itKWL. jiii i mwiliguiaii'. WMMifMtMMqaiMnnHrfi . imimmnt .. - , "" lmv j)ss&jmmmm3i3''-vji . . .nin, .-Sits m . (mnii i mm I'liin ii iiihwi ni iiwj',iiii GLASS OF FASHION. LATEST NOVELTIES FOR WOM EN AND QIRLS. .llUbnratei Ilnlr Urobilin; A Jin id In Mnlinlr HtuinpN WoiuUn's Dress-Necessity- for 1'nekcU Note or the LADOnATM drew lng of tlte hair lis the resort of tho u'omon with riot very luxurinnt locks and If fehd Is prttty nnd tho elaboration becomliiK. plt Is the envy of tho un fortunate w h o heavy tresses allow only close colling. l.'or her who .only n few yoarsfff out her hair short and Who flnilrt the looks grow filowly. the Accompanying model of hnlr drBlns will bo of interest. The hftlr Is crimped all over to tho ends. About the region of the old-time hang the "ends are al lowed to follow their own good will, only they nro curled locmely . nnd at the tomplen are urged Into tho tyownivftrd tendency now required. The rest of the hair is drawn loosely to a knot at the back, or If not long enough for a knot, the ends are merely coaxed to meet at tho back of the head. No matter how many patent hairpins arc used one little lock at the place where the lock ought to be, at tho back of the head, Is freed and puffed over Into a loobo roll that gives the outline of a knot. Tho ugly places where tho ends are drawn together are hidden by n clever arr.iuge- nunt of three or four chrysanthemum half held together by colled loops of ribbon. The ribbon nnd the (lufllness or the flowers servo nlso to fill out the needed contour which tho locks nro too scant to supply, and at the same time to cover all ragged places, TJe general effect Is charming. The cut of the bodice here Is worth notice, too, for it .suits porfectly a woman a little too Blonder to wear bared throat, neck, nnd shoulders. The thronl above the collar bones nnd tho unfailingly pretty turn of the Bhoulder are all that aro exposed. This Is quite unlike the ordinary out of evening bodice, which Is square In this fcaok to show the shoulder dimples, and V shaped In front. The devices of con cealment for those who cannot wear suoli gowns successfully are very num erous, all sorts of collars and neck fix ings being In the list, but this pictured trick Is quite the superior of most of jthem. Florette, in Chicago Inter. Ooean. Who Snj-i Pocket Arc Needed? " "Woman, the now or old, may not be -able to drive a nail without hitting her fingers every other time, but she can Btow away more articles In a chatelaine bag than a man can in the seventeen pookets of which he boasts. This was proven by a bright news paper woman tho other evening. A space was dear at the table they were dining In a French restaurant. One by one she brought out and put upon the cloth the following artlclesj A gold chain bracelet, knife, nail cleaner, glove hook, vinaigrette, looking glass, fruit Itnlfe, pencil, string of gold beads, pin cushion, paper knife, letter, match box, comb, three keys on a ring, two hand kerchiefs, veil, purse, a lead Joseph, Columbian half-dollar, rubber band, match, check, time table, three passes on the Pennsylvania rallrond, seventeen pennies, a bonbonnlere containing thiee graln asafoetlda pills for the nerves; a Mardl-Gras medal, a 10-cent pieoe, two Fall Itlver passes, a note-book, postal telegraph blank, a pass to Boston, ad vertisement of a 60-cent table d'hote dinner, a change purse, containing 49 cen(a, $19 In bills, sample calendar, the lost two lines of a love-letter, book of court-plaster, a lock of Iron gray hair, a pressed pansy and .ti crumpled rose R caiftTi w Hi ..'''' ' "77 ', through the lace Insertion placed pretty vffi$l iffillW'liUU ft'lrfl '', Inucl everywhere on skirt and bodice. wifri$fgWf ill l 1 WAtth Th0 cra2 ror cutting up goods to fhow WCnMTmh i lf sl'lf lnat therc ,s other Biutt Rtl11 wetter be- Wfaw'w'lMlill kYw' 1 noatl1 shows no 8lBn of dlmlnlshment. mm vf. ' iiiM.iuujLujji.iiLUAojijjji'iiB - irjwiTe The top of the uble wn pretty well rnrered. To get nil those things bmck Into nn ordinary slaed alligator bap seemed na Impossible us the task of the fisherman In ttft- "Arabian Nlhts" who freed the gcnlu of the sea, and then wished to get him back Into the Jnr from which he liberated him. The articles were replaced with such riftugrnM ami dexterity tjmt there was still room for more Yot men say women need pockotst A Miilil In Malmlr. Mohair Is made up In combination with cloth, but it Is a risky thins for the amateur to attempt It unlosa hers Is a cttse of having a "short length." Some vory Jaunty rigs have been turned out of white mohair In combination wltlr blue cloth, nnd of black mohair and black broadcloth. The mohair Ik used for skirt, blouse front, rovers, and band ings. Even bettor than this is the do- sign shown, here, which combines nllvor gray mohair nnd white silk. Tho godot skirt is banded with two fold3 of whlto taffeta at cither side of the front brotellea of white silk with a collar to match. The loft side has a pockot for watch or handkerchief, and the tie and belt are of black and whlto striped jdlk. A whlto sailor hat garnished with white ribbon, black wings and black chiffon, completes tho costume. Mo hair is often lined with silk In con trasting color, the silk ohowlng breadth, while tho blouse waist, which i fastens nt the side and shows the se I vero plainness of a tailor-made, has (ir.isn-Cloth Oowiu. One of tlte moat stylish gowns on.e 1 can navo ror the street nowadays is made of Brass cloth. It looks linen and isn't, nnd for that reason It Is cool, Nothing is hotter than linen for sum mer wear, unless It is duck. Grass cloth, however, Is thin and hns a cool tint as well. It Is being made up Into all sorts of garments, from a sailor col lar to a whole dress. The sailor collars are like an epidemic, so numerous are they, and therc seems to be no pros pect of a decreauo of popularity. They are made plain wjth hemstitched edges. Thoso are cheap nnd may be worn over li dark rtrrjs If desired. The more ele gant ones haVo an edge of lace and the ho.ivler the lnce, tho more expensive the collar. Mode-up fronts of grass cloth and lace lijpl'tlon, with stock col lars oi the Rami' are sold to go with bummer Jackets, jr If one wishes to combine the two sailor collar nnd front It Is not necessary to woor n Jacket, as the front Is finished with the tabu of the collar. Cream lace combines nicely with grass cloth and is so much admired that a now variety has been made with a lace stripe woven In. Some kinds have green underneath the laco stripe, and the com bination is vory protty. The grass-cloth gown pictured here has yoke and sleeves of green and trim mings of lncc as Indicated. ltutlnrs Waiunu's Dross. The business-woman cannot afford to disregard tho conventionalities of dress. She is wisest and most far-seeing who follows In the wake of the present day fashions, avoiding exaggerations or ab surdities. Men have small patience with the woman who departs from con ventional dress standards, nor have they much admiration for that other woman who holds all matters of dress Ci ' J! I IMS ! niiuiJuim.jM. Jiiiiim uxjUAjueyjuiiuTOMftntia im m m i In contempt, and regard her clothes as a question of covering only. The wom an whose drees Is neat, stylish, becom ing nnd suitable to the time and place. Is the wnian with whom they like beat to deal. They do not want diamond earrings to flesh In their ears, when dic tating to their stenographers, but they resent It as nn affront to themselves if her drees Is soiled, antiquated in pat tern, ill-fitting and unbecoming. Good clothes may not be essential to eueeese, but thoy are more or less nn Index to ourselves, and It Is only the woman who is sure of her position in every way who can afford to let the Index be mis leading. Business-women who are de pending upon their own exertions for a comfortable livelihood cannot afford to bo anything but neatly drestfed. Fiomtlilo fttiniH nt tlin fio.taon. How is mlladl going to get Into her dainty dancing slippers next winter If she goes about In wide-toed, senelble high walking boots all summer? That It Just what she Is now doing, nnd tho same high boots, reaching half way to the knees, are Immensely becoming. Htr foot looks as tiny as can bo, for all the shoe Is twice the size of tho dancing slipper, or seems so; or is it that women are becoming wiser In their Judgment of .pretty feet? String col ored ahoee, with stocking to match, qr worn with nil light ureases, as tan and black have been in past season Linen color shoes wear well, and, since custom ndnilta it. have eenaed to look dingy, oven If worn with pure white dresses, as they ofton are. Washington Times. J'lgurcil Duck. Figured duck Is made up with a bag ging front to the bodice or plain duck, a panel down the front of the skirt being of white duck to match, Black lawn, accordion plaited, and worn with a lit tle whlto duck Jacket that spreads widely open In front to show the loose blouse of tho lawn, makes a stunning gown. It should be worn with nn ull blaok and cloud-like picture hat. or with a vory trig rough straw In black, bound close with a roll of whlto duck for a band. t'niM ii nil l'miilcs. A new stylo of collar Is In lawn, finely tucked, and finished with llusslan velo Inns. The deep frills also are tucked and put onto the yoke with the veinlng. Underskirts of rustling shot silk are still worn for street wear with a dark dresa. Point do Flanders Is a wonderfully effective and especially favored new lace. Mohair Is fast pushing the long-suf- ferlng crc-pon to the wall. A now Jersey blouse has been seen, fitting the form snugly and having huge glgot sleeves of allk. A pretty collar can bo made of ruflles of chiffon doubled on the cross and closely bo-plaltcd, Introducing a bunch of flower at the, side. A novel dus-cloak"ls shown by one of tho exclusive shops, which would be tf marvelous value to one traveling, and which could be copied very easily and nt very little cost. It Is composed of fawn alpaca, with a double box-pl.ilt extending from throat to hem, from be neath which a deep frill of brown guip ure lace fall3 over the shoulders. The sleeves are puffed to the elbows and close-fitting at tho wrists. A beautiful new material Is In gossa mer effect, and looks vory lovely over colored silks. It Is finely dotted with specks of Jet. The new Countess bow In foulard Is a new Fpoclallte, nnd combines to form a collar nnd bow In one, and Is to be worn with the blouse. Hessian embroidered stockings ar much tho fad. Grateful. Thanks," murmurod the Pilgrim, "Thanks, awfully." Tho Fiery Dragon was at no pains to conceal his annoyance, conjecturing thRt he was being guyed. "Why do you thank me?" he demand ed, with asperity. "If you were I," sighed the Pilgrim, "and hadn't had a drop to drink In forty-eight hours, I guess you'd appre ciate anything that blteth like u ser pent or stlngeth llko an adder. Yes." As he spoke his eyes filled with tear Detroit Tribune. Strong Drains. A mild hit of repartee Is reported as having occurred between the poet Saxe and Oliver Wendell Holmes. They were talking about brain fever, when Mr. Saxe temnrked; "I once had a severe attack of brain fever myself.' ' "How oould you have brain fever?" asked Mr. Holmes, smllllng. "It Is only Btrong brains that have brain fever." "How did you find that outf asked Saxe Ex. Whom to Consult. Doctor (to patient) What alls you? Patient Indeed, I don't know. I only know that I suffer, "What kind of a life do you lead?" "I work like an ox, I eat llko a wolf. I am as tired as a dog and sleep like a hor&e." "In that case I should advise you to consult a veterinary surgeon." Had Learned tho I.essou. "At last 1 understand," slghod Mr. Homeflat, wearily, as he put u slat In ,the bedstead, and saw that It didn't 11 1. "Understand what?" said his wife, hammering the tack into the carpet. "At last," answered Mr. Homeflat, "I understand the true force of that phrase, "a moving scene," Chicago Itecord. iiiwiii mum i iiui imimiui nmiY AND POULTEY. INTERESTING CHAPTERS FOR OUR RURAL READERS. How Stircomrut fnrmrrj Operato Tho Department of tho ITarm A Few - Hints n to tho faro of Live Stock nnd 1'oultrj-. URINO tho past few years now nnd again, references have been made to n, variety of duck called tho Iudlan Runner, nnd when traveling In Cum berland and North Lancashire I have been surprised to seo tho latgo num- v hers of this vari ety of watorfowi kept. The same Is trtio to a tnoro limited extent In Bomo parl3 of Southorh Ireland. When In conversation with farm rs nnd farmers' wives, more especially lu Cum berland, I learnt that they pin their fnlth strongly to the Indian Runner, declaring this to bo tho most profitable duck known. This is duo to tho fact that tho production of eggs Is their chief object, tabic qualities being a second ary consideration. A fow particulars with regard to U1I3 variety will bo of Interest. Up to the present time Information with regard to the origin of tho Indian Runner has been very scant, and even now wo cannot point to any definite particulars respecting them, nor wheth er they nro bred fn any foreign country. In a small brochure Issued by Mr. J. Donald of Wigton, Cumberland, it Is stated that nbout fifty years ago a drake nnd thrco ducks wero brought from In dia to Whitehaven by a sea captain, but as tho term India, even today, and to a greater oxtent fifty years ago, may mean any plnco cast of tho Capo of Good Hopo, this does not help us as to tho deflnito port of shipment or pur chase. I am not without hope that this nrtlclo may lead somo readers In Asia to mako Inquiries on tho subject. Mr. Donald states that tho samo captain brought over a further consignment a fow years later, hut that "they were not known to their Introducer by any spe cial or distinctive name, having simply nttracted his attention when ashore by their active habits and peculiar pen guin carriage." Tho first speclments brought over, and, wo believe, tho second also, were presontcd to some friends in West Cum berland, In whoso hands they remained absolutely for many years. But, with that desire for sharing In a good thing which Is characteristic of tho Cum brians, a largo demnnl rapidly sprung up for stock, and thus they have- dis seminated themselves through that and tho adjoining county. The name given to them is, llrst, because thoy are sup posed to have como from India, and, second, that they havo a "running" gait; henco wo have reached the com bination "Indian Runners." A breeder of this variety says that ho considers Indian Runners tho best pay ing variety of duck to keep, except when reared absolutely and entirely for the tablo. For that purpose thoy are undoubtedly small, 3 to 4 lbs. each when fully grown. Whilst they do not readily fatten, they are very nice eat ing, and tho flesh more resembles the flavor of wild duck, but is much softer and more easily eaten. At ten or twelve weeks old tho Indjan Runner Is its ten dec as a young chicken. The flesh "is parti-colored, the neck and shouldors creamy white, and tho re3t of tho body much darkor, tho dividing lino being very clear nnd distinct. As already mentioned, it Is as a lay ing duck that tho Indian Runner cxcelB, nnd is said to average 120 to 130 eggs per annum, without nny special feeding, but simply when given hard corn morn ing nnd night. When worms arc easily found they require very llttlo food oth er than thi3. Tho eggs aro of fair size, white in Bhell, of good flavor, and not nearly bo strong as is usually the case with duck eggs. Mr. Glllctt Informs mo that he has ten Runner ducks which havo laid 74G eggs from January 1st to Mny 30th of the present year, which, considering the severo fro3ts which pre vailed during the first three months, is a remarkablo result.! Tho highest average was slxty-ono eggs from ten ducks in one week. As a rule, If prop erly grown, these ducks commence lay ing when about five months old .and If they nro hatched in May and Juno will begin to lay before tho severe weather arrives, and continuo egg production right throughout the winter. Early hatched ducka are liable to moult in the autumn, and this menus fewer egg3 in the colder months. Ducks hatched the first week in March have been known to commence tho first weok In August, and It is more deslrablo to bring them out so that they will begin in November. Five ducks can ho run with one drake, and tho eggs are remarkably fortlle, Indian Runners aro non-sitters, but, as in most other breeds in which the ma ternal Instinct Is suspended, exceptions nro found to this rule, but cannot bo re lied on for sitting purposes. In appearance the Runner is lengthy and slightly built, with close, compact plumage. Tho fore part of body is ele vated, and the head carried high. This typo is found to bo the best layers. Tho following Is a description of the characteristics of the Indian Runner: Beak: Bright orango In color, with a triangular tip of Jet black, but as ago advances tho orange color becomos spotted with olive greon, and finally assumes a dark olive green color, espe cially in duckB, the drako retaining the orange much longer. Head: Of tho drake, above tho eye, a very dark brown, with a slight patch below the eyo on each side, these mark ings being neatly rounded off behind. Neck; Puro whlto down to near tho shoulders, which, with the breast, Is of a beautiful graylsh-brown. Undor parts black, nnd wings puro white. Tall: Brown, with curled foathers white, and for about two Inches above tho tail tho feathera aro a very rich dark brown. Legs: Orange color. Tho duck has Blmilar markings to the drako, except that the colored parts are a sober brown, like a very light Rouen duck. In summer tho drake, ob Is tho case with Rouens, assumes a color like that of the duck on back, shoulders and chest, but is not quite eo light In color. The head also becomes of a more dowdy 1 lll","ttt,ygggl"??!lif'jfyi'ut- color, without that brilliant luelor ' which chararterlzes tho winter plum age. Ho also loses the curled. fenthors ' In his tall, which nro not renlaced until after tho autumn moult Bdwnrd Drown, In London Live Stock Journal. Mow Ituttcr llcoomoi Itnncld. Buttor stored In a wnrm room or cx posod to sunlight may become rancid from noxious bactorla without becom-v Ing sour from olthor bacteria or from direct chemical change, according to V. Kleckl, of Loipslc, Germans. Tho acidity of butter Increases regularly with its ago, and by the action of sun light and hent this goes on more slowly than under the usunl conditions. Hent diminishes the activity of tho acid mU crohes, and they may be killed by di rect sunlight, henco the degree of ran cidity of butter cannot be estimated dl rcotly from Its acidity. Oxidation plays an Inferior part In rendering buttor ncid, the sourness being principally duo to the action of bacteria, which nro chiefly anaerobic, getting their oxygen by chemically decomposing tho butter nnd hence they can live without air on light. Temporatures of freezing and of body heat retard tho production of acid. The addition of four per cent of poisonous flouride of potassium to test tubes of buttor entirely prevents tho action of ncld-formlng bacteria, and mo uutter retains Its nroma tasto and consistency, but the llourldes cannot bo used as preservatives becauso of their poisonous properties. Tho bacteria die after they have produced a certain quantity of acids In tho butter. Henco, tho ncid number eventually roaches n maximum beyond which It does not In crease. This maximum corresponds to a ranclditj of about 18 degrees. No acid Is produced In butter by light with the exclusion of air, nor by pure air with the exclusion of light, but bacteria may produco acid in this butter, henco tho great Importance of antiseptics in keeping butter, as has long bdon known In practice and followed through tho uso of common Bait, which hinders tho action of the bacterin. A freezing tem pernturo and partial darkness havo about tho same effect lu diminishing tho production of acid as has salt on butter exposed to light. Tho proportion of casein in tho butter has little effect on tho acidity, and indirect sunlight does but little harm. Under ordinary conditions the acidity of butter is chief ly duo to bacteria and not to direct oxi dation of butter fat. Nevertheless, but ter should be kept away from direct sunlight and warm temperatures, though theso factors may retard tho acidity of the butter, but becauso they also Induce putrefactive changes which bring about raucidity. Skill In Dairying. In producing a pound of butter thero aro Bixty-six times moro room for skill than in the production of ono pound of potatoes. Dairying offers a man tho best chance for putting his skill into money. The object of tho butter-maker is to get the fat out of tho milk with as llttlo of the other constituents In the milk as possible. In every 100 pounds of butter there should be about 13 pounds of water, 82 pounds of butter fat, 3 pounds of salt and 2 pounds of the other constituents In tho milk. A cow is not a machine, but a living organism, and therefore will not glvo a different product becauso sho takes different food. The feed does not affect tho blood of a cow, from which milk is largely formed. Feed will affect the quality of the milk sometimes by changing tho composition of tho fat Itself. If tho quantity of fat is not affected the vola tile fats from the feed will become part of the fat in milk, apd give Its peculiar flavor to the mllft. Theso volatile fla vors can be expelled by heating milk or cream to 150 degrees. The easo with which cream mny be separated from tho milk sometimes depends upon tho kind of food a cov takes. Cows for making butter should be handled under such conditions as will give them perfect re pose. Cleanliness should bo strictly ob served. Impure air of tho stable will affect the milk, and ensilago will not injure tho milk when fed to cows. When cows hnve been milking a long period or have been over-heated, or without salt, tho milk will become sticky, and prevent a complete separation of the cream. By having somo fresh-calved cows' milk to mix with tho milk of cows that have been milking a long time, a better quality of butter can bo made. Keep the cream sweet and cold, and use a suitable fermentation starter, and you will get a quality of butter In Jan uary is good as the quality of Juno but ter. If cream is properly tempered, a temperature of from 54 to C8 will bo Biiltablo for churning nnd 45 minutes will be long enough to get butter. Pro fessor Robertson, Ontario. YVhonco thn Quality? Quality of milk is unquestionably bred Into a cow, and not fed in. My own convictions in regard to these points which you raise are as follows: 1. Tho percentage of fat in a cow's milk is not materially influenced by tho selection of foods, provided sho is fed a generous and well-balanced ration. 2. In a largo amount of feeding of milch cows which this station has dono during the last five years, we have ob served that changes in food have pro duced changes In the amount of milk rather than in its character. Generally speaking, nn Increase of tho total amount of fat produced has been ac companied by a corresponding increase in the other solids, as well ns in tho volume of milk. A milking cow be longing to certain breeds that produco thin milk cannot have Jorsey quality fed Into her milk any moro than ono can feed brains Into a Digger Indian. That quality must come into an animal of thoso breeds If it comes at all through a process of selection and per sistent good feeding, and will be at tained only nfter sevoral generations, perhaps not then. Maine Expt. Sta. A Crimson Clover Question.- Mr. F. W Sargent, of Amesbury. tellH the Farmer and Homes of success with crimson clover whore others have failed. His success also was purely ac cidental. He sowed a side hl'l last fall with crimson clover and herdsgrass. The following rains washed it badly, and to nil appearances this spring the crimson clover was a failure, but later it began to germinate and come up in good shapo at the lower part of tho field where it had been more deeply covered by tho wash from tho hill above, and since then has done very nicely. This experience raises a ques tion in Mr. Sargent's mind, whether or not if crimson clover could bo sowed so late in the fall that it would not sprout, it would start early In the spring and become a valuable crop. Tho Most acnuUltrt Thing nn Knrth Is n human nerve. This In a tato of health. Let It become overstrained or wonkohctl. find U10 tonslllvonrM Ih IiicreturO tenfold. Vot venk or overwrought nero. Ilotefr ter's Htomorli Itinera Is the hent tonic in exlitonru. alncc It liixUorutett nnd iiiioM thorn nt the fanir tlnm. It iWotofte3 MijteilMlto offlr''- Ih dyppmlii, constipa tion, malarial and kidiuy complaints, rhou iitlm and nettt-nlirli Iho Art of Ilrpntlilng. It is perhaps one of the signs of tho times, to those ulcrt for indications, that tho art of breathing has becomo more and moro a subject of nttcntlon. OculibtB. as well ns physiologists go dccpiy Into tho study In a way hardly to bo touched upon here. Physicians have cured aggravated cases of insom nia by long-drawn regular breaths, fever-stricken pattontshavc been quiet ed, stubborn forms of Indigestion mado to disappear. A tendency to consump tion may be overcome, ns some author ity has within tho last few years clear lj' demonstrated, by exercise in breath ing. Seasickness, too, may be sur mounted, and tho victim of hypnotic inlluenco taught to withstand tho foreo of an eifcrgy directed against him. There is a famous physician in Mun ish who has written an extensive work upon tho subject of breathing, lie has, besides, formulated ii system by which asthmatic patients uro made to walk without losing breath, whilo sufferers from weaknesses of the heart aro cured. At Meran, in tho Austrian Tyrol, his patients (almost every royal house of Luropo is represented) aro put through a. certain system of breathing nnd walking. Tho mountain paths are all marked off with stakes of different color, each indicating tho number of minutes in which the patient must walk the given distance, the breathing and walking being in time together. As tho euro progresses tho-ascents aro made steeper uml steeper. Tlio wisest men havo uover iu nny ng I een tho Lest men. Every man is fu'l of philosophy whkh ho la unablo to apply to his own necessities. Tho angler may forgot his lines, hut the amateur root, uovor. S CasVt Sleep Is Iho complaint of many nt this season. Tho reason is found In tlio fact that tho nerves aro weak and the body In a fever ish nnd unhealthy coudltlon. Tlio nones may bo restored by Hood's Sarsnparllla, which feeds them upon pure blood, and this medicluo will also create nn appetite, nnd tone up tho eystem nnd thus clvo sweet nnd refreshing sleep nnd 'Ugorous health. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho only truo blood purifier prominently in tho public eyo today. SI ; six for go. Horrl'a Pilldnct harmoniously with ilOOU r Ilia Hood's Sarsaparilla. 25c. HIGHEST AWARD WORLD'S FAIR. rT.r . u j if rjjr 1 VJ The best k PREPARED SOLD EVERYWHERE. JOHN CARLU & 50NS, New York. drTwinchelus Is the best medlclno tor all dlsenscs Incident to children. It regulates tlio bowels; assists denti tion; cures diarrhea nnd iliscntcrj In the worst forms;cures canker sore tin oat: Is a certain prc cntlveot diphtheria ;)iuet3 nud soothes nil pain ln luorates tlio stomach and bonds; corrects all acidity : will euro crlplns In tl-o bowels and wind colic. Do not fntlgua j nurse If nud child with sleepless nlalits when Itlswltliln jour reach to cure your child and savo your o a strength. Dr.Jiique's German Worm Cakes destroy worms &romoo them from tho system 1'rcparcdhy Emmcrt Proprietary Co., Chicago, lit. SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. PROFITABLE DAIRY WORK Can only bo accomplished with tlio very best of tools and appllancos. Cream Sepa l arm you nro and bottor tho skimmed uablo food. With a Davis rator on tho suro of moro butter, whlto milk Is a val Tarmers will take to rota make uo mis Davis. Neat, catnloguo Agents wanted 'illustrated mal'od I'rki: .DAVIS & KANKIN BLDCT. & MFCJ. CO. Cor. Randolph & Dearborn Sts., Chicago. EDUCATIONAL. ACADEMY OFTHE SACKED HEART Thu courtoot liutiui tlonlnlht, Ai'rjlsinr. C"n(!uctpil l)j-the r.clltluuiof Hie Sai-ieil !vit, imbnu-ra Ih whole lnco ut mlijecu ni'C ay tuii!iitlluiontclU &ud reflntd educatt. n. I'rcprlnjr of Uepaituieat, per--uml1 ceatnw and the prim le of uiurullt are ot Jert of umev Inn attention Kitrniiie ground af Inrd tliepuillietery racllitt fo uxful bodlyeier t!, their health Kan ob.e tf c nstanl olli,tiile, an I In Mrkno, they are atunled with maternal cr, Kail tetm oiena luelaj-, Sept Si FW lurtherpar. tleulans addreu 'llti: SlI'HIIOIl, Academy Barred Jlcitrt, St. Jonriili, 21 1. e of Law OfTors special advantages to younc persons with In r? to become l.ivJ lit. 1 or i-umlojMio write Prof I. MJirr Jies Jlolnes. Iowa. 0lDt7 UROtSTfl- nntsT in tme wtat !CBiMi.uuuc ntc, trraa M I'a Successfully Prosecutes Claims. lAtoWlaclpal UiWiilner U ti. Fenalon Uureau. 3)t .ulmt war, liadjudu.auarUaliu, attj uuto. AET 1 3TIO I AL Fieol araUsu. Ono. it. i u , r, liox 2K6, UmLckUr, N. . W. IN. I'., Oimili:i.-:t:, 185. .!licnB.iibweilnK adiert'ttomeuts kindly mention tl U p ipur Ixal CUIUS WHfHF AIL llSt rAlLS. f EJ Beat Cough Syrup. T&atea Good. Dee Crl la time. tVild by druinriita. TMrPxrL '4jvjjy$ TEETHING SYBUP LJ21 JilSij' iGwaColeg saw ? i lit. ,.iaA.lfci T li( lYi .