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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1895)
' , i is f i l t LI THINK IT GREAT FUN. 8TUDENTS MAKE SANDWICHES OF HUMAN FLESH AND THEN rOllCn CNVTARIf ONES TO EAT THEREOF. Born of tlio Stories That Ilnvo Crept Into l'rlnt Regarding tho Conduct of the Medical Students at Mlrhtgnn University. 4 If F HALF tho stories ' I told about tho con- It duct of tho medical students at tho Ann I Arbor University 5J nre true, that Insti tution contains tho biggest lot of ruf fians In tho coun try. The revolting character of the stories that have lately been sont out has prevented some of the leading newspapers publishing the facts. These stories certainly do seem beyond belief. Norman Cameron, ono of tho students recently expelled, now on tho editorial staff of tho Detroit News, first brought tho charges beforo tho public. The story that aroused tho Iro of the faculty of the university against Mr. Cameron nnd led to his expulsion was ono telling of a brutal so-called "Joke," whereby a student In the medical de partment had been compelled to cat tho flesh, of a human being whllo pur suing his studies In tho anatomical lab oratory. Mr. Cameron was a member of the graduating class of the law de partment and tho correspondent of the Evening News here. His father Is" tho Rev. Dr. Cameron of Boston, Mass., a former clergyman of New York city. Mr. Cameron was expelled just six weeks previous to tho time of gradua tion. Ever Blnco he began his work ns a newspaper correspondent ho was har assed by tho law faculty. Ho waB given to understand that his writings would have to bo toned down, and that only such news as reflected credit on tho Institution would be tolerated. But lie felt that ho owed a duty to tho paper ho represented, as well as to tho public, for tho Ann Arbor University is a state Institution. Warwick M. Downing, another law student, and tho representative of the NORMAN CAMERON. United Press and tho Chicago Tlmes Hcrald, -was almost expelled two months previous because ho reported tho circumstances of what Is known hereabouts as tho Klrchner case. Pro fessor Otto Klrchner, of Detroit, while delivering a lecture to the junior law students, was driven from tho platform by tho nolso and cat-yells of tho stu dents. This exhibition of ruffianism ,was the talk of the town, and when Mr. Downing made a rcferenca to It in an article ho was quickly summoned be foro the faculty and told that If he re ported anything detrimental to tho uni versity ho would bo expelled, The story of Mr. Cameron's trouble Is an Interesting one. A short time previous to his expulsion ho sent to a newspaper a story of a medical student who uto a sandwich In which human flesh had been substituted for other meat. Tho "Joke" was perpetrated in tho dissecting room. Tho victim, Fred erick von Wldeklnd, familiarly known as the "baron," look one blto of the mess and swallowed It. He then took another before he realized what a hide ous and barbarous act had been done, but being a plucky man he refused to Bhow any signs ot distress In tho pres ence of the other students. Luckily ho was able to discard what ho had eaten. As the bodies are pickled in arsenic this probably saved his life. Von Wide kind was ill three days nevertheless from the effects, and it was feared at one time that blood poisoning had set In. When tho "baron" learned that Mr. Cameron had got Into trouble on ac count of exposing this piece of brutality he went to the faculty and narrated tho W, M. DOWNING, circumstances of the case. So far no action had been taken to punish tho perpetrators of the deed, though the correspondent was expelled for writlag It up. This is exactly what the egislaT ture proposes looking into at Us next session. Shortly after the article waB printed .the University Daily, a paper published at Ann Arbor, came out with a long ed itorial, the main thoughts of which are aid to have originated in tha brains Sf ear-tl the professors who caused the mmm 111 VV l expulsion, It' branded tho story as "fake" and Mr. Cameron an an arrant falsifier who maliciously did all ho could to besmirch the reputation of tho Institution. Without a thought of tho conse quences Uio young man took up the cudgels In his own behalf In a two-column article which was printed In tho same paper tho next day with a few words of comment that served to make Mr. Cameron's caso seem all the strong er. Mr. Cameron asserted that the story was true, and declares further that a newspaper had the right to print facts, and that he was under no ob ligation to hide disgusting perform ances. But what hurt tho most was a paragraph which said that It had been notorious for years, and is notorious yet, "that the medical students not only here, but In practically every other Institution of the land, novcr lose an opportunity to Indulge In hideous and nauseating Jokes with tho sacred re mains of the dead. "It is common rumor," the paragraph went on, "that tho medics of tiur uni versity, when the legislative party was here, had prepared slices-of liver and other portions of the human anatomy to fill the solons' pockets, but they for tunately for tho good name of our alma mater did not visit tho anatomical la boratory. Dozens of law students are similarly treated every year. Tho pro fessors In the medical departments must know these facts, and they havo never taken any steps to prevent them." Scarcely had the paper containing this screed reached tho streets beforo Dr. Charles B. Noncredo, professor of surgery, and Dr. J. Playfalr McMur rlck, professor of anatomy, called upon Mr. Cameron and, after condemning him bitterly, threatened his expulsion from the university. Dr. Nancredo said that If ho would make a retraction In the paper and apologize for tho "roast" on tho professors all stops would be dropped. A partial apology was given and accepted on these terms. But tho young man now admits that he made a mistake, for tho wily professor turned this apology against him at tho faculty meeting. Tho following evening tho press cen sorship at the university was estab lished. Tho senate, composed of oil tho full professors, mot and adopted rules governing tho kind of reports student correspondents should In the future send out. Mr. Cameron set about getting affida vits to the statements ho made, and In two days ho collected over thirty from his fellow-students as to what had been going on In the laboratory. Human flesh throwing seemed to bo a common thing, as that was what tho majority testified to. Ono young man declared that ho went Into the medical headquar ters carrying an umbrella, and that when ho came out It was half full of tho Inner portions of a human body. An other student had a blood-soaked sponge hurled at him, which spattered and ruined his clothes. "The stench was foul," ho said. Another had an car put Into his pocket, and others had por tions of the body too loathsome to mention pinned on their coats. One young man had a bleeding piece of flesh thrust down his neck. Tho faculty then brought a little more pressure to betr. Tho students wha I.Wfatft.yiWMC.M.eit jd,,.WM.n.. -' if their names remained on tho state ments they would subject themselves to expulsion. Many of them got' scared and came around and nsked to havo their affidavits back, and they wcro re turned. Tho law faculty met next. Mr, A. B. Marx, one of Detroit's business men, was In Ann Arbor. He went before the faculty with young Cameron and gave his experience. "I was up visiting the dissecting room a few weecks ago, as I take an Interest in our state univer sity," he Bald. "Hardly had I como Inside the room before I was struck FREDERICK VON WIDEKIND. on the faco with a piece of human flesh. I looked around to seo whero It came from and three or four moro pieces struck me In the back ot the head. I beat a retreat, but they continued their unseemly actions until I was out of reach. They oven threw at me from tho windows, laughing in great glee." Tho faculty refused to listen to tho affidavits remaining, some nineteen in all. "You are charged," said tho dean of the department, Jerome C. Knowlton, to Mr. Cameron, "with writing an article harmful to tho university." Mr. Cam eron replied that the article was writ ten with good motives, and that it would have a tendency to stop any fur ther abuses. Tho faculty refused to listen longer, nnd having been given but a twenty-minute hearing, he was asked to leave the room. Tho vote of tho faculty was not unanimous in favor of expulsion. Professor Bradley M, Thompson maintaining that a great In justice was being done. Ann Arbor citizens wers much aroused over the matter, for these al leged medical "Jokes" have been the talkj of the town, and the general feel ing Is that the faculty have been very negligent in their duty. It is almost Impossible for a medical student to ob tain rooms in the better class of board ing houses, it is said. At the last session of the legislature a bill was framed making it a penal offense for the students to tamper with the remains of the dead, but In tho final hours of the adjourning rush it was laid aside for more Important measures. This bill will undoubtedly be passed at the next session. The Pueblo Indians are a moral race Th;y have resisted all attempts ot trad ers to Introduce whi3ky and playl carua in tneir miast. ft W wL w ROMANCE AND CRIME. MURDERS AND SUICIDES ATTHE OREAT CATARACT. SAT) END OF A JlEAUTIFUr. SPANISH UIIIU YODNQ Tlio Strange Murder of Mro. Weddell, a Drlde, and tlio Bulcldo of Jier Vnnnjj Husband Tho Day Traffodjr of Horn Itocont Years. IAQARA has seen many romantic, strange deaths, and over its brink the most beautiful wo men have passed, as havo men who have made their mark in life and were exalt ed in tho leading professions. One of the most romantic as well as the saddest tragedies at the great cat aract was tho suicide of a handsome Spanish woman, who leaped over the Horseshoe Falls In the autumn of 18(2. It was In the old stage-coach days, when the lumbering four-in-hand played such a prominent part in a trip to Niagara. Ono evening In the early part of October the stage coach from Buffalo drove up to the 'door of the old Cataract House, and one of tho first persons to alight was a handsomely dressed woman, whose age could not havo been moro than 2G. Tho elegance of her apparel and appearance denoted a lady of wealth and refinement. She sent a card to the clerk on which was printed tho name "Miss Evelyn Barrios, Philadelphia," was registered and as signed to one of the handsomest rooms in tho old hostelry. Miss Barrios was about tho hotel for several days, and In conlldcnco told the landlord that she was there to meet her affianced, n wealthy gentleman from the Quaker City, and that on his arrival they were to bo married. She visited the falls al most dally or wandered along the river bank, looking nt the roaring, tumbling waters far below ns they rushed alons to tho whirlpool. Two weeks passed, and tho betrothed of tho Hlspanian maiden, for Buch sho proved to be, did not como and he sent no message to the faithful, waiting woman. Each day Miss Barrios Impatiently awaited the EVELYN coming of tho rumbling old stage, and each tlmo turned from her window, a faco clouded with disappointment The third week sho passed almost entirely in her room, and tho servants com mented on tho fact that she was al most always In tears. Ono bright moon light night Miss Barrios left the hotel shortly after tea, saying that sho would "go for a stroll, It being such a charm ing evening." Sho wandered away to tho falls. Two coachmen saw her sit ting on a largo rock overlooking the cataract, and by somo strango intuition decided to watch the woman. For near ly an hour sho sat there, then suddenly arose, walked to the edge of the rock, Jumped into the river and was carried over tho falls. Word was taken to tho hotel, nnd tho landlord went at once to tho room so lately occupied by his fair guest. Her trunks were packed and locked. On a table were two let ters, ono addressed to the proprietor, tho other to her lover. In the first was a large sum of money, with directions to deduct enough to pay the bill and that the balance should bo used to give to give a Christian burial, in case her body was ever recovered. "Without love, my life Is without hope," read the letter, "and my lovo will not come." The very next night the great stago coach drove up to the hotel and a dis tinguished and dlgnlfled-looklng gentle man alighted and registered as Dr. George B. De Feece. Ho hastily glanced over the register for several days prior, and then asked tho clerk If Miss Bar rios was a guest of the house. In re ply, the clerk handed him tho letter addressed to him by the fair suicide. The stranger read it', and a strange ess MRS. QUIGLEY. pallor came over his face as ho ten derly and carefully folded it and put it into his pocket. For more than an hour he stood at the window, then turning asked tho clerk to send a man with him to tho spot whero the tragedy took place. . After visiting it, ho re turned to tho hotel, and the next day employed a dozen men to search for tho body, offering a large reward for Its re covery. It was found late In the after noon below the rapids, and two days later the Doctor left the falls with the body, without giving an explanation or disclosing his or the suicide's identity, N, other than their names. BARRIOS. MRS. WEDDELL. Wn$ Shortly after the railway line w opened a couple came to the falls. That they wcro newly married every ono di vined, and they made no secret of tho fact Almost daily they wandered about alone tho river, and to the falls, and then again through the fields and about tho littlo village. Their appear ance denoted wealth and refinement They were never out of each other's company, and it seemed that Cupid had not erred when he brought about tho union of such lovers. They registered from Boston and gave the name of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weddell. Threo weeks after their arrival Mr. Weddell started out ono afternoon for a walk, and mentioned to the clerk that his wifo was Indisposed, which accounted for his going out alone, a thing he had never done before. When tho hour for supper arrived Mr. Weddell had not returned. As It neared the close of tho supper hour tho hotel people sent a waitress to tho room occupied by tho couple to advise tnem of tho fact. The girl made every effort to carry out her instructions, but repeated knocks failed to bring a response. The door was tried and gave way to gentle pressure. Tho girl peered Into the room and saw Mrs. Weddell outstretched on the bed. Sho stepped to the bed to arouse her and found that the woman was dead. An examination disclosed the fact that sho had been strangled, and the ptlnts of the murderer's fingers were found on her swollen and blackened throat. On the foot of the bed was a purse con taining money, but a careful search failed to reveal more of the couple's Identity than was known. A search was made for Weddell and the next day his body waB found on. the Cana dian sldo In a pllo of brushwood, where It had lodged. He had jumped over tho falls after having murdered the woman he called his wife. A tragedy of recent date la that of tho cruel murder of Mrs. Arthur Day by her husband and his slter, which took place on the Canadian side. Day lived in Rochester, N. Y and had committed bigamy by marrying a handsome young woman with whom ho was desperately In love. For two months he had led a double life, living with each a portion of the time by making each believe that his work required his absence from the city half of each week. Day soon came to the conclusion that it would bo but a short time beforo he would be discovered, and decided to put Mrs. Day No. 1 out of the way. Ho enlisted the sympathies and services .of Mrs. Annie Qulgley, a widowed sister, and a plan was formed to take tho wlfo to Niagara Falls, whero Day was to push her over Into tho river abovo the falls and let tho current carry her down to her death. If tho tragedy was over discovered Day and Mrs. Qulgley were to swear that it was an accident It was a delightful Sunday morning In sunny June that tho trio took the train from Rochester. Mrs. Daay left her E-year-old boy with her mother-in-law to go on tho fated ex cursion. After reaching tho falls tho party visited nearly every place of in terest, but no opportunity presented itself for Day to carry out his intended designs, on account of tho people that were met at every point Late In tho afternoon the party reached a place on the Canadian side opposite tho whirl pool rapids, where the banks rise per pendicularly to a height of over a hun dred feet. Mrs. Qulgley sat down on a log under somo trees, whllo Day and his wife sauntered along tho bank of the river. Day looked carefully about and saw that no one perceived them. Calling his wlfo to look at the swirling waters of the whirlpool far below, he pushed her over the bank. Sho fell about eighty feet into a crevice made by jutting rocks, and in a position that her body could not be seen except by lylris down and looking over the bank at the point from which the unfortunate wo man had been pushed to her death. Day and his sister took the evening train to Rochester. The gateman at the station In that city saw the three depart in the mokrning. and the two re turn at night, He knew Day and asked in a Joking way if his wife "had fallen over the falls." Day replied that she had gone to Canada to visit friends. This information was imparted In a casual way to the writer, who knew Day, and who, at that time, was a re porter on a morning paper. The news paper man started to find Mrs. Day, and was surprised to find a Mrs. Day No. 2, This fact aroused his suspicion, and the police were notified. Detect ives, arrested Day on the charge of bigamy, suspecting that Mrs. Day No. 1 had met with foul play. The clew was taken from the visit to the falls, and John C. Hoyden, chief of the Roohoster detectives, arrestad Mrs. Qulgley. Sho told an entirely difTer-it story as to tho whereabouts of v sister-in-law than had been told by Day. Finally Mrs. Qulgley waB taken to the Falls and asked to show the officers over the Eame route she had taken on Sunday. When the point was reached where the murder had been commtted she broke dbwn nnd made a complete confession. The body of the murdered woman was recovered and a medical examination Showed that many bones had been bro ken In the awful fall and that death had been instantaneous. Mrs Qulgley was turned over to tho Canadian au thorities and the officers returned to Rochester with the remains of the un loved wife. Day was told of the con fession of his sister and Anally admit ted his guilt Hewas not told of tho recovery of the body, but was asked by the officers if he would go and point out the spot that it might be recovered and decently buried. He consented aa4 Canadian officers arrested him. ABE FOR A BIG SHOW. SOUTHERN WOMEN WILL MAKE THINQS HUM. Their Department of tho Cotton States Exposition Will Reflect Credit on the Sox They Want to Excel Mrs. Potter Palmer's Hoard. (Special Correspondence.) TLANTA IS QO lng to have a great International expo sition this autumn, beginning on Sept 18 and ending on Now Year's Day, and Its biggest feature Is to bo a woman's depart ment, which was created and has been and will bo" conducted by women. Tho merchants and bankers, tho rail way magnets and cotton kings of the metropolis of Georgia came to the con clusion in January, 1894, that tho best interests ot their community demanded a world's fair larger than anything be foro seen In tho south. They organ ized, raised moro than $1,000,000, and entered into negotiations with every body in tho fair lino both on this con tinent and in Europe. After tho enter prise was woll under way tho, women of Atlanta determined that they should havo a great department of their own, something liko tho Woman's building PRESIDENT THOMPSON. in tho Columbian Exhibition at Chi cago. They wanted to demonstrate what southern women could do and havo done; to Bhow southern women what their sIsterB in other parts of tho coun try wero accomplishing; to Introduce ne,w. industries for their. in tho south, and to increase tho attractive ness of tho exhibition. They met sev eral rebuffs at tho start. Many of tho men said that all the sparo money that could bo raised was required for the exposition as already designed, and that it there was any sparo money it could bo Invested with better results in, a Midway Plaisanco or a Ferris wheel than in a woman's building. Then two or three of tho men remarked that a woman's department did not amount to shucks; that women could not run a big Bhow by themselves, and that oven if they did get up an exhibition it would not bo attractive enough to draw five persons a day. Tho opposition fired tho feminine hearts, and tho women ot Atlanta agreed to havo a woman's department, a woman's building, and the biggest show, of its sort tho country had ever seen, oven if they all had to go without new gowns for a year. Tho women met, formed a tempo rary organization, and picked out tho persons they wanted to run the great machine. They selected a board of women managers, forty-one in number, representing all the great social forces of tho Btato ot Georgia. All forty on wero women of distinction. Some wero society leaders; others wero writers, amateur musicians, college graduates, amateur artlBts, or tho owners of great estates. They formed a visiting board of per sons of national fame, consisting ot the wives of the President, Governor-General ot Canada, and the governors ot TREASURER THORNTON, states. They appointed representatives from tho forty-nlno states and terri tories, including the District of Colum Vitn hnrmin'- ns far as nossiblo women belonging to Georgian families who had prospered in other parts of tho Union. They also organized committees in the largest cities, and engaged speakers and workers from fifty women's organ izations of the United States. In this way they virtually enrolled a regular army. The general-in-chiet was Mrs. Joseph Thompson of Atlanta. Her aides wero the managers and the executive committee of fourteen members. The loRfila were the chairmen of twenty tight standing committees, each one ggSr IlllliPBSli) 111 ,-Hk 31 Tmm devoted to somo occupation or calllaj1 in which women aro interested or ota. ployed. Tho rank and fllo wero tnV members ot theso committees, tho state representatives throughout tho country; and tho state and local committees i the more populous communities. Clerks, stenographers, and typewriters wero engaged, and the work went on rapidly Tho women used their homes as offices. They had also an office in the Aragon Hotel and another In the busi ness quarter of tho city. Tho distribu tion of work enabled the board of wom en managers to do many things at tho same time. Whilo all were raising money, ono group were nrranglng for a woman's building. This was designed by Miss Ellso Mercur ot Pittsburg, who was selected in the competition of somo thirty architects. Tho building was begun immediately, and is now com pleted. The architecture suggests tho colonial homes of the south, with a large amount of the classical finish and ornamentation. The womon raised tho money for tho building and other purposes, but It was slow work. The committees subscribed much, and so did their friends and neighbors. They gavo teas and musl cales, plays and entertainments, shows and exhibitions, games and dances. This does not seem bo very hard to New Yorkers, but in tho south there is littlo sparo money. Nevertheless, they Boon got togother $50,000. Besides finishing tho woman's building, they, will beautify tho grounds around it, from tho littlo lako in front up to tho Imposing main entrance. Tho purpose is to produce tho effect of a luxuriant homo In tho country, surrounded by lawns and blossoms, ferns and shrub beries. Unllko most exposition buildings, tho woman's building has been constructed, not to bo demolished when tho-fffir i3 over, but for permanent use. After tho fair It will bo a school as well as a museum. The collections will bo chiefly, of the kind used In cabinets ot indus trial schools, scientific halls, and col leges to Illustrate lectures on tho high er arts and sciences. In this manner tho board of woman managers hopo not only to mako tho woman's department tho greatest feature of tho Atlanta ex position, but also to mako it an educa tional institution for tho benefit of tho women of tho south for years to come. 4 Most of tho twenty standing com mittees aro devoted to tho collection ot exhibits and similar work. Tho com mltto on agrlculturo and horticulture will bring together flowers and fruits, vegetables and Bavory leaves, nativo flavors and spices, seeds and bulbs, roots and barks. In a second class it will havo preparations mado from these raw materials preserves, pickles, Jams, marmalades, Jellies, dried and crystallized fruits, dairy products; In short, every nrtlclo out of which the 'Aiuoiv tnt' KBrnener,- una tuo-nw.iov - earn a living. Tho department of bee culture will show tho systems of stor- SECRETARY STULE. Ing and treating honey and wax. Thd colonial committeeo promises to bd ono of tho most Important of all. Georgia is rich In colonial relics, as aro also Alabama and Mississippi. Tho women of all threo states havo offered moro relics for exhibition than can bo used. Tho committee will merely pick out tho best and the oddest in order to glvo a complete idea of life as It was la tho eighteenth and tho first half of tho nineteenth century. Among theso relics aro muskets and long rifles, such as wero used In the old Indian wars, blunderbusses that look like musical Instruments, horse pistols almost as large as small cannon, swords that wero worn by Marlon'9 mpn, saddles and bridles and spurs and harnesses that wero fashionable when Washington was young, Jackspits which unfortunate dogs wero obliged to turn by means of small treadmills by the side of tho Ultchen chimneys, ancient clocks, can delabra, flint and tinder boxes, watches that weigh a pound each, massive jew elry and guinea gold, state uniforms and ball robes. Tho exhibition will show all tho features of colonial life, from tho clumsy log house of tho forest to tho mansion of tho opulent planter. Tho comraltteo on confederate relic3 will mako a line display of objects, il lustrating tho history of the lost cause. There "will bo tattered flags and rusty guns, swords and torn uniforms, paper money and queer newspapers, home spun garments and home-made nltro and gunpowder, dispatches and docu ments, books and records saved from Are and water, fragments of shells amd rusty cannon balls, flattened rifle bul lets and bent bayonets. The committee on culinary art and cooking schools will give tho people of Atlanta an opportunity to enjoy what tho New York public have had for five years. It neither Mrs. Rorer, Prof. Cornelia C. Bedford, nor Prof. Olivia Tracy dons the enowy cap and apron, somo bright southern girl will holci classes in which the raw material will be transmitted Into toothsome ila-nen. i -a Jrffvl