Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 16, 1895, Image 1

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or Watches, Clocks,
and Jewelry
(Repairing done and
satisfaction guarant'd
City Jewelry Store
.00 TO THE
City Jewelry Store
Business Pointers,
BIG BUN .90 cte pr sack.
Machine Oils at Green's.
SHOES! Shoes!! Shoes!!
. MoLeod's.
GOLD LEAP at 81.10
California canned goods 15 centsa
.can at W. K. Herncall's.
Paints of all kinds at Green's.
Now line of Shirts this week at
" McLeod's, Good goods, low prices.
Tako the benefit of Wholesale
prices at Mill.
Security School Shoes at Mc
Leod's. A now lot of shoes just received by
W. K. Heincall.
Buy your Flour at Wholesale
price at the Mill.
For Sale CHEAP-Mower nnd
rake; a bargain. Inquire at this of
lice. FLOUR goes down retail at
wholesale prices.
Shoes of all kinds , styles nnd
prices. Can tit any foot and pocket
book. W. K. Hernoall.
FOR SALE Tho Northwest
quarter sec. 14, twp. 27, rg 49,
3 miles east of Homiugford. Cheap
.and on easy terms.
Mns. 0. Russell,
Eau Claire, Wis.
20 acres of land joining the town
site of Iletningford on the west, Jias
.good house, barn and well. Will sell
reut or trade for other land.
ELK 31.00 per sack.
Eat and grow fat on Wholesale
Flour prices.
I need money, those knowing
themselves indebted tome pleaso
call and settle.
R. A. Blackburn.
Alliance, Neb., Aug. 7, 1895.
The members of tho Box Butte
County Democratic Central Com
mittee are hereby requested to
moot at tho Citv Council rooms
in the city of Alliance, on tho
17th day of August 1895, at ono
o'clock p.m., for the purpose of
determining tho ratio of repre
sentation to which the respective
precincts in the county are enti
tled and for the further purpose
,ot calling a county convention to
select delegates to Democratic
.-State Convention at Lincoln,
Nebraska, on September 5, 1895,
and for attendiug to such other
business as may properly bo
transacted by said committee.
S. M. Smyser, Chairman.
Anton Uhr ' visited Dunlap
W. C. Mounts went east Tues
day evening.
Miss Hamilton went to Alli
ance Tuesday.
Mr. G, W. Waisnor visited Al
liance Tuesday.
C. A. Nichols, of Chadron, was
in tho city Monday.
Editor Tash mado a trip to
Lawn on his wheel, Tuesday.
Attorney Iodonce mado a bus
iness trip to Hay Springs this
Frank Cheney sold hl meat
market to Byron Weed, this
Born, on Tuesday Aug. 13th a
girl, to Mrs. W. A, Clark. All
parties reported doing nicely.
Mrs. Thayer, sistor of Mrs.
E. W. Alexander, returned to
her homo in Momence, 111., Jhis
Joseph Kendall of Salt Lako
City is visiting with Rev. Kondall
and family this week.
Mayor and Mrs. Broome drovo
up from Alliftnco Sunday and
spent tho day vjsitlng friends..
Co. Clerk Neal and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Martin returned
from Cascade Springs, Wednes
day. G. W. WaisnorandH. L. Bush
noil threshed their grain this
week, Will Leo of Box Butte do
ing the work.
J. C. Alexander camo down
from Edgemont Saturday. Ho
reports everything booming at
that place.
Master Charlie and Miss Em
ma, accompanied by I. E. and
Mis. Tash visited Alliance
friends last Sunday.
A marriage license was issued
by Judge Sp'acht Tuesday, to
Frank E. Shipley and Alice B.
Smith all of this county.
The old folks social is to bo on
the evening of tho 20th inst. in
stead of tho 30th as announced in
these columns last week.
John H. Powers, labor com
missioner, was doing business at
tho court house Wednesday. Mr.
Powers called on the Herald.
David Hess, 'Gene Roak and
Win. Belieu, all prosperous
farmers of Dawes county, were
trading with our merchants
- Mrs. Leora Rustin was in town
Wednesday. Sho informs us that
sho taught this spring.
Mrs. Ida M. Wheatloy and lit
tle daughter, Lottie, mother and
sistor of agent Wheatly, arrived
in town from King City, Mo.,
Monday morning and will visit
for a month.
A game of ball between tho Al
liance Episcopal Choir- boys and
Geo. Austin's nine will bo played
on tho home- diamond tomorrow.
It will bo great sport; go and en
joy yourselves.
Frank Branch an old Heming
fcl boy, but now of Chadron,
was circulating among old friends
in this vicinity Monday. Hois
in the employ of Richard Bros.,
the ranchmen.
Tho ladies of tho M. E. Church
will give a Missionary Tea at tho
residence of Mrs. I. E. Tash Tues
day ovenincr tho 27th inst. A
cood time is assured becauso of
tho management, and all aro cordi
ally invited.
A great many pooplo are won
dering how so good a ball play
er as Geo. Goodenough camo to
have have his finger smashed
last Saturday at tho ball game.
Wo have it from good authority
that tho city of Borea is respon
sible for it.
Mr. Jas. Stratton, of Borea,
sent this office two potatoes this
wnolf which had sprouted in tho
cellar and now potatoes had set
in tho center of tho old ones,
drawing their substance from
tho same source, tho young po
tatoes had grown to such an ex
tent that thoy had burst through
tho old ones and present the ap
pearance of a half hatched
chicken. Thoy aro quite a curi
osity and may bo soon at this of
fice. F. W. Foidtar was in town
Wednesday and was considerably
workod up over tho action of tho
county physician ovor in Dawes
county. Ono of his neighbors
who lives four miles east of Dun
lap, by the namo of Stanek had
his leg broken last Sunday, Mr.
Foidlor wont to Hay Springs aftor
a, doctor to sot tho limb but no one
thero would conio out unless paid
in advance. Ho then telegraphed
to Chadron for the county physi
cian and expecting him to como,
ho wont homo. Tho noxt day
word was received to bring tho
man to Chadron or to tho Co. poor
farm nnd the Co. Surgeon would
attend to it. As the man could
not bo moved ho was compollcd to
suffer until Wednesday morning
when Dr. Pinor was induced for
the cause of humanity, to go and
reduce the fracture Tho Dawos
Co. physician, ought to have his
neck broke and then bo compollcd
to wait a week for soino one to
set it.
The following will bo of inter
est to many of our readers who
know Mr. Hendershot here in
Spencer, la., Aug. 13. O. D. Hen
dershot, a promlnont attorney here
who with Milt Allen of Sheldon, la.,
formed tho firm of Allen & Hender
shot, committed suicide at 1 p. m. to
day by shooting himself through the
heart. Deceased wns local agent for
a loan company and had forged trust
deeds upon various farms in this t-(
cinity and realized upon them from
the trust cempany to the extent of
about $7,000. Ilendorahot was the
son of Judge Hendershot of Ottumwa
and came here about four years ago
and has been in the practice about
three years.
Cliadron is bound to be heforo
tho world someway. If it isn't a
cowboy race, or a hundred milo
or a beet sugar factory or a school
fight or a prize fight or a popu
list wranglo, you can bank on its
tho following dispatch from yes
terday's World Herald, indicates :
Chadron, Neb., Aug. 13 Three
British bicycle tourists. Edwnrd
Clegg, Coleman Nichols, and Henry
Cartstensen. refuse to workout a sen
tence imposed on them for fast riding
and will soek the protection of tho
llritlsh Government. They were ar
rested Saturday, and this morning
were lined $1 and costs each, aggrega
ting $5.70 each. They have plenty
of money, but refuse to pay, and were
committed to work on tho streets.
This they declined to do.
The Sunday Schools of Hom-
ingford, will hold a picnic Aug.
30th at tho Conerreirational
church. Ample shade will bo
provided and nearby schools are
invited to unite with us.
R. A. Blackburn.
Tho IIcmingford-Alliance ball
game last Saturday was well play
ed and intorestinjr. Goodonough
had a finger smashed early in tho
game and had to play field, Rey
taking his place. Our boys were
entertained, by tho Allianco team
at the Preston Hotel. With tho
exception of tho sixth inning tho
game was a good ono as the follow
ing will show:
0 .
H. Goodonough p
G. Goodonough c
L. B. Dennor rf
B. Reynolds If
L. Phillips 3b
E. Reynolds 2b
H. F. Fillmoro lb
J. Pinkerton cf
E. Wildy sb
Totals 38 3 11 21
A .B. R. E. P.O.
Pro&ton p
Ballongoe c
Brenuan lb
Reynolds cf
Zodiker ss
Betzhold rf
O'Connor 2b
Donovan If
35 12 3 27
5 1
5 1
4 1
4 0
4 0
4 0
4 0
4 0
4 0
Score by innings.
Hemingford 1010 0 0010 3
Alliance 32000610 12
Homo runs, Fcnnor, Balleugop 2
nnd Donovan. Struck by pitchor,
Preston 3. Bases on balls, Pros
ton 2 Goodenough. Umpire A'asb.
District Court.
Tho following ordor of tho
Court was handed in by County
Clork Noal, this morning.
"It is hereby ordorod that a
special term of tho distrtct court
of Box Butto county, bo hold
Aug. 29, 1895, and without a
grand or petit jury.
Dono at Ohambors, in tho City
of U'JNoill, jNod., this lath day of
f August, 1895.
M. P. Kinkaid, Judge.
,Tako.a dollar bill, fold it
longthwiso and double it, fold it
sovoral times each way, and you
will soorit increase. Tako the
silvor dollar and drop it on the
floor and it will ring. Give tho
ring to your best girl and send
tho dollar to your printer. '
Plattsmouth Journal.
Tho free silvor men have mado
fnoro noiso and lost moro votos
than any other agitators who
havflPovor figured in Amorican
politics. Nebraska City Press.
If the country was filled with
rators whoso mission was to
oint ojit tho wanton- and ncod-
css oxtravaeranco of noonlo.
thoro would bo no room in tho
field for f rco silver blathorskitos
to howl their socialistic theories.
Pioneer Grip.
Hurbank, Budget.
John Henderson is cutting
Miss Abbio Smith spent Sun
day at homo.
Roy Whipplo spent Sunday
last week visiting atMrs. DoVoro's.
Mrinlnr Ira Johnson visited his
friend Delbcrt Whipple, at Alli
Sunday. Our Sunday Sohool is doing
pretty well considering tho busy
time of yoar.
G. W. Jones, of Malinda, was
transacting business at Burbank,
ono day this week.
J. Kenedy and A. Thompson aro
helping Messrs Reoso and John
son make hay this week.
Tho weods aro all mown down
in tho ditch now which greatly
improves its appearance
Mr. and Mrs. McKiunio aro in
Allianco, having their baby doc
tored. Tho littlo one was very
sick for a time. ,
Sheriff Hall's smiling counte
nance was seen at Burbank Thurs
day. Ho was accompanied by a
sheriff from Wyoming.
Messrs Simonson and Ruramcl
drovo out from Allianco, Thursday.
Mr and Mrs. Workman spent a
day or two last week sand cherry-
was ovor to the
post office Sunday., Ho and Mr.
Connolly intended to begin haying
his week if tho latter arrived
homo from Wyoming.
Mr. Hier and another gentleman
passed through Burbank, Sunday
looking for the thief who stole the
barrels of kerosene from tho Alli
ance Grocorcry Co. Ho wont to
Malinda, but could find no trace of
tho oil.
Mesdaraes Thompson, Nelson and
DoVoro went sand cherry ing Tues
day but found only a few cherries
as some ono had been thoro before
them. Mr. Whaley and family
started the same day and intended
to camp out that night.
Sand Ceane.
Nice cool woatnerfor'harvesting
and threshing. , ', -
Mrs. Harris, of tho river west of
Marsland, was trading in town recently.
C. H. Irion made a buBinoss tiip
to tho County seat Monday.
County Survoyor Hazard spoilt
a day or so at his farm near Lawn
tho first of tho wook.
Tho Plansky boys havo bcon
threshing in Dawos Co. and Just
returned with their machine.
J. H. Johnston, Justice of tho
peace, is out at real hard labor now
making hay for tho 33 lanch out
fit. Thoro will be Baptistorviccs at
11 a. in. Sunday tho 18th, at tho
Lawn Bchool house, Sunday
SchoofatlO a. m, " ,
Geo. Zimmerman, of Liborty.
was in town Monday and took
homo a big load of cord-wood and
a lotoffgrocorios bought of our
C.J. Wildy tho Homiugford
merchant stopped in Lawn a short
timo Monday. Ho was looking
after his crops as he has valuablo
real estate noar hoio.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Irion spent
Sunday afternoon at G. A. Dick
inson's in Sioux county. Thoy
report crops far better in Sioux
and western Box Butto Co. than J
oast of Lawn. 1
W. L. Jowoll, of Liberty pre
cinct, was in town Monday and
says ho will roniOYo to Iowa soon
where he and his sister havo a fino
ifnrm, .near DesMoines. Ho will
drivo his stock ' to Grand Island,
and ship from there.
Alliance News
Mrs. Boll, formorly Miss Kate
r"rr5riTirnn n of
I -r
tl JJi J-P.W - K V - V w.
Hay Springs was in tho city last
Saturday on business before tho'
Land Office.
A. H. McLauehlin was in tho
city last Saturday interviewing
some of tho republican politic
ians on tho outlook for sheriff.
F. M. Broomo and family
drove up to Hemingford last
Sunday, the former on business,
and tho family on a visit with
I. E. Tash accompanied by his
family, drovo down from Hem
ingford last Saturday. Mr. Tash
acted as umpire for the ball
On Sunday last a son was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Traver at
tho residence of Mrs. Travor's
sister Mrs. Jay. All parties re
ported by Dr. Barr as doing
Last Friday ovoning tho K. of
P. lodge turned their regular
meeting into a social affair.
About 20 Knights with their
ladies woro present and the
evening was spent with card
playing, music and social con
versation. A very pleasant timo
was had.
The meeting of tho republican
central committee last Saturday
resulted In calling a county con
vention for Sept. 22, in tho opera
house at Allianco. Tho appor
tionment of delegates for tho
various precincts was made, Al
Urnce being entitled to 26.
Dr. J. White Wolf arrived in
town Monday with his wild west
show. He is an Indian doctor
who doctors by Indian methods
and sells medicines made exclu
sively from native herbs. His
show is a very entertaining ono
and is attracting large crowds.
Ho has a pocket full of very
high recommendations from peo
ple in places where he has boon,
and in every respect ho is a per
fect gentleman,
Tho Farroll Concert Company
gave an ontertainmont In the
opera house last Saturday even-
ing, which was without doubt
the flnost musical entertainment
given horo for a long timo. Thoy
aro all accomplished musicians
and tho class of music rendered
was of a classical nature. The
ontertainmont was deserving of
a much largor house than was
accorded, but the appreciation
by those who were present was
manifssted ,in a manner that
proved tho audience to bo highly
Troublos appear to never
cease. Tho latest Is that where
in tho saloons aro involved. It
sooms that sinco Nato Hart left
that G. H. Dietrich took posses
sion of tho saloon and installed
Win. Hough as manager. Johr
and Ed Barry, brothers of Mrs.
Hart claim that Hart's interest
rightfully belongs to Mrs. Hart,
but rather than establish the
olaim by legal process of law
thoy had Hough arrested .for
gambling. Tho caso fras dis
missed to allow a new complaint
to bo filed. A uew complaint
was then sworn out charging
him with soiling liquors on Sun
day. Hough in turn filed com
print against tho othei saloons
and John Barry for tho same of
fense. Tho caso camo on for
trial Tuesday afternoon, Hewett,
Smyser, and Noleman appearing
as attorneys for the city, Wm.
Mitcholl us attorney for Hough,
and W. A. Hampton as attorney
of the others. Tho trials were
then postponed to Wednesday
morning. By this time the pro
ilnb 6H25TlrilQ,,felBiwnrr-rn
case against Barry was set for
ono o'clock. At tho appointed
hour this caso cameon for trial.
Aftor considering the evidence
in tho matter, the Court fined
tho dofondant 25. and costs.
His Attorney, Mr. Hampton took
an appeal to the district court,
going on his bond in the sum of
100. .
The County Central committee
of tho Peoples Independent party
hold a meeting at the court house
Saturday afternoon and adopted
tho following representation from
the different precinct in tho coun
ty conventions to be held this
year, viz. Allianco 7, Boyd 5, Box
Butto' 8, Lake 6. Runningwater 5,
Lawn 8, Liborty 5, Snake Creek 2
Dorsoy 8, Nonpariol 5, and Wright
8 dolagates. A county convention
is called for Aug. 21st at 1 o'clock
p. m. in Hemingford to elect del
agates to the Judioial and State
conventions and the primaries, un
less otherwise ordered by the local
committeeman, wall be held on
Monday Aug. 19th at 7 p. m. for
the purpose of electing delegates
to this convention only . The com
mittoo adjourned to meet again
aftor convention, Aug. 21st 1895.
J. P. Hazard Beoy.
Call for Judicial Convention.
Tho peoples independent elec
tors of tho 15th judicial district of
the State of Nebraska are hereby
requested to elect and send dole
fntoj fmm their respective coun
ties to meet in convention in tho
.city of O'Neill on Monday August
26th, 1895, at 2 p m, for the pur
pose of plaoingin nomination two
candidates for Judges of the Dis
trict Court of said judicial district,
and to transact such other business
as may come before tho conven
tion. Tho basiB of representation
will be tho same as at the state
convention which gives tho follow
ing vote by counties:
Boyd 6, Holt 13, Rock 3, Brown
4, Keya Paha 4, Cherry 7, Sheri
dan 11, Dawes 8, Sioux 2, Box
Butte 6; total 64.
H. M. Bdtxook,
Chr'mn Judicial Cen. Com.
Great Reduction in ..prices of
Flour at the Mill.