Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 16, 1895, Image 2
u 1.1 I ! I 3 V Cy a ,- irj 1? S UliMINGFOltD HERALD. TUOS. J. O'KKKrFC I?ullher. HEMINGFORD, -:- NEBRASKA. California claret ia nt last proven to bo a good flrc-cxtlngnlshcr. How about California brandy? Henry Labouchcre has always been a warm admirer of this country. And bis Iteen delight In lampooning our Crok crsmay bo taken as another evidence of his friendship. The men accused of murdering Scott, tho Treasurer of Holt County, Nebras ka, have been acquitted. Nothing else was expected. Among savages the tak ing of human life Is regarded lightly. The marrlago under tho trees at Rldgo Lawn, nay Rldgo, h. I., of Mlsa Dcrtha C. Perry and Pierre- Iorlllard Ronalds, Jr., attracted much attention from Its npparcnt newness. Many years ago, In Cantral Park, Henry Ward Beecher united a couplo under tho trees, and at nnother time, In tho eamo place, a Swodonborglan or New Church woddlng mado tho parties happy. Have women a Bcnse of humor? Dur ing tho meetings of tho American and British tompernnco women In London our friend Lady Henry Somerset, who was to lwvo prcalded on ono occasion, was nbsent, owing to Illness produced by overwork. Mrs. Ormlston Chant, In taking her place, said: "Dear Lady Henry has been overworked, and we must, of course, Ifc careful not to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs." A Nqw York exchange remarks the advancement of tho now woman. Ono of Its reporters testifies that ho saw a specimen of the genus now woman de scend from an elovntcd railway depot Auscju j ho curbstone. She mere zpa'iipjflnfrrSfMn iit?MMttlmeraitd4i4ws mo- , -.. ottafe,'JHd lw tap with sureaonanco tar wtytjd have mado tho performer tit &nvy ot the Bowery. From this It t JU manif hat the new woman is Q binder strict Burvoillance in New York Mr. tlmd Stanford will dispose of 'e$!etion of jewekr, yaltMsd at over WW.OW, Among t)w fwel Is the fam 6m Waw Kttftats dfiond Sleek ly, toe whitt Mrs. Stanford pafd a rVJulooa pr(c, Mr . suffri' action tft'jktr dwtrft to &ktiMi Stanfw'd unt owslty sue, TM litigation. wta th foVerMnt 3ovr the Stanford , ttfct am itei, ip t Inqome. aad food tr Udty needed t maintain the ! tta(v$rity. 'Is ortfor to raise the ne- jnmmj nonjr art.siuuHa, wm wc- rtrtw fcer jewel. to W jelft&hHmt&aii, JLJJ"k not ts b en- id- A ttiwr IwM feet a'monu- mnt to t ifeidter ad Bailors of tha towfL"arfc up -without effecting tho ob- jc-ct There l?ero soraq present who ' ftppo(ei(iacluding tho epldlprs and sail- wot4heJRevplutlon. but In favor of Honoring those of the Mexican and tho t,ltt? war between tho states. Tho Tory feeling in nof creditable to nay Atnerl- can BuUt has survived In Borne quur- tera tfie Tuindred, years and move of American, freedom. Among our fftsh- 3 tyaafaies lher aro descendants of Torloa HTSi still app everything English, you r t i . rt. r - J Since Bishop Fallows' changing saloons Into temperance rc sorta In Chicago an enterprlso some what similar has been undertaken In Buffalo. Tho famous "Gold Dollar Saloon," with Its gorgeous fitting, Its bar Inlaid with ?50 gold pieces and its floor studded with $20 gold colus, has now been transformed into a home for temperance advocates, and la owned by a stock company of ministers and busi ness men. Tho former proprietor of the establishment has also been re tained, at hlB own desire, and now dis penses harmless beverages Instead of ruinous liquors. Twelve hundred In candescent lamps lllumlnato the In terior, and Its walls aro hung with works of art. In tho address at tho commencement exercises of the Now York Trade school ex-Mayor Howltt said: "If you nsk whether It Is right ot tho workmen to associate together for tho general wel fare, and to Increase the rate of lubor, then 1 say yes. It Is not only their right but their duty. But It Is when the tradca-unlon stops between tho palo of the law, ana assumes me rignt to compel or prevent labor, that it violates tho fundamental principle of human liberty and Christianity. So also has the employer tho rlrit to combine with others, but when he oversteps tho law then bo has violated the principles upon whltli tho constitution rests. But I seen the dawn of harmony between the employer and tho employe. When that time comes questions will bo dis cussed and considered by honest men. The workman will not H deprived of Ills Individual liberty. TUese late dis turbances are among the last, and tho time Is at hand when there will be absolute equality to every man who oreathes beneath tho flag of tho union. Fong Foo Flng, a Chinaman of San Francisco, Is an enthusiastic and effi cient member of the Salvation army. It Is rUmored that he will soon be sent to China to organize and lead an evan gelistic movement of the army In that country. As the Illy will grow full of sweet perfume and delight upon a heap of rubbish, thus the disciple of the truly enlightened shines forth by his wis dom among those who are like rubbish among tho people that ,walk In dark Bess. , lSwWMuiak!SjKerJweJtiQ9 OVER THE STATE. Rev. .Ton Kkiixs of Lexington, 8C yenrs old, d'ed last week. Ciiahr county got a grand rain and everything in tho crop lino is promis ing. John a McCoitMtcK, one of Omaha's early pioneers and freighters, died last Week KrroitTB aro making in Omaha to ap prehend an organized band of dog thieves. This railroads havo granted a rato of ono fair for tho round trip to tho Hast ings reunion. Mns. Van Waihib of Fremont yawned so wide that sho dislocated her jaw on botli sides. IIahtinos Is making cxtcnslvo prepa ration for tho stato reunion, which occurs this month. ' Oscaii IJhow.v, a gray-haired man, is in jail at Fremont, charged with as sault on a seven-year-old girl. Duxijy county will hold a fair this fall at Itonkclraan, October 10, 11 and 12. Tho county will also inako a dls play at tha stuto fair. Mum. Ciiawfoiid of Beatrice shot at her husbnnd with Intent to kllL Sho was discharged, It being shown that she acted In self-defense. Ditiii no a storm at Paxton tho liuttso of John IUcliul was struck by light ning, tearing off every particle of tho plastering In a new addition. A coMiiiTTKK of Lincoln citizens haB gone to work to raiso 810,000 for tho purpose of putting Lincoln park In condition for semi-annual raco meet ings. Coi- Joutujf, formerly of Nebraska, and at ono timo editor of tho Omaha Republican, died lust week at Wanbay, H. I). Ho loft Ileatrivo about tlireo years aga ' Wiu.Ann Lasiitiiy, aged 8, of Ileavur City, was drowned in a small pond near town. Ho and some companions wero fishing and ho fell from a high bank into the water. SMiin. Sadik Cim roiui at Plattsmouth shot hor husband tho other day whllo ho was pursuing her with a club, bho succeeded In lodging ihrco bullets In niit. iiil.:.'l-l,jiy,HB,cvKWw'wf TIik clti,ijris-cJrF?PI5r mnretmty aro iorralng an irrigation district which, when completed, will inako Paxton one of the beat little towns In tho western part of the state, PSAitr, Dnowx at Nebraska City was arrested for sending obscene literature through tho malls. Ilo was bound over to answer toeforo tho United States court in Omaha for trial. Tub board of - transportation has ordered the printing1 of 5,003 new maps of Nebraska for the use of the public Theaembpc 'wilt show tho Irrigation ditches completed and In course of con strttetlas, as -well as the railroads. State Jtank Examiner Cowdry closed the Citizens State bank at South isioux Cfty. Liabilities' aro about $30,000; as sets about ?2,1,0Q0, with Affairs in bad condition. This bank was the county jleposltory and over $8,000 was on dc jwslt , Wiuam II. CoixtOUT, a jwtfcBt at the L.iBCoi iKftasq asyvHm, commit ta,su-k-We by" hijgjig. lie tied -a -sheet Broiled his seek, throwing himself :foi Ward and strangling to death.- Colliuut was from Cambridge, Hod Willow coun ty, and was 27 years old. The Board Of Public fcands and Build ings held a meeting and lot the con tract for the now addition to the Grand Island Soldier's aod Sailor's Home, and nlBo for tho plumbing C. 1), Campbell was tho lowest bidder tfor tho main work and secured the contract. Ills JiU was S8t075. Por.K county's relief committee has just mado, its llnal report, having been in tho harness irom February U until August 3. During that timo thero person lug any month was 1,584, Juuoi: William Amiss of Pawneo City, tho only survlng ex-probate judgo under territorial government, now over 00 years old, is bolioved to be on his douthbed. Ho has been confined to the houso soveral weeks, much of tho timo to his bed, unablo to take nour ishment, except small quantities In liquid form, not enough to keep up his strength. Mihiam McLaughlin of Tecumseh burned his hand In a shocking manner. He had a cloth bandage around his hand covering a gash, and in turning tho gasoline on in a torch tho flow was excessive and saturated tho bandage. McLaughlin lit a match with tho hand In thnt condition. Tho bandngo was burned from his hand and tho flesh on that member terribly cooked. Pat Siikkdy, living on a farm four miles northeast of Clay Center, met with a very distressing nccident Ho was hauling grain from tho field nnd In sonio manner ono foot broke through tho bottom of the hay rack, so that tho leg was caught between soma parts of the wagon. Tho team ran away und in turning rather short Mr. Sheedy's leg wns broken, or rather crushed. It Is thought the leg will bo amputated. Bon Aximissox and Lloyd Alexander, n couple of Hastings youths, brolco tho babbath by trying to break each oth er's faces, Anderson weighs 240 pounds and Alcxunder about 140. Thcy went to n livery stable on tho edge of tho city, followed by their seconds, bottleholdcrs and time keeper. The battle was short and littlo blood was spilled. Anderson claims all honors, as he knocked his man out in soven. rounds Joi: Chrlka, a 5-year-old Bohemtau boy of Plattsmouth, was playing near tho railroad crossing with several com panions when tho Missouri Pacific pas senger struck him in tho back of the head, hurling him a distance of twenty feet and making a compound fructuia of the skull. Ills condition is critical. Tun opera house pharmacy at Plain view -ftas entered by burglurs through a door in the basement lust week and a small amount ot money nnd jewelry taken. A xrmniit of prominent Germans of Grand Island and vicinity aro arrang ing for a celebration of the anniver sary of the buttle of Sedan September I. Nkwb has reached Nebraska City of tho death of Dr. Bowen at tho asylum In Lincoln. Dr. Bowen was ono of Otoe county's first settlers and up to several months ago resided in Nebras ka City. Several mouths ago ho be came insane and has been in Lincoln since. oiiMoca In nf nmnn rnnolvlnfr rvlil frti- nnv nm tO 1110 TCSCUe. XllO 1UG Heller Communion Itvpnrt. The State llollof commission's report, now In tho hands of tho printer, bIiowb tho following financial exhibit: C'nsh donations - ?3,ftn 09 btnte upuroprintion, n. it. iu .0XWW WJ 20 II M 3 34 Castor county account, refund ot . frelshti ;."; ItulTnla county account, relund ot frolitht. Itcfundot freight rcnuumon hibiii wurniun. Total J!M03 DISnUllRBMENTS. PravWem 812.C01 04 Hour J5.1U3 oa Ccml 4,7720V 1 riinsporlatlun U,161 64 I'rlntlnff 00 In frcljOit fri?) nillco 0Jtprnc8 ,'' TruvellnK expenses " Itctund to). ll.Jluriton Kxclinnco on loiolisaUrnfts CiHtor county, siiojlully designated donation Citur county, iK-clully designated 1C0 130 00 24 60 Timid v iniml v. lnt.nl unri lrn: donation lor com unu rciunucu. . liOJ OjM lialaicouti band Z,VXi 22 Total .' 879,44'J tl.J "In addition to tho above- thcro wore spe cial appropriations as follows; KECIUI'TS. Kxpoiifcg formulating sonata ro- ports $ 820(0 Expontcs for postage, tiW, less 1 per cent dNcount 24i CO Expense for tabulating and print- Ing ronort, $iO , less 1 per cent .... to 4 00 Expense for distributing of funds of 11. It. S3i 600 00 Total SJ.C0100 D1SHUHSEMENTA ExponsoR for above npproprlatlonsS l,0fi" 60 Ttubulattng and printing report.... GW4 to Total S1.GC160 "Tho fund for tabulating and print ing tho report still remains in tho hands of tho treasurer of the commission, ready to pay for this work when com pleted. Tho legislature allowed, out of tho SSO.OOO appropriated by tho state, S3,f)00 for tho carrying out of tho provisions of house roll No. 113. Of this fund a small sum remains unex pended. Tim Mebriialm Itrunlnn. Hastings is making extensive prepar ations for tho rounlon which takes place there on tho 2Gth, 27th, 28th, 2i)tli, 30th and 31st of August It Is argued that big crops In Nebraska, BtrjnrfTswrNmrTmw7wtrrwrt a oig crowd, and so Hustings' is-1 going 1, and so Hastings to wprk to prepare for their entertain msnt You aro invited to lay a'sldo your business und come und hitch up and jofn tho procession. In tho lan guage of a circular issued to all man kind, "A weeks recreation will make a new roan of you. Your neighbors will all bo there and they will vant to see you. There will be balloon ascensions every day and fireworks on three even ings. There will bo tour big reunions all hold at tho same time. Tho Ne braska G. A. It.; tho Kansas-Nebraska Interstate G. A. It. reunion; tho Ne--braska Band Union reunion and tha Nebraska National Guards Encamp ment Thero will bo free wood, free Jiay irco straw and no limit to the sup' ply of good pure, fresh water, and Hastings will have food on hand to feed 73,000 people three times a day, if that, many appbv Enjoy tho fun and tho freedom which the boys won by their vaior on me neiu oi rauie. .el.., .,... 1 The Rmrtan. ThlIIe taw,, The question of enforcing the provis ions Of the Russian thlstlo law In west ern counties, says a Sidney dispatch, Is fast becoming ono of considerable Im portance. Thcro aro many- hundred thousand acres of vacant government laudnd educational lands in theso western counties nnd as tho Russian thlstlo law majtcs no provision, fpr tho deslructlon oi the thistles on 6uch lands, thcro seems" no way to meet tho emer gency of tho case. Several of the west ern counties havo practically abandon ed tlio destruction oitnispest anu uicro seems to bo no way out of the difficulty 'exrAisca3 WM - MMft . I.I H '.',' V irai compliance with tho nrovisions of tho law means bankruptcy to all the western cbuntles. Coniinp ltuck to Xctirnrfkn. Norwich (Conn.) dispatch: Mrs. Annio T. Gardiner, tho missing Ne braska Christian endeavor delegate of Arcadia, Nob., who was found living as a domestic hero In tho family of Edward II. Laplerc, consented this morning to return homo with J. W. Landers, her husband's friend, who found her. She stoutly raulntained that she Is not Insane. Mrs. Gardiner will meet her husband nt tho Palmer house, Chlcugo, at 0 o'clock tomorrow night. Her condition today is greatly chauged from that oi yesterday. She is but 28 years of age ind has been married nine years. A Xrhrnaka Mini Opt It. C. G. Pcnrso of Beatrice has been elected superintendent of the Omaha public schools for a period of ono year at a salary of S3.000. Ho Is a young man, a graduate of Doano college nt Crete, aud bus been superintendent of public schools at Beatrleo for eight years. Indian Cuttle Tlilex-s Captured. Chadron dispatch: Deputy Unltco. States Marshal Robinson, better known as "Bear Track," Boss Farmer Charles Dalkanberger and Frank Young, official Interpreter, all of Pino Rldgo agency, aro In tho city tonight enrouto to Hot Springs, S. 1).. having in churgo Harry .Martin and Kittle Hawk, two Indians charged with stealing cattle on tho reservation. Another Indian is Implicated, but evaded the officers. Murtln ana tho escaped suspect belong on the Tongue River reservation in Wyoming and were on the Pino Ridge reservation without leave from their agent. Little Hawk is a special police man under Captain Penny and is evi dently much disturbed over tho lass of his star and authority. Tho prisoners will have their preliminary hearing nt Hot Springs. An Injunction Aked Far. At Nebraska City Prof. Ebrlght, b Jils attorneys, applied to Judge Chap man for an injunction restraining Gov ernor Holcomb or his uppointee, Prof. Johnson, from Interfering with tho present superintendent (Kbrlght). The petition sets up that plaintiff has been legally uppolnted superintendent of tho Institute) for the Blind by tho board ot trustees, under authority of what is known as the enactment of February 10, 1875. That he is in peaceful and law. ful possession of tho buildings and grounds and that he is responsible for the proper caro ot tho same. GUNBOATS ARE 11C. THE NAVY DEPARTMENT RECEIVES ADVICES FROE CHINA. DETROIT GOES TO CHE FOO. A Thnt l'lnro Ik I'urthcr Krom tho Scene of tlio ItloU Tluin Hlinnglinl, tVnsli Iiiffton OmdnU Ilelletc That tho Attack on American Altaalon nrlcs Aro Knitnl Infor mation Called for. Washinoton, Aug. 12. A telegram tvas received at the navy department to-day announcing that Commander Newell had sailed with the Detroit from Shanghai to Che Foo. This latter port Is further ftom the sceno of the riots than Shanghai, and the navy offi cials take this us indicating that the United States authorities in China do not fear further outbreaks, especially in tho reg'on near Shunghal. Upon receipt of the telegrnm. As sistant Secretary McAdoo telegraphed to Admiral Carpenter, advising him that there was a great deal of appre hension here that American citizens in China might lose their lives and prop erty, und telling him Jhat every pos sible uiTort should bo made to protect American citizens. He also asked the admiral to cable him nt once tho renl bituntlon, and whether thero was dnn ger of further disturbances. Admiral Carpcnter,wlth the flagship Baltimore, is at Nagasaki, Japan, v Inch Is about 400 miles from Shanghai across tho Japan sea, but there is .io doubt that ho is well Informed us to the situation. NATURAL CAS OF AMERICA. n.n cn.ii- iv.,i i.. -w,,-., i.-. !.,., , YAsnisaTos, Aug. is, xno natural, ras industry Is fully reviewed in the nnual report of tlie geological survey. Tho most important gas fleluts,,uov are those of Western Pennsylvania, West ern Now York, Northwestern Ohio and Central Indiana.butgas has boon found in commercial quantities alho in Arkan sas, California, Illinois, Kansas, Ken tucky, Louisiana, Missouri, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West "Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Tho highest actually observed pres sure has been about cOO pounds to the square inch, closed pressure. In all districts tho pressure has Increased ("steadily and materially, Heretofore natural gas could be easily carried In pipes for long distances under its own pressure bub now in niost places arti ficial means must be used to drive it to tho placo where it is needed. No make one, Tho amount has been greatly reduced within tho In'St few yearj by tho cutting off of the enor mous waste that existed, while im proved appliances havo doubled tho efficiency of what is used. Tqo total value of that consumed In leOl was nearly 814,000,000. This Is a steady decrease from 1888, when tho value was 22,500,000. Mltdonrl Chautauqua l'limn for 1800. Sedallv. Mo., Aug 12 The di rectors of ttierMissourl Stato Chautau qua assombly havo . decided that Au- ?,usl uo ul" """ open,nff Hili Ut ItlllVII lllUILlUUUlttlU 1. LI Ctl CTVi before. Tho board of directors has decided to begin ut once tho publica lwtl1V1trkW'lfVk AlVlAtNtf4i4kMAMA tion of a quarterly paper, to be known as the Chautauqua Herald, of which Prof. G. V. Buchannan, superintend ent of tho public schools, will bo editor. Tho deficit of the last assem bly was only S100. A l'opiillut (Jrgun for Topckn. Topkka, Kan., Aug. 12. It is an nounced that local Populists will next week form a company for tho publica tion of a dally paper in Topeka. F. J. Close, formerly Governor Lewelling's private seorotary, will bo business manager; James Butler, lato steward of tho asylum for tho Insano at Topeka, Its editor, and I. N. Gish, lato captain of police, superintendent of its me chanical department. Italian Strikers In a Itlot. PiTTSiiuito, Pa., Aug. 12 Two hun dred Italians in tho employ of Booth A Flynn, city contractors, struck for an advance of twenty-five cents per day. Other men wero secured to tako their places und to-day a large crowd of strikers attacked them, picks and shovels being used. Soveral partici pants wero seriously hurt. Tho polico scattered the rioters. A Vrncrulilu Canadian to .Marry. Toiioxto, Ontario, Aug. 12, Sir William Powlnnd, lieuteuant governor of Ontario and president of the Con federation Life Assurunco company, now In his both year, will soon lead to tho altar the widow of James Bcthuno, Into manager ot the Dominion bank. Relatives aro strongly opposed to tho match. Heavy Wind In Oklahoma. HnsNF.ssKY, Ok., Aug. 12. A heavy wind storm, which preceded a rain storm last night, wrecked several small bnlldlugs nnd did damage to late corn. A enr was blown off u siding on tho main truck at Dover and the north bound Rock Island train was disabled. I!ulnes Man and Coachman Lost. Chicago, Aug. 12. Moshier T. oreene, president of the Chicago Lum ber company, and a coachman em ployed by W. A. Alexander, Mr. Greene's son-in-law, were both drowned by tho capsizing of a boat at Highland park yesterday afternoon. Tho Hank at (lofTs, Kuiibub, Closed, Topeka, Kan., Aug. 12. Thf Citi zens' bank of Goffs, recently urganUed by some Seneca capitalist, bun paid off its depositors and gone oui of busi ness. 1.-1.. --.. ., A A. I ?.- T-r-y-tLLsatrir-awM . i5Tirjt!Hui-Stale It iS ni.t.u.iiii.11 . ai. mm ik iniii ii cii n& i.mihi .. fuZ KLl' "-vT ?: rXV.i Sv.?- attM'toionfld W..V 4W,. v . w ? .v j.wB.v.w u ,- V, I , TRADE UNUSUALLY CRISK. IJi!hcm Continue Actlro Without Sign of Ucnctlon. Nkw Youk, Aug. 12 R. G. Dun t Co.'s Weekly Bovlew of Trade says: Business continues unusually nctlvo for midsummer, and, though thero Is no pcrccptiblo relaxation, thero aro no signs of reaction. The one change of great importance which the past week has brought Is eminently helpful the amicable settlement between coal miners nnd employers In Western Pennsylvania, Ohio nnd Indiana. It is said that about 100,000 men will havo their wages increased after October 5 by this adjustment, and, while tho en largement of purchasing power Is of consequence, it eccms even more im portant that a chronic causo of con troversy has been removed by thn new agreement as to company stores. There is no Important change In crop prospects, and nt this time no news is eminently good news. Speculation has been more success ful in cotton than in any other pro duct during tho past week, and has lifted the price an eighth. Wheat has declined a fraction, with very scanty transactions, tho extremely small western receipts influencing tho mar ket for tho present moro than tho re stricted exports. Tho concerted with holding of wheat by western farmers, If continued, will doubtless affect tho price in tho end, but it has already stopped Atlantic ex ports almost entirely, the amount, flour included, having been only 753,330 bushels for tho past week, against 2,080,430 bushels for tho same week last year, and when foreign markets havo supplied tholr needs from other quarters, the Western farmers may find reason to regret that they did not ship their wheat at the original time. Corn tends to lowcr.priccs, with more encouraging prospects, and tho ex pectation of a heavy corn crop affects prices ot provision s, as might be ex pected. Sales of wool aro not ns much in flated by speculation as they were dur ing the iirst half of July, but they still considerably exceed the actual con I sumption in me raanuiacuire, amount,- sumption in tho manufacture, amount- Some staple cotton goods have again advanced in price, and the market is Unusually strong for tho season, OLNEY, FOR THE BENCH. Said to he Cleveland'!! First Choice to Succeed Jackson. Washikotos, Aug. 12. There is much speculation as to who will be President Cleveland's choice for the United States supremo court bench to succeed tho lato Justice Jackson, but beyond the mention of available names thero is littlo of a definite nature this sarly. - ' There aro persons, however, whoso relations with tho president nro bi the closest character who be lieve that Mr. Cleveland's first choice, will bo Mr. Olnev, tho sco known that ha once lii the sound- opinions on oil important legal questions which como before him, and thnt ho fully appre ciates the great assistance Mr. Olnoy has Tendered him in the disposition of the great questions that havo arisen during tho last two years, Whether Mr. Olney's residence In Massachu setts will render him unavailable Is not known, but it is the opinion of many well informed, persons hero that but for this objection ho would 6urely bo tho man. Next to him Mr. Rufus Peckham is thought by many to bo tho most likely to receive the nomina: tion. The question of confirmation will not bo raised, It is said, as in tha cases of AVheelcr n.Ppckhnm and TWO YEARS FOR TAYLOR. South Dakntii'M Defaulting Treasurer Slakes Good Ills StenlliiRS. Pierrk, S. D., Aug. 13. Tho Taylor defalcation is about to bo cleared up, and tho defaulting treasurer will bo sentenced Tuesday. His bondsmen and himself have turned over to the stnto treasurer S100.000 In checks and drafts ns agreed upon. Tho value of properties held by Taylor will not be assessed by the stato board and the amount agreed upon by them and the SlOo.000 will be credited to his deficit The bondsmen Will make up the bal ance. The statute on which it was thought Taylor would bo sentenced for twenty years Is found defective and two years will be tho maximum. FIRST WOMAN SHERIFF. Mrs. Stewart of Srirlnf;lirld Mo., I'orniull Appointed to tho UlIU-c. Si'itixariKLi), Mo., Aug. 12. Mrs. Helen V. Stewart, widow of the lato Sheriff Dan R. Stewart, wns 3esterday appointed sheriff in her husband's stead, to hold office until September 0, when a special election will bo held. Mrs. Stewart Is 40 years old and has been innrried twenty-threo years. Sho was born at Atlanttc City, is. J bhe has resided in Springfield for twenty years. Judges Denny and Houston voted for Mrs. Stewart, and Appleby refused to vote. Mrs. Stewart is tho anly woman sheriff In history. Illinois Corn l'ronilsei Well. SpmxoFiKLn, 111., Aug. 12. Reports received by the state department of agriculture confirm tho reports heard the past few weeks as to the con dition of the growing crop, aud the prospect now is for one of tho largest and finest crops ever raised In the stale. The season has been exception ally favorable for tho growth and cul tivation of corn. Iowa Corn Crop lit Danger, MAllSHALLTOWN, Iowa, Aug. 12. Unless the weather conditions change soon the corn crop of Central Iowa will be pretty seriously affected. A fierce southwest wind has prevailed for two days with the mercury at 91 In the shade and everything is so dry that the corn blades aro wilting. Mrs. ThIiuukc's Fortune. BnooKi.v.w N. Y., Aug. 12. Tho will of Mrs. T. De Witt Tnlmuge leaves some S100.000, of which S30.000 Is real estate and S130.000 personal property. Her husband Is the sole legatee. I ncss oi Air. uinevs FOR SILVER AT 1 6 TO 1. h'o Mcrlnro MlMnr.rl t'ciuccra's In S'nt Convention. PKr.TI.R Spiungs. Mo , Aug. is. Th& Missouri Democracy has deolarod with out equivocation for tho free and un limited colnniro of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1. Thu strongest resolutions looking to that end wero parsed by tho statu convention amid a storm of cheers, and practically without adls senting voice. Further yet, tho con vention, by an overwhelming major ity, voted to reorganize tho state com mittee, and nineteen new members have been added to it, all considered to be heart and soul for tho while metal. Tho fifteen old members whom, whether right ly or wrongly tho silver men. hud considered committed to tho sound liigne doctrine, 13 to 2, now finds itself purely an ornamental appen dage to a soaring majority. Thero aro rumors that possibly thirteen of " tho old commltteo will declino to servo longer, but It Is scarcely likely that they will resign, as that action, would merely fix tho silver uien still more firmly in the saddle. In splto of these revolutionary proceedings tho work of the convention has been char acterized by most remarkable har mony. If tho convention faithfully represents the Democratic party of tho state, then bejoml question "5 per cent of tho party aro out and out silver men. Tho convention began Its business with "Silver Dick" Bland nt tho helm. The organization was perfected with out friction and silver resolutions wero drawn and adopted and tho rcorgani- zatiou of tho state central committee was decided upon by a vote of -103 to U!l. The plan of reorganization ugrccd upon was that suggested by the con servatives, which called for tho doub ling of tuo old committee, only four additional committeemen elected from the stato at largo by tho convention wore added. This makes tho new com mittee certainly for silver, but as if this were not enough, the convention went further and so bound tho new central organization by resolutions ns to the conventions to bo held next i ear. that even were it ns hostile as polfOThvintmglalFirhostn---. itVwbuTd bu futile. A -yBBwr 1 I. .. ....A..,. r ,- M i nrvn .. c..: proitHnr-s to tha Demoorntla felntft enni ventions in session in Mississippi an Iowa, exhorting them to stand firm! for free silver and 10 to 1, It also sent E a personal tribute to Senator. looA Blackburn of Kentucky complimenting! him on his fight for silver against over" whelming odds. r QUAY HEARD FROM. j flie 1'cnnsylvanln. Senator Scores III Kneniles la a Footle statement. PhilauklI'HIA, Aug. 8. Senator j Quay has issued a. formal statement la, reply to tho 'charge that ho hart pro posed to David Martin, tho Republican lcadcr'of this city, a bargain looking! to the cessation of hostilities between them in the contest for chairman of the stato Republican committee. . The Btuterncntr followsT X navo not me Mrt Martin rior anv member of thi combine since the present contest wa! begun, nor havo I made nor received from anybody propositions looking fc an adjustment So far as tho muni clpal rings of Philadelphia and Pitts burg aro concerned, there will not no: cannot be any adjustment. My frlendi arc thoso of tho party who havo al tvays been willing to carry the Jlepub-jl licau flag undertiro and stand by Ihovl ticket nominated whether it is of the! making or not I regard my clectio: as positively assured." Inventor McCorrnlck Critically 11L Chicago.' Aug. 8 Leander J, Mi LflrskSeAlJs "inmminutmur4ju.;piinwviivmKjt lying critically ill at Lake torest. LIVE STOCK AM) PltODUCE M Alt K UTS Quotations from New York, Chicago, Louis, Omaha und Elsewhere OMAHA St. huttcr Creamery (separator . I a 10 14 1054 11 OH liniif-r I nlrtntrnod country. 1. 1- bcs fresh 10 honey California, per It, 1 llmifi l.lvi' Tr lb C 3?. burins Chickens, per lb . lUi'ir Lemons tholco Messlnas Oi Apples per tibl 2 00 uiunjies riorldub, per box ... A 50 1-otntoes Now 0 Wateimclons per doon 2 si hcans Navy.liund-pIclJod.bu 2 W) Hay -Upland, per ton " 0 Unfon I or bu JJ l hecto Neb fcla., full cream 10 l'lncapples purdoz ... ...... I Tomatoes -per 4-basUotcrute 50 lioR MUcd packlnc j 'i boss Heavy tt eights i m hteves fctooKcrs and feeaer t W kief steers 3M nulls. 1 M Mtips 2 50 v. une -2 f Cons 1 w heifers 1 0 1 StMorns SO tiieeo Lambs , ' 00 suiep Choice natives.... 2 50 CHICAGO. Wheat N'o.2. spring.,.. (jl Corn Per bu U Outs i cr bu 21 lotk 0 -10 6 2.1 O 2 25 & 4 00 US, '.'A U0 3 W UM 2 20 (U, 7.V) (. 73 & 11 (in 2 2'. 75 to 4 75 U 4 a H 3 GS iS. 4 75 W a 00 V, 3 00 (14 SO a a oo fc 2 75 a G3 Oi o25 074 4 21J4 Kurd U5'J & (i 55 u 5 10 ... II W) () & 4 10 lioii I'ncUers and mixed... Cattle Native stools. Mitel. l.umiif Mieep Natives NEW YOUli Wheat. No. 2. rea wlntor Corn No. 2 Iiii.c Nn? . .. ... a oo 1 50 73 Wt 73U 43 & ao U ... , p.. i orw. ....,. - - Lurd " " ii & it 0 tO fc'E. LOUIS. Wheat No :rea,cash 8 Corn Per bu.., as Outs l'cr bu -- Iioff Mixed packing 4 i Cattle Heft steors ,. 3 00 Hiiio Mixed nuttvos 2 UV Lambs ft. CSK fy as . tfr . 22M 4 W 4 10 m .1 f.O G 500 KANSAS CITV. W heat No. 2 hard C5 O Co Corn No. 2 'M y ). Oats No.2 , -i-iiii. 2.1 cattle stoeUers and feeder. 2 50 i. 4 M) lioas Mixed puckers 4 50 U 4 SO JEFFERSON CITY WINS. Judge Shacklcforil Oterrulri MWsourl C&pltu! Iteiuotal Demurrer. Jeffkrson Citv, Mo., Aug.d. Judgo D. M. Shackleford to-day overruled tho demurrer of tho Sedalia people In the matter of submitting the capital removal to vote of the people. This means that in the opinion of the court tho resolution is Invalid. The case will bo appealed to tho su preme court, but the ruling of Judge ShuUieford is regarded a,s a most irnj portant victory for Jeffetdon City. &! toAJ " w-Si g II