Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 26, 1895, Image 6

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How Sncccsafnl Farmers Operate Tli
l)eirtment of the Firn A Yrt
Hints n to the Care ot Lira Stock
intj roultry.
tno Missouri expcri-j
mnnt btntlnn nnvfif I
From an economi
cal standpoint n
farmer whd lits a
dairy of from7 llvo
to ten cows, c;annot
afford to be with
out a snparat6r. In
n cllmato as warm
and variable aft ours
la In tho summer
season changes take place In tho
milk very rapidly, Inducing fer
mentation nnd coagulation, and, in tno
sotting methods generally practiced,
provent perfect separation, thus en
tailing much less of butter fat. If tho
tailing much Iobs of butter fat. If tho
system might nnswor very well, but
tho supply being limited and such largo
quantities needed, It will bo found
cheaper and moro satisfactory to savo
tho labor and expense of storing lco
nnd provldo only Bufllclcnt to preservo
tho cream and butter.
Tho separator renders economy of
time possible In that tho operation Is
performed In practically tho samo tlmo
that tho wholo milk could bo set by
Ashes nro ranked first as a vormln
killer, then gypsum, and noxt sand. It
la by rolling In dust that fowls rid
themselves of vermin.
Spnco, air, sun, and puro wator nro
essentials. In yards where trees can
not bo raised, n few shrubs will jo
pay planting; In cummer, these will
form a shndo, nnd In tho event of sud
den rain, a Bhelter. Tho moro do
mesticated poultry can bo kept to tho
lines of their natural habits, the moro
profltohlo 'VJ1I bo tho feathered stock.
Ahcn that bloods under a hedgo, and
roturns after 'm few weoks nbsenco
from tho farm with a battalion of
chicks following' her, will rear them
stronger than such as nro batched In
a coop.
Tho perches ought to bo of n uniform
height, eay 40 Inches; this will obvlnto
fightings nt roosting hour for tho hlgh
cr scats; will provent tho birds from
hurting tholr breast bones In flying up
nnd from injuring their foot whon
dropping down. Tho floor of tho cot
should bo covered with dried earth, or
peat mould, or Band, renowed two or
tltrco times a week. Tho scrapings
kept In a sheltered spot, will form an
Invaluable manure A straw floor Is
objectionable; It provokes damn, of
fenslvo odors, nnd docs not facilitate
cleanliness. For hatching tho nest
ought to roposo on humid earth, so as
to insure uniformity of molsturo and
In France, chickens aro not raised
for tho market; eggs and young
fatted fowls aro tho onds kopt In view.
It Is best to havo a good native brocd,
and maintain It puro by eschowlng
crossings; Just as farmers celect roots
and cereals to act as seed producers,
chooso tho best looking cock and a
mutton and wool, will como from thht
fnr-oK land. Mr, Cobb states that up
to ten years ago tho only means of
getting rid of their Burplus slock was
to boll tho carcasses down and ship tha
tnllow. Tallow dropped In prlco until
It did not pay to export it, and tho
consequenco was that tho prlco ot
sheep fell until they anticipated having
to sell tho carcasses at from 12 to 18
cents each. About flvo years ago tho
system of freezing the carcasses for ox
port was introduced, and tho result has
been a dccrcaBo of stock until now thoy
recelvo from $2.50 to ?3 per head for
tho carcassos. At tho nverago prlco
they aro getting In London markets,
thlB makes about 4 cents per pound not
for tho mutton. Thoy get threo clips
ot wool from a sheep boforo tho carcass
Is shipped, although tho demand has
Increased to such an extent that thoy
aro now slaughtering yearlings' for
One Hundred nnd Fifty Vears Have
Elapsed Slnco the Capture of I.ouls
tmrg from tho Fronch Got. Shtrlojr'i
Hold Bcuenie.
Norman Cattle
Considerable interest has been ox
cited by tho arrival at tho port of New
York of twelve head of Norman cattle.
Tho Normans aro among tho oldest
raco of domesticated cattle, and yet
nro almost ontlro strangers in this
country. Tho importation of a breed
ing herd now may bo of conslderablo
momont to the cattlo interests, ns they
aro prized in their nativo land for their
general purpose dairy and beef qual
ities. They aro described as noted for
their size, with rather coarse bone,
long, deep body, broad hips, short legs
and various shades of red and brown In
color. Among French breeds they rank
high, tho Norman farmers say tho first,
as dairy animals. Twonty-fivo to thirty
quarts of milk day is said to bo quito
HE .event commem
orated by the un
veiling' of the monu
ment at Loulsburg,
Capo Breton, June
17, tho ono hun
dred and fiftieth
anniversary of the
surrender of that
famous fortress by
the French to tho
English, was a great
event of colonial
histoid. One hundred and fifty years
ago Gov. William Shirley, of Massa
chusetts, was busily engaged In fitting
out the famous expedition under Qen.
William Peppcrrell which was destined
to capture that stronghold "tho Gi
braltar of America" Loulsburg, on tho
east shore of Cape Breton. Thirty years
later came the war of independence and
the glories of Loulsburg were eclipsed
and almost forgotton. By the treaty of
atrecht In 1713 Cape Breton was ceded
to France and Nova Scotia to Great
Britain. France immediately began
fortifying the cape in the most formid
able manner. She built a walled town
In the southeastern part, with gates and
moat and drawbridge, as In feudal
times. The ramparts were of massive
stone, and from 30 to 36 feet high. At
the entrance to the harbor was a little
but that It must be taken by surprise.
He called the general court, and as a
preliminary required the astounded
members to take an oath of secrecy be
fore he would lay before them his Com
munication. They yielded to the re
quest, and then the Governor revealed
to them his plan of taking Loulsburg.
The secret was too great for one of the
pious members to bear alone. In his
family devotions he was heard to burst
forth with a fervent prayer that the
blessing of Heaven might attend the en
terprise. Thus tho secret leaked out.
The Legislature was at first stoutly op
posed to the Governor's plan, but It was
finally carried by a majority of one.
Circulars were at once sent to the dif
ferent colonies, and It was soon found
that more volunteers would offer them
selves than were needed. The chief
difficulty was to find a man competent
to command so large an army and con
duct the Blege of so formidable a place
as Loulsburg. The choice finally fell on
Col. William Pepperrell, a wealthy mer
chant, and withal very popular with all
classes. Tho sarcastic Dr. Douglass,
then living at Boston, said that "the ex
pedition had a lawyer for a contriver, a
merchant for a general, and farmers,
fishermen and mechanics for BOldlers."
When the expedition reached Capo
Breton In April the ground was covered
with Ice. Pepperrell disembarked his
troops on tho evening of the 28th. Tho
surprise of the French was unbounded.
I took some time under the greatest
difficulties to land the troops and the
heavy guns. But Pepperrell was a man
who never saw Impossibilities and did
not understand the word discourage
ment. Besides, he had under him men
who had been accustomed to the sever
est trials of frontier life until they had
become men of sinews of iron. The
siege lasted forty-seven days. On June
1 negotiations for peace were begun,
sixteen days later Pepperrell entered
Old Itcnd and Yotinc Hearts
Voti Aometltnes sbc con'othed In elderly In
dividual, but eldcm leliold nn old manor
iromnii ns exempt from Inflrmillev -as In,
youth. Itutthcso iniinnltliM may be mltl
cntcd In Brent mrnuro by tl c dally nnd
rcgnlnr UKoof Ho teller' Hloiinch Hitter,
nn Iml-orant. mitl-ilifunnitlu and suatnln
Iiik medicine nt the lilRhrst order, trhich
nlsotomovet drsp) la rnintlnation, bill
louno unci Kfdnor trouble ft t adapted
to tbo uso of tno uioUdtvlfttto and foeble.
Fanny Mozart was a petite beauty,
of exceedingly pleasing address. Her
manners were very fascinating and sho
had a confiding, sympathetic way that
won all hearts,
Coo'i Congti tlnlinm
la the oldest and bsf. It will break up a fold quick
ertaaa anything else. It It always reliable. Try It,
Never step over one duty to perform
another. Take them as they come.
The man who does not Improve his
talent will be sure to misjudge his mas
ter. The man who is living only for him
self couldn't be engaged lnony smaller
Indicates a healthy condition of tho sys
tem and tho lack of it shows that tho
stomach and digestive organs nro weak
and debilitated. Hood's Sursupurilln has
wonderful power to tone and strengthen
theso organs nnd to create an appetite.
By doing this it restores tho body to
health and prevents attacks of disease
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is tho only true blood paritler promi
nently in tho public eye today.
11 ii '
I4.-tn Dillci the atter-llnner pill ana
MOOCl S KlIlS family cathartic. 25c.
syssMsMssWslssWfflrliTri . lTHat8ti7 .. -- -iAjiStUlU ulLMlw i Mi za
myMi unii i mil wimww iiMHibn iw mwinWMmm WrWwmim 7 nMMm$m;TWmmw
vmmmmMmmm w&w&bwfflm4u !'f' mat m .s - 'tm:wM m
' .-f iv -" ! ' -- - -t .-- ........ -- - - ;ffi,rzsfisfir, tXftnKtMflUfff . C .Vi ""V I fT AT jF i.VS S t n.'P1C'm'
by tho dotted lino In tho diagram. WSzSbk' h,lM K T-TW W&?
From a Is cut tho "sirloin" steak, and -M$k i- & 1 V kJt'T' SK'
from b tho "portcrhouso" steak Is fflFtik '"?'& '51 fi Vl
Pi jL ZS
W" --
Wagon to a Star,"
as Emerson said, that fe,
don't be content with any
bicycle except the best one
made the COLUHBIA.
Matchless as these famous
bicycles have been in past
years, you will rub your
eyes when you see the
quality and beauty of the
1895 models 5100.
"jMgfj General Office and Factories nAnTF0RD.
ZT7-J, rnoviDENce. ourpALO.
! Yon iienrt tho Columbia
SpRI CaUlogue. a work of art.'
jmm '-'i tnat shows erery aoiau 01
peerlM Columbian and a-
perb llartrords. inobooic
it (reo If ron call at a Col
umbia agency; by mail for
tno 2-cent .tamps.
r-j, - r
Wo glvo a diagram of how beeves (with tho dotted lino enclosing c, tho
aro cut. The parts nro named as fol- shoulder clod, taken off); 8, Bhank.
lows: 1, rump; 2, loin; 3, rib roast; Tho pleco 2, tho loin, Is divided In tho
4, chuck; B, round; 0, flank; 7, pinto meat market Into a and b, as nhown
tho old process. In tho ono case tho
milk Is sweet and In. tho best condi
tion for feeding, and Is at onco re
moved nnd disposed of; whllo in tho
other, It Involves hnndllng several
times. Thon It Is apparent that much
extra labor Is curtailed, the supply of
apparatus needed Is lessened, and much
valuable space Is saved, resulting in
economy of tho cnpltal Invested.
Again, tho fat la all obtained. It
matters not whether tho cowb aro fresh
or advanced In their lactation periods;
If tho separator Is properly adjusted It
will sccuro all of tho cream. In sov
eral trials mado at this Btatlon, ot tho
separator and Cooloy creamer. It was
found thai ono pound ot butter was
luado from 1G poundB of milk by tho
aeparntor as compared with ono pound
of butter from 22 pounds ot milk by
tho Cooley creamer; a discrepancy uiai
-would soon eat up tho cost of a sepa-
rntor- . , .,.
Whero -tho separator Is used tho
cream la obtained In the best condi
tion for setting. Its passage through
tha separator gives It n thorough aera
tion and removes all traces ot Impur
ities. Thus It can bo controlled and
ripened evenly and tho development ot
too much acid and tho destruction and
loss of n part of tho fat In churning
prevented. Tho cream can bo ripened
earlier, churned moro quickly and will
produco a better grained butter, of
lilghcr nnd ovener flavor and better
"keeping tjunuties. as raun is valu
able chiefly for tho butter fat It con
tains, tho first object of tho dairyman
18 to securo all of tho tat possible.
Manifestly, then, a machine that will
do Us work so efficiently under such a
-variety of circumstances will form a
profitable Investment.
French Toultry Nolea.
Tn the precise meaning of the term,
there Is no poultry farming In France.
But there Is "poultry keeping." and
very generally followed by peasants
tind small farmers, says a writer In
Colorndo Farmer. There are. how
over, about half a dozen special breed
ers and rearers ot domestic fowls es
tablishments that might be described
sb poultry studs. If poultry aro to
bo kept on an extensive scale, three
rules are to be observed: Scrupulous
attention to cleanliness, feeding and
ventilation. There Is nothing now
In poultry breeding; tho Romans do
voted special attention to the matter
nnd the fowls of Gaul, tho duckB of
Catharge. and tho geese ot Egypt were
M. Lemolne. of Crosne, In the depart
ment of tho Selno ot Olse, Is ono of the
leading poultry breeders ot Franco. Ho
has yards extending over 20 acres, de
voted to tho breeding and 'rearing ot
fowls of various races. Each "yard"
is an orchard with wire fenced divis
ions, provided with cots for roosting
and egg-laying, with grass plots and
woll-sanded walks. Tho dropplngB of
tho birds form an excellent fertilizer
for tho fruit trees. M. Leraolne's out
put Is then poultry, eggs and fruit.
Iinlf dozen hens with bright shining
feathers nnd keep them apart for
breeding. In ordinary clrcumBtnnces
ono cock will suffice for 25 hens. It
Is good to chnngo tho breeding cock
every second year, as it is known that
tho young from such birds possess pre
cocity nnd facility of fattening. It is
prudent not to havo too many chick
ens together; overcrowding is Inimical
for them ns for other animals. Fronch
peasants give nothing to the chick
pending tho 24 hours nfter they quit
tho shell; this permits the yolk of tho
egg In tho Intestinal cannl of tho chick
to bo digested and cxpolled.
Tho carllcBt food should bo a soft
and lukewarm well-beaten pnsto of
ogga and milk; but no over-feeding.
Later add millet or canary seed and
nllow tho hen to root about for her
chicks through tho yards nnd pick up
any green Btuff within their reach.
As a rule, whether old or young
birds, never allow them to be exposed
to tho weather. Feed tho fowls regu
larly with a pint of barley pr oats dal
ly per dozen birds, plus tho refuso from
kitchen and garden. In winter, be
sides warm masked potatoes, add some
tallow melters. greaves, or chopped
liver. When near a knacker's yard,
boiled horseflesh Is secured, but this
Imparts a strong flavor to tho eggs.
common, and tho butter mado com
mands tho highest prlco In tho Paris
market. As beef animals, thoy aro
noted for early maturity nnd great
weight, but havo moro bono and offal
than tho English beef breeds. Tho
chief claim mado for tho Normans is
hardiness and freedom from tatnt of
tho modern fad ot pampered cattle,
tuberculosis. Ex.
A Dainarnto Situation.
It was Paddy Kelly who walked Into
tho sick room of Mickey Dolan. Mickey
lay there pale, with his eyes closed, and
heard Pat exclaim, "Mickey, it's 111 yo're
looking. Fwnt's tho matter wld yo?"
"Do you know that spalpeen av Wld
dy O'Brien's second hUBband?" asked
"That I do."
"Ho bet mo a "pound to a pint, I
couldn't schwaller an lgg wldout break
In' tho Bhell nv It."
"Did yo do it?"
"I did."
"Then fwnt's allln' yo?"
"It's down ther'," laying his hand on
his stomach. "It I Jump I'll break it
and cut mo stommuck wld tho shell. If
1 kapo quiet tho thing '11 hatch out, and
I'll havo a shanghai rooster clawin' my
lnsldes." Montreal Star.
Lucy Stone Blackwell, the" great In 1855, but
American reformer, was born Aug. 13,
1818, at West Brooksfleld, Mass., grad
uated In 1847 at Oberlln college, and at
once entered upon her career as a lec
turer and reformer, her specialty being
woman's rights. In 1848 sho was em
ployed by the Anti-Slavery society of
Massachusetts to deliver lectures In
various points of the eastern states
and Canada. Sho was married to
II. B. Blackwell of Cincinnati, Ohio,
maintained ner prom
inence as a public speaker and as
nn advocate In behalf of the individ
ual liberty of her own sex. She was
conspicuous In procuring the Organiza
tion of the Woman's Suffrage Associa
tion of the United States, and has as
sisted In the editorial management of
the Woman's Journal and other publica
tions Interested In woman's advance
ment and occasionally writes for tho
monthly magazines.
BMn'sFGDsin Gum,
Island scarcely a quarter of a mile
across, on which the French erected a
battery of thirty 28-pounders, which
they called Island Battery. The light
house stood In the northeast part and
near It were the magazines. The town
of Loulsburg was regularly laid out In
squares, with broad streets. Around
tho west entrance, where there was a
drawbridge, the French erected a bat-
Slieop in South Dakota.
A writer at Plcrro gives rather a fa
vorablo estimate ot tho sheep situation
In South Dakota. Ho says that flvo
years ago there wa3 a "sheep boom"
that flooded that country and reduced
tho price, and this "decline was moro
marked when the free wool talk fright
ened Bheep men." He says 50,000 is a
modcrato cstlmato ot tho number ot
sheep In that part of the statewm In
crease of GO per cent In the last two
years. Tho price fell from ?1 down to
$1.50 two years ago, and is now about
$2.50. The advance ia considered al
most exclusively on mutton. Tho nv
erago wool clip In that section Is about
six pounds per fleece, and last year tho
prlco was about 12 cents per pound.
Sheep men generally estimate wool to
pay tho expense ot keeping flocks and
their profit on mutton and Increase of
flock. Tho dry cllmato makes that
1 elate- especially .favorable to sheep.
mL nlnwn t.ltAM itlltllrCf ll O f ll A
1UQ IICIIV liwwi lutuns wu. m n.v
man of small meanB there Is no suror
and safer investment than a flock of
sheep in thnt part of tho northwest.
Northwestern Farmer.
A Dairy nation A writer in the
Jersey Bulletin gives his opinion of
tho best ration and treatment of milch
cows, it being based on nn experience
of fifteen years. Tho best ration I over
used was composed ot ono part peas,
two of corn, nnd four pf oats, well
mixed and ground together. Of this I
givo from eight to twelve quarts per
day, according to tho slzo of tho cow,
the liny, of course, Included. I give, In
nddition to tho abovo, about three
times a week, wheat bran all they
will eat besides tho parings of pota
toes, turnips, etc., from tho kitchen.
To mako a good, puro milk tho cow
must havo puro water. Kindness and
good shelter aro also prime necessities
In the management of a cow. Tho
finest Jersey would provo a falluro If
curried with a barb-wlro fence, no
matter what kind or how much feed
sho had.
Bheep In New Zealuml.
Mr. Robert Cobb of Now Zealand,
who has recently purchased In Eng
land some Itoraney Marsh sheop la
largo mutton breed) for export to New
Zealand, gives tho Kentish. Expres3
(England) an Interesting summary cf
hla vlowa on that sheep growing pnrt ot
tho world. They are of Interest to
American breeders for the reason that
tho strongest competition with Amer
ica In tho English markets, both In
J'.y .g;LiT,i..
Profitable Ago of a Hen.
It has been claimed that tho hen lays
tho largest number of eggs during her
first year, and sho Is moro profitable
then than at any other time. This view,
according to tho Poultry Keeper, Is n
mlstuken one. Tho first point to bo set
tled is, which Is tho first year of u
hen? It sho is hatched in the spring
sho will not lay until fall and If Bho
then lays a largo number of eggs by
tho end of tho next year, sho has really
been supported two years and laid dur
ing one your only. In other words sho
hns to bo raised from chlckenhood to
maturity before Bho begins to lay at all.
Her noxt or third year will be all the'
moro profitable for the reason that the
first cost of raising her will be propor
tionately reduced each year. Ex.
tery of thirteen 24-pounders, which com
pletely protected the city gate. At the
bottom ot the harbor stood the grand
royal battery, frowning with Its twenty
eight 42-poundeis and two 18-pounders.
France had been twenty-five years at
a cost of $G,000.000, In building this al
most invulnerable position. It was still
unfinished when war broke out in 1741
betweei France and England. Tho
French at Loulsburg attacked Nova
Scotia at once. Canso, wholly unpre
nared for such a movement, surren
dered at once without making any re
sistance. Gov. Shirley of Massachusetts
Immediately sent reinforcements to An
napolis in time to save It from shar
ing the same fate. Soon after the for
mal declaration of war by England was
received In the provinces nnd It pro
duced the greatest excitement. The
French on one hand and the Indians on
the other caused a great deal of alarm,
and called forth most vigorous efforts
for self-protection. Loulspurg was so
strongly fortified that Gov, Shirley,
though his heart was set upon captur
ing It. moved very cautiously, He de
cided that no regular siege would avail,
the town while the ships of his expedi
tion sailed out of the harbor. "Never
was a place more mauled with cannon
and shells," wrote Pepperrell to Shir
ley. "Neither have I read In history of
any troops behaving with greater cour
age. We gave them about 9,000 cannon
balls and 600 bombs."
When the news that Loulsburg was
taken reached Boston at night an up
roar of bells and cannon proclaimed it
to the sleeping city. Before the sun
rose the streets were lined with shout
ing crowds. New York nnd Philadel
phia hailed the news with Illumina
tions, ringing of bells, and firing of
cannon. When the Intelligence reached
London the lords of regency ordered
the guns In the tower to be fired. At
night London and adjacent towns were
ablaze with bonfires. Never did any
great victory on the continent fill Eng
land with more tumultuous Joy than
this conquest of Loulsburg by the pro
vincial troops.
The monument unveiled Is a Tuscan
column, about thirty feet high, sur
mounted by a cannon ball and stand
ing on a pedestal In the old King's bas
tion, on which are Inscriptions which
suitably commemorate an event so
famous In colonial annals. The die,
column, and ball aro all polished.
A Delicious Remedy
For all Forms of
OATJTIOX Sco that tha
namu llccmau 1 on eacb
I wrapper.
Kaib tablet contains ono
Krala puro pepsin. If tha
cum cannot bo obtained
from dealers, send & cents
la stamps for sample pnekago to
Iflllnnk St.. Clcreland, 0.
Crlelnators of Pepsin Chowlne Gum.
AVE iHe Children
teething djrrup.
Regulates the bowels: aultts dentition; cures dla
rnea and dysentery In the worst forms; cures
canker sore throat; Is a certain preventive o.f diph
theria; quiets and soothes all pain; invigorates the
stomach and bowels; corrects all acidity; will curt,
griping In the bowels and wind colic. Mothrrs try
this good safe Syrup. Prepared by the fMMEHT
fop your
Itufllans on Wheels.
States that have whlpplng-posto or
use flogging as part of tholr penal sys
tem are fortunately equipped for the
treatment of bicyclists who run over
people and then scurry off on their
wheels without apology or confession
of identity. Such persons, when caught,
might be materially benefited as to
tbelr manners by a few timely lashes
well laid op. It Is the sort of punish
ment which suits tholr contemptlWe of
fense. The newspapers tell of creatures
who run over little children, leaving
them where they fall, nnd whiz away
without a word, As a means of evad
ing responsibility for carelessness the
bicycle beats legs, horseflesh, or any
contrivance hitherto Invented, though
cases are recorded, and not Infrequent
ly, where the bicyclist Is the victim and
Is knocked down by careless boors in
wagons, who straightway whip up their
nags and disappear. Ex.
Any slie yon
want, to to tl
Indies h 1 g h.
Tlrei 1 to H In
ches w I d
hubs to fit an?
axie. n rm
Cost many
times In a sea
son to have t
of low wheels
to fit Your wagon
f orbaullntr
craln.fudder, man
ure, hoes, 1ft It p.
reletting of tires
Ctl'(tr. Addres
Gniptrciliri;. Co..
r. O. Dox 13, Qulncr 1U.
Waist II' II VI JP
One-third mora butter and ot higher
quality than by other known systems.
Btsesfrom 1 to IJOOCowi. Pampblst
Mailed Free. Agents Wanted
CO., Sole Usaafacturers, Chicago. 111.
isu Uinta mum. wliuc i u
B Boat Coosa Byron. Tastes Good. UND
3 In tune. Bold bydmtytsta, ,..,J.,
4 Si