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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1895)
W YW 1 SHIPMENTS OF GOLD. ANOTHER LARGE EXPORTATION FOR EUROPE. Ono of the Syndlcnto Houc Makes n Tllg Consignment In Rl 84,000,000 nro Withdrawn J. I'lcrpont Morgan Says tho Syndicate Is Stilt Standing by the Government and Will Knko tlood -tlie Withdrawal. , Dig (Sold Engagements. Ni:w YonK, Sept 14. Tho engage ment of 2,500,000 in gold by Lazard & Frercs for export to-day created a pro iound Bcnsatlon in Wall street. The fact that Messrs. Lazard and Freres are important members of tho gov ernment bond syndicate Increases tho already great surprise in the matter of .shipment. A member of tho firm made tho following statement to a reporter: "Wo believed that during the first half of September n tulliclcnt amount of grain and cotton and other bills would have been offering, and that the necessity bf exporting this gold would thus bo averted. Our ship ment of gold is nn imperative neces sity in order to fulfill our business ob ligations with Europe. Wo believe that it will be a temporary expedient and that within the next fow weeks plenty of bills will bo offering and thnt everything will come around all right." The firm recite the low prices ruling for breadstuffs, the slow move ment of cotton and the fair supply of that staple already in European hands as causes for tho lack of bills of ex change and the noccssity of gold ship ments. Other engagements for shipment to morrow swell the aggrcgato to S 1,500, 000. Of tltis sum, $3,500,000 was drawn from the sub-treasury tills morning. The Hanover National bank depos ited SSOO.OjO in gold at tho sub-treasury in exchange for greenbacks. Tho National Park bank later deposited 31,500,000, and smaller sums aggre gating nearly 81,000,000 wcro depos ited. There wcro rumors that tho bond syndicate would deposit a large sum this afternoon. A reporter of tho Associated Press called upon Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, the head of the government bond syn dicate, and asked as to the truth of tho rumors of the dissolution of the syndi cate. Mr. Morgan replied: "The bond syndicate is still in tho field. There has been no rupture. Tho syn dicate will continue to do all it can to help maintain the treasury gold re serve at 8100.000,000. Tho obligation, of the syndicate expired, however, some tlmo ago." Sub-treasury officials express confi dence that tho impairment of the treasury reserve by the gold exporters will be made good by the syndicate. CHOLERA IN HAWAII. R.iTuges of tho Scourgo Unabated In Honolulu Queen til l'urdoncd. Honolulu, Sept. 5, via San Fran cisco, Sept 1 1. Forty-one cases of cholera thavo been reported to date, with thirty-live deaths. Tho disease attacks only the natives. Every effort is being made to stamp it out. No island steamers are allowed to leave port without first remaining in quar antine for fiVe days. Passengers must undergo tho same" ordeal. The council of state held a meeting yesterday afternoon and evening and after appropriating 810,000 for ex penses incurred by the board of health, the matter of pardoning political pris oners came up for consideration. The executive recommended that Carl Wideman, "Cupid," the four Lane boys, Junius Knae, Joe Widdlefield, and thlrty-nino others bo pardoned. The council adopted tho recommenda tion. At tho samo meeting the queen was pardoned also, and the others will bo liberated as Boon as tho pardons are made out. IJowlor, Rlckard, Walker, Seward, Wilcox and other long-term prisoners will remain in jail. Tho government will nllow nil exiles to re turn to the country with the exception of the Abhford brothers, now in San Francisco. CAPT. SUMNER SUSPENDED Tho Coinin.tnder of the Columbia 1'ouinl Guilty of Neglect of Duty. Washington, Sept. 11. Tho navy department made public tho findings of the court martial in the case of Cap tain Georgfi W. bumner, late in com mand of the United States cruiser Columbiu, tried recently nt Iooklyn on charges growing out of tho injury sustained by his vessel in docking nt Southampton in July. On the first charge, culpable ineffi ciency in tho performance of thtty, tho court found him guilty in a less de greo than charged. Tho captain was found guilty of the second chartre, of suffering a vessel of tho navy to be hazarded in violation of tho naval regulations. The sentence of tho court is as fol lows: "To bo suspended from duty ouly for a period of six months on waiting orders pay and to be repri manded by the honorable secretary of the navy." Dr. Charles If. Hall Dead. UnooKiAW, N. Y.. Sept 14. Tho Rov. Dr. Charles n. Hall, pastor of the Protestant Episcopal church of tho Holy Trinity,, this city, died last night. Dr. Hall had been a park commissioner of civil service. Ho was a warm friend of tho late Henry Ward Roochor and dalivered the oration at his funeral, and also at the unveiling of Mr, Uuecher's statue in front of tho City hull. He leaves a widow and threo -children. Chkvknnb, Wyo.. fsopt. 14 Unitod States Marshal McDormott has gone north to servo notice upon cattlo com panies and others accused of illegully lenoing public lands, to remove their fences. It is believed there will be u vigorous protest against interference by tho government. Oldett Mason aud Treacher Dead. Pittsiiuro, Pa., Sept. 14. The Rev. Samuel D. Wakefield, said to be the oldest Mason and the oldest preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church, died to-day at West Newton. He had been a member of tho Masonic frater nity I jr almost seventy-five years. NEW G. A. R. COMMANDER. Colonel Ivan Walker of Indiana Chosen 81. 1'aitl Clots the Next llncampmcnt. Lot'isvu.i.i:, Ky., Sept, 14. Ivan N. Walker of Indianapolis was elected commander-in-chief of tho G. A. 11. and St, Paul as tho place for tho next en campment. Colonel I. A. Walker, commander -in-ehief of the Grand Army of tho Re public, uns born in Indiana, in 134'.'. With tho Seventy-third Indiana volun teers ho took part in tho battles of Perryvllle und Stono river. He was promoted from captain to major, was assigned to the position of lieutenant colonel at the battle of Stono River nnd afterward received a commission from Governor Morton. At the battle of Dlount's plantation, near Gadsden, Ala., Colonoltlnthawiiy was killed nnd Colonel Walker ns- sumed command. Tho regiment was compelled to surrender. The officers were sent to Llbby prison. Colonel Walker, with General A. I). Strelght and twenty-four others, in February, 18(11, tunneled their way out from tho prison pen to liberty. Colonel Walker was recaptured four days Inter and icturned to tho prison, where ho re mained until exchanged tho following May. Ho returned to Ins regiment and served until bad health from ex posuro compelled his resignation. Ho was a volunteer aldo on tho staff of Clenernl Wilson during tho battlo of Nashville. He lived at Nashville several years after the war and then moved to In dianapolis. For nearly ten yenrs ho was first deputy in tho office of the auditor of Marion county. He was n candidate for auditor of State in 1800 on tho Republican ticket, which was defeated. Governor Hovoy in 1801 appointed him stnto tax commissioner and ho Btlll holds that office through tho ap pointment of Governor Matthews. In 1S93 Colonel Walker was elected vice commander of tho G. A. R. SAVED BY A BRAVE WOMAN Tho Wife of a Wyoming Section Toroinan Stops a Train Just In Time. Chkyenni:. Wyo., Sept. 14. Mrs. Olsrom, wife of a section foreman, while alone in tho section house near Woleott station, yesterday, found thnt the wooden bridge spanning a small gully crossed by tho Union Paelllc track was burning. The westbound fast mail, nenrly nn hour late, was approaching at a high rate of speed, endeavoring to make up lost time, and Mrs. Olstrom ran down the track and flagged tho train, which was stopped within thirty feet of tho blazing bridge. The timbers wcro burned to such nn extent that tho trnin would have carried down. The passongers on tho fast mail made up a purse of 850 for tho woman. EXPELLED FROM CHURCH. Tho Itov. J. T. Iitghter I'ound Guilty hy the Southern Methodist Conference. Macon, Mo., Sept. 14. In the South ern Methodist conference the charge of immorality against tho Rov. J. T. Lighter, appealed from tho Monroo City quarterly conference, was re ported on by the committee. Ho was found guilty and expelled from the church and ministry. Miss Stephens Mjstcrloiuly Ilohhcd. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 14. When Miss Margaret Stephens, bister of the state treasurer, went to the exposition Saturday evening she secreted diamond earrings worth 8500 m a chamois bag on the inside of a dress in tho closet of her room in the Planter's house. When she returned the diamonds had disappeared, but nothing clso was taken. The case is a complete mystery. William Taylor Makes Denial. CAimor.LTON, Mo., Sept. 11. William Taylor, one of tho brothers convicted and sentenced to death for tho murder of the Meeks family, sn3'.s ho is tho vic tim of a conspirac3', und declares that he did not write tho tho letters in re gard to a plot to bribe a jailer and es cape attributed to him in Wednesday's revelations. He regards it us an effort to prejudlc tho supreme court against the application for a new trial. Columbian Half Dollars In Demand. Washington, Sept H. The demand for Columbian half dollars in exchange for gold nt par at tho Mibtreabiiries except San Francisco, continues with out abatement. At the present time there remains unsold only Ss22,()00. These halves have never been in cir culation and have the same legal ten der and redemption qualities us other hulf dollars apiece. Sutolll and tho Archleplseopacy. Washington, Sept. 1-1. Archbishop Satolll said to-day that he had abso lutely no information or intimation concerning the report that ho was to be created a cardinal. It is si sited that he is proceeding with his duties as though there was no intention whateve- of his being recalled to Rome for advancement or assignment to New York. No Marine Hand at Chlramauga. Washington, Sept. 14. Tho Marino band will not be present at the dedi cation of the Chickamauga National Military park unless private means bliall be found to pay its trxpensos, as it has been found that there aro no funds in either tho war or navy de partments for the payment of tho ex penses of the band on the trip. Cuban Filibusters Indicted. Wii.minoton, Del, Sept 14. The grand jury in tho United States dis trict court has found truo bills of in dictment against the alleged Cuban filibusters, including Ralph Desoto of this city. The trial has been fixed for next Wednesday. I'oultry Shipper Involved. Clinton, Mo.. Sept 14, Tho place of W. O. Julian, wholsale poultry shipper, was closed about midnight last night on an attachment for about 84,700 by the Citizens bank here. A BUSINESS SESSION. VETERANS OKT DOWN TO EX ECUTIVE WORK. Henry Waterson of the) Courier-Journal Deliver tho Welcoming Address, nnd James Whltcnmh itlley Heart it 1'oem Commander 1-nwlor's Annual lteport Work of tho Women's Itellaf Corps Other Mutters of Interest to Old Sol diers. The, O. A. It. Kncnnipmcnt. Louis vii.i.k, Ky., Sept. 13. Tho twenty-ninth national cneniupmont of tho 0. A. R., tho Woman's Relief corps and tho Ladies' Circle of tho 0. A. R., begun their conventions this morning. Those meetings were attended only by delegates. General Lawler, tho commander-in-chief was loudly cheered as he founnllv called tho meeting to order and introduced Henry Nntter sou, who made a flowery address of welcome. In response, Past Com miuidor-in-Chlef William Wnmer of Kansas City, .spoke briefly. Ho said tho boys in blue would nevor forgot the generous nnd great hospitality of the good people of Loulsvi'.le. When ho had done talking, Com mnnder Lawler aid lie took great plcasuro in introducing James Whit comb Riley, tho Hoosler poet. Mr. Riloy then read nn original poem. Commander Lawler said that tho comradei had decided to honor Past Commnnder John Palmer of Albany by presenting him with n token of their regard for the faithful performance of his duty whilo ho was Commander. Judge Cochrnne then presented him a solid silver tea sot.und Genet al Palmer responded brielly. A gavol mnde of gold, silver and copper, and studded with diamonds, rubies and sapphires, was presented to Commander Lawler by Senior Vieo Commander O'Lcnry of Montana in be half of the Montana division. It wns given becnuso General Lawler wus tho first commander-in-chief who ever vis ited tho Montana posts. Commander Lawler then delivered his annual address. In opening ho re ferred to Kentucky as the blrthplaco of Lincoln. Then ho complimented tho. r.irinns ollloers in due turn. Ho said that tho order had lost 50,050 members in tho year, aud now had 357,0d9 active members, with 40,000 suspended. He called for a pension law by congress which could not bo misconstrued or misapplied and advo cated a suit to test the present law. He spoke for a national appropriation for Memorial day aud ttgainst making that day ono of recreation. Compli ments wero paid to tho women's or ders, the Son of Veterans and thanks resumed for past kindnesses. The Woman's Relief corps met at Library hall. Mr-. Wallace presided. The cxerclsos were opened with sa lutes, flag drills and tableaux in tho curriculum of patriotic teaching. Tho opening session was devoted to wel come addresses and responses nnd tho hearing of tho annual reports of tho nutlonal officers. Tho total member ship at tho present time, according to tho reports is 110,774, or a. gain of i!,' GOT members over last year. Tito total number of corps is 3,Ml, or a net gain of 17 during tho venr. The amount expended in relief was Sill, 00 j. Tho total amount expended dur ing tho year including relief und current expenses was SloS.ICV, w lillo tho total amount of relief furnished since its organization was 1,210,600. Regarding the Nntional Women's Re lief Corps home nt Madison, Ohio, the report says: "Since tho opening of tho homo ninety-four applicants have been approved, 0 havo died bofore coming to tho home, and 72 have arrived and been cared for, 53 present during tho past year and 43 inmates aro now in the home." Tho Ladies cirelo of tho G. A. R. met nt the board of trade with Mrs. President Gunlock presiding. Its opening scsbion was also devoted to hearing nunual reports which showed increased membership and good condi tions generally. Tho ladies of the circle, however, showed no general disposition to unito with tho Women's Relief corn SCHOOL bOhuo NO GOOD. Tho Kansas J'ermuiioiit J'uiiil Short u Largo Amount. ToruKA, Knn., Sept 13. Tho bub committee of the permanent bchool fund investigation committee has nlott concluded its examination of the securities in tho statu fund, and will report to tho full committee to morrow that 815,000 of tho bonds aro albolutoly worthier, viz: Rico county, 510,000; Norton county, Si',500; Howard county, 81. 100; Comanche county, S2.00U. These- aro hehooU district bonds, issued back in tho early 70s. All are fraudulent and sumo are for geries. Tho Rico county bonds are known ns tho "Sam Wood lot" In addition to tho glft.Oou, tho sub committee will list a lot of other bonds aS doubtful nnd borne ns prao tictrlly worthless because tho com munities responsible for them aro too poor to pay them. This list is as fol lows; Scott county, S142,OuO; Hamil ton county, 8lo,00y; -Kearney county, S,200; City of Saratoga, St,00ns city of Cimarron, 310.000; tojaj, 8H4,V'O0. The total amount of bonds therefore that tho submittee will list as fraudu lent or non-productive will ba nearly S.'OO.Otlp. . Mm Dullness rulluro lit St. Joseph. Sr. Jobkimi, Mo., SoptJp. The I). L. Griswold music housqj nt 704 Falix street, failed last nfght,?with liabili ties at S'7,000 and assets of about &:W, 000. The Uorman-Amerlcan bank and tho Hiihch-Gerts Piano Company aro made preferred creditors. Died of Yellow I'cier. Washington, Sept. lu, Tho state departinunt iccoived a cablegram last night from Vice Consul Dawson, at Sun Salvador as follows: "Consul Munehmeyer died to-day of yellow fevor; his wifo attacked with tamo dibeabe." He was appointed February last from West Virginia. His predc cebsor, Coiihul Pollock, also died of fever. The Syndicate Deposits Gold. Nkw York, Sept. 13. Tho govern ment ootid syndicate yesterday aftor noon deposited 83,000,000 gold at tho Bub-treasury to the credit of the gov- cruuicuu EXPORTS IN AUGUST. A Decrease In AH Items lUcopt Mineral Oils figures for lllght Months. Washington, Sopt 13. Tho exports of mineral oils during August wore So,030,.il5, as against S3,003,011 In Au gust, 180 1. During tho last olght months tho exports of mineral oils ngrognted SJI,40l,ll3, against $:M,C1B, 520 for the same time last yonr. Tho exports of breadstuffs during August amounted to 80,050,130, against $10,881,210 during August, ISO I. Dur inng the Inst eight months tho exports of brendstuffs wore S"3.1 1,853, ugainst S36,30I,5SS covering tho same period last your. Tho August cotton exports nniouutcd to Sl;20a,7;to, ns compared with $3,9.10,. 05 in August, lriU. For eight months the exports were S'.Ot, 527,001, ngnlnst 208,117,000 In tho Mitnu period last year. Tho provisions exported Inst month amounted to 811,281,881), ngtlinst 15. 030,141 In August last jenr. For tho eight months the exports wcro S10I,-'SS.OO-I, against S1V2,747,383 last year. Tho totnl exports of these four com modities during August was $27,J07, 010, and for the L;it months 110, 2.M, 01K), against 813,108,000 In August, 1MM, anil 111,810,000 in eight months last year. NEW FAST TIME RECORD More Than n Mllo n Mlnuto llcHveen New York nnd UufTnlo. NnwYonic, Sopt. 13. Tho New York Central yesterday made n new world's record in the runnlng.of fast trains on a long dlstanco schedule. At 5: 40?tf, a special train of four cars, tho cntiro train weighing 502,000 pounds, under tho direction of Gaorgo II. Dan iels, tho general passenor agent of tho road, left tho Grand Central uopot It arrived nt Albany at 7:54:55, making the run o(' 141 in ilea in 135 minutes. A stop of one mlnuto was made at Albany for the purpose of changing engines. Syracuso was reached at 10:17:18. making tho run of 148 miles from Albany in 1 10 1-6 min utes. Tho total run from Now York to Kast Ruffalo, 430& miles, wns made In 107 minutes, nn average speed oi CAM miles an hour. This gives tho Now York Central tho world's rocord for a long distance run with a heavy train, its train being nearly twieo tho weight of tho English racing trainfiv BALD IS KING OF ALL. He Won tho Mllo Open for Class II nt tho lllff Sprlugllcld Meet. Si'RiNOPiiH.n, Mass., Sopt 13. Yes terday was tho first day of racing nt tho Springfield Bicycle Club meeting and 5,000 ptoplo wcro present. Tho weather could not hnvo been better with no Vr-'cze stirring. A. W. Porter was tho winner of tho five mile handicap in tho remarkable time of 11:34 2-5, breaking the profes sional record for that distance 10 sec onds. In the ono mile, professional class, Sanger won easily from Tyler, with Colomnh and Uakcr close to tho second man. Raid proved himself tho fastest rider in the country, und captured tho ono mile optn in a burst of r.peed that loft the pacing tandem behind. Ho fin ished three lengths nway from Cooper nnd Cabanne, who had both passed Gardiner in the stretch. A UNIT FOR M'KINLEY. Ohio's Delegation Will Ue Solid Tor tho Apostlo of Protection. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sopt. 13. Tho political bcnsatlon of to-day is tho comments made among politicians upon tho pronounced utterance of Governor MeKinloy in favor of ex Governor Fortiker for United States senator, ami his urgent plea that special attention bo given to the elec tion of tho legislature Those who aro accustomed to reading between the lines maintain that tho unexpected position of McKinley is a part of a combination that is of nntional inter est, and that among other things it intuits that Ohio will bo a unit for McKinley for president. ritxshnmons Wutits In. CiucAflO, Sept. 13. The Inter Ocean prints a story In which it is said that FiUsimmons declared that he will re fuse to meet Corbett lu Dallas unless ho is "let In" on certain concessions on which ho believes a large amount of money will be realized- It is Mild that he accuses Iltiidy, Corbett, Joo Vrndlir and Stewart of Dallas with gobbling up everything in sight, from tho lemonndo stand to tho eidoloseope, with which it is intended to reproduce the fight throughout tho country. It is tho latter concession that Rob is jealous of, and it is aid that ho hub made n formal demand for n percent age of the profits on it, otherwise ho declares there will bo no fight IJxplorer Stanley Arrives. Nr.w Yoisu, Sopt. 13. Henry M. Stunley, M. P., but better known ns the African explorer, arrived on tho steamer Mnjestic yesterday. In tui in terview he said: "My only reason for coming over at this tlmo is to visit tho great Rrltish Northwest territory, which I have never been," Lynched In Arkniisas, Oschoi.a, Ark., Sept 10. Mrs. Rhea, living on n fnrm twenty-fivo miles north of hero, was murdered yesterday by two neirroes. Will Caldwell and an old man, who wero working for her, nnd whoso object wus robbery. Cald well was arrested, confessed and was taken from the ofllcerb and hanged to a tree. Tho old man was also uaught, and by this tlmo has probably boon lynched. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Secretary Morton has issued his ng- rlculturul year ooolc. Sccre'nry Herburt Is considering in vitutious to go upon the stump in Ala bama. Secretary Lumont and President Clovelund conferred as to a successor to General Seholield. Secretary Carlisle has decided to pass upon tho sugar bounty decssion of Comptroller IJowlor. Tho stato department, has received ex-Consul Wallor's affidavit of his court martini by the French. SffiAND ARMY PARADE FORTY THOUSAND OLD SOL DIERS GET IN LINE. Threo llnndred Thousand I'eoplo Witness the March Tho Host Led hy Ki-Uon federates Southern Soldiers Cheer Their Old Foes finttuulnstlcally Vet erans All Show tho Weight of Years How tho 1'amde Wns Vanned. Kx-Soldlers Again In I.lne. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 13. Thous ands of ux-ConfederntcB nnd hosts of other people gathered early this morn ing along tho Btrcets to witness tho grand parndo of tho Grand Army of tho Republic aud chcors wero conslunt ns tho divisions marched along to tho BtrcoU whero they wero to form. Tho cntiro lino of march was cleared of everything while tho Loulsvlllo Le gion, tho cadets and Kentucky Nation al Guard patrolled tho ways and thoru was no delay. Forty thousand voter erans wcro In lino and fully 300,000 people witnessed tho march. Tho pnrndo wob headed by two ox Confederates on horseback, Captain John 11. Wollor and Captain William II. Harrison, They did not wear the gray, but wero dtcssod In blnuk Prince Alberts with silk lints and red, white nnd blue sashes, tho samo us members of tho citizens' committee. They also woro rod, white nnd bluo scarfs and rosettes. Captain Weller carried a largo United States ling und Captain Harrison a largo whito banner of peace. In place of tho englo on the top of tho staff, tho whito banner hud n dovo enrrying nn ollvo twig. Tho veterans showed tho weight of years nnd tho effects of service. It wns the general remark that there wero never ho ninny old, lame nnd fee ble men in line, but they marched proudly none the less. At Mturiso tho only oloutis wcro irom tho salute of forty guns, nnd tho ' weather even was for peace. Tho do partments began forming at an early hour under special orders to have tho proces.ion move promptly at 10:30 o'clock. At 0:30 another snlulo was fired for tho first grand division to form. At 10 o'clock tho guns indicated that the escort wns moving to tho head of tho column and at 10:30 tho salute signaled all tho ton grand divisions to move. now tiii: PAiiAnn wab fohmkd. The divisions lined up as follows: Drum corps, Loulsvlllo Legion. Grand Army band of Canton, Ohio. Colonel Henry S. Colin, chairman of committee- on parade and roview; Thomas Satterwhito, jr., nnd Captain 0. K. Hordstron, adjutants; special citizens (red sash). Citizens' coinmittco on parade and roviow, 100 members (whito sashes for leaders of platoons, bluo for rank nnd file). Currlngo No. 1 Tho governor of Kentucky nnd stuff. Carrltigo So. 2 Tho mayors o! Louis ville, Now Albany nnd Jeffersonvlllo nnd Colonel Thomas II. Sherley, presi dent citizens' committee, board of mnnngeri and invited Chicago military band. Columbia post of Chicago ns Grand Army escort to tho commander-in chief. Commander-in-Chief General Thomas G. Lawler nnd staff. Member of the council of administration,- aldo do camp to commander. in-hle,f. First grand division Red flag, Illi nois, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Second grand divisiou Whito flag, Ohio nnd New York. Third grand division Uluo flag, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maine, California, Rhode Is land, 2ow Hnmpshire, Vermont, Po tomac, Virginia und North Carolina. Fourth grand division Light red flag, Maryland, Nebraska, Michigan, Iowa and Indiana. Fifth grand division Yellow fiaar, Colorado, Kansas, Delaware, Minneso ta, Missouri and Oregon. Sixth grand divisiou Light green flag, West Virginia South Dakota, Washington and Alaska. Seventh grand division Orange flag, Arhnnsus, Now Mexico, Utah and Tennessee. Eighth grand division Purple flag, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Mon tana, Texas and Idaho. Ninth grand division Dark green flag, Arizona, Georgia, Alabama, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Indian territory. Tenth grand division Light bluo flag, Kentucky and battle (lugs of Ken tucky regiments in charge of u guard of honor. Among tho features of the parade was old Ned, the warhorse, over 40 years old, that had heretofore tramped with the boys along tho line of inarch. He is now bo feoblo thnt ho to-day rodo on a float, Tito New Hampshire department carried n large eagle. The Ohio boys wore buckeyes, the Ken tnekians hud corn nnd crackers una others bore tho emblems of their states. When the Chicago commandory ap peared tho multitudes on the plat forms and along tho streets opened the chorus of cheors for Commander Lawler, and kept up tho cheering as tho posts of the different departments passed tho stands and street intersec tions. Quite a number of veterans become exhausted and had to rotiro from the ranks. Six were so prostrated by the heat that they woro taken in nnibu luiice to tho hospital, but none are cotihldurod seriously prostrated. Will King for l'reodonu Ciiicaoo, Sopt. 12. The Columbian liberty bell starts Jit its trip nround tho world op Friday morning nt 6 o clock. It will first go to tho Atlanta exposition to remain two months. Then it will bo taken to Now Orleans and the City of Mexico, and from there to Runnymeude, Engluud, where tho bell will ring in commemoration of Magna Churta. Tho rest of the jour ney has not yet been planned, but it is tho intention to have tho boll reach Mount Arrnrat In 1000. and ring at a congress of representatives from every religious organization on earth. M'KINLEY ON THE ISSUES. Tho Ohio Governor for Found Money nnd Agnlnit the Iloml Syndicate. SlMHNoriHi.f), Ohio Sept 12. Iri his speech yesterday Governor McKlnltjy, nftcr criticising tho foreign and do mestic policy of the Clovelund admin istration, the governor asserted that tho real subject of contention in Ohio Is tho tariff. He quoted Cleveland ns opposing Senator llrlco as regards the llrlco-Gorinan not, nnd ho also quoted tho Cincinnati Kmiuirer ns declaring that a veto by Cleveland would "bo a cleaning up of much rubbish nnd in cleanliness in tho Democratic house hold." Then ho quoted tho Ohio Dom ocratic pialiorm oi ihdj. favoring fur ther reductions hi the tariff, and asked: "Is this 'rubbish and imclenn. llnoss in tho Democratic- household' to stand, nnd that which was a year ogo unworthy nnd Impure and a stench in tho Democratic nostrils wV to be ac cepted as worthy and puroV" "Has tho Dutnocrntlc party of Ohio changed its views sinco September, 1SVI, and is now willing that tho pro tective dutlos, which are retained in tho llrlcoGormun-Wilson act, shall re mtiln, and tho law be a permanent set tlemont of tho tariff question? Is a law, using tho language of Mr Clove land, 'which puts tho wool of the farmer on tho free list nnd tho pro tection of tariff on tho iron, oro.niid coal of corporations and capitalists' to recolvo tho approval of tho people of Olno hy tlielr votes tn November next? "My friends, there is ono objection to tho law, if there wore no others, which must mttko its permanency Im possible. It fails to raise tho needed revenues for tho dally expenses of tho government. That would condemn It hi tho judgment of tho American peo ple, whatever difference they might have on tho mtcstion of protection and free trade. Tho law, from tho dato of its enactment to tho present time and it is now a year old has not raised enough money from customs duties und Internal rovenuo combined to meet tho necessary expenses of tho govern ment." Talcing up tho financial question ho said: "In the first two yenrs under tho fiscal policy of Mr. Cleveland's admin ihtnition, wlilch is so warmly com mended bv the Snrinirfleld convention. tho government has been compelled to borrow 81011,000,000, nnd tho mainten ance of tho gold reserve now depends upon a jyndlcnto of foreign nnd homo capitalists, who aro under contract to preserve the credit of the nation until tho 1st of October a (.yndicnto un known to the laws nnd unrecognized in tho government, hired to sustain the credit of the government. What a BncctacUM "On tho subject of money, tho Ro publican pnrty stands whero it has nlwnys stood for good money, whether gold, silvor or paper, all to bo under national authority, at all times and everywhoro to bo equal and interchangeable, which will honestly measure tho exchanges of the people nnd deceive and client nobody. It must bo sound and Btrong ns the gov ernment Itself nnd as free from stain or tulnt as tho flaw of our country." THE BOND SYNDICATE. Secretary Carlisle's Annual lteport V.x peeled to Contain Facts llogurdlng It. Washington, D. C, Sept 12. Ono of tho features of Secretary Carlisle's re port to congress will probably be a full statement of tho operations of tho bond Hyiultcntc. It Is understood tint It will contain several interesting facts In connection with tho transaction which are ns yet only known to tho parties Immediately concerned In tno ncgotlon of tho loan. Tho most im portant problem tho secretary will have to deal witli is that which looks to tho re lof of the treas ury, involving a radical chc IS in tho financial system. Tho relief can only ba obtained by the aid of congress, and tho iccretary realizes that it is going to bo a very dlfilcult task to suggest a remedy which will meet tho approval of tho Republican house, with Reed, a candidnto for tho presidency, in tho pcakcr's chair. It probably will bo tho policy of the Re publicans to confuso, rather thnn un tangle, tho financial complications during the nnxt congress, for they are counting upon making considerable political capital out of tho money ques tion in tho presidential contest AWARDED TO DEFENDER. Tho Vnllcjrlo Killed to llaio Lost 15c rause of tho Foul. Nkw Youk, Sept. 12. When tho tug Walter Luckenbnch, with tho regatta committee of tho New York Yacht club returned, S. Nicholson Kune, chairman of tho committee, said that the protest on tho alleged fouling of tho Defender by tho Valkyrlo had been- entertained and that the regatta committee had hold a confenenco hi regnrd to tho matter while the tug wus on her way to tho dock, but thut no definite con elusion had been arrived at This morning the committee held a long meeting in private and heard ev idence in regard to tho collision and Into this afternoon sustained the De fender's protest and uwarded tho race to her. A Countcr-Ituiolutlon. Colon, Sept 12. The remnnnt of the Kcudoroan government is fleeing from Quito toward the boundary of Columbia. There, it is reported, agents of tho late, government are en llbting men to tako tho field agafiitt President Alfaro Tho lntter, fearing that a formidable reaction might ba fotnonted by thuo agents, has dis patched an envoy to Colon to ask that) measures bo taken to prevent the. or ganization of urmud forces hostile- ..o him in this republic. ii ii ' i ' .I I'rogpect Ilrlght for l'lutt, Nnw York, Sept. 12. The Repub lican primaries wero held Inst night in the 1,400 districts of tho city to elect delegates to tho assembly district con ventions. In most districts there was a contest between the Piatt men nnd the Rrookfield or reform faction. Tho result seems to havo been a declsivo viotorv for Piatt. The llonurd Dttorce Suit OC. Hays City, Kan., Sept. 13, In tno Cuarjes Howard divorce case, after taking testimony, mutual friends in tervened and the suit was withdrawn and a reconciliation took place.