Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 30, 1895, Image 7

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XX i i . mMi ii Mini i i ., . 'I I - i I i i i iilMi.iim I ! I mi i irtriii ! I Mi tt n n t '
. '
Corn l'romWc n I.tirRo Yield, Itxcnpt In
the Mntc'a Cliirdon Spot.
McCook. Neb., Aug. 2C On crossing
the Missouri Hlvcr running to Lincoln,
the Burlington land agents' party
found a prospect which, from an agvl
tultural Etandpolnt, could not be ox
celled. Corn Js luxuriant and sturdy
and every stalk shows large-sized ears
sticking out from It. It Is so far ad
vanced that tho uninitiated could bo
made to believe very readily that It la
past all harm from any source. Not
withstanding its fine appearance, how
ever, It is not yet out of danger of frost,
and will not bo for at least two weeks.
A fine crop of oats has been reaped In
thiB section. Much of It Is still in tho
shock and a good deal of It has been
stacked. It Is thrashing out from
thirty to fifty bushels to tho acre and
Wlll averago about forty. Tho wheat
crop has all beeu harvested, and farm
ers aro now busy plowing their land
preparatory to putting In another crop
of winter wheat
Leaving Lincoln tho outlook Is much
less promising. Between Wavcrly and
Fairmont, a distance of sixty miles, la
a stretch of country which has usually
been described bb the garden spot of
Nebraska. Crops have always been
abundant here, however poorly they
may have been In other parts of tho
state. Last year and this year have
been tho only known exceptions to this
rule. Somehow this belt has suffered
severely this year. It ha3 rained copi
ously on nil sides of it and all around
it, but tho clouds refused to glvo It a
drop of moisture until too late to save
tho corn crop. For a stretch o coun
try sixty miles long and sixty miles
wldo the corn crop Is a comparatlvo
failure. It will only run from a quarter
to half a crop, averaging as a wholo
about one-third an ordinary crop.
Oats have not faired so badly. They
are thrashing out from thirty-five to
forty bushels an acre. Heavy rains fell
over this section at the end of last week
They camo too late, however, to save
the bulk of tho corn. Very much of it
is wilted beyond redemption and a good
deal of it has already been cut for fod
der. Wheat in this section is thrashing
out fifteen bushels to tho acre.
West of Fairmont tho scene again
changes and an ocean of waving corn,
strong and luxuriant, is to be seen as
far as tho cyo can reach in every dlrcc
tion. The crop from Hastings to tho
western boundary of tho state Is prac
tically made, and nothing but a killing
frost can now blight It It will average
not less than sixty bushels to the acre,
and very many largo fields will yield
fifty bushels.
Around McCook Is where the disas
ters of last year were most severely
felt. Tho gains of this year have nioro
than made up for tho losses then sus
tained. The wholo section of country
looks llko a verltablo garden, and tho
pcopleifeel buoyant beyond expression.
Winter wheat Is thrashing out about
twenty bushels to the aero and the beat
fields aro yielding thirty bushels.
Spring wheat is running from twelve
to eighteen bushels to the acre. Ont3
average from fifty to sixty bushels, tho
best fields thrashing out 100 bushels.
Alfalfa is a now crop hero with
which the peoplo aro delighted. All
kinds of live stock cat it with relish,
and it is proving to be fattening fodder.
The first year it yields one ton to tho
acre, but after the third year it yields
three crops a year, which foot up seven
and one-half tons to tho acre. It la
worth In tho market $5 per ton, but to
feed cattle the results have shown It to
bo worth ?70 per acre. It Is tho coming
crop all along tho the flats of tho Re
publican valley.
Cohn Einstein Is failing rapidly.
Solomon Vat a glorious death!" Life.
The man who can impartially Judge
himself Is fit to govern the world. Mil
waukee Journal.
Jones Come, gp fishing with me, old
chap. Brown Can't do it; Just signed
the pledge. Judge.
Silence Is golden, especially when you
cannot think of n good answer on the
spur of the moment. July.
Maud "That stupid fellow proposed to
tne last night. He ought to have known
beforehand that I would refuse him.
Marie Perhaps he did. Brooklyn Life.
Jilsper Caesar and his wife aro con
stantly quarreling. Jumpuppe Yes,
they have different theories as to what
each should do to make the other hap
py. Boston Post.
"Fame," said Uncle Eben, "am er
good deal laik any udder kin' ob adver
tlsin'. Tain' no use ter a man onless
he had de right kin' ob goods to back
U up wld." Washington S4'
Teacher Can you tell me, Johnny,
why Satan goes about the earth like a
roaring Hon? Johnny 'Cause he can't
cut any Ice In the place where he llvos
when he's at home. Boston Transcript.
Child Who Is that sad-eyed man,
mother? Mother He's a poor pension
er, my child. Child And who Is that
Jolly man. mother? Mother He is a
rlqh pension agent, my child. New
York Weekly.
Aluminum heel tips are coming in
The Imperial library at Paris has seventy-two
thousand works treating oi
the French revolution.
The name Munich Is derived from the
fact that the monks owned the property
on which the town now stands.
On a road leading to a Chicago ceme
tery there Is a saloon which displays
a sign with these words; "Funeral Par
ties a Specialty." '
In every school in Paris there Is a res
taurant where free meals are served to
the children who are too poor to pay for
The largest nugget of gold ever seen
was found In 1872, In the Hill End Mine,
New South Wales. It weighed 610
pounds, and Its value was JH8.000.
A thrifty keeper In the Pere la Chaise
Cemetery Paris, was recently dismissed
for too mucli enterprise. He had added
to his income by raising vegetables c-n
tho graves.
ELL, old fellow, I
wish you Joy," sold
Huntly Johnson,
when his friend
Dick Beaufort, af ttr
the fashion of thf
newly-accepted lov
er, had finished a
panegyric In praise
of his lady-love.
Dick Beaufort and
Huntly Johnson
were bosom friends:
as young lawyers thoy occupied the
same chambers in the city, and had
never In their lives had a -serious quar
rel. "Don't you think she Is quite tho
loveliest girl In London. Huntly?" con
tinued Beaufort, ardently.
"Yes, old man," replied his friend, "I
think ohe Is much better looking than
that celebrated actress, Kitty Haw
thorne, whom you cr well, were
rnther sweet on, don't you know?"
I "I ccrtnlnly did make a fool of my
self over that girl, but that was some
time apo. I hope Dorothy has never
heard about It. You know, she Is Just a
little bit Jealous." said Dick Beaufort, a
trifle uneasily.
"Yes, I believe she Is rather Jealous,"
said his friend.
"How In the world can you know
anything about It, old chap," said Beau
fort, rather surprised: "but I have
heard you were rather gone on her your
self not long ago, and, In fact, that you
proposed to her, eh?"
"Perhaps I did," said Johnson, star
ing hard at the celling.
"Well, I'm going out this evening.
Sorry I can't ask you to come with me.
Hope you'll enjoy yourself, old man."
"I dare say I shall," responded John
son, trying to force n smile. "I think I
know where you are going; at any rate,
it is nowhere where an old bachelor like
myself Is wanted."
The door banged, and Huntly John
son was left alone with his thoughts,
which were not of the most pleasing
"So she has Jilted me and accepted
Dick Beaufort, has she?" soliloquized
the young man. "Well; I always
thought that I was rather more of a
favorite with the girls than he, but
then, ho Is so handsome." He thought
for some time, anil as he pondered his
face grow darker and darker. "No," be
suddenly shouted, "he sha'n't marry
her; though he Is my greatest friend.
God knows I love her more than I do
him. But how" can I prevent It?" He
thought ngaln for some time, and then
murmured to himself, softly: "I know.
What Is the good of a hobby If one
does not use It for practical purposes?"
It must here be explained that Huntly
Johnson was an exceedingly successful
amateur photographer, and he had
some time ago learned how to do what
Is called In the phraseology of the pho
tographer "double printing." This con
sists in printing different pictures on the
paper by means of using two distinct
negatives. Now, Huntly Johnson had
taken a snap-shot of Dick Beaufort
kissing his sister some time back, which
Miss Farquhar had not seen; he had al
so taken a photo of Kitty Hawthorne.
He now proposed to print Kitty Haw
thorne's face Instead of Miss Beaufort's
Into the photograph, and as the two
girls were of similar size and build, the
photograph would appear to represent
Dick embracing Kitty Hawthorne. If
Dorothy were to see this photograph,
Johnson reflected that sho would prob
ably break off her engagement with
Dick Beaufort Immediately, especially
as the photograph would be carefully
dated some days after her betrothal. It
was a mean trick to play any man, and
Huntly Johnson felt more than ever
ashamed of himself for acting In such a
dishonorable manner toward his old
friend. But he was of a very firm na
ture, and had determined that by fair
means or foul he would prevent the
Tho next morning Johnson went to
hln dark-room, and, bringing out the
negatives, succeeded, by means of the
process, before described, In producing
the desired result. He chuckled to him
self when he thought of the effect which
It would have on Dorothy Farquhar, but
his pleasure was considerably lessened
when he pictured to himself the pain
which he would cause a friend who had
always acted nobly toward him.
As Dick Beaufort was going out that
evening, Johnson asked him If he
thought Miss Farquhar would care to
come In on a certain date which he men
tioned and look over some photos which
he had taken lately. Dick Beaufort
knew that Dorothy, who took what is
called a "sisterly Interest" In Huntly
Johnson, would be pleased to come, es
pecially as she took a great interest in
photography herself; so he replied:
"Certainly, old fellow. I'll give her your
message. I'm sorry that I have an en
gagement on the 15th, but I have no
doubt yqu two will be quite interested
discussing photography."
Johnson thought it Just as well that
Dick should be out on that particular
date, and he quite agreed with his
friend that Dorothy Farquhar and ho
would be very much Interested, perhaps
painfully so as to one party,
Huntly Johnson had all his latest
photographB In readiness on the day In
question, and as he heard the knock at
the door which announced Miss Far
quhar's arrival, he placed a certain
photograph on the table In a fairly con
spicuous place.
Johnson forgot all about Dick and the
shabby trick he was playing him as he
talked to this charming girl. "What
lovely photographs you take, Mr. John-
, son. I really think they are better than
phffll in
ml SX
traits are so extremely llfc-llk. Now,
this ono of Oh, Mr. Johnson, whatever
Is this? Dick, and and an notress;
taken yesterday, too! Oh, It can't b
my Dick." The poor girl sank Into a
chair, and It was only Johnson's- prcs
one which restrained her from trying.
For the first tlmf, Huntly Johnson
felt slneerelv sorry for her. but he real
ised that he had put his hand to the I
plough, and that he could not now turn
"I er that Is, I ronlly am very sorry
that you have seen that photograph. I
did not know It was on the tnble."
By this time Miss Farquhar, being
a very seIf-posossod girl, hud qulto re
covered herself.
" "Will you bo so good as to give me a
sheet of note paper and a pen, Mr. John
son?" she said, coldly.
"Certainly; can I bo of any use to you
In any other way, Miss Farquhar?"
"No, thank you. I merely wish to
write Mr, Beaufort n short note," re
turned the girl.
She at down and, though Johnson
could tee she was still very much af
fected, wrote on bravely tor a few min
utes; then sho handed the note to Hunt
ly Johnson, requesting him to give It to
Mr. Beaufort, and wishing him n good
afternoon, left the house with a firm de
termination never to return to It.
Presently Dick entered the room.
"Oh, I thought I should arrive before
she left," he said In a rather disap
pointed tone. "A note from her,
though. How awfully sweet of "her to
write." Huntly Johnson was seized
with a sudden fear lest Dorothy might
have betrayed him In the note she had
written. "Whatever Is this?" shouted
Beaufort, as he glanced over tho first
line of the note,
"Look here, Huntly," cried the young
man, clutching hold of his friend's arm,
"what can sho mean by writing about
'faithlessness,' "love for nnother wom
an,' etc? Look at the lettor, man."
Huntly's race turned ghastly white
as he took the letter from the other's
trembling hand, but as ho read on he
looked more relieved.
"I'm afraid she means to give you
up, old boy. She enld nothing to mo
about It, though.. I should go and see
her If I were you: there Is evidently
some misunderstanding."
Johnson knew he was quite safe In
saying that much, as he felt sure Doro
thy would refuse to see Dick. At any
rate it would get hlrn out of the way for
a time.
"By Jove. I think I will," said
Beaufort, slightly cheered by this
suggestion: and rushing out of tho
room, he made his way to Doro
thy's house, which was not far dis
tant. Looking at his watch, he found
It was still early In the evening, and he
felt quite certain of seeing his lady-love
and explaining everything there and
then. On Inquiring for Miss Farquhar,
Beaufort was Informed that she was en
gaged, and could see him on no pretext
"Tell her that I must see her. It Is
a matter of Importance."
But the servant merely repeated her
message, and would not even agree to
take Miss Farquhar a small note, scrib
bled on half a sheet of note paper.
"Miss Farquhar said she would see you
on no account whatever, sir," was all
that the maid would say.
The door shut In Dick Beaufort's face
and ho was left alone on the doorstep;
he remained there thunderstruck for u
few minutes and'then slowly walked on,
wondering what on earth could have
given rise to Dorothy's unfair accusa
tions. He paying attentions to a wom
an whose character was, to say the
least of it, shady! Was U likely that
when he had gained the love of a crea
ture little short of an angel In his es
timation, he would be trying to do the
same thing with another woman?
Someone must have been giving her
false Information about him, that was
certain. But who could be the culprit?
Probably one of her admirers, who was
Jealous of his success. Could It be
Huntly Johnson? "The thought chased
Itself quickly through his brain, and
left It ns speedily as It had entered. No;
It was an ungenerous thought; he felt
certain that his old friend would be in
capable of such an action.
Huntly Johnson waB In his own sit
ting room ns Dick entered the house.
"She won't even see me," the latter
cried, throwing open tho door, breath
less with excitement; "Isn't It a shame,
Huntly? I've done nothing to deserve
her throwing me over like this. I think
some cad must have been telling her
lies about me."
Huntly Johnson winced at this, but,
luckily for him, Beaufort did not notice
It. Beaufort walked to the table, and
began absently to turn over some pho
tographs which were lying there. Sud
denly tho other saw him start as he took
up a photograph In his hand; Johnson
made a wild clutch at It but It was too
"Johnson, what does this moan?"
shouted the young man. "A photograph
of me kissing Kitty Hawthorne! Im
possible! I never did such a thing in
my life." Suddenly his former suspicion,
that Johnson was the cnuso of all this
trouble, returned to him. "Johnson,
don't deny It," he sold; "confess that
you did this out of spite because I was
going to marry Dorothy Farquhar."
An explanation ensued. Johnnon was
certainly subdued and humiliated by
Dick Beaufort's kindness. He offered
to make tho only amends In his power,
namely to go to Dorothy's house and
confess everything. At first, In answer
to his knock, a message was returned
that Miss Farquhar was engaged and
refused to see him, but by dint of per
severence he was at last allowed to en
ter. Dorothy at first treated him coldly,
but on learning tho object of his visit
she reproached him bitterly for his du
plicity, but radually began to take a
more lenient view of his conduct, and
at last forgave him.
Huntly Johnson returned home some
what sad, but happier than he had been
for several days. Dick Beaufort and
Dorothy were married three months
later, and thus ended "The Story of a
Kany Martin fur Cuplil.
Justice Martin had a rather heavy
wedding ceremony to jwrrorm yester
day afternoon, In which the groom
weighed 300 pounds, whllo the bride
tipped the scales at asti pounds. The
contracting couple weie Uoorge Hayes,
45 years of age, and Lettle Kelly, aged
38 years. Chicago Inter Ocean.
The wedding of Dr. W. L. Vreom and
Miss Blanche Miller the other day in
the St. Paramus Duteh ohurh at
Uldgewood, N. J., was the first wedding
In the church slncr thut cf Aaron Burr
and Mrs. Tfceodoala Prevust, 113 years
)lr l'lng Too Mnny Letter the Telo
Kraili Company Wi Out !?.",!! 11.
Tho insertion of tho lottor "r" in tho
nnnio of B. W. Baker protnlaos to cost
the Woatera ITnlon Telogrnph Com
pany about G,000. In tho BUlt brought
hy llaftte to recover $7,1G0, loss causod
by tho fiAl Ivory of a dispatch from Aus
tralia t Abram Barker, n Jury In tho
dnlted States Court tho other day ro
tumed a verdict for tho plaintiff for
$5,S41.G1, after deliberating nbout an
hour. Judgo Hanford instructed the
Jury that a telegraph company waB
charged with tho duty of exercising a
high degree of caro as to promptness,
and thnt any neglect ontltlcd tho par
tics Injured to damages. Baker's mens
uro of dnmago was tho amount ho
would havo realized had ho accepted
a cabled offer, Icbs tho amount ho re
ceived, BayB tho Scattlo Post-'In-tolllgencer.
The dofenso moved for a
non-suit on tho ground that tho terms
of tho telogrnph blank especially ex
empted tho company from nny dnm
ages either for mistake or delay, and
also aa tho error was made in Aus
tralia by a connecting lino, no respon
sibility could nttach, particularly ns
tho cablegram waB nddrcsscd "Barker,"
and was actually delivered to "Bark
er." Mr. Lewis, for Baker, Insisted
thnt conditions In a telegraphic mes
sage exempting tho company from
losses could only apply to a sondor, not
to ono rccoivlng the cable; nlso that,
Uiough the orror was mado In Aus
tralia the Western Union waB liable,
ns It coutractod with tho Australia
company as Its agont, and that tho
mere fact thnt the message wna nd
drcsscd "Barker" could not excuse tho
failure to deliver to Baker, whore the
contents of tho messago could show It
was for "tho commission morehnnt. Tho
non-suit wns refused. Tho case will
prebnbly be nppcnlod.
DmtKlitoi f n Hiiro.
. A tract of land comprlslng'abnnt 155
acres Just outside tho western limits of
Baltimore city, In the Thirteenth dis
trict of Baltimore county, and south of
St. Agnes' Hospital nnd St. Mary's In
dustrial School, was offered for sale at
auction Wednesday, at the Real Estate
Exchange, but was withdrawn after
five small parcols, Including forty-two
acres, had been purchased at an aver
age price of $327 an acre, says the Bal
timore Sun. The property Is a portion
of the lands owned In Maryland by tho
late Duchess of Leeds, a granddaugh
ter of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and
daughter of Blchard Caton, aftor whom
the town of Catonsvllle Is named.
The Duchess died In 1S74, and In her
will directed that the real estate owned
by her In this county should be dis
posed of by her executors, and tho
ironey thus secured should be used for
the purchnse of real estate In England,
all of which, together with the English
realty which sho possessed at the time
of her death, was bequeathed for llfo to
tho Marquis of Carmarthen which Is
the courtesy title of the heir to the
Dukedom of Leeds. The present holder
of the title Is the grandson of a cousin
of the Duchess" husband, sho having
died without children.
The property put up at nuctlon Is
but a part of the estates In several
counties In Maryland Which came to her
from Charles Carroll of Carrollton and
his daughter. It was offerod at first as
a whole, but no bids being made for this,
the choice of fourteen parcels of It was
next offered. Tho bidding for first
choice was a bit spirited, nnd It was
finally "knocked down" for $390 an aero
to Buxton M, Bidgely. After that the
prices offerod became steadily smaller
until the fifth purchase, whan Auction
eer Kirkland announced, after a con
sultation with the American trusteed
of the ostate, Anthony A. Hirst and
Alexander Yearley, Jr., that the re
mainder of the land wns withdrawn.
"We had expected to get at least f400
an acre," said Mr. Kirkland," and not a
bit of It can be secured for less than
J27G an acre."
The Duchess of Leeds was one of the
three famous daughters of HIchard
Caton, who from their beauty and
charms were often called "the three
American graces." They became the
wives of members of the British nobil
ity. Louisa Catherine, the Duchess of
Leeds, was the youngest of the trio.
Mary Caton, the eldest, was at first tho
wife of- Blchard Patterson of Baltimore,
brother of Mme. Elizabeth Patterson
Bonaparte, but In 1825 boenme tne
seoond wife of the famous Marquis of
Wellosley, elder brother of the still
more famous Duke of Wellington.
Elizabeth Caton was married In 18SC to
Sir Gaorge William Stafford-Jernlngam,
Baron Stafford.
l'"lour of Iti mum.
A good deal of attention has been
drawn of late to the um of the banana
as n source of Hour or moal, nnd though
such an application Is by no means
new or the discovery modern, It seems
not at all unlllcelj that banana flour
Is an article that has a prospect of
great development In the near future.
Wherever the banana or plantain
thrive, the fruits, when dry, are con
verted Into meal nnd used for making
cakes, puddings, and for various other
usos In '-""kery An pftnrt Is being made
to establish a factory for the manufac
ture ul tmnutiu mua!. As to the uur of
banana flour for brewing purposes, Mr.
Kahlko. one of the best known manu
facturers of yoast In Germany, writes
In this connection: "Banana flour,
without doubt, from Its richness In
starch and t good flavor. Is particu
larly suitable for the manufacture of
yeast. This flour Is easily rendered
saccharine. The yeast obtained by
adding banana flour to the other In
gredients has a good color, all the re
quisite properties of an excellent class
of yeast, and, moreover, keeps well.
The alcohol obtained from It leaves
nothing to be desired, so that this Hour
may be Introduced as an nrtlcle of
commerce and employed without any
special preparation. Satisfactory ex
periments have also beon made In some
breweries, where 20 per cont of malt has
been replaced by the flakes and flour of
bnnnnnb. The flavor of the bear was
not altered, and the quantity of liquid
was increased, and the malt was re
placed by a less expensive substance.
Kxpenmenta are being mad In wMih
the prnport,on of tant-na fluur Is Increased."
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Reefed Baking
Irrigation In Trxnu.
In Texas tho Irrigation fover is at
full height. Tho favorite plan in that
state seems to be to build a pond or
dam on some high point on tho farm
and pump the watur Into It to bo dis
tributed later by means of ditches.
Most of thes roservoli-R aro filled from
streams or low lakes. With a steam or
gas engluo this water is readily pumped
to a point thnt gives tho necessary fall
over tho level land of tho farm, This
seems to work bettor than tho schemo
of pumping through a hoso directly
upon mo innu, uurui ow lurnui,
commenting on tho foregoing, snys,
"This plan of thoroughly watering a
few level acres of tho farm Is ono thing
you must look forward to If you oxpect
to keep up with tho procession."
1 .T. CllKNnY & CO .n'olnlo, O.. Troiirs. of
Ilnll'H Cutnrrh Cure, oftor HIM reward for nny
oubo o! culurrh thai Can not uo cured liv tulf lng
Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for testimonials,
rco. Sold by Drui'k'lsta, 7So.
Can n Woiiinn Clmngo Her Mind?
A London paper tells a story to illus
trate woman s tendency to chango her
mind. A young and well dressed
woman entered Charing Cross telegraph
olllco tho other day and wroto out a
dispatch to bo hont to Manchester. Sho
read it over, rellected for a moment,
nnd then dropped It on tho Jloor and
wroto a second. This she also threw
away, but was bntlstlcd with tho third,
nud sent it on. Tho throe telegnms
road: First "Never let tno hear from
you again!" Second "No ono expects
vou to return l" Third "Como home,
dearest all Is forgiven!"
FITS AllFlitwplfrfn!iylr.KMncflreiit
t-ro Itcatnrrr. Nol'lUttttrilmtlri.iltij'unj,
)liirvUiut'Mrr. Trill".onnil2trlUiullli'tiT;t
kllcatift. btua toUl'.Kllllc,KllArcUbl.;l'lilu.,l'iL.
Ornmullnr nnd Gaum
lllnclc grenadines, with bold china
flowurs, are making excellent summer
dresses, and so do tho summer gauzes.
Tho coloring Is exquisite grass green,
brilliant fuchsia, peach, etc. There is
a largo range of checked grenadines
nnd crepe. Gauzes nnd creponB, as
well ns chiffon, havo been embroidered
in tho open hole work. Velvet gauzes
aro back again on shot grounds, tho
patterns iloral and bold and gazo sou
tacho with well covering patterns In
upstanding cores is used greatly for
capes; so nrc tho black silk grenadines.
Tho now mousseline with the satin face
is the best of all materials to show off
'.ho new colors.
"Hanson's Maglo Cora Salvo."
Warranted to cuie or inuiicjr refunded. Ak yoar
irugKlt lor it. rrice ia t-eiiw.
Sorjjhuni fur Forrngc.
A Kansas Farmer correspondent
writes: "Lust year I tooolt tho wheat
off n piece of ground just as soon as it
would do to stack nnd listed in cane. I
harrowed it three times and cultivated
it twice, and when tho first frost camo
about halt of It was in bloom. It made
fine feed."
In good eating there Is happiness.
Thou shouldst eat to live, not live to
cat. C'cerb,
Eating to replotlon Is bad, but what
we eat should be gpod of Its kind. Dr.
S. S. Fltch.
It Is not tho eating, but the Inordlnato
desire thoreof that ought to be blamed.
St. Augustine.
Animals feed, man eats; tell me what
you eat and how you eat, and I will
tell you what you are; tho man of In
telject alone knows how to eat. B. Sa
vnrln. Ent not for tho pleasure thou mnyest
find therein; ent to Increase thy
strength; ent to preserve tho life which
thou hast received from heaven. Con
fucius. We have uot teen without Piso'sCuro for
Consumption for 20 years. Lizzie Kejimsl,
Camp St., Hnrrlsburg, l'a., May 4, '04.
Somo men work, modesty too hard and
aro generally disliked.
A man olten pretends to chango his na
turo, but ho never doe.
In ndditlon to some beautiful and
distinguished lato summer toilettes in
Harper's Bazar to bo issued on August
J4th, there will bo a spoclally propared
and very practical and detailed paper
entitled "Early Autumn Fashions for
Men." A btrlking portrait of Miss
Winnie Davis, accompanied by a short
biographical sketch, will interest peo
ple who wish to know something of tho
charming personality of the author of
The Veiled Boctor. Tho same numoer
of tho Bazar will havo a supplement
containing n brilliantly illustrated
story entitled "Tho Possessed Princess'
of Bokhten," by 11 A. Wnllis Budge.
Harper & Brothers, publishers, Now
York, August 13, 1805.
A man doesn't like to havo a woman use
his lovo for her as a club.
Some people make a living out of other
people's curioblty.
Don't ubuiio deceitful peoplo, for you aro
ono of them. Every one is deceitful.
In Our Great Grandfather's Time,
big bulky pills were in
general use. Like the
"Diunucrnuss" ot
that decade they
were big and clum
sy, but ineffec
tive. In this cent
ury of enlighten
ment, wc nave
Dr. Pierce's
rieasant Pel-
lets, which
cure all liver,
btomach and
bowel de
rangetnents i a
the most effec
tive way.
If people
would pay more
attention to uron-
eily regulating the action of their bowels,
by the use of these little "Pellets" they
would have less frequent occasion to call
for their doctor's services to subdne attacks
of dangerous diseases. The " Pellets ' cure
tick and bilious headache, constipation, in
digestion, bilious attacks and kindred de
rangements cf liver, stomach aud bowels.
m l l v I ts
Little Thing nf Life.
Why is It that wo so easily forgot
that tho llttlo things In life aro what
mako It easy or hard? A few pleasant
words, a warm hand-clasp, a cordial
lottcr aro simple things, but they are
mighty In their Infiueuco ou tho lives
of those about us, uddlng a ray of hopo
to many disconsolate hearts, giving
courage to disappointed, weary ones,
und helping at tho same time to mako
our own lives sweeter. Fow peoplo
realize how much tho llttlo attentions,
of every-day llfo moan to their associ
ates In the home, society and the place
of business. It is generally a lack of
consideration that makes ono forgot
tho tiny pleasantries; but lack of con
sideration is really ono form of selltsh
ncss, and selfishness is not a dcslrablo
quality. Ho member that tho llttlo
tilings in life, either good or bad, count
for more with thoso wo lovo than wo
over know, and wo should bo watchful
of our nutlons and of our words.
Mimy Intlutnert cnmlilnr- to rciltiro licnllti
lo i ha OunRcr limit T.iu rorlvln rroiurijut of
1'iUkor'i Utiuor Tonic N)t ocrojmo Uieo 11U.
Opportunity in not tho kind of thing that
stands around waiting to bo embraced.
r.veryone know how It la lo
ii(lpr wltu eonu, niul tlior hio nut cOnrturlro M
Itrnvoful waUlrtK- UeniOTQ them Willi liUilorcomt.
Mother and Son.
Tho boy's first idea of a woman Is lils
mother, and unless sho fall to win his
lovo nnd respect ho has a chivalrous
devotion to her which will cover 1:1s
wholo life. If mothers would glvo their
children definite religious instruction
by word nnd example and rule them
wlsoly, lovingly, methodically nntl
firmly in habits of obedience, self con
trol, purity and truth, boys would less
dovclopo into uncontrolled, lawlessi
unchlvalrouH men and selfish husbands,
and girls would not grow into frivo
lous, vain, self-asserting, fast wrnncn.
Homes would bo happier, tho world
would bo raised, reformed, ennobled.
If tho Ilnliy I Cutting Teotn.
itoiura and una that old nd elltr1cl rrmedjr, llu,
Wuilow'i BooiliIKU Bmi'r tor Children Teolliliig-.
A llttlo man is always the losor by being
lifted up.
Blotting pnjior is mado of cotton rags
boi'ed In soda.
Tile uriglnnlnml only genuine. Ourr'iChniirx'dlliuicU
anil 1'iM.e, Cold Burr, &c. C. U. Clurlt CuN.llavcn.CU
Very fow mon can make money nnd
friends nt tho same tlmo.
Unless a pretty woman hnx senro her
bait la constantly surrounded by fish thnt
never hi to.
liilllurd table, socond-hnnd. for sale,
cheap. Apply to or address, II. O. Akis
on o. Viu nt., umnua, non.
As soon ns it does no good a mar U will
ing to tnko enro of himself.
Whllo you aro woltlng and hoping you
die of old ago.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly U8ea. Tho many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting tho world's best products to
tho needs of physical being, will attest
the valuo to health of tho pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in tho
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its exccllenco is due to its presenting
in tho form most acceptablo aud pleas
ant to tho taste, the refreshing nnd truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing tho syate"4,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevtrs
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with tho approval of tho mcdkal
profession, because it acts on tho Kid
noys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substaucc.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 60c andSl bottles, but it is man
ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whoso name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of FipJ,
and being well informed,you will uot
accept any substitute if offered.
Illustrated catalogue showing WELL
anu Jjiiiiftu AiAumnuix, etc.
burr Fnr. Have beon tetted and
all uarranteA,
Sioux City Knaioa and Iron Workc,
Suocruori to l'ceh Htg. Co,
MIouk Clt lown.
Till R0WXU.& CUASI HlClllXKKY t'O .
llli Weit Elorenta Mrect, Kanu. cm
Weakneu and ttcrot
liltoidere of
!; err euro cuarauto d-
i year experience.
8 ear In (.luiah.
book t'rex
1 4 tli .U Farnum Hta. '
OMAHA, .KI!. '
ClrUMt and twtacinu Uts nalA
ftoiuotM a luufiaM growth.
Wovr Fail to Utatore arty
Ualr to lta Vouihful ColorT
Cuim Ktp dlwiMi Dlr falUiifi.
a.nJU)l DmiririJi
these or many profcspirnals. the por