Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 20, 1895, Image 1

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..-" V
' ., '
"WTT ttl TjlTl.'ff.'Xtg'Jtgil
(Repairing dont diid'
satisfaction guaranfd
City Jevelry Store
i-'or Watches, Clocks,
and fewelry
GO TO THE ....
City Jewelry Storp
.. J
NO, 30.
VOL. 1
Orfloin.1 Direotory.
--VVTY -
( Jar. Ramr, let Dint.
CtMomls'vlonerH Jas. Holllnrako, nd Dint.
( (loo. W Duncan, h-d Diet.
k.idi-D. K. Bpacht.
0 -rfe-J. K. Noal.
f'tetlcr-K. A. Hall
T1'iw.uror -8. II. Llbby.
A'.tiirncy-B. F.GIltnHn
C mnor P. II. Driscoll.
tj. rvoyor- J. P. Hazard
,'t or Sahools II. P. flllmore.
. 7, ,
OlTLiaroli Direotory.
jON'GREUATIONAL. Prcachlnjreaoh nlter
f 6&to Sunday, h'-clmilng January, 1, 1H04, at
1 I o'clock a. m., nnd at 7 p. m. Bundar School
nt i a m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday
m v m.
f iaTHOLIO: Uov. Charles Zak Pustgr.
KTHODIST:-Hcv J,W. Kendall Pastor
j') "rejiouing tlio second ami tonrth Butiday In
. month nt 11 a. in., and 7 p.m.
V. i!COPAlj-Services In the Oongrcgat-
.tn.il Churvli. Rev. Pastor.
"vices on the third TUursduy In each month
- i p. m.
,T W. A. Rosebush Camn No. 20(0. Meets
.4 second and fourth Tuesday night of Mich
. -inth. Visiting Neighbors cordially invited.
V. M. Iodenck, Clerk. P. Huot, V. C.
O. I. & 'W. O. Timo Oarti.
No, 42, pnsppneer nrrhoa at
. " 16 frf iKht '"
" 48 freight nrrlvoi nt
Vo.41 passenger urrivoent
" tsfrflluht
" 47 freicht arrives nt
11:1". p.m.
O.on p. m.
10:10 a. in.
E.21 a. m.
11:50 p. m.
3:'J5 p. ra.
All tralus curry nasROncertl.
P. W. wiieatlxy. Agent.
,i t
IlEMiHOFonD postoffico. On week days door
opens at 7 a. m., general delivery opens at 8 a.
m. and closes at a p. m. Upon Sunday s i to
10 a. m.
IIeuinofobd and Box IlnrrE tagodally except
nrsiiKoror.D and Dvsuv stago, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
v rwwi - trm r -! - - -sw-s W "W
JiOilicc in Fletcher niock,
Attorney at Lw,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Pricilces In all the courts and be
,fop U. S. Laud Office.
Attorneys -"at - Lai,
E. E. BARR, H. D.
State University op Iowa 1887.
CmcAao Poleclinio 1804.
Surgery and the Medical
and Surgical Diseases of
the Nose' and Throat a
Alliance, - - - Hebraska
The Hemingford Herald.
ONE YEAR ,,...,1S0
Publiebed every Friday, at Hemlngford, Iloi
Butte County, Nebraska.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1S95.
Democratic State Ticket.
For Supremo Judge,
T. J. MAHONEY, jf Omaha.
Por regente,
W. S. ASIiny, of IHIdreth.
J. II. AMES, of Lincoln.
.Democratic Judicial Conven
tion. The Democrats of the 15th Judicial
district are respectfully requested to
'meet Jn delegate convention at
CIIADRON, J.P.B., OCT. 10, 1805,
for the purpose of placing in nomina
tion two candidates for District
Judge for said (list rice, and such oth
er business us may properly come be
fore fald convention The various
counties will be entl'Icd to hij equal
number of delegates as were elected
o the state convention.
' Chairman,
This is visiting week.
H. B. Austin is at Sheridan this
'Gus Moellor has been danger
ously ill for sovoral days.
Eov. Father Haley of Allianc o
spent Tuesday in Hemingford.
Prof. "Wordon is visiting in
Hemingford this week.
Postmaster Irion of Lawn was
a county seat visitor yesterday.
Thos. Green has been under
the weather fpr a week.
V. J. Bean and family ar,o now
comfortably located in their now ,
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Zimmer
man of Liberty were in Heming
ford yesterday.
Wanted A girl for general
housework. Inquire at the Her- i
ald office.
A. V. Burk is visiting his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Burk,
ast of towp.
Born, to' Mr. and Mrs. Honry
Schluntz, Sept. 17, a boy; moth
er and babe doing well.
Shoes of all kinds, styles and
prices. Can lit any foot and pookot
book. W. K. Hernoall.
Attorney Iodenco is looking
after the hardware store during
Mr. Uhrig's absence at the Fair.
Mrs. O. A. Burlew and childron
left Tuesday for their old homo
in Wisconsin.
Paints of all kinds at Green's.
Miss Vebna Dada visited with
tAUiance friendSfcitb.is-week ro-
turning Thursday morning.
J. K. Neal returned from the
Independent convention at Val
inti'ne, Monday.
Mrs E. E. Ford and two chil
dren returned from their extend
ed eastern trip Friday morniug.
Mr. and Mrs, Goodenoujih took
Monday night's passonger for Lo
gan, la., their oid home, for a few
days visit.
Mrs. W. L. Bowman and little
daughter of Hay Springs are vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Volnoy
A number of Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Olds' friends gavo them a
pleasant surprise at their homo
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford of Lawn
were in tho city yesterday. Mr.
Ford called and left money for
the Heard.
Mrs. F. 'chroeder, mother of
H, J. Schluntz arrived from
Cedar Credk, Neb., Friday morn
ing and will visit for somo time.
A new lot of shoes just received by
W. K. Ilerncall.
Tho timo fpr holding the dem
ocratic county convention has
been postponed until .October 7,
1895, at 1 o'clock, at Heming
ford, Rev. Kendall returned from
tho M. E. Conference Wednesday.
The Homingford people are
pleased to hear that Mr. Kendall
will remain here another year.
Mrs. J. P. Hazard was a pas
senger on 42 Monday night for
Hubbard, Iowa, whero sho will
spend the winter. J. P. will
teach school in Dist. 10 this fall,
Tho nintli annual meeting of
tho Northwestern Baptist Assoc
iation will be held at Hemingford,
Nebraska, September 27, 28 and
29. A largo attendance is antic
ipated. Ford Dodds, T. O'Donnell and
A' McGinley drove in from Mc
Ginley's ranch Saturday, Mr.
O'Donnell and sister Miss Mag
gie departed for their homo in
Lwfas, Iowa, Wednesday night.
Word was rocoived horo yes
terday that Coroner P. H. Dris
coll diod Wodnosday night at his
homo in Alliance of typhoid
Mrs. J. A. Wells writo us that
there will bo a Union camp meet
ing hold in Wolls grove, ' twenty
miles southwest of Allianco bo
ginning Saturday, Sept. 28.
Everybody cordially invitod to
attend. ,
C. E. Ball camo in from tho
west this week and started this
morning for HotJSprings whoro
ho will attend the Black Hills,
college this year. Charlio is a
hustler and will mako his mark.
Boforo going ho called and or
dered the HeraLiD to keep post
ed on Box Butte affairs.
Rav. Father Zak departoU for
Omaha Monday night wliero ho
has accepted another charge.
Father Zak has been stationed
in this county for noarly a year
during which timo hohaslaborod
hard in tho church and made
many warm friends who regret
to see him leave. We have not
learned who will bo his successor.
Those from hero .who are in
attendance at tho Sta'to Fair this
Week are Messrs. 4-. Uhrig, M. E.
Gooch, B. F. G'ilmap, O. J. Wildy
J.l. McLood, B. El1 Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. Sherwood, Idesdamos
Hammond, Schlumpf and Wheel
er; Eli Gerber, Wp. Fosket, N. A.
Kuhn; Misses Lena and Tillio
Noknnt of Lawn,' V. Oladek urid
daughter of Dunlap.
- - i.,; -.' '' -r
Our old friend ana townsman
Rev. J. D. Schroocer camo up
from Grand Island last week and
held Lutheran services in tho
school houso Sunday. Since
leaving hero his wife has present
ed him with a little "Gorman
proachor" who has now reached
the age of six weeks. It seoins
like old times to soe Mr. Schroed
or on the streets again, oven if
he does hold his head a trifle
higher than of yore.
Somo of tho republicans and
populists seem to bo not' a littlo
interested as to who tho demo
crats will nominato for sheriff.
E. A. Hall tho present shoriff is
not .fishing for tho nomination
and says ho is not at all anxious
to njake tho race, but tho demo
crats will nominato him oven if
it is against his wishes, and wo
believe him to bo tho strongest
possible candidate in the county.
Tho republicans hold their con
vention at Allianco last Saturday
and made the following nomina
tions: For clerk, F. M. Phelps of
Alliance; for sheriff, E. P. Sween
ey, of Alliance; for judge. J. H.
Hewitt, of Allianco; for commis
sioner. G. W. Duncan of Allianco;
for coronpr, Dr. W.'3. Miller, of
Allianco; for surveyor, Chns.
Brann, of Alliance; for superin
tendent, Dj. Ebcrly, of Berea; for
treasurer, A. M. Miller, of Hem
ingford. On Sunday evening next at tho
Methodist church tho services
will consist of short talks from a
jiumber of the congregation on
christian nnd educational work,
what has been dono and the need
ful preparation for future work.
Tho exorcises will bo interspersed
with good singing. All are cor
dially invited. The pastor do
sires to make this the first service
of the nb7 year retrospective us
well as prospective, believing that
with the experiences of tho past
better work can and should bo
done in tho future.
Mrs Huot and baby wont to
Allianco today.
I have a market for 25 dozen
spring ohiokonB. Will pay Gasjh.
Oomo and soo mo. R, MoLeod.
Machine Oils at Green's.
California canned goods IS cents, a
can at W. K. Horncall's.
Box Bute News
-. Mr. Jones started for tho Staio
inr thn lflth.
fcv . . .
nonry Jtiomnan, our omciont
Blaoksmith, visited Chadronover
'Sunday, his sister returned with
Our "Arkansaw Travollors'
.started on thlro journey Friday
.tho 10th. No suporstition about
Tho weather tho past wook
jjives overy indication that
'hades!' is in closo proximity to
tho surfaco.
Mrs M. J. Tracy arrived in
"Alliance Wednesday the 11th.
and is now .visiting rolativos in
this viclnlty.
John Wilson is taking ad
vantage of tho low price of eggs
so ho jnay catch tho high prico,
John is" a wido awako farmer.
Ed. M. Tracy has sold his. en
tire stock of goods to M. D.
Atkin. Mr. Atkin is now our
Postmaster and Merchant. Wo
are sorry to lose Mr. Tracy but
wish him all possible success.
Populist Co. Convention.
The Peoples Independent Party
ipf Bos Tiutte county will hold
Shoir Co. Convention at Heming
ford. Safardav. Oct. Gth. at 10
o'clock u.ty.j sharp, for tho pur-
nanied" officers :
County Superintendent, Clerk,
Treasurer, Judge, Sheriff, Survey
or, Commissioner Ord district.
' It is recomtnenned that the del
egates from tho Third commission
pr district conveno immediately
after tho adjournment of the Co.
convention and nominato a candi
date for commissioner.
Tho sevetal precincts will bo al
lowed tho following number of
delegates. '
Dorsey 8. Box Butte 8, Wright
8, Alliance'' 7, Lnko 0, Lawn 8,
Runninnwater 5, Boyd C, "Liberty
5, Snake Creek 2, Nonpareil 5.
. Any other business may ho
transacted rthat cen bo properly
brought before tho convention.
It is recommended that tho pre
cinct caucusos bo held on Satur
day, Sept. 28, at 2 o'clock p. m.
G. W. Waisner,
Chairman Co. Com.
At tho Northwest Nebraska
Conference held in Valentine last
wek, the following appointments
were made.
A. Ii. Julian, P. E., Chadron, Nob.
Aiusworth, O. T. Mooro.
Atkinson, 0. H. Burleigh
Alliunce) . W. Jennings
Bassett, T. J. Hazleton
Brownloe, L. C. Horton
BnttoCity, ' P. J. Neary
Chadron, O. S. Baker
Chadron Circuit, G. E. Connell
Cody, ' B. Hunt
Crawford, W. Q. Glassncr
CrookBtou. 'J. L. Marr
Gordon, J. A. Scamahorn
Harrison, D. J. Clarke
Hay Springs and Box Butte,
R. H. Gammon
Hemingford, J. W. Kendall
Johnstown, James S. Cambell
Lavacca and Merriman T, C. Ijalch
Lakeside, C. L. mith
Rushville, A. F. Cutnbow
Springview, and Sparks,
J W Tayor
Stewart and Newport, C F Smith
Valentine, O L Ramsey
Whito Clay, C E Periton
Whitney, ' R J Davenport
Q P Snedakor Geo Moonoy and
R A Ball, Missionaries in Wyo
ming. S A'Bcck apd J E Thackrey left
withom appointment to attend
Final ProofNotices.
Hon. J. W. Wkiin, Jn., Resistor.
Hon. F. M. Hhoomk, Receiver.
Parttos bavins nottooa in this column are re
quested to read the same carefully and report to
this oillce for correction any error that may
exist. This will pruvent posstblo delay lu
making proof.
Uud OUlco at Alliance. Neb., Sept. T, 1895.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the lolloping
named epttler has tiled notice of Ids intention
to mako final proof in support or his claim and
that (aid proof will be made bofcro L. A. Dor
rinnton If. H. (!. O. (Commissioner', at Chadron,
NoK, on Oct. 10, lb05, viz:
williau omtny,
of tlnnlap. Nob., who made it K no. 3103 for the
8 W U. see 28 tp !i0 n, r 4S w.
no names tho followlnx v Itncsses to provo his
nintltimma mldpnon noon and cultivation of
said land, vlr. David uess of Dunlap, Nub.,
I.IIim. M lla.llnt. .,t I'li.il.nn Vnti .T.inA.
Dli'korson, Charles Naylor, Dunlap, Neb. Also
of Dnnlap, Nob., who made n v no. IB00 for the
NH UK ViandHU NlCMsooW.tpDOn, r4Sw.
uo names tho following witnesses to prove his
continuous rcsldenro upon and cultivation of
naid land, vie: William Curry, of Dunlap, Nob.
Arthur M. Ilartlett, of Chadron, Nob., Jatnoa
Dlckereon, Charles Navlor, of Dunlap. Nob.
J. W. Wkun, Jn., RetilRter.
Land OHloo at Alliance. Nob.. Sept. 4, 1R05.
Notice Is hereby nlven that tho following
named settler has filed notleoot his intention to
make final proof In support of bin claim and
that said proof will bo made before RegtsUir
and Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on October 10,
lino, viz:
of Lawn, Neb., whomadoit. e. No. SOS0 for tho
Bit NHHimdN HSBKbtpaMp23n,r&iw.
He names the following witnesses to provo hi
continuous roslilonoo upon and cultivation of
eald land, vU: llcujamln P. Mooro, of Mara
land,-Nel , Leo lirnndlo, Louis Larson, John
P. H jfcard, of Lawn, Neb.
r J. W. Wkun. Jn.Aeglster.
Land Ofilco at Alliance, Neb , Kept. ft. 1R00.
Wotlco is hereby given that Oho fallowing
named setUer lias Clod notice of bis intention to
makolinal proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will bemudo boforo Registor and
Receiver at Allianco, Nob., on Oct. 17, ltOJ, via:
of Harsland, Nob., who made n. r. No, 1701 for
the H K H nw 15, tp 2. rg Bl r.
Ho names tho following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vii: Hugh II. Jones, Perry Erik
son, of Marsland, Nab., Franclska ..Kratochvel,
Henry Hbirnok, of Lawn, Neb. Also
formerly Franclska Skoda, of Lawn, Neb.who
mado n. & no. zuta for tho n x H seo SO, tp ad,
rg 81 w.
She names the following witnesses to provo
lior continuous residence upon and cultivation
nfeaid land, vlr: Willard M, Evan, Mars
laml, Neb. nenry i hlinek, of Lawn, Neb., uugh
H. Jones, Perry Erlkoon.of Marsland, Neb.
of Ijiwd, Nob , who mado u. X. No. 1714 for tho
B W !t aoc 28, tp 2S. rg 61 w.
He names the following witnesses to provo
her contlnuoue residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vizi Willard M. EvanO, Hugh M,
Jones, of Marsland, Neb., Franclska Kratoch
vel, Perry xrikson, of Marsland, Neb. f.-
J. VV. Wxun, Jn., Registor.
I .end Office nt Alliance, Nobr., August 28, I8JB,
Notioo Is hereby gtvon that tho follow! ng
namod settler has tlletl notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be madebefore J. E. Rrown,
U. H. U. C. Commissioner at Hay Spring, Neb.,
on Oct. 7, 1895, viz: I
of Dunlap, Neb., who mado n x no. 3147 for tho
W 54 B , B W K N Viii it N B & B W Ji BOO 32 tp
30 n, rg 47 w. '
" lie namos tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous rosidanco upon and cultivation
at said land, viz: CharleB Olson, Errlck furl
destruin, EH Hlgncl, Valentino Uoddard, all of
Dunlap, Neb. Also
of Dunlap. Neb., wdo made n e no. 3100 for Uio
s Vt It w X oo 0, 8 ', n K eeo 0, tp 23 n, rg 47 wi'
He names tho following wltpexnon to prove his
ooutinuous resldenoo upon j.nd cultivation of
ratd land, viz: Gabriel Johnson, Errlck Hur
destrum, Eli blgnel, Valentino Ooddard, all of
Dunlap, Neb, - J. W Wkun, Jn., Reglf tor.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Aug. 12, 18'J3.
Notice Ih horeby given that the following nam
ed Bottler has filed notico of his intention to
mako fina' proof In support of hie claim, and
that raid proof will Iks made before J. E. lirown
U S. court commUsioner, at Hay Springs, Neb.
on Bept. 3, WJi, viz:
of Donlap, Neb., who mado it. e. No. 2017 for
tho B W H, eo 13, tp 29 n, rg 47.
Ho names the following witnesoes to provo
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Valentino H. Qoddard, Oscar
P. Crosswalt, Charles Olson, of Dunlap, Neb.,
J. Noblo Dotson, of Mirage, Neb. Also
of Dnnlap. Neb., who mado ii. E. No. 3274 for
tho B W U seo 8. tp 20 n, rg 47 w.
He names tho following witnerjses to prove his
continuous residence upon an cultivation of
said land, vU: amnel Torrelji Oscar P. Cross
wait, of Dunlap. Neb., J. Nobht Dotson. of Mi
rage, Nob., Charles Olson, of Dunlap. Neb.
J. W. WxuR.Jlt., Register.
Laud Oillce at Alllanoe, Neb., Aug. 10, lfc.1.
Notico is hereby irireu tliat the follnwlnir.
named settler has hlel notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support pf Mb claim, and
that said protif will be mado before Register cr
Receiver at Alliance, Nob., on Bept. ISO, la'Jj, vit.
of Hemingford, Nob., who mado H. E. IZo. 23
for the N W U eo 15, tp 28 n. rg 61 w.
He nameo tho following witnesses to prove h)
continuous rosldxnco upon and cultivation of
eald land, viz: John Rentier, William ijoth,
llelmer Rensvold, of Hemlhford, Neb., Jdhn
J. Lutech, of Lawn, Neb. ?
J. V.'. W-iN, Jn., Registor.
Ijind Offioi, at Alliance, Neb., Aug. 21, 1885.
Notico is hereby given that the following
named settlor has lllwl notico of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will bernado before Register and
Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on Bept- I8, 1695, viz:
of Hemingford, Neb., who made ir. c no. 1107
for tho N E J4 soo 20, tp 28 n. rg 50 w
He namea the following witnesses to nrovehls
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz; Oeorge Vakoheld. Oeorge L.
Taylor, Ooorife W. Pense, of Hemingford, Heb.,
Oeorge W. W ells, of Marsland. Neb.
J. W. yyilN, Ju.. Register.
Land Ofilco at Alliance, Neb., Ang.2o7l893.
Notico is hereby ulven that the following nam
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof In buptort nt his claim, and
that (aid proof will bo mado beforo Register or
Receiver at Alliance, Neb'., qq Sept. 30, lbl5, viz:
of Hemingford, Neb., who made H. E. No. S27S
for tho B E J seo . tp W a, rg 4d w.
He names the following witnesses to provo
his continuous reeldenee upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: William J. Rritton, Thomas
L. Hopkins, RndolpHE. Mart:, John Jelinek,
all of Hemingford, neb. Also
of Hemingford, Neb., who mado H, E. No. 3528
for the B W U eo 27, tp 28-n, rg 88 w.
He namea the following witesaes to prove
)ils continuous residence upon and cultivation
of Bald land, viz: William J, Rritton, Thomas
L. Hopkins, Rudolph E. Martz, John Jolinek,
all of Hemingford, Neb.
J. W. Weiin, Jb., Register.
The Herald and'fthe Omaha
serai-weekly World-Herald, both
one year for SI. 75
Land Oflloe at Alllanoo, Neb., Aug. 14, 199.
Notice Ih hereby given that the following
named settlor has filed notice of his intention
to mako final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will t)0 mado before Register
or Receiver at Alllanoe, Neb., on Bept. S3,
1B03, viz:
nt narca, Nob., who mado II. E. No. 1972 for tho
He names tho fqllowing wttnessos to provo
his continuous resjdenco upon and cultivation
of MlUMand, viz: llenyr Vou Uargon, John
Von Rargen, Erik Rasmasson, Uendlok D.
Ylko,'nUof Dert, Nob. Also
of Horra, Nel., who mad H. E. No. 2465 for tho
Lotal and 2 and B V4 11 E 4 seo 1, tp 20 n, r 9 w
Ho namea tho following witnesses to provo
lilt contlnrlous rcsldonco upon and cultivatlpn
of Mill land, vizi David Eberly. V. V. Hberly.
Erland Pederson Wolden, Erik Rasmusson, all
otUerea, Neb. ' AUo
of Rorea, Nob., who mado H, E. No.24fO for the
Ho names tho following witnesses to prpva
his continuous resldenoo upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: David Ebcrly, D,Vt JEberly,
Erland Pederson Wolden. Erik Ithsnjnf son, all
of Rorea, Nob. J. W. Wkhn, ?!., ealster.
Notiao To Oreditora
Rtato of Nebraska, ) ., ' '
UoxDutto County J
In tho matter of the Estate of JaraosUcCpl
lough deceased. H
Notice is hereby given that tho creditors of said
deceased WU1 moot the Administrator of said
Estate before me County Judge of Vpx Dutto Co
Nebraska, at tho County Court Roum, In Hem
ingford, in said County, onthoSlthday of Bept.
lbv.1 and on tho tilth day of February itftO, at 10
o'clock n. m, each day for thopnrposo of present
ing their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance-. Hlx months lire allowed tor tho
credltortttoprcsouttbolr claims' and ono year
for tho Administrator to eettlo said Estato from
thoaithdayofAnguHt 1HB5.
This notice will lu VQbllshed In the Homing
tord'Uimii.D for four'xoeks successively prior
totho24UutayofBopfA.l) lfelfl. . ,
Witness myoOlclat elgnaturo snd tho seal of
said County Court, this 21th day of August, A. p.
1MB. D.K.Hl'ACUT, '
iBkaL) Counly Judge. ,.-
NotiOQ. .;
To you delinquent .rtax-payors:
I wish to sav that'-we are still
j paying 100 cents on' tho dollar for
an 01 mo uu ct Bitvor uouura tusi
you may bring in, to apply on
you taxes, and will also throw i,n
ono of Coxey's non-interest ' Bond
niugnzinoi which is interesting
reading for all parties. Wo havo
about 50 copies loft, one copy of
which will ho given .with eachxo
oeint while thov last. Come early
and avoid the rush, and bo modo
happy with tlm thought that you
have been able to pay your taxes
once more with silver as monoy.
Co. Treasurer.
Independent Caucus.
Thoro will bo an Independent
cauciiB held at tho court houso in
Dorsey precinct on Saturday, Sept
28, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m., fop
tho purpose of electing delegates
to tuo county convention to bo
hold on Oct. 5; also to place in
noinipation precinct officers.
James Hollinrako,
Burlington Route
August 10th to 24th, Hurllngton
Route agents In Nebraska and Kan
sas wlU sell round trip tickets to Bos
ton at tho one way rate. Return
limit Oct. 10th.
The train to take: Tlio Knlyhts
Templar Ojllcinl Train, having on
hoard Grand Commander Finch and
Escort will leave Omaha
Via the Burlington Route
at 4:45 p. m., Thursday Aug. 22nd,
after arrival of all trains from the
west- Through Jto Boston Without
,Change. Seven hours stopover at
Niagara Falls. Tickets and sleeping
car reservations on appllcotion to any
agent of this or any connecting line.
jaend for free folder giving full in
formation. J. Francis,
G. P. Sc T. A., Omaha, Neb.
are offered by the BURLtNGTON
ROUTE, Sept. 8, 0 and 10, on account
of tho National Encampment gf the
, G. A. R. Taj Nebraska Q A. R.
uiilciai irain. carrying uie uepart
ment commander, will leaye Lincoln
at 1.23 p. m., Mm lay, Sapt. 9.' Mera
of the W. R. C. and tho G. A. R. as
well us tho general public will find
this train by far the most desirable
means of reaching the Encampment
us It goes throngh to Loulsvlllo with.
OUT CHANGE of cars.
Tickets, sleeping car reservations,
and full Information on application
to nny agent of the 13. & M. R. R. . o r
to J, Francis, G. D. $ T. A., ,
Omaiia, Neb.
. A. Blackburn, M. D.t
Pbysician and Surgeon,
Office over Wildy't store.