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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1895)
SUPPLEMENT TO THE HERALD, HEMINGFORD, NEB., FRIDAY, AUG. 30, 1895. n h A. n I JMl n y ) Hi. J it J, $r I SMALL CHANUE. Tho nllegod fact that soventy-fivo per cent, of tho peoplo of tho world HBO silver monoy exclusively is no reason why this country should adopt tho silvor standard. Tho 400,000,000 Ohincso and 200,000,000 Hindoos nro sot so far nbovo us in civilization that wo should imituto them. If numbers wo to rule, why do not the silvorites oultivnto pigtails nnd livo on a rico diet. A curious argument for tho destruc tion of our presont sound financial Bystein is tho statement that if all tho gold money in tho world woro melted in tho form of a cube, it would bo only twenty-two foot in diameter. Sup peso this estimato is correct, what does it provn? Nothing moro than that gold represents n great deal of vnluo in very small compass. Accord ing to silvorito reasoning tho pro ducer of pig iron should complain of tho amill bulk of tho world's stook of silver as compared with its iron, and demand tho free coinago of his moro Abundant metal. To ropoatod roquosts by tho advo cates of tho gold standard that tho free coinago agitators should furnish Bomo proof of thoir assertion that thero is not gold enough in tho world to servo as a standard of value, tho eilveritos havo givdn no reply. Thoy havo not proved their claim of a scar oity of gold, bocaaso thoy do not know to what oxtenb tho uso of crodit raonoy is doing away with tho neces sity of gold coin. Under n propor banking and system of paper ourrenoy thero is no doubt but that thero is far moro gold in tho world than can bo profitably used as monoy. Tho protons that this country could by adopting froo coinago at 10 to 1 forco tho rest of tho world into an in ternational agreement to coin silver at that ration, is only a blind for tho eohomes of the silver standard advo cates. Tho gradual adoption of all the progressive and onlightonod Na tions of tho singlo gold standard was duo to thoir oonviotion that tho com mercial veluo of silver conld not bo maintained at its ooinago ratio to gold. After doliberatoly abandoning silvor beoauso of their beliof in tho superior ity of gold, it is hardly probablo that tho gold using countries would now go baok to thoir rojeoted standard. Silverites persist in thoir nssortion that our presont standard of valuo is maintained in tho interest of tho "creditor olass," which thoy allogo draws wealth from idlo monoy." Any freo coinago advocato who is fortunato enough to havo saved either fow or many dollars knows very woll that "idlo monoy" yields no profits. Tho only pos Biblo way in whioh monoy or capi tal can givo any roturn, is through its use in some form of produotivo em ployment. Ooin or paper ourrenoy does not produce intorost of itself, but must bo used to assist in producing moro wealth. Sinco whilo thus em ployed it helps givo work to idle men and oheapens tho cost of commodities, it is ovident that its uso is n bonofit to its possessor. No man is foolish enough to borrow mbnoy meroly to keep it idle, and tho claim of tho cheap monoy ndvooates that "idlo capital" is robbing tho produoers of the country, is wholly a delusion. "Coin" the Dunce. Put up your silk hat, "Coin;" this no will fit you hotter. A Toneka Joke. Tor-EKA, Kan. , Aug. 5. As tho old soldiers congregated at the Pension OfUoo to-day to draw their pensions, somebody went among them distrib uting n circular on which appeared these words: "Comrades, halt I You are entitled to gold iu payment of your checks. Demand it. Do not accept depreciat ed currency." Nobody halted. All wont iu nnd drew their checks, nnd were quito con tent when tho checks wcro cashed nt tho banks in monoy which they know was as good as gold. Survival ol tho Fittest. The gold single standard advocates can rest content. Gold will assuredly always bo the staudard, until some thing better in tho commorca of the world is found. It mutters not about tho free silver doOge of thopulitioiaus, or tho cruzo of those who follow them. Law cannot chango tho result. The gold standard will win in tho end. If it does not convinco by tho argument of facts now presented to tho public mind, when lree silver coinago is lot loose, if it should over bo so, it will settle tho destiny of silver as a sub sidiary coin or many years. The peoplo of the United States will sever submit to tho condition of labor in Mexico for tho benefit of rich mino owners, however they may bo induced at the start by falso leaders to stick their heads in tho ratter. Ashville -Kg is. rmKk j mmmpmrnm PICES SINCE 1873. WAGE?, FAMl LANDS AND MANY TARM PRODUCTS HIGHER NOW THAN IN 1873. Dr. Hill Kxposos Soma of tho Ab surd nnd I'nlso Statements of tho Silver Men. Dr. W. P. Hill, of St. Louis, has just written a pamphlet entitlod "Ar gument Against Freo Silver Coinago at 1G to 1," whioh has dumbfounded tho freo silver peoplo. Dr. Hill is tbo youngest bou of tho lato Britton A. Hill, ono of tho nblest champions of flat monoy of tho old Green back party. Dr. Hill was educated in tho best universities in Europe. It has boon boon gonorally supposod that ho would follow in the footsteps nf liia fdtlinr nnrt ndvnnntn Hat mntifiv. Thero is but littlo doubt but that ho raado a special study of finanoo for tho pnrposo of scouring nrgumouts against tho gold standard. Study ohnnged his opinions, as is apparent from tho following quotation from his excellent pamphlot : But, say tho Bilvor men, prices havo gono down sinco 1873. This is thoir great hobby, and thoy dwoll on it. They sny that n country must have, high prices to bo prosperous, and thoy proposo to ro-ostablish high prices by making CO cents a dollar, so that whon wo sell something for $1.00 on tho now basis, though in reality wo will only got CO conts tho samo ns now, our feolings will not bo so bady hurt because tho name will havo beon changed. I am six feet tall; supposo a now law should make six inches a foot, then under tho now measurement I would bo twolvo foet tall. Would that actually incroaso my height, or is it simply tho foot that has beon short ened? This reminds mo of Mark Twain's joko about tho Portuguese monoy, whero tho unit of valuo, tho rois, is so small that it takes about 10,000 reis to pay for a dinner. But lotus seo about tho declino of pricos. Tho silver men assert that pricos havo gono down, nnd that thoroforo thoy in tho most simple way provo that gold has gono up. They con veniently forgot tho thousand nnd ono factors that enter into a declino in pricos. Thoy forget tho laws of sup ply and demand. That wo cannot ox poct to .get ns high a price for our cot ton when wo raise a crop of almost 10,000,000 bales in 1891 as when wo raised only 2,974,351 bales in 1872, or for our whoat whon wo raise 400, 207,416 bushels in 1891 ns when wo raised only 249,997,100 bushols in 1872. Thoy conveniently forgot tho enor mous deorooao lu tho cost of produc tion of onr manufactured produots, duo to tho invention and uso of labor-saving machinery, tho utilization of by-products, and tho deereaso in tho cost of transportation. I havo lately rsad somo statistios oompilod by Edward Atkinson, tho statistician, covering somo 200 articles in common use, and ho has shown that in ovcry instanoo whero n declino in prico has occurred it has beon moro than offset by a dcoroaso in tho cost of produc tion. But the silver men oannot even sus tain their favorito contention, becauso tho faots aro against them. Tho prices of all things havo not gono down, Many things aro higher now than thoy were before silver was domono tized. Their favorito cry is about tho wages of labor; tho contraction of tho gold standard has caused tho wages of tho laborer to doohne, and thoy aro going to raiso his wages by paying him three fifty-cont dollars a day in stead of tho threo ono-hundrod-cent dollars a day ho gets cow. Let us seo about these wages. Take tho U. S. census figures of I860, thirteon years boforo silver was demonetized, nnd those of 1890, soventcen years after. This is n fair test. If gold has on hanood in valuo, it ought to show it self in that time. Annual wages paid in tho faotorios of tho United States: No. of Em- Total Wages Ave.por ployes. Puld. Capita. 18G0 1,311,210. ...9 378,878,903 5288 1890 4,711,832.... 2,282,823,205 481 Inoreaso in tho nverago wages per capita 95 per cent. ; almost double. Deereaso in tho purchasing power of gold, ns far as wugos are concerned, 95 per oent. Tho gold dollar only brought about ono-half tho labor in 1890 that it would in I860. Not only that, but tho laborer got moro than twioo us many gold dollars for tho samo amount of work.becauso tho hours of labor in many places havo been shortened from twelve and ten to eight hours a day. Now what does tho census say about farm lands? Ave. Valuo Gross Valuo. per Acre. 1853 $ 0,015,000,000 1G.27 1S8J 13,279,000,000 Increaso in the average valuo per aero of farm lands about 33 per cent. Take live stook : Ave. per GrossValue. Head. 1303 1,C80,0'JO,03D i. .12.21 1890 2,119,00.1,000.., 1103 Increase in the averago value per head about 20 per cent. Tako vegetables, butter, cheese, eggs, poultry, an iucreasa of about 4 per cent, is noticed. In relation to all theso things tho gold dollar has gone down in value. What remains of the contention that the contraction of gold has caused prices to deoline? Somo peoplo talk as if free and un limited coinago of silver means lree and unlimited wealth to all ithout working a liok. The greenbaokers taught the same false ideas. rr w&jj & nM ft our towrv ' Ard fcw&? wotdrbU5 wfce. jkiuitywl Irto br&ntble bw;K frd 9tfMcM out both. li? yc? V$tt h j&w hi? y? wert out , With ah hi? nHW wd rtwii, Hi jumped iMffc briar hvjK. fixd 9crtcjcd t)yrii&gaJr. jS(Z) 1 "r TIIC WONDROUS A Valitnblo Document. Tho Now York Roform Club has just issued as No. 17 of its Sound Curronoy sorios a oaroful compendium of tho coinago and curronoy legislation of tho United States from 1702 down to tho prosont timo. Tho work covers throo distinot Holds laws relating to ooinago, Govornmont curronoy, and bank curronoy respectively and in this pamphlot of forty-eight pages ia contninod tho full text of all import ant Federal legislation upon thoso subjects. Tho wholo is carofully annotated and provided with n comprehensive summary of tho coinago provisions and an indox. Tho rosult is a com pendium vastly suporior for tho pur poses which it is dosignod to Borvo to tho bulky compilations issuod from tho Govornmont Printing Oflloe, whioh havo heretofore boon almost tho only souroo of such information. This dooumont will ouablo ovory ono to boo for himself whothor tho asser tions of tho choap monoy advocator in regard to ourronoy legislation nro true or moro inventions. Tho prico of this number is flvo conts. Increasing Prices by Hnduclng tho Dollar. Tho froo and unlimited coinago of silver would not seouro for the uso of tho peoplo nt any timo any addition to their stook of actual monoy, but would simply givo thorn less valuable monoy than thoy havo now. To call a ton cent pieco a dollar and declare it to bo tho standard of valuo would add noth ing whatever to its purchasing power; it would still rcquiro ton of them to purohaso what a real dollar will pur chase) now, and pricos of commodities oxprossod in dollars would appoar to havo been increased ton-fold, whon, in fact, nothing would havo happonod ox copt tho debasement of tho dollar. An actual inoreaso in prices resulting from an inoreaso in tho vcltimo of sound monoy in oirouiation is quito a different thing from a nominal in oreaso of prices resulting from tho uso of a doprociated currenoy, and no ar gument upon the subject of prices oan bo sound that does not rooognizo tho distinction between thorn. Tho prop osition of our free ooinago frtonda is to donblo pricos nominally, but at tho samo timo to havo thorn paid in monoy intrinsically worth only ono-half as muoh as it was boforo tho prices wero doubled, nnd I confess my inability to soo how this would help anybody. Hon. John G. Carlisle. Juonr Money. Horo is an amusing account of a traveler who went mony years ugo to Mexico, and found tho nativos using a strange kind of curronoy. Sayaho: "In ono of tho small towns I bought somo limes, and gave tho girl $1 in payment. By way of ohungo sho re turned mo forty-niuo pieces of soap tho size of a small biscuit. I looked nt her in astonishment, and ihe re turned my look with equal surprise, when n polico officer, who had wit nessed tho inoidont, hastened to in form mo that for small sums .soap was logal'tonder in many portions of tho country. "I oxarainod my chango, and found that each cake was stumped with tho namo of tho town and of n manufac ture authorized by tho Government. Tho cakes of soap wero worth tlreo farthings each. Afterward, in my travel, I frequently received similar change. Many of tho cukes showed signs of haviug been in the wushtub, but that, I discovered, was not at all uncommon. Providod tho stamp was not obliterated, tho soap did not luso any valuo as currency. Occasionally a man would borrow a enke from a friend, wash his hands, and return it with thanks. I mudo uso of my pieces moro than once iu my bath, and sub sequently spent thorn." Harper's Round Tallin. f "Tho crimo of 1873" just about mined tho country, but isn't it an as tonishing fact that no ono found it out until twenty years afterwards? I & ' ywf) KIBE rOPOLI8T. WHY UOLD WOULD BE IMIYBX OUT. Tho Journal of Agriculture, a St. Louis paper whioh is ongagod in do coiving tho farmors with falso pro tonses 'as to the allogei bonollts of freo silver, roplios to tho undoniablo statomont of tho sound monoy press that froo coiuago at 1G to 1 would drivo out our gold : "But if it worn to drivo out gold it would bo becauso sil ver woro tho bettor monoy. A good articlo of fruit or any othor produot gonorally drives out tho inferior." It is probablo that tho writer of this financial gom has novor hoard of tho Grosham law, or if ho knows anything about it imagiuos that i can bo ro noalod bv n freo ooinago Congress. Although tho oporation of tho natural J law wuiou govurou mo oircuiawou 01 monoy of diflorent values was ox plaiued in England throo hundred years ago by Sir Thomas Grosham, thoro null exists among tbo advocates of choap raonoy nostrums a profound ignornnco of its principles. Briofly stated, tho Grosham law is tho recog nition of tho univorsal oxperionco of mankind that wherever full legal ton dor coins of tho samo nominal valuo, but differing commercial value, aro issuod in any country, tho ohoapor and poorer monoy will always drivo out tho better. Why money should bo an oxcoption to tho ralo that a good articlo will drivo out an inferior, is duo entiroly to tho legal tondor quality which Governments bestow 'on tbo motals of which monoy ia mado. If tho Unitoi States woro to issuologal tondor eaglsa containing only 200 grains of gold, it ia certain that tho 232-grain eaglos would at onoo bo driven out of circu lation nnd oithor hoardod or molted down nnd sold as bullion. For nobody would pay debts or buy goods with tho moro valuablo coin, whon credit ors or sellers woro oompollod by law to nccopt tho inferior. That this would bo tho rosult will not bo donied by tho silvoritos, who know that if they had cheap nnd'doar coins in thoir pockots, thoy would, if possible, uso tho oheaper. Exaotly the samo prinoiplo would rogulate tho circulation of tho inferior low-priced silver dollars under froo coinage, when the Govornmont would bo undor no obligation, as it ia now, to maintain our gold nnd silver coins at a parity. If this country woro to adopt unlimited freo coiuago, wo should havo legal tondor gold monoy worth its faco as bullion, and legal tender silver worth only half its nominal coinage valuo. Just as cheap gold ooins would drivo out thoso of better quality, bo would tho inforior silvor dollars forco gold out of circulation. This is not a matter of theory but of fact, provod in every country whioh has tried tho experiment. And until tho silverites ohango human naturo so that men will prefer to keep tho oheaper money and pay debts or buy goods with tho dearer, it will bo im possible to provont freo ooinago re placing our superior gold curronoy with ono vastly inferior. Tho Silver Swindle. If I buy a coat for $10, that means that tho othor man buys $10 for n coat. Democrats don' V boliovo tbat Government ought to interfere to muko mo buy one coat whon I would prefer to buy anothor, and uo honest man believed that I ought to bo niade to nccopt a coat different from tho ono I have bought. Will some free silver man explain how it is any moro honest to make mo contract for ouo kind of dol lars whon I would prefer another kind, or to make me take silvor dollars when I have contracted for gold ones? If it is swindling for you to cheat mo at tho coat end of tho trade, is it uuy less dishonest for mo to swindle you nt tho money end of tho transaction? Hon. John Do Witt Warner. - Tho silver craze has seen its best days. Its going out is a? sad and lonc8omo as Its coming in was gay and breezy. The return of prosperity and a magnlfloent crop prospect have j knocked it ellly. SCALE DEBTS. A KANSAS MAK'3 VtTW3 ON FREE COINAGE AT 10 TO 1. Ho Shows Tlint. Price or tho St.nlo Product of Kiuisiifl Aro Higher Thnu Itpforo tho Crlmo Of 187.'P'lIo OIvpb Somo Sound Advice. Tho editor of tho Kansas Slar naked Mr. Goorgo L. UoutilaM, of Wichita, Kan., for his opinion of tho agitation in Kansas for "froo silvor at 10 to 1." Tho following is a part of Mr. Doug lass' excellent reply: Tho argnmout for scaling debts is bo thin that it should imposo ttpon no body. It is said that tho monoy prico of many commodities (but principally wheat nn cotton) has fallen one-half in twenty years ; that thereby all debts havo beon iu effect doubled; and that to "ovon thina up" nnd "right tho wrong of 1875" wo must roduoo tho valuo of tho dollar about fifty per cent, and thereby onablo oursolvcs to to pay our debts with one-half tho amount of corn, labor, wheat or othor commodity which Is now required. Tho worthlossnom of this argumont has beon demonstrated a thntuaml timof. But if tho argumout has any forco or 'wo'ght any whore, Kanui is ono of tho last placos ou earth where it can bo honestly used. Why? Ha causo the groat staple product ofKm sas is corn, not wheat or cotton. Be causo wo raise, on an average, nearly flvo times ns much corn as wheat; and for ilvo years past tho average prico of corn, in Kausas (which is tho prioo that interests farmers), has boon moro than fifty per cent, higuor than it was in 1872, just prior to tho "crlmo of '73" whioh thoso agitatoM toll us ruined tho farmor. The averago prioo in 1872 was 22 oonts. Iu 18D5 it has been moro than double that. But, ! with tho prosont groat crop prospect, a decline must, of oourso, bo- oxpoot od4 for supply nnd demand rdgnlato the prico of grain nnd tho ohiuoh bug has far moro to Bay about it than tho "gold bug." rnioiis op Kansas rnoDDcrs. Excluding 1871 tho "grasshoppor year" (whon oorn wonttoan abnormal flguro owing to an abnormal cuuie) tho prioo of corn, in Kansas, from 1872 to 1877, as shown by n statomont sent mo by tho Stato Board of Agri culture, was: In 1872, 22 cts. ; in 1873, 31 cts. ; in 187(5, 23.0) cts. ; in 1870, 23.31 cts. ; in 1877, 19.G2 oH ; tho nvorago for tho ilvo years bolng 23.89 cents por bushel. For tho last tlvo years tho avoratro price per bushel has boon: In 1690, 42.00 cts. ; in 189 , 31.4.8 cts. ; in 1892, 30.35 ots. ; in 1893, 27.50 ots. ; iu 1894, 37.8(1 otB. ; an avorago for tho flvo yours of 84.45 conts; or fifty per oont. hlghor than it was twonty years ago. If rookonod in gold the incroaso is still greater. In 1892, 1893 and 1891 tho Kansas farmer roceivod thirty por oont. moro for hogs thr.n he got in 1872, 1878 aad 1874 ; nud, if rookonod in gold, near ly forty por cont. moro. Outs last yoar ( sold somo myself) .voro far higher than tho avorago prioo of 1872 ; nnd tho liko is truo of other groat produots. Evon whoat has latoly sold iu KansaB up to within a fow oonts of tho nvorago Kausas prico of 1871-75. For sovoral years past whoat has boon very low. But ovcry man who takes tho pains to investigate will find that tho low prico has been mainly duo to tho enormous increaso iu tho world's supply, to choupor procossos of har vesting nnd to reduction in transpor tation charges from rival wheat coun tries to common markoti. Mon who would rather bo tho dupes of some de signing domagoguo than to investi gate, will of ooursa continuo to bo lievo that John Sherman and tho Bothrchilds did it. But, in viow of tho faot that' corn, tho groat Kansas staple, has for years past rauged fifty per cent, higher than it did twenty years ago, what miser able hypocrisy to talk of Kansas being ruinod by tho "crimo of '73 ;" and tho necessity of debasing tho dollar on no count of tho "fall in prices 1" How does it hurt a Kansas man to buy plows, reapers, binders, binding twine, olothos, wiro fencing, nails, tools and nearly everything else ho wants at half what ho paid twenty yoarHago? But, say tho domagogucs, "Givo us a choaper dollar for tho wheat raiser to pay his dobts with, bocauso wheat has gone down 1" By tho same nrgumeut wo ought to havo a dearer dollar for the corn raisor to pay his debts with beciuiso corn has gono up; and whero would that loavo Kansas? What sort of a flguro would a Kan sas Congressman cut, who would go down to Washington anil howl for ilfly-ceut dollars on account of the fall in prices? Some shrewd Yankee would pull out the report of tho Kan sas Board of Agriculture nnd provo that tho very thing Kanias sells most of is greatly higher than it was iu 1872, whilo nearly everything she buys is onuuper; nnd tbo (Jon gross man would become tho laughing stook of America. tiuj mairr Tinsa to do. Away with such stuff and nonsense 1 nnd all tbo twaddle about no money to do business with? No man who bus n markotablo commodity to day has tho slightest trouble to get monoy for it, and, if wo haven't anything to oxchango for money, the mints might run till doomsday, turning out fifty-cent dol lars, and wo wouldn't get any. The great need of the honr is not oheap dollars but common sense. Let us eit down, onoo and for all, on the cranks and demagogues and all thoir schemes; quit howling; get down to business, nnd try to earn some of the good dollars that are in Bight, rather than spend timo yelling for cheap dollars that nro not in sight and novor will be. For, if ovory man in Kansas wero to shout himsolf hoarse for tho 10 to 1 Eohomc, it would oomo to nothing no long as sovonty millions of peoplo outsido of Kaunas rotain their wits whioh thoy nro doing very per Histently nt this time. Wo can't hurt tho country much, but wo can hurt ourselves. To Mnko Us All Millionaires. TI10 Now York Chamber of Com lncrco has fought tho silvor horosy ably nnd efficiently siuoo tho battla began. Its letters from business and professional mon of both political partios havo furnished tho most tell ing Htorattlro of tho campaign. Of all theso oxoellont paper non-,' per haps, has summarized moro briefly nor moro accurately tho efioots of free coiuago than a lottorwritten by Mr. Kiohard Doavos, from whioh wo select tho following: "Is it not clear that, with uulimitol froo coinage, it would not tako Ion? for us to roach National baukruptoy? Is it not solf-ovldont that in few short months tho mino and bullion owners would floo tho country, to Ilvo in opuleuoi and luxury abroad, leaving tho working peoplo, thoir poor dupes, suffering for tho bare necessities of life? If n dollar bo only a token, why uso gold or sil vor? Why not stop coining motal into monoy, nud havo tho Govornmont start printing greenbacks, as paper nionay is so much handler to carry than gold or silvor? It would bo Jiusb as easy for tho Govornmont to stamp tho pieco of papor, 'Ono thousand dol lars' as 'Ono dollar, and wo would all bo millionaires in 11 short timo, ospooi ally tho man with tho 'null.'. Alumi num, on nocnunt of Its lightness, would bo a splendid matorlal out of whioh to msnnfrtoturo tokon dollars for thoso who liko a uioUUlo curron oy." Silver Dollar on Storaje. Tho following from tho Philadel phia Timos is uxcollont montal food for our froo nud unlimited coinago frionds: "A count just takon shows that there nro now stored in tho vaults of tho Unitod StUoi Mint in this olty 49,900,307 in round numbers, 50, 000,000 of silvor dollars. Thoy aro paokod away just as thoy woro coined nnd all efforts to got thorn in circula tion havo boon futile. Tho people do not want thom. Thoy nro will ing to tako tho papor certificates issuod to represent thum, booiuso thoso aro interchangeable with greoubaoks nnd gruonbaoks aro.rodootnablo in gold; but the silver dollar? thomsulvoi the Government has to koop, issuing in their stead what is praotloally a gold currency of twioo their valuo." Tho Factors ot Proiporlty. "Gonfidonoo and crodit aro tho factors of American prosperity and progress. With contidohao tho spindles hum, tho fnrnaoo is in blast, tho miner is at work, tho farmor hap py, labor has full employment, capital is active, and tho wheels of tho freight car nro perpetually rovolving. With oonCdonco a business of incalculable tnagnitudo can got along with scarcely any curronoy. Without conGdcuco thoro is not monoy onongu in tho world to conduct tho business of the United Statos. Guauncoy M. Dopow. Our Monetary Ncoils. "What our pooplo need is good crodit, good money, good prinoiplos and sound business sonso. Visionary sahomes and dobasod monoy novor yet mado n Nation prosperous. Tho qual ity of tho monoy usod iu nny country is far moro important thnn tho quan tity. Tho laws should bo drawn to protect tho mon who earn monoy. A man who works faithfully and lives on his daily earnings should never bo sacrificed for tho bonofit of men who live on what they borrow." Hon. B. G. Horr. "Well," eays a Swedo who was asked how ho stood on tho monoy question, "von I havo gold I am a gold bug ; ven I have silver I am a freo sil ver man, and von I have no monoy at all I am nPop." Hayes Conter (Nob.) Republican. Didu't Know It Was Loaded, Springfield, Jane 5tb, 1895. --a3HHfefecr-i'it