Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 13, 1895, Image 3

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STITUTIONAL. Tho Comptroller of tho Treasury Renders
an Opinion on tha Celebrated Oxnard
SuRar Bounty ClaimsClaimants Can
Go Into Court nnit Tcit tho Validity of
Tlielr Uamnndi An Important Dccts
Ion. Declared Unconstitutional.
Washington, Sept. 7. R. H. Bowlor,
the comptroller of tlio treasury, yes
"tentay rendered nn opinion on tho now
celebrated Oxnard sugar bounty
claims, In which ho holds In effect,
first, that he, as comptroller has
jurisdiction of the case, and second,
that, in his opinion, the net of March
2, 1805, malting the rtugar bounty np
"propriation is unconstitutional, lie,
howevor, decides that tho papers in
tho caso bo sent to the court of claims
for tho rendition of a judgment, in
order that thero may bo furnished "a
precedent for the futuro notion of the
oxceutivo department hi tho adjust
ment in tho class of cases involved in
those sugar bounties."
Tho particular claim doclded is sub
stantially on the samo footing as all
other bugar bounty claims, for tho
satisfaction of which congress, nt its
last session, appropriated S5,283,289.
Tho comptroller answers at great
length tho arguments presented by
counsel at tho hearing, in which his
jurisdiction was attacked, and in the
course of his reply, ho says btatutcs
which do not conform to tho constitu
tion, aro not law, and therefore, when
a statuto is in apparent conflict with
the coustitution it becomes tho duty of
the executive officer to determine for
himself as between the statute and tho
constitution whether tho statuto is tho
As to the constitutionality of tho
act, tho comptroller says in part that
the principle has so long been doclded
that taxation must bo for a public pur
pose; that an attempt to take money
from the people by tho forms of taxa
tion for a purpose other than a public
one, is not nn exerciso of legislutivo
power and, therefore, that nn attempt
to do so is a mere nullity as nn effort
1y tho legislature to exerciso power
not granted by tho constitution.
Manufacturing establishments havo
been uniformly treated as private
rather than public enterprises. Nu
merous decisions are cited tending to
show that factories of all kieds, saw
mills, rolling mills, etc., arc private,
and are in no sense public enterprises.
It is suggested that when congress
gets out of the domain of law and into
the realm of equity and justice thoir
power is unlimited. That would bo
no doubt true if congress could get
out o the domain of law, but it can
not do so.
The bounty of the act of 18S5 is not
limited to those who may have suf
fered an injury by failure to receive
the bounty of the McKinley act, but is
given to nil alike, whether they suf
fered loss or not. There is nothing
which Indicates that it is intended to
mako compensation for such Injury,
-.i,nTiiLiJiat.ca.niiqUlAiutulicd..,.,i ,. ,..,, ,.
ay u juiubm lu pay mo i;uiuin mu
ultimate rights of the claimants are in
no ay affected, for they have a per
fect remedy in court to test tho valid
ity of their claims aud obtain payment
thereof after n final determination of
the constitutionality of the law, if it
be held unconstitutional.
tetter Trom n Daltith Man Who Bays
tho I'rlsoncr Is Not Fruiter.
Toi'KKA, Kan., Sept. 7. Tho Kansas
Independent, n Populist paper, pub
lishes a letter from a citizen of Duluth
to lts editor, I. W. Pack, which pur
ports to exposo a conspiracy on tho
part of the Insurance companies and
the chief of police of Topcka to arrest
William Schnclt and palm him off for
Ocorgo V, Frakcr of llfo insurance
fame. Tho letter Is written by a Ger
man of the name of Ilnrberger, and is
to the effect that Frakcr or Schnell
Is a crazy hermit, whoso great
ambition Is to achieve notoriety.
The author of tho letter
declares thnt It can easily be proven
that Schnell has lived In tho woods of
Minnesota and Wisconsin for years,
and that he passed in tho locality
where ho was arrested as ''King of tho
Forest." It is alleged that it is not
tho intention of tho insurance coin
panics to push his prosecution nfter
the money handed over to Frakor's
cxeiutor hns been recovered. It ex
plains that tho reason why Fraker's
-companion In Minnesota was not taken
into custody was that he would swear
that the prisoner is not Fraker and
furnish tho names of any number of
-witnesses who would so testify.
J. P. Davis, president of tho Kansas
Mutual Life Insurance company, in an
interview said thero was no doubt of
Fraker's identity, and that no effort
-would be mado to secure the return of
-the insurance money until all Inter
ested admitted it Ho said that ho
believed Fraker would be sent to tho
penitentiary, although lie admitted
that a number of prominent Knnsas
and Missouri attorneys whom he had
consulted had exprchscd the opinion
that he could be convicted of no crime.
Tor Killing Daniel btone.
Lwkhtv, Mo., Sept 7, George W.
Russell was arrested at Smlthvillo this
morning on the charge of having mur
dered Daniel Stone, tho farmer who
was found June 25 at his home, a mile
cast of there, with His skull crushed.
The officers bay that tho evidence is
very strong against Russell, lie runs
a pool hall at SmithviUc and has had a
bad reputation. Ho once lived in
Kansas City, and is said to have killod
a man there.
A Florida Olrl's Terrlblo I'ate.
AMIM.A, Fla., Sept. 7. Last Tues
day night Stella Johnson, tho j 0-year-old
daughter of a widow who lives
jiear here, was kidnaped. This morn
ing the nude corpse of the girl, btrnp
ped to a log and horribly mangled,
was found lloatlng in a small lake
about six miles from her home. Tho
girl's neck had been broken and her
throat cut from ear to car. Her right
arm had been severed from her body
at tho shoulder.
Country Will Inresttcato Chlneso
Washington, Sept. 7. The United
States government, it is announced nt
tho stato department, has decided to
enter forthwith upon an independent
investigation of tho Cheng Tu riots,
with tho co-operation of a Chlucso rep
resentative. As nt first arranged, tho inquiry was
to havo been mado in co-operation
with England, but thoro has been n
chango of plan within tho past few
days, occasioned partly by tho fact
that tho British consul nt Chung King,
who is to conduct tho investigation on
behalf of his government and to
whom, with tho concurrence of nn
American missionary member, It was
nt first proposed to entrust tho pre
liminary investigation of tho fucts,
has boon detained at his post, and, it
is said, will not bo ablo to begin tho
inquiry for a month or more. Thero
are also understood to bo other reasons
why tho stato department has decided
upon nn independent investigation,
such as Franco has already made and
such ns England will make later
It is said at tho state department
that it Is not true, however, ns has
been represented,, that the policy of
this government has been changed by
any feeling of dissatisfaction or re
bentment caused by any apparent do
lay on England's part In proceeding
with the Inquiry. Tho department has
other roasons, which it is not yet pre
pared to mako public.
China is expected to lend her sup
port to tho American inquiry to tho
extent of supplying an escort to tho
Ecrsons who will conduct It, but who
avo not yot been designated, and
will probably furnish nn official who
will co-operato with tho American in
vestigators, as in tho Ku Cheng in
vestigation. Tho investigation is ex
pected to be mado by some officials
now on the Chineso coast.
I'ltcnsUo Changes of Infantry Companies
nnd Troops of Cavnlry Ordered.
Washington, Sept 7. Extensive
transfers of troops In tho West wcro
ordered to-day by tho secretary of war
as follows: The present garrison of
FortBuffulo.N, D., to Fort Assinubolnc,
Mont; two companies of tho Twenty
second infantry from Fort Assina
boino to Fort Hnrrlson, Mont; one
company of tho Second infantry to
Fort Yates. N. D., to be joined by an
other company of tho tamo regiment
now at Fort lveogh, Mont; three com
panies of tho Tenth infantry now at
Fort Yates and thoir commanding
officer, Lieutenant Colonel Comba to
Fort Niobrara, Neb., from which two
companies of the Eighth infuntry aro
to depart for Fort Russell, Wyo.; tho
three companies of tho Seventeenth
infantry now at Fort Russell to
fro to Columbia barracks, Ohio.;
four troops of tho Seventh cav
alry now in the department of
Texas, to the department of the Col
orado; four troops of tho First cavalry
now in tho department of tho Col
orado to Oklahoma, two troops going
to Fort Sill and two to Fort Reno, re
lieving four troops of tho Third or
dered from Oklahoma to Jefferson
III, , II Mil Mil MM I ' 1 M .11
Fort liuford, N. D., and Tort Han
cock, Texas, nro discontinued as army
posts and directions given to turn over
the public lands to the Interior depart
ment Where tho troops and compa
nies to be transferred have not been
designated in tho order, tho depart
ment commanders will mako tho selec
tion of the troops to bo removed.
Another Attempt to Dynamite llira
Ills Paris Hanking House.
Paiub, Sept V. M. Rothschild's
banking house In this city wns tho
scene yesterday of another nihilistic
attempt At 3:20 o'clock a man en
tered the banlc from tho Ruo Lafittc.
In tho vestibule a detective, who was
on guard there, saw tho stranger try
ing to light tho fuso of n bomb which
ho carried, with a cigarette. Tho
ashes on tho cigarette prevented tho
ready ignition of the fuse, and tho
man, seeing that he was observed,
throw the bomb upon tho carpeted
lloor. Tho weapon did not explode,
aud the man was arrested. When ho
was tuken to tho polico office ho boldly
nwowed himself an anarchist. lie
made a desperate attempt to use a
razor before ho was overpowered by
tho detective and a policeman, who
hnd como to his assistance. Police
officials believe, from the appearance
of tho culprit, that he is a brother of
Paweis, who perpetrated the Made
lino outrage.
To Coinl),U bUvurlte.
Chicago,, Sept 7. Democrats from
all parts of the state nro intending the
meeting to-day of the Honest Money
league of Illinois at the Palmer house
for tho purposo of preparing for the
prosidontlnl campaign of l80u Load
ers of tho party wero present, nnd
after transacting routine business dis
cussed the work of i'.io coming year
and tho means of combatting the free
silver clement of the party.
A Tennessee Negro Lynched.
Nashville, Tenn.. Sept. 7. At Fay
etteville last night, Dock King, colored,
arrested on the charge of attempting
to criminally assault Mrs. Charles
Jones, near Faycttuville. was taken
from jail by a mob of L'OO men and
hanged. He protosted his inncconce,
but lio was identified by Mrs. Jones
and her si&tor as tho guilty man.
Two Topcka l'apers Consolidate
Toi'KKA, Kun , Sept 7. Tho Kansas
Uroeze, tho official btato paper, F. C.
Montgomery aud T.' A. McNeal, pub
lishers, and tho North Topoka Mail,
Arthur Capper, publl&hor, have been
consolidated and beginning next week
will be publUhed us tho "Kansas
Urcczo and Topeka Mail."
Mr. Harrison Wants Adirondack Land
Old Fohoe, N. Y Sept 7. The ne
gotiations which ex-President Harri
son Is carrying on with Dr. Steward
Webb, owner of thousands of acres of
Adirondack land, will probably result
in his buying a number of lots near
First lake, in tho vicinity of Dodd
camp, where ho now is.
Many Old Friends nnd Acquaintances
llnvo a Tnlk "With tho Swindler In tho
Kansas City Jail Taken to Ktelunonil
lawyers All Acreo that Ho It Sure
to do Oior the ltond.
rrnker, tho Strlndlor.
Kansas Citv, Mo., Sept C Dr.
George V. Fraker was brought back to
Knnsas City at 5 o'clock yesterday
.1 nines Pattcnon, a druggist of Ex
celsior Springs, was tho flrat to grasp
his hand.
'Well, Dr. Fraker, how do you do?"
ho said with emphasis. The doctor
answered In a scarcely audiblo voice:
"How aro you, Jimmy?"
Judgo A. II. Dooley of Excelsior
Springs was tho next to speak to him
and ho was recognized, too, by tho
doctor. Melvin L. Zenor, tho manager
of tho Hartford Llfo and Annuity com
pany, which hud paid S15.000 for
Frukor'.s "death," spoko to tho doctor
but 'was not remembered by him.
K. L. Moore, manager of Tho EIuib
hotel at Excelsior Springs, Attornoy
D. J. Halt, J. P. Davis, president of
the Kansas Mutual Llfo association,
the company which ran him down, and
United htatcs Marshal Jo O. Sliolby
wero among others who crowded
around tho doctor nnd spoke to him.
He was hurriedly driven to tho sher
iff's office. As ho sat with nervous
hands clutching the hat on his crossed
knees, ho wns beset, browbeaten, vol
leyed with questions. Every dotcctivo
nnd lawyer aud newspaper reporter in
tho room took a hand nt It Ho an
swered all questions with tho samo nlr
of meekness and weariness which has
characterized him since his arrest. Ho
had said often that ho was tired and
worn out from hiding out from tho
men who wero hunting him. Ho said
ho wns glad tho thing was over. Ho
did not appear glad, but ho did look
Before Fraker was taken away a re
porter talked with him.
"I notice." he said, "that a great
many people scorn to bellcvo thero was
a conspiracy with several porsons In It
Now this is not true. When 1 went on
that fishing excursion I was preparing
to take a trip to California to bring
back my nephews. I had collected
borne outstanding debts and had 5540
in my pockets when I felt in tho river.
When I got out of tho water half a
mile below whoro tho accident oc
curred, my clothing was covered with
mud and I wns wet to tho skin. 1 first
thought of going back to tho camp,
but 1 did not want to return to tho
Springs in such a plight, so I stayed in
tho brush ull that night nnd the next
day and caught a freight train for
Kansas City the next night."
Dr. Fraker was placed in coll No. 4
on tho south side, third lloor, of tho
county jail. From tho time of his ar
rival until lato In tho evening tho jail
was besieged with pooplo who wished
to see hiin. Probably 0Q wero admit
ted to see him, but very few succeeded
.I. 1 1 nujjir. lin.lit-.i..imm;ttion and
fewer secured nny Information from
him Dr. Fraker was tired arid slept
fairly well last uight, though after
enjoying tho freedom of tho Northern
woods to long, confinement in u cloiO
jail was most disagreeable.
About 10 o'clock Frnlcer induced cno
of the other prisoners to shavo off his
Lurubidcs. Tho amateur barber did
a butcher's job before an uudienco
that would have delighted tho pro
prietor of a muboum. Whon ho had
finished Fraker's face was bleoding,
but fairly smooth, with no beard left
except his mustache, which is light
and thin and not very long. The
presence of tho crowd disgubted him
aud ho would sit reading newspapers
nnd pay no attention to tho remarks
and questions of his visitors.
Fraker was taken to Richmond, Mo.,
on the 5 o'clock Chicago, Milwaukee
nnd St. Paul train this afternoon,
Sheriff J. R. llolman of Ray county
nnd City Murahal Bycra of Richmond
having come nfter him.
Attorneys Haff and Van Valkenburg
say there Is no chance that Dr. Frakcr
will escape conviction in tho circuit
court of Ray county, where hu will bo
tried on five counts of attempt ng to
cheat the Insurance companies. The
information lodged by Mr. Van Valk
enburg in Hay county against Dr. Fra
ker, aud on which tho warrant for his
arrest wus issued, chargos him with
violating section 38'Jti of tho statutes
of Missouri. This statute makes it a
felony, punishable with seven years
in tho penitentiary, for a person to at
tempt to obtain money from nny other
person by means of a cheat or fraud or
false pretense, or trick of any kind.
"You will notice," said Mr, Haff,
"that to violato tills statuto it is not
necessary for a person to obtain tho
money by fraud; tho simple attempt to
obtain it is a violation of law. The
statement is made in some quarters
that because Fraker did not obtain
any of tho insurance money, and did
not beck to obtain any of it, his will
having left it to his relatives, ho can
not ho convicted under this statuto.
All supremo court decisions on this
point hold that it is not essential that
the person h'mself should actu
ally recolve tho money. It is suffi
cient for conviction if it bo delivered
in nccordanco with his wish, or for his
ndvantnge, or for the purpose of effect
ing some object or Ms.
Other lawyers who wero asked about
tho possibility of conviction in Fraker's
case said tho btatutcs covering at
tempts to defraud were' vory broad
and would undoubtedly cover the case
of Fj nicer.
souuTiiixo atiout oi:onon if Ann v
Although Attorney Ilordek has per
sisted in his refusal to saywlicther or
not It was Georgo Harry who gavo him
the information that led to Frakor's
arrobt, Frakor says to-day that ho is
positive that Harry was the mau.
"How about vour boy at tho shanty
where you lived?"
"Ho never hoard of mo as Frakcr
and did not know anything about my
history. That is Fin possible. His
name wus Fred Spnngstead and he
couldn't possibly have known any
thing to toll about ma He thought
my name was Schnell."
The fact that It was shortly nfter an
exchange of letters between himself
and Harry that Herrlek got his first
Inclination, of Fraker's whereabouts
moved to Minnesota, nnd not long of
terwards Harry disappeared. Simul
taneously a svoro was robbed in Ra
ton, N. M , whoro Hurry's mistress
is said to live, nnd simultaneously,
too, Mr. Horrlck's friend dropped out
of sight. Harry knew tho nnmo nnd
address of tho only man In Wlscon;
sin who know Frakor's address. Fra
kcr thinks Hirry wroto to this man
for his address and that ns ho knew
of tho previous correspondence bo
tweon tho two tho young man gnvo it
If Harry committed tho robbery with
which ho is charged thero was a mo
tive, for him to keen his whereabouts
secret Whon ho uis arrested twe
woeits ago thero wns no longer any
reason for him to keep himself hid.
but ho needed money nnd thero was no
easier way of fretting It than by giv
ing up Fraker and securing the re
ward previously promised, probably
more monoy than Harry had ever be
fore scon in his life.
Harry was ono of tho men who was
with Fraker on tho night of tho nl
leged drowning. Ho was tho chlof
witness for tho Frakor heirs. Ho tes
tified that ho saw tho doctor fall in
and drown. Ho may bo n witness
ugalnst Frakcr at his trial In Ray
county, though his formor testimony
might impeach his evidence now. It
has developed recently that lio
has been a professional thlof for
years aud that as long ngo
ns 1&75 ho wns a friend of Dr.
Fraker. In thnt year Attornoy James
Gamer wns prosecuting attornoy of
Ray county. Tho James gang was
looting banks all over Western Mis
souri nnd bank officials wero uneasy
and in Richmond, Ray county, all sus
picious strangers wero arrested nnd
hold Until thoy could glvo somo honest
excuso for being in town. Among tho
suspicious ones arrested in Richmond
wns Goorgo Harry and ho was hold till
officers from Texas came and took him
to Texas on a charge of horso stealing.
Dytiamlto Ilallnons I'rrparrd for Culmti
JUmroiiD, Conn,. Sept. (5. Samuel
Andrews, a machinist of this city,
claims to havo perfected a wnr balloon
which ho has sold to a syndicate of
Now York Cubans foruso In aid of the
Cuban insurgents It has been testod
, In tho field nriil is said to work per
fectly. "" l
Instead of tho ordinary car fixed
with nn armored box from which a
j number of bombs can bo suspended
J tho bombs nro Ignited and rolonsed by
uiiiuuiuuii luuvmuury 111 uiu uox uitu
after all aro discharged, tho box ox
plodis, destroying tho balloon. An
drows claims to havo a device by which
no can control tno direction of tho
Nkw Yonrc, Sept. 5. Advices from
Santiago do Cuba aro that Dr. Donald
Dodge! alias Frank M. Boyle, who
says h is a correspondent of a Now
Yoik reaper and who sailed from
Nassau, by tho Ward lino steamer
Niagara was arrested by tho
Spaniards upon his arrival in Santingo
de Cuba' nnd confined, chnrged with
being aa emissary of tho Cuban junta
in llew York on his way to Muceo's
robtl camp. Despite tho Spanish mil
itary governor's expressed purposo to
havejDodgo court martlaled and shot
asaispy, consul Llyntt, alter several
lonjj!jnterlcwswlth the civil governor,
lucccedtU in bavins tho case trans
ferred to tho ordinary courts.
Deposits Mado to Offset Anticipated
Withdrawals of Clohl.
New Youk, Sept. 0. It was quito
evident yesterday that the Morgan
Belmont bond syndicate expected an
other large drain on tho sub-treasury
this week. At tho opening of business
it was announced that tho Farmers'
Loan and Trust company hud depos
ited $0,000,000 in tho suo-troasury. No
explanation of tho deposit wns made,
but it was gene. ally known that it
was for tho account of tho bond syndl
cnto and tho belief was confirmed
later by Washington advices.
This Is tho second financial institu
tion to como to tho aid of the syndi
cate. Tho first was tho American Ex
change National bank, which deposited
JfSOO.oOO about a week ago. At that
time it was said that a number of na
tional banks and financial institutions
which had been members of tho bond
syndicate had agreed to aid Messrs.
Morgan & Belmont in their efforts to
keep to the spirit of tho contract with
the government to maintain tho gold
reservo against exports in every way
in their power.
Medico-Legal Congress.
New York, Sept 5. Tho Med lea
Legal congress which convened in
this city to-day, has attracted a great
number of leading scientists, lawyers
and physicians, not only from this
country, but from Europe. Tho ses
sions of the congress will bo held In
the United States court iu tho post
offico building. It will continue until
tho night of September C, when a ban
quet will be tendered tho visitors at
tho rooms of tho Press club by tho
Medico-Legal society of Now York.
For a Hunker's National Association
New York. Sept, 5. At a meeting
of tho Now York State Banker's asso
ciation, resolutions wero adopted de
claring In fnvor of a national associa
tion made up of delegates from state
associations and a committee was ap
pointed to urrango for a national
Women .Slay Uo Armed.
Lexixotox, Ky., Sept C. In nn edi
torial in his paper II. II. Gratz of the
Kentucky Gazette, bays that the next
legislature will bo asked to repeal the
law prohibiting tho carrying of con
cealed deadly weapons so fur as
women aro concerned. He declares
that it is necesbary for women to go
armed to protect thcmsolvos from
negro assailants.
An Illinois Leader Dies In Kansas.
Blue Rapids, Kan., Sept. 6. Jamti
0. Strong, ex-stato senator of Illinois,
died this morning, aged 50. II located
in D wight, 111., in 1850, nnd was di
rector, secretary and treasurer of tho
Plymouth, Kankakeu and Pacific rail
rad, and identified with tho Kankakeo
River Improvement company. In Jd70
ho introduced the first bill for the ap
pointment of a board of railroad com
missioners in Illinois.
mnding of mtxm.
'Ito Tells All Ahnut Ills Insurant Rwlnd-
llriR Denies that lie expected 830,000
From Ills Heirs Talks Very 1'reelr
About Ills Movements Since Ids Mys
terious Illsappraranro Distribution of
Money Unjoined.
Fraker Was Ilntrnyed.
St. .Tosnnt, Mo., Sept. 4. A reporter
met. Dr. Frakor, tho insurance swin
dler captured Sunday In tho woods of
Northern Minnesota, aud his enptora,
Attorney Robort Horrlck and Chlof of
Polico Wllkerson of Topokn, at Tal
nmgo, Iowa, on tho Chicago Great
Wcstorn railway at 9 o'clock this
morning, Botwoon Tnlmagc and St.
Joopli, which was reached at 1:50
o'clock this afternoon, tho reporter
talkod with Frakor and tho others and
obtaiucd tho complete story of tho
chnho and capture, now published for
tho first time.
Speaking of tho capturo, Mr. Hor
rlck said: "Wllkerson deserves great
credit for his part of tho work. For
myself, I nm iho company's lawyer,
and it is my duty to protect tho com
pany from any Injustice through tho
courts. Of course, I shall got a good
foe for this work and Wllkerson will
got enough to justify him in making
tno trip, inoro is no stated reward
out All offers of reward havo boon
"Tho other clues havo genornlly been
fakes and we did not got Fraker until
we found somo ono who know him and
knew whore to got him. It Is useless
to ask who that person is, because I
shall never toll."
Tho man under nrrost Is Dr. G. W.
Fruiter, by his own confession and by
the positlvo Idon (lcntlon of Judge M.
W. bull Ivan of Excolsior Springs.
Any stranger who had never seen
him boforc, but had seen his picture,
would bo struck with tho resemblance
to tho pictures, though he now wears
short bnrnsldes with a short mus
tache, a mixturo of red and yellow.
Ills trousers aro patched, his brown
wool shirt bhows uvldenccs of wenr
Hint his slouched hat has seen long and
rough service. In short, ho looks very
much a hermit, who hud lived a long
time In tho woods.
When asked to toll tho Rtory of Ills
wanderings, Dr. Frakorsaid thero was
not much to toll.
"I did fall Into tho river tho night
we worofUhlng," ho bald, "and camo
vory near boing drowned. However,
there was driftwood lloatlng in tho
btreuin and I caught u log and floated
down the river for a considerable dis
tance. Finally I found a plnco whoro
I could touch bottom nnd waded out
on. the land. I laid thero all that night
and all tho next day."
Wli en reminded that tho current at
tho point where ho disappeared formed
a whirlpool wheto tho host of swim
mers would Juot think of venturing,
ho said ho know It wns a terribly dan
gerous plaeo and considered his es
capo fiom drowning n miracle-
No amount of questioning or argu
ment could mako him change this part
oi ino story m tno least
don't Imow jost whon it was," ho 1
nued, "that I loft tho river, but
gled. my hat lost my hair full ot bundrjwcnfugninsT "3nim55 "nSTAndolnfaxaa"!-
I as in no condition to go bnck to
thu Springs, und accordingly I camo
ta Kun n City. I hnd fat incrly stopped
at first-class hotels, but this time, be
cause of my appearanco,Id!d not want
to go to ono of them, and so went to a
rooming house on Grand avenue south
of Fifth street, almost diagonally across
from the Ccntropolls. I stayed thero
fo,tr days. On tho second day I went
to Twolfth street near Walnut street,
nn.l bought a razor, and then I shaved
off all my beard, nnd if anyone in
Kniibas City who knew mo had seen mo
on tho strcots he did not recognize me.
1 At tho rooming housono ono asked
my name, and I did npt volunteer to
tell it. Then I went to Chicago.
While there I think I saw Dr. I. N.
LoieofSt. Louis, but lie wns talking
to &omc ladies nnd I did not approach
him. From Chlcugo I went to Milwau
kee and btuyed most of the fall of that
year. By that thnu tho name of Fra
Iccr had been too mdcji advertised, and
I Udd a roommato that 1 was from
Denver and thnt my name- was William
Schnell, I went by tho nnmo of
Schnell from that time on."
"How about your being called
Quick?" was asked.
"You don't understand German,
then?" ho replied. "Schnell is tho
German for Quick, nnd a few peoplq
used tho English word for It, that Is
"I lived In Wibconsin nnd Minne
sota evor blncc."
"Wero you In tho timber or tho
"1 btayed most of tho tlmo in towns.
Thoro aro no big towns outside of Mil
waukee in that country. I went from
ono plnco to another. No, I won't toll
ypu what towns we visited. You must
excuse mo now."
"Why did you conceal your ident
"I didn't."
"Yes, but the assumed name and tho
fact that you kept out of sight when
the companies wore looking for you
proves the contrary,''
"Well, I had not decided to stay
away until the papers said all kinds of
things about me. Then I knew I was
in dl-.gr.ieo and could not make a. liv
ing if I camo back. It was you news
paper biys whogot mo into it."
Thon after u long pause ho said;
"No, It was my own fault and no ono
ehe'ii. I have wnnted to came back a
thousand timob. and came near com
iiif, but tho dUgiaeo and what peoplo
wero baying about mo kopt mo from
doing tu Tliib living death is horrible
and I mn flail now 1 am going back."
"It wus telegraphed from Duluth
that you expected a share of tho iu
suranuo monoy."
"That was not true. It was all to
go to my hair."
"Were vou not planning to buy
some land with springs aud spend
S-'0,ooo making a resort of it?"
"The way that came to be told was
that 1 said the bprlngs had good medi
cinal qualities nud it would tuko 820,
to fix thorn up right, I never said I
hud that much money, or would de
velop the springs. I stayed in tho
woods in that part of tho country for
4lA Infct kIv mntittib tn rrnt tl,n ViAnnflfr.
I of tho springs, because my health has
bjeu bad, I have bqen gjcjc nearly
throb years now nnd nothing did, m"
any good until I reached thosa
springs "
Dr. Frakcr carefully avoided answer
ing qucstlors intended to roveal his;
means of subsistence. Finally, when
tho question, "Who gavo you away to
tho insuranco companies and furnished
the Information that led to your
arrest?" was bluntly asked, tho doc
tor started suddenly and naidi "I
think It was Of or go Harry, ono of tho
men who wont fishing with mo, I
wroto him from Wisconsin last win
ter. Ho was In New Moxico thon. Ho
answered my letter nnd I wroto again,
but never heard from him."
"In my second iottor t told him
about a young man, wIioko panio I
won't mention, who was vary klinl to
to mo when I wnn nick. I told him
the young man's uama and I think ho
wroto to hlin and gat my address after
I moved Into Minnesota. I nm
satisfied thnt Horry gave mo away.
Ho Is In Now Moxico now under ar
rest. Ho was arrested at Moborly two
wcoks ago for burglary. I don't know
of any ono olso who had tho means of
knowing just whoro I was, who wonld
glvo mo away."
Dr. Frakcr denies that ho has seen
Johnnlo Edmunds, his former ofllco
boy, since ho loft home. Ho also says
ho known nothing of Monendcz, tho
Spaniard, who was fishing with him.
He says ho has not seen a Kansas City
paper or any of his Kansas
City acquaintances slnco ho wont away
more than two years ago. IIo went
smooth shaven most of tho tiros, but
grow a beard In Minnesota because of
tha mosquiton. Ho says his laaln ob
jection to coming back is that his prl
vato history has all boen rakol up and
Bcattcrod broadcast by tno nowspapcra
Iho Governor Confers With lllmul Com
mitteemen for Four Stales.
St, Louis, Mo., Sept 4. Governor
Stono, who hnd a conference last night
with ox-Congressman R. P. Bland on
tho silver question, said to-day: "Wo
merely talked over In nn informal way
tha work of organization of tho
friends of silver In nccordanco with
tho genornl plan adopted by tho
recent conferenco nt Washington.
At that conferenco I was appointed a
member of the provisional committee,
with instructions to confer With tho
lending free Bllvor Democrats in Mis
souri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa
witli regard to tho solection of a com
mitteeman in each of thoso filatcs to
tako executlvo charge of tho work. I
havo opened oorrespondouco in pur
suanco of that idea and as soon as tho
free silver Domocrats in tiie states
named indicate to ma tho men for tho
work I lll report tho names to chair
man Harris of tho national committee,
who, I supposo will issue a cull for
another mooting of tho f riontls of sil
ver in order to perfect the organiza
tion of tho silver forces In tho Demo
cratic party for an cggrcsslvo cam
paign." The Ucfmndcd Insuranco Companies Fro
coed to Tin Dp Homo of tho Money.
Kansas Citv, Mo., Sept. d, -At 10
o'clock this forenoon Judgo Foster',
Judgo Sandusky, Judgo Fowler, At
torney Claude Hardwick of Liberty,
Attornoy Halt and J. P. Davis ol Toi
teka were in tho office of tho clerk of
tho United States circuit court Mr.
Huff filed five bu Its by five of tho dot
.frnmlml InRiirntifO finmnnnlnt. Tlutv
utor of tho Frakcr estate,
Georgo W.
Mogruder, trustee for tho Frakcr or
phans, W. 77. Fowler, judge of the
probato court at Liberty, Nancy J,
Magrudor and Cynthia A. Hatfield,
sisters of Dr. Frakor, and tho Commer
cial Savings bank of Liberty.
The court Is asked to sot asido tha
judgment which was rendered in favor
of tha Fraker heirs, and thnt Lincoln
and Magruder bo ordered to pay back
tho judgment money, with principal'
und interest, and that Judgo Lincoln
nnd tho other defendants bo enjoined
from paying out any of tho monoy.
The court mudo tho order as asked for
without objection.
Two Moro Victims for Holmes.
Dkmvi'-Hi Col., Sept 4. .7. W, Hum
mel of Sandwich, 111,, has written a
friend In this city suggesting tho pos
sibility that F. J. Gregory aud Ills
0-year-old daughter, Dee, who dlsap-
S eared from their homo in Kearney,
ob., March 0, 1891, may havo been a
victim of II. II. Holmes. Gregory
hnd Sl'1,000 in his possession when ho
loft homo. He formerly worked at
Noldredgo, Neb., for J. W. Burnett, a
real estate deuler in this city. Thero
is no evidence that Gregory over had
any bubincss, relations with Holmes.
ISlg Clothiers Assign.
Louisville, Ky Sept 4. -Henry II.
Wolfo & Co., ono of tho largest whole
sale clothing firms in the South, filed
a deed of assignment in tho county
clerk's office yesterday. The urm owea
about S2u0,000 aud has assets which
thoy believe will equal if not exceed
that sum.
Hunk Notes Hot Iloycottea.
Wasiunotox, Sept. 4. Tha boycott
declared by the Knights of Labor
i somo time ago on national bank notes
uecamo citecuvo yestcruay, nut tno
bank notes nro ns eagerly accepted to
day as they ever wore. John V.
Hayes, secretary of tho Knights of
Labor, soys ho cannot tell how long it
will tako tho boycott to begin to show
its effect, but thinks that in tho course
of sixty dayV bunk notes will begin to
be turned down by u great many peo
ple. ,
The Ijiddonli Hunk Reopened.
Mkxico, Mo., Sept. 4. Tho Farmers
bank at Laddonla is again open rnd
ready for business. The attorney gen
eral, bank o.'.amlner and receiver nud
attorneys met hero yesterday and tho
matter wn-- settled. The directorj ot
tho bank havo fully compiled with tho
For Venmlo HufTrace.
Trbtot, N. J., Sept. 4 Tho gub
ernatorial btite convention of the
People's party of Now Jersoy was
held in this city. V. B. Ellis ot
Trenton, was nominated for governor
niter several others had declined tho
honor. The Omaha platform wns ro
nfllrmod nnd n resolution passed favor
ing woman tuffrnge.
The Duko d'Arcos, Spanish minister
to Mexico, nnd Miss Virginia Wood
bury Lowery ot Washington wet
married at New London. Conn.