Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 23, 1895, Image 1

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    For Watches, Clocks,
(Repairing done and
satisfaction guarant'd
.!.... ATTflfi '
City Jewelry Store
I and Jewelry
City Jewelry Store
VOL. 1
NO, 26.
Charlio Blynn was in town a
couple of days this week.
W. C. Mounts returned from
Omaha Tuesday morning.
Will and Honry Hollinrako
have been on the sick list for
several days.
Miss Garnett Kendall gave an
afternoon party to her little
friends, Monday.
J. 0. Alexander called Mon
day and had his name enrolled
on the Herald subscription list.
a Ed Whitlock was doing busi
ness at the court house Tuesday.
Mr. Whitlock is one of the sound
democrats of Boyd precinct.
Two cousins of Rosa Parkin,
from Missouri Valley, la., are
visiting her hiB week. Miss
Rosa drove up to .Crawford to
.meet them.
Mrs. E. McLeod visited a few
days last week with Mrs. Silk
of Box Butte precinct. Mrs.
Silk is just recovering from a
sovero iluess.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Book
wont to Seneca Sunday evening,
whoro Mrs. Book will visit rel
atives for a few days. Frank
returned Monday morning.
Phil Tieruey qame down from
llapid City last Saturday and
spent a couple of days visiting
friends ih this vicinity. He rode
ovor from Chadron on his bike.
E. M. Moore of "Excelsior
.- lJA,lli0, AVXVuf., l UO HI IV IV li iut.r
iTvEjlaj-plooking.iaftor'' his propoi'ty
'interests here. Mr. Moore thinks
that Homingford and Box Butte
county have a bright future.
Thoso who attended tho old
folks' social Tuesday evening,
say it was the best of anything
of the kind over held in the town.
The young folks do pretty well
but when tho old people try their
hand we can count on something
The County board awarded tho
contract for painting and repair
ing tho court houso, to Pinker
ton & Alexander. There is no
question but that these gentle
men thoroughly understand
their trades and will do the coun
ty good work.
Tho young people of Heming
ford gave a protty surprise party
to Ed Reynolds, Monday even
ing, tho occasion being Ed's 20th
birthday. Ho was presented
with a complete set of Picken's
works. Tho evening was thor
oughly enjoyed by all.
Attorney A.M. Morrissoy, of
Chadron, Representative Wm.
Dompsey of Alliance, Editor
Heath and Laraveaof Rush-
villo, and Judge Ricker of Chad
ron, attended the populist con
vention Wednesday. They all
called on tho Herald.
Tho meeting of tho democrat
ic contral committee last Satur
day was well attended. A con
vention was called for Saturday
Aug. 81, to elect delegates to tho
stato convention and also to con
sider tho time for calling a coun
ty convention for nominating
county officers.
Tho Alliance ball club will
play the homo team on Saturday
August 81st, in Hemingford.
Tho boys will give a dance jn tho
evening where all can enjoy
themselves. Come out and see
tho boys wipe tho earth up with
Alliance as it will bo tho last
gamo played hero this eeason.
On next Sunday, Aug, 25th,
Rev. McMillan, of Marsland,"
will hold services at tho Prairie
Flower school houso,, at 11:80
a. m. Ho will bo accompanied
by Robert Ferguson, S. S. miss
ionary, of Crawford, who organ
ized a Sunday School at that
place, last April. Tho school is
doing good work under tho lead
ership of Mrs. 0. T. Davidson.
Tho attendance is largo and
much interest is boing shown.
AltkoughJiosn J?u'uii- anlIuioo
McCorklo are neither quite seven
teen years of ago, their average
standing in tho recent teachers'
examination was bo much bettor
than tho average teacher in tho
county that tho Supt. pursuant to
instructions from the Stato Supt.,
granted both tho young ladies a
good certificate and we behove
they will mako good active, earn
est teachers, and predict that neith
er will long remain in country
Mrs. Wheeler, Fannie Gorbor,
and Mamio O'Keefe, wont up to
Hot Springs this morning. Tho
girls have been anticipating this
trip for some timo and doubtless
have speculated together about
tho "high old timo" they would
have. Just as they were ready
to start this morning somo ono
told them that somo of the boys
were going along, and their faces
looked long enough to eat ice
cream out of tho bottom of a
churn, and one of them remark
ed, "Oh pshaw I thought wo
were going to be lot alono this
timo. Tho boys always havo to
bo sticking themselves in where
they are not wanted," but as
none of tho dreadful showed up,
thogirls started away happy and
wo trust will thoroughly enjoy
Republican Thunder.
Tho editor of tho Allianco Guido
comes out thi3 week in a tirado
against the populiBt members of
tho county board, in their action
in letting tho contract for painting
and repairing tho court houso and
poor hoube. Tho Guide is doubt
less trying to mako a little Repub
lican thunder for the fall campaign
and although this paper is not out
in support of Populists, it desires
to see every ono fairly represented .
The true facts about this contract
aro that instead of the "two pops"
voting together, that Mr. Duncan
and Mr. Hollinrako awarded tho
contract to Piukcrton & Alexander,
Mr. Barry voting for A. Cornell,
an Allianco man. Tho contract
was lot Friday, while Mr. Duncan
was present, instead of Saturday,
as stated by tho Guide, in fact the
whole article is different from tho
facts in tho case, even to stretching
tho amount of tho contract 86.00
tho price being $890. It would
bo well for Mr. Parndis to havo
his ropresontive hero look thoso
things up for him,beforeho plung
es into half column mis-statement
of facts, about which ho knows
Little Claud, Infant son, of S. B.
autl Alice Harrison, died Wednesday
forenoon. Tho llttlo ono has been
suffering for the last three weeks and
since Saturday morning has scarcely
moved or shown any sign of life.
Kiiul friends and neighbors have rc
lcived the auxlous parents, by their
tender, watchful care.
Go to tny rest, fair child,
Go to thy dreamless bed;
"Whilo yet so gentle, undofllod,
"With blessings on thy head.
E'er sin has soared thy breast,
Or sorrow wakod tho tear,
Rise to thy throne of cliungeleas rest
In yon celestial sphere.
Tho Sunday Schools of Hem
ingford, will hold a picnic Aug.
30th at tho Congregational
church. Amplo shade will bo
provided and nearby schools aro
invito to unite with us.
' R. A, Blackburn.
Populist Convention,
The populists hold thoir conven
tion to oloct delegates to tho judi
cial and stato conventions, at tho
court houso last Wodnesday.
Tho convention was callod to or
der by G. W. Waisnor, who pro
ceeded to carry out tho order of
business as if a porniimcivtorian-v-
aKtitiosrhoci boon mado. Whiloho
was appointing committees, etc.,
Atty. Sullivan gontly suggested
that it would bo in order to havo a
committee on pormanont organiza
tion appointed. Tho ohairman
seemed somewhat dazed but final
ly got control of himself and ap
pointed Hazard, Britlon and
Dompsoy, on tho abovo committee.
Messrs Sullivan, Olds nnd Bullock
wore appointed a3 a committee on
credentials, and a recess was taken
uutil thoy had reported. Tho
committeo on permanent organiza
tion recommend that Jesso Wright
be olectcd chairman and G. M.
Sullivan Soc'y. Tho committee
on credentials found all tho pre
cincts represented with the excep
tion of JLako and rccommonucu
that Mr. Cavin and El Paynu who
wore prosent from that precinct bo
allowed to cast tho full precinct
vote which was adopted. At this
stage of tho proceedings Mr Wajs
ner who had been talking consid
erable sinco tho new organization
had been effected arose and began
to make a motion, and was called
to prdor by ono of the Dorsoy del
egation, on tho grounds that ho
was not a delegate in tho conven
tion. Mr. Waisnor was of the
opinion that any good independent
had a right to talk as long as ho
pleased. Tho chair ondorscd this
idoa, and then Clark Olds suggest
ed that all tho "yahoos" in tho
country might want to come in and
address tho convontion and asked
tho very portinent question of tho
chair, "if ho would allow them to
do so?" Tho chairman, with
frightened look at tho rigid coun
tenance of tho man who was still,
holding tho floor, with tho oxpecj
tation of making his speech, told
him ho wus out of order, and the
anxious audience breathed ensio.
Another amusing incident of tao
convention was when tho represen
tative from Lake precinct triedto
hand in his returns. Two of tho
"fixers" had tho old gontloman so
badly rattled that ho didn't know
whether ho was in church, or at a I
Tho convontion then proceeded to
elect delegates to tho judicial con
vention as follows: W. M. Io
donco, A. S. Reed, M. D. Bullock,
El Payne, Albert Had ley, and G.
M. Sullivan.
Thoso elected to represent tho
county at tho stato convontion
wore, D. K. Spacht, Clark Olds,
S. B.Libby, E, L. Payne, G. W.
Waisnor and G. W. Erb.
Our Base Ball Reporter.
Tho Hemingford and Alliance
ball teams fought out another
game Tuesday, tho former winning
by a score of 20 to 21. In the fifth
inning Mollering hit Geo. Good
onough on his sore finger with tho
ball, somo one said "'smash him
with your bat," being angered by
the pain and feeling confident that
tho pitcher had purposely hit him,
ho thing tho bat into tho diamond
and although it did not go within
twenty foot of any player, the
crowd of "Yahoos" on the bleach
ers anxious for troublo swarmed
in upon tho diamond and for a
time it looked like tho Homingford
boys would bo passed through the
"pearly gato," cooler heads, how
over prevailed and the game pro
ceeded. Our boys had to play the
umpire as well as tho Allianco nine
Botzold showed tho most unblush
ing partiality all through tho gamo
and several times his own bide
forced him to change somo of his
rankest decisions but numberless
other times ho mada decisions that
had liorns on them like a Tuxas
stoor and mado thorn go.
Allianco is getting a veryinim
Yiahlo roputntion over tho north
west nan town that is narrow mind
ed illiberal and abusivo of tho mon
who go thoro to participato in
thoir sports. If they over succeed
in jotting any ono olso to visit
them il would bo a good idea to
put Bdtzold in tho chain gang and
keep him thoro until tho visitors
Farihors all biiBy taking caro of
their cf op3.
Our merchants enjoyed a big
trado Saturday. Everybody was
in Lawn.
This week will about finish tho
cutting of grain and next wook
threshing will begin in oarnost.
Tho Lawn Populists hold a pri
mary Monday evening to elect
dolegates to tho county convontion
at Homingford, Wednesday.
Miss Lena Nickent, who has
been spending a week at Crawfoid,
came in on tho stugo a few days
ago. Sho l'Qnorla c-ploasunt time.
E. ErfClayton formerly a citizen
of Box Butto county but now of
Lincoln, camo in Saturday on tho
stage. Ho says crops aro very
poor around Lincoln.
Burtoank. udgot.
This part of tho country wns
blessed with a uico littlo shower
J. E. Whaloy and family visited
with John Duskiu and family laBt
Mrs. L, M. Kenedy has been
on tho sick list for a day or so but
is improving.
Quito a number of tho boys at
tcndcSohday SchooriosfcSSundayl
Come again boys.
Mr. Whaley and Mrs. Murphy
a A did not got any sand cherries but
got about two bushels of choke
cherries, last wool;.
Miss Alico Tiornan has purchas
ed a now organ and wo aro all go
ing ovor somo ovening to hear her
Mrs. Robinson and son came
over with Mr. Smith last week
from tho river to help pack the ro
mrinder of Mr. Smith's goods.
F, M. DoVoro transacted bue
ness at Homingford, Monday.
Mrs. DoVoro accompanied him
nnd spont tho day with Mrs. Bon
Mrs. A. Thompson drovo
through our burg Tuesday going
down to where her husband is at
work for Messrs Johnson and
Pete Kearnoy made a business
trip to Lakeside, Friday, return
ing Monday. IIo wont to see
about ono of his cattlo which had
been run ovor by a train.
John Carmichaol Jr., of Alli
anco, passed through Burbank,
Tuesday onrouto homo, having
been several miles up tho creek.
Ho says they aro making lots of
hay on tho ranch near Carpenter.
J. Connolly ro turned from Wyo.
Wednesday. Ho did not buy nny
cattlo as ho iutouded. Sand Ciiane.
Marsaxid Items,
Thero aro soveral cattle buyers
stopping in town this week.
Marsland is getting to ho
a shipping point for cattlo.
Miss Alta Thompson, of
bank is visiting the Mibses Snow.
Mr. Clark and sister, of Chadron,
aro visiting Addio Poolo this week.
Rov. McMillan spent several
days last week with Rov, McCroa
dy at Edgomont.
Mr. Aiger nnd family, of Chad-
lon spent Saturday and Sunday
with Dr. Gillispio and family.
S. J. Wootton has tho finest
crop of millet that wag ever grown
in Dawca county,
Alliance News
Father Haloy will go to Shorl
dan on Sunday to conduct Cath
olic worship at that placo.
Thos. Beck took a spin behind
"Snako Creole Dan" on Monday,
visiting several of his old cus
tomers in tho vicinity of Nonpa
reil nnd at Homingford.
Jack Barry having dropped
his prosecutions against Wm.
Hough, tho saloon mon got to
gether and fixed up thoir differ
ences in a mannor that will bon
ofit thomsolvos and also mater
ially help tho school fund.
Atty. John G. Manor of Chad
ron slopped ovor in Allianco
Tuosday night onrouto for Om
aha. John is working himself
up in his ohoson profession, and
it will not bo long boforo ho bo
comes ono of tho leading nttor
noys in tho northwest.
Messrs. Banks Stowart, E. A.
Feather, and thoir attorneys
wont up to Homingford Monday
to appear in tho caso whoroin
attachment proceedings woro in
stituted by Mr. Stowart against
Mr. Feather's hotol goods. Tho
caso was continued until Sopt.
80, to onablo tho complainant to
amond his petition.
Tho gamo of ball betwoon tho
Allianco and Hemingford ninos
on tho Allianco grounds Tuesday
afternoon, whilo not as good a
gamo as has boon played, was by
far tho most exciting becauso of
tho closeness of tho score be
tween them throughout tho
game. , It took tho Jast half of
tho ninth inning to decido tho
gamo which resulted in a score
of 20 to 21 in favor of Heming
Tho Homingford baso ball
boys aro on to a now schomo for
winning games. When thoy
can't hit tho pitcher's balls they
throw tho bat at him and got
him so rattled that ho throws
thorn in a way that allows thorn
to take bases on balls. Tho Al
lianco boys should bo caioful
next timo to either x'rovido bal
oons for thoso gentlemen to bat
with, or furnish a pitcher who is
big enough to mako thoso boys
hesitate boforo throwing thoir
bats around so viciously.
S. M. Smysor has been busy
this week in moving into his now
house. Ho expects his oldest
daughter homo from Illinois tho
first of tho month to livo with
tho family. Sho is a young la
dy of rare talont in literary, mu
sical and art pursuitcs and will
bo a valuablo aquisition to tho
social circles of Alliance.
John Ellis is having an addi
tion built to his residence and a
now cellar securely bricked,
placed beneath. Contractor
Zurn is doing tho work as rapid
ly as timo from his numerous
other contracts will permit.
Honry Winten ono of tho thrif
tiest farmors in tho county was
in town Monday. Ho informs us
that ho has 70 acros of coxn, ryo
wheat potatoes, etc., that aro as
fine as any farmer could desiro to
see. Ho has 58 head of cattlo
having recently sold 9 head of
two and threo year old steers at
20. 70 per head. Ho is erecting
a second wind mill and will turn
them loose on his land this win
tor so as to got the soil thorough
ly soaked for noxt spring.
Homy says ho does not caro
to got to a bottor country than
Box Butto, and that tho reason
other people get discouragod is
because thoy do not Imow how to
manage and work.
As J, P. Hazard was raturning
horno from a populist mooting,
an accident happened to his rig
resulting in painful injuries to
him. Dr. Blackburn, County
Physician, attonded him and re
lieved his sufferings. Wo aro
glad tho injuries did not provo
serious as Mr. Hazard is- an old
sottlor and a rospectod citizen of
tho county. So much for tho
personal part about it. Now as
to the public part, or tho jpart
in which tho public is interested.
Mr. Hazard is County Surveyor
nnd Dr. Blackburn has filed a
bill against tho county for his
professional services. Now tho
quostion is has this bill boon filed
becauso Mr. Hazard is a pauper,
or bocauso ho is a populist oflir
oial, or becauso ho was injured
attending populist meetings.
11 our worthy populist board is
going to bostow pensions on men
who got wounded fighting for ;
thoir cause, tho fact ought to bo
mado public so as to givo other
worthy patriots a chance.
Box Butte News
Harvest is ovor ah mo!
M. Et church dedication .Sept. 1,
Harry Wilson is at Worthington
N. Dak., threshing.
H, Koistcr and Jos. Manion are
making hay at Kooler's ranch.
Deputy Co. Cleric B. E. John-'
son visited in tho burg last cvo.
Mrs. Rumbaugh of Allianco is
visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nannio Blair nnd Maggie Ross
will visit friends in Chadron, over
Sunday.. . . -.
Hr. and, Mrs." S. JrFryotCand
daughter Josaio, of Chadron, visil- ..
od Box Butto friends this wook.
Mr. Frolok's barn burned Mon- . '
day night, destroying 100 bushels
of wheat and somo other grain.
Tho merchants of this village are
doing n rushing business thoso'
days; if you don't boliovo it call
and soo.
Somo of tho ladies of tho M. E.
church gave a dinnor Wodnesday
to the men who nro at work on the
church. Wo havo only to say
that thoir cooking couldn't bo beat
and tho pios couldn't bo found.
Mumps aro raging west of
town. Elma cousins iOhootaJ.
est victim. - ,
Thanks to thoso who so kindly
assisted in rondoring tho "Old
Follcs Eitorary Social" a success,
financially, as well as socially.
Literary Com.
Business Pointers,
BIG RUN .90 eta pr sack.
Machine Oils at Green's.
SHOESl Shoes!! Shoos!!! at
GOLD LEAF at $1.10 per
California canned goods 15 cents a
can at W. K. Uerncali's.
Paints of all kinds at Green's.
Now lino of Shirts this wook at
McLeod's, Good goods, low prices.
Tako the benefit of Wholesale
pricos at Mill.
Seaurity School Shoos at Mc
Leod's. A now lot of shoes just received by
'W. K. Ilerncall.
Buy your Flour at Wholesale
price at tho Mill.
FLOUR goes down retail at
wholesale pricos.
Shoes of all kinds, styles and
pricos. Can fit any foot and pocket
book. W. K. Hebnoall.
ELK 81.00 por sagk.
Great Reduction in prices of
Flour at tho Mill, '