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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1895)
I Mi i ' r H. 4 4 rKJOtramcnssTsrcsa MYSTERY OF TIIEEOSE AWRENCE HUNT cr cnrriod a big bunch of pink roses, with him when he called on Alma Bcntloy with an Important mission in htB mind, and ho folt that ho was particularly fortu nate In having them, at tbey were country-bred roses, grown properly In the open air, and tho last of the sea son. Ho had heard the young woman be moan the fact that she never saw any rosea except those raised in hot-houses, that eha did not consider art superior to nature, and should never forget tho dear rose3 that grew In tho country, In the garden of their old home they wero filled with tender associations. Therefore Lawrenco Hunter was full of a happy importance, as ho presented her with the rosea ho had plucked him self from the bushes in a friend's gar den that samo day. "You will find them delightfully fra grant," ho said, as she took tho great bunch of bloom in her fine, slim hands, and looked at them with Buch loving appreciation that the young man's pulse went up to fever heat. She was dressed as became a rose queen, in snowy white, and her golden hair was bound with a filet of blue, which color enhanced tho fairness of her coinpkxion, as she probably meant it should, in the artlessness of art. And as she held her lovely face with Its delicato rose-color above the roses, the young man, strengthened his resolve to proposo that But there Is an old adage about man proposing. Tho queenly Alma know that she could not continue to hold thp roses without weariness, even flowers become burdensome, under certain con ditions, and she placed them tenderly in a china vase, and when they were arranged to suit her fastidious taste, lingered to drink in their subtle beauty. "They bring up tho sweetest asso ciations of a happy past," she Bald, romantically. "Petals of pink, and hearts of gold, how I love you! I revel In your adorable sweetness!" And she burled her face ln,the mass of roses, the better to inhale their odor, and then Lawrence, who felt the insanity of jealousy stealing over him, noticed that her slender form wa3 shak en with sobs, and he sprung to her as sistance. But she gave a wild shriek and escaped from the room, leaving the astonished lover gazing into space. He heard cries and exclamations, the hurry of flying feet, doors slamming, and silence. He waited, but no ono "fc-wtalmflMaiifet ihx fSgSiwn'- iJiw1iJ)j HjlJait n I'l ir ti Mil ' ip I WIIEM Swill fill Mf $m- "POISON TASTER TO MY QUEEN." came, and ho went homo with a pro found conviction that he had just es caped making a fool of himself that Alma Bontley was a woman with a past, that ho would call on her or cul tivate her society, no longer. And he lay awako all night, thanking his stars that he was not her accepted hus band. The next day ho watched anxiously for somo word, a note, any explanation, but none came. He wandered that way In the evening, and finding the house dark and closed, was so piqued and ('curious that ho rung tho bell and In quired if tho young woman was at liome. "Yes," the domestic said, "but not able to see any ono quite 111, under tho doctor's care." "Tho plot thickens," said the" young man to himself, as ho turned away, more in lovo than ever, and determined to probe tho mystery to Its depths. 'Suppose she had a past so had he, and ho laughed grimly as he thought of 'some pages of his life that ho would have been glad to tear out and burn. Poor little girl! Some foolish romance of her early teens that had ross in it and a lover! What then? How many love affairs of his own had left memo ries and associations only he was a man nd could forget. Well, he would teach her to forget if sho would give him her confidence and love! He waited meekly but expectantly a week two weeks, and when a third had nearly passed, met Alma face to face. Both wero riding, but she threw him a sweet smile and a bow as they passed, and he thought he had never seen her looking bo well, not excepting that fatal evening of the roses. After a decorous time he called, and was as nervous as a woman as he wait ed to hear the rustle of her silken eklrtfl, and learn from her lips the mys tery of the incident of the roses. There was Mi hint of Illness or pal lor, but just a slight shado of anxiety on her faco as sho cordially welcomed the young man. "You must have thought me out oi my senses," she said, as soon as they were seated, "when I rushed out of tho room that night; but I could not help I Jt, I lout all my self-control and cried like a child. Mamma said I was very Billy."' "Wero you bo much overcome?" asked Lawrenco kindly. "Overcome? I was blind, frantic with pain." "I havo hoard," Bald tho young man, "of people to whom tho odor Of cortaln flowers was painful on nccount ot memories. If I had only known (that my unfortunato roses had tho power to rouso slumbering recollections of hap pier days, rather than rovlvo such memories, I would havo left them with er on their stems!" "Memories," repeated Alma vaguely, "what had they to do with mo? 'I don't understand you, Mr. Hunter." "Was it not an overpowering rush of associations connected with tho rose3 that brought on your attack of Ill ness?" Alma stared a moment, then laughed merrily. "No, indeed, it was tho overpower ing rush of a bco concealed in ono of tho roses, and It stung my poor lip so that I was a fright for weeks and suf fered from the poison, too." "And It wasn't a memory?" Law rence's tone was jubilant "No, but It Is cow, and a very dis agreeable one. I am plodgcd hereafter to artificial roses." "Let me havo tho life-long position of poi6on-taster to my queen," sug gested Lawrenco gallantly, and his queen, being in tho mood, accepted him for the position. THE SUN'S HEAT. Would Melt a SOO.OOO Mllo' Iclclo In tt bliiRlo Second. Wo believo that wo are speaking tho truth when wo say that thero Is no more than ono person in ten who has anything like a correct idea of what an Iclclo forty-five miles in diameter and 200,000 In length would look like. It Is also true that there Is no necessity for ono being provided with a mind that would enable him to form a correct conception of such a gigantic cylinder of ice, for there is no piobabillty that any one will over live to seo an iclclo even half so largo, yet it Is interesting to know that Sir John Hcrschel, the great astronomer, used an Illustration In one of his articles on tho Intensity of the sun's heat After giving tho diameter of tho great blazing orb, and a calculation on tho nmount of hent radiated by each square foot of its im mense surface, he closed by saying that if it were possible for an icicle forty five miles In diameter and 200.000 miles long to plungo Into tho sun'3 great burning sea of gas, it would be melted away and utterly consumed, even to Its vapor, In less than one second of time! Such an Icicle wouia contain moro cu bic yards of Ice than hajg formed on the rivers and lakes of the Uniol States during the past 100 years; Its base would cover tho average Missouri county ,,and its length would.bonlmosL umcitcrcaacTihetnTdnf " ""' " V. horo tlio Money 'Went. He wa3 a very little fellow, but as bright as a dollar, as pretty as a Copid, with more of n regard for per sonal appearance than the god of love, and lived In tho suburbs. He had beon saving up his pennies, nickels and dimes with the understanding that on his birthday be should bo permitted to go to town and spend his money Just as he might seo fit. The day camo and with his aunt ho visited tho city and spent the entiro day away from home. When ho returned in the even ing hl3 father asked him if ho had en joyed himself. His nonchnlent reply was: "Yes, sir." "Did you spend all your money?" was asked suggestively. "Yes, sir." "What did you buy?" queried tht. parent. "B'nanas." "You don't mean to tell mo you spen. all your money for bananas?" "Y38, sir." "Good heavens, child; why did you throw away all your money on bananas? Surely you did not cat all you bought with that $2." "No, sir. I des3 boughted 'em all day an I did cated two of 'em. Den I had lots o' fun sklnnln' th' others an trow In' 'em at dogs." Indianapolis Senti nel. Where Sea Serpent Ilml No Show. A Georgia drummer was talking to a crowd of the famous "blue snake" of Florida. The drummer said: "I was workln in the field ono day with a nigger, and niggers are scared to death of blue snakes, when ho givo a yell, Blue snake!' and went flyln. I didn't know wfciich way tho durn snake was comin', so I took after tho nigger, and wo went out of that field like two streaks of lightning, leavin' our hoes standln up in tho furrow. What bo came of tho snake I don't kno.v, and I didn't go back to see until the next mornln', and, by gum! what I found there surprised me about as much as anything I had met up with In Florida. The snake had hit my hoo handle plumb in the center, and It had swelled up so that I got a thousand shingles, 10,000 feet of woather boardln. four cords of firewood, 100 fence rails, enough floorln' for tho Baptist church and 500 barrel staves out of It." Tho listeners expressed their belief vigor ously. "And," concluded tho drummer, when he could ba heard, "that hoe-handle was still swellln' when we got It to the sawmill." lrroerent. "What do you know about gold and silver?" asked the young farmer of tho irreverent youth. "You are too young to understand anything about the coin age question." "Oh, of course," jeered tho youth, "I guess I am too young to bo a safe man to sell a gold brick to." The allusion was painfully personal. , jnciauaroua journal. FA11M AND GARDEN. MATTEPS Ot INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Somo Up-lo-rinto Hint About Cultiva tion of tlie Soil mill Yield Thereof Horticulture, Viticulture ntul flori culture. HE EARLIER IN llfo a weed Is de stroyed tho easier, and the smaller tho damago it will havo done. This Is al most self-evident A weed Is a thief in the cultivated ground, Intent on making a vigorous growth nnd robbing tho rightful plants of their nour ishment, says Prof. B. D. Halstead, who has inado a study of weeds and their treatment, Thla work does not begin until tho young plant establishes Its roots In tho soil and has spread its leaves in tho air and sunshine. If tho weed is killed before this point Is reached, a doublo work Is done, tho theft has been prevented, nnd tho weed Is killed. Tho germination ot the seed has provided the condition for easy destruction that would not hnvo obtained had tho plnntlet remained snugly enveloped by the secd-contB. Ono ot the best mothodB ot ridding a soil of weeds Is to arrange for rapid wholesale germination of tho weed seeds, after which tho young plants Bhould bo promptly killed. But nil weeds are not annuals; nnd If tho soil Is filled with thoso that llvo from year to year, other methods of ex termination must bo followed. Weeds got theJr living In tho same way as other plants they need to have room In tho soil for their roots, nnd space in tho air and sunlight for tho stems and leaves. Cut thom oft from these sources of food, and tho means of performing the vital functions, and death sooner or later must follow. It Is evident that repeated removals of the portion above ground will continually weaken tho plant, nnd If to this Is added an occa sional upturning of tho roots, tho weeds must die. Some of them will stand & great deal of torture, but It Is tho only general way. There Is no panacea for weeds, noth ing that can bo put on a field to kill them, unless It bo a full and proper ap plication of that which, for tho lack of a better and neater name, is called "elbow-grease." This will not only kill tho weeds, but also Improve tho culti vated crops. It is beyond reasonable expectation that all annual weeds will bo either killed in tho seed or soon after germi nation; somo dodge tho hoe, while others will bo missed by tho rake. The next bjestthlngjBtcukccp thom from seeding. Tho' perfection of a crop of seeds Is the end and aim of the whole existence of a weed. If one, for ex ample, removes tho largo cup-like flower clustor of the carrot, there will Boon be a half dozen to toko It3 placo and hurry matters, In seeming fear that they may share the same fate before the needs aro matured. If a weed gets a lato start, It spends very little tlmo on stem building, but blossoms almost from tho soil, and puts all Us energies into the perfection of Its seeds and tho continuation of its species. A "pusley" plant will. If loft to ltsolf for a few days, ripen a million seeds, and do It without ostentation. Much depends upon the destruction of tho last weed. If 999 aro killed and tho thousandth one left to enjoy the su perior advantages which tho destruc tion of tho others has given, It may bo worse than If all had lived and struggled with each other through an Imperfect growth. Ono well-grown and heavily-seeded weed will leave a large legacy for evil in a rich field. It is the few weeds that aro left in tho cornfields that, having had tho best op portunities, do the mischief nnd ron tlnuo the pests. Weed seeds have a remarkable way of disseminating themselves. One farmer, by every means in his power, roots out tho cursed Canada thistle, while an adjoining field may be largely devoted to the propagation of this prickly pest. Tho thistle seeds are provided with miniature balloons, by means of which they are carried by tho lightest winds and will find a fa vorable placo to grow In the well-tilled field of tho thrifty farmer. Therefore, In the extermination of thoso peats there must bo an earnest and concertod action. rrunliiff riowerlntr Shrubs. Ono of tho first requisites to success ful pruning is to bo ablo to correctly distinguish between shrubs which ought to bo pruned in winter and thoso which ought to bo pruned In summer. If a mistake be made in this connection, effects diametrically tho re verso of thoso we wish to bring about will be th Inevitable result. Another important requisite to insure complete success Is that the various kinds of shrubs be pruned In the proper season. Owing, no doubt, to the pressure of work In the summer time, the pruning of flowering shrubs Is too often neg lected, and when ultimately attended to it la, as stated above, generally left to persons who, from lack of knowledge or through carelessness, cut away a quantity of wood, which, if left to the following spring, would produce a pro fusion of blossom. Let us take, for instance, such shrubs as forsythias, viburnums, ex ocborda grandlfiora, primuses, many spiraeas, weigeias, etc., which flower in the spring or early summer. Tho proper time to prune such shrubs Is Im mediately after they have done flower ing. If tho plant to bo operated upon be young 8nd expected to grow larger in order to fill Its place In a bed or else where, all that will be found necessary will bo to cut away part of the previous year'a growth. Special attention will, of course, hnvo to bo paid to tho bnl anco of tho plant, and tho operator must, as fnr as clrcumstnnccs will per mit, strive to giro It a natural nnd graceful form. It the plant has at tained tho desired size, tho old shoots can bo thinned out and cut back to suit tho Bltuation and tnsto ot tho par ties Immediately concerned, nnd It will bo found that young shootB will at onco develop nnd bo lp tho propor con dition to yield nn abundance of flowers tho ensuing year. A specimen can thus bo kept In good Bhapo nnd form for many years without any appnrcnt chango In Its bIzo. In a mixed shrub bery this method Is of great advantage, as It limits each plant to Its allotted space and prevents It from encroaching on Its nolghhor, or obscuring from view mnny of tho finer but less robust growing shrubs. Mnny pcoplo aro under tho Impres sion that such shrubs as hardy azaleas, rhododendrons, etc., cannot bo success fully pruned, but such Is by no means tho cbbo. I havo myself found It qulto practicable, by judicious and careful pruning, to transform, In a fow years, tall, gaunt, unshapely plants ot the kinds just named into beautiful nnd de slrablo specimens. Tho pruning of this class of shrubfl should oIbo bo executed Immediately after they havo done flow oring, nnd It will bo found, as stated abuvo, that young shoots will at onco develop nnd be in tho proper condition to yield an abundnnco of flowers when the appropriate tlmo arrives. Later flowering shrubs, such as nl theas, hydrangeas, Roglnla hlsplda, clcrodendron, sorotlnum, etc., Bhould bo pruned In the winter time. Summer pruning would Indeed bo highly Injuri ous in this case, for tho simple reason that by cutting away any of tho young growths wo would, In most instances, bo mutllntlug that part of tho shrub on which tho flowers are produced. Win ter pruning is a comparatively moro simplo operntion thnn Bummer pruning, from tho fact that at this season plants can bo cut bnck to almost nny part, and in tho spring young shoots will break away and produce a profusion of blos soms at the proper time. For Bhrubs having an effect from their fruit or folingo, such as berberry, eunonymuB, callicarpa, mahonla, etc., I would recommend winter pruning. If trimmed in tho summer tlmo It gives them a stunted appearance, which mars the beauty of their folingo at a time when it shows to tho best advan tage and is most appreciated. It will bo observed that in the fore going remarks tho pruning of flowering shrubs Is simply treated In a general manner. Of course, it goes without saying that it would be almost Impossi ble, and especially in a short article like tho presont, to lay down a hard and fast rule that would apply In all cases, for tho fact Is that In order to obtain tho best results, encli species requires special treatment, a thorough knowl edge of which can only bo acquired by practice and training. If, howover, tho hints given above be attended to, blun dering In pruning, and tho failuro and disappointment consequent thereon, can, to a very great extent, bo averte 1, and many a shrubbery can be trans formed from a chaotic mass into a thing ot beauty at onco pleasing to tho oye and an ornament in tho landscapo American Gardening. DcKtrojiuK the Hensliiu Fly. W. C. Lntta of Purdue University gives tho following advice: Owing to tho provalenco and destructlveness of tho Hessian fly this year, concerted ef forts should bo put forth to prevent a recurrenco of Ha ravages upon tho next wheat crop. In order to prevent a se rious attack of "tho fly" the following measures should bo adopted; 1. Thoroughly burn all fly-Infested wheat stubble In which there is not a stand of young clover or grass. 2. Prepare very early a border, one of two rods wide, around each field of wheat,' and sow tho samo to wheat in August 3. Turn this border under very lnte, using a jointer, following with roll and harrow, and then sow tho entiro field. By taking this courso mnny of the insects which escape tho fire will bo buried when the early-sown border is turned under, nnd the late sowing of tho general crop will avoid the earlier attacks of any remaining "fly." If theso precautions are carefully nnd generally observed by tho fnrmers tho Hessian ny will not seriously damage tho noxt wheat crop. United effort is necessary to bo effective. Fow Suggestions. Tho long-suffering mother will find this list of Inesti mable benefit during the whole trying season: To remove fresh fruit Etnlns stretch tho stained portion of tho goods over a baeln and pour boiling water through It until the mark disappears. To romovo old fruit stains, wash tho stained portion of tho goods in oxalic acid until clear. Rinse thoroughly In clear rain water, wot with ammonia, rlnso again nnd dry. Grass stains should bo rubbod in either molasses or alcohol until they dlsnppear, and should bo washed as usual. Pink stains should be soaked in lemon juice, covered with Bait and bleached In the Bun. If they are on colored material they should bo treated with oxalic acid in the same way an old fruit stains. A mixture of one-third of powdered alum to two thirds of tartar is also good for obsti nate ink stains and others. Ink stains on carpets aro removed most easily with lemon juico or oxalic acid Wagon grease, tar or pitch stains Bhould bo rubbed well with lard and then washed in the usual way. Colors which have faded undor tho influence of acid may be restored by treating thom with am monia and chloroform. Colors changed by alkalies may be restored by acid treatment. The bicycle has destroyed the salo of more horeea than even the electric road una uuio, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report R$ty Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Wine Old King Cerrops. Did I say that tho people who lived thero (Athens) at that tlmo were llmplo-mludod? Rather cl.lldllho they wero in soma ways, and not so worldly wlso as they might have been had they lived somo thousand years later; but they wero neither slinplotons nor altogether savages. They wero tho foremost people In Greece. It was all owing to their king, wlso old Cecrops, that they had risen to a condition supe rior to that ot tho half barbarous tribes around them. Ho had shown them how to sow barley and wheat and plant vineyards; and he had taught them to depend upon these nnd their flocks and herds for food, rather than the wild beasts of tho chase. Ito had persuaded them to lay aside many of their old cruel custom hnd sot thom in families with each Its own home, and had In structed them In tho worship of tho gods. On tho top of tho Acropolis they had built a llttlo city, and protected it with walls aud fortifications against any attact from tholr warlike neigh bors; and from this point as a center they had, llttlo by llttlo, extended their influcnco to tho sea on one sldo and to the mountains on the other. But, strange to say, they had not yet given a namo to their city, nor had they de cided which of tho gods should bo Its protector, Tiso's Curo N tho modiclno to break up children's Coughs nnd Colds. Sir. M. tf. UU'NT, Hprnguc, Wnah., March , 1)4. An Antoinette Writ p. If there is no now dress under the sun, Aaron's linen coat being worn to day by women nnd pantaloons having been found from tho stone epoch, thero are at least designs that reappear like comets at such long intervals that they aro new to somo consacutlvo genera tions. Thus It Is with a certain Marie Antoinette cloak, that has appeared and scorns destined to it career. Not so very old in its design it is so ex tremely odd and its career was so short in its day that it comes with nil the effect of surpriso. This hood is ex ceedingly wide and is hooped round the opening, and when on tho head stands out lllto nn inflated half balloon home what flattened on top aud leaving a wido spaco on each sldo of tho faco, that may bo filled with hair or shad ows. Tho width of this hood reaches out to that ot tho widest sleeves ever made. Attached to a long cloak it is bound to flguro in evening wraps next winter, out forstulllng tlio tune, tlioy aro occosionnlly seen on hotel piazzas at night, and made of taffeta bcruched or of satin lined with cloth; ono or two travelers havo worn thom coming from Paris to tho beech. Tho effect is truly marvelous. Tho Nickel Plato road has authorized its agents to sell tickots ot grcntjy re duced rates to Albany, N. 1., on occa sion of tho meeting of tho German Catholic Societies of tho United Slates in that city, Sept. 15th to lbth. For particulars nddrcss J. Y. Cnlahan, Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Cbhngo. Stock lu Ohio. The auditor of tho state of Ohio has completed his annual tabulation of tlio returns of animals mado by tho various counties. It shows a notaV.o decreaso in the number of sheen In tho state, thero be imr only 3,00.r,'103 this year, against 3, DM. 182 inlHn4. a decided reduction In tho number of hordes is also shown. In 1894 there wero 82 1,8 10, and this year there aro but 70S.805. a decrease ot as, 945. Thero aro 1,252,001 rattle in tho state, a decrease of 43,204 from last year. An incrca&o is shown in tlio number of hogs, thero being 1,437,303 this year, against 1,331,100 in lbUJ, nu increase of 100,224. "Sanson' Mario Corn Salve." Warranted to tare or money refunded. Ab year irutrgifiiurib nice inu. The Pint Horse that Kver Lived. There is a Greek legend tellling how Athens camo by its name, and there is a noble horse who plays a prominent part in the legonu. II wo aro to be lieve the story, ho was the first real flesh-and-blood horse of which we have any account. Somo men say that he was the first animal of tho kind that ever lived, but this is doubtful. Snowy white, without spot or blemish from the tips of his cars to tho tips of his amber Hoots, now no must have astonished tho simple-minded folk of Cecropln when ho leaped rljrht out of the earth at their feet! If you bhould ever iro to Athens and climb to tho top of that wonucritu lull called tlio Acropolis look nrouud you. You may seo tlio verv tpot where it all is said to havo hap pened. Haii)eeeker' Kxcurslom. On Aug. 29th, Sept. 10th and 24th, 16WI, the Union l'atltto System will toll ticket from Council lliuffr and Omahu to point fcoutli aud west In Nol.ruhLn unit Kansas, a'so to Colorado. Wvonilmr. Utah nnd Idaho, cast ot Woiscr and south of heaver cunon, at exceedingly low rates. For full information, ns to rates and limits, apply to A. C Ui vv. City Ticket Agent, 1802 Fanmm St , Omaha, Nub GREAT BOOK FREE. When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., published the firet edition of his work, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, be announced that after 680,000 copies had been sold at the regular price, $1 50 per copy, the profit on which would repay hint for the great amount of labor and money expended in producing it, he would dis tribute the next half million free. As this number of copies has already been sold, he is now distributing, absolutely free, 500,000 copies oi mis j most com plete, interest COUPON No.lll ine and val uable common ical work ever sense med- published the recipient only being required to mail to aim, at tuc aoove auaresa, mis little coupon with twenty-one (si) cents in one cent stamps to pay for postage and pack ing only, and the book will be sent by mail. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. It contains over 1000 pages and more than too illustrations. The Free Edition is precisely the same as those sold at $1.50 except only that the books are bound in strong manilla paper covers in stead of cloth. Send now before all are given away. They are going off rapidly. xrar""! mini i mm i ii mm i The Lnrgent j;tk on Itecoril. The largest elk of which I havo an authentic record was formerly owned by Mr. O. It MeKenzlo, of Sullivan county, Now York, and kept in his park until it hnd to bo killed for viciousness. It measured as follows: Length of head nnd body, 7 feet 8 inches; tall, 0 inches: height at tho shoulders, S feet 4 inclics. I am glad to bo ablo to add that its skin Is now In tho posscEslon of tho American Muse um of Natural History, and will soon bo mounted by Mr. llowloy which guarantees tlio quality of th6 finished specimen. The weight of that animal could scarcely havo been less than 1,000 pounds, but tho weight of a full-grown cow oik sometimes is as llttlo ot 400 pounds. St Nicholas. The rerlvlnr power ofParker'i ninsflrl'onlo rumlcr It limit, onmblo in otcrr lioine. Htoiuaca trouble!, colda nod ororr form of iUtrei jlold toll. One consequence of the battle of tho Yaiu la the proposal made In Europe of establishing a naval Tied Cross so ciety, whose vessel.'', painted In some distinctive color, ehnll accompany hos tile fleets and pick up the crews of ves sttlu Bunk In action. flet llit!erenrii nml ue It If you vtbi.i to reallu tlio com fort of bolus without com.. U taXc tlium out im'vcilr- lie, atdruorli . A mustard plaster mado according to tlio following directions will not blister tho most Bonsltivo skin: Two teaspoon fills mustard, two tonspooufuls flour, two tcaspoonfuls ground ginger. Do not mix too drc. Place between two Sloecsofold muslin and apply. If It urns too much at first lay nn extra picro of muslin between It aud tlio skin; as tho skin becomes accustomed to tlio bent take the extra ptcco of mus lin away. THE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR. Special Itntes and Trains via tlio Unr llnctnn Itnutc. Hound trip tickets' to Omaha at tho one vvny rate, plus 5u cents (for admission cou-j-on to tlio State Fair), will bo on salo Hop- , tomler ISth to 2Utlt, at Burlington llouto ttutions, in Nobrnska, in Kaunas on the Concordia, Oborllu and St Francis lino and in Iowa aud Missouri within 100 miles of Omaha. Nobruskans aro assured that tho '05 Stato Fair will bo a vast improvement on its predecessors Largermore brilliant hot ter worth seeing. Every ono who can do to rhould spend Htuto Fair week, the whole of it, in Omaha. Tho outdoor co!obratlons will be particu larly attractive, surpassing anytblngof the kind over t.oforo undertaken by any west ern city, Kvory ovouinjr, Omaha will be nllnmo with electric lights and glittering pageants will parado tho streets. The pro gram for tho ovonlng ceremonies is: Monday, Sopt, ICth Grand Uloycle Car nival. Tuesday, Bept. 17th Nebraska's parade. "Wednesday, Bopt. 18th Military aud civic parado. 'JhuruUv, Hopr. lDih-Jwnlffhts pfVk-gnr-Ion Parade, to to followed by the 'Feast of Mondnmin" Hall. Hound trip tickots to Omaha at the re duced rates abovo mciitlonod, aswollas lull information alout tho llurlington Kuuto'K train sorvico at tho tlmo of tho Mato Fair, cuu ho had on application to tho nearest B. & M. It. II. agent. KNOWLEDGE Brings cohifort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy llfo more, with less expenditure, by moro promptly adapting tlio world's best products to tho needs of physical being, will attest the valuo to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tho remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in tho form most acceptable and pleas ant to tho taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ativo ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headachcd and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with tho approval of tho medical profession, becauio it acta on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs ia for sale by all dru gistts in 50c and $1 bottled, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose namo is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if oflered. WELL MACHINERY Illustrated catalogue ebowinff WEL ATJOE11S. HOCK DRILLS. II VDltlULIO MU JlilMXNU AlAUmMEUY. etc. bzHT Ybxx. Uto been tested and au Karramta, Sioux City EoKtoe and Iron Wort, Mloux Cly. Iowa. Tuc Ilowwi Cim IUcuikiiit Co.. lilt Wrt EUreotU btre, Klntts Cllv M Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works Htove repair for 40,000 different stove and range. 120U Ilousla St., Omaha, Neb JrrceCatalou. duller, I I IM R2 W. X. V., Omuliu37, 16t5. When answerlnsr advertUemeuU kindly Mention this paper BetlJbahe?rurv, Tuts Good. DhI In Urns. Bold br druarUt. Li