Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 06, 1895, Image 7

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Heport or Mil Collet of the KnKlltti
Hoard of Trade Overthrow l'revatl
Ins Opinion She Find that In Ten
Tear Men limit Increased.
Miss Collet, the la
bor correspondent
of tho English
Board ot Trail o, on
the employment of
women Is one of nn
exceedingly lntcr
stlng character,
Inasmuch as It
throws much light
on the present con
dition and prospects of women em
ployed In labor, and overthrows by the
most competent of all arguments, that
of facts, many of the prevalent opinions
regarding the position of Industrial
women as compared with that of men.
The common opinion that women are
becoming the competitors of men In all
branches of Industry, and that what has
been termed the "profession of mar
riage" Is less followed than formerly,
1b fallacious. Tho census returns prove
that a larger number of women are not
entering Into employment which com
pete with those of men. Practically
there Is no change whatever In tho
number of women employed In Indus
trial pursuits, If we except the elderly
married women who have been em
ployed In what may be termed casual
work. Marriage has been the chief oc
cupation of the women of England. It
is quite true that there Is a considerable
Increase In the number of girls em
ployed In many of the trades connected
with the manufacture of clothing, such
as tailoring, dressmaking, and even
boot and shoe making, and in the tex
tile manufactures, but this increase is
not greater than that of the number of
boys who are employed, so that It Is
due more to the increase of population
than to the displacement of men by the
labor of women. In the census returns
for 1881, out of every 100 women above
10 years of age no less than thirty-four
and a minute fraction were engaged in
Industrial work. In the census of 1891
there was a slight Increase, but not
enough to raise the number of women
engaged to thirty-five in a hundred,
and In the older women there was even
a decrease. In one class of industrial
women it will not surprise our readers
to hear there was a very marked de
crease namely: ,in the number of do
mestic servants, young unmarried girls
preferring in many Instances the harder
labor but greater amount of leisure
time In factories to a life of domestic
servitude. It Is said, again, that women
have In many Instances , superseded
men as clerksj This Is undoubtedly In
some teases true. The increase In fe
male clerks has been nine In every
10,000 that Is to say, less ftian one
clerk per thousand, but amongst men
engaged as clerks the Increase has been
more than three times as numerous.
Women have been taken oji Into the
telegraph service in increased numbers,
but even here the increase has been
only half that recorded In the case of
It will be seen that these facts are
entirely opposed to the very prevalent
notion that women are superseding men
in a large number of employments. It
may be asked, then, how did this cry
arise? Miss Collet's explana.tlou of
this general opinion Is that it arises
from those women in the middle class
who are weary of the petty details of
dally life, and who have no actual oc
cupation, who are dissatisfied with
their household duties and desire to
bo professionally engaged. We nil
know of this class of woman, who has
received no special education, who
really can do nothing, but is ready to
do anything, and as incompetent indi
viduals are not in demand, they fall to
get any special occupation, and so have
little to do but to make their grievances
and aspirations known. Hut, compared
with the great bulk of women, these
cither do as their ancestors did before
them, perform their domestic duties,
or make themselves qualified for some
special occupation, which there is then
little difficulty of them obtaining. It
Is quite true that middle-class girls
have entered more largely Into the
labor market than hitherto, for, as Miss
Collet states In her report, the great
increase In the productive power of
machinery has largely Increased the
number of men able to support their
daughters; while the need for the ser
vice of the latter at home has decreased,
and, to use her own wordB, "In the mid
dle class, therefore, a high standard of
comfort, a smaller field for domestic
usefulness, a diminished probability of
marriage, apprehension with regard to
the future, have all combined to en
courage the entrance Into the labor
market of middle-class girls. But a
converse movement has been going on
amongst the less prosperous classes, by
whom the benefit of the family to be
derived from the enployment of women
at home, rather than as wage-earners,
Is only gradually being realized. With
regard to the employment of married
women, it Is obvious that her first duty
is due to her family, and In the great
majority of Instances occupation away
from home Is incompatible with the
comfort and well-being of the children.
Followed ItU Loved One,
A man who believed thoroughly In
his wife was Charles Hichsecker of
Canton, Ohio, who committed suicide
last week on the same spot, at the same
hour and by the same method selected
by Mrs. Rlchsecker for ending her life
eome months before. His desire to
meet her made him careful about tak
ing exactly the same route she traveled.
TetlUKiptodou Made Awfnl Devaluation
Aboard the Ship It Struck.
As the principal squadron circled
around us, the range vnrled from 2,800
meters (nearly two miles) to perhaps
1,000, nt times oven less, writes Com
mander McGimn of Chinese navy In
Century magazine. At about 3 o'clock
the MatsuBhlma closed upon tho Chen
Yuen to about 1,700 meters, nnd wo
fired at her, from one of our 12.2-Inch
guns, a steel shell of five calibres' (Ex
12.2 Inches) length, having a bursting
charge of nearly ninety pounds of pow
der. The Japanese flagship was struck
by this missile, nnd as n burst of flamo
arose from her, followed by n great
cloud of white smoke, hiding her en
tirely from view, our gun's crew yelled
their satisfaction.
This shell Indeed wrought frightful
havoc. From the Jnpnnese report It
totally disabled the big 13-Inch Canot
gun and swept the decks. Several
charges of powder for this gun had
been massed on deck, nnd these, ex
ploding, gave the gunners n true "hoist
with their own petard." By this one
shell forty-nine officers and men wero
Instantly killed, and over fifty wound
ed; tho gunnery lieutenant wns blown
Into the sea, his cap and telescope being
all trace of him ever found on the ship.
Sinn Itoioniof, Dumb for Several Week
Affliction Suddenly Kemoel.
Georgo Sheppard of McKeesport, Pa.,
Is again able to talk. Ho waked up tho
night of June 27th with a stinging sen
sation in his neck nnd found himself
deaf and dumb. Doctors were baf
fled by the case. July 9th his hearing
was suddenly restored. Still Shep
pard's only means of communicating
with persons was a pencil and pad. Sat
urday night he walked into the bar
room of the National Hotel at Mc
Keesport and wrote on his tablet that
he wanted a drink of whisky and some
pepper. This wns supplied by the bar
tender. Then Sheppard Bat down at
a table and began to cry. In a few
minutes he excitedly jumped up and
began mnking peculiar noises with his
mouth. Finally ho could form words
and In a few minutes was talking.
Sheppard talked for two hours as fast
as he could, saying ho was afraid to
stop for fear he would lose his speech
again. He threw his pad and pencil
in a comer and joined with his friends
In celebrating his good fortune. Shep
pard's case has attracted great atten
tion from physicians, but none has
been able to satisfactorily explain it.
(nlli'ii'it Ciililmce Urxil.
Several years ago the residents of
Gallon, a little Berrein hamlet in Michi
gan, were surprised nt the advent of a
party of Chicago men who devoted their
time to Inspecting a largo tract of
swamp land near that place. The curi
ous citlzenH were still more astonished
when the Chicago contingent purchased
the alleged worthless land for n trifling
sum per aero and set about opening up
huge ditches to drain the largo area and
fit it lor cultivation. Last reason that
portion of the tract cleared produced
20,000 tons of cabbages, which brought
in $80,000 to the fortunate growers, the
land proving to be peculiarly adapted
to the culture of that vegetable. This
year the cabbage patch comprises COO
acres of this erstwhile worthless land,
now valued at $200 per acre, and there
are some people In Gnlien who hint that
there are cabbage heads In that region
other thnn those under cultivation. .
ISeaiitlfnl. llemitlful!
Mrs. Belle Farrell, a pretty Maryland
widow, was acquitted recently after be
ing on trial for a week or more on the
charge of murdering her husband. The
evidence was rather damaging to the
fair defendant, but that didn't cut any
ice with the Jury. When the verdict
was brought in Mrs. Farrell threw her
arms around the neck of her attor
ney, the sheriff put his arms around
the waist of the liberated woman, and
finally the Jury was Invited out to
"liquor up" at the expense of the de
fending attorney. Mrs. Farrell selected
her second husband before her first
one died and will be married as soon
as she lays off her mourning.
IIo Tiling t'p llronn Out Went
During the thunderstorm at Butte,
Mont., the other day lightning struck
the residence of Fred C. Anderson, and
a ball of lire entered the roof and
passed back and forth through every
room of the house, going through par
titions like a ball of Iron, and for fully
two minutes it gyrated about tho house,
making eleven large holes in walls and
ceilings, melting picture wires and
other metal in the rooms. It finally
passed out along the water pipes with
out setting fire to anything. There
were five persons in the house at the
time, but the only injury they suffered
was a great fright and temporary deaf
ness. tUieninlier In a tlraveyard.
A vprrntnhlA pftrflnn In a mQvnwn..l In
one of the curiosities in Augusta, Ga. !
a iv. c.m.vjmiu , u oiuuw uuc, aim hub
no tombs, but mmerous slabs tell the
passer-by that the ancient dead repose
there. Cucumbers, tomatoes and red
pepper are found in abundance there.
Should Say So.
A French judge before whom a di
vorce case was recently tried compli
cated matters seriously by handing
down a decree divorcing the lawyer
who appeared for the man who had
asked for the divorce, Instead of the
man himself.
Tha mntai'lMl la fi amnll . .. .1 1 I
Talk to the Moo-Cow.
The Atchison Globe Is responsible for
the statement that ex-United States
Senator John J. lngalls tells his
troubles to his cows.
father Mallacher, l'otentate of Ueavet
llnd, About to llrtlre.
Reverend Father Gallagher, who has
been n rellgloiiB and political ruler of
Beaver Island for a score and a half of
j ears, has been spending n few dayB
In Petoskey, nnd while thero confided
to n few friends that he Is nbout to re
sign from his chnrge and the priest
hood, nnd live nt his ease for the bal
ance of his days, says the Detrlot Jour
nal. Thirty years ago, the 9th of tho
present mouth, Father Gallagher, who
had just been ordained, Inndcd In com
pany with another young priest on tho
island. After looking the ground over
nnd noticing tho poverty of the ground
and people tho young priest decided to
take tho first boat bock to tho mnln
lnnd nnd report to tho bishop of Mnr
quetto that the Island would not sup
port n regular pastor. His companion
told him that such action would ap
pear disobedient, nnd advised Father
Gallagher to remain nnd acquaint the
bishop with tho condition of things by
mail. The advice was taken nnd Father
Gallagher has been thero ever since.
Ho says it was pretty hard to make a
bare living at first, as tho natives woro
all poor, without more than enough to
keep body nnd soul together. After a
few yenrs n friend died and loft him
some property, which turned into cash
gave him a little capital to work with.
By frugal living tho priest begnn to
gnther a Ilttlo money, which ho loaned
nt fair Interest, nnd some was paid, and
some never will be. He loaned to the
poor with nn unstinted hand, nnd some
never made an effort to repay. One
of his debtors excused his laxity by
saying that ho "did not think the priest
wanted money very bad, because he
did not look ns though he had gono to
bed missing many suppers." Anyone
who had ever seen tho girth of his rev
erenco would say that the debtor was
entitled to a receipt in full If that
would wipe out a debt. Father Galla
gher says that In spite of all he has
gathered a little money and will now
try to straighten out his n Hairs so that
he can resign his ofllco and rest. Ho
intends to visit California nnd then
make a trip to the home ot his ances
tors In Ireland. After that he will re
turn to the Island, buy a Ilttlo farm,
and die where he has spent the best
years of his life. Ho says that his suc
cessor will find the path pretty well
blazed, and will find in a pastorate on
Beaver Islands a very different con
dition from that which prevailed when
Father Gallagher first touched the
island on August 9, 18C5.
Her HiilliMin Sleeve.
Mrs. Harvey Donagher, residing at
Fostorln, O., had a Blngulnr experience.
She had been up tho street, nnd re
turning home later than intended she
stnrtcd to light the gasoline Btove
without changing her largo-sleeved
waist. Unnoticed, the sleeves filled with
gas generated from the gasoline, and
before she knew It, she began to float
to the ceiling. She screamed for as
sistance, but, being alone In tho house
and quite remote from neighbors, no
body heard her, and she wns obliged
to remain aloft in the room until the
gas escaped, when she gently defend
ed. Except a slight bruise on the fore
head she escaped uninjured.
She And what would you be now, If
It weren't for my money? He A
Persistent Bride Will you love mo
Just as well when I'm dead? Groom
(absently) More, dnrllng, more.
Jones 1 understand you were pretty
well off before you were married?
Blinks Yes, but I didn't know It.
The only thing we nn recommend to
women for the management of a hus
band Is to feed him, and trust to luck.
"What makes you think Ethel will
never look favorably on George's suit?"
"Because her' parents speak so highly
of him."
Wife Is that you. George? Husbnnd
Yes, dear. Wife Oh, I'm so glad! I'm
always afraid there's a man In the
house till you come.
She (bitterly) Before you married
me I was an angel. I'll never be that
again, I suppose. He (sarcastically)
Well, I live In hopes.
Club Man (rather full) I wish you A
hie take me home. Do you know
whe:e-h!c I live? Policeman What's
the name of your cook?
Human nature Is very discouraging.
Put up this notice, "Fresh paint," and
every pRBser-by will touch It with his
finger to see whether It Is dry yet.
If steaming the face Is good for the
complexion, why don't more girls, do
the family washing? One can get a
lovely Menm tnth over a wafhtub,
"Are you musical. Professor Job
kins?" asked Miss de Jinks. "Yes; but
If you were going to play anything
don't mind feellnsrs," leplled he.
"No." said Mrs. Fischer, "I don't call
myself a lady, but simply a plain wom
an." "V ," said Mrs. Condour,
"you're plnln enough; that's a fact."
Doctor The pellets I left were to
produce sleep. Did thwy have that ef
fect? Patient Yes, Indeed! The nur.e
never wakened once during tho night.
Suitor I have como to ark for your
daughter, sir." Father Take her,
young man. You are the only one who
wanted more than my daughter's
"There Is one good thing to be said
about Tompkins. He la perfectly truth
ful." "Of course he is. He Is too
stingy to make an extravabant state
ment." Mistress You broke my Sevres plate.
You are dlsitinrged. How did you
break It?" Servant I carelessly drop
ped one of the biscuits you made yes
terday on It.
"What fools the girls ore to marry!"
said a single lady of mature years.
"Very true," replied her married friend,
"but that Is the only way you can
bring them to their senses.
The Circus Manager You're dis
charged, do you hear? The Clown
Eh? What for?- Circus Manager Dur
ing the afternoon you made a now
joke! I can stand a good deal, but not
rorlte llehlnd thel'ootllRht('iiiimrod
toTlirlrC'oiinlry Counltu at the Kx pernio
of the Latter An 1,'ntlenlutile Clmrni
About the llrtt French lrenliiff.
thero Is n charm
nbout tho best
French dressing
which English wo
men do not com
pass. It is illfuoult
to say wherein it
lies. Perhaps the
French woman
gives her figure tho
advantage of bettor
ii-aT Al-u.J!
lines, perhnps she arranges that her
skirt shall hang more buoyantly. I am
minded to withdraw my second "per
hnps" for nn expression of more as
surance, since I nm certain that the
Frenchwoman gives her garment the
ndvantogo of u hotter spring and fnll
from tho waist downwards than wo do,
who, even at a period of ((bounding full
ness, continue to wear our gowns with
nn nir of limpness nnd drngglotalled
ness. On the other hand, I never think
tho Frenchwoman judicious In cutting
out tho neck of her bodlco In tho day
time; and I take more oxcrptlon to tho
style thnn usual when an afternoon silk
visiting gown Is mulcted by several
inches at the throat, presumably to glvo
breathing space this hot weather, au
Is then worn with an Immense black
velvet hnt that would be burdensome
at Christmas. This combination wns
perpetrated by Mine. Rejane, nnd al
though the gown was of n lovely shade
of rmuve, and was trimmed with somo
superb ficelle-colored guipure, it was
the only one of her costumes worn in
"Ma Couslne" which I did not feel eager
to adapt to personal ends.
A ten gown of wild rose pink crape
was all that was lovely with Its folds
softly drawn across the figure and a
thick feathery ruche at the horn of
fluffed-out chiffon. Long stolo ends fell
from tho shoulder down each side of
jeweled passementerie, and a cluster of
pink rose was tucked into tho bodice.
For a deshabillo to wear on a pretty
little lounge of sky blue, hrocado II
should like Miss Charlotte Robinson to
see that sofa with its gracefully curved
endB nnd many cushions) nothing could
bo a fitter setting for beauty. Tho third
gown, worn designedly for conquest und
bound to nttnin its object, Is of black
satin, cut In a wide square In front nnd
closely swathing tho figure. For trim
ming there nro great sprays of foliage
worked in green jet and applique green
bIH;; these sprays widen and diminish
with the most admirable curves. At
the back tho opening of the bodice runs
down Into a point, whercunto, beneath
a jeweled ngrafe, a train of black velvet
is attached. In her hair Mine. Rejane
wears black ospreys bedewed with dia
mond drops. Ono gayer note of color
Is struck with a Bpray of red and yel
low Iceland popples adjusted at the side
of the budi- e.
Another garment that took my fancy
much so much that In truth I he
grudge the Idea was n pelisse worn by
Mrae. Duluc. The hue was what the
historical novelists called "murray"
color, between claret nnd purple, and
the texture was that knife-plaited surah
which hangs in such charming folds.
The pellase gave It every opportunity
to follow Its bent, for beyond a collar
and girdle of murray velvet, each fast
ened with nn old silver ornament, there
wns nothing to break the lines. The
plaited silk rande elbow puffs to the
sleeves and long velvet gauntlets
formed the lower portions. A toque of
vjolets In every shade, red roses, and
green ospreys departed boldly from tho
scale of color of the pelisse and was
somewhat too daring for my own pref
erences. The same Jady wore another
beautiful dress of gray crocodile crepon.
The bodice,-of satin, was elled with
steel fringe, and over this fell loosely,
simulating box plaits, three bands of
copper-beaded trimming. Tho name
trimming reappeared on the sj.lrt, four
rows radiating from the wnlsl do-,vn-wnrdc
at ench side. The waist vas well
defined with a t'lrdle of the foree cop
per bead wcrk. Nothing could ba more
flcgant or more deserving of (ho pro
verbial kind of flnttery. Mile. Avrll
waB also exquisitely dressed In Ivory
Gismonda, flowered with peach blos
soms, over which was worn a vest of
peach blossom chiffon and a trim sash
of the same. A Venetian style, with a
tabled bodice opening over a chemi
sette of lace. I have left to the last n
word nbout a magnificent opera c'onk
of Mrae. Rejar.e's. made of blnsk satin,
with rlvuleiB o" steel sequins that liter
ally seemed to be poured over It. The
Medicoan collar ended with a ruche of
ostrich featners, nnd, of course.
the !
lining, which in this case was old rose
satin, was a noteworthy feature. The
London Queen.
A Curlou Affliction.
A citizen of Traverse City, Mich., Is
afflicted with an odd and embarrassing
physical peculiarity. At Irregular In
tervals he falls Into a trance-like state,
which continues for uncertain periods
and from which It is Impossible to
arouse him. The longest spell of tho
kind lasted ninety-four hours. While
In this comatose condition he is to all
appearances lifeless, although usually
he Is entirely conscious of everything
going on about him. The doctors have
been unable to help him. and while his
friends know of his liability to the at
tacks, he naturally feels some nervous
ness about stirring far from home.
Acre, once meant any fleJd. It is still
used with this significance by the Ger
mans, who epeak of God's acre, allud
ing to the cemetery.
IM "" T ' JV V
a ....vf-j?
"llie Suruimlng Ktateeraft of the Vtver
able l'rlncr Clementine.
Princess Clementine, mother of
Prlnco Fcrdlnnnd ot Bulgaria, Is un
doubtedly tho most astute nnd clever of
all tho children of King Louis Philippe
ot France. She Is tho only woman who
can boast of having downed Prince
Bismarck nt his own gnmo, nnd Is re
nowned throughout tho length nnd
breadth of Europe for her statecraft,
her diplomacy, nnd for her political
prescience and sagacity. To her moro
than to anybody else Is duo the wonder
ful progress and present prosperity of
Bulgaria, and If Prlnco Ferdinand
alone, among all tho old world sover
eigns, has been able to dispense with a
civil list and to pay out of his own
pocket tho greater part of the cxponscs
of his really luxurious and grnndly ap
pointed court, It Is duo to tho munifi
cence of his mother. Princess Clemen
tine Is tho yottngost ot Louis Phtllppo's
four daughters. Her mother, In ono of
her letters, Bpoke of her as lively nnd
Impetuous. A good deal ot this remains.
But sho commands her tongue ns
though she woro nn old statesman, nnd
if her impulses remain still quick they
nover hurry her Into rnBhncss. She
has n light, bluish-gray eye and her
face Is a beaming one, which Is not n
characteristic often found associated
with a strongly hooked nose. In hor
case the hook Is not long nt tho bane,
but that of n bird. Sho has a wonder
fully melodious voice, nnd this In splto
of deafness so gic.it that any ono with
whom sho converses must speak to her
through an ear trumpet by means of nn
acoustic tube. Sho has n lively way of
adjusting the Instrument to her ear,
nnd she studies with n soft smile nnd
inquiring expression the countenance
of her interlocutor. Her language Is
choice nnd easy whon sho speaks
French. Sho can chat and write In En
glish, German and Hungarian. Mlcho
let was her professor of hUtory when
sho was a young girl, nnd Bho devoted
herself with success to music, and es
pecially to the harp. Although several
years. older than Queen Victoria, Bho 1b
Btlll very alert and very active. Noth
ing seems to fatigue her, and, judging
by appearances, sho is good for many
yenrs yet, In Infinitely better physical
and mental condition than her brothers,
the Due do Nemours, Due do Aumnle,
and the Prince do Jolnvllle, tho latter
two being considerable her Junior.
Her wealth Is enormous, like that ot
nil the children of King Louis Philippe.
At her death her fortune will bo divided
between her children, tho principal
share going to her two sons, Prlnco
Ferdinand, who Is tho youngest, nnd
Duke Philip of Coburg, who married
the king of Belgium's oldest daughter,
nnd who wns with his brother-in-law,
tho lato Crown Prince Rudolph of
Austria, on the morning of the tragedy
at Meyerllng.
KiiliKilK. Windmill.
Western Kansas is entirely unlike
Holland because of the scnrclty, almost
absence of wnter, but Is becoming very
much Uko the Dutch lowlands in the
great abundance of windmills, which
are becoming so nviaToiu' n to fill up
tho landscape. In tho town of Wilson a
traveler counted seventy-two windmills
In view from the hotel veranda. There
Is nn excellent water supply n few ftet
below the suifacc In that region, und
every man has an Individual supply,
raised by tho windmills.
The Tartars take a mar. by the ear
to Invite him to eat or drink with
Japan had only one newspaper twenty-five
year? ngo. Now It has two thou
sand. It Ih estimated that three thousand
marriages nro dally performed through
out the world.
A bill to make train robbery a cnpltal
ofrencp has been introuueed In the Mis
souri leglnlature.
Although Alsace was under French
control, for nearly two centuries, the
people continued to speak German.
One of the nyist curious trades extant
Is Dint of a matt In Berlin, who exists
ty breeding ruts for vivisection pur
poses, Tl.ti l.lxiiest mncts of sailing veesels
are from 1C0 to U0 feet high, and spread
f:om C0.O03 to 100,000 square feet of can
va?. The cathedral al Antwerp hns a musl
rl combination f thirty-four belle, the
brgext Ih seven feet wide and eight feet
The buttons on a man's clothing are
usuclly on the right elde; on a womnn's
clothing they are on the left. Why Is
thN? '
Silk, nvpe and cotton the poor nl-waj-n
di'fi In cotton are practically
only drrss fabrics for femlnlno ut
tle In Japan
White hats are worn Tor throe year,
ae a elgn of mourning, by every grown
male In C.orm after the dnt!i of n
memter of tho royal family.
It Is comiiuted that nil the !ini!.aM in
London and New York could be built
of the lava thrown nut by Vesuvine
lnce the llrxt recorded eruption In 79.
In 1GI3 no gentleman, either In Eng
land. Prance or Germany, thought for
a moment of going abroad without hli
cloak, even in the hottest days In rum
mer. Tho black ostrich stands seven feet
high. The speed Is thnt of a horse,
and It can carry a man. The casso
wary Isjbs large, but has a shorter neck,
nnd feeds on vegetables,
A Parsee sacred fire, which Is burn
ing In a templet at Lelftule. Persia. Ih
known to hove not been extinguished !
since me Jays of Rupiboreth, who lived
twelve centuries ngo.
All the three hundred nnd thirty ca-.
dets of the German army, who pawned
the ensigns' examination the other day
will have to pass It again, ns sixteen
of them ure found to have "copied."
The best way to ascertain If coffee
has been adulterated or not Is to pour I
cold water on it. If pure. It will color I
tho water very slightly; If mixed with
chicory, the water will tako a brownish
hue. '
Dead Untile Tmii'fnrmeil Into Xnllil
fitnuehy Mean f Antlieptlo (la.
Thomas Holmcr of Brooklyn, an ex
pert on the subject of embalming
fluids, claims to have perfected a pro
cess by which the human body can be
petrified. Ho calls it the antiseptic
gas process of embalming, and sayt
that within a week he will make teat
at Bellovue Hospital, New York. Dr.
Holmes hns In his office a petrified arm.
which lookB like a piece of marble. Dr.
Holmes claims thnt the antiseptic gas
can now be manufactured ns cheaply
ns any fluid In use for embalming.
After tho gas hns been Injected, the
doctor says, the body will gradually
solidify nnd turn white ns marble, even
tho nails nnd hnlr, but tho latter only
closo to tho skull. Dr. Holmes Is now
78 years old. He said: "I bellevo I have
discovered a process of embalming:
superior to the old Egyptlnn. The arm
which I embalmed by the process Is ns
hard ob stone and will remain so for
ever. Now, I am nbput to organtza a
compnny for tho manufacture of glnss.
caskets lighted by electricity, by whloh
the living can view tho faces of their
dead frlondB, God Intonded man to
return to dust, but there nro ,a good
many who wovld find comfort In look
ing on the faces of their dead."
rmnoti Iowa Lawbreaker (let itellclotv
nnd Hemmed nn KvnngelUt.
"Stormy" Jordan, of Wapello county,
Iown, who has given tho authorities
moro trouble thnn any other half-dozen
persons, hns Joined the niothodlst
church and has turned out n full
fledged evangelist. Before tho prohi
bition law was pnBsed In Iowa Jordan
used to run a snloon nt tho "Q" depot
In Ottumwa nnd had a sign on his door
roadlng "The Rond to Hell." After
prohibition became a law he spent a
fortune In fighting the raonsure. Times
without number he was arrested and
fined for selling liquor unlawfully anil
mnny times wns imprisoned. He wna
considered the toughest case In tho
8tnte of Iowa, and "Stormy" Jordan's
reputation was known far and near.
Ho wns constantly under police sur
volllnnco. Ills appeals now to his. old
associates are equally as fervent as tho
great Francis Murphy's and hundreds
nro flocking to hear him.
The Ilnldwln Apple.
Tho people of North Woburn, Del.
arc raising money to erect a monument
In Wilmington In honor of the Baldwin,
npple. On the monument will be tho
following inscription:
"Tjhjs pillar, erected In 1895 by th
Rum ford Historical association, marks
the estate where, In 1793, Samuel
Thompson, Esq., while locating the line
of tho Middlesex cnnal, discovered the
first Pecker npple, later named the
Baldwin. Exact spot, 2S0 feet west,,
10 degrees north."
It wns called the Pecker apple lie
cause of the great number of wood
peckers around the tree when discov
ered. Samuel Thompson and his broth
er Abljah grafted a large number of
trees from the Pecker tree. Col. Loam.t
Baldwin, the well-known engineer, did
n great deal to make these grafts celo
brated, nnd the apple was therefore
called after him.
A Mixture of Kiitlon.
The following incident of Now York
life shows how much mixed Is the pop
ulation of the metropolis: "An Italian
sent nn American lnd to a Chinaman,
for his launtlry. The American gave
the Chinaman a 50-cent piece. John
bit and said: 'Counterfeit you gettee
In trouble; mo keepeo and put It In
his pocket. The Italian then called and;
started to give tho Chinaman a beat
ing. A Greek left his oyster stand to
act as peacemaker. The Italian drew
a razor and tne Greek shied a bottle
of cayenne pepper at him, which struck
a Hebrew. A negro who was passing:
shouted, and an Irishman In the uni
form of a policeman arrested tho fight
ing congress of nations, which was pre
sided over by a Dutch police Justice.'
from Million to Nothing.
John Henry Barker, once a New
i'ork millionaire, but having lost his
property has been traveling through,
the country taking orders for soap and:
window screens. Mr. Barker was form
erly a real estate agent in New York,
and two years ago, during the bread
panic in .the city, distributed food to
thousands of the destitute. He says
he has slept In Central park for twenty-one
nights while waiting for prom
ised assistance.
Ilelle lloril the Spy.
Belle Boyd, known as the "rebel spy,'
Is making n tour of tho south. She is
described as being dramatic U her
style, with eyes expressing a rltiff
disposition and with an abundance of
light auburn hair, which hanga over
her brow. She Is as piquant and
vivacious at fifty-one as she was at
Bweet sixteen, when she entered thp
Ten Hour.
A French geographical society pro
poses to divide the face of the clock
Into ten hours of ten minutes and a
hundred seconds each. ThU is to make
time uniform with the decimal system
or count by tens. The count by twelves
which now shows on the fac ot the
clock survives from the earliest times
probably from long before the inven
tion of letters.
AT7-Yer-01d Wife Want IMvorcw.
Lillle Snauder. aged 17, Is suing for
a divorce from John A. Snauder, aged
16. Both )lve at Louisville, Ky. Tho
ran rvwny and married In August, 1894.
Now Llllie eays John ill-treats her.