Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 13, 1895, Image 7

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firen the Saltan Disobeyed Turkish
Unsbands, Too, Not Anrie to a Re
Irate from the Borden of Too Many
Dependent Wives.
patlon is a new
Issue, even In the
most secret deptliB
of the hnrcras of
Constnn tlnople.
The Turkish wom
en are in revolt.
The agitation for
e nf ranchlsement
and Independence
which has taken
euch firm root In the United States and
Europe has caused not simply a ripple
but a turbulent whirlwind in the
Turk's hitherto submissive household.
It is even said that the men are siding
with the women, and enfranchisement
Feems to be as anxlousy demanded by
them as It Is by their wives.
In tills connection, Richard Davey,
in an article on the "Present Condition
of Women In Turkey," presents some
Interesting phases on the life of Turk
ish women of to-day. "A Turkish lady,
who speaks English perfectly and who
la, besides, an excellent musician, re
cently said that her condition and that
of other women of her raco was daily
becoming more intolerable. 'Is It not
terrible to think,' she said, 'that I, who
am so passionately fond of music and
whom my husband would only bo too
happy to please In everything, should
be forbidden at the risk of my life to
go to a theater or concert: that I am
forever forbidden to go outside of the
Ottoman Empire, and that nny inter
change of Ideas is an impossibility to
me with the women among whom I am
condemned to pass my life? The more
education a Mussulman woman ac
quires the more unendurable her fate
becomes, and It will grow dally worse,
until the day upon which we shall ob
tain our complete emancipation.
" 'But believe me when I say that the
day Is not far distant when my dream
will be realized. Turkish women are
''ery intelligent In fact, more so than
their husbands and a spirit is growing
up among us which is getting stronger
daily. Only a short time ago the Sul
tan ordered us to wear a veil which is
out of fashion to-day, the yashmak,
during Ramadan. We obeyed him for
three days, but on the fourth day all
the women of Constantinople without
a single exception refused to wear the
yashmak, and Bince then His Majesty
has desisted In Interfering In any de
tails of our toilets.
" 'It is noteworthy that since the
Turkish men have mingled bo freely
acinic huh 1,1 uwu Biu.lllliy. il lUUUUCH
their vanity that they are forbidden to
show off their wives, who. It is ac
knowledged, are possessed of the moat
beautiful eyes and are owners of more
precious Jewelry than any of the most
fashionable women of the diplomatic
corps. One of the ridiculous laws of
the land Is that which forbids a hus
band to go Into a shop with his wife on
his arm, but obliges him to walk twelve
steps behind her.' "
There is a law which forbids a Turk
ish woman to divorce herself without
her husband's consent. But the authori
ties affirm that this law does not pre
vent divorces from being even more
frequent In Turkey than In the United
Perhaps the reason why the men of
Turkey are not relucant that their
wives should complain of the matri
monial rules laid down for them by thd
Prophet Is easily explained by the fact
thnt no matter how agreeable the pos
session of four legitimate wives may
be, they Impose cares and expenses on
the husband which are often beyond his
means of gratification. The Koran ex
acts that the husband shall treat his
four wives with absolute equality; and
the Turkish husband itj obliged to offer
to all his wives the presents which one
among them has demanded.
Again, he cannot obtain a divorce
without giving back to the repudiated
wife her dot to the latt piastre, and is
not at liberty to deduct the money
which the maintenance of the harem
und an enormous number of slaves and
servants has cost him. So that It is '
quite apparent why the Mahometan
husbands themselves are willing to bo
deposed of their rights of polygamy and
will do all they can to secure the eman
cipation of their women.
Dp to Date.
A Scottish paper says the natives of
Bkye now use knives to spread their
butter, but that one old lady declines
to go to parties where she Is not al
lowed, according to the old habit, to
spread her butter with her thumb. An
other inhabitant of the Island was
heard declaring to a friend the other
day that having sold his horse he must
now get a wife to .do the spring til
lage. Hlrds That T.Ike Wine.
John Burroughs, the essayist and
naturalist, says that the golden orioles
bother him a great deal. These birds
are regular topers In their love for
grape Juice. They stick their beaks
Into the grapes, suck up the Juice, and
three or four birds are able to ruin
several tons of grapes in a short time.
As seventeen ot Mr. Burroughs' twenty
acres are devoted to grape culture, this
is a serious matter.
One Kind ot Business Itarometer.
The bookings of passengers between
New York and London at the present
time show an Increase of 50 per cent
compared with those of the same period
ti year ago.
Snch a Thine Will He Iosslb1e by the
Altl ot a New Invention,
Heretofore it has seemed wonderful
enough thnt we should be able to al
most instantaneously transmit mes
sages over unlimited distances by the
use of wires; but In England a method
has been successfully employed which
makes It possible to dispense with the
transmitting wire. Messages are now
sent dally over a lako between two
points which have no wire connection
with one another, and which are sev
eral miles apart. The process is at
tracting widespread attention, and tho
English operators of the line are re
ceiving much credit for their Ingenuity
In devising It. It Is not, however, an
English Idea, but one which was born In
the brain of an American scientist and
Inventor, Professor John Trowbridge of
Harvard. Some years ago ho stated
that, theoretically, It would be possible
to send telegraphic messages across the
Atlantic without a cable. Ills plan was
to have powerful dynamos placed at
some point in Nova Scotin for tho gen
eration of the electricity. One end of
the wire receiving the fluid thus gener
ated would be grounded near tho dy
namos, and the other end would be
grounded in Florida, the earth complet
ing the circuit. The wiro would bo of
great conductibllity and carefully In
sulated from the earth except at the
two points of contact. After grounding
tho ends of the wire, the next step
would be to find on the coast of France,
or some other convenient place, two
points of land of a different potentiality
from this country, that is, not chnrged
with the same amount of electricity.
The electric fluid sent Into the earth
from the wire on this side of the ocean
would, under the lnws of electrical ac
tivity, manifest Itself at the points In
France, and telegraph signals could be
transferred to the ear by means of a
low resistance telephone whoso wires
would be run Into the earth at the
points there. By this method the earth
plays the part of the wire used in or
dinary telegraphing. The plan is al
most identical with that employed In
England. Its advantage is, of course,
that it obviates the necessity of laying
cables under great bodies of water.
A I.oolcer-On In Gotlinin.
Mrs. Meadow I don't wonder there
Is so much poverty In the city. I seen
the cause of it all the other day when I
was there.
Neighbor What did you notice?
Mrs. Meadow Idleness. Never saw
Buch idleness. 'Bout half tho people
was loafin' on the corners lookin' at the
thermometers, and the other half was
rushln' around huntln' for standln'
room near some other thermometer.
A CIihiii'o for ArKiimfnt.
Pastor Toogood Don't voi think
that the great number of Sunday fatal-
JLiSJ-JiiSWejiUon iflmerkan.
kpT0jnewr6fu abandoning the Sabbath of
the Puritans?
Deacon Hardhead Well. I don't
know. The Puritans had a good many
Sunday fatalities themselves whenever
the Indians got up an excursion.
I'll tally Injured In n Outer Accident
While Martin O'Day and his wife
were walking by the side of the Boston
and Maine railroad tracks at Lynn,
Mass., the woman's dress was caught
by the steps of a car on a passenger
train. Her husband tried to save her,
but both were thrown under the train.
O'Day died from his injuries and his
wife is in a precarious condition.
Married life Is simple. It the hus
band will praise hlB wife's dress, and
she feeds him well, there will be no
bother. Adams Freeman.
An Alabama Judge has decided that
if a man puts his arm around the
waist of a marriageable woman it is
prima facie evidence that he has pro
posed to her.
In Corea an unmarried man is treat
ed as a boy, no matter how old he Is. A
young married man of 20 is by Corean
custom entitled to be treated as a su
perior by old bachelors of CO.
Seven cases are reported In England
during the present century where the
Ir.'de has been married to the best man
by mistake. The paper giving the In
formation does not state how matters
! were remedied.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manuel, of
Kennebunkport, Me., celebrated their
diamond wedding on Tuesday, having
been married seventy-five years, as the
town records show. Mr. Manuel Is 9S
years of age, and his wife Is two years
hlB Junior. ,
A writer in Paris says with startling
frankness; "I canpot conceive why
any one should get married; divorce
here has made the matrimonial tie so
lax." And we thought that sort of
thing was confined to Chicago!
"And you said DodklnB is married?"
"Yes." "Why, I thought he hadn't a
cent of money." "He hadn't. But he's
all right now. The young lady has any
quantity of cash. All he will have to
do now Is to clip the coupons off the
bonds of matrimony." Washington
The Rev. Robert Collyer, formerly of
Chicago, officiated the other day at a
wedding ceremony In New York, from
which the word "obey" was omitted by
common consent. He explained after
ward by saying women never did obey,
despite their promises. "The very
best woman In the world promised to
obey me," he said, "but she never has."
Here's a story going the rounds of the
Broadway (New York) hotels; A bash
ful benedict told the clerk before reg
istering he was a newly-married man
and a stranger, and didn't know how
to announce the fact of bis arrival In
town with his bride. The clerk told
him to put it down as man and wife.
He did so, and registered as "Man and
Wife, Beaver Falls, Pa."
Atnuilnjr, Incident In the Tart They
I'lay In the Anti-Hum Campaign.
Some ot the incidents of the cam
paign at Bar Harbor thus far nre in
tensely amusing, writes a correspond
ent at that place. It has been very cos
mopolitan. For exnmple, John De
Koven Is a rich rann; he has a big
house, called n cottage, really a palace.
W. E. Peach is a merchant and farmer
who has a store on Cottage street and
sells cream to tho cottagers. Mr. Do
Koven Ib one of his customers. Mr.
Peach has a nephew who frequents
John Coney's saloon. Mr. Do Koven's
butlor frequents Coney's. Mr. Pencil's
nephew is made drunk. Mr. Peach In
the height of his righteous indignation
serves a warrant on Coney and has him
arrested. Coney Is made to suffer. Mr.
De Koven's butler Is greatly Incensed.
Ho takes up for his friend Coney. Ho
orders Mr. Peach to present Mr. De
Koven's bill; they wnnt no more cream
of him. Mr. Peach goes to Mr. Do
Koven and requires an explanation.
The party Interviewed Is surprised and
knows nothing about it; calls' tho
butler. Tho butler gets mad
and declares either tho milk
will stop coming from Peach's
or he will leave, demands nn apology
In behalf of his friend Coney and goes
off in a high pet. Mr. Peach arranges
to bring tho cream to Mr. De Koven as
usual and then, alas, the Pulitzers nro
In It! It's a conspiracy! Tho butler at
Pulitzer's leagues with the butler nt Do
Koven's and they two turn vinegar In
to tho cream at Pulitzer's and charge
Peach with bringing sour crenm! Fur
ther explanations and more revolutions
and at last the Btory of tho butler and
the De Kovens and the Pulitzers and
the Pulitzer's butler and tho Peach, and
tho Peach's nephew and John Coney,
tho saloon-keeper, Is ended.
Fined Himself.
'In the early days In Kansas," said
a lawyer," Judge Sam Vandibert was
district judge of the western district
of the Btate. One night the officers
caught his honor and five friends play
ing poker. They were brought up to
bo tried before himself. Judge Vandi
bert first called the state of Kansas
vs. the five defendants, who all plead
ed guilty, and tho Judge fined each $10
and costs. Then the Judge said: "I'll
now call the state of Kansas vs. Samuel
Vnndlbert. "What Is your plea, Mr.
Vandibert?" Ho then got up and
walked around in front of the bench,
nnd said: 'Plead guilty, your honor.'
Then he went back on the bench and
proceeded to lecture Sam VandlberL
He said: 'Mr. Vandibert, I have fined
your comrades each $10 and costs, but
yours Is an aggravated case; you
should receive a moro severe punish
ment than the others. You have been
elected to an honorable position. You
owe a duty to society, and you should
'senroperMexarapiewfor'dur young
men growing up. I'll fine you $?5 and
costs, and you Btand committed until
the fine and costs nre paid." Chicago
Inter Ocean.
StuntRe of Silver Dollar.
A count just taken shows
that there are now stored In
the vaujts of the United States
mlntB in Philadelphia $49,999,367
In round numbers, 50,000,000 of sil
ver dollars. They are packed away
Just OB they were coined, and all efforts
to get them Into circulation have been
futile. The people do not want them.
They aro willing to take tho paper cer
tificates issued to represent them, be
cause these nre interchangeable with
greenbacks, and greenbacks are re
deemable in gold; but the silver dollars
themselves the government has to keep,
issuing in their stead what Is practi
cally & gold currency of twice their
Steamer on Halts.
A steamer running on rails is a curi
ous sight to be seen near Copenhagen.
Two lakeB are separated by a narrow
strip of land, on which rails are laid,
running into the water on cither side.
The steamer, which is forty-four feet
long, Is guided to the rails by piles
like a ferry slip, It has wheels on either
side which fit the rails, and is driven
full speed up one side of the incline
and down the other Into the water on
the other side.
Dog Teeth.
It Is well known that there are den
tists in London and Paris whose spe
cialty It is to fit lap dogs with a set
of false teeth. It now appears from
a Parisian monthly magazine of fashion
that there are tailors and fashion plates
for dogs. The list of garments in
cludes mackintoshes, Jaeger vests,
comforters nnd i . pirators, side pock
ets with a handerchlef inside, fur col
lars, small silk umbrellas, which dogs
are taught to crry over the head.
No Need for Shooing.
In answer to the Atchison Globe's In
quiry, "What will a woman shoo chick
ens with when she wears bloomers?"
E. Turney, of Fairfield, Iowa, writes
that It will be entirely unnecessary for
her to shoo them at all, as the hen will
fly as soon as it sees her.
Men Can't Wear Illoowers In filoax Fall.
A young man In Sioux Falls, S. D.,
put on bloomers and rode his wheel
on the sidewalk. The young man was
arrested, but released upon promising
to keep on the street and wear straight
Raved Her I. If.
Ballwln Say, Winball, I will marry
Miss Helen after all, and prove myself
a hero.
WlnbaU A hero? In what way?
Ballwln Why, she said Jf I didn't
marry her she'd commit suicide.
The Whnlebone Made Into llrooros
The Fair Parisians Incited to Urop
Theiu Into fit reel Hoses In Order to
Uelp the t'oor.
the most econom
ical nation on
earth. They never
wnBte anything.
Now some Ingeni
ous Frenchman has
n Bcheme to snvo
enst-off corsetB and
work up their
whalebone Into
brushes nnd brooms. This Is done to
give work to tho unemployed.
Here and there in Paris nre boxes for
old corsets. In front of tho building
occupied until recently by the offices of
tho oldest ot French newspapers, La
Gazette do France. Is n brown wooden
box of substantial dimensions, standing
on four wooden legs, also painted In
brown; the box has a hole In the upper
part, sufficiently large to allow one to
irop n corset, nnd a padlock on the
side ns a guarantee that no one shall
steal tho contents. On the box the fol
lowing inscription Is written:
To Ladles.
"Don't throw your old corsetB awny!
"Send them to the Placo des Saints
Peres, to the association called Assist
ance by Work, which will accept them
with thanks nnd make use ot thorn. It
will permit us to nllevlate passing mis
fortunes, and do awny with profes
sional beggars.
"We extract the whalebone busks,
with which we manufacture something
now brushes and brooms. These,
made with tho bones and debris, arc
meeting with great success."
In view of the torments corsetB cause
their wearers, it Is comforting to know
thnt thero seems a likelihood of their
finally becoming charitable and even
useful. Thero are already a number
of cooks nnd servants out of work, none
of whom Is an expert with the needle,
but who have been put to work with
success metamorphosing old corsets.
Tho great ndvantnge of the new stylo
of broom-making Ib thnt It does not re
quire tin expert.
The Idea of tho new box Is due to the
ladles of the second arondlsement of
Paris. It was they who last winter dis
tributed in one hundred days as many
ns 115,000 plates of soup, one-fourth ot
which were taken to the homes of re
cipients unable to leave their beds.
The Iden of utilizing old corsets for
charitable purposes is decidedly new,
but the Idea ot nsklng the public for
what It no longer wants has often been
reeorted to. In Belgium there exists a
society called "Feullle d'Etaln," which
solicits, through the Intermediary of
boxes In the streets, the silvery pnper
which envelops pieces ot chocolate, the
tops of champagne bottles, &c. A very
fair revenue is derived from these resi
dues, and as a consequence a great
number of poor people are assisted.
A Miislrnl I.iiuriiuc".
Americans who go to Italy to be edu
cated in music have a great advantage
I if they master the Italian language
uuu muuy ub meiouies. uinerwise mey
have none. The whole secret of the
musical nature of the Italian people lies
in the musical nature of the Italian
language. No one can speak It habitu
ally without becoming unconsciously
educated in tho Ibwb of melody which
underlie all music.
1.1 fo Insurance In Kama.
Not one life insurance company is
now doing business In Kansas. The
statutory conditions are so onerous that
all have withdrawn. The State Bank
ing Life association, of Des Moines,
Iowa, was the last and only one In the
field, and It has Just permitted Its li
cense to lapso rather than file n $50,000
bond and make a deposit with the Btate
treasurer of 10 per cent of all assess
ments. Coffin on u Trolley Car.
An unusual sight was wttnesed on
a Brooklyn trolley car heading toward
a cemetery. An employe of a well
known undertaker was seen carrying
the body of a baby in a coffin, which
was wrapped in a blanket, on the car.
There was considerable excitement
among the pasengers for a while, but
no attempt on the part of the conductor
waB made to collect nn additional fare.
This Is the cheapest funeral on record.
I'aternul Advice.
"Ben," said the old colored deacon to
his son, "you's a-gwlne out now luter de
great en wicked woiT."
"Yes, sub!"
"En you wants ter heed ray exwlse."
"Yes, Btih!"
"Well, dis Is erbout all I got ter eny
ter you: Don't go In de poultry busi
ness when de moon Is shlnln', en al
ways be aho-en keep In de front parter
de mule."
Worth a Contest. "'
Caller I wlBh to contest my uncle's
Lawyer Is the estate worth It?
Caller He left $100,000.
Lawyer Let me see. That's $50,000
or me, and $50,000 for the lawyer on
the other side. Yes, It's worth it.
A Cruel Itemark.
Sam Johnslng Don't you fool wld
-fa Don't make me mad. Don't stir
me up, nlggab. You oughter know dat
when I onct begins I'se a wild beast.
Mrs. Johnslng Huh! ef dat's so you
nebber stops.
Torpedoes That Mitigate the Horrors of
Nocturnal V lulls From Cats.
The heights' cat by virtue of not only
Ita viAnHnntil nitnlnniHnta l.nt nltn if
Its multifarious experience, may bo
justiy entitieu to tue distinction ot no
ing termed a cosmopolite, says Brook
lyn Eagle. Tho proverbial bootjack,
buzz saw, pnris green decoction and
dynamite bomb are Incidents In his ex
perience, which ho views retrospective
ly with only passing emotions of Inter
est, not unmixed with pleasure. For
It Is recorded that ho mot them and
conquered them hands down. Swell res-1
Idents ot the heights havo been left nt
his mercy, For a tlmo cnyonne popper
Judiciously distributed Into tho diet ot
tho midnight prowlers gavo tho peace
ful citizen a respite from tho nocturnal
harmonlcB of tho love-mnklng and ar
gumentative animals. But after sever
al councils of war which Involved mu
tual recriminations nnd a tangle of evi
dence ns to tho cause ot their setbacks,
tho cats cleared up tho mystery and
went to work ngnln, with a clear under
standing and n proper plan of cam
paign. Tho da, or rather, tho night
of cayenno pepper was past. It was re
served for ono IngeuloiiB citizen on
Willow street to Introduco nn expedi
ent which thus far proved to bo tho
conquoror of tho cat. Tho remedy was
not less startling than tho nuisance It
was designed to abate was painful. A
troop of black cats had mado tho rear
Btoop and fence of this particular citi
zen's resldonco a nightly rendezvous.
Last Sunday night tho fcllno chorus
was In full swing nnd tho debates be
tween tho singers were pitched In high
tones. Tho leader of tho band was ex
plaining his views on tho silver ques
tion, while his first assistant, so far as
tho controversy could bo interpreted,
was endeavoring to divert tho lino of
discussion to a consideration of tho
question nB to whether marriage was n
'failure Suddenly an upper window
opened nnd a stalwart arm, draped in a
flowing whlto nleeve, made a swift
movement. Something hurtled through
the nlr. Thero wns a crack against the
fence Just above tho leader's head, n
roar, and a blinding flash. The cnts
wero petrified for nn Instant. Then
camo another roar and a flash and tho
cats were In full retreat A careful
comparison of notes subsequently led
tho cats to a conclusion that heavy
artillery had been introduced and that
future operations should bo abandoned.
Tho torpedo had gained tho day. It
hnB now been generally adopted as a
preventive for these night concerts
ICnellsh l.lternry Pensions.
Only $6,000 a year Ib available for ad
ditions to tho civil list pensions of tho
British government, nnd this sum can
not be exceeded, bo thnt it Is not possi
ble to make many additions to the list
in any one year, or to pay very large
pensions. The ubuoI amount ot those
pensions Is $500 a year, but. thta amount
is sometimes varied, though rarely In
creased. Among the now grants to lit
erary people this year, aro $250 each lo
the two sisters of Walter Fater, $500 to
the widow of Philip Gilbert Hamerton,
and tho same amount to William Wat
son, tho poet. George Augustus Sain
gets tho same sum, and bo does Prof.
Bain, the metaphysician and psycholo
gist, nnd Prof. Nlcholl and Dr. Guns
berg, who nre pensioned as great schol
ars, Oriental and Biblical. A similar
pension Is given to Dr. Jabez Hogg for
his Kervlces to medicine and science.
JTto Mnrders One Mobbery.
Voice (through tho telephone) Is
that the city editor?
Answering Voice Yes. What do you
"Will you please tell me the score?"
"Thero Isn't nny ball game In town
"Ball game nothing! 1 waut to know
the score against Holmes up to 6
lialloon Vs. Small Sleeves.
Are the balloon sleeves of our fair
sisters doomed? It 'looks that way.
The Prince of "Walea has started a
couuter revolution by wearing small
sleeves at a public reception.
Jake Rosenthal has arraigned to take
out Dlgby Bell in "Tar and Tartar"
next season.
Fran Mottl has been engaged by Frau
Coslma Wagner to sing Freya and Gud
run In the Nibelungen trilogy at Bay
reuth next summer.
The most popular comic operas of
Gilbert and Sullivan are to be revived
at the London Savoy Theater, begin
ning with "The Mikado."
"Petrucclo," by a Mr. Maclean, won
the prize of 100 offered for the best
one-net opera by an English composer.
There were forty-three competitors.
Emma Hecfcel, tho Cincinnati to
prano, is shortly to sing In Saratoga,
N. Y. She will be one of tho soloists
of the Van der Stuchcn concerts next
Mi; Zelle de Lussan has been re-engaged
by the Carl Rosa troupe to play
Marguerite In Berlioz's "Faust," Cheru
blno In "Figaro," "Carmen," and other
While a witness Jn a New York court,
Edouard Remenyl, the famous violinist,
said that be hod been playing 'be violin
for fifty yearn, and had handled about
10,000 instruments during that time.
"The Scarlet Letter," Mr. Damrosch'a
opera, the book which, founded on
Hawthorne's romance, Is by George
Parsons Lathrop, will be presented dur
ing the season. The work will be sung
In English.
Saint Saens has composed the last
two acts for a grand opera, "Frede
gonde," of which bis friend Ernest
Gueraud bad written tho first two acts
at the time of his death. It will be
given scon at the Grand Opera, Paris.
Canied a Dentation In n Meilcan Cun
snnnlty When Freely Translated.
A telegram was received from En
onada, Mexico, recently announcing
thnt Mnnuel Rlveroll, who has been la
jail corns month charged with the
theft of a $13,000 gold bar from hit
office on the night of March 20, would
be liberated. Orders havo been received
to that effect from the City ot Mexico,
where all tho evidence secured by the
Ensenada court was sent for review.
Nothing has been learned ot the ex
pected relense of Pratt and Garrett,
who nre Imprisoned with Rlveroll,
though in their enso also the officials
have failed to find nnythlng to show
guilt. An amusing Instance ot the mis
directed zeal of the EnBonnda author
ities came to light Some weeks ago
a letter was received at tho jnll from
Mrs. Pratt, directed to hor husband.
Tho official court Interpreter was sent
for and he proceeded to decipher tho
letter. He got through it very well
with occasional wild guesses, until be
f nmt to the end, and thero, In a post
script, he saw the words: "Baby la
qulto well." This nonplussed him, un
til ho remembered that "well" meant
a hole in tho ground for providing wa
ter. In n second tho wholo thing
flashed through his mind, and he trem
bled with excitement as ho ran to the
judgo and told him ho had captured &
letter which gave tho whole thing
awny. "The gold brick is In tho well
at Pratt's house," ho told tho Judgo.
That official, overjoyed with tho news,
gave orders that Pratt, Garrett and
Rlveroll should be placed In solitary
confinement, and that visitors should
not bo allowed to sea them under an
circumstances. Then a force of eol
dlcrB were Bent to Pratt's house with
orders to pump tho well dry and get
the brick. The greatest haste was em
ployed and within a few hours the well
was pumped dry, nnd the search began
for the bar. Nothing was found, and
then tho lieutenant In charge ot the
squad procured shovels and mado the
soldiers dig at the bottom of the well
for three or four hours. But sttll noth
ing came to light, and after Inspect
ing walls nnd ransacking the house
tho fncts were reported to headquar
ters. The officials did not know what
to make of It They called for the let
ter ngain nnd sent for another Inter
preter. This man happened to under
stand English, and he soon explained
the situation, He told them that It
meant tho baby was in good health.
Tho Judge discharged the old Interpre
ter on the spot and engaged the new
one. He released the prisoners from
solitary confinement, and did his ut
most to prevent the facts from becom
ing known.
This Is a Warning to Girls.
A wedding at Columbus, Ind., was ab
ruptly postponed because the bride-to-be
was too long in dressing. The
groom-elect became Impatient, tore the
marriage license to pieces unu'iiecUrcvt
the game off.
A New and Kaplrf Hog-Killer.
Armour & Co., of Chicago, ore put
ing in a hog-killing machine, which will
tuke the lives of C.000 hogs dally, near
ly double tho capacity of the present
Queen Victoria is always out of sorts
during warm weather, feeling the heat
Unlike most public speakers, Vice
President StevcnBon always reads bit
Miss E. Thornton-Clarke, the' sculp
tor, has n fondness for pets of all sorts.
Her favorite is n big mouse.
London Graphic says an English
.bishop rides n bicycle, but forbears-to
mention the name ot the cleric.
Lord MIddleton is an enthusiastic ad
mirer of blooded stock, and owns sev
eral of the finest cows In the world.
Captain Middleton, chief organizer of
the English Conservative party, has
distributed twelve tons of literature t
. English voters, among which was noth
ing about the tariff.
I Seaside outfits "for pet dogs are be-
Ing made by the hundreds in Paris
I just now. The canine darlings must
I have a coat for every kind ot weather,
! and Countess Mercl'e pug wears doe
skin legglns on wet days, lest he catch
The Czar of Russia Inherits his fath
er's weakness for brass bands.
(Of tbe twenty-seven royal families of
Europe two-thirds are of German orl-
Milton waa quiet and reserved In con
, vernation, but thoroughly refined and
well bred.
Tbe agricultural department places
the annual loss caused by weeds at
Mrs, Slddons was large, with very
ttriklrg features, and an nlr ot great
personal dignity.
The dignified Charles Francis Adams
j bowling along en a bicycle is one ot tbe
, tights of Bccton,
According to Dr. Kukula, there are
110 onlveiBltlee in the world, with
167.513 students. Berlin, with 7,771
students, Is the largest, and Urblne,
with seventy-four, Is the smallest.
Miss Aliba Haneurn, a daughter of
Djenet Pasha, is at work as an author
ess, and Is publishing in Parts a series
of articles exposing popular errors re
garding Turkish life.
The children of Mexican Indian
princes were carefully educated by the
Spaniards, and Beveral viceroys of Mex
ico were descended from the Montezu
mas and bora their name.
Goldsmith's fame was grafted upon
a boyhood, of wholly unrecognized ca
pabilities. "Never was so dull a boy"
was tbe report cf the relative who Mrt
undertook to teach him his letters