Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 06, 1895, Image 2
HEMINGFOltD HERALD. T1109. J. O'KIJIJITE, lNthlUlier. HEMINGFORI), NEHKASKA. Charley Fong Sing, a real Chinaman, wanla to bo a pollccmnn In Now York, Ho will llkoly bo kept wanting. Dr. Augustus Le Plongcon says Yuca tan Is tho cradle of the human race. Tho earthquakes probably rocked It A proofreader was killed In tho lat est railroad accident, Tho accident was presumably duo to a misplaced which. A bicycle rider Bays: "I've heard a good deal nbout tho blcyclo displacing tho horso and wagon, but I tried It and failed." Japan, with cholera, destructive BtorinB, and great powers Jealous of her successes, Beems to bo lti a trying po sition. And now wo aro asked to bollovo that a PhlladolphTau whtlcTilBElnK.a.clBtora. on hlB premises tho other day struck quicksand. r-''H Amnesty haB been granted to all Ar menian political prisoners. Tho sultan wants somo moro people for his brutal soldiers to kill, perhaps. Lot tho now woman chaso tho Illu sive collar button around under the furniture a fow times and sho may bo satisfied with her own apparel. Tho Trilby crozo was a Httlo lato In reaching Omaha, but It finally got thoro with both feet, so to speak. This is evidenced by tho discovery of a now religions sect thoro, which conducts nil Us services in "tho altogether." Hosoa Dallou, vlco president of the American Humano society, threatens to arrest all persons conncctod with the bull fights that are proposed to be given at tho Atlanta Cotton exposition. He has written a letter to tho secretary of the exposition, asking him to use his inlluenco to prevent tho exhibitions on tho ground that they aro "immoral Imports." The latest and most interesting pbnso of tho omnipresent "bloomer problem" hails from Toronto. A male member of tho school board of that city made a motion risking Inspectors to ac curo names of all women teachers who have been riding bicycles in "malo at tire," commonly called "bloomers," iEUJLM iffli0111 iQtentlon or taking furtheT actio'n In tho matFer. As ft happons, there is an up-to-date woman by tho name of Dr. dullon on tho Bchool board who mado such a noble dofenso of fair bicyclers In tho course of a live ly discussion that tho motion was lost 11 to 6. If Marin. Bnrberl had been acquitted becauso of tho wrong and tho outrage which provoked her to tho crimo, an example of terribly ovll consoquenco to society would havo been furnished, and It would havo been mado tho excuse for murder by vllo and violent women who set snares for men; But what bor pun ishment shall bo is another matter. It cannot bo death by electricity with out outraging every healthy Bo'ntlmont nud every honorablo lmpuUe In tho community. Tho thought that men aro to gather about this wretched and dls taught girl, strap her, a woman, to a chair, and then Btand by to watch hor killing by an electric current, Is horri ble In tho extreme No decent man would bo willing to take part in such a proceeding. No governor ought to BUbJoct manhood to It. Killing a wom an in cold blood Is not a business for nen. It outrages humnnlty. Tho Americans abroad who havo up to tho present retained tho distinction of not being presented at court should be warned by their friends at homo resolutely to refuso all temptations for a court "presentation. Tho iconoclastic blow at tho tradition that It is an honor to bo one of tho crowd at court recep tions has been long awaited, but It has come at lost. It is aimed by tho short, fat, vigorous hand of Henri La bouchere, who remarks in Truth that It is "no sort of advantage to go to court." Such on Idea, ho says, can linger only In tho minds of tho very credulous or tho entirely unsophisti cated. And, continues Mr. Labouchero with somewhat moro force than olo ganco: "No Inquiries of any sort or kind arc now mado by tho court ofll clals respecting tho hordo of unknown clip-slop whose names aro sent In be fore every drawing-room or levee." There's a horrifying revelation for those who havo still cherished tho fancy that a "presentation at court" was an honor and a distinction. It la recommended to tho attention of any fair and foolish American girl who may be envying somo other girl for a prlvl lego supposed to bo of tho greatest moment But what a change haB como over tho social llfo of England since tho days when tho court was tho highest nner circle! An ingenious distiller has discovered a process for making whisky that does not contain a single jag In a gallon of St The failure of the article as a spec ulation Is inevitable, and it would be wise in the agents of the manufactur er to refrain from soliciting trade for it in Kentucky. There is a thriving "Ladles' Suburb an Club" In Chicago; yet there Is an Impression abroad that the city ex tended bo far out oil the surrounding prairies thai very few suburban ladies could be discovered. OYER THE STATE. Citizfx of York arc enthusiastic for ft sugar factory. Tun IJ. &, M. Is rushing work in Its shops at l'lnttsmouth. Miss Li.ztt: Dunn, a prominent school teacher, died at Lincoln from typhoid fever. This Burlington has inaugurated har vest excursions and will havo a number of them. HitAK k.man a S. IImtton was caught between tho cars at Edgomont and crushed to death. Tun president has appointed 0. 8. Parmnlee postmaster nt Tchamuli, vlco W. II. Korns, resigned. A votr.Nfi farmer near Ilushville stop ped into tho cylinder of a threshing nmchlno and is short a foot. Tins 10-year-old son of John Mobs chlcld of l'lattsmouth was kicked In the faco by a horso nnd frightfully bruised. John W. Vavi. of Omaha attempted suicide by throwing himself in tho river. A man near by snatched him from his would-be watery grave. A J. ().wu.t:ii, of Wnco, Texas, and Mrs. Vcnuin of Blue Springs, .wero drowned in tho Elkhorn river nt Nor folk. Their bodies wore recovered. ilKWfrir'ofArngotf-2Iyenr;rodMt' son of Phillip Thomas, living nbout three miles west of Yutnn, was drown ed while bathing in tho l'latta river. FniKNns of Maj. Clarkson of Omaha uro pushing him for commander-in-chief of the Grand Army when the national encampment meets at Louis ville. Wilii.fi riding on a freight train n boy named Scott, of Humboldt, 1.1 y.ava old, fell under tho wheels and was killed. He lived but ono hour after tho accident, Wiriu: threshing two miles south of Hcmingford, John J. Elinok, in at tempting to plivco a belt In position, wns caught and his forearm literally ground to pieces, Iln.i)i!i:Tit camp, Modern Woodmen of America, nt lltldreth, are making preparations to crcet a building with a lnrge lodgo main on tho second iloor and store room below. Dn. It. D. llAliitis, representative In tho legislature from tho Fifty-fourth district, has moved from Ogalalln to Arlington. He was a resident of Keith county for ten years. Joiiann Senvrrz, living about four miles west of Scrlbncr, committed Bui cide by hanging. Scnulu was a hard working farmer and lor a uumber-of years had lived in that vicinity. Thk ministers of Ord, Itev, James Lislo of North Loup, Superintendent McCall and a number of public bplrited citizens of Ord are arranging to hold a Chautauqua on September 3 to 0 Inclu sive. In Johnson county last Sunday night Wm. Tnte, 20 years old, stubbed and killed Archibald Cathcart, 18 years. Tho killing was tho result of nn old fend of long standing. The murderer escaped. I'lzfiA. Lait of Moorefleld dared J. Starabaugh of Bed Lion Mills to jump into tho Blue near MeCool Junction with his clothes on. Lapp was a good swimmer, but Was taken with cramps nnd drowned. Dfil'UTV UNITKI) KTATKS MAUSHAI. Baitm nrrestcd Lou Carroll for boot legging at Ayr and ltoscmont. Carroll only recently wns released from the penitentiary, where ho served n short term for larceny from tho person. Tim IV.! City State bank iiluu its ar ticles of incorporation with tho county cleric, business to begin September 10, with 550,000 capital. Tho bank has just completed a very lino building and will start under favorable auspices. Captain IIknnv, acting Indian agent at I'ino Ridge, accompanied by Chief Clerk George Cromer and a detachment of Indian police, was in Chndron last week to receive money for distribution on tho agency. Tho amount Is 20,000. Hans Knciii-on and Knud Knudson, arrested for robbing a Union Pacific train near Brady Island last week, wero arrnlgnod In tho district court at North Platto und pleaded guilty. Tho judge gavo each of them ten years In tho pen itentiary. A i.vrru: boy and girl, 7 and 8 years of ago, children of It J. Cook, living six miles west of Surprise wero drowucd in iho Blue, and n third ono eamo near meeting the same fate in en deavoring to rescue tho other two. Tho bodies were recovered. Jkss Wu.UAMBON of Ilartington, aged eighteen yenrs, while bathing in tho mill pond wns drowned, lie could nbt swim nnd getting into the water be yond his depth, could not get back. His companions attempted to rescue him but were unnble to do so. Thk. Oxnard Beet Sugar company at Grand Island is preparing for the lar gest campaign of the manufacture in tho history of tho industry in this state. Tho company has fouud it necessary to offer extra prices for beets delivered in November, December, January and February, theso prices be ing 25, 30, 35 and 40 cents respectively. Thk board of mnnngers of the State Agricultural society, by tho unanimous adoption of a resolution, decided that Tuesdav. September 17, would bo "Golden Bod day." It will also, as an nounced before, bo Pioneers' day. On that day the stato board will decorate tho buildings and grounds with golden rod, and every visitor to the grounds, and especially cltUens of the state, are requested to wear u bunch of Nebras ka's floral emblem. Whbn the family of Prof. J. P. Bobb of Curtis commenced their usual avoca tions of tho day, the ub sence of Mr. Bobb wns noted. Soon after his body was found bunging by tho neck. Life was extinct No rea son has thus fur been offered to ac count for the deed, Thk water contracts which aro being prepnred by the secretary of tho North Loup Irrigation and Improvement com pany for the coming year will bo con ditioned so as to sell water by tho second foot, instead of by tho nere, ns was the case this season. It is thought that this will coutribute to tho more economical distribution of tho water. Hkv. Lki: Hixt of Ashland hud a narrow escape from death whilo at work in tho sand pit at Dean's. He was digging sand for the Improvements to his house, and came out of the pit for n few minutes rest, when it caved in, piling level al tons of dirt where he ttood. Condition of tho Stato llttnk. CQunrlorly report of tho condition of tho stato and private bands (4G0 in numbct; v.f the stato of Nebraska at tho close of buslncs on the 1st dny of Au gust, 1805: mvouitOHs. Loan nnd discounts fSl.taMff-SI Ovcrdrufu JBl.mW United tftntes bonds on hand .... 30, I3JB KtocliH, securities, Judgments, claim, etc .., a&,8.8 Duo from nntlunnl und other .. bnnkt 2.JGS.KO03 Banking house, fiirnlluro nnd fixtures l,ep,SK.(57 Current expenios nnd tnscs paid 027,070.51 Premium on United ftntet and other bonds nnd securities 2,4Bi.G5 Checks nud other cash Items "J.lU'i.J'f Cash j.tro. -s.3l Other real estate ' 63. ,143.46 Other usot8 not otherwise onu- inorated lo87.08 Total tSO.V 0,601.70 LIAItlMTIES. Capltnl nnd stocK paid In 5 0.CMJ.47JJ.O1 Hurnlti fund ''Jr-iF- Undivided profits 1,112,31 .03 Dividends unpaid RW.7 tlcnorul dotioMts 10,21j,37U6. Notes nnd bills rcdlscountcd '.,Cl,32.'.ia Hills payable fb8,7O8iG0 Other liabilities not otherwlso enumerated -.. 48.Mi.08 Total $M,lM,58l.0 High School Dpslgnntcd. Tho new law, providing for free at- tendancont publlo, high schools, which "Werifinto effect tins month, mnhes it the duty of tho State Department of Kduc ion to determine annually what schools in this state are properly equip ped and subject to the provisions otho law. Superintendent Corbett gives out tho following: "About Juno 1 tho state superinten dent sent out to ull hitrh schools and to all county superintendents a circulur containing full information as to tho manner In which this determination would bo made, together with a blank form for reporting tho nccof-sary data from each high school. The absence of bchool superintendents and principals during the vacation litis pi evented many ehools from sending in the re port. The state department has, how ever, just completed a partial list, eub ject, to the addition of other schools us their reports nre received. "Tho following classifications of the graded schools of the stato indicates the maximum a mount of high school work approved by tho stato depart ment, except in unusual cases and after special investigation. "Class A Including all high schools In districts having fifteen or moro teachers, such schools being expected to carry four years, or grades, of the. state coure for high schools, or its equivalent. "Clnss 11 Including all high schools in districts having six to fourteen teachers, such schools being expected to carry three years of the state course for high schools, or its equivalent. "Class C In districts having three to five teachers, such schools being ex pected to carry two years of the state course for high schools, or its equiva lent. "Class D In districts having two or three teachers, such schools being ex pected to carry ono year of the stato course for high schools or its equiva lent I'rogrriiRlvo Induration. The teachers of Jefferson county have this year ndoptcd something new In tho organisation of nn educational council, the membership of which is to consist of three teachers from the vil lage and three from the country schools. The otticers of the teachers' association are to be ex-ofllcio members und the count superintendent is to bo ex-ofllcio chairman.. To this council is to bj roferrcd tho work of preparing i nvnr-rnitia fnr thu ennnti nftsnotiitirm ' ..vo . ....... -... ..... -.-......., ..-... .. .. und the consideration of such other matters pertaining to tho welfaro of tho school system as may bo submitted by the association or superintendent. Captured a Horso Thief, l'lattsmouth dispatch: Constablo Newkirk of Alvo arrived In this city in charge of a young farm hand named John Knox, arrested at Alvo tho day before on tho charge of horse stealing. Knox appropriated two horses from a pasture, but wns arrested soon after tho commission of the thoft, Tho man shows symptoms of insanity, and is either acting n part or is crazy. Worked by Smooth Art lit. A goodly portion of Johnson county has been worked by n brnco of smooth soap agents. These agents would soil their unsuspecting victim nbout -'Scents wortli soap for SI, agreeing to deliver a prize to tho purchaser a few days later in tho shape of somo cholco bits of chinawore. Tho dollar would in variably bo paid, the soap given, but tho prizes havo failed to materiuli.c. They will be In other sections of tho state, nud the people arc warned to bo on their guard. A Decpwuter Contention. or-KKA, Kan., Aug. 31. Governor Morrill has issued a proclamation for a Western states conference conven tion, to be huld at Topeka, October I, to couslder plans to secure united notion by tho people of tho West, for the utilization of the deep water in tho Gulf of Mexico, nud to arrange for an intor-Amorican exposition for tho displuy of Western products. Gov ernor Morrill's nation is taken nt the Instance of Governor Culberson, of Texas. Cuba AVlll Hoclc Itcrognltlon. Nbw Yokk, Aug. 31. Toinub Kstrada Talma, president of tho Cuban revolu tionary committee, says that no at tempt will bo mado to obtain belliger ent rights until next December, when a Cuban mlnibter will be sent to tho United States. He believes that Spain has now realized that tho end of her rope has been reached. lie claims that the cost of sending reinforce ments is so great that Spain cannot furnish any more men und will have to give Cuba her freedom within tho next few mouths. In the present Salisbury ministry blood tells, or title does, for nearly nil of them belong to the titled classes; but bo does education count, for nine of tho members are graduates of Ox ford and three from Cambridge. As an indication of the various voca tions that lead to affluence and inde pendence, it may be cited that tho ali mony asked for and practically set tled upon the wife of pugilist "Jim" Corbett $100 per week Is larger than the sum allowed in any of the swell American divorces of tho lost several I seasons. COLD BLOODED MURDER, WYOMING WHITES BLAMED FOR THE INDIAN TROUBLE, SETTLERS HOTLY SCORED. Tim United Stilted District Attorney nnd n Deputy Marshal Itcport the ltcnnlt of Their Investigation Into tho Mutter to tho Attorney Gen eral No Justice for l'oor I.o. Washington, Sept 2. The depart ment of justice has rcclcved from tho United States attorney and marshal of Wyoming the oillcial reports of their investigation into tho llannoek Indian troubles made by direction of tho at torney general. The district attorney says: "I havo no doubt whatever that the killing of the Indian Tancga on or about tho 13th of July was anautrociousandcold blooded murder, and it was a murder porpetrated on tho part of tho con stable, Manning, and his deputies in pursuance of a scheme nnd conspiracy to prevent the Indians from exercising a right and privilege which is, in my opinion, very clearly guaranteed to them by the treaty before mentioned. Should prosecution on tho part of the United States bo determined upon it would bo useless to commence it be fore a commissioner. As the law is now, wo aro bound to bring prisoners before the United States commissioner nearest to the place of arrest, and In this case it would be before Mr. Pet tlgrew, the commissioner at Marj-s-valc. I am informed that he is thor oughly in sympathy with the so-called settlers In that region and thut he ad vised tho constable, Manning, und his posse, that the provisions of the treaty under which tho Indians claimed the right to hunt upon tho unoccupied lands of tho United Stntes hud, for some reason, ceased to bo operutive. Hence, I think to cause tho arrest of these mon and take them for hearing before this commissioner would simply result in their discharge. The United States deputy marshal who investigated the trouble s ays that after a careful investigation of tho whole affair he finds that tho reports made by settlers charging tho Indians with wholesale slaughter of game for wantonness, or to sccuro tho hides, havo been very much exaggerated. "During my stay in Jackson's Hole," ho continued, "I visited many portions of the district and saw no evidences of such slaughter. Lieutenants Gard ner, Parker and Jttckson of the Ninth United States cavalry, who conducted scouting parties of troop through all portion's of Jackson's Hole, also found this to be the case. On August 12 I visited u eatr.p of llannoek Indians who had been on n hunt in Jackson's Hole. Tho women of the party wero prepar ing the meat of seven or eight elk for winter use, and every part of the ani mal, even to tho brains, entrails and sinews was being utilized either for future food supply or possible Eourco ol pront. "In connection with the troublo be tween the Indians und tho whites, I spent somo time inquiring into tho causes for the unconcealed hostility of tho Jackson's Holo people against tho Indians. There was little or no com plaint among the settlers of offensive manners on tho part of the Indians. Except in rare instances, they have kept uwny from the houses of the set tlers and have not been in the habit of begging. In no instance has there ever been a well authenticated caso where a settler has been molested by nn Indian. Tho killing of game by Indians and by the increasing number of tourist hunters threatens to so de plete the region of big game, deer, elk, moose, etc., ns to jeopardize the occupation of tho professonal guides at Jackson's Hole. It was decided at the close of last reason to Veep tho Indians out of tho region this year, and the events of this summer aro the results of carefully prepared plans. This was admitted by United States Commissioner retttgrew of Marysvalo and Constablo Manning said: 'Wo knew very well when wo started In on this thing that wo would bring matters to a head. Some one was going to bo killed, perhaps somo on both sides, and we decided the sooner it was done tho better, so that wo could get the matter beforo the courts.' If a full investigation of tho troublo should be held, the fact would bo es tablished that when Constablo Mann ing and his pose of twenty-six settlers arrested a party of Indians on July 13 and started with them for Marysvale, ho anil his men did all they could to tempt tho Indians to try to escape in order thut thero might be a bnsis of justification for killing somo if them." Troublu KxiH-ctod In Oregon. lliM'.NKS, Ore., Sept. 2. The Indians at Warm Springs and Umatilla reserv ations come to this country annually to kill deer for their skins. Tho county judge wrote to tho agencies asking that they bo kept out, but with out effect.and now the people threaten to drive out tho Indians, fifty of whom have already arrived. Should they persist in going to Stein mountains, there is likely to be trouble. A ISoy King Almoit Drowned. liiAituiTZ, Sept. 2. King Alexander of Servla went swimming in the bay of lliscy this morning with an Instruct or. Doth were carried off their feet away from the shore by the strong current. The swimming mnster was drowned in spite of tho efforts to save hint and King Alexander only reached '.he shore with tho greatest difliculty. The attention of the Mexican consul for Colorado, Caslmere llelra, has been called to the imprisonment of two Mexicans who took part in tho recent bull light at Gillette. These men paid their lines wlien arrested at Gillette. It isthereforo claimed that they are now illegally held nnd thut the case is likely to assume international features. WEEKLY TRADE REVIEW. tinpmtrniriit In Markets Continue nt n Marvelous dull. Kff York. Sept. 2. It. G. Dun & Co weekly review of trade says: improvements in markets and prices c'ltuiimcs, antl whereas a few months utfo everybody was nursing the faint-c-t Impes of recovery it has now come tu lie tho only question in which branches, if any, the rise in prices and the increase of business may go too fur. A strong conservative feeling is finding expression, not as yet control ling tho markets or industries, but warning against too rapid expansion and rite. In some directions the advance in prices clearly checks future business. Dtit encouraging features have great lower. Exports of gold continue, but uro met by syndicate deposits and ex pected to cease soon. Anxieties about the monetary future no longer hinder Cr jp prospects, except for cotton, have somewhat improved during the week. Important steps toward reorganiza tion of great railroads gives hope to Investors Labor troubles are for the present less threatening and somo of importauce have alieady been settled. The industries are not only doing bet ter than anybody expected, but aro counting on a great business for the rest of the year. Tho advance in prices of iron und its products hns added about S2 a ton moro in n single. week to the prices of Bessemer iron nt Pittsburg and yet tho great steel com panies aro buying wherever they can, while tho uir is full of reports that this or that finished product will still further advance. Lead is still S3.."i2n though tho pro duction in tho first half of 1805 was 105,1)70 tons, with increasing stocks from U.IGS tons in January to 8,511 tons In July. Coko is demoralized with sales at 31.10 per ton. Wool has been speculatlvelj' hoisted, so that sales have fallen below last year's, in August 22,200,400 pounds, of which 10,1)02,000 wero foreign, ngainst 0.1,7 18,8.'.0 last year, of which only 4,5.10,00 were foreign. ' The prospect for wheat has hardly improved this week, although the price has fallen one-fourth of a cent. Corn is coming forward more freely, and the September prices have declined a quarter of a cent with the promise of a great crop; pork and lard are a shade lower. STOPPED THE DEBATE. Slutmclesfl Conduct of n Kentucky Audl enco Toward Sir. Itrndley. Eminknci:, Ky., Sept. 2. The sixth joint debate in tho t cries of twelve, which was to have taken place be tween Colonel W. O. Uradley nnd Gen eral P. W. Hardin, at Eminence, yes terday, was called off on account of the noisy demonstration of tho crowd. Colonel Uradley wns to have opened and closed the debate. When ho at tempted to begin the noise and dis turbance of the Croud was so great that ho wns compelled to sit down. W. 1'. Thorno, the Democratic chair man, arose and appealed to them for order, but the crowd paid no attention to him. Colonel Jlrauley attempted again nnd iifrnin to spenk, six tlmcf in ull, but fulled to get u hearing. See ing that tiny attempt to speak was in vain, he gave it up, saying that the noio was more than he could stand, and refusing most positively to proceed farther. Tlio colonel said. "I wish I had my voice a minute, so I could toll this crowd what utter contempt I hold them in." Then folding up his manu script he left the stand. Tho action of the nuhieneo is condemned by the chairman of the Democratic committee as well tts the Republicans, who wero present, and they declare it is an out ngeand disgrace to Henry county. DISASTROUS WRECK. Tiro I'voplo Kilted and l'lfty Injured on nn Kxeiirnlou Train In Georghi. Macon, Gn., Sept. 2. Two passen gor coaches and the combination bag gage and smoking car of an excursion train left the track on the Southern railway, between Holton and Popes, yesterday morning, and fifty people were hurt and two killed. It is im possible to explain the cause of the wreck, as tho track is baid to have been in good condition There wero over -100 people on board tho train. Torn to I'leeei ly it Dog. Nevada, Mo., SepL 2. Tho 0-ycar-old child of Lee I.Iundy, residing four teen miles boutheast of this city, was attacked by the family dog yesterday and nlmost torn to pieces. The mother, who wns in the house at the time, heard the child's screams and ran out to its assistance. She succeeded in beating the avage brute off with a club, but not until tho child had re ceived .what nre thought to bo fatul wounds. Its face was chewed into a uulp. tilx Ituiulrril Vanillic Homeless. Ai.uuquKiuiUK, N. M., Sept. 2. A cloudburst occurred lust night near San Mnrcinl, a town of nbout 5o0 people, on the Santa Pe road, ninety miles south of Albuquerque. Twenty houses In tho town wero ruined nnd a large number In tho fanning dstricts udjncent. Tho loss is estirnnted at SS.OOO. Xo lives were lost, but nbout 000 poor families were left homeless. Cletelnml nnd u Third Term. London, Sept. 2. SL Clnlr Mclvel way, editor of the llrooklyn Eagle, has a letter in the Times in which he declare if President Cleveland is again nominated it will be quite different from any former movement in favor of a third term. It will bo a popular protest against tho limit, the earlier reason for which has ceased. It will be the people's act ugainst conspiring politicians. C.rcat JIhsoi'Ic Unltvrslty. JIosion, Sept. 2. Knights Templars nre bald to be planning the establish ment of a grout uatlonal university for both sexes, to be controlled by and in the interest of ull Masons, with a per manent endowmont of 8.')0,000.000. Tho soheme contemplates tho erection of a sufficient number of fireproof build ings to accommodate 10,000 students. MAXWELL IS CHOSEN. THE POPULIST STATE CONVEN TION AT LINCOLN. MnxtTcll Nominated for Supremo Iudg and Kiln W. Prattle nnd .lumen II. Iloyditon fur Urgent A llrlef nnt rolntetl Platform Some Afterthought Iteiolntloni Nnmei of tho Stato Cen tral Committee. Nebraska I'opullit Stntn Convention. rorSiiremeJudRo....SAMURIi MAXWELL l'or ltcgcnts of tho State University. ... KL1A W. I'BAITIR JAMES II. ItOYIteTOX Lincoln, Nob., August 20. Tho pop ulist state convention mot here yester day and placed the abovo ticket in. nomination. Tho convention was called to order by J. II. Edm'.stcn, chairman of the state central commit tee. Tho chairman said that tho first busi ness before tho convention would bo the election of a temporary chairman. A. li Sheldon of tho Chadron Advocate nominated Ed L. Heath of RushvlUc, Tho nomination was seconded by Dr. Steele of Hastings. Delegate Cohen of Douglas moved to make tho nomina tion unanimous and ho was elected by acclamation. The chair announced the following as the commltteo on credentials: W. L. Kirke, Antelope; W. E. Drown, But ler; O. Nelson, Colfax; E. J. Hall, Hall; F. L. Layton, Lancaster. Mr. McKcighan gavo somo advico about a platform, which he believed should bo short nnd his. if he wero to make it, would simply declare for free and unlimited coinage of bilvcr at tho ratio of 10 to 1, without waiting for England or any other nation to con scut; for a supplemental issue of paper money and against the enforcement of any gold contract, and the regulation of corporations. Senator Allen was called to tho stage and was warmly greeted as ho came to tho front. Ho said in part that tho populist party would, ho firmly be lieved, come into power in the national government as well as in the state. It was growing and cementing itself ns it grew. He had seen tho former haughty nnd proud democratic party torn nnd rent in twain by an issue that was first raised by the populists. Chairman Heath stated that when he was elected as temporary chairman it was with tho understanding that Sen ator Allen would be numed as perma nent presiding officer, und if he was elected he would positively decline to serve. Senator Allen was nominated and took the chair. A gavel mado by populists of Califor nia was presented to tho chairman. Tho following were named as tho committee on resolutions: W. A. Mc Kcighan, J. N. Gaflln, W. A. Jones J. II. Powers, II. G. Stewart and Wilbur F. Uryant. E. C Hewlett's motion, that all reso lutions be referred to this commltteo without reading, was adopted, and at C o'cloclt the convention took a recess for an hour and a half. A motion was made that the conven tion proceed to nominate a candidate for judge of the supremo court Tho ballot resulted: Maxwell COS. D. U Carey 3, Magney 39. A motion to make the ballot formal and Samuel Maxwell declared the unanimous cholco was made. Nominations of ca-r.tMlate'a for re gents of the state university being in order, I. A. Sheridau nominated James II. Uoydston of Ked Willow; 15. C. Itewiek nominated Dr. II. M. Case beer of Lancaster and James Kinney nominated Jlrs. Elia W, Pcattio of Omaha. On tho call of counties tho vote stood, Casebcer 218J, Mrs. Pcat tio 578M. Uoydston 575. Mrs. Pcattio and Uoydston were declared tho nom inees for regents. W. A. McKeighan was made national committeeman in place of chamberlain. Tho state central comuntteo was au thorized to fill vacancies. riiATKonji in nmr.r. The commltteo on platform reported tho following, which was adopted: "Wo the peoplo's party of tho stato of Nebraska, in convention nssembled, do put forth the following platform of principles. Wo hereby renlllrm tho principles of the Omaha platform. Wo declaro ourselves in favor of strict economy in conducting tho affairs of tho state government in all its branch es. Wo bellevo the judicial affairs of the state should be conducted on tho principles of justice and honesty, with out partisan basis and in the interests of the people." In addition to the abovo platform several resolutions wero presented. The first .of these was one pledging tho the convention to the initiative and referendum. Wilber Ilryant, 'J'. 11. Tibbies and Jules Sehouheit opposed this and J. II Powers and several others sunnortcd it. The resolution was adopted. The following was read; Wo de nounce as unpatriotic and un-American any secret oath-bound organization having for its chief object the creation of a religious test for public ollleo and declaro ourselves to bo unreservedly in favor of the maintenance of a non-partisan, non-sectarian public school sys tem." , George A. Abbott offered ns a substi tute for tho resolution: "The populist party Is opposed to any religious test as a-qualification for otllce or for member ship in the party." The substitute was adopted without a dissenting vote. Ono resolution recommending a re duction of all salaries of officers, stato and national, was adopted. One in dorsing Governor Holcomb's position in relation to the peultentinry contract and his economical administration of 6tate affairs was adopted. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. A grocer In Sandusky, Ohio, sella eggs by the peck. Horse-meat was used In Oregon, as a regular diet, by the old missionaries, from 1S33 to 1S44. In Lapland the men and women dre?s exactly alike, with tunics, belted at the waist, and tight breeches. Maxim's cavalry sun weighs thirty pounds. It can be strappad on a sol dier's back, and will fire 700 shots a minute. The web of the common garden-iplder Is so fine that 30,000 or tbm, laid Bide by side, would not cover an lnoh In width. f f-l