Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 13, 1895, Image 10

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    -- XtXUVtAi
i'Bivt!AH.A-J: -JFttw-uW it;
The HemiH Aford Herald.
r. Ri.BM2
Mt'rtsorttrrios iutks:
t, HuKitflsforrtJtai
Sr. YK1.U, ,.
"KblWwd ry Vrulei
1U1 tMnnty, W'lirwd. .
" FiTlPAXTs iirrTia, 1R96.
... . - - ;s,t. isrs
Democratic State Ticket.
T. J. MMIONKY, of Qmahe.
1-nr rngMrt. .'
vr. e ahiiits, of iciMroth.
J.ll AME8,rfI4uln.
Democratic Judicial Conven
tion. Tho Democrat of tho lGtli Judicial
district art? lltep'eCfcfully requested to
meet in 'delegato convention at
chadkon, nan., oV. 10, 1805,
for tho purposo of placing In nomina
tion two candidates Tor , District
Judge for said district, nnd mich oth
er business as may properly conio be
fore raid; convention., Tho various
counties' will bo entitled to nn oqUnl
number of delegates aa wore elected
to the state con rontlon.
... F. M. BROOME,
ZZTT" ' Ta . T ii!)iji'i i' - j1r'''i "rm ' ' ' " '
turtnilted to nroside ovrn root
Finah-Proof Notices.
Democratic County Convention,
' Tho democrat lu Hie various pre
cincts 0t Ilox Butto County, .Nebras
ka, are requested to solcct delcgetcsJ
s to attend a county convention to bo
jnddut the court house In Hemingford
'Nebraska, on September 21, 1805, at
1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of
' nominating .candidates for county
1 oitlcers to bo olectod ut tlio coming
Kovcinbcr olifctloii, lo-wlt:
. Co. Judge, Sheriff, Olerk.Troaauror,,
Superintendent oC Schools and one
i Commissioner lor the third district.
' Tito several precincts are entitled
to representation hi said convention,
i)8 follows:
"ttJlUVuco - 21 Liberty -'156yd
- .- 2 Nonpareil -
j3b5t Bntfaj ' - r RuMiingwator
Dovspy - - 12 Lake - -Iftiwn
- '- 7 Sniiko
:W ' Tow , - n
Tho Committeemen in tho various
proclngtd will attend to calling oau-
-.clues In their rospontlvo precincts
ut Such tlmo and placo aa may in their
i-jiidgmont seem boat.
It will also be tho duty of this
MnvHiiMfin tn Bolcct u county central
; 'coriiiiiltteo and a chairman thereof for
the.enaulng year,
- SM Smvseh, Chairman.
ioHgniUci.nt convention, represent
ing a iwrty (nntliiig for flic prinei
ploo of Jeifernoh, for thftliborty of
men. timml nud iust taxation, tor
ml Htn jill timt is good nwlognintf all that
!'.','.'.'" '.'...... is bnd.
Tho parly stands for Hit integ
rity, lio said, and osphcinlly for tlio
limiucinl integrity of the govern
ment. It BtmidB for sound jnoiioy,
nud against tho pernicious impolicy
of republicanism, in tnxiug the
poor for tho benefit of the tich. A
man cannot bo a domocrat nnd ho
auything olso.
"An alleged 10 to 1 convention
was hold iti Omaha rocontly," said
Chairman Bibb. Sixtcon to one
-what? Sixteen populist to ono milk
and water democrat. Did you
over heal.' of a democratic party
gotting down on its belly in tho
dust trying to lick upcruuiba from
n populist lunch counter r Dm you
ovor hear of democratic party fear
ing to coll tho roll of its convention,
or searching thostato with a fine
tooth comb in search of a candidal?"
"Nol" yelled a delegato, and
tho convention whooped, shouted
and showed other indications of
going wild.
"Thorois only ono democrntio
party," exclaimed tho speaker.
"And Wro hero," shouted a
dologate. Ohairman Bibb continu
ed to throw hot shot into the ranks
of free silver-domo-pops. Ho re
foirod to tho prodigals who had:
wandered a way. and advised letting
thorn chow husk u littlo- while bo.
foro taking thorn back. That they
would como he illustrated by toll
ing about a farmer chasing a calf
which had ran after a bovino
animal which was not a mother
cow. "Go it, you blamed little
thing," yelled the farmer, weary
with chase; you'll find out tlio dif
ference when suokiug timo coraos."
'This s(pry brought forth n storm
of applause
Ilok. J. W. Vkhk. Jh., Itfwleter.
Hu. 1?. St. Dkoomm. Iteelvw.
n.i. l.i. ..iiu. t. iLu .!..... -.
qiirt(l to rid tl" tome mttstmlt nil rapott u
ihi oWn lor rorwtitm Br 'rroM that mny
"tit. TM will rvut iolblo ilflfiy In
tnuthff pfoof,
Ijuid OiHw.it AUlnnoe. Nb,.
Iokl hrfelnr Kon ttat tho folio
;v ultofl tlint tho followfno;
IimtiM aottl bM fllKl unties of his Iutnt:
-u, rnaltf flnal prwl In mipportpf. his aJalm and
that Hiki nhwi will immrtih ixirara u. A. JJor
fnta IT. H. ('. O. (Nrurul8ion8r, at Cliadron,
of Dntilnp, Neb., who mnde it C no. 3103 for tho
BWKw1, tnWn. Ut 4H vr. f '
lie liamtM tho folltwl vrUnoie'to ptvro his
rotiUnnotiii resiilimm ujKjn ttu (fultitnUonuf
rniil html, vizi Dnvld itfttin of 7)tinlai, 1Kb.,
Artlinr M. llnrttett of Uhndron. Kh., Jinno
Dlcktrsun, Charles xarlor, UunUp, noIj. A1h
of Dtmki. Kcb.. who made it e Ho. 1W0 for thn
tt H B U nl 8 N KH two 98, tp 30 n, r 48 vr.
lie niim! the foUowiiut -tt-ltneeWH u prova hln
conUnuotiB twiHlMioo tipon aud cpltlrntton ut
Kild land, vist William Curry, of Dtinlap. fieU.
Artlinr M. liftttlcU, of Cliadron, Nob., Jameit
nicUereon, Clmrlos Nnylor, of Dohlop.JWb.
J. W. VtuB, Jiu, Uelter.
Land Offlcf at Alliance, Neb.. Sunt, i, 1805.
Notice la hwoby tvcu that the follow!
Ml J
named Mttlor liai filed mvtioeof hi intention To
make final proof In tmppurt of Me claim ami
timt witil nroof will bo mn'lc beHoro Ileirlnter
nniUtcoolvWatAUtnnoe, XJeb., on OotoWirlC,
1IU9, Tlz:
' JOHNiniOH,
of Lawn, Neb., tvho made 11. E. so. S8B9 forUir
S M NE U and N BE i of mo S.tpSH u.Tflit w.
names tlio following wiliiMfttw to prnrontn
41 tiWI nil . .--.! . Mk j . -... . .
ISTotia To Qroclitor
StatA ft Mebrnekn, t rt
In tlm maltr at tho BsU of JnoMw MoCnl
lovgh di oaaMNl.
Notlco is herafty givoa that tho rrffdltnra of eai)
iWavHwl xHll mtt tte Admlnl-trator of iu
BMRt lif for nrn Comity Jcl of Uox Ilntt Co
Stnnaka, at tb Ciror.ty t'oiirt Kuom, in Hfm
iwrioru. in Mia ontty. ntMMi tay of Hejii.
and on ilatHi tlav of riruarY 1HOH. at 10
Mkn.ni. (mrii dav for llirn'ro'wof nmmt.
liW tlirir eJaliai, for uxatnltmtlim, ndjnatment
Kud allowance. Ulx montlin nr b11o'a1 for the
vralitors to ptwHBit thlr v'Uni and on ywir
for tho Adtntnlittrator t wttl laid JBstate from
I Hi
ford TltifeittO for font vroe.l
1J i
tlieaith day of Anirmt
tv of Anfiwrt lSJKi
notfoe will l imbHahPd In Uio Hemtnc
Stattto tor fotrr woka auewftsivaly urior
tt) th 3ith day of Pt. A. D, 1.
Wito! nyitR'il ntntw andUtaalof
tald County Court,, thin kith day of Aagittst, a. d.
IbM. D. K. HfAOCT, ,
8eaL) t'oanly Jadgo.
"Wail 'M Bfjn ILWlUrPtW WtlHfflW)mWl.-5
25:. SB.- gkes:s:e:i:f
shelf I Heaw Hardware,
continubtiR restflonqo npon and culUvntion of
Maid land, viz: Itpiiktnin L M(Miro. of Mnrn
laud, Nob , lioo llrandle, l.ouls Larson, John
a, ou.
J. W. WtsttK. Jb., Hpgiatw.
The republican oloclors of tho
Fifteenth judicial district of tho
stato.of Nebraska aro horcby re
quested to elect and sond delegates
from their resncctivo counties to
meet in convention at Valentine,
Nob.. Soptombor 17, 1895, at two
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
placing in nomination two candi-
uatcs ror liuiKes or vno uisinut
, asaixiooratio Oavio usoa
Tho democratic votors of Box court of said judicial district, and
T.wf.,..vrt;rti.l..-ivfill1iokL. a nn- to transact such other business as
nmvy at tho Collins school house
: Wednesday, Hopt 14, ltfUo, nt 7
p. m., sharp, to elect flvo dole
" gates to nttond tho county con
vention ubo hold at Hemiagford
Bept. 21, 1805, at 1 o'clock p. m.
P. H. Zoble, Committeeman.
Ijvnd Offic. at AlHnnc-e, Nob., Bopt. ft. 1M.
Nottro is hen'by iven that fiho followini;
nnraed ottl?i has filed notice of hlsinUnition to
mnktltnal proof in anpport of iiln cjaim nnd
Uint euid piouf will bt uittUulwrore It-x'iHK nhfl
Itocoivur nt Alliance, Neb., ou Oct. 17, lfcUJ, Vli:
of Mnrslnnd, Nob., who made u. E. No. 17(51 for
tlio H U fo 16, tp , tft fii w.
Ho names tho following wltno" to. pravo
his continnoiiB rcsidHoce upon nnd cultivation
of Sttidlund, viz; Jliigli II. Jones. Perry Krlk
wn, of Marsland, Neb., Francielfia .Kratorhvei,
Henry Shimeic, of Lawn, Kob. . Aluo
formerly Frfincinlc.i Skoda, of Lawn. Nnb..fwho
mado h. r. ko. 2915 for the N K eo 35, tp at,
U0 nnmoK tlio toiiowinR witnesRes ro prove
iior coatlnuoaH reHldenco upon nnd cultivation
of said land, viz: WiUard M. Evans, Mar
lnud, nbIi. uonry 1 himelc, of lawn, Kob., Hugh
li. Jonew, l'orry srikeiou.of Marsland, Neb.
of Lawn, Neb , who made n. E. so. lTlt for tho
B W H. we -8. tp S8. r 51 w.
He names tlio following wltnofiea to .priivn
hr nontinnona reniilenoe upon and cnluvtmon
of eaidlapd, viz: Wlllard M. Evuns, itaijh lb
Jonex, of Jtartdand. Nob., rancinka Krato)h
vel, l'orry Krikson, of .Mnrnland, Neb.
J. W. Winat. Jr., UntistCT,
Burlington Route
August 10th to alth., IhirlinRton
Route agents in Kobraska and Kan
sas will sell round trip tickots to Bos
ton at tho ono way rate. Return
limit Oct. loth. .
Tho train to take: Tho" Kniyht
Temnlnr ' Official Train, having ou
board Grand Commander Fiuch and
Escort will leave Omaha
Via the liurllngton Itoutc
at 4:16 p. m.. Thursday Aug. 22ml,
alter arrival of all trains from the'
west. Through to Uostou Without
Change. Seven hours stopover at
j?Iagura Falls. Tickets nnd aloophu,'
car reservations on appllcotion to any
agent of this or ndy connecting lino.
Sond for ,f roe foldor giving full in
formation. J. FttAKCtS,
G. P. &, T. A., Omaha, Nob.
This Card is to (Benefli Cash (Buyers.
100 J 100 10Q
(Don't Lose It.
20 125
20 J 25
20 j 25
20J 25
20 25"
20 25
20 25
20 J25
20 25
100-1 100 I 100 I 100 I 50 1 50"
H. R. GREEN, Hardware.
Read What This Card
When you pay Cash, let the Clerk punch out
tho amount; and whou yoxi have paid us
TwiSNir Dollaks in cash, will givo you
One (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge,
teg-On all Roods except Barb wire and-Ilnrnnw by tho st.
50 1 50 I 50 j
50 1 50 j 5b I 50 1 50
15 I 10
15 1 io
10 I 5
10 Iff
We will not be undersold. Always bring this Card withyoit.
R. A. Blackburn, M. D. ,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over Wlldy'e storo.
5hay,camo"liof0rotho convention..
The basis ot ropresontaUon will
be the same as at tlio state conven
tion and is as follows:
aro good clean;. man
nominations could
Ashby and Amos
No butter
hayo been
Some of tho republican dictators
in this county are oiling the niachn
ino? . But how much good will xt
do? .': ' --
IP MrJ Coxoy, of Ohio, is do-
p. ;itcd lor governor tins 11U1, no
ill remove to Oklahoma and
1111 for Congress next year. Tho
pops are groat people, - anything
for office. -
Box Butto
Brown -Cherry
Dawes -Holt
'J, A.
ICeya Paha
Rook - -Sheridan
Total - - 07
Load Olficont AUIatire, Nebr., Aocnut 28, lhS5.
Notice is hereby given Uiat tho follawltift
nnraed etthr haa filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support nt bin olaim, and
that said proof will bo madobnf ore J. E. Ilrov.ii,
U. S. t'. C. ComndsHloncr at Hay Sprlna, Neb.,
on Oct; 7, 1805, vis:
of Dnnlap, Nell., who made n E No. HH7 for tt-
w H 8 e M,, b w ii N fi M, & M 2 !4 b w H eo y2 tp
80 n, tk 47 w.
llocameti tho follovrioiz witneews to proo
his coutlnuotiHruAidoneo upon and cultivation
of midland, vin: t'hu'!"R Olson. Erriek Hur
ilostrum, EliHlRuel, VfuKutiuetioddard, all of
Duulap, Neb. Also
of Dnnlap. Nob., who made it n so. !HW for tho
B !4 k w ii sec ft, h Ji fi K seo e, tp a) n, rK 47 v.-.
Ilo names the following witneo to prove his
contlnnons reidonro upon and cultivation of
mid InniL -vit: flnlirif.1 tiilmmin. Kprlck Kni'-
destmru, 1SH SlsnPl, Valentino Ooddard, all of
Dnnlnp, Nob, J. W. Wkhn, Jh., llojjinior.
Land Offiro nt Allfnuc", Neb., Auff. J'.', XK.
Notion is borsby civen that the followlot; nam
ed settler has bled notico of bin intention to
ni.iko Una1 nroof in snnnort of Iiih claim, and
that eahi proof wili bo raado U'foro J. E. lSrmvn
U. H. Court nommlBoiunur.at Hey Springs, Keb.
on Sept. 23, lb5, viz:
of Dnnlap, Nob., who ir.ado u. E. No. S017for
the B W M sco li, tp 29 u, r 47.
Ho names tho followuiu witnessos to provo
his continuous rethleuce upon and cnltlratioh
of said land, viz: Valentino H. Qoddard, ()3car
1'. CTosswait, Charles Olson, of Dunlap, Neb.,
j . liomo jjoison, or .iiirage, nvo. Also
of Dtinlap, Neb., who mado n. E. No. 3274 for
tbo 8 W ix soo 8, tp 20 n, rtf 17 w.
He names the following witnenses to prove his
continnous rcsidnnoo upon and cultivation of
said land, via: Samuel Terrell, Oscar 1". Ctohr
wait, of llunlap. Neb., J Nobla notion. o Mi
rngo. Neb., Charlea Olson, or Dunlap, Nelv
J. W. WBiiN, Jb HeglBlfer.
Tho Herald nnd the Omaha
semi-weekly "World-Herald both
one year for 81.75.
J mL1LVllf.AWVM''Q
ftiwitt and Tradc-Marks obtained and all Pat-S
entbnsiacMconducttdfcr Moo crate Fees.
oun ornce is Opposite U, g. PATttJTOrrict!
nndwccanicruro rateatia less umo man iuo
).. . .ah. WuliinnliV.
,rcniuio tivu. iiwiiiuvwH, , ,
Send model, drawing or pnoio., wua ucstajH;
t!on. Wo advise, if patentable or not, iree 01
k.i .. n- r sf Ann till a,pnt UaeenreiL
..! ' Ttnw tn Ohtain Patents." with
fcoTt ofsirnd intho U. S. and foreign cenntriuj
?sent free. Address,
opp. patent orricc, Wabhingtom. D. C
And tho Colobrated.
Hollmgworth and Tiger Hayrakes
THE BUCKEYE Machines which took the cako at tho
AVOBLD'S FAIR cannot bo excolled.
Tho HOLLINGSWORTH and TIGER Hayrakes wore never bcatou ,
Either of those colobrated tools will bo sold AS CHEAP
and CHEAPER than any inferior grades. ,
I also keep ropairs for these and other machines. Can get a uy
repairs desired. The
3est 23In.ci.ei: Trlne
At the lowest living prices. For sale at tho
Hardware and Saddlery House
This Democratic, Stnto Convon
tion at Lincoln Inst Thursday
was ono which every domoorat
in the state is proud of. It scorn
ed like an old-time Jackson
Jefferson convention.
Beautiful; Woman
Atthaots Attention Eveky.wheke.
Gold -;-
X eO.ZlT
jrvivL -.- -H )
Ae Ugly Woman.
, Can Make Betteii Bread "With "
Qolel -Lecif -Floqtf
C. J. Smyth announces that
ho i resign tlio. chnivm unship Carnival.
.. r:n.. Tw-D Tti.An Vrti,n TUCStla
Special Rates and Trains via the
Burlington Route.
Round trip tickets to Omaha at tho
ono way rate, jilusSO cents (for admis
sion coupon to the state fair), will bo
on sala at Burlington Itoutc stations,
September lath to 20th.
Ncbraskans ure assured that tho '05
Stato Fair will be a vast improvement
on its predecessors. Larger- moro
brilliant bettor worth seeing. Evoiy
ono who can do so should spend Stato
Fair week, the whole of it, in Omaha.
Tho outdoor celebrations will bo
particularly attractive, surpassing
anything of tho kind ever before un
taken by any western city. Every
evening, Omaha will uc allamo witn
electric lights and glittering pageants
will parado ihc streets. Tho program
for tho evening ceremonies Is:
Monday, Sept. loth urnnu liicycio
Land Oliico at Alliaiico, Nsb., Aug. 19, J.0.
Notico is hereby ulvcu that tho following
named settlor bat iUmI notico of his intention to
make final proof in support ot his claim, and
that said proof will bo made beforo KcwlnV)r or
llccolvcr ut Allianco, Neb., on Beet. 'JO, l&K, viz:
of Ifrmingford, Nob., who mado- H. E. Ho. 23
I or thd N W U neo 15, tp U0 n, ttt Bl w.
Itonamosuio touowinK wiuipsscs to provo nts
continuous residence npon and cnltivation of
said laud, viz: John Iseutler, William ltoth,
llclmer ltensvold, of Ilemlucford, Neb., John
J. Lutsch, ot Lawn, Nob.
J. W. Weiin, Jn., Ueelstor.
of Billy Bryan's Brigade. Youu
Mr. Bryan is a pretty smooth
fellow but ho has doubtless dis
covered that his . followers aro
deserting him eyovy day and
that lio can't fool nil the people
all the tune.
I.aud Olfioo at Alliance, Nob., Aug. 21, 1805.
Notico is hereby given that tho follovins
tiamed settler has illid notico ot his intention to
inako final proof in support ot his nlaim, and
that said proof will bo mado before lUlnter and
llbooivcr at Alliance, Neb., on Sept. 39, lbo:, viz:
of Hcmtnnford, Neb., who mado n. E. No. 1107
for the NE U seo 20, tp 38 n, rg 30 w.
He naniM thn f oUowinu witheasesto nrovobis
continuous rcwiilenco upon and cultivation of
said land, via: Oeorge Wakefield, (leortro L,
Taylor, George W. l'oiiso, of Hemingford, Nop.,
George W. Wells, of Marsland. Neb,
J. W. Wehn, Jn llesittor.
After Giving it a Trial You will wonder now You Ever Got Along without it.
Goring Courier (Rop):
Tho days of the free silvor fallaoy
have gone glimmering. Even tho
pop state convontiou did not deign
to touch upon the subjeot in its
Democrats of thiB county wore
not represented in the silver stato
convention, but will be in tho reg
ular or administration convention.
A straw is sufftoiont to show hdw
the wind biers,
The' following is an extract
from Hon. R. &. Bibb's telle ut
the democratic state convention.
(Frcwrii tfie State Journal.)
Mr. Bibb wasloaoorted to the
stage and introduced; Ho oxpross
4?tl gratitude for the honor of being
day, Sept. 17U Nebraska's
'Wednesday, Sept. 18th Military
and Civic Parado.
Thursday, Sept. 10th Knights of
Ak-Sar-Uon Farade, to bo followed by
tho ''Feast of Mondamln" Ball.
Round trip tickets to Omaha at tho
rednced rates abovo mentioned, as
well aa full information about tlio
Burlington Route's train service at tho
time of tho Stato Fair, can ho liati on
application to tho noarest B. & M. E.
It, agent
Reduced Rates to Hot Springs, S. U.,
aro offered by tho Burlington Routo,
May 24, Juno 7 and 10, July 3 and 10,
August 2 and 23.
One faro for tho round trip,
Tickets good for 30 days.
In addition, low round trip rates to
Hoi Springs are m offoot tho your
round. .
For information about rates and
trains, via tlio Burlington Routo, to
Hot Springs, apply to tho local agent.
For Illustrated folder, doscriptlvo of
this famous resorts, write to J. Francis
G. F. & T, A., Omaha, Nob.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Anct. 20, ISM.
Notion is hereby ntvim that the following nam
ed HStUor has fihl notice of his Intention to
inako final nroof In sminort of his olaim. and
t hat aid proof will tie mado before HetrUter or
Iteceiver at Alliance, Neb., on Sept. 30, 1S06, viz:
of Hominsford, Neb., who made II. E. No.' 32T3
for the 8 E Vi seo 9, tp 28 n, r 48 w.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and ooltitatiou
of said land, viz: William J. llritton, Thbmas
Ij. Hopkins, Iladnlph E. Alartz, John. Jellnok,
all ot Ileininford, Nob. Also
of Hemincford. Nob., who made H. E. No. 3838
for the 6WUw '-7i tp as n, nt 88 w.
no names tne iomowiuk witnesses to provo
ks9 Lawns, Cashmeres, Underwear
suits and all tho latest novelties in Dross Fabrics, for the coming season, in tweture, finish,
combination and colorings, is as indefinably beautiful as tho varied hues ot ua
.flowers at spring. They
Closest Sox-ULtizrsr
his co'ntinnous residenoa npon and cultivation
ot said land, viz: William J. llritton, Thomas
Ij. nopcius, iuiiioim c, unru. junu joii
, rsou.
all ot nemlufitord,
J. W. Winw, Jb., Krister.
Don't fail to attend tho Stuto
Fair. Only So. 50 for tho round
trip including ouo admission to
tho Fair. Seo ad' on anotho'r
Land Olllceat Allinnco, Neb., Aug. II. 1801.
Notico Is hereby etvon Uiat the fullowtn
named settler has filsd notice of his intention
to make final proof in support ot his claim, and
that mid proof will bo made before ItcKistar
or Ueeelver at Alliance, Neb., on Sept. U3,
1&U3 vizi
ot rtoroa, Neb., who made H. E.No. 19TS for tho
lie namw tlio followin witnesses to prove
hiunintinuous roMtaencu unou ana cniiivhinin
ot bald land, viz: Henry Von Uaren, John
Von llaruen, Erik llasniniieon, Heudiok D.
Vikso. allot llerea, Neb. Also
ot Herra, nab., who made H. K. lio. 3IU tor tho
Lota 1 and 2 and 8 V4 N E U sec 1, tp 35 u, r w
lie names tho following witneefcos to provo
his continuous residence upon and caltiyatlpu
of said land, viz: David Elwrly, D. V. Bberly,
Biland l'alerson Woldan, Erik ltasmnsson.aU
of Hsrea, Neli. Also
ot Bereo, Neb., who mado H, E, No.21Cfl for the
lie names me iuiuwiuk whiiwwm wmu.y
sa.tlsf'r tla.
r" V w . . ., ?t
,-oko tho unqualified praise of all who behold them. Uiircinittont sttuly ot tno pru ..
o, and strict attention tp the most exacting Wants of my pauouubu,
tho estimation of tho refined and tasty, tho
and ev
ing stylo in vogu
makes my store in
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whereat to procuro the daintiest, ,
most stylish, economical, unique
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of IJewfl, Neb. J. V. WicUJf, Jn., EesUUjr.
Groceries at Lowest Prices.
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