Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 09, 1895, Image 4

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' "r-y"w-- .S0.
Wky oory all endearment In our hearts,
And never know Urn Joy of love confcstcul
tit feels tho heav'nly b-laa that It Imparts
Who lorn, carmen, la loved and caressed.
Wbt keep oar klsiei for tho death-cold face,
To Rlie them all with unavailing tears!
Why not bestow them wblln they may erase
A Hoe of care and brighten weary ycaral
The dumb, cold clay will feel no spirit thrill,
Nor touch of UngTlnRllps, nor lagt embrace:
Endearing words neVr reach the heart to still
When we shall mourn above Its testing place.
0 friends, I pray, ye who are friends Indeed,
Keep not your kisses for my frozen face I
The low, sweet word, the fonu caress I need
While totllng In lire's wcary-wclgbted race.
Mr marble lip can make no warm return,
Nor evea. nor voire ran tittar lriTn'a dnllirlit!
J will not need, nor will my spirit yearn
Foriove'sexchaurc.whcn I am still and white.
LuJi, Cake, in The CurrtnU
The lightning of a lurid sky,
The surging of a sombre sea,
The friendless faco of rugged rocks,
Where she onco eat alone with met
For loves which kindly Nature claims,
Tho beams of starry Hope arise
And sorrow knows a tolsce sweet
When Loro looks forth from dying eyes.
But doubly lost, who lives but looso
The bond of friendship's mutual oaths
In whom Love's hud of earlier bloom
Is grafted with the greener growth I
6he came and went, and left lo mo
The memory of that distant day;
Ahj would thes waves her beauty held
lorevcr bid from me away I
Yet this dear scene remains to mo,
The gilt of Lovo who cannot dlo ;
The message of his murmuring sea,
Tho rainbow of his guardian sky.
JCniett JJrou, (it At. Lonlt Magazine,
"Maria, 1 nm sorry to roprlmnnd
you again for your curiosity, I wish
you would try to correct that fault."
Jiio volco was peculiarly soft and
gentle, and I was sure that I had
heard It before Turning I saw two
young women loaning against tho
bulwarks. Their faces woro turned
from mo, and although tholr iigures
were about tho satno slzo, and thoir
hair of almost tho same tinge, there
wasllttlo dlfllculty in distinguishing
tho tnald aud mistress. Presently
thoy woro joined by a plump, comfortable-looking
English matron and n
tall young Amoricuu, who was ovi
dontly tho escort of tho. pnrtv. Then
Iromoniborod that I had soon them
at a hotol In Paris, aud had become
very much interested In tho young
couple I novor saw an English girl
with tho dolicatoly-cut features, tho
Blender, graceful flguro and tho air of
roflnoiuont which charactorizod this
onp, and I cortamly novor mot anv
man with tho graceful boaring of thfs
tall young Amorlcan. J romorabor
that I was proud of this girl as my
countrywoman, and folt a socrotploas
uro in tho very probable fact that tiio
young American's ancestors woro
1 was glad that I had an opportu
nity of seeing moro of thorn, and I
found lllVSOlf Wlltnllllu- llimn wllli n
great deal of interest as thoy sat on
dock, tho mother lying in a big arm
chair, the daughter seated close by,
and tho young Amorlcan hovoring
around them with a gontlo watchful?
noss of ovory comfort. Occasionally
tho mother would nod a llttlo, hor
head would sink bnok, and sho would
draw somo wrapping of dollcato tox
turo over her faco to protect it from
tho warm sun-rays. Instantly tho as
pect of tho young couplo would change
An air of frank unconsciousness would
yield to ono of groat reserve, and his
Dyes would deepen with tondornoss,
and his faco grow moro earnest and
flushed as ho loaned towards hor and
talked in low tones.
I soon concluded that thoso young
pcoplo woro moro than interested in
each other, and ono night 1 hoard, or
rather saw, tho wholostorv. I couldn't
help it very well. Besides, I was an
old man, alono in tho world, and 1
had such sympathy with them that 1
am sure thoy would have carod but
little had they known of my presence.
It was tho last night of our voyage.
Tho stars wero dimmed bv tho moon,
which hung alono in a 'big domo of
blue. Tho ocean had sunk Into a
fcmooth, quiet plain, broken only bv
danctng moonbeams, and the stoanio'r
with its restless throbbing seemed an
impertinent atom in tho vast silence
Thoy came slowly towards mo, as I
sat smoking, from tho bow of the ves
sel. Sho was resting on his arm, and
occasionally sho would turn hor fair
faco up to his with an air of mingled
timidity and confidence. A llttlo dis
tance away thoy stopped, and leaning
ouiunu mu uunvuihS, UUgUU UUKIIJg.
Presently sho turned her head for an
instant, und looked thoughtfully out
into the moonlight, which seemed to
gather around hor head and leave Its
rich yellow tint in hor hair. Ho was
pleading very earnestly now, and hor
laco sank slowly down, a3 sho tremu
lously plucked at hor dainty nubia
whoso soft folds over hor bosom roso
and foil with tho gontlo tumult within.
Then ho took ono of hor hands and
J mused. A moment later sho raised
ler head slowly and turned her faco
frankly to his. I could seo tears glis
tening on her oyelashes, between mo
and tho moonlight, but smiles wero
chasing each other nronnd tho swcot
lips below. This was all tho answer
that sho gavo him, and this was all ho
When I looked agate, ho was hold
ing a ring up in tho moonlight, and
both wero looking at tho pale bluish
light which seemed to shoot from tho
stone in its rich, yellow sotting. Ho
was evidently explaining its history,
for presently sho held up ono pretty,
fair band, aud ho slipped tho ring on,
and kissed tho dainty lingors. Sho
blushed and looked pleased, and both
walked together to the cabin steps'.
J sat still and smoked after they had
cone, and mv fades kept forming tlio
face of t t jovoly English girl in tho
blue an. okc which curled itself ir.to
fautastfcfthrtpes above mo. I think 1
almost utti rod u silent prayer for tho
happiness of thoso young people. And
still 1 sat and smoked, and when I
went below, a big, black cloud had
floated up from tho west just In front
of the moon. The ocean had taken an
ominous, treacherous look, and was
beginning to shiver and pjo'vo,'
a tj. -I
It was after midnight, I suppose,
when I was aroused by a shock which
made tho hugu ehio tromblo for an in
stant I knew an accident had oc
ourrod, and dressing hastily, I hurried
on deck. Heavens! what a chango
had boon raado in thoso fow hours.
Tho wavos woro dashing ngalnH tho
ship and frothing over tho deck, tho
lightning was flashing on all sides,
and tho thundor seemed to shako
heaven and sea. Wo had struck upon
a reef, and evidently I had not felt tho
first shook, for nearly all tho boats
had loft the ship, and tho captain nnd
crew woro preparing to launch tho
rest. Suddenly n succession of vivid
flashes seemed to encircle tho ship.
Tho seamon foil prostrate, and a
uhowor of spllnlors struck tho deck
A littlo putT of smoko arose, littlo
tongues of llro cropt up a mast, and
boforo any ono could shout tho torri-
bio cry of "Flro"' ono of tho sails
leaped Into llnnaos. Tho frightened
pcoplo crowded shrieking to the stern
of tho ship, and among thorn I saw
tho tall form of tho young American
with a woman fainting in his arms. A
moraont later I saw him again as ho
disappeared down a hatchway, which
was bolching out smoko. Tho bravo
sailors worked with a will, and tho
last boat was launched boforo tho
flames had reached tho middle of tho
ship. Only ono was loft, nnd into this
all of us who remained clambered.
Tho captain stood ready to push tho
boot oil when tho young American's
haggard faco reappeared in tho hatch
way. "My God!" ho cried frantically,
whoro Is shoF" r
Got aboard!" shouted tho captain
sternly, ns ho pointed toward tho oth
er boats.
Iho young Amorlcan shook his
head. .
"Look!" ho cried suddenly.
A woman with yollow hair stream
ing ovor hor whito garmouts was
darting toward tho bow of tho ship.
Tho cry was too late Sho looked
onco at tho ilamos, which wero leap
ing up tho mast bohlnd hor, nnd,
stretching out her arms toward tho
receding boats, sprang into the sea.
1 think ho would havo followed hor
had not tho captain seized him and
thrust him into tho boat.
"Save hor! savo hor in llowvon's
"Wo can't save her," said tho cap
tain. "Wo couldn't iind hor in tho
soa. Wo must savo ourselves."
Tho poor follow sank: into tho boat,
almost lifeless.
"It may not havo boon she," I said
to him; "perhaps sho wont In ono of
tho other boats."
Ho only shook his head mournful
ly. 1 believed it was tho young Eng
lish lady, however, for as sho throw
up hor arms, 1 saw a ring flash in tho
light of tho flames with ilia same pe
culiar tint that I had marked in tho
moonlight a few hours boforo.
As wo loft tho ship ono of tho sail
ors, in his oagornoss, lost an oar. This
impodod our headway, and wo saw
tho othor boats pass out of tho circle
of light into tho darkness, and to
wards a lighthouso that was twinkling
far to tho left. Soon tho wind shifted,"
nnd tho sailors did not attompt to row,
but moroly to kcop tho boat out of tho
trough of tho sea, as tho wind would
carry us obliquely to the shore
Against both wind and tldo wo could
not hopo to reauh tho lighthouso, so wo
Tho flames had now spread to ovory
portion of tho ship bohlnd us, and tho
lightning was swooping off to tho hori
zon in groat bands of purplo light.
Within an hour we could hoar tho surf
breaking on land, and soon wo could
sco tho foam flashing nlong tho shoro
fiko streaks of whito liglit. In ono
placo tho breakers scorned, to rido in
unbrokon, and this point wo approach
cd cautiously. It was, ns tho captain
surmised, n covo, and soon wo wero
borne into a llttlo bay whoso waters
woro comparatively calm. Onco iu.
though, wo wero unablo to get out.
Tho covo was circular in slmue. und
tho rooks wero high and stoop. There
was nothing to do but to wait for (lay
light, which was fast approaching.
All this timo tho young American
had lain in tho boat apparently lifeless.
Ono tender-hearted sailor drew off his
own pea-jacket and throw it over his
shoulders, saying, nsif to Himself: "I
.wish wo could 'a saved her. Tho tide
will bring her in, though, and tho most
wo can do is to got hor body."
At thoso words, tho young fellow
oponed his eyes and shivered slightly.
Half an ho'ur later there was light
enough to find an opening from tho
covo, and soon wo wero all on the
boach with our hearts full of thanks
all except tho young American, who,
without u word, started towaids tho
sea. Tho captain tapped Ills fnrchcad
signilicnntly, as 1 mado a movement
to follow hfm, and said: "Ho needs n
friend to watch him. Tho lighthouso
Isn't far away. Wo'll como back for
Tho gray lights of morning wero
just stealing upon tho ocean, which
was hissing and throbbing like somo
groat monstor in an agony of pain.
Tho sands crow whiter aud whiter in
tho morning twilight, nnd on lie wont,
ahead of mo, so swiftly that I could
scaicoly koop from falling fur in tho
roar. How 1 pitied him, with his palo,
haggard faco, his staring oos, and his
nair uying in mo winu. uccasionally
a sob would burst from his lips, anil
ho would turn like a madman and
shako his clinched list at the sea, which
curled mockingly at his feet. 'Sudden
ly ho darted forward and ran like a
deer. Ahead of him I could seo some
whito object tying on tho sand then
I 3aw him stoop, as if throwing some
thing aside, and when I reached tho
spot hn was on his knees in tho sand,
kissing tho beautiful hair and tho
sweet faco which somo cruel spar had
battered boyond recognition, nnd tho
slender whito hand, with the ring ana
its curious stone tho sarooring which
ho hud glveu her but a fow hours bo:
fore. When ho saw that, he threw
himself face downwards in tho sand.
While he lay there I took away tho
seawoeil which had caught iu her hair
and spread tho toru draper v about tho
poor bruised limbs. Thon I sat down,
and ho lay there quite still, with his
whole frame occasionally shaking
with sobs, i know It was useless tu
try to connort mm, so I waited.
It all seemed liko a cruel dream.
Only a fow hours before all was beau
ty, brightness and lovo for thorn. Now
ono lay dead In tho sand, and tho
othor seemed near death's door. Aud
tho treacherous soa, which smiled so
kindllyon tholr bothrotnl-hour. now
soomod gloating ovor its cruol work.
Within nn hour tho coastmon came
and tondorly boro hor awuv. Him I
led alone liko a child. He said noth
ing at all, and just as wo reached tho
lighthouso ho droppod sonselcss to tho
All day and all night ho was lost In
unconsciousness. Tho noxt evening,
nt tho closo of tho day, ho camo to
himself. Tho soa luy very calm under
tho red sun-rays, and upon it his open
ing oyca first foil. Ho turned with n
sliuddor. This time thoy foil upon a
sweot faco which was bending tender
ly ovor him tho snmo swcot faro
winch had glowed with lovo In tho
moonlight on that dreadful night of
the storm.
Ho started nervously, liko ono wak
ing from a droam; tho blood surged to
his faco, and ho stared at her iixodly.
"Who arc you?" ho brokoout, wild
ly. "Aroyou an angel?"
"Don't you know nic?" sho asked
Ho clasped his hands on his fore
head, as If trying to recollect.
"Hut tho ring tho ring you
woro drowned?"
Sho hold tho ring near his oyos, and,
bonding hor head low, sho said, soft
ly: "It was poor Marie"
Thon sho whispered that sho had
taken tho ring off iu iior cabin Hint
night, and that tho poor ninid must
havo picked it up, in a moment of Idle
A sniilo broke over his faco, and he
placed both arms around her tender
ly. Sho laid hor faco closo bosido his,
and togothor thoy watched tho quiet
sea mirror tho changing tints of the
sunsot Frank Leslie's Weekly.
lioiiiul to Celebrate.
"1'vo got that mor'gngo off'n my
farm at last, BUI," said ono farmer tb
anothor, as thoy mot in tho road.
"Woll, I'm downright glad to hear
It, Sam. You've had som'nt of a hard
timo ndoln' it. An' so you've wiped
it out, havo youP"
"Yes; I paid tho last note this morn
in', un' now I'm goin' homo to havo u
bonu-liro; but you'ro rigid, Bill, I
havo had a tnrnnl hard tussol of it.
Ycu know as woll as nnvbody what
tough scratehin' i'vo had" tc git that
farm paid for."
"Yes, you have had a hard time,
Sam. I know that,"
"Woll, I should say so. Why, II urn
it all, Bill, I've wore out two wlvos
as good workers, too, as you could
Iind nuy whoro to say notliiu' of
bavin right smart o' sic'kness myself,
brought on by hard work in tho" Hold
an' slim pickiu' in tho house; but,
owin' to that last woman o' miuo boin'
ns tough as a pentiyrilo steor, an' not
brcakin' down nn' tluowin' hor funer
al oxponses, an' tho time I'd a lost iu
courtin' an' marryln' ngin in a bad
crop year for, 1 toll ou, Bill, times
ain't "liko thoy was wlien I fust como
into this country; for, to git a widdor
now, that's got any sight of hurd
work loft in hor yit, rf ou'vo got to fool
away more or loss money on now
clothes an' do right smart o' tuflvin'
to git her. But, ns 1 was a sayiu,'
Boggy stuck in hor corks an' kep' a
goln' with hor end of tho doublo-trcc
till I got to tho top o' the hill with tho
load, nn' now, that I'm thar at last,
with signs of an easy grado ahead, I
toll you what I'm a goin' to do, Bill."
"What's that, Sam?" .
"I'm a goin' to havo a timo of it, aii'
kill a sucklu' pig."
"You don't say?"
"Yes, I do. I'm goin' to iinvo a
celobratiou an' a vognlar rlp-snortlti'
"Hurra for you."
That'll what I'm goto to do, Bill.
1 ain't been on a spreo for thirty year,
but I'm goin' to cut looso to-night, It
1 havo to chaw dogwood bark tlio rest
of my days, an' 1 waut you to come
over an' help mo make tho woods
howl this ovenin' after you git your
milkin'dono. What d'ye say?"
"All right I'm agreeable. What's
tho programme?"
"Wo'll git on a high, nn' beat tho
; bass drum till midnight, if It springs
uio rattors. jjiii. rvo got six bottles
o' pop an' two cigars in tho wagon
here, an' that'll be a whole hot
tlo apiuco for us ail around, not
countlu' jour wifo for I don't 8'poo
hho'u euro to drink uothin' now. serin
as she's got a young 'un at the breast
an' we'll go tnu nlmu dose, if it
makes us di'spuraie. Hits hero pop
is bomothlii' they've got up senco Pvo
been straugi n' "with"" that inor'gago,
an' I've been famisliiu' for twoiity-Uvo
j ears. Bill, ovirv timo rvo seen it zip
an' sizzle in a nimbler nt a p cuic, to
know what it tastes like, an' Im ago.n'
to know this very n ghc t'omo ovor
mtddlin' airly, Bill, an' you . may
lot every last omf of thorn forks
looe. an' wo'll make tho Scratch
(i ravel pcoplo b'liovo thar's a tiger
loo?o along tho Wabash." Chicago
Wanted a Tent.
A pourly-drossod, hungry-looking
woman callcu at tho City Hall the
other day to make somo" inquiries
about tho funeral trimmings lately
taken down and voted to tho poor.
"Did you want somo of it?" asked
the ollicial addressed.
"Woll, 1 might. Is it much faded?"
"Somo of it is."
"And full of holes?"
"No, not many."
"Is thut some of the stufl' on tho
Sho picked it up nnd gavo it n criti
cal examination, and finally said:
"I don't think it will do'
"Can't you cut it up for tho chil
dren, ma'am?"
"Cut it up? Why, I wanted to uso
it for a tent for them in the back-yard!
My children haven't como down to
wearing black shirts yet!" Detroit
Ftee JVcsj.
Borne Interesting incident In the Grcnt Ora-
tor'a Life- Mr. Clay in Philadelphia-A
Visit to Ashland in 11117.
Tho afloctlon of Philadelphia for
Henry Clay was far moro ardent than
any man sinco his day has inspired,
writes Morton MoMtchaul In The New
York Tribune. When ho visited tho
city tho place was agog, and day or
night crowds gathorcd wherever thoro
was a ohanco to catch a glimpse of
him. A particularly momorabld" visit
was mado in tho early part of 1848,
whon tho demonstration wns most Im
posing. Over a thousand gentlemen
on horseback accompanied Mr. Clay
from tho station to his hotol, and
whorovor ho passed tho strcots woro
packed with uproarious admirers and
tho windows lillod with ladles waving
flags and hnndkorch'cis and demon
strating in ovory way thoy could thoir
enthusiasm. Effort after ofl'ort was
mado to tako tho horses from tho car
riago and drag It by hand, but to that
Mr. Clay would not consent. A re
ception, under municipal direction,
was givon tho following day In Inde
pendence hall, and, ns Indies dared
not venture into that crush, a subse
quent ono for women was givon at tho
Chincso mu.souin, whoro somo livo
thousand of tho softer snx listened to
a short speech on "Women's Bcnl
Bights" from tholr favorite
In that same Chinese museum a fow
months later (June, 184S). tho whig
convention gavo a death-blow to Mr.
Clay's well-founded hopes by nomin
ating Gen. Tavlor to tho iiresidonnv.
Tho hall was a largo ono, very Ion" in
proportion to width, with galleries.
Tho scats of delegates tilled tho main
floor, and the crowd jammed tho gal
leries and shouted tumultuously when
over Clay was named. But, spito a
gallant struggle nnd immense outsidu
pressure oxpediency and Gon. Taylor
triumphed over "Harrv of tho West."
Thoro was downright grief folt in
many a homo that night, quito differ
ent from moro political cliagrin. The
fact Is, Honry Clay was not only a
born political loader, but ho had that
sympathetic nature which magnetical
ly attracts friends nnd can "grapple
thom to your heart with hooks of
In tho autumn of 1847 Mr. Clay de
termined to arraingn tho administra
tion of Mr. Polk for tho conduct of
tho Mexican war in a set oration which
should nt tho same timo formulato his
own opinions and views for tho coming
presidential campaign. Partly, it
may bo, to talk over tho forthcoming
speech, Mr. Mr. Clay wrote a warm
invitation to Mr. McMiehnel, of Phila
delphia (my father), to visit "Ash
land." It was my good fortuno to ac
company him. Thoro wero no such
things as through trains forty years
ago, und tho journoy to Lexington was
a complicated ono enough. Wo took
a stoamboat from Philadelphia down
tho Delaware to Newcastle thoro got
Into a train of old-fnshionod English
conch- cars, which ran somo sixteen
miles to Frcnchtown on an arm of tho
Chesapeake bay, where wo changed
to a steamboat for Baltimore. From
Baltiinoro thoro wns rail to Cumber
land, Md. At that point wo took "Con
cord" coaches with six-horse teams
across tho mountains and to Wheeling,
Va. Tho rido ovor tho nutionul road
was delightful, and ho driver told
blood-curding tales mostly lies, no
tloubt, of accidents and robbers.
Thoro was no doubt, howevor, about
tho interest of meeting lines of Cones
toga wagons with lino teams, cither
stretched out Indian lilo or in pairs,
but always carrying bolls which jingled
musically and could bo hoard afar off.
Theso lnmboring vohicles woro used
in 1847 and oarfler to transport be
tween waterways a largo part of tho
produce coming oast and tho merchan
dise going west, aud tho teamsters
constituted quite a class. A much less
pleasant thing to moot, though it was
a pretty frequent experience, was a
drove of hogs, us tho auimals crowded
tho road and wero anything but savory
as thoy slowly carried their own pork
to market.
Whon wo readied Wheeling wo had
to wait sometime for a good boat go
ing down to Cincinnati. A steamboat
was advertised to start at once, but
kout delaying from time to timo in
hopes of" getting moro freight and
passengers. Finally tho last bell d d
ring, und wo steamed down tho river
very deliberately, but in comfortable
quarters. At Cincinnati we took an
other boat for Marysville, Ky., nod
thence completed tho journoy to Lex
ington by stage-wagon.
Mr. Clay's place, "Ashland." near
Loxington, was a thoroughly comfort
ablo home, but by no menus a grand
residence Tho house was moderately
largo and woll appointed, without bo
Ing at all luxurious. The grovo of
shade about tho houso was lino, and
gavo amplo and delightful shndo, and
the outbuildings and quarters woro in
excellent order. The largest room on
tho first floor was tho library, which
had that uir of homeliness only to bo
seen in rooms lived in bv a familv
littlo indications of oceupanoyby mon,
women, aud children. Besides nn
ample supply of books and current lit
oraturo thoro woro many interesting
objeots, nnd especially somo memen
toes from tho buttlo-ticld of Buena
Vistn, whore, only a fow months boforo,
Mr. Clay's son and namesnko hod
beun killed, gallantly lighting. Ad
joining tho library was tho largo dining-room.
The apartments up-stairs
woro such as ono mot with in a
gentleman's country-houso a genera
tion ago.
Mr. Clay was tall, rather spare and
then carried his sixty-live years very
woll, walking with ralhor a youthful
step, and hardly looking his age, in
spito of his recent bereavement, which
was a great ono to him. His appear
ance was stiking, and tho most unob
servant must havo beon impressed
with his fine head and faco. His foro
load was very high, his eyes ox pros i
ed courago, and kindness as well, and
his large and mobile mouth was capa
ble of great expression and a most
winning smile His volco was both
sonorous and sympathetic, and moro
than onco 1 havo seen numbers of Ins
auditors affected to tears as well as
wrought to enthusiasm by his oratory.
On tho occasion of the great gathering
on tho market-placo at Lexington,
when half Kentucky seemed assem
bled, it wns natural enough that elo-
Sucnt allusions to tho bravo young
cntucklans who foil at Buona Vista
should move tho listeners to tears,
but I saw the samo affect produced
on an nudieuco of strangers nt Capo
Mr. Clay was a born leader of mon,
full of conlidenco in himself, and with
ability to back It ho novor lost cour
age His manner wns frank and cor
dial, but abovo all courtly. In that
characteristic ho was probably un
equaled. As evidence that his court
liness arose, as to bo genuine it must,
from true gontloness, I mention a per
sonal incident, It happened that Mr.
McMichael nnd myself nrrlved at
"Ashland" only n vory short timo
beforo dinner, to which n considerable
number of Kentucky magnates had
beon invited to meet him. Thinking
it moro likely that a boy of my yours
had not been counted on at the table,
my fathor suggested my not going
down, nnd so, nothing loath to got oil',
I kept out of the way until tho party
wero seated, and thon had a lino timo
nt tho barns and quarters, where tho
dnrkios professed decided approval of
lato Philadelphia fashions, tlio baro
footed llttlo "nigs" especially admir
ing a pair of patent leather pumps. 1
had hardly returned to the houso when
the dinner wns ovor, and tho gentle
men camo Into tho librarv. Tho
moment Mr. Clay saw mo sitting there
ho expressed profound mortilication,
3uid ho had beon most remiss to a
guest, and had folt conscious that ono
wis missing at tho table, and spito of
nil protestations insisted on taking
mo to tho dining-room, whoro ho sat
while I was served, drank a glass
of Madoira with mo, nnd talk
ed most charmingly not down
to n 12-year-old levol, but about
early Kentucky history, and somo
exploits of Gen. Leslie Combs. A
long timo after, noing present whon
Mr. Clay was the "observed of all ob
servers, ' ho called mo to him, and
putting his arm about my shoulders
said to thoso about him: "I was onco
oxtromely remiss to this young guest
of mine, aud wish to ropoat tho apol
ogy I thon made him." His auditors
evidently thought his slight oversight
had already boon amply atoned for
quito surely his "young guest" did.
After enjoying tho proverbial hos
pitality of Kentuckinns at Loxington,
Air. Michael and mysolf went on to
Frankfort to seo Mr. John Crittondou.
His homo was on tho woll-shadcd
main street of tho town, a two story
double brick houso which was and
still is known ns the Crittenden man
sion. The senator's ollico was in his
houso, nnd ho was just as cordial as
tho othor Kentucky whigs. Ho was
altogether a man of tho linest parts,
and lived long enough to bo well
known to tliis generation, whereas his
greater friend, Mr. Clav, dying early
hi 1852, bus beqome a historic charac
ter to most people None who wit
nessed it will ever forget tho solemnity
of tho scene when ono night Henry
Clay's funoral cortege, escorted by
many hundreds of torch -bearers,
wound its solemn way through tho
streets of Philadelphia, tho city which
loved him so well. It Is no llguro of
speecli to say that thoro wero thous
ands of mourners, and hundreds of
men and women who wept as tho cof
fin was borne past.
Making Ieckticg.
"There are special grades of silks
and sntius made exclusively for the
necktie trade," said a manufacturer
to a reporter lor The Acw York Muil
and Express recently. "Theso niuto
tcrials arc made l'roni patterns do
signed by men who do nothing but
study up new things in neckties.
There are from fifty to sovonty-fivo
factories in tiiis country and ton or
twelve lirst-class makers. The latter
usually secure exclusive right to uso
certain styles of goods from the ma
kers, by buying either tho entiro stock
offered to tho Amorlcan market or a
large portion of it. But tho success of
making up tho goods is just liko a lot
tery t cket. Perhaps one year I may
hit on somo design nnd it will become
so popular that all other makers will
bo forced to adopt it, but tho noxt
year some ono in Boston or Philudel
phlu may make a hit und I will havo
to foilow him. Thcro's never anv
telling how a necktie is going to take
with tho public until It's on tho mar
ket. There its success depoiids on
who adopts it llrst. If ho happous to
bcit howling swell, and on the right
side of popular favor, that particular
kind of necktie will soil well."
"Are tho st'.los of making up neck
tins originated uuruud?"
"Not now. Thoy wero until loss
than three years ago, but now our
styles are suporior to tho European,
ami thoy are coming ovor hero for
patterns. Howevor, thoro is a ton
dency for Eugiisli fashions for tho
"Aro men or women omplovcd In
making neckties?"
"Women. Thoro aro moro than
1,200 girls thus employed in this city
alone. They work' by tho pioco anil
mako more or less money according to
their cxpertness. A good finisher can
muko So or $9 a week. Sho takes a
necktio after it is put togothor and
tinishes each detail perfectly so that it
is ready to bow Three different col
ors of tho same design and samo stylo
are boxed together to give tho denier
an assortment in tho ono make The
finisher must seo that all of this kind
aro exactly alike in point of .finish and
make-up. Wo havo ono girl who
does nothing but turn tho bauds of
neckties, nnd she makes $15 a wcok.
Sho turns twenty-fivo or thirty dozon
bands a day.
"Tho cheap wear now Hooding tho
market is composed of old styles
mado of poor goods. Ab a rule, mon
show no discrimination in purchasing
neckties. They look into a window,
seo a tie that takes their fancy and
thon rush in to buy it, never stopping
to ask the price, Thus thoy aro lust
as likely to buy ono of tho cheap kind,
that will not last a week, as a good
The republic of Chllt now owes on account
of her railways 1:24,670,000. In 1883 these
railways earned a revenue of (8,516,049. The
railways of the Argentine republic are on the
average earc'.as an aunual dividend of Vi
per cent.
Cottage Interiors.
Many directions given in regard to
household furnishings aro bewildering
from their impracticable character
and carelessness of expense. Ono
is told that antique china, highly do
coratnd in classic designs, is essential;
that portieres must bo rich and Orien
tal; that onyx Corinthian columns nro
useful additions to furnishings; that
all articles must bo un'quo, richly
carved, and in strange design, it
may bo pleasant to contemplate
luxuries of that sort, but with a limit
ed incomo ono Is apt to be exasperated
at tho accounts. Miss Phelps, in her
last book, "An Old Maid's Paradise,"
has described an Interior of a cottage
with raro simplicity. Sho says the
small parlor was pa!nted gray, tho
walls, ceiling, and floor harmonizing
In dillbrpnt tints. A border of black
ran nround tho floor, and several felt
mats of cherry color, fringed with
gray, gave a cheerful effect, Tho
beams and rafters loft bare by tho
absence of plastering woro touched
with a neutral tint. Tho dado was
formed of wood-cuts, all landscapes,
from American and English magazines,
bordered by a lino line of black. A
frlezo of cardinal flowers cut from
chrotnos linished the top of tho room.
Tho curtains were cotton llanpel of a
silver shade, bordered aud tied with
cherry. Tho cheap and comfortable
louniTCS Were iitilinlsinrmf u-itli .ri-n-
ootton flannel, and had bright pillows.
Tho deck chair at tho window wns
tied with cherry ribbons. There was
a tiny open stove. The rocking chair
was old and generous. Books, stat
tuottcs, and pictures woro abundant,
and tho room had the air of having
beon lived in a long time. Tho dining
room was oiled, not painted, and tho
rafters of tho ceilings were covered
with tiiin lichens lined with gold paper.
Tho curtains were English silesia, of a
golden brown, worked with oak loaves.
Ono of tho chambers was blue and tho
other green. On tho palo ceiling of
the blue room pale butterllics from
natural history cards woro pasted.
Tho windows wore draped with blue
aud white muslin. The green room
had green floor, walls, and furniture.
Tho walls woro hung with ferns, press
ed and fastened securely with gum
trngacanth. The curtains woro of
cheap whito muslin, and woro not tied.
Tho room looked liko a bower, Miss
Phelps adds that thoro was not a stork,
a bulm-di. a Japanese fan, nor a grand
mother's teacup in tho house But it
is useless to deny that Japanese fans
aro desirable and ornamental, if they
aro woll chosen and are not used In ex
cess. Tho advantage of Miss Phelps'
picture is its illustrative force. A
cheerful, artistic room and houso docs
not depend entirely upon its pecuniary
value. Tho elegant mansion which
has been furnished under the direction
of tho house furnisher, and which boars
llOt a thotlirllt nor snctunvtinn nf ifa
owners, is lifeless and bare compared
to the houso furnished under tho lov
ing euro of a tasteful possessor to whom
each ob!ont roiirnsnnts nnroful aimlv
Tho poorest clerk can have a pretty,
aniiiuinu liuiuu ii lit; saves HIS WagCS
iiruuuuuy aim ouys gruuuauy, ono at
a time, the cheap, but harmonious
and tasteful furnishings. Boston Jour
nal. An Ancient Spanish Title
In 1717, when a band of colonis's
from the Canary islands settled in San
Fernando (now'San Anton o) writes a
San Autonio correspondent to Tie
Galveston Aews tho Spanish govern
ment granted to the town six leagues
of laud around tho town as oxulos.
which was laid off by motes and
bounds, with prominent natural ob
jects for corners.
About 1846 tho city employed Mr.
John James, a competent surveyor, to
rcsurvoy tho lands granted to the city,
which was done nnd a map made of
tho samo. This survey whs pushed
upon directly by tho supreme court of
Texas in the case of Lewis vs. San
Antonio, in Texas, in 1851. and tho
correctness of tho survey was admitted
by tho court. Tho city of San Antonio
has held the land embraced in the sur
vey made by John James for over
forty years prior to such survey. Tho
lands had been surveyed in 1717. or
soon afterwards, and the survey by
John James was a rcsurvoy, bused on
the original boundaries of tho original
survey; but some parties, conceiving
that moro than six leagues were em
braced in tho James survoy, and that
such excess was public land belonging
to Toxas and was open to entry, havo
quietly filed upon it. Others aro pre
patingto lilo upon other portions of
It is doubtful if the commissioner of
the laud ollice was told or suspected
that these lands wero embraced in tho
survey of Sun Antonio, wero claimed
by tho city, aud wero prima facie no
longer public land. Your correspond
ent received a hint of it n month ago
In a casual conversation, but was met
witli such studied reticence thut ho
could not trace it out.
Ex-City Engineer Smith, whon intor
viowed. "yesterday, fraukiy said that
ho would not divulge certaiu matters.
Wnon asked on winch sido of town tho
oxcoss was supposed to be, lie replied
lie was not at liberty to state, nor did
he fool jt liberty to say who had filed
upon it. As tho city had sold pretty
woll all its lands grunted to It as oxf
dos, tliis movement Is likely to open a
mint of litigation. The chances are
that tho title of tho city will provail,
since it lias hold possession over 150
years, and nearly 40 sinco the James
btirvoy was made, and in. Lewis vs.
San Antonio tho court decided that
twenty vcars possession would bar tho
state Tho excess In quantity, if any,
ombraced within tho cities borders
would belong to tho city.
How He Was Saved.
Perkins "Suif kin failed! Well! I
had a narrow escape yesterday. Ho
tried to borrow ten dollars from inc."
Posonby "You didn't lend it tc
him?" "No, Indeed. I suspected there was
something wrong, and and "
"The fact is, I didn't have the ten
dollars." Philadelphia Call.
There are sli or elht consulship! In China
to be filled, which pay salaries of 13,600 and