Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 13, 1895, Image 8

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ThlnltS Tlitit tho reept Aro Oolnjr to
r;rcO ,wlth Htm , Sonio '.JXijr From
t'rtnfW PotU to Scimtoi A Devout
Chrlttlan. ' ',
1 iLJ
EIIE Is a portrait
of. tho mbst thor
oughly abused man
In the tinltcd States
Senator William
A. Iaffer ot Kantna.
For yeftrrt tho caV
toonlfts ot tho east
i6N-(r Jf have utilised urn
rytV y ' features as typical
' J .of tho wild flnil
woolly politician! ot
tthe west. Ho has
been caricatured more than any man
on this continent, with tho possible ex
ception of BlftlnG, Sherman and Cleve
land. Unlike most politicians ho takes
It all In good part. He honestly
lleves that all the pople will yet como
to his way of thlnklnc and that In the
not distant futuro we will nave govern
ment ownership of everything worth
owning, to say nothing of bUshelH of
money that will be laBuefl In payrnsnt
thercor, Like most of the populist lead
ers, Senator Peffer got his first otart
In Ilfo aa a printer's devil. Printers
UevilH have a habit of rondlng tho proofs
which pass through their hands, and
young Peffer was no exception to the
rule. In thlB way ho accumulated con
siderable knowledge. When ho suc
ceeded to tho proof-reader'a desk he
was able to read a market report back
wards. And It is said that ho used to
read that way. A facetious writer has
remarked that that Is how he got It
Into his hend that tho world was pro
gressing backward. Anyway, by the
time he succeeded to the editorial chair
ho was firmly convinced that things
were upside down generally, and ho
succeeded in making other people agree
with him. He entered political life and
In a icmarkably short time found him
self oleoted to a seat In the United
States senate. Today he Is looked upon
as tho logical candidate for president by
a large portion of his party.
Aside from his political vlows, Sena
tor Peffer would attract general admlr
tor Peffer would attract general admi
ration. He Is a strict temperatlon ad
ovll by inches. He Is a devout christian
and believes that finally the reign of the
christian spirit will .dissolve the trou
bles of our times. His home Is a happy
While in New York the other day Mr.
Peffer took occasion to tell a reporter
some things about his patty. He said:
"It is a mistake to suppose that tho
populist party is decreasing In strength.
We are gaining. We shall call a con
vention next year and put a ticket Into
the field. Our platform will be reform
In 'finance, direct taxation, better ro
turns to labor for Up toll and govcrn-
lllogmphlritl Sketch of n Mticlt Talked
About Catholic 1'rcUte.
Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul, as an
orator, has gained a nnttonal reputa
tlon. Ho was born In Burnchurch
county, Kilkenny, Ireland, Sept. 11,
1S38. His parents emigrated to the
United ntntes when ho was a boy, and
settled In St. Paul, Ulnn. Ho went to
Paris In September, 1853, entered the
Petit Semlnalre of Mexlmeux, and fin
ished the course In four years, half tho
Usual Urne. After studying theology In
the Grand Semlnalre ftt Hyers, he re
turned to St, Paul In 1801, and was or
dained In December of that year. Ho
soryed na chaplain of tho Fifth Minne
sota regiment during a part of tho civil
wnr, and was afterward appolntod rec
tor of the cathedral at St. Paul. In
1389 ho organized the first total absti
nence society In tho state. In 1870 he
went to Homo as tho ncct edited repre
sentative of Bishop Orare at tho Vati
can. After his consecration as coadju
tor bishop of St. Paul in 1875, ho under
took tho work or colonization In the
Northwest. Ho made largo purchases
of land tit Minnesota, which woro tnk
tfn up by nine hundred Homan Catholic
colonist, Ho then bought twelve thou
Splinter Were More Destructive Than
Mltktle In the Eastern Wnr.
The recent wnr between Japan and
China has . taught the officers of tho
Amorlcan nary at least ono now thing
in tho construction of vessels. There
will bo Gcarceljr nny woodwork in tho
Oregon, that Is rapidly ncarlng comple
tion at tho Union Iron works. This Is
duo to tho fact that thoro were moro
peoplo killed and injured in tho naval
battles in the orient by flying wooden
splinters than b7 tho bullets or explod
ing shells. Most of tho cruisers and
battlo ships that took part in tho war
woro constructed with Bteel hulls, and
nil of thetn were moro or less protected
with heavy arrnor plates. Tho interior
fittings and furnishings of tho quarters
and tho deck coverings, however, wero
of wood. When a shot pierced tho hull
of n vessel and toro through tho wood
In tho interior of tho ship splinters wero
sout flying In all directions. In most
capes tin shot paescd through tho ve3sol
without injuring any of the crew, hut
tho shower ot wooden splinters filled
tha sicl: bay nnd kopt tho sailmakor
sowing up thq rtoad In canvas sacks for
burial. On tho battleship Oregon prac
tically no wood will bo used. All tho
bulkheads and partitions dividing tho
roomB in tho olflccrs quartore aro to bo
of Iron. No wood will bo used on tho
decks, but Instead linoleum will be
cemented to tho Iron deck to prevent
slipping. All tho doors will bo of Iron,
and nil those leading to tho decks will
bo mndo watertight.
The Mirror of Fnahloii Some of tho
Latest Styles for tho Senaon -Somo
Useful Hints for the Household Cur
rent Notes of tho Modes.
sand ncres of land with equally satis
factory results. In 18S7 he was appoint
ed archblsnop of St. Paul.
ritUfourf 1'rlenV Aim to lterorm Drunk
ards unit Gluttons.
Rev. Father McKcever, of the Church
of St. John tho Baptist, is organizing
a novel totnpernnco socloty. It is non
coctarlnn and its members will ho per
mitted tho use of light beer and wines
In moderation. Should tho plans of tho
organization become popular tho liquor
buslnefs of this country will bo entire
ly revolutionized. While a total ab
stainer hlmsolf, Father McKcever be
lieves In temperance in all things. Tho
work of his society will bo educational.
It is to go into homes and toach tho
scionco of living. What food is bo3t
suited to individuals according to the
work they do, and how to proparo it,
vatlon of health and strength will ho
taught them. For tnoso who Uesiro
alcoholic stimulants tho use of beer and
light wines will bo advocated. Whisky,
brandy, gin, rum, Father McKeover
relegates to tho apothecaries, whero
they aro to bo securod ns medlclno by
prescription. Tho practlco of treating
will bo discountenanced. Father Mc
Keover 13 arranging for a mass meet
ing at which his ideas will bo ex
plained. Ho is, pastor of ono of tho
largest Roman Cathollo churches In
this city. Ho also proposes to reform
peoplo who cat too much.
What Mnlto n Mnn Ho Thin?
What makes a man of 30 or 40 take
a sailboat when ho can't Ball it, put in
his frionds or family for ballast, and go
right out to capsizing and tragedy? You
can't answer that any moro than you
can explain how such a fool has made
out to survive to his present age. Why
didn't he reach his deserved fate long
before? No one can say. Enough that
it does onertako him and ho gets from
ten lines to a column in tho paper, ac
cording to how big a fool he was. At
tho Bhoro we sco sailboats run away out
into tho sound, until they can hardly
bo seen, nnd when tho clouds come up
and it begins to thundor the venture
somo amateur who is awny out there is
the last to start for Bhelter. Ho doesn't
know enough to know his danger. So
it goes oach summer, and each summer
has its long string of drowning trage
dies for a part of its history. But, ns
wo said before, no ono summer docs it
up completely, so as to give civilization
a fresh chance. A lot of people are
drowned for their folly this year who
lived through last year, which was Just
aa good a year for drowning, and a lot
will Hv7 through this year and go out
nnd drown in 1S9G as readily a3 if they
wero led. Ex.
ASHION Is not of
ten kind to tho pov
erty stricken ones
In her domain, but
this season Bhc has
made n decided
move In our favor
by smiling upon the
old-fashioned al
paca goWns. For
this material means
much to us. It has
that soft, shimmer
ing effect sought after these days
nnd Is very serviceable, also, since It
does not crush or wear rough. In fact,
It is an ideal material for ono who must
look well to tho wherewith she will be
clothed. If you wish a charming gown
get one of white alpaca, with perfectly
plain skirt and tight-fitting waist.
Have It made with a plain stock collar.
Have made also a Jacket as shown In
Ulustratlon.ot blue serge. The Jacket
is shorter than those worn last year
and Is godeted below the waist line. It
has peculiar square revers tho upper
ones of white alpaca which are slashed
and edged with braid. The hat worn
with this costume Is of rough blue
straw. Into the trimmings Is Intro
duced that combination of blue and
green which Is so fashionable. If, how
ever, you wish to wear the gown on a
dressy Indoor occasion you may cross
the bodice with a Marie Antoinette fichu
cf some delicately colored chiffon or you
may wear a broad sailor collar and
with It a front of soft, lacey material,
and so on. Given such a good founda-
water. The accompanying Illustration
presents another model for the employ
ment of mohair; the godets of lis skirt
being esecially adapted to this fabric
because of their unusual depth. The
blouscd waist has Jacket pieces of em
broidered batiste let In at the stdc
seams, and straps of the same extend
across the shoulders In back and front
as far as tho waist line, where they
meet an embroidered belt. There arc a
great many acceptable models for this
material, and Its present popularity Is
so great that tho danger of going wrong
ts lessened.
Helpful In Mnkc-Otcr.
There Is shown below a handsome In
door dress of pink crepon figured wltb
pale and dark blue. Hero the godet
skirt has unusual trimming, four wldo
bands of ribbon ending In four-looped
bows upon Its sides and front. This
ribbon matches the dark blue of the
dress goods' figure, and making the
ment ownership of railroads' and other
great pnbllo corporate Interests.
"As to the silver question, I don't be
lieve It will be tho dominant Issue next
year. The agitation Is already ceasing;
that Is, tho camp-meeting part of tho
.discussion is over, and people aro get
ting down to tho thinking. The silver
question Is ono of continual Interest;
hut, like cvory other public question,
interest-In It flows and ebbs. Interest
Is now on the ebb. I hardly think there
will be a silver ticket in the field. If
there Is U will be separate from the
populist, unless It unites with us.
"r.U3lUfss is bettor than it was, and
crops promise large returns. We shall
raise 200109,000 bushels of corn In Kan
sas. Thf acreage is larger than it was,
although our proportion Is not so great.
The .MtuiUIon has been this. For several
years thti manufacturers vastly over
produced. It wnB ncoeftsary for them
to get rid ot this surplus product, so,
gradually, they docroasod their output,
until tho country was down to bedrook
and tho manufacturer! had disposed of
their old stocks. Then, of course, busi
ness began to revive, and will probably
continue to grow betr."
Minister a Victim ot Whltecaps.
The other night at 11 o'clock four
whltecops took tho Itov. T. S. Hooks,
t?i Baptist minister of Westmoreland,
Kas., from his home In a hack, drove
out In the country five mlloB with him
and then tarred nnd feathered him.
Hooka Is lying at a farmer's house and
he has been notified that ho will be shot
or hung It he returns to Westmoreland.
Ho li accused of assaulting a girl. The
citizens of Westmorolund aro taking
sides In the nftalr and there Is great
excitement. Lynchlngs are threatened
on both sides,
Ventlluto at Night.
Though contrary to tho usual prac-
tfco,HlghUalrwwJllvcntllatp a cellat
moro thoroughly ana causo less numiu
ity than tho hot air of midday. Open
tho cellar windows at sunset and
loavo them opon until G in tho morning,
nnd the nlr will bo cooler and drifr
than if tho cellar is closed at night
and open during tho dny. Tho screons
or gratings should be so arranged that
tho windows can be opened nnd closoc't
without moving them. New York
Evening Post.
A Mutual Sertlcc.
Ho I am very unfortunate; it seems
I can please nobody.
She Come, cheor up; I have no one
to admiro mo, cither.
He Tell you what let's found a so
ciety for mutual admiration; I, for ln
stanco, admiro your beautiful eyes; and
what do you admiro in mo?
She Your good taste. Brooklyn
A Syndicate of Monster.
Hero aro the names ot I hi nbominahlo
trio thatcomiKMo It, finton ntiu abhorred by
uiHti nnd woman klml-dyapupMlu, bilious
ni nnd cotistlpntlon. Wlmtls the most
successful way tonttncknnd swlch theso
united monstursV Tuko llolcuerM btom
nrh nmor-. and they trill pUIl Up stakes
and mnko track for parts. unknown, leav
ing not aro lolilnd. The Ititlors also tx
termlnnlostnal rln, rlietitniitlo and kidney
trouble and nortem allraoiiU
One Toliit In Ktlcinctte.
P. P. C cards should bo left on tho
occasion of u, long absence of over thrco
months, on leavinp town nt the close
of tho season, on leaving ft neighbor
hood whero yoU have resided for years,
or where you have resided for monthB
atid sometimes only for weeks, hut not
when chnnj.Mng' houses In tho samo
neighborhood, not even when about to
bo married, unless your future homo is
to bo in another city. The words "pour
prendre conge" signify "to tnko leave,"
and when good-by is not intended, and
future meetings ore anticipated, thero
is no ostensible motive for leaving P.
P. O cards.
lIALL'S CATARRH "CTJIUJ ts a lilqud nnd is
taken Internally, and nets directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of tliosvstom. Soad
for tostiinoninK free. Fold by Druasists, "Sc.
K. J CI11SNLY & CO.. 1'roprs , Toledo O.
Weed In tVnllts.
The best way to get rid of these li to
get a barrel of the cheapest salt, or a
hack of it, at tho prico of SI. or less,
nnd scatter it over tho weeds after a
shower, or when, tho dew Is on tho
ground. It will kill tho weeds, and, if
tho walk bo graveled or made of
crushed stone, it will brighten it ex
ceedingly. If it is only of earth, it will
clean it and keep it from being dusty.,
It is excellent on stono flagged walks
to keep tho grass from growing up
through tho crevices, nnd it will keep
the ants from working in these open
ings and piling up their disagreeable
sand heaps.
..FITS Alintsstoppe'lfrprbyDr.Kllnp'fiOren
riTYu jtcsiorer. isoi ii3imeriuoiirMmys uo.
Mart clous cures. Trvatljotiml S'JlrlMl.oUh-tm t
Ht caves, UcnUtoUr.Kltue,MlArcUSl.,l'bUa.,l'!U
Unchnngrahlo In I'rlce.
It is just as well for young men to
noto that tho phenomenal decrease in
tho price of oats does not extend to tho
wild variety. Chicago Chronicle.
Tickets Ht Reduced Itntes
Will bo sold via tho Nickel Plato roak
on occasion of the meeting of tho Ger
man Catholic Societies of tho United
States at Albany, K. Y., Sept. 15th to
18th. For further information address
J. Y. Calahan, Gon'l Agent, 111. Adams
St, Chicago.
The F
of Good Health is
tlon, it is unnecessary for me to tell
the ingenious American girl -what she
may do with her gown.
Hike Will lie llenvlcr Next Year.
Blcyclo makers say wheels will ho a
few pounds heavier noxt year. Tires
will be one-half larger than at present.
Haggard ns a Statesman.
H. Rider Haggard, the author, was
among those recently chosen to tho
Hiding Astride.
The "new woman" Js only copying aft
er the cnelont dame when she rides
us. ride, as is now the fashion of the
royal princesses and the loading eques
triennes of both England and Ameri
ca. Joan ot Arc rode astride at the head
ot the French army, and Queen Eliza
beth used to rldo to falcon hunts In this
fashion behind Lord Leicester. It was
or.H in the sixteenth oetitury that the
sid" saddle came Into ua in England,
and women rodo astride In Germany
until the olos ot the eighteenth cen
tury. In most foreign countrlts the
fashion ot riding on one aide Has never
bien adopted by women.
A Hare Chance, 'erhap.
Daughter Here's a queer advertise
ment la the Trumpet: "A well oulturod
babj for "adoption." Don't you think
hat neano well-natured?
Moder-'I don't know. Perhaps It's
a Baaton baby.
wdtireen t!QXcl! tiiul the Dcup feu.
The women at York Harbor, Maine,
ha.vo two alternatives, either to wear
hlpomera of put a stop to sprinkling
the streets with salt vater, which ruins
their dres3s,
English IIouso of Commons. Mr. Hag
gard is bast known to Amorlcans as tho
writer of stories. It Is said that ho may
at an early date bo chosen to fill a va
cancy in tho Salisbury cablnot.
Judicial Incredulity.
Judge Do you aoknpwlidge Dint you
are guilty of tho charge made against
Culprit What's the use of my say
ing "not guilty?" You are so suspicious
you wouldn't bollcve me anyhow.
Emily Soldcno has been appearing
with success in "La FIUo do Mme.
Angot" at Sydney, Australia.
Tho latest Information from tho
moon Is that 132,856 craters have been
counted on its surface, all dead.
Oregon has Just passed a law against
fishing In tho Columbia river on Sun
day. It Is intended to glvo tho salmon
a rest.
Thero Is a warm controversy In Utah
over the right ot women to vote in that
territory next November, whon tho
constitution will bo presented for rati
fication. After an existence ot twenty-two
yoars the English Palacographical so
ciety has come to an end. During Its
existence it published G50 Tac similles
of mnnusirlpts and inscriptions.
Tho butchors of Bridgeport, Conn.,
have decided to revivo an old custom
among members of their trade. They
will, this yoar, hold a Uarbecuo and
roast a lot of oxen and shoop.
A thiof m New York sot himself to
chnso and catch n thief. Ho succeeded
and made off with the booty, while tho
victimized pilferer of the first part was
arrested and locked up.
On tho day of the feast of St. Theo
dore. observed annually at Helmageu,
Roumanla, nil tho young married wo
nen go about tho town kissing the men
and offering them a drink of wine.
Japanese postmen whose routes enrry
thorn Into tho country use bloyclos.
Tholr wheols are mado by local manu
facturers, who havo appropriated im
provements from both British and
American patents.
In tho Danish budget a curious tax
entitled tho "rank tax" Is calculated to
produce 3,201. Social rank Is highly
prized in Denmark, and everyone of any
consideration has his clearly denned po
sition in the social hierarchy.
A valuable Greek inscription has re
cently been added to the Louvre. It
comas from tho neighborhood of
DJerach. In Syria, and contains portions
of an anolent law concerning tho main
tenance ot vineyards and their pro
tection against thieves.
Mohair' the Stuff.
Mohair reigns, but there are many
kinds and the sort that glares with a
stove-blacking brilliancy and folds In a
crackly way Is the mohair you must not
get. The right kind has a heavy weave
and a sof, silk-like luster; It takes the
present organ-pipe folds as gracefully
as silk docs, and It outwears a silk three
times, and always looks well. No mat
ter how many other dresses one has,
one of this stuff In black will not be
amiss. Make the skirt full, Just clear
ing the ground, and absolutely plain.
Let the bodice Ht perfectly, a single
box-plait being applied front nnd back,
that in the back fitting closely to the
form, tho front ono loosened a little.
Have a wide belt that fastens at the
side with a big cut Jet button, a corre
sponding button being on tho other
side, and a collar of the same design
apparently fastening at each side under
a big cut Jet button, ana let a pair oi
Bllk-llned tabs or straps, finished with
a point and a Jet button, hang loosely
from either side front of tho belt. Cor
responding tabs should hang from the
Pure, RM Bfod
And tho surest, best way to
purify your blood is to take
s Sarsapari
Unnri'c I?;i!c aro taUnlCM, mild, cljec
BlOOU S Jr 1115 the. am. uruseuu. sso.
'I I Ira w! 1 1
collar In the bust line. Then let tho
sloeves be finished at the wrists with
bands fastening under Jet buttons. Such
a dross will serve In any place. Added
dressiness can come by setting four
buttons down tho front box-plait. Wear
a large, black rough straw hat trimmed
with a pair of knots o,f white mull and
two upright oock's feathers, white
gloves, with black stitching, and oarry
a white silk parasol. A really faultless
rig for ordinary street wear will result.
Mohair, by the way, Is surprisingly cool,
and sheds dust as a duck's back sheds
front pair of bands shorter than tho
side ones Is essential to the effect, un
important as It may seem at first
thought. The blouse overhangs the
belt in front, and at the top there Is a
tiny plastron of blue satin with draped
collar to match. A huge butterfly bow
of the dress goods Is placed In front
and Is tied with dark blue. The later
color, too, appears in sleeves and belt.
Double skirts arc occasionally seen, and
though often so ungraceful as to be un
desirable, the ono whose description fol
lows Is an exception because it adapts
itself so well to the remodeling of a
gown to whose front breadth some dis
figuring accident has befallen. Only its
front Is double, on apron piece a little
shorter than the skirt being set on over
the front breadth. Its Joining with tho
skirt proper Is made ns nearly invisible
as possible to well over the hips. Then
the apron piece is allowed to swing tree
of tho skirt. Its edge Is bound with a
bright braid from the place where tho
attachment to the skirt stops, a lino
of the same braid Is carried dpwn the
side Beam of the skirt, and the edge of
the apron part is attached to this side
seam by three or four drooping straps
of braid. The apron piece may be ot
material contrasting with the rest of
the skirt, and tho Injured part of tho
original skirt Is thus concealed. An
adaption of the design meets the diffi
culty of a skirt with tho back badly
frayed at the foot by the droop a skirt
will have there even when tho front
may be all right. A Bhort length of
skirt material contrasting with the
skirt will combine and make a new ef
fect according to this model. Make a
full back and attach It to the front of
the old skirt. The scant residue of the
Beeond material will make the short
apron front, which will fall over tho
good front of tho first skirt.
Droroea of D.utio Fashion.
Panama hau, with a plain velvet,
band are very much worn.
For home wear or more drewy oc
casions the gowns are all extremely
light this son.
Ribbons are used still in the greatest
profusion, and are measured by the
mile instead of the yard.
Tho ruffled skirts havo. caught the
popular tate Just now, and several of
the new models show .them.
An English straw hat Is trimmed with
klltel ribbon of black and white, fas
tened on with a rhlnestone buckle.
A very odd Bkirt, otrcular in Bhape, Is
laid in Inch tucks, encircling the figure
from waist to hem. It is more strange
than graceful.
The pinks .purples and mauves, so
much used of late, are a little out now,
and light blue and llmt-blossom green
have taken their place.
Pretty combs and pins add greatly
to the beauty of tho hair, and never
before was there sueh a wealth of these
ranments displayed.
Is tho best medicine for all diseases incident to
children. It regulates tho boivels; assists denti
tion; cures diarrhea and djscntcryiutho wotst
forms;cures canker sore tluoat; Is u certain pre-
entlvo of diphtheria j quiets and soothes all pain
invlcorates the stomach and bowels; corrects all
acidity : will euro criplug in tho bowels and v lnd
colic l)o not fatigue joursclt and child with
sleepless iilclits when it is u ltliln your reach to
cure your child and save your ov, u strength.
Dr.JiKque'fi German Worm Calces
destroy worms & remove them from tho sj stein
l'reparcd by Emmert Propiletiry Co., Chicago, IIL
V eakness nnd wccrot
rTOrycnro guiruiie d
2it)rari experience
6 jurs 1 null
nor Kreo
14thfcFrnutn t.
OllAHA, 3iJ.II.
Can only bo accomplished with tho vory host
of tools and
"With a Davis
rator on tlio
suto of moro
butter, wlillo
tako to get a
mailed Fitr.n
I1 in
Cream Bena
farm you are
and bottor
tho bklmmcd
uab'a food,
mnko no in 's
Davls. Koat,
Agocts wanted
Cor. Randolph & Deaiborn Sis., Chlcajo.
Zacharvf, Lindsey5
sale iiyyOLBi
Dealers send for C otalosucs, Otnaba, Neb.
CIcuiMi end Luat.riM tb tut.
ftoiuute a laiiuiaot growth.
Nerer Falls to Bettore Qray
Iilr to it Youthful Color.
Cure sc&jp dittuej & hlr tAlUuc.
jncmndSUu tt DruzrlKj
Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lat irtoclpu B Aunluer u 8. 1'onalou bureau.
3 jt .uhut war, UaiUuthcaUusclaliui, altjr aluce.
(nnn& UPWARDS elllljrcaJe with nllcpT
iJIUWU,.! ,y uf( mtthod ot jfUnitlc uUtlun
lUKr&tii. Uook and lull pirtlcultr. free r.al'1 Back
Uctmnce. I'Artuox & Co., (1 Oouka Hide , CUciito,