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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1895)
11 I. I m 8 11EMINGF0KD HKIIALD. THOS. J. O'KI'.IJIWE, 1'uliUatier. HEMINGFORD, -:- KEBKASKA. Cy Warman, author of "Sweet Mafic," eaj-B he shall In tho future wrlto only for his own pleasure. That, alas! is what ho did before Horses have taken to going craz whenever they see a woman In bloom ers. Not without reason la tho horso called man's best friend. Chicago is trying to stop bnsoban playing on Sunday, and Now Yorkers say they Intend to seal up every saloon on Sunday. Such is reform. Chicago papers claim that efficient polico work has caused half tho crimi nals to leavo tho city. Unless sho is careful Chicago will get below tho two million limit in population. It Ib now charged that a dying man was put out of a hospital In Chicago because he could not hand over tho $10 demanded for a week's lodging. Thank goodness none of them has yet got to the state where it is accused of throw ing out the corpses that fail to hand over a fee for embalming. That seems to bo coming, howover. The people residing in the vicinity of Curtis, Nob., have formally repudiated tho appeals for further assistance- for them on account of tho drouth of last year. Tho real drouth sufferers oro too busy with their promising new crops this year to pay any attention to the misleading statements which a few professional beggars arc circulating. Tho convicts In Sing Sing prison aro "laying for" McLaughlin, tho Now York polico Inspector sent up for extortion. It appears that a good many of them were sent up under McLaughlin's re gime, and they havo sworn to get even, if they havo to lynch tho unhappy in spector In tho prison to do it. The threats aro so numerous and so de termined that tho prison authorities havo taken tho matter up with a view to tho proper protection of tho ex-Inspector. The old settlers of Portage County, "Wisconsin, had a reunion at Plover a few days ago. Among thoso present was Benjamin Ellis, now 82 yenrs old, who was a passenger on the first train of cars run in tho United States, be tween BoBton and Lowell, sixty years ago. Mr. Hills was born in tho State of Mnin, and was in Boston when tho first experiment in railroading was made. A track was laid around Fan euil Hall and a car placed on It. Tho power was applied by men who turned a crank, and ho was one of them. This was bIx years before tho railroad from Boston to Lowell was built. At a recent mcelng of tho French Sennto Commltteo on tho Colonies M. Chautemps, tho Minister of Marine, be gan to read a bulky report on tho pres ent condition of tho colonics. At tho very first wo"ds sovernl sonators showed signs of restlessness, and finally one of them, bolder than tho rcast, cab "Pardon me, M. lo Mlnlstre, but you oro reading nn old ropprt with which we aro well acquainted, na It wns road to us by ono of your predeccssoora." Soveral members of tho commltteo be gan to smile. M. Chautemps muttered an apology and, folding up his papers, bowed himself out. The average expenses of tho students at Yalo Collcgo, according to the senior class book, are $912 for tho freshman year, $943 for the sophomore, $912 cad' for the Junior and senior years. There are many students whoso expenses are much less than theso amounts, but thero aro many others whoso expenses ' aro much more, to raise tho averago to more than tho earning capacity of tho average graduate for soveral years at least after ho leaves college. Theso figures would requlro an earning ca pacity of from $18 to $20 a week, or more than $3 a day for tho six working dayB of the week. How many college graduates can secure positions where they will earn $20 a week? Tho English Liberals are still assert ing that they wero turned out of power by a "snap vote." As it is evident that the whole question of the political com plexion of Parliament will shortly be settled by an appeal to tho country, It might be tho wiser part for tho Lib erals to strive to show cnuso why they should bo restored to power rather than to waste time in whimpering over the way In which they wero deprivpd of It. At this distance it docs not seem that tho lato Liberal regime In Parlia ment has produced any tangible re sults. None of the reforms promised lias been effected. Under Gladstone, as under Rosebery, tho Liberals wero Im potent to overcome the Inertia of ex isting conditions. A Conservative Par liament, it it wero to assume a reac tionary policy, may accomplish more for real Liberalism In England than lias the Liberal party as It has been constituted of late years. "At Waldo, Mnlne, the sheriff hat made all tramps who have sought as sistance pay for it by washing their own clothes. The result has been that there Isn't a tramp to bo found within twenty miles of the town," says an ox change. This story Is llko the tramp. It won't wash. Mr. W. L. Smith, a White Plains, N. Y business man, did not take a single holiday for ten years. Last week he was Induced to stop work for one day and enjoy himself at the seashore. He jwent in bathing and wp.s frowned. OVER THE STATE. Tiik citizens of Wuyno havo taken steps for tho organlr.ation of u board of trade. CuHTisit county has a great crop of smull grain and corn is in excellent condition. Mid Haut, wife of n Plattsmouth physician, litis been adjudged insano and sent to tho nsylum. Tiik town of Randolph is enjoying a building boom, and most of the new structures aro of brick. Mils. CifAM.KS GniKit tiled whllo In a dentist's clinlr in Omaha, she having taken chloroform to alleviate pain. A MAV living n short dlstnnco from DecutUr had three fine work horses und Ecvciitccn chickens killed by u stroke of lightning. Maskkd burglars robbed tho post ofilco at Central City of 801 by drilling tho safo. Tho men wero overtaken and urrested in a corn field. A man by tho name of Anderson com mitted suicldo at Argo, 'eight miles (5011 til of Oakland, by shooting. Tho cause was illness, lie loaves ti wife. Wiiu.K bathing in tho Missouri river near Decatur, Charles Phillips, nged 17, tho only son of a widowed mother, was drowned. Ills body was recovered soon after. Tiik total ncrcago of sugar beets within a radius of six miles of Fremont is 1,3(10 acres. Tho entire acreage in the county will very nearly, reach 2,000 acres. Mn. Julia. Dlkimkistkh of Nlcker son wns taken violently insane recent ly and wuh brought to Fremont for tho purposo of being sent to the usvluin at Norfolk. Tiik management has changed tho dates of tho fourteenth annual tednr county fair. Instead of September 2J, '-: and 20, tho dates will be September 10, 11 and 12. Hi:v. D. F. HnoiiKS, a retired preach er of the Christian church, and a lead ing member of that denomination In Be atrice, died InBt week. Tho deceased was 70 years of age. Tiik corner stone for tho Masonic temple at Indlnnola wns laid last week. Grand Master Honry II. Wilson of Lin coln officiating. A largo number of visiting Masons wero in attendance. lloas owned by somo of tho farmers In tho vicinity of Schuyler nro dying of cholera. Three hundred head owned by Representative J. C Van llousen aro tho laBt ones reported attacked. Tiik farmers in this section, says a Gothenburg dispatch, have been in tho midst of the harvest this week, and from every direction comes tho report that small grain Is much better than expected. Gkoucik KKi.LAn, a German bachelor, of Norfolk, disappeared a weok ago Sunday, and fears tiro entertained that in n fit of despondency he had killed himself. He wiib n hermit and perpet ual motion inventor. Mas. Matlaxd, of Omaha, was last week shot and killed by Fred Wnhl gren, a man with whom sho had co habited for four years without being, married and by whom sho had twin boya Tho murderer is in jail. E. E. Day, a general merchant of Weeping Water, who has been in busi ness for eight years, was closed up lust week by Kllpatrlck, Koch & Co. of Omaha, through their agent, W. II. Gates. Tho amount Is not known as yet Pktkii S. Duttkii. residing ten miles northeast of Schuyler, sustained seri ous loss by the burning of two largo outbuildings, a barn and Implement wnreroom and feed and meal grinding establishment. Tho loss aggregates 53,000. Tiik annual reunion of Southern Ne braska Grand Army of the Republic association will bo held at Cuinp Slo cumb, Fairbury, August 12 to 15) inclu sive. The association, which comprises eight counties, is making extensive preparations, and expects to entertain u large number of visitors. Miss Maiitha. Howlanh, of Omaha, aged 34, suicided last week by cutting her throat Tho woman had been la boring under u species of dementia, urising from fear of tho loss of a finan cial investment and further worriment over a brother who wns recently taken to tho insano asylum. A youno married woman, Mrs. Hells of Decatur, and the mother of threo children, wrote a letter to a young country lad asking him to meet her in a certain place and they would elope. Tho boy's father got possession of tho note and notified the woman's husband. Tho elopement has been indefinitely postponed. William Eg ax, tho 10-year-old son of Patrick Egan, who lives near Leigh, Colfax county, wns killed by lightning. Ho was hauling grain from the .fields to tho thresher and wns struck when tho wagon was half .loaded. A Gkhman boy about 14 years old, named Chalk, was drowned in Bryant's lake, a small body of water two miles cast of Chndron. His clothes were found on tho bank, but at this writing his body bus not been recovered. Mns HiLDRKUUANn and Mrs. Gowey of Burt county met with 11 serious acci dent wlillu out driving. Tho horses ran away, throwing the ladies from tho buggy, one of whom sustained a broken arm, the other having ono leg and ono shoulder broken. A Wanukkixu Willie tramp, who was working-out u sentence of thirty days ou tho streets at Bancroft, wearied of the monotony and skipped out. taking along with him the ball and chain at tached, with which the authorities had labeled him. Tiik state board of transportation ha issued to the Burlington an order to open a station nt LaPlatte. in Cnss county, within thirty days. Tho sta tion at that p'.ace has been maintained by the road from tho time It was opened in 1871 until January 21, 1805. Then it was closed Tiik Russian thistle in to be found in only u few townships in York county and the road overseers of these town ships ure taking the proper steps to see that the thistles are exterminated. The overseer of Baker township, N. M, George, found quite a few along tho Elkhorn railroad and on the farms near by, which wero promptly attended to. Company F, First regiment, Junlatn, and company F, Second regiment, O'Neill, Nebraska National Guards, havo been ordered mustered out by Adjutant General Barry. .The inspect or general has been' detailed to take possesion of tho state nronertv and j forward the samo to the cnpitoL Tli Knlctitu of AW-Siir-llen nt Omnhn. Samson, Lord High Chamberlain, hns ordered that publication bo given tho following: His Royal Castlii, Omaha, the 20th dny of the 7th I ' month In tho f.GD year of f the reign of Ak-Sar-Bcn. J Do Editor, Most Noblo and Valued sub ject: By Decree of Ak-Sar-Ben, tho King: All hall the King. (Why don't you hull?) I, Solomon, Lord High Cham berlain to tho King, (now all hall to gether.) ask your aid In bringing thb many subjects within your province to tho king's, to take placo at Omaha. Nebraska, as evening falls on the night of September tho 11th, 1805. By publishing the enclosed clipping from the Omaha Word-Herald, or as much as your types will stand without dire injury thereto, you will Incur the eternal thankfulness of tho Lord High Chamberlain. It is tho pleasure of Ak-Sar-llcn. the King. All hull the King. Mall the paper to Samson, Box 777, Omaha, Neb' Given under tho hand seal of Sambon, Lord High Chamberlain, PROCLAMATION, BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, AK-SAR-BEN. By tho Grnco of God, King of Qui vera. Duke of tho Seven Cities of Cibo-. In, Defender of tho faith and Knight of tho Royal Host. To our faithful subjects everywhere, behold our royal edict. It Is our command that tho week of tho present year, beginning September 1(1 and ending September 21, be set apart for the occasion of our royal visit to our beloved city of Omahn, Province of Nebraska, for the purpose of cele brating this year the Feast of Monda inin, tho Good Spirit of tho Harvest, the King of Corn. It is decreed that this be a time of high carnival, dnzzlinir pageants and magnificent fetes, pre pared by our loving subjects for tho plcnsuioof ourselves and visiting pil grims from many lands, and that on Tlimsday, the nineteenth day of Sep tember, lib evening fnlls, the entrance of our royal hosts through the gates of the city will bo made. It is therefore enjoined upon all who owe us alle giance, whether In this land of corn, In tho mighty east or In foreign lands, that they assemble in tho city of Oma ha on this occasion to enjoy with us the gorgeous spectacle, and royal hos pitality tendered by our loving sub jects. By order of the King. . Samson, Lord High Chamberlain. To Mnkn Mm Farmer (Unci. -A copy of tho official seal of tho De partment of Agriculture at Washing ton, adopted June 21, has been received ut tho otllce of tho secretary of state. In the act of congress approved August 8, 1S1U, it is ordered that the official seal, which Is green in color, shall be described in heraldic terms as follows: Two and three-eighths inches in diam eter, nzure, a shock of corn (or) upon 11 baso (vert), an American plow proper. All within double Armulet (nrgent), outer roped, inner beaded, charged with the Inscription nt the base, scroll bearing tho legend, "Agriculture Is the Foundation of Manufacture and Com merce." 1802, 18Sii(or) a diapered back ground of forty-four stars (urgent) for tho states of the union. The seal also bears tho inscription "Stnto Depart ment of Agriculture." TI10 riont in ruriulr. Regarding the parndo of floats at Omaha on tho occasion of the State fair the commltteo desires that every county in the state bo represented. A circular has been issued, from which 'tho following has been taken: To raise the standard of these floats this association offers n cash premium for two of the best productions. Find prize S75, second prize 50. Douglas county floats will not compete with other counties in the stute for prizes offered. We will furnish horses to draw tho fionts while on tho streets in the par ade. Wo suggest that theso lloats be built on running gear and loaded on cars and brought to Omaha ready to enter the parade. The maximum height of any float must not exceed fifteen feet, so as to admit passing un der trolley wires. Tho parade will pass through tho principal streets of tho metropolis of Nebraska; one-quarter million people will witness the passing pageantry. Fireworks and electric displays will light and beautify the line of march; bands will discourse, excellent music. No such display will ever have been presented west of St Louis or Chicago, and we uppeal to your citizens to join us in making this the proudest day of our great slate, and the beginning of a new era in our prosperity, Stntf Fulr KxhllitlH Secretary Holmes of tho Manufactur ers and Consumers' association returned last, week from a trip to several of tho towns in the state in the interestof the manufacturers' exhibit at tho state fair. The Omaha manufacturers aro not going to lake the ehuiee of sites in ttio manufacturers' building, for they con sider themselves the host, and the out of town men will be given tho best locutions. Nearly every factory in the stute will be represented', and the ex hibit will be one of the star attractions of the btute fulr. The majority-of the manufacturers are going to put ma chinery into the building and make their products right there. LiniiTNlXO struck in five places In Grand Island the other night. The residences of Councilman Schauroup, Rev. F. Gapert, George Burrows und Andrew Burg were damaged, us was also a bnrn beloning to William Pcp der. Fortunately no one was injured. Nebraska Hand L'nloo. The nunual encampment of the Ne braska Band union will take placo at Hustings the same week as the G, A. R. Reunion, August 20 to 31. It is ex pected that from the forty bands now 1 elonging to the union there will be no less than 000 musicians In camp. Many applications aro being received by Dr. Chaflet.J'2. Barnett of Archer, who is secretary of the association. Many publishing houses and instrument uiukeisare sending in prizes for the contest uesldes the cash prizes already otlered. MASSACRED BY CHINESE. CHRISTIANS IN KU CHANG MUR DERED BY PAGANS. FOREIGN WOMEN VICTIMS. Grave renra Felt nt tho Headquarter ol the Foreign Hoard of Methodist MIs lonarle In New York City It Is I'cnred Tliat American Wom en Are Anion); Those Tlmt Wero Killed. Shanghai, Aug. 0. Advices from Foo Chow aro thai n telegram received thero declares that a massacre of Christians has occurred at Kit Cheng. Five foreign women are among tho victims. New Youk, Aug. . 5. The telegram tolling of tho massacre of Christians, Including five women, at Ku Cheng, excited the gravest fears nt the head quarters of tho foreign bonrd of Methodist . missions in this city to-dny. Tho Motliodists have a mission nt Ku Cheng. It is in charge of Miss Mabel C. Hartford. Her as sistant is Miss W. H. Rouse. In ad dition to these It is feared that two other women, Miss Mabel Allen and Miss Sarah Peters are also in tho vi cinity of Ku Cheng. Corresponding Secretary A. B. Leon ard of tho Methodist board of missions, who has spent considerable time in China, said to-day:' In view of the fact thut wo havo received no cable gram from China, wo can only hope for the present that our people are safo and well. Had any of our people been massacred I am sure that the Rev. W. II. Lalry, our representative and treasurer at Foo Chow, from which place the advices wero received, would have cabled to us without de lay. Wo will not communicate with Mr. Lairy until wo receive information of tho alleged ninssacro fr'jin him. Miss Hartford is a resident of Dover, N. II., and hns spent several yearBasa missionary in China. Sho was somo time ago put in charge of the women's work at Ku Cheng. Miss Rouse, her assistant, came from Luke field, Minn. Tho Rev. Jacob Gillcson, secretary of the board of missions of tho Pres byterian church, said to-dny that his board had no missionaries within 260 miles of Ku Cheng. Ho expressed the opinion that tho massacre affected most seriously the church missionary society of England, which established a mission at Ku Cheng In 1847. Tho mission is attached to the church of England nnd has two houses there. The society maintains twenty-two schools in tho province. There Is also a small church for lepers In tho leper village just outsido of tho south gnto of tho Methodist Episcopal compound. Tho Itev. E. E. Chivors, secretary of the Baptist board of foreign missions, said that the Baptists havo no mission aries neurer the scene of the alleged massacre than So Chiang, which is 000 miles distant, utner missionaries are located at Chi King, which is about 00 miles from Ku Cheng. Washington Hoports. Washington, Aug. C. The state de partment has received a cablegram from United States Consul Jcrnigan, at Shanghai, stating that one Amer ican female missionary was wounded and four British femalo missionaries killed at tho mission of Ku Cheng. No further details aro given in the dis patch. The place is in the province of llogpe, far up on the banks of the Yang Tse river, beyond the reach of men-of-war, and about 400 miles north of Cheng Tu, where the last missionary riots occurred. Tho stato department will take steps in the matter at once. Under instructions from the state department, United States Minister Ucnby is now engaged In investigating the damages sustained by the Amer ican missions at Cheng Tu, China, dur ing tho rioting there. The Chinese government has already given assur ances that it will pay a suitable in demnity and has taken steps to ascer tain for itself through a commission the extent of the losses sustained by .ho foroigners. , Tho Herman Tldu to America. Washington, Aug. 5. A roport by Commercial Agent Stem at Bamberg, Germany, to tho stato department, shows that in 18'j1 Germany sent to the United States J4,2lO emigrants. The largest emigration was in 1881, numbering 000,179 persons. In 1803 there wero 75,102. During the twenty years covered by tho report tho Ger man migration to tlio United States amounted to l,78j,S14D, more than 00 per cent of tho total from tho empire. The imperial government is making every clfort to turn tho tide to the German colonies in Africa, but so far havo met with but little success. Kansas Furmore' Congress Delegate. Torr.KA, Knu., Aug, 6. Governor Morrill has appointed the following persons to represent Kansas at the National Farmers' congress, to bd held at Atlanta during the Cotton States exposition theie this fall: A. W. Smith of McPherson county, A. P. Forsvthe of Montgomery, Joshua Wheeler of Atchison, C, 1). Perry of Clark, George M. Munger of Green wood, T. A. Hubbard of Sumner, II. V Grinstead of Lane, Frank Hols inger of Wyandotte. James Shearer of Marshall and Martin Mohler of Oy borne. A Xon-I'artbmn Movement. Toi'KKA, Kan., Aug. 5. There was presented to Governor Morrill for his signature to-duy a petition bringing out David Martin us a non-partisan candidate for chief justice. It had previously been signed by ex-Governor Lewelling, a Populist, und ex-Governor Glick, a Democrat, und it vas desired to secure tho signature of Governor Morrill so as to give it tho stamp of a non-partisan movement. The governor took the matter under advisement till Monday. A SUSPICIOUS LETTER. Sheriff Stanley Receive Ono In Regard to tho Taj lor Ilrottient. Cahiiollton, Mo., Aug. .'..Sheriff Stanley received a letter this morning. The envelope wus postmarked St. Joseph, and was indorsed "In behalf of tho Taylor bays." It was as follows: "We, the undersigned, do solemnly ; swear tnnt tho Taylor brothers aro not tho murderers of tho Mccks family, as the majority of tho people think, but the men who committed tho deed aro as follows: Vcrney Taylor, Bill White, Enos Williams, Tom Williams. We heard that tho Taylors had given 81)000 to Gus and wo took this method of getting tho money. By throwing them in George Taylor's hay stack, all the suspicion would bo thrown on him, thinking ho could clear himself. We have been wanted for murders, robbery and a number of othtr crimes, but have nev er been caught. Wo are now on our road to New Mexico and, If you can catch us, you may havo us. You will hang two innocent "men. Wo have no relatives, and if wo como to tho gal lows it won't bo as bad as if tho Taylors do, for they are Innocent. Hoping that you will not hang tho innocent brothers for that crime we bid you adieu." It is regarded as a rank fake sent out by some of tho friends of tho Taylors to start a search and feeling in their favor. No.ther Prosecutor Bresnehen nor Sheriff Barton ever heard of Verney Taylor or the Will inrases or White. llccunso Sho Had the Toothache. Ai.yA, Ok., Aug. Ti.Mrs. Grant, the yifei)f Michael Grant, a prominent farmer, was found hanging from tho ridgepole of her dugout, her husband being a homesteader. She was 30 years of age, and only recently moved to the farm. Sho stood on a chair, fastened tho rope around her neck, and then kicked tho chair from under her. No cause Is assigned for the sui cide except that sho was suffering from a severe toothache. About Missouri Crop. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 6. J. It. Rip pey, secretary of the state board of ag riculture, reports as follows: Wheat, damaged 0 per cent in shock. Corn, area, 110; condition, 108; estimated yield, forty-one bushels. Oats, area in creased two points; yield, thirty bushels; estimated vield for state: Wheat, 17,000,000 bushels; corn, 270, 000,000; oats, 34,000,000; hay, 3,000,000 tons; tobacco, 7,000,000 pounds; pota toes, 10,000,000 bushels. Ilrnln ricrcctl by a 1'ltehfork. KinnsviLLE, Mo., Aug. 5. While loading oats on a wagon on a farm six miles north of this place, Stephen, the 15-year-old son of Rev. M. B. Horton, was accidentally killed by the man pitching tho bundles. Thinking the boy at the rear of the wagon he threw tho fork to the front of tho load and one of tho tines pierced his brain, re sulting in death shortly afterward. 80I011 O. Timelier Seriously III. Lawhknck, Kan., Aug. 5. Judge Solon O. Thacher is lying seriously ill at his homo in Soutli Lawrence. He returned a week ago from Colorado where he had gone for his health, feel ing much worse, and continued to de cline. Dr. J. D. G-'tlith of Kansas City is attendiug him. Mrs. Thacher, who has been visiting at Genciee, N. Y., is expected homo to-morrow. Mr. Harrison Decline an Invitation. Oi.n Foiiok, N. Y., Aug. 5. Messrs. Fulton and Monk of Wntertown, rep resenting tho New York State Grange, called at the camp to invite ex-Presi dent Harrison to go to Clayton August 20, when the grange holds its annual session there. Mr. Harrison declined the invitation on the ground that ho had thus far refused all invitations to go outsido of the camp to speak. Mlnei-H Win a Illg Victory. PiTTsnuno, Pa., Aug, 5. The biggest victory ever made by organized labor was won yestcrdny in Pittsburg by the miners. Almost every demand was granted and tho operatives gave a writ ten guarantee for the fulfillment of the contract. The papers were signed last night, which increases the wages of lOfi.OOO miners in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Killed an Outlaw. Ai.VA, Ok., Aug. 5. Special Deputy Sheriffs Marion Hildreth nnd J. W. Muir, nccompnnied by others, arrived here with tho dead body of Isaac Black, the pal of Dick Yeager. Yeager made his escape and every ablo bodied man who could procure it horse is now after Dick und aro determined to capture him nnd every man in his gang, dead or olive. , After tho Christian Gang. South McAlkstuii, Ind. Ter., Aug. 5. Tho Christian brothers' gang of outlaws, eight in number, robbed Marks' store near Lumpee, Ind. Ter., lust night. United States Marshal McAlester, with twenty deputies, left on a special train to-day for tho pur pose of capturing or exterminating tho gang. I'otsoned by lluttermllk. GuTitltiK, Ok., Aug. 5. Seven mem bers of the families of William nnd James Brooks, twenty-five miles north (west of here, were poisoned by drink ing buttermilk thut had stood in tin caiiR. All are dangerously sick, but physiciuns have been working hard with them and think they muy recover. In gulls for Free SUer. Cai.dwku., Kan., Aug. &. John J. Ingalls addressed about 1,500 people at tho Chikuska Veteran association gathering. After paying a tribute to tho old soldiers and tho cause they represent, he closed by declaring in favor of tho free coinage of silver. Ileiiiuark'K King Seriously III. Cor-KNHAOKN, A tig. 5. King Christ ian is suffering from a recurrence of cutarrh of the bladder. It is hoped that the attack is not a seriouB one; but his lllnes--, in view of his age, U causing anxiety. DISRUPTED BY BLOOMERS. Daughter of the Rlchent Man In Maion, Ohio, I troths Up n Church. Cincinnati, Ohio, Angl. A few days ago Miss Ida Colcmun, daughter of the richest man in Wnrrcn county, nnd organ'st of tho Methodist church at Mason, bought a wheel. Then sho appeared at tho baso ball park in red bloomers. Tho pastor, the Rev. J. J. Wadsworth, smiled nt her, but others derided her. Saturday night a com mittee waited on tho minister nnd com manded him to denounce bloomers tho following day. Sunday Mr. Wads worth did not refer to Miss Coleman, bicycle or bloomers. That night ho was told that ho cither had to de nounce Miss Coleman's riding habit or resign. Ho was given until last night to do so. Last night a prayer meeting wns held, Parson Wadsworth was in the pulpit. The benches and aisles wero crowded. Miss Coleman waited until tho audience became restless for music. Then she strodo down tho aisle dressed in bloomers as red as tho sun and took her scat at the organ. Some familiar tunes woro sung nnd played, but be fore the minister could begin to pray his audience, or at least the most of it, had dispersed As they wore leaving tho building they wero hissed. After ward Parson Wadsworth and Miss Coleman's friends continued tho Lcr vices. THEY CALL FOR ARMS. Wyomlnp Settlers Auk for Aid Against tho Indians. Ciieyknne, Wyo., Aug 1. The In dian scare is spreading far to tho south and east of Jackson's Hole and settlers in Fremont county aro becoming alarmed. Governor Richards last night received the following from Dr. W. Lovejoy of South Pabs, in ho Miners' Delight mining district: South Pass, July 30. Thero is a band of from 100 to 300 Indians within a half day's ride of this place. They arc nil bucks and things look shadv here. We havp plenty of ammunition and men, but need guns. Can you send a few stands of Wms? Shortly after Ihc receipt of tho above the following wits received from Lead stone, in tho sn&ic district: Lkwiston, Jufor 30. Can you send us guns? Indians Are near here. E. A. Gustin. Tho governor sayB tho Indians no doubt nro Utcs) from Duchesne, who aro hanging around in tho hope that there will be a big fight with the Ban nocks which will' give them an oppor tunity to make an attack upon theso settlers and get back to their reserva tion beforo the trdops could interfere Willi tncm. KANSAS INDiANS QUIET. fto Truth In tho Kcirt That tho l'otto- wutonilcs Were oR tho Waroath. Toi'ejca, Kan., Ag 1 The Indian troubles on the PottSivatomie reserva tion were not so seKous as indicated by tho press dispatches from here. Tho governor was not askSU for troops, and there is not tho slightest danger of an outbreak of any description. Indeed, it Is the impression her)that some ono imposed on tho reporters Colored Vomen atgez. Boston, Aug 1. Mrs, Ifinflln pre sided at the second day of ttie confer ence of the Colored Women ofc Amer ica. Tho first part of tho ftessrji was for women only and was in secret second part Mrs. Booker T. Wash! ton, wife of tho president of tho Tus egee Institute, at Tuskegeo, Ala., i a paper on "Individual Work for Moral Elevation." She spoke of the adaptability ot tho cojored women for better conditions and told of tho great work of tho institute. LIVE STOCK AND PHODUCE MARKETS Quotations from New York, Chicago, St. I.ouls, Omaha and Klsoivhere. OMAHA flutter Creamery separator.. 14 J5 butler I ulr lo good country. li 4J ;13 t?Kb-l"resh 10 W 1014 Honey California, per lb 14 t U Uens-Uve. por lb 6 'iU 6 Spring Chickens, per lb ll'ii 12 Lemons Choice Messlnos 4 0) iu C 2. Apnles-per bbl 2 00 ft 2 23 urunires Klprldas, per box ... 2 50 ti 2 00 Potatoes Now , X kit M Wutermelons por dozen 2 5) ffl 3 00 heuns Navy, hnnd-plckod.bu 2 00 46 2 20 liuy Uplanil, per tou 6 SO to 7 69 Unions l-or bu , 50 4fl 75 Clieeso Neb.&Ia., full cream 10 U Pineapples per iloz 1 73 to 2 is Tomutoca perl-basketcrato 83 O HuRb Mixed packlnc 5 00 tb 5 10 Rons Heavy welphts 4 05 (it .1 00 beeves- Mockers und Jeoaeri 'i 40 to 3 to beef fctcers 4 00 a h 00 Hulls. 2 13 (14 2 40 fctags 2 7.1 & 3 00 Llwe& 2H ii 4 23 Lows 100 48 00 Heifers.". 1) & 3 00 Westerns 125 u 3 CO fcbueo Lambs 3 00 -a 5 00 tiieep-Cholco natives......... 2 50 u 3 73 CHICAGO. Wheat No. 2. spring CO KH torn Per bu 41 u 4an tutb terbu 2J 4& . rax lork. 10 37 ftiiosu Lurd 0 60 0 55 hops 1'ackers and mixed 4 60 u, 5 10 taitlo-fctecrs extra 3 40 , 5 M) theep 1'innht 3 00 '5 60 beep-Natives 2 uO 4 10 NEW YOUK. Wheat, No. 2, red winter 75 75' Lorn No. !... i bi Uaib No.2 . 3S Hi 32H 1 ork 12 23 12 65 Lard , u 60 is, ti C754 sT. LOUIi wheat No Ired,cash 70 tt 70', Lorn Pcrbu 40 4oj Oats l'cr bu 22 Sig Hops MUd packing., 4 & 4 90 Lultlc Heft steers 4 23 6 00 tbteti Mixed natives 2 7ii n ;i to Lambs 3 03 4 60 KANSAS CITY. Wheat No. 2 bard C.tVt'fc C6 lorn-No.S 37 t oats No.: :i (j jj tattle Mockers mid fecderi.. 2 is m. 40 Lo Mixed pucker 430 4i4jo Would Sell Ills Vote. Wichita, Kan., Aug 1. J, P. Faront, county commissioner of Sum ner county, had a preliminary hearing at Argonin and was held in the sum of S'.'.OOO. He is accused of corrupt prac tices in oilice. He is alleged to have agreed to give his vote to the Sumner County Standard for the county print ing in consideration of tho fact that the Standard, as the Democratic organ, would oppose fusion between Demo crats and Populists in the election of 1804. Farou. is a Republican. It is . me nrst case instituted under tho Douglass corrupt practice act. S f oa il 4 & 1