law,
Alliance, -:- Nebkaska.
JESrOfllce In Fletcher Block.
State University of Iowa 1687.
Chicago Polkolinic 1804.
and Surgical Diseases of,
the Nosk and Tuuoat. x
iUliance, - - Hebraska,