.nrrvarM'ir.sTOTWTW5 "Zjjwik iwan!i jwwMjsac.3:s? 3U!zz3e&jb , i i ' it i' -HEMINGFORD SCHOOL BUILDING, WHERE TIIE IN STITUTE IS BEING HELD. INSTITUTE NO.TES. ,Tho sociul Friday evening wns well attended unci all sooincd to ilmvo a good time. L. A. Barry spokoto tho tench ,ors, Wednesday ovcning, upon the aubiect, Govornracnts. 0. L. Snodekor and Cnmo.BiB soil drove homo niter the social Friday ovoning and stayed over v Sunday. Those who onrollod this week wore, Mrs. G. 0. Alexander, Al lan Feunor, Mary Collins, Leorn Jiustin, and W. 11. Welch. Ono of the moat interested por tions tit the bnll gnrao TuoBdny was Miss Frew. Hor interest seemed to center in the loft field when tho Allianco team hnd thou- outs, Mr. B. G. Moulton delivered his looturo "It Does Movo" Mon day evening, to u good nudionco.The substance of his talk is, that man, like overy thing ehc, w an evolu tion from a lower animal and that crcntiou of man ns recorded in Bi blical history is when God breath ed, into tho physical man, who had already existed for countless ages, morality or tho power to .distinguish nnd choose between light and wrong. Tho faot 'that many do not ngrod with Mr. Moul ,ton does not in any raimner detract from what ho said. Knowing as he dpos that wo are living in a time and a country where every man has a perfect right to boliovo ns ho pleases, and speak ns he be lioves is a sufficient guarantuo for mm. It is very probable that ho knew when ho proparod his lecture that there would bo peoplo who differed from him. Tho simplo fact that we may not endorse his evo lution theory doos not in any way deteriorate from the truths ho ut tered and wo recognize in him ono of tho prime requisites of tho suc cessful teacher, the power of awak ening thought. If thoso, who nre .bo loud in their criticism of tho talk would stop and consider that we nre living, in a time whon, "It Does Move" and that the scholar does not blindly acenpt tho teach ings of hia parents or his church as unqoustioned, and further, if thoy would make a studv of tho question for thomsolves, it might bb possible that their differences would not be so great a3 thoy im agino them to bo. Tho regular work of the insti tute closod last night and examin for certificates is being hold today. The intorest in tho work lias con tinued throughout tho session and tho teachers will no doubt go to their schools stronger in thoir do torminition to do bottoi work. The question often comes to our mind, Does tho institute pay for the expense incurred? Too pfton the teacher attends to havo a good timo, but wo believe thnt good work has been done here this year find that thoso who were concerned enough about their profession to wont to improvo, havo been bene fited. Tho county superintendent should now see to it that those who camo to havo a good time be given ample opportunity to havo it but it should be outside tho school room. Wo hoar nothing but words of ptaiso, of the lecture givon by Dr. J, W. Jenuiugs Tuesday evening. ffnfuysBSTOmrxcBti'Wd wr-s; Ho loft, in tho minds of all his hearers a strong desiro for a life of more usefulness and n higher ro gard for humanity nnd for civiliza tion. Dr. Jennings and a good tnlk nro Bynonomous terms and ho is nlwnys moro than welcome in Homingford. Thursday afternoon tho Box Butto .County Teachers' Associa tion elected officers for tho ensu ing year, L. B. Fonnor President, Maud Daws Yico President, SuBio Frazicr Sccretnry-Trensuror, nnd Dr. E. A. Blnckburn and J. II. VauBuskirk as members of tho ex ecutive coramiteo.. This nssoointion will be a great holp to tho teaohors who nro willing to talwan activo part in tho work. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST THOSE IN ATTENDANCE. OP C. L. Snedokor. H. E. Pinlcorton. Mrs. Gillett. Carrio Bissoll. Lillio Diclcney. Annio Gadsby. May Davis. Fannio Gorbor. J. P. Hazard. Bollo Sparks. V. Curtis. Susio Frazier. Sophia Roll. Jennie Evans. Fred Rubier. L. B. Fennor. Rosa Parkin. Arvilla Snow. A. Muirhcad, Maud Daws. C. M. Jones. Poarl Broshar. Dora Rohder. Inice McCorkle. Gooriria Millnr. Addio Poolo. Laura McCutchin Annio Ellis Mattio Roberts Iola Dovoro A. (J. Kovnolds Anna Ward J. Baumgardner Mrs. Blanchard Art Davis AnnaNooland Ed Reynolds S. A. Curtis W.E. Waisnor Lulu Blair D. Eborly Lena Jay Edna Johnson Mary Gill Viola Trout Ethel Konnott R. Bovan Mary Collins W.R. Welch Leora Rustin Lyndon Piorco Jossio Frow Nellie Harris M. Baumgardnor N. Goodenough Dolla Rood Estolla Taylor Lillio Johnson Francis Crowther James Waisnor Ethel Crowthor Chas. Loclcwood Alma Fonnor Mrs.G. Aloxandor Resolutions Adopted by tho Box Butto Co. Instituto, Homingford,- Nobr., August 1, 1895. Whereas: Wo tho teachers of Box Butto Co., having been benefited by tho able offorts of tho Co. Superintendent and the Institute Instructors, and having enjoyed tho hospitality of the peoplo of Homingford, durinjr the past two weoks, do adopt tho following resolutions. I, Resolved: That wo express our sincere thanks to Supt. H. F. Fillmoro, for tho intorest ho has manifested and assistanco rondored in our wTork throughout tho Instituto. H, Resolvod; That wo express our sincoro thanks to Cmidnntnr B. G. Moulton, for his officiont managomont, and to his ablo as sistants, W. R. Sidors and Mrs. Muirhead, for thoir conscientious work, Aud furthermore, that wo express a desiro that toth Supt. and instructors bo with us, in tho work, tho coming year. HI. Resolvod; That wo most heartily thank tho peoplo of Homingford for their kindness to us, and especially thank J. C. McCorkle, who has so kindly cared for the church in which tho lecturos wore givon. IV, Resolved: That wo ex press our thanks to tho Homing ford press for its kindly no tice of the Instituto. V, Resolved; That a copy of these resolutions bo handed to tho Homingford Herald for publication. Fred H. Ruiiter, ) Susie R. Frazier, J. Com. MaudE. Dawes, J ? FinalProof Notices, - - Hon. J. V. Wktw , Jb., Iteghtor. Hon. V. M. IIhoome. Ilwolvor. rartlp liavlnn inotlcc inthU column are re-' J". X " . u l" "lm" wn" ny ana rotxirt to thsolhro for correction any errors thktmiy' Ji2il-teLl ,.1J"c?i Jh:x M. . i.w. n&ml wttler ha filed notlcoof hl IntanUonTu innKo unai propr in fcupiwt of hln clalmand that flflill tirfKlF will tin tnntlrs lukf t rlnuton, u. 8. (nrtComralMiimfr. ni r;i..i. .ink rum wriniL niu uo mauo Dornrn Ii. A. 1. Neb., on Sont. S, 1893, viz! Ilt-B. JHLV win ' ' MAHTIN SAIIAPIW. ?if ?? JT"3 - Neb., who mado II. e. No. 2012 for tlin i a K!ik 15, t 29, m 48 w. lln namea tho 'following wltnwscs to proven! continuous restnn(A mon and cnltlvatlon of NpIT., lUrnr Ii. DatUott, ChsrloH h. Waldrcn Jothna V. Coueinn of DunUi), Nob. J. W. Wcny. Jn IUvUtor. Lsnd Cfflr- at AlUauw, Nol... July 17. 1RS3. Ndtlco Ir horcbr Blvon that thu folloWltiR nampd ottlpr ha filed nirtico of d inlcntiou to niakjt (innX proof In support of lilt claim, and that Mid proof will bo mado before tho reenter or roeolvor, at Allianco, Neb., on Au?. 2J, lb5, ANTON KHIJICKA, of Lnwn. Nol)., who mado u e No. 1053 for tho n w H goo 82. tp S!7 n, r 62 w. If n tUtnnt tn fn11...uf.. tl A . t contimtonii roRitlonce npm and cnltivatlan of Mill liXil ! 1.k.t. i 1 V I - Johu llarta, John Sodlacnlc, all of Lawn, Neb. U.K. ITEllHi Oil., llCfflRUir. Land Olfico at Allianco, Nebr., Jnly 17, 18fl5, Notlco in hereby Klvon that tho following- ur.-iuvnuin in inniwi in ins inicnuon Ip mako final proof In support of his claim, and that ald proof will Iw made before llcuiator and lUclvor at AUIanco, Nob., on Anf. 21, lb05. FHANKLIN P. WKI1T1. P,f,P.nnlaP ft1., who mado H e No. 3977 for tho 8 K U nee. o, ti) 2D n, r 47 w. ueiiamHfi me io:iowtntr witnepnes to provo rrlmUlu1,lV, TA?! ?acharlah 1). OlnKhcrlck, IVIlllB Sultlni, Charlen Olson, Oscar 1'. Crog waito, all of Dnnlap, Neb lit V. YEHN,jr. UPISUir. Land Offlou at Alliance, Nob., Jnly 9, 1695. n a mini utt 4lni t u . 11 n, I ..4 1. .. ft I. ' 1 i ( . u;niirin IIIIDIUU1 JIUMl'll )l IUH lUlOnUOIl lO mako final proof In support of his claim, and ...nwrUiU iw wm w'Hiauu ijiwiu lU'Himvrnnu """ luQiiuuiu-T, nitu, on auk. w, lOVi), VI2: CHARLES C. HTJf'KK. of Hrmlnsford, Nob., who mado n. k. no. 1B18, fll ft. llkt B l .( J B. .1 t i X IkW '' " '" u- nuu ft J! n w 4 BOO 1, ip 2. II, Tg 0U.W. continuous residence upon aud cultivation of nam land, viz: t,uko I'hllllps, Ford DoldB, JoHephK. Noal.uoHeph Bhaffor.aUof HuminB- fnnl. Nnl. T VJ Viu Tn I9..t.A. "'Mi '""' m. ii. ii &UH will) j.t'Kinbvr. IawI OjHco at Allianco, Nob., Jnno 20, 1601. Notlco Jb hereby plven that tho following nameii sottlor has filed notlco of his Intention to mako final prmif In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado before Iteslstor and lleciiTur at Alltanco, Nob., on August a, lfclM, viz: TIMOTHY MOIUtlBBEY, of Dunlap, Nob., who mado II. E. No. 3218 for tho 8 ti Ku HVH N W H & N li hi 8 B H llo names tho following witnesses to provo . i i '".". '"Iv1 upon ana cultivation of i taU latul. viz-. Martin Barnpin, Ed Marrnnd, Peter Hall, 1). U. Fennor, ail of Dunlap, Nob. J. W. Wkiin, Jn., ltPBister. ..LnndOIlicoBt Allianco, Neb., Juno 25, IMS. Nut I... 1(1 llANlln. ral '. .U. .!. A..I l' el settlor has filed notice of his Intention to mako final proof In support of his claim, and flint Utfl ll.Itllf ll I fc.n ... l.P flf . Iloceivor at Allianco, Nob., on August 0, lb05. viz: BYllON II. nUIUUTT, pr IIj-mlnRford, Neb., who mado II. E. no. UOO ii $ and 2 nni1 K H n w U see 7, twp 20 II, 1 . OO .v. Ha n.n. .1. 111 t i.. . ..u a. niu ii.uuwiuff wuncpfos to prove his continuouB rosidenco upon and culllvaton of raid land, viz: Peter K. CJiristenson, Charles .' ; ""."".wri '."."' .nansen, u. ixenninKn, all of Hcmliiftford. Nob. Also, I'ETEK K. CUIllBTEriSEN, of nemlnsford, Neb., who made U e no. 1073 for tho n o ii sec 18, tn 20 n, r 60 w. Jig names tho following witncRsesto provo his continuous roaidonco upon and cultivation of, HomFnor'dL:' Hanfcn' C ""W of chaiiles e. noBENnnnaEH. of Heminfordi Hob., who madou E No. 1573 for thpHW8ool2, tpSOn. r50w. ----. . .uuuiilUK Wliuwses Ml prOVO 1118 oo ltlnuous rosldonco upon and cultivation of, JIo names thi; followins witnesses to provo his ii . ' v ni'7'V" a' Ki viiinst ian- Henilnsford,' Nob, CHIUST HANSEN, of Heminsfprd, Nob., who mado u E No. 1713 for Usei?H,Dtp2llnrr56.::0n,rHW'nnd nH W HonamcBtho following witnesses to provo his SS teulrtacoi uWmand estivation of, -ii I.Faudlttl J K;TrJ,rl8tinen, C. Hcnninss, all of Homingford, Nebr ' J W. Wnmt, Jn.. Register. Notioo to IR.eciei-i. T?..t!ll?i pr?Bent owners, occutwints and persona in whoso name the land hereinafter described was assessed in tho yiars 1KB aud 180a, and to whom it may concern. nnYMat?iL , KPa ftre. hereby notified that on U o Ibth day of November lS'A V. E. CrosiMr iZn0lVr'v?i"J,t!L'?'?l''v' .... i T"ii ' '" "; f uoi. soiu ior tno .T,t.0,b,ddor',ia.B. Pr'vIled uy lr. from tho telP?fli'?rerotAIoxIi,it,o county, .Nebraska, fprthodelinciuonttaxos for tho years lfcffi, 18KJ, tho real estate described below, situated in Uox Unlta county, Nobraska, viz: Tim iinnlhiHial nn..iA. jr i.M Tr'T'r . wl: lownsnip -7, ransoM. raied In tho namo of John M. Jackson for UftJ and 1603. - nrlwft 1D1after of section 0, township ... ran;o SO. Jaxml in tho namo of James Ken- 18ieu ' narao ot Jono lMham f or Tho northeast qnartor of section 33 twn 27 son for 18. and In tho namo of ! Amorlcla In vestment Comiiany for IHU. ""can in 1 ho southeast quarter of section 35 twn i hill fur l5a tU nameof Walter W.Whlto- All of tho abovo descrilKsl land is situated In rw omption of each tract from sad tax salos will expire on the 16th day of November. 1KB. J-'irst publication Aug. 2, 1893. ,0'uutr' l0M' . C. E. Cnosun. Orcliiiemoo No. 3t. An nrfllniinna lam-Inn - it mm.m. n.if.: ir 'vrs.i"?.,r juo pr I" l-iAZiif ","t,"1.1"u lucmeuun oxpensos of uf 2?i.f Si?"11 th0 nnnal "PfPria- .. .i ii.' "'i'""r""in ana ooaru ol trustees of tho yillago of nomlnciord. Nebrfcv itn It. fir.latn.ul I... .I.n u.l.- . . S iin.i" .Tl'at there bo and is hereby levied ?,Ln.?1Jtl!?,J,ble l-erty of tho Tillacoof J.'.'M.'fP"1, ?'. tax of ten milts on each dollar valuation thoveof, as nhown by tho assessment rolls for tho jear lbltt. to dofray tho Koneral awlincidontnl expenses ot Mid viliafio for said year. " Section 2. That thcro lx and is hereby levied aKainst each malo inhabitant of Said villlLo U-tween tho ase .of '11 and BO years, except lnnai Section a. That for the year 18B5 there bo and tr?,lll,,lipr.opri",wl10"1t of. tlo revenues tlei . n M-r?im V"f tuxta le vied to detfy tho general and incidental expenses of said villawo tlio Tsov- helSsfon8owf.7tl10 " biecU Mm i'or balary of Villaco Attorney - - $50.00 .. ., treasurer - - jo.00 lerk -. - 6aoo ' Overseer of streete SO.OO t i . . . minting - . jja.00 Incidental Expenses - - 120,00 Rvtion 4 Tliat this ordTnanw shall Ukef fect and bo In force from and after its ijassago and publication according to law. " l'assed and approved Jnly 15th, 1893. . , , . Samcel SwiTzxn, Chairman Board of Trustees of tho ViUgeof Attest, W. M. IoDK.Nor, seau Villase Clerk. Smoko No, 5 cigar. Tho Herald and tho Omaha semi-weekly World-Herald both one year for $1.75, ,1 am MiHBEaRMiHiaBHHVHIHaiHiHHHKaBaHBiBH j Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-J ,i...nw...n.m IVIODKHATC FEES. our orncc la opposite U, s. PATtNTOrrict and we can secure patent in Jess time than those Send model, drawing or photo., with deserip on. We adviie, if patentable or not, free of 5 linn Jcharce. Our fee not due till patent Ii tecured. A P Pamphlet . " How to Obtain Fatents." with "How tot cost of same In the U. S. and foreicn countries i tent free. Addreim. C.A.SNOW&CO. opp. patent orncc, Wabhinoton, d. C. . Ko aconta. Wu sell f m-. 1 catttlcfruo at 'AVhofet k alo l'rlcru. Bhlplor a examination before - ; - ,rr --'' am. uurs av some ?98Hc.nt!"!ollf3rC73,ours atjii sarao as agents soil llWbo5i:"l2tylcaiwtot). ""-" "-"' Guaranteed same as npenta soil for i& to UOO. tmi ROAD nACEB, 26 lbs. 0n WOOD-RIMS, $0Ui Perfectllncs.perfectstecrlnB, perfect adjustment. Ouarantocdsainoas ngents sell for $li" ana i;i5. Wrltton warranty with ovory machlno Every tlmo you boy a bicycle throntdi on agentyou pay WJ to K0 mora than our wholesaloprlco for nmoqnallty. It cocts about cs mur.h to soil blojclos ttiroufrti nccntsnndclnalersBSlt docs to mako thorn. Let prudenco and economy sucnest tho better way ana uuy irom us oircci at wuoiesaio prices. iiiustratea wataiogue ireo. Acme Cycle Company, ELKHART. 1ND. B CYCLE eiERA0STgsi$g k h " Bo v be a a 5 s L p I CD's" h H a 1 ODE1 OTJB Silks, Lawns, in suits and all tho latest wave, combination and colorings, is as indefinably beautiful as the varied hues of tho ilowers of spring. They Safclssr tlxe Olosest Scr-u.txrD.3r and evoke tho unqualified praise of all who behold them. Unrcmittent study of tho prevail ing stylo in vogue, and strict attention to tho v-'v't ftoc(ing wants of my patronage, makes my storo in tho estimation of tho refined and tasty, the Emporium Par Excellence whereat to procuro tho daintiest, most stylish, economical, unique Q. Freshest Groceries at Lowest Prices. Big bargains in my Shoe Department W, K, HERNCALL. WflHHHl1W thud- BOX BUTTE BA HEMISraFORD, NEBBASKA. THE OLDTBANK COUNTY, Does JhGMie Colleotions a Specialty. Foreign and East ern Exchange. C. A. piJlJlJEWj, Pres- 2C. K- GKESIEIEIfcT. Shelf & Heavy H PAINTS, OILS AMD WINDOW GASS. I am HARNESS Hand made throughout For Two Years. Call and soo I am agent for tho celebrated Diamond Also Junior WSlidden I am always ready and willing to Sell as Cheap as tho Cheapest H. R. GREEN, Hemikord BUCKEYE Mowers .And the Hollmgwortli and THE BUCKEYE Machines WORLD'S FAIR ennnot he .. . ... Tho HOLLINGSWORTH and TIGER Hayrakcs were nevorShulon, Either of thosa celebrated tools will ho sold AS CIIEAl 1 -iTTTJi a ui?T 4l..... ;( : .!,. liiiu. ' i''t 1 iiu iiiiiii iiuy luiuuui jjiauua. I also koop repairs for theso and other 'machines. Can got repairs desired. Tho Best Birder "nr-wIrLe At tho lowest living prices. Hardware and The Ele gance Cashmeres, novelties in Dress Fabrics, for tho 1 DRESS WEAR. wauiau 111 Wy w-wtnJaujoM jt uTuiare, Soiling 1 imMHinwpumm Warranted Not to Rip thom. E. Glidden Barb Wire .Bii Colebrated. Tiger Haymkes which took tho cako at tl escioDed. For sale at tho Saddlery House Underwear coming season, in texture, finish, yt ,s-4j. ,jt K, -i tvl 1 i 'W N "1 1 JJf5-. r i.,- ...