Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 06, 1895, Image 10
JLllJWMB)MlJ'lillJW.'JiJlUlaaXUJ itu. gy-,1,1 1 leHeffliDgford Herald. T1lKW ...l'tlhlishor. SfHS'KiraiON Il.T8& .5150 ,.. .t o r. YKUl ! v rtONHlH j Published ewy filday, at Ileminflford, Hox iitl County. Nbra. r RtPAYT'SKPT G. 1S05. Democratic State Convcnticn TTinPn" D-mwrftf!" convmition is herohy TO.WM to riw t IiSmcoIu, H'plnbw II, 1HO, nl j o'clock 11 m.,forthf purpose of nomlnatuu: luiTMi't-.'it'n for d of tin supremo court dud two pBiiiiiiUb ff rwftnu of tho stat iini vo-sity. and the ileUon or a staU, central cum- !i p-ron who l") In tho doctrine of V e davit ratlcMKirty as art forth In tit" platform ." ptinripifi.iidupV'd t th lust democratic nut! .imlff'.tmjtliHilnt'liUiiKo In 1MB m in vltrnl t)'Ni-i"''',in the selection of deiojate to this convention. Theai)ortiuiiint of d'lowyles from eaoh rouuty, ImikiI on th voto of tho candidate- for Houtonaiit-Tovernor at the last ;neral election, n ml in-ilu.li ii Otis candidate at latgo from iasii coanty, inns oliowHi Johns"!! n Kearney ft Kdtli.... 2 lieyn I'alia... ....... ...2, Kimball . Kuux... i ....7 Luncaitw .....lli Lincoln a twin i IjJHiP ,....,.... 1 Jf(t(Ion 3 ftte:!r:.::r.::-i Nanoe s Hswaiia , 5 NtttkolU A Otoo SO IV-viieo , 6 Pfrkihs 8 J'holps 8 l'iwco 0 YltAD 15 Adam Ant-'lnpo llnnnor limine .. . llooirt .. lies tltiltc IMd Hruwn Jtuffalo lliirt jftillor . . . . (ass . . . Omni) 3 Cherry 3 Ch-yonni 4 PniDE NEVER KOR900K HIM. ..7 ir. . 4 ..1 .11 15 81 ..'J ,.S .. 4 ..4 ..I .It) ..X . a Folk., , 4 M willow n lliehanlgon 14 Hook 8 Hntlno . 20 ryy. 8 founders k HcntUllluff 3 Howard 14 Sheridan 4 Bfmrraiui II HI dux , n Rtntiton 7 'fhnrM.C II Thomas S riiurw ton. il Valley 0 Washington 0 Wayno R WflbsUtr (I Wheeler ,. 2 Yolk . (i nay . Colfax Cihv r Dakota . Da won Dawson . Z)"lll Dixon. .. P't lir 1)ow-iaii Dnalj I'll lrwirp J'rtilcHu K-outir-r.. 3'-!C.l4( ... Hm (iraut.. . (Jrnliy . Hill . Hamilton Itnruin . JiAJVU 8t)tici.'k ifolt JKiuK'r no turd Ji'.'InrHoii 13 isuuxtd M.MitlN, i;iialnnnii. ,7.1! (jiuean, Ifeorei.-iry. Democratic Judicial Conven tion. Tli& Domncrats of tho IStli Judlcinl (rtlstriiJt aru rospectfullylrequeatcd to incot. in Uclpgato convontioit at OKADlfON, NKU OCT. 10, 1805, for tho imrpoHO of placing In nomlna tion tuo camlltlatCH fur District Judge for said district, nnd such oih cr Uualnoss w muy properly come ho foro ffthl convontkui. Tlio various ciiunUos.wlll be entitled to on pqunl munbor of dek'utea ns wcro olijcted to tho statu convention. 1 M. DllOOME, Chairman. Totnl. .013 Alliance, Nob., Sopt. 2, 1805. Tho democrats In thtj vnrlous pre ,!nt;t4 t Hox Uuito County, Ncbras )c.t, hie roquo8tcd to select delcgetcs to ntt'iid a county convention to be liehl at tlio court house In Ilemlngford Nobrasliu, on i3cptombcr 21, 1805, at 1 o'clock P. M., for tho purpose of noialniitiiiix c.iiulklates for county inlii-erH to lie olectod nt tlio coming November election, to-wit: Uo, Judge, Sheriff. ClorU.Trcasurer, Suporintcmlent of Schools and ono Coiomiaalouer lor tho third district. Tlio eevoral precincts tiro entitled to representation In aiild convention, im follows: Allinnco - 21 Liberty - 8 Boyd - - 2 Nonparoil - C litis Butte - 5 Kunningwator C Doifioy - - 1'2 Imko - G 'Liiwn - 7 Snnko - 3 "WrScht - - d t Total - - 71 Tho Committeemen In tho various pruclnets will uttoud to calling cau I'usos In their ropuctivo, precincts t suuh tlmo untl pluco us may in tbelr judgmuot bpoii) best. It. will also bo tiio duty of this convnntiou to scloot a county central committee and a chairman thereof for lliu ensuing year, S M Smyshu, Chairman, Rciirpt "f n Thief lliitt lis Ilafl to He Irlfd Without n Kcnrr t'ln. In nn Ifastorn stuto tlioro has boon i sorles of barn bnrtilnjr.i, whloh bad dostroyd thausnniU of dollnrn' worth of property. In some cases rosblonces and storon bed canjfht flro, mid tlioro wns no rml to tlio datnago. l'lno horsoi and vehicles, bay, grain of cvory sort, mul tho odds nnd onds of property which Is ireiteratly atorod in burns nil wotiL Tho citizens of tho llttlo vlllnge wore greatly Inconsod nn 1 left no moan ttntrlod to catch the olTendur. Finally, during tho thlrtQpnth ilro, tho guilty man and his con federate wore caught. Popu lar Indignation ran so high tbnt bad the crime occurred In Kentucky, the mou would bavo been lynchod. Hut tboy wore thrown into jail to await trial. Tlio day haforo tho trial a prominent mau called upon the chief offender's wife and found her crying bitterly. Ho looked about In vain for somo means of comforting her. but pould oniv pat nor on tho shoulder and sny: "Thore, Mrs. S , don't tako on so. Mnybo they'll clear him," tbpugh down in his heart bo 'opqd tbo,y wouldn't But sho only walled louder. "Ob, It isn't that. But to think Jim's to bo tried to-morrow hoforo a big crowd of people and bo hasn't got any stickpin for his necktie. IIo Is awful proud, Jim Is, and when ho was arrested ho told ino to got him a stickpin if I could, but I haven't boon able to savo a cent. Oh, it's awful to bo so poor." And tho kind-hearted man actually took out a dollar and told her if nbo could find a stickpin at that prlco to got it for Jim to woar at court and savo tho family prido. QUITE TRUE. Hut Then It Vfai an Unfortunato lie mark of III. In an amateur theatrical socloty there camo a crisis. Tlioro vns to bo a pcrformanco on Monday, and on Saturday, after what bad boon In tended for tho last rehearsal, It was plainly and painfully nnd awfully evident that another roboarsal was noedod. Tho matter was talked ovor as only mattors of such grave, of such stupendous importance can be talked ovor. Thore was an, olomont which in tho dosperato circum stances camo out boldly for a Sunday rehearsal, and opposed to this were thoso who firmly declared that ratbor than have a Sunday roboarsal tboy would prefer to seo tho amatour so cloty disappear in the most profound oblivion. Tho Sunday roboarsal faction had as its ndvocato a woman who pre sented her argument with vigor and eloquence, but sho could not shako tho rock on which stood tho leaders of tho opposition, two venerable maid ens, who with numerous biblical quo tations fortllled tbelr position regard ing tho obsorvanco of Sunday. 'lint," criqd tho woman who was. resolved to bo Napoloonio in tho cmorgoucv, "did not our Lord say that tho Sabbath was mado for mou, not men for tho Sabbath?" Then thoro was a pause Tho maidens gazed at each other. Jach folt that tills was tho time when tho day must bo saved. Ono of them oponed her lips to Bpoak, nnd tho other heaved a great sigh of relief. "That Is true," said sho who re plied, "but that was a vory unfortun tto remark of Ills." SUes. 'Oh, that's about a sizo too small for you," said tho salesman In a cloth ing establishment, as ho critically surveyed a coat into which ho had assisted a patron. "Yes, it is a bit too small," assorted tho othor, taking ofT tho garment, "but, toll mo just how much is a size." 'In a coat," answered tho salesman, "a slzo Is an Inch.' "Is that so," exclaimed tho customer. Ho had been living nearly 32 years wis fairly intelligent, but nover know tho fact- And thoro aro thousands liko him, who also do not know, for Instance, that a sizo in underwear Is two inches; in a sock, an Inch: in a collar, half nn inch; in bhoos, one-sixth of an Inch; In trous ers, ono Inch; in gloves, a quartor of n inch, and in hats, one-eighth. THE NEBllASKA STATE FAIB Special Roatoa and Trains via tho Burlington Eoutp. Hound trip tickets to Omaha at tlio one wuy rate, plusSO cents (for admis sion coupon to tho stsito fair), will bo on sale at lituliugtou Itouto stations, Sopiember 1 3th to 20th. Nobraskans are assured that tho 'Ofi State Fair will be a vast improvement mi its predeccasurs. Larger more brllllantbotler worth seeing. Evoty ono who can do bo should spend State Valr week, the wholo of It, in Omaha. Tho outdoor celebrations will bo lirUu4ilurly attractive, surpassing any thing of the kind over before un mkon by any western city. Every ovi'nmg, Omaha will be atlamo with dot tilo lights and glittering pageants wdl parade Uie stroetd- Tho program f i; tuo evening uoroiuonlos Is: Mnnduy, Sept. Will Grand Bicycle Carntvfl'. rj'xda.i, Sept. nth Nebraska's Par ide. V.-dievl iy. Spt. 181li Military i,n 1 Ciii l'.irnde. I'liursJuy, Spt. lOih Knights of Ak Sar Ben Tarade, to be followed by ih Feast of Mofttiamln" Ball. " 11 mud trui tickets to Omaha at the reduced ritei ab'ive mentioned, as villus full inform itlou about tho BuiMn,'t'.n Uouto'8 twin sarvJoa at tlio urn ! i .to st.ito Fair, cm bo hud on p4jifatl'.u t the uearvist B. & M. It. Final ProofNotices. Hon. J. W. Wstm. Jn., ItcgUtcr. Hon. V. M. Hiioomk. l!ivf-r. 1'nrtiM liavlnr notices In this column nre ro atmtnl to ril Uie unmn carefully ana report to HiU olrkw for irrwtum any errors that may wtlut, Tlila will proTcnt possible delay in makinct proof. l.aml Offlcf at Atlinnco.NoU.. Spt- 4, 180ft. Notice Is liorohy Wcn tbnt Uio follovrinx nnmpd net tier lin filed notlroof Ids Intent'on to make final proof In ettpport of hit claim and that raild proof will lio mado beforn Itpi-Ut'T ami Itmtftlver at Allianov, Nob., on , October 10, ums.vk: JOHN IRION, of Ijawn, Neb., who mado H. E. no. 28S8 for Iho 8". NRHandN V, SB of iwo8,tp28n.r Klw. Ho names tho following witnednos to provrh n continuous residenoo upon nnd cnlliyntion of mul limd, viz: lkiujamin K. Moore, of Mara land. Neb , Leo llraudlo, Irfiuis Larson, John V. Hazard, Of Lawn, Neb. J. W. Wehn. Jn., Itcwtater. Ind Ollice tit Alliance, Nebr., Anfjnstas, 1890. Notteo is hereby fflvon that Uio following named nettler Iibh fileil notice ot bin Intention to nmko finol proof in Kiipport of his claim, and tliatnakl proof will Iw mndebaforo J. E. Brown, U. H. (!. V. Commissioner nt Hay Springs, Nob., on Oct. 7, 1805, xh: ' ' OABltlKL JOHNSON, of Dunlap, lleh., who madoun No. M47 for tlio W i H B U. B W ii N E U i N E U S W U boo 32 to 00 n, r 47 w. uonamoa mo following witurssRH to prnvo his continnons reuidonco upon and cnltitation of said land, viz: ('liorJes Olson, lirrick 8ur destrum, Kll Blgnbl, Valentino Uoddard, nil of Dunlap, Neb. Also CHAHLKS OLS01I, of Dnnlap. Neb., who mado ll k no. 3103 for tho s W N w Vi seo 6, b i n e sk-hj (1, tp 20 n, r 47 w. Ho names thotoUowine witnesses to prove hln continuous resIilQiicn tmtm mul onltlv.itbui if ... . ;- . . . . " "---i. "- pain lanii, Jlz: Unlirlol Johnson, KrrickSur jiesirnni, mi dirikm, Valentino (iouun llunlap, Neb, J. W. Wkhn, Jit., ileeister. Land OIBco at Alliance, Neb., Ang. 12, IBM. fotirnis berebv rHen tlint. Ihn ril1,iv,'Inimm. rd settlor has tiled notieo of his intention to mai.o nnai prooi in support ot litscJalm,.iud that said proof will bo mado lieforo J. K. Drown JJ. B. court commissioner, nt Hay Springs, Nob. Oil Hcpt, 2J, lbU5, viz: SAMUEL TEBHELL, of Dunlap, Nub., who rando u. e. No. 2017 for tho S W J4 sec la, tp 21i n, th 47. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous Tcsldenco upon nndcnlthntioh of snid laud, viz: Vuleutlno II. Ooddard, Oscar l1. Crosswait, I'liarlcs Olson, of Dunlap, Nob., J. rioblo Dotsou, of Miratco, Nob. AUo VALENTINE 11. (10DDAUD, ot Dnnlap, Nob., who mado n. k. No.S274for tho 8 W U seo 8. tp U n, r 47 w. Ho names tlm fnllfirtli!- wttneaflra tn nrnrnlita continuous residenco upon and cultivation of said land, vl.: Samuel Torroll, Osrar 1 Cross wait, of Dunlap, Neb., ,f. Noble Dotsou, of Mi raKO, Nob., Charles Olson, of Dunlap, Neb. J. Y. weiin.jiu, ilelBter. Land OIBco at AUlanoo, Neb., Ang. l'J, lira. Notlco tn biTSby tven that tlio followlng liaUKKl settler has blia notloo of his intention to moko fli.al proof in support of bisckiim, and that said proof will lw mado bnforo Kenistor or ltocoiver nt Alliance, Neb., on Bopt. !!0, lbUS, viie: JOSEPH ECICL, of Hemlncford, Nob., who mado H. E. No. 23 for tho N SV H soo IS, tp 2o n, n- M w. II" - nnujjit the followt.uj witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John lientler, William IJoth, Holtnor Uensvohl, of Hemihtiford, Nob., John J. Lutbch, ot Lawn, Nob. J. W. Wehn, Jn., ltoc'.stcr. Ijand Office at Alliance, Nob., Auff. 21, IBM. Notion is berebv Riven that tho following named Hottlnr linu llloil notice of his intention tn mako final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof 111 Ijo msdo before ItfRietor and lttoeiver at Alliance, Neb., on Kept. US, UDS, vizi ELIAB llAUKEIt, of Hominsford, Neb., who mado n. c. No. 110 for tho NKli seo ,.!0, tp Si n. r 5'J w. He unmet) the followim; withessftsto prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: 'leorsa Wakofield. (Jeorjlo L. Taylor, Georpp Vf. IVnso, of Hcmiiusford, Nob., Ucorgo W. Wells, of Marsland. Nob. J. W. WiatN, Jn., Itegister. Hut Ho Didn't Itenp. Whatjs known as tho West Sid o It San Joaquin valley suiters moro than any other grain-raising section of the state from lack of rains, nnd, as tho Baying goes," only ono year In three produces a crop. Not long Blnco a eclobratod casj camo up for trial in Fresno, and tho lawyers wcro exam ining jurors. Ono, whom wo shall call Georgo Jones, wa3 in tho box being quostionnd bsforo ho would bo pormlttod to servo on the jury. Among other questions tho lawyer asked Mr. Jones whore ho lived. "Ovor on tho West Side, about six or Feven miles from Firobaugh," was tho rosponse. "yes." said tho lawyor; "farmer, I suppose?" "I dunno," an swered Jones, "I plow and sow." A W ooden-Lesirtxl l'ct. A dog with a wooden log Is ono ot tho curiosities of Wavorly, Md. It Is a pug dog bclonglug to John Kccleson of Brady aonuo. Tho dog lost part of his foreleg while investigating tho mysterlos of an electric car. Mr. Ec clcson, measured carefully tho length of tho dog's leg nnd mado a stick to fit tho stump, Tho dog has bocomo accustomed to the strnuge appondngo and runs about as easily and as natur ally as his moro fortuno.to canlno friends. Drew the Line. Mrs. Hicks Hero I am, keeping two girls, and I have to work liko a slava my6elt Hicks Why don't you got another girl? Mrs. Hicks Hot much; coma what may, I sicjply won't work nights. , Land Onicont Alllanoo, Neb., Aup.20, 1605. Notieo is berebv hIvoii tbat the f oliowlne nam ed settler has filed notice ot his intention to mako final proof in support of his claim, and tbntsald proof will lo mado Deforo Itegister or llecohor at Alliance, Neb., on Hept. 80, 1B05, viz: ELIZA. Y. ALEXANDEIt, of Hominsford, Nob., who mndo H. E. No. 3273 for thd 8 E i seo 0, tp 2H n, rj 4S w. Do names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous rueldeueo unon and cultivation of said land, viz: William J. lJritton, Ihomas Ii. Hopkins, Kndnlpli K. Martz, Oohu Jullnk, all of Hominsford, Neb. Also JOHN C. ALEXANDEIt, of Keralntrford. Nob., whb made H. E. No, 3C23 for tbo 8 W H seo 37. tp 23 n, r 88 w. He names ibe followluir witnesses to provo his continuous residnnon upon and cultivation of aid land, viz: William J. Hritton, Tliomns L. Hopkins, Itudolph E. Martz, John Joliuek, all ot Hemlusford, Nob. J. y. Wehn, Jn., Hesistor. Reduced Rates to Hot Sprlngi, S. D., aro ofTercd by tlio Burlington Bouto, Jlay 24, Juno 7 and 10, July 3 and 10, August 2 nnd 28. Ono fare for tho round trip. Tickets good for 30 days In addition, low round trip rrttos to Hot Springs urc in effect tho year round. For information about rates and trains, via the Burlington Itouto, to Hot Springs, apply to the lorn! ngont. For Illustrated folder, descriptive of this famous resorts, write to J. Francis G. I Si T. A., Omaha, Neb. IWWWWVMAMAAVWMAW ldind Office at Alliance, Neb., Bcpt. 6, IMfi. Notice is lierobv irivpn Hint film follnwir.f named Mttler has filed notieo of his Intention to mako tlnal proof in support ot his claim ami Uir.t said proof will bo made boforo Hcglstsr and ltwoiver at Allianco, Neb.,onOct. 17, IMS, viz;, WILLAUD M. EVAKB, ot Marslam), Nnb who made u. x. No. 17C1 for tlio 8 1C L4 soo IB, tp 2i), tft 51 w. He names tho following witneses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of wild land, viz: HurIi H. Jones, I'orry Erik Fon, of Marslaad, Nob., ErauuiBka Jirntochvel, Henry Bhlmek, of Ijvwii, Neb. Alsv FHANOIBKA KHATOOHVEL, formerly Francitka Bkoda. ot Liwn, Nob., who roadau.E. no. 2015 for tho n k ?4 sco iG, tp as, rgfilw. . btio names tho following witnesses to provo her continuous rosidonco upon and cultivation pt said land, viz: Wlllard M. Evans, Mars land, Neb, nenry k liimck, of Lawn, Nob., nufh 1). Jones, I'erry JcriUsou.ot MarsIand,Kcb, Also HENIIY BHLMEK, of lawn, Neb , who mado 11. E. No. 1714 for tho B VV U sec 28. tp 28, rg fil w. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo hor continuous residence npou nnd cultivation of said land, viz: Wlllnrd M. Etans, Hugh II. Jones, of Marsland, Nob., Franclskn Kratoch vol, l'crry rrikson, of Marsland, Neb. J. VI. Wehn, Ja., Hoglstcr. 3E3Z- SB, GKKEIEISr, she f i Heaw Hardware, I Caveats, nnd Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat- rent buiinets conducted for Moderate Fees. Sour Orncc is Oppobitc U. S. Patcnt Orricc J ami no can secure patent in lea time than those j Prmnlft from Wflihfnfrton- S t Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-j (tton. YVo advise, if patentabls or not, frco of J Jcharce. Our fee not dua till patent ts secured. 3 i a n.M.uirr "How to Obtain Patents." with ;cost of tamo in the U. S. and foreign countries! sent Irec. AUdrcss, ca-stow&oo. OPP. PATCNT OfPICC, VVABHINQTON, D. C. Burlington Route HALF KATES TO BOSTON August 10th to 2'ltb, Burlington Route agents in Nebraska and Kan sas will sell round trip tickets to Bos ton at the one way rate. Return limit Oct. 10th. Tho train to .take: The Knights Templar Olllcial Train, having on board Grand Commander Finch and Escort will leave Omaha Via the Burlington Route at 4:45 p. in., Thursday Aug. 22nd, after arrival of all trains from tho west. Through to Boston Without Change. Seven hours stopover at Niagara Falls. Tickets and sleeping car reservations on appllcotlon to any agent of this or any connecting line. Sond for freo folder giving full in formation. J. Fuanois, G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. SKSiHirftlV Hn kMIUVnCvr frATO TPUnC MlmTJf via " lL T. .Hiri . Ii- i I ar CQPYKltari I O. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, wrlto to 5l U N N ito CO.. who hare hart nearly flfty yoara SjpeVlenea in th'o patent business. Co"""1?? tlons strictly confldontlal. A Handbook of In formation concornlna Patents and how to oh. tain them sent f ren.AlfiO n catalogue Of xncohan Icnl and soiontlfla books sent free. ,. Patents taken throngh Munn & Co. joeono STeclalnotlcotnthoHrlentlllcAincrlcnti.ana thus aro brought widely beforptbo PUbltovrlth. out cost to tho Inventor. This solenoid paper, issued weekly. elOBamly Illustrated, has by far tho larpest circulation of any sclenUUc work In tho world. 83 a year. Hnnnilo copies sent free. W nulidlng Edlonj monthly, f i-W n year. Btnjlo conies. 'iH cents. Every number contains poau Uful platos. tn colors, and phmowapbs ofnaw houses! with plans, enabling Wlliters lo show tho l&test deslcns and socuro contracts. Address jSunn S cti m:w youu, aoi nuoADWA.y. This Card is to (Benefit Cash (Buyers. (Don't Lose It, 20 '25 1 20 25 j 20 25 yo l 25 i 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 2025 100 1 100 1 100 100 j 10Q 100 100 50 1 5j" H. R. GREEN, -Hardware. IKivV TO SAVE MONEY Head What This Card . . . .Says. . . . When you pay Cash, lot tho Clork xnmch out tho amount; and when you have paid us Twenty- Dollars in cash, will givo you One (Dollar In Goods Free of Charge, CSOn nil poods except Darb wire. 50 60 60 1 50 j 50 50 j 50 1 50 1 50 10 15 15 15 10 10 15 10 5 15 10 j 5 16"fibl"5 15 fl0"j"5 iTrioTil 15 10 5 We will not be undersold. Ahoays bring this Card with you. BUCKEYE lowers And the Celebrated. Hollmgwortli and Tiger Hayrakes THE BUCK10YB Machines which took the cake at tho "WOELD'S FAIR caunot bo excelled. Tho HOLLrNGSWOETLT and TIGER Hayrakes wcro nover beaten, Either of these celebrated tools will bo sold AS CHEAP and CHEAPER than any inferior grades. I also keop vopnirs for theso and other machines. Can got any repairs desired. Tho "Best "BIrcLcLez '"T'w-Iri.e At tho lowest living prices. For sale at tho "jT"E3:"H3 "E5ZO"rE"E3'ES Hardware and Saddlery House A Beautiful Woman Attracts Attention Eveeywheee. Grolel -;- Leeif, KOT AS HANDSOME TO LOOK AT A A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, BUT Ae Ugly Woman Can Make Betteu Bread With QoSel -Leeif -Floqt THAN A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN CAN WITu ANY OTHER BRAND. Land Office at Alliance, Nob., Aug. 11,1601. Notieo in hereby Riven that the following, named settler has tiled notlco of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will bo made before IWglstwr or lEeoelver at Alliance, Nob., on Bent, 3t, 1SU5, U: KRLAHD TEDEUSCN WOLDEN, of Tierca. Neb., who made H. E, No. IVtl for the 8 W H see H, tp 80 ii rjf 9 w. lie nnmas the following witnesses tn provo his continuous residence npon and cultivation ot said laud, viz: henry Von Darken, John Von riai-pen, Erik lUBmuswjn, Uendiok D, Vikse, all of Rerea, Neb. Also JOHN VONEAUQKN, of Berea, Ileb., who madn H. E. No. 5186 for tho Lots 1 and 3 and 8 K N E V sen 1, tp 20 n, r 40 w Ho names tho followlnn witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vii: David Eberly, D. V. Eberly, Erl.ind I'etlsrsou Vi'oldeu, Erik ltasmusson, all of Ilerea, lieb. Also HENRY VON HAHQEN, ot Iterea, Neb., who made H. E. No. 2183 for tho 8 E U seo 1, tp 20 li, r It) w. Houamed the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: David Eberly, D. V- Ebarly, Hrliuul Pelerson Wolden, Erik liasmusson, all of Iterea, Neb. J. VV, Wbbn, Jit., Register. Alter Giving it a Trial You will wonder now You Ever Got Along without it. The Elegance Sitjcs, OF 0-CT23 .SS033'X3ET'T' O Lawns, Cashmeres, Underwear Notioo To Orodltors State of Nebraska, ) B8 Ilox Rutto County, 1 In the matter ot tbo Sstato ot James MeCal loiitth deceased. Notioe is hereby given that the creditors ot Mild deceased will roet the Administrator ot said l'Mate before me County Judeo of Hox Rutte Co Nebraska, at the County Court Room, iu Horn ineford. in said County, ontlioyttli day of Bspt. ls5 nnd on tlie 31tb day of February 1W. at 10 nVln.tk h. m noli dav fur tbeiiurnosaof uresent- insr their claims fur examination, adjustment and allowance, 8ix months tiro allowed for tliu creditors to present their claims ami one year for the Administrator to celtle said Estate from theSlth day of August 1KB. This notioe will lie published in the Hemins ford llEKHU) for four woeks successively prior to tho :mh day of Sept. A. I) MU5. WitnMs niyothulal signatnre nd the seal of said County Court, this tilth lay ot Augunt, X. D, ia)J. D. K. Smqiit. vBeaL) Ooujtly Judj. fa suits ami all tho latest novelties in Dress Fabries, for the sm.bg MWn, in texture, finish, ,vavo, combination nnd colorings, is as indefinably tamlltpl as the md hues o the ilowors of spring. Thoy ea.txsf t3a.e Olosest Soru-tiTLy and evoke tho unqualified praise of all who behold them. Unremitted study of tho prevail ing stylo in vogue, and strict attention to tho most exacting wants of my patronage, makes my store in tho estimation of tho refined and tasty, the Emporium Par Excellence whereat to procure ho daintiest, DRESS WEAR. ;V most stylish, economical, unuiuo . I i - v . O . Freetel S at Lowest Prices. Big bargains in ij e Department W. K, HERIM f 6 axa Baza I W n ii ugut.