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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1895)
bAeiK3t vOlan. iM sen 5 r .TROLLEY SHOCK HARMLESS. Kvll'XVMUd Men Insist Thst Little II rm Can RHult from Therti. OclentieU wbo are hired for that voty nrpoao havo certified ngnln and ngaln, with wenrtoorao Jterntlon. as to th6 (ompleto bnrmleesuess, and in sonio in Hances to tho healthful quality of those alcctric shocks which startled Indi viduals po frequently rccciro through tho trolley wire ngoncy. Some of the - certificates of tho trolley attorneys must ho held responsible for a rather . :ommon impression that tho capitalists who havo equipped trolley roads aro really public benefactors, and that not the least of their bcncflcenco is that which provides the wayfaring man or the wandering horso or cow with do llghtful surprlsos In tho shape of gra mitouB electrical treatment. Onco in a while, howpvor, an unfortunate human being, who, up to tho tlmo of tho wlro contact, Is supposed to be in admlrablo health, porslots In dying from tho Jhock. ThlB was so day before yester day when Miss Katie Valentine, of Norwalk, Conn., a robust 16-year-old Birl, touched a telephone wire which had crossed a trolley wjre. Tho tele phone wlro was lying in tho grass and was practically Invisible to tho casual pedestrian. Tho rcmnlna of Miss Valen tino will bo buried to-morrow. About Monday or Tuesday wo expect tho np pcaranco of lengthy papers on elec tricity, In which men of great loarnlng will prove by every thoory known to humanity how utterly impossible it 1b Tor the trolley current to sorlounly damago the physical organism of any rann, woman or child who is not al ready at death's door. WHY THE MAJOR RAN. His Jfotr Man nt tiia DynntnltB Dryer Wm Orentljr rustled. Major McLaughlin of Snn Francisco jiut a now man nt work at his mlno tliti .-athcr day drying out dynamite. "Now," ald ho, by way of explanation, "you'vo got to keep your eye on the thermome ( ter In the heater. If It gets above 85 -degrees you'ro liable to hear a uoIbo around here. When it roaches 82 de grees you'vo got just threo minutes In which to work, for it takes threo minutes for It to ralso to 85 degrees." An hour later the major returned to see how tho man at the heater was doing. "Well, how Is It getting along!" ho in quired. "Oh, first rate." "Do you watch that thormomoter?" "You bet your llfo I do, and I'm keeping her down." Ho reached Into tho heater and pulled out tho thermometer. "Whew! She's up to 84," ho remarked. "Thero, that'll fix it." Ho jammed tho ther mometer into & bucket of water and fhung it back on tho heater. Then he wondered what McLaughlin was run ning for. . People No Longer Patronise none Cr. f A clinching tostlmony to tho fact that the day of tho horso for stroet-car trao . tlon Is past Is afforded by tho report on street-car work in 8L Louis, Mo., for the second qunrtor of tho yoar. The companies show a total of 2B26,033 , passengers carried In the throe months, na compared with 24.773.CC0 in the cor responding period of last year. This is an Increase of over 8 per cent. One company gained over 1,000,000 passen egrs, and another nearly the sarao num- ,ber. More or less lncreaao was seen on ail of tho lines of tho city except one tho Jefferson avenue which lost 57.000 passengers. This is a horse-car line the only ono in tho city. It is, howover, to be converted into a first-class elec- .trlc road, and a doubling of its patron age is looked for as Boon ns tho chango Is made. Ex. Ma flftvw-t Mora Than Thirty Lives. .Few people havo heard of Robert D. Russell, tho "Hell Gate life Baver," and yet this brave and modest man has saved more than thirty persons from drowning and, as ho la still in the (prlme of his manhood, may savo as many more. Mr. RubsoII was born In 1856, and though nn American he is of the Irish-American type. Ho is tall and handsome, dark and bright-eyed. Ho !s an athleto possessed of groat strongth, but he rather shuns a row and, from the habit ho has acquired of ,running away from a quarrel, with a small man. would ho called a coward by m those who did not know him. This, however, would bo quite a mistako as, when forced to, he has been known to successfully handlo two men of his own .caliber. Ptart with the Left Toot. A railway station Inspector, In giving evidence recently at the inquest on a .poor lady who had got herself botween the train and tho platform, observed that tho majority of women alighted from, the carriages with the right foot Jlrot, the result being that If the train thould start suddenly they were sure to lose their balance and their footing. I have noticed since I read that, and have perceived that the statement is often Verified. It seems but a triflo, but fancy that on such, a small, unconsid ered point, life, may hangi So notice with which foot you start to get out of the carriage. London Illustrated News. Big Fruit Farm In Georgia. On the Rumph orchards, between Marshallvllle and Fort Valley are jl,000,000 peach trees and 20,000 pear trees. Theso orchards, during the good fruit seasons, have been . marvelously profitable. One peach crop sold for $52,000 and another for "564,000. Mr. Rumph has also the largest plum or chard in the world, There are 15,00(1 !frRMe a'.um trees on the place, and aur&ery -emr Uy $1,000 seed 1 M -) WUM Tfctre r ahw 0,000 raspjerry bushes in cultivation. j, - - SAFETY IN THUNDERSTORMS Lightning Will Not Strike Yoa If Vtm Werr Your tiolostirs. Tho ono thing which a woman most trends barring, of courso, a mouse and being out of style is a thunder shower. Many most estimable women it character and forco, who can lead great crusades and revolutionize so ciety, go nil to pieces at a clap of thun Jcr, and a good many men, too, for that matter. It is not ngrecablo to he struck by lightning. Nor is It at all necessary. Thcro Is a sure preventa tive ns sure ns it is dmple, Inexpen sive, and always accessible a pair of rubbers. If a woman will Blmply put an a pair of rubborn when tho lightning begins to flash and tho thunder to roar, wd will stand on tho floor, so that sho touches nothing olse, sho will be ns safo as If sho wcro scaled in a glass cage. Rubbor is a nonconductor of ilectricity, and if tho lightning has to Co through a sheet of rubber to get you It will leavo you alono and take some thing elso. In other wordB, when you havo on a pair of rubbers, and not in :ontact with anything, you nro perfect ly Insulated. This Is not a theory merely; it Is n fact provon by innum arablo experiences. A pair of rubbers has saved many a life In a thundor itorm. Only a little while ago Horace W. Folgcr of Cambrldgeport, Mass., was on a pilot boat in Boston harbor, when a thundor shower camo up. Ho was on deck, wearing rubbor bootB, but Uendylng hiniBOlf with ono hand by a wlro cablo from the main topmast. Llghtnlug struck tho topmast, Bhiver Ing It into splinters. Down tho cablo wont tho current. Folger was knockod unconscious. When ho recovered ho wob full of nchca and pains, but ho pulled through. If It had not been for tho rubbor boots tho current would havo passed entirely through him. Ao It was, tlu current could not not through his boots, so It passed down tho cablo. It might bo well to add that a pair of rubbers, to bo offeptlve against lightning, must be sound and whole. Do not put on nn old pair, with a crack In tho toe, because oloctrlclty will gel out of a very small holo when It Is cornered, nnd n pair of dofoctlvo rub bers will do you no good. Effects of Alcohol. A distinguished snccinllHt. imvn thn American Practitioner, has carefully noted tho difference between twelve families of drinkers and twelvo fam- lles or tomperato persons during twelvo years, with tho result that ho found that the twolvo drinklnir families nro- duced in thoso years flftv-sovon chil dren, whilo tho temperate ones wero accountable for Blxtv-ono. Of tho drink ers, twenty-fivo children died in tho first week of life, as against hIx on the other Bido. Tho lattar deaths wero from weakness, whilo the formor worn attributable to weakness, convulsive at tacks, or oedema of tho brain and mum- Drancs. To this cheerful record In add ed flvo who were idiots; five wcro so stunted In growth ns really to be dwarfs; flvo. when older, became epueptlcB; one. a boy. had cravft chorea, ending la Idiocy; five more wero diseased and deformed, and two of tho epileptics became, by Inherit ance, drinkers. Ten only of tho flfty- soven snowed during llfo normal dis position and development of mind and body. Fifty of tho children of temper ate families wero normal in every way. A FncMn Lor It lift. The latest big log raft experiment on tho Pacific coast has proved a great success, the first entire success In tho history of such attompts. The raft was built on tho Columbia river, nnd con tained between six and seven million feet of lumber. It was made of piles so closely bound together that not n timber In tho whole great bulk was movable. The raft was started from Oregon lato in July, in tow of tho steamer Mlnooln, and arrived in San Francisco Aug. 2, after as smooth a trip as though it had floated down a placid river Instead of over a consld. erable stretch of tho Pacific ocean. It would havo taken several score of ships to transport the lumber, nnd the own- era of tho raft havo cleared something over ? by tho success of tho ex periment. Several similar rafts havo been Btarted on a Blmllar trip, but, while ono or two have been a modified success, soveral of tho largest have gono to pieces in stormy weather and been a total loss. An American Flrasars Condemned. Tho London Saturday Review la un kind in Its comments on the great at traction of tho Midway. Spoaking of tho unfortunate accident to tho Ferris wheel at tho Indian exhibition in Lon don tho other night, by whjch a large number pf persons were suspended like Mahomotis cofllu in midair for several hours, it observes: "We do not pity them overmuch. Those who can find pleasure in slowly revolving In air would look upon a kaleidoscope na a form of art. The soullessness of theso American amusements 1b appalling. Tho switchback railway and the great wheel testify to a depth of vulgar stupidity that would have astonished tho build ers of tho tower pf Babel." An Ohio Itlver Htone 300,000 Years old. A prominent geologist,, who has been looking Into the formation of tho bed of the Ohio river, forty-three miles be low Pittsburg, says the old river bed Is 300 feet above the present water level, and ho finds three stones of Canadian granite, whose nearest home now Is on the Canadian side of Lake Ontario. In the glacial gravel he came across a rough arrow head, which he attributes to the glacial period, perhaps 300,000 years ago. Tho testimony of the rocks is in the imture of sensational news, in pnlfp of Its crpnt nntlnnltv. ...... . ......-..,. , REUNION OF HEIOHT. Thirty-Seven 2t and Four Inches ef Bon Visit Their Parents. There was a family reunion at Tlon CBtn, Pa., recently, that calls for moro than mere montion. It was a gather ing together of fathor, mother, and six sons, all of tho latter ovor 21 years of , age. this family group had not all been together slnco the boys, some of them years ago, went out Into tho world to fight their battles for them selves. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Colo man are the father and mother, both halo and hearty, and tho sonB names arc J. F Henry, William, J. E., S. W., and Frank. Tho main object of this item is not so much to montion tho fact of tho happy reunion as to try and pic ture to tho reader tho slzo of tho six long-separated sons, or rather their re spective nnd collective holghts. Here are tne exact figures: J. F. is 6 feet 5 Inches: Honry. G feet 2 inches: William. 0 feet 3 inches; J. B., 0 feet 5 inches; S. W., 0 root 3 inchea, and Frank, tho Bhort ono of tho stalwart family, nn ex act 6 feet Theso measurements wero all takon In stocking feot The total height of tho whole sextot is 37 foot 4 Inches. Tho fathor and mother nrn only about tho average height of ordin ary mortals. Tho boys are all well-to-do in tho towns and cities whoro they nre located. A PIQHT WITH A SHARK. . i Doiperate from Hunger. It Seemed Careless of Dancer. Tho crow of tho tug Pennwood, which arrived at Baltimore yesterday, report that they wero nursued bv a man-nnt- Ing shark a few days ago twenty tnlles oouin- or capo Honry. Tho shark, Which was about olfirht fflfi Innir h.nrl followod the tug for some hours, when a hook baited with meat was thrown to it. No temptation could get it to take the hook. Thon tho man-eater began to grow bold and approached within a few feet of tho sldo of thA tup- until t finally grew audacious enough to slide aiong tno steel side of tho vessel. Gfiler Engineer Qoldsborough, who had seen somo shark lighting In tho Caribbean sea, undertook to spear the fish." 'Jgo used a sharp boat hook, with which' ho pierced Us head. Several tlmea tho shark caught tho hook, but could ppt wrench It from Mr. Goldsborouch'n grasp. After tho Bhark had been con- Biueramy maimed it withdrew, leaving a trail or blood In the watnr. Mr. Goldsborough says ho never eaw a oaarK so aeBpcrate In Its endeavors to make a meal on human flesh. Balti more Sun. About Onions. Onions nro wholesome as well as sa vory, and fashion no longer prescribes them. Stuffed onions, on tho con trary, nre appearing as entrees at In formal dinners. SUco tho ends from medium-sized Spanish onions, and peel carefully. .Take out tho center with & vegetable scoop or spoon. Cover with hot salted water, and simmer for ten minutes. Be very caroful not to boil, as the onion must keep its shape. Re move from the saucepan and turn up side down on u oloth to drain. Fill with tho forcemeat; pover tho bottom of a pan with small pieces of butter, ono tablespoonful of chopped parsley and ono stalk of celery chopped fine. Lay the onions on top, and pour over them one cup of hot white stock. Bako forty minutes, basting frequently. When dono serve on a hot dish, strain tho gravey over them and serve. An other palatable way of cooking large Spanish onions Is to cut a small slice from the top and bottom of each onion and peel. Cover with fresh boiling water, and slmmor twonty mlnutfes; drain; again cover with boiling wawr, add ono tc&spoonful of salt, and sim mer until the onions are sufficiently tender to be pierced with a straw this will take from two to three hours for thoso large onions. Drain, and servo with melted butter, cream, Be; chamol or Hollandaiso sauce. Cincin nati Weokly Gazette. Woman's Ways on the Wheel. It Is noticed that lq cycling the ele gant woman does not coast; neither does sho race. Rapidity of movement sho considers neither conducive to gfaco r.'ir n.8 evincing good stylo. On the contrary, she cits erect, with el bows well In. gliding along slowly, and wjth so llttlo body motion that lqt)s of dignity Is not thought of In her con nection. She does not wear her skirts so short us to attract attention when she dismounts. In fact, in everything connected with tho wheel her move ments nre so quiet and unobtruslvona to exclto tho admiration of the onlook er instead of the derision so frequent ly accorded. "Repose is always ele gance," and rapidity on tho wheel is quite tho reverse. Forum. Thinks He Jumped from the Moon, An unknown man who was captured In a corn field in the outskirts of In dianapolis, where he Bald he was trying to jump into heaven, made two at tempts at suicide in the county jail. Ho first used the small chain on tho cell closet, which he broke under his weight. Shortly afterward he toro his bed clothing into shreds and plaited a rope. This was taken away from' him. He was declared insane. He thinks ho will live forever and that he Jumped from the moon 1,000,000 years ago. He also imagines that he can turn himself Into anything, from a mouse to a horse. Mosquitoes Not Altogether Kapaclons. Mosquitoes materially differ from their prey, man. Herein they set a noble example. They are, too, political ly sound on the race and sex questions. They make no distinction in color or gender. Professionally, they resemble their scientific allies of the medical fra ternity. They never let blood without putting in their bill! t swvAvLffa CarenU, and Trade-Marlcs obtained and all Pat ent butncs conducted for Moderate Fee. Oua Ornce is Opposite U. 8. patcht orncc and we can secure patent in less time than those mnnIA Irtint Wthinpton Send model, drawing or photo., with descrlp. ttAn. Wn advtte. It tiAtentAhla or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secttred. A PAMPMUT, "How to Obtain Patents,'' with cost ot same in the U. S, and foreign countries sent tree. Auareas, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Orncc, Washington, d. C. Noacents, WuseUfpaa catalogue at AVhoteT kulo I'rlce. Ship loaf examination before knit., nurs nt B14 lamo as agents soil f it fii, ours ot VA rnme as agents toll ipr two, oars ntt-W wood-rlms, 25lbseamo as any UlwUeel. UstrlesilStofttO. mm roadster m Guaranteed snmo as agnnts sell tor fTJ to flOQ. ACME ROAD RACER, 25 jbs. WOOD-ftiMS, Pcrfeetllncs. perfect steerlnir. Be rfertdjutmpnt. (luarflnteod eamc as agents sell for tl' ana E1&. Wrltton warranty with OTOrymachlno ETCrytlmo yon buy n blcyclo tli roti (th nn sgrntxou pay Ks) to IK) niorotnanourwbolesnloprlco for ueio ijnnllty. It costs about as much to sell btejcles through agent nnd dealers ns it does to nako them. Let prudence and economy surrtob t bo better way nnc buy from us direct at wuolcsalo nrlcos. Illustrated Catalogue free Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. IND. CAN T OBTAIN A PATENT For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, wrlto to 5l UNN ds CO.. wbo bsvo bad nearly fifty years' experience In tbo patent business. Communlca. tlona strictly confidential. A Ilnndbook of In formation concerning 1'ntenlH and bpw to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a csUloguo of mosban Ical and scientific books sent free. . Patents taken through Wunn ft Co. rceelTO special notice In tbe Hclenltne Amerlcnii, and thus are brought widely before tbo public with out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, bos by far tbo largest circulation of any scientific work In tho world. 83 a year. Sample conies sent free. UulldlnHKilHIou, monthly, ilM a year. Blnglo copies, ta cents. Krery number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of now houses, wltb plans, enabling builders to show tbo latest designs and securo contract. Address ttUNN CO., Ktw Yoke, UOl Duuauwat. mm "e-'A SS5.fia A Beautiful Woman Attracts Attention Everywhere. Qold -:-' Leqf, NOT AS HANDSOME TO LOOK AT AS ' A BEAOTOTJL WOMAN, BUT After Giving it a Trial EiEiExniT-oieiD icxxjuzisro- OP OTJIE3 -SS02ST3ivd:EIIT,I, OP Sills, Lawns, Cshqueres, IJnderwear in suits and all the latest novGities in Dress Fabrics, for the coming season, in texture, finish, ,' wave, combination and colorings, is as indefinably beautiful as tho varied hues of the flowers of spring. They Satlssfsr tla.e Olosest ScruLtizD.-sr and evoke tho unqualified praise of all who behold them. Unremitteut study of the prevail ing style in vogue, and strict attention to tho most exacting wants of my patronage makes my store in tho estimation of tho refined and tasty, tho Emporium Par Excellence whereat to procure the daintiest, most stylish, economical, unique Q. Freshest Groceries at Lowest Prices. Big bargains in ipy Shoe Department W. K. HERrSCALL, ' I ' S I EC- k, OnE&srsasr, Shelf k Heavy Hardware, This Card is to (Benefi: Cash (Buyers. (Don't Lose It. 20 I 25 100 1 100 I 10U 1 100 1 100 20 25 20T25 20 25 20 I 25 20 I 25 2025" -1 20 I 25 HJMRBEH, 51.00 HOW TO SAVE MONEY Read Whnt This Card . . . .Says. . . . When you pay Cash, let the Clerk punch out tho amount; and when you have paid us Twenxv Dollars in cash, will give you One Qollar In Goods Free of Charge 20 20 25 25 --r.--ii 1 ..'' uku ju. an Broil uxuept uaru wire 50 I 50 I 50 50 1 50 We will not be undersold. Akvays bring this Card ivith you. BUCKEYE Mowers and And the Hollmgwortk and Tiger Hayrakes THE BUCKEYE Machines which took the cake at tho WORLD'S FAIR cannot bo excelled. Tho HOLLINGSWORTH and TIGER Hayrakes wero never beaten. Either of theso celebrated tools will bo sold AS CHEAP ' and CHEAPER than any inferior grades. I also keep repairs for theso and other machines. Can got any repairs desired. The Best "BirLd-er Twiiae At tho lowest living prices. For sale at tho Hardware and Saddlery House You will wondor how You Ever The Elegance .AS -U- 1 100 1 100 1 soTBo 15 I 10 Hardware. 15 I 10 15)10 15" fio" 15 I 10 I 5 "lTfibTs lH'i'io'j's 'i?jl6"i"5 .. ' . .. " 15 I 10 I 5 anu Harness uy the sou I 50 I 50 50"T50 15 I 10 ! 5 Celebrated. - I II 1 1 i - i J $1.00 Binders An Ugly Woman Can Make Better Bread With QoIgI - Lecf - Floqtf THAN A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN CAN WITh ANY OTHER BRAND. Got Along without it. c o3JE.A.:fcT'5ri DRESS WEAR. m 15 y$ 1 y y kn fM r xA t ,