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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1895)
ms vJ-.- j , .. l! .. n I i H m u I;: jjfWwwMonyr TheHemingford Herald. T.O'KKEFE PnMUhor. tit SOBSUlUPTlON ItATKSi .ONE YKAtt... rdxMONruo $160 .. .75 H Published eterjr Friday at Hemlngford, Jtyx Bntte Connty, Nebraska. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1G, 1805, Democratic State Convention, Tbs Blato Democratic, eentuntlon li hereby railed to tnoct at Lincoln, Hcptitnbcr 5, 1H05. at ' 4 o'clock p. ro.. for U pnrpoao of nominatlrut 'on candidal o for Jndgs of tha anprrane conrt nod two candidate Mr prcenta of the A tale nnl- tersity, abd tho election of a iUU central com mittce. All persons who bollo-e in tho doctrines of , the democratic) party as set forth In the platform vt principle Adopted at the last democratic national eontontlon In Chicago in 1MB art) In Tlted to eo-oparato In the selection of delegate to this oonrenrlop. ' Tha apportionment of AAagjlt from each ouiity, based on the voto of tho candidate for lltutanant-aoternor at the last ireneral election, and including one candidate at larce from oach county, is as renown: Adins....,...i... .0 Johnson .,3 Kearney, ,. ,., ..5 Keith..... 2 Koya I'alia 9 KlnibaU 1 Antalppe 4 Banner ,, a .Slain 1 'Koone A Bex Bntto 5 rBoyd 4 Brown , 3 Buffalo 3 Unrt 4 llutlcr 8 Case.., 15 ,Codar 9 Chasoj .'. 3 eherry c 8 Cheyenne , 4 Clay 7 Colfax .IS Cnmlng Ix Custr 0 Dakota 8 Dawes.., 7 Dawson 4 Deuel 4 Dlxnn.. ...... ...... 11 Dodge 15 Douulas 83 Knox.,.,,.., ...7 Lancaster. ., IB JJacoln 8 Xxwm ,.,.,3 ijOUP l Madlfwn ,, 13 Moriierson, ........... .1 Mnrrlck , r Hanco 2 iiotnana ,,,1 Nnckolls i, 4 OUw... ...,2fl I'annM fl JVrklna ,,,.. 1'iolp 8 I force 0 Platte 15 Polk.,.. .. 4 llnd Willow 3 Htchardaon 14 llock M Hallno ,. 20 Dundy 3 Barn 8 8 Fillraoro 8 Hsunders ranklln... 4 Houtt HluB .....8 frontier , 4 Reward 14 Turna ...4 Sheridan 4 ,Obk.,.. ...... ...... 5 Sherman , 8 Uarfwld 1 Bleux , 3 Oospor 3 Btanton...... 7 Orant 2 Thaysr , 11 Oreeleyi 4 Tlioina 2 Hall 8 Thurston a Hamilton 4 Valley..' 8 Harlan 3 Washington 9 "ayes 3 Wayne., 8 Hitchcock !i Wobetor 8 Holt 7 Wheoler t Hooker.. .......1 Yolk 0 Howard o Jsfforson 13 Total , 013 ' , .. Mam-ik, Chairman. J. 11. Shssak, Bocrolary. Reduced Kates to Hot Springs, S. I)., .aro offered by tbo Burlington Route, May 24, Juno 7 and 19, July 3 nnd 10, August li and 23. One fare for tbo round trip. Tickets good for 30 days, " . - In addition, iov round trip rates to Hot Sprlngd are- in effect the yeur iound. For Information nbout rates and truins, via the Burlington Routo, to Hot Springs, apply to the local agent. For Ulustratcd folder, descriptive of .this famous resorts, wrlto to J. Fruncis ,,G. P. & T. A Oiualia, Nob. , i . Burlingtdn Route HALF 11ATK3 TO BOSTON August 10th to 24th, Burlington jR'oute agents in Nebraska and Kan sas will sell round trip tickets to Bos ton at tho one way rate. Return 'limit Oct. 30th. The train to tnlto: The XnJfcMs Templar Ofllclal Train, having on board Grand Commander Finch and Escort Will leave Omaha Via the Burlington Routo ?at 4:45 p. m., Thursday Aug. 22nd, after arrival of all trains from tho west. Through 'to Boston Without .Change. Seven hours stopover at Niagara Falls. Tickets and sleeping ear reservations on application to any agent of this or any connecting line. "..Send for free folder giving full In- Jormutlon. J. Fiiakcis, ' G, P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. Buslneaa Oeirdl. R. A. Blackburn, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, Office oTcr Vlldy'a store. HEMINCIFOIU). NEIHU8KA. WH. HITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Alliance, - Kevkaska. 'XSTOfflco 1 Fletcher Block. , W. Q. SIMONSON, Attorney at Law, Alliance, Nebraska. Practices in all the courts and be fore U. S. Land Ofllce. E. E. BARR, n. D. Surgeon AND Laryngologist. State University oy Iowa 1887. Chicago Polkclinic 1894. .SUItOERV AND TriE MEpiCAL and Suhoical Diseases ok .THE NOSE AND Til lip AT A t Specialty. Alliance, - - - Hebraska The Heijald and the Omaha erai-weckly World-flerald b9th yne year forS1.76. Notloo, To Daniel 0. Bower, non-resident defendant. Yon are hereby noticed that on the 12tl day of AiiKQst lMft, Olirla II. Hower filod n petition aKalnstyonlnlhe dlrtrlrt court of Hox Ilatln (Connty, Nebraska, the, object and prayer of which aro to obtain a divorce from you, on tho around of non-support and oitrrotp cruelty without tanse. Yoqw-lif-tvby required to ans wer said potttlonW or " tho ainl day of Sent; ltt. OLIVIA K. DOWKlt, fiy W. Q. Bimosson, Her Attorney. 8-Vi fjjtiuy. notice. , Taken vp June liUi, on Poetlon lS-SMK, one dark gray mare, tboot nlno years old, no braads that can be read. Owner can hav same by prorlng property and paylu charges. 84) Tubo. JonHBOK. Htatb of NcnnAtiKA, I ,. Ilox Untie County, J At a County Conrt, held at tho county conrt room, In and for said county, Ang. 8, A.I). 18Pi. Present, D.K.Hpaoht, County Judge. In tho matter of tho estato of James McCul lough, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John II. Bhlrk, praying that administration of said es tate may bo granted to him as administrator. OnnsnEi), That August 21, A. D. im, at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned for hearing said peti tion, when all persons interested in sald'matter may appear at a Connty Court to bo held in and for said county, and show caure why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that uotloe of tho pendency of said petition and tho hearihg thereof, bo given to all persons interest ed in said matter by publishing a copy of this ordr In The Hemlngford llEnALD a weekly newspaper printed In said connty. for throe auo osssive weeks, prior to said day of hearihg. (A true copy.) II. K. Bpaoiit, 8-g (BEAL.) County JuJe. Sheriff's Fopeolosure Sale By virtue of an ordr of salo Issue nut of tho dlstrct court of Ilox Uutto connty, Nebraska, npon a Judgment and a decreo of forcejosnro therein in favor of Mtehlgan Bavings and Loan Association as plaintiff and against James W. Roberts, W.J. Earnest, Helen K. Earnest, Ho ratlonN. Earnest, and Amy A. Earnest as do fendanlsi I will on tho 20th day of Aug. A. D. 189(1, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon at tho west front door of the court houso in the village of ttemingfordin said county, offer for ealo and seUatpnblloTonduo to tho highest bidder for cash in hand tho following described mortgaged premiJ0fl and real estato, situate in said county lo-witt' Lots ono (1) and two (2) in block twelve (12) of the town (now vUIage) of Hem ingord, In eald county. . , . E. A. IlALiy Bhorlff. A. W Cbitbb, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication July 1U, 1H1. In tho District ('onrt of Ilox llutte County Uelltih, Btovk Woukh, Plaintiff, vs. MAniNUS DsGnAFr, Defendant. Marlnns DeQraff defendant wlU take notice that on the 17th day of July, 1805, Uellviilo Btove Works, a corporation duly organized and exist ing nnder and by virtue of the laws of the t tato of Illinois, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district conrt of Ilox llutte county, Nebras ka, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which aro to recover a judgmont against said defendant for the sum of 2G3.4T upon an account for goods sold and dollvored by the plaintiff to tho defendant at tbo roquest oi sam uoientianc. Ana mat said plaintiff lias canned an order of attachment, to bo Issnrd in said action and levied on real property of said dofondant in Hox Hiitto Connty, NobraNka, to- wit! Lot 1H In Illock 20. in thn vilWn nf linn. lngford, according to the recorded plat of eaid vlllflgo, which property the plaintiff seeks to have eold according to law and tho proocwls thereof applied tj the iiaymcntof itB claim against tho defendant and costs of nnit Yon nro required to answer said petition on or beforo the Jfnfl day of Bcpt'uitwr, lm5. Uem.vim.x Btovk Wobkb, Plaintiff. Ily W. M. Iodsnoe, its Attorney. New Short Lino to IToIcdu Bntto ttpolitmo, Hcattlo una Taconm. O. X. Sa -W. a. Tlxxie Card ., KABT 110UN1). No. , nnBsongor arrives nl " ofrlRht " " 48 freight nrrlviia nt wnHT BOUND. No.U pnsRencerurrivosnt " rlKhf ' " 47 froltfht nrrlvna nt 11:25 p.m. n:0o p. m. 10:10 ii. tn, ti-2 TO. 11:50 p. m. f All t rjllllH nurrw nlaaAnitnf. a:ss p. m. K. W. Wukatlkv, Agont MAIL DIltECTOUY. HcMlNdFORD poatodlce. On week days door opens at 7 a. in., genernl delivery opens at 8 a. m. and closes at H p. m. Open Sundays 0 to 10 a.m. IlKMiHOFonD and Box IIutte stagedaily oxcept Bunday. IlKMiNnFORD and Donlap stago, Monday Wetlncsday and Friday. Offloio.1 Dii-eotorjr. COUNTY (Jas. Barry, 1st Dlst. CoinmlflMonorHJas. llollinrakn. it ml Dist, r i v, tCPO'W Dist. Jildcc D. K. Bpucht. Clurk-J. K. Noul. Shori-E. A.llnll TrenMiror -B. H. Llbby. Attorney II. K.OIliium. Corunor P. II. Driscoll, Surveyor- J. P. Hazard. Pupt. of Schools-It. l- Fillmore. Olivtrola DiroatOjpy. CONQIIEOATIONAL. Proacliliifycsch alter nate Ruuday, bRBlunlng January. 1, ll, at 11 o'clock n. in., und ut 1 p.m. Stindar School at to a. in. Pruyor Jleetlnj; cuch Wednesday at 7 p. m. GERMAN LUTHERAN:-Senlces in the Court House. Rov. Bchroednr, pastor. pATII0LlC:-llQV. Charles Zak Pustor. METHODI8T:-ltov J.W. Kendall Pustor 1 'reach I n u tho second and tourtli Sunday in each mouth ut 11 a. in., aiut 7 p, ni. Jm'IbCOl AL:-Servlceg la tho Congregat lilonnl Church. Rev. Pastor. Services on tho third Thursday la each month Bt 7 p. m. No scants. We sell rm. cataUigue at "WholSl alo JPrlces. Bhlp for exanilnnllon brfor nl.. fin., r. 11 ama as BffenU sell far K5, ours nt$55 vamoMBarentiPoll CirSUlLOIir Rtkll wrvwl.rima ls.inmn nnw tia wheel. 13stylcswiufea' Uusrantccd samo as agents sell for tTb to T10GL ACME nOAD RACER, 25 lbs. OOn WOOD-HEMS, OOUl Perfect lines, perfect steering, perfect adjustment. Guaranteed same as scents soil for tltt aud flSS. Written warranty vrltn evry machtno Every time you bay a bicycle through an sgentyou pay 150 to Q woro than our wholesale price tar unrao iinllty. It costs about as much to sell bicycles through agents and doalers as U does to make tbem. Let prudence and economy surttrcst the better way anC wu jivui unuifcvfcut wuuieaaio prices. Illustrated Catalogue free. Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART, lND, BieYOLES -C $55,SS feGHE ROADSTER $S5 SI Final Proof Notices. Ho.V. J. W. Wkiiw, Jn., Register. Ilox. F. M. Uuoome, Receiver. Patties having notices tn this column are re anested to rind tho same carefully ftbd report to this ofllce for correction any -errors that may exist. This will prevent posslblo delay In making proof. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Aug. 12,189.'. Notleo Is hereliy given that tho following nam' od sottler has filed notice of his intention Ut make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before J. E. Drown oUn Sp ISU?10"0' lllatia' SAMUEL TERRELL, 0,f 1?,n.'!!p Nel''' who tiMio " No. 207 for thn S W !t seo 13, tp 39 n, rg 47. lie names the following witnosscs to prove his continuous residence npon and cnltlvatioh of said land, viz: Valentine II. Ooddard, Oscar P. CrosBwait, Charles Olson, of Danlap, Neb J, Noble Dobson, of Mirage, Neb. Also VALENTINE 11. GODDARD, of Dnnlap, Nob., who mado n. x. No. 3274 for UiBB W k seo 8, to 20 n. rg 47 w. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlit Samuel Terrell, Oscar P. Crois wait, of Dnnlap, Neb., J. Noble Dobson, of Mi rago, Nob., Charles Olson, of Dnnlap, Neb. J. W. Whin, Jil, ltegister. Land OBlceat AUIaneo, Neb., Aug. 14, 1891. Notice Is horeby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention tp makp final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made beforo Register or Rocelvcr at Alliance, Neb., on Bept. 23, 1&05, viz: ERLAND PEDER8CN WOLDEN, of Rerea, Neb., who madoll. E. NolSTSlor tho 8 JV i soo 8, tp 2(1 n. rg 49 w. He names the following wltnwses to provo his contlnnons resldonce upon and cultivation of salil land, viz: Henry Von Rargen, John Von Dargon, Erik ltasmnsson, Beudick D. Vlkso, all of Rerca, Neb. jyiso JOHN VON DARGEN, of Ucrea, Nob., who made H. E. No. 3405 for tho Lots 1 and 2 and B H M E seo 1, tp 20 n. r 49 w He names the follqwing wltnossoa to provo of Derea, Heb. Also HENRY VON DARGEN, of Rproa, eb., who mado H. E. No. 2400 for tho a V.H wl,tp20n, rg49w. Ho names tho following witnosses to provo his continuous resldcnoo upon end cultivation of said land, vis: David Kborly. D.V. Ktterlyj Lrland Pederson Woldon, Erik Itasmusaon, all of Uorea, Neb. J. W. Wehn, Jb., Register. Land Offlco at Alliance. Nob., July 24. 1HW. Notice Is hereby given that the foUowing namod eeUler has filed notico of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof wiU bo mado beforo L. A. Dor rlngton, O. B. CourtCommisaionor, at Chadron, Neb., on Bept. B, 1895, viz: MARTIN BARAriN, ?.f P?PP Ne,, wno made n. e. No. 2912 for the B E U soo IS. to 29, rg 48 w. Ho names the following witnosses to provehls contlnnous residence upon and cultivaUonot ..III lanil vt.. Am. I... kUT 1, .! A . .. , Neb., Harry L. Hartlett, Charles L, Waldren JoBhua C. Cousins of Dunlap, Heb. ' w. it. i, jttin. uiu, jbugiBier. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., July 17, 1893. Notico is hereby given that tho following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado before the register or receiver, at Alliance, Nob., on Aug. 21, 1895, ANTON KllIJICKA, of Lawn, N"b.,rho mado he No. 1953 for tho n w U seo 32, tp 7 n, rg 52 w. Ho namee the following witnesses to prove his continuous reeldcuco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank 1'rokop, John Poivar, John liarta, John Sedlacek, all of Lawn, Neb. J. W. Weun, Jit., Regli-ter, Lsnd Offico af. Alliance, Nebr., July 17, 1895. Notico Is hereby given that tho foUowiug named Bettler has filed notice of his intention tp make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before' Register and Receher at Alliance, Nob., oa Aug. 21, J895. FRANKLIN P. WEUD, of Dunlap, Neb,, who mado n E No. 8977 for tho B K 4i see. 9, tp 29 n, rg 47 w. Huiamus the following witnesses to provo IiIb continuous residence upon and cultivation ?,fr?.ldulan,a' v.: Zachariah D. Glngherlck, Willis Buttlcfl, Charles Olson, Oscar P. Cios waito, all of Dunlap, Neb. J. W. Went), Jr. Register. Land OUIch at Alliance, Neb., July 9, 1895. Notice is hereby given that tho following BAmed settler has Bled cotlco of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Register and Receiver at Alliance, Neb., on .Aug. 10, 1695, viz: CHARLES C. HUCKE, of Hemlngford, Nob., who mado H.E. so. 1818, for the lota ! 4 4 and s ii mv i eeo 4, tp 27 n, rg oO w. uo names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Luke Phillips, Ford Dodds, Joseph i K. Ncal, Joseph Bohatler.aUof Heming fora, Neb. J. W. Wrny, Jn., Register. Notioo to K-ocloem.. To the present owners, occupants and persons in whose name the land hereinafter tie ecribod was aRSOHBed In the years 18W and 1893, and to whom it mav concern. Yon and each of yon are hereby notified that on the 16th day of November 18KJ, (J. E. ('rosier purchased at private tax sale (tho same having been offered at publio sale and not sold for the want of bidders) a provided by law. from the then treasurer of Ilox Uutto county, Nebraska, for thedellnquentJtaxes for the years 1893, 1893, the real CHtato described bolow,situtod in Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, viz: rbe southeast quarter of section 4, township 2.. range .11. Taxed in the name of John M. Jackson for lHtt and 189X Tho northwest quarter of section 30, township 27, rauge 50. Taxed in the namo of James Ken nedy tor 1893, and in namo of Jano Dcrham for Tho northeast quarter of section 33, twp.27, range 49. Taxed In tho namo of Ucnjamln Mo lntvro for 1892 and 1893. J The northeaRt quarter of section 35, twi. 2S, range 01; taxed iu tho name of Will (. Bimon non for lb92, and in tho name of American In ventmcnt Company for 1803. The southeast quarter of section 33, twp. 27. range 49; taxed Iu the name of William U Con vis for 1M and in the name of Walter W. White hill for If 93. All of theabormloanrttvul 1ml ! .Iiti.txvi n Ilox llutte Connty, Nebraska, and the tlmo of ledemptionof each tract from said tax sales will expire on the 18th day of November, 1895. First pubUcattop Aug. 2, 1895. C. E. CR08IEB. Ordlnanoe No. 34. An ordinance levying taxe for the year 1S05 to defray the gcnoral and Incidental expenses of salil villago, and making tho annual appropria tions for said year. He It ordained by the chairman and board of trustees of the viUage of iiemingjord, Nebraska. Boctlon 1. That tliore be and is hereby levied upon all the taxable property of the vlUage of Hemlngford, Nebraska, a tax of ten mills on each dollar valuation thereof, as shown by the assessment rolls for the year 1895. to defray the general and incidental expenses of said' village for said year. BecUou 2. That there be and is hereby levied against each male inhabitant of said village, lytween the ago of 21 and 50 years, except luna tics, iwnpeni, Idiots, and U.S. pensioners, a poll tax of $3,110 for the year 1895. ' ' flection 3. That for the year lftO there lie and 'Why appropriated out of the reienues de rived from the taxes levied to defray the genoral and inctdental expenses of said village the sev oral amounts for tho specific objects named herein as follows: For salary of Village Attorney - . $50.00 " Treasurer - - 10.00 " Clerk - . 50.00 " Overseer of streets 50.00 t ., . Printing - - 2O.00 ' Incidental Expenbes - - i'jo.oo Sectioni That this ordlnanoVibail take ef, feet and be In forco from and after its passage and publication according to law. Passed and approved July 15th. 18915, . , , . Bamdki, Bwirztn, Chairman .Board of Trustees of the Yilagoof Hemlngford, Nebraska. Attest. W. M. Iodxnoe, bkai- Vlilajo Clerk. TUTTLE & TAS3I Attorneys - at - Law, HFMINGrORD. NEBRASKA, jacssXSii-nrrriiiiiri-'"-jr'n-iiir7..Trt For Sale. 5 cows, 2 to 7 yours old. 1 heifer, 10 months old, with calf, 2 heifers 0 mouth old. 8 Btccrd C " 1 bull 0 Frank Pokorny. Rcc. 7-20-51. Lnwti, Nob. WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT for tho Family, School or Professional Library. 'town&SiflA jUBTvwr 1HQT10NABJ7 its fir Mir Ussldes many other valuable features, It contain a uictionary - of 11(1,000 Words, 8000 Engravings, A Gazetteer of the world losting and describing 55,000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of ioarly 10,000 Noted Persons, A Dictionary of Fiction found only In Webster, All in Ono Book. 300O morn Words nnd nearly 2000 mora nia tratlons than any other American I)lnUary. Bold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet frea. 5. & C. MEArUAM&CO.,Pulrtvi.Bprtatflld.Haf 5 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-5 jent business conaucuaior modihatc fees. Sand we can secure patsnt la less time than those J a . a rcmoic iruui .iiiuiKfcuw ... ,5 5 Send model, drawing or photo., With ocscrip-J Jtlon. We advUe, if patenuble or n!t, freo of J charge. Our fco not due till patent Is secured. S A PAMPHLET. " How to Obtain Patenvr," with Jcost of same in the U. S. and foreign ounUiesJ KQIi AIKS. miw C.A.SNOW&rGO. OPP. PATENT OrriCE. WABHtnOTOK. o. c. S4 H rtr H S w . h ;fn IS tl 2 3 -c 3 I ' II I S B r W -2 H a ij Silks, Lawns, Cashmeres, Underwear in suits and all tho latest novelties in Dress Fabrics, for tho coming season, in toxturo, finish, 1 wive, combination and colorings, is as indefinably beautiful as the varied hues of tho flowers of spring. They Sat;If37 t2$.e Olosest Sczia.tlrrsr and evoke tho unqualified praise of all who behold them. Unremittent study of the prevail ing stylo in vogue, and strict attention to tho most exacting wa.nts of my patronage, makes my storo in tho estimation of tho refined and tasty, the Emporium Par Excellence whereat to procure ho daintiest, s most stylish, economical, unique "" Q. Freshest Big bargains in my Shoe Department, W, K. HERNCALU THE'- BOX BUTTE BANK, HEMINO-FOBD, NEBRASKA. THE OLDESTMNK COUNTY, Does a General BanKlng Business, Colleotions a Specialty. Foreign and East ern Exchange. Cm A. piJIiLEW, Pres. 231. S3. G Shelf k PAINTS, 0I1S km 1 am HARNESS Hand made throughout ' Warranted Not to Rip For Two Yeors. Cnll and bqo I am agenl for tlio celebrated Diamond E. Glidden Barb Wire Also Junior Glidden. I am always ready and willing to Soil as Cheap as the Cheapest H. K. GREEN, HeilngU BUCKEYE and owers . . And the Hollmgwortli and THE BUCKEYE Machines WORLD'S FAIR cannot bo The HOLLINGSWOilTH aud Either o these celebrated tools will be sold AS CHEAP and CHEAPER than any inferior grades. I also keep ropairB for these and other machines. Can got any repairs desired. Tho Best T'-wIrLe At tho lowest living prices. For sale at tho THE IlPXOIfcTBiZEB Hardware and Saddlery House The Elegance V V w Groceries at Lowest Prices. ll 1SI SUSHI HI III' - BEE1T, Heavy Hardware, WINDOW GASS., Selling them. Celebrated . , , Tiger Hayrake which took the cake at tho excelled; TIGER Hayrakes were never hoaten. Binders DRES5 WEAR. ta v or M I i 1