Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, September 06, 1895, Image 1

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    For Watches, Clocks, Cjl a AA AA ,Ay9 AJm ' jl 1 ,h4aDv ' ?
City Jewelry Store W 11 ljy IMMfl j j JJ ?j WJlJ
(RwpsCirbig clone and
satisfaction guarant'd
$. City Jewelry Store
VOL. 1
NO. 28.
(- V
- ' i .. H..T.I..
Official JDireotory.
(Ja. Harry, UtDlfit.
f'oramiasloncrs Jas. I'ollinrakc, 2nd Dlst,
( Oco. W Dnncan.lrd Dlst.
Judco I). K. Spaoht,
Clurk-J. K. Nenl.
BhorllT-E. A. Hull
Treasurer -S. It. Lihby.
Attorney H. r.Gllmnn.
Coroner 1. If. Drlncoll.
Huneyor- J. r. Hazard
Supt. of Sohools II. P. FHlmore.
Olxuroli Directory.
flONGItEGATIONAL. Preaching each iiltor
Lmato Sunday, b"Klnnlnff January. 1. IOTI, at
11 o'clock ii. in., find at 7 p.m. Sunday School
nt 10 a. ru. I'ny or Mooting gach Wednesday
ut 7 p. m.
tVTHOLIC: llcv. Charles Zk I'astor.
METIIODIST:-Itcv J,W. Kendall Pastor
I'runcliing tlio second and tonrtli Sunday In
each month nt 11a. m., and 7 p. m.
IJU'ISCOIML: Services In tho OonprwU-
JUlonal (Jhurcll.
Pervious on tlio third Thursday In euch month
ut7 p. in.
MW. A. Rosebush Camp No. 2AI0. Moots
ftfi'ond and fourth Tuesday night of each
month. Visiting Neighbors cotdlally nviUd.
W. M. Iodksce, Clerk. Jb Huot, V. (J.
iNcw Short Lino to Helena, Butto
Spokane, Seattle nnd Tacoma.
O. X. & VV. O. Tlrao CKxrcl.
No, 42. paiRnncor arrives at 11:35 p. m.
" 4fifrelcht ' " C:Oop.m.
" 48 fcolgiit nrrlvos nt 10:10 a. hi.
Ko,4i pasRenfterurrlvesiit 8:21 a.m.
" A", freight " " U:M P. m.
" 4 freicht arrives at 3:S5 p. m.
All trains carry passcnRCCa.
1'. v. Wiravn.Br, A Bent.
HEMiNoronD postoiHce. On wook days door
opentt at 7 n. m., Boneral dellvory opens at h a.
nt. and closes at ji. m. Open Sundays 0 to
10 a.m.
IlEMlNOFonD AND Dox Botte stago daily oscept
IlE"JiK(iKonD and Ddnlap stage, Monday
Wednesday and Friday.
Alliance, -:- Neiucaska.
jcarOillcc in Fletcher Block.
Attorney at Law,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Practices In all the courts and be
fore U. S. Land Offlce.
Attorneys - at - Law,
E, E. BAR& H. D.
State University ok Iowa 1887.
Chicago I'oluounic 1804.
suiioeky and the medical
and suiiqicai. dlhhases of
Alliance, - - - Nebraska
are offered by tho BURLINGTON
ROUTE, Sept. 8, 0 and 10, on uccount
of the National .Encampment of tho
G. A. U. Tito Nebraska G A. 11.
Official train, carrying tho Depart
ment commander, will leave Lincoln
at 1.2) p. m., Monday, Sept. 9. Seni
or the W. R. C. and tho G. A. R. as
well a3 the general public, will find
this train by far .the most desirable
means of reaching the Encimpment
as it goes throngh to Louisville with
out change of cars.
Tickets, sleeping car reservations
and full information on application
to any Agent of the II. & M. U. R. or
to J. Francis, G. P. & T. A.,
Omaha, Neh.
Siioks of all kinds, styles nncl
.prices. Can lit anyfoot and i)ocket
Look. W. K. IIeunoall.
I lmvo i murkot for 25 dozen
spring aluckqps. "Will )ay Cash.
fCoine nud stitjpic. Ii. MoLeod.
Mat Kratlcy loft last night for
Kinsley Brothers aro thresh
ing their grain this week.
Miss Meta Joder of Alliance is
is visiting her cousin, Miss Gor
bor. Snpt. Fillmoro and Mr. Duroo
drove down to Alliance Wednes
day. School commenced on Monday
morning and thero is a largo at
tendance. W. IS. Hall the Box Butto cat
tle buyer, was a county soat vis
itor last Saturday.
Edgar Sweezey called yester
day and dropped $1.50 in tho
Herald exchequer.
Kov. Robbins, Mrs. Root, Mrs.
Paradis and Joey, drove up from
Allianco yesterday.
A young son of Commissioner
Hollinrako has been under tho
doctor's care this week.
T. M. Reynolds, of Hartland,
Ohio, father of our Bion, will
read tho Herald from this on.
W. M. Fuller of Chadron was
transacting business with tho
Clerk of tho District Court, Tues
day. Cliff Abley came down from
Doadwood last week and visited
a couple of days with his
Miss Harris is visiting with
Rev. Kendall's family this week.
Her school at Lawn begins noxt
Miss Alma Fennor .of Dunlap
and-Miss Lena Jay of Allianco
will attend the Homingford High
School this term.
"Winnie, the youngest child of
Mr. and Mrs. Spacht was very
sick tho first of the week but is
now improving.
Mrs. Silk visited with friends
in Hemingford a couplo of days
this week; sho has recovered
from her recent ilness.
"Prof. Fennor went to Allianco :
this morning in answor to a tole
gram announcing tho death of
his cousin at that place.
Rev. Kendall loft for Rush
ville, Monday, and after a week's
sojourn thero, will attend tho
Conference at Valentino.
H. Cassolman of Hay Springs
was doing business at tho court
houso Wednesday, looking after
the interests of the Deering Har
vester Co.
The Congregational Mission
ary Society will give a chicken
pie dinner at Mrs. Sherwood's
on Wednesday, Sept. 11th. All
are cordially invited.
Richard Elliott, who has been
visiting his daughter, Mrs. R.
McLeod for several woolrs past,
departed for his homo in London,
Canada, Wednesday night.
Miss Olive Royco of Woodruff,
Kansas, arrived in town Tues
day morning and will visit for
some time with hor aunt, Mrs.
Charles Naylor near Dunlap.
Rev. Dr. Jennings of Allianco
made tho Heuald office a pleas
ant call on Monday. Tho Hem
ingford people aro always glad
to seo Mr. Jennings.
Tho Hemingford Cornet Band
was awarded one of tho prizes at
tho Hastings Reunion. Heming
ford has one of tho best Bands
in the stato and we aro proud of
it, too.
Mrs. Broshar has moved to
town in order that hor daughters
may take advantage of Homing
ford's oxcelent school facilities.
She? has rented tho Brandser ros
idc&co on Wyoming avenue.
Miss Ella Huffman, of Doad
wood, is visiting hor sistor Mrs.
J. Adam Prois.
John Lomons has boon cutting
alfalfa on tho Elmoro farm for
tho past week; tlio yield is aboul
5 tons per acre.
Rev. J. J. Keoler, Baptist min-!
istor of Conlral City, Nob., held
services at tho Congregational
church Wednesday ovoning.
Tho Lally rosidonco on Lara
mie avenue is being re-papered
and fixed up for Druggist Bean
who expects to movo therein
next week.
Tho Methodists hold thoir
communion services in tho Con
gregational , church hero last
Sunday. In tho absence of pro
siding Elder Julian, Rev. Dr.
Jennings preached morning and
evening and also conducted tho
quarterly conference on Monday.
Col. Win. Evans, tho farmer,
orator, and politician, of Mars
land, was in town Monday and
mado application to prove up on
his homestead which he has held
down faithfully for tho past fivo
years. Mr. Evans is undoubt
edly tho best posted republican
in tho county.
Mesdames Gilman, Wheeler
and Gerber and Misses Dada and
Gorber, drovo out and spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Hammond
where they had a "husking be"
or something of tho lrind. The
ladies will not tell everything
thoy did but say they had a
splondid time.
Messrs Austin and McCorlde
yisitod Omaha last week. Mr.
Austin says that crops hero aro
just as good as any down that
way and when they have a good
crop in eastorn Nebraska wo
have tho same in Box Butto.
When a renter in tho east who
pays from 3 to 5 per acre loses
a crop ho finds himself "dead
brolo" and no place to stay dur
ing the winter; but it is different
when ydu own a farm. This is
tho time to secure a homo in Box
Butte, tho bannor county of wes-'
tern Nebraska.
33urbEinli Buclgot.
Tom Green has beou on tho sick
list the past wcelc.
L. M. Kennedy was trading in
Alliance, Tuesday.
Mr. and, Mrs. F. M. DoVore
spent a few days in Duol county
last week, visiting friends.
Simonson Bro's. conlomplato
building n lino residence on their
place under tho Oasis Ditch.
J. Underwood and family aro
soon to. leavo Box Butto for Mis
souri. Wo predict thoy will bo
back in a year or less.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lucas of
Allianco have boon rusticating at
this summer rssort for tho lost
few days.
(last week's items.)
Farmers aro busy making hay.
Miss loin DeVoro spent tho day
at J. Underwood's Thursday,
Messrs Leslie and Ben Prico
and Tom Green are cutting hay
on Mr. DoVore's ranch.
Miss Alta Thompson has re
turned from Marslnnd, where sho
was visiting tho Misses Snow.
Tho interest in tho Sunday
school is not as great as we could
wish for, but thoro was quite an
attendance last Sunday. It was
decided to wait until next quarter
to sond for supplies, nnd until
that time, to use our Bibles to
study tho lesson from.
Sand Okane.
A new lot of tjhoes just received
V. K Jlernciill.
Alliance News
R: M. Hampton started Tues
day for Kansas City with a train
load 5f qnttlo. Ho thinks thoro
is a, bettor markot thoro than at
The post offico is now nicely
sottlfid in. tho now brick building
oroefed for that purpose and tho
imppvomont is noted by all pa
troif tho office.
W.J). Rumor and W. W. Norton
havelono to Chicago to purchaso
their fall and winter stock of
goods, and thoy each promise to
bring in an ologant lino.
Rev. J. W. Hill roturncd homo
from LiucoLn tho foro part of tho
week. Ho came by the way of
Bethany and brought his mother
and father with him for a short
E. S. McWhinoy is busily en
gaged this week in exchanging
locations with A. E. Woodbury.
McWhinnoy's now stock of fall
and winter goods is expected to
arrive every day when tho old
post, office corner will loom up in
great shape.- -
School opened Monday with a
largor attendance than over bo
foro, the building will accomodate
about 400 scholars, but it taxes
tho onorgy of Prof. Siders to find
room for them all. It will not bo
long before it will bo necessary for
tho town to erect buildings for
ward schools.
At tho Democratic convention
held in Allianco last Saturday tho
following delegates wore elected
to attend tho stato convention at
Lincoln on tho 5th: Edward
YVhiUdatoTffolui O'-KoefeP.HT
Zoble, Zed Goodwin, Sr., and
John Keeffe. All of these gentle
men left Allianco Wednesday
night. F. M. Broome accompani
ed tho party.
At a meeting of tho Racing As
sociation held in tho First Nation
al Bank Monday night it was de
cided to hold threo days of racing,
beginning on October 15. Miko
Elmore, Mr. Pomroy of Sidney,
and each of tho saloons contribut
ed 50. each which insures tho
success of tho races as no trouble
will bo experienced in securing
the balance of tho monoy required.
' Judge Kinkaid called a special
session of Court in order to renew
old acquaintances, and tho hard
hearted lawyers rushed up thero
with several of tho hardest cases
on tho docket for trial, thoroby
pinning the Judgo down so fast
that ho hardly had time to leavo
tho bench. Tho Judgo was equal
totho occasion, however, and very
considerately fixed jill cases in a
way as to give no body an advant
age to get any decision until tho
regular term of Court which is
after election. Pcoplo who get
ahead of Judgo Kinkaid have got
to get up and dust.
Saturday night tho republican
caucus will bo hold for Allianco
precinct. Tlio scrap will bo for
tho delegation by VanBoskirk
and Phelps for clerk. It is gen
erally recognized that any candi
date securing tho Allianco dele
gation will receive tho nomination
in tho convention. Good feeling
scorns to prevail. Mr. VanBos
kirk says that if Mr. Phelps is
nominated ho will heartily sup
port him, and tho feeling among
members in both tho republican
and populist parties in Allianco
is that nono but Allianco men
must bo elected this fall.
Box Butte News
Cooler wouthur, did you say?
C. L. Snodokor qommonccd
school in Dist, 10, Monduy.
Box Butto school opened. Mon
day, Miss Lulu Blair teacher.
Geo. Ross and B. DoIIart lmvo
Ihroshcd their grain this week.
Tho pcoplo who wont to tho
"Ridge" for fruit, report moro fun
than fruit.
Mrs. M. D. Atkin nnd Viola
Scott combined business with
pleasure Ttieedn'. in Alliance.
J. M. Hughes, J. W. B. DoIIart
and A. O. Traey, each with his
family will soon start for tho
W. D. Johnson has purchnscd n
one-half interest in Ohns. Shelley's
threshing machino and will onco
moro become a festivo thresher
Henry Bronnmnn and family
will removo soon to tho Ciark
ranch near Allianco. Mr. Hard
ing who has been on that place for
tho last year will removo his fam
ily to Missouri.
lwn.rso.xicl Items.
Ed Roll has moved into Mr. G.
Austin's houso.
Mr. B. F. Mooro expects to
movo to town and Bpend tho win
tor; iiis son Joo will look after tho
ranch dnring his absence.
School began Monday with A.
M. Clark as teacher. Mr. Clark
is a lino bcholar and will no doubt
tench a good term of school.
Mrs. McMillan of Willow Creek
nnd Professor Sanburn of Minne
sota, were tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Wootton, Tuesday.
Mr. L. Snow is buying grain
for Harris Bros, of Lincoln. There
is not much grain coming in yet,
.fanners .aroi4uBtbci5inningMto
Rev. McCrondy of Edgoraont
spent throe or four days in Mars
land last week. Whilo hero Mr.
MeCready baptised and received
into tho Presbyterian church, nine
Mrs. Wm. Burton has moved to
town so that her little daughtor
May enn lmvo tho advantago of a
good school; her sister Miss Addio
Poole will also stay with hor and
attend school.
Mortgage Record.
Tho following is n list of mort
gages filed and released in the
clerk's office during tho month of
August. -
Farm M'tg's filed
1 filed
! rels'd
rolB'd 12,
Allianco, Neb., Aug. 81, 1805.
Pursuant to call, delegates
from tho various precincts chosen
to attend tho democratic county
convention to select delegates to
tho Stato Convention at Lincoln,
Nebraska, on September 5, 1895
and to fix a tiino for holding a
convention to nominato candi
dates for county officers to bo
chosen at tho coming November
election, met in convention at tho
City of Allianco on this day and
selected tho following as dele
gates to attond tho Stato conven
tion, viz: Edward Whitlock of
Boyd precinct, P. H. Zoblo of
Box Butto precinct John O'Keefo
of Dorsey precinct, Zed Goodwin
of Lake precinct, and John Keefo
of Allianco precinct
Tho Chairman of tho county
central committeo was, on motion,
instructed to call tho County con
vention for tho purpose of nomi
nating candidates for tho various
county officors to bo chosen at tho
coming Novombor olection for
September 21 1895 at 1 o'clock, P.
M., at Hemingford, Nebraska.
John O'Kooffe, S. M. Smyser,
Ch'rm'n. Soc'y.
H. R. Green has now ad m this
isbuo. Read it,
' From Our Exchanges.
Hay Springs Leader.
Lon Taylor made phonominal
ovorlnnd trip to Homingford on
Thursday oE this wook. Ho drovo
one of Phil Horn's livery toams,
starting from Hay Srings at six in
tho morning, rosted two hours and
returned, arriving hero at soven in
the ovoning. It was pretty close to
a hundrod mile drivo in eleven
hourB. ,,i
Broken Bow Ohiof .
Dr. Hnllcr brought hia artistic
skill into use last Saturday by mako
ing a pencil drawing of the Kund
son Brothors, tho train robbers,
and it attraoted a crowd around tlio'
Farmer's Bank windowB for sovornl
Billy Blair nnd John Painter aro
taking turns kicking themselves
this wook for letting tho train rob
bers and tho $500 reward get awny
from thorn last Saturday nicdit.
Af tor following thorn all over town'
and talking with them they conclude
cd thoy woro tramps.
Edsjomont Express:
Tho Higli lino onginoara have
pushing themselves to tho front
lately. G. Bardin made tho run
from Edgcmonfc to Alliance, 44
miles, in 78 minutes, with n tojT.
hnin of 20 ars. Fred Pickering
made the run from Avolin to Rum
ford, sorao 18 milos,in 17 minutes,,
with an cngiuo and several cars.
Tlio Modern Woodmen had a big
time Thursday ovoning and initi-
nted nine candidates. Insurance
to the omouut of $25,000 has been
written up in this lodgo during tho
last wook. Several woodmen from
Hot SpvingB canw over to assist the
Edgomont camp, and materially
helpod tlio candidates in thoir vain
efforts to ride tho olusivo goat.
Wo are pleased to add the Hem
ingford Herald to our exchange
list this week.
Tho Heuald is a livo domocratio
paper published at Hemingford,
Box Butto County, Nebraska, and
is tho boat paper published in tho
county. Nowcastlo (Wyo.) Dem
ocrat. After Him.
TliPre is a "Republican-pop" atj,
Sidney who recently refused to pay
for tho Transcript after taking it n
couple of years. Of course ho bor
rows it with groat rogulurity and
criticizes it m his sneaky fashion.
He is one of those fellows that stops
or refuses to pay because thoro is
something in it ho does not approve
and does it with an air of regret
that is likely to drivo tho publisher
into bankruptcy. Ho reminds us
of the train dispatcher who demand
cd an increase of salary nnd throat- -ouod
to quit if ho did not got it.
Tho superintendent replied to his
request by relating a story. "When
I was a young man, I once did uB
you aro doing. I told tho superin
tendent what you told mo. Ho re
fused my demand and I quit and
would you beHove it thatd
road is running yet." This paper
is running yot and will hunt up,
this pops post olfico address when,
ho leaves Sidney, and ho will roal
izo that wo will ronlizo on tho just
amount duo us. Bayard Transcript
Machine Oils at Grcon's.
California canned goods 15 cents a
can at W. K. Uerncall'a.
Paints of all kinds at Green's.
Tho Heiuld and the Omaha
semi-weekly World-Herald both
one year for $1.75.
T Daniel O. Dower, non-resident defendant.
You aro hereby notified that on tho YMi day of
Ausuet U05, Olivia E. llower filed a petition
avaintou in tho district court of Dox liutta
County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from you, on tho
erunnds of non-support nud eztrtme cruelty
without it aitM'. iou aro horel j irqulud to ans
wer taid petitfencu or lcici the ii raol
End. im.
iy W.O.
UiKCrECif, Hir Atloi(.i.
UL.JY1A u. 11 nui.