Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 26, 1895, Image 1

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Zak visited Alliance
wwr. A. L. Muirhoad drove up
SSb( Alliauco with his wife" Mon-
Stratton the postmistress
was a Hemingford visitor
t1i 1 .1 T
vuruy uiunu uuwii nuiii
v -"
yo. "Wednesday evening
i few days stay.
rhe ladies of tho Congregation
church will servo ice cream at
4fy i court house to-night.
flew L. G. Burleigh and daugh-
v" of nushvillo, were visiting
v. Xendull and family last week.
i H. and Mrs. Smith drove up
om Alliauco Sunday and spout
i f day visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Photos. $2.50 per dozen, ,Call
and give us a trial.
Welch & Santee.
John Posvar one of tho Ilgn-
ald's readors in Lawn precinct
was doing 'business in town Wed
nesday. Tho Base Ball team will givo a
Jrst-class dance Tuesday even
ing, at the court house. Turn
out and have a good time.
Dunlap and Mirago ball teams
, xJnyed a game last Saturday on
;tuo former's grounds. The cheese
makers won by a score of 31 to 32.
Mr. and Mrs. Watsabaugh have
, v oen visiting friends in tho city
s i ' the past weok. They returnod to
"4 ' Jl tl1rjlJQUlo,11't,clani,larChurJsi
0 unty.. Clerk Noal and family
ard Ftank Martin and wife are
spen. ting tlio weok camping out at
Hot Springs. They droyo over
l 'a last weok.
in Miller and wife of Al
' a ? visited the former's parents
'irst of tho weok. Melvin is
jnsl recovering from a very severe
iego of the mumps.
Superintendent Fillmore con
tributed $3.00 on subscription last
wee. His brother Prof. J. R.
Fillmore, Walker, Iowa, is also a
vlv of this family journal.
"i'"r Vay Loer was taken sud-
' Sunday night. Her con-
.v s critical for several dayB,
i d. 1 tho skillful treatment of
;ackburn, is slowly rccover-,'ii-ok
Brennan of Hartwell,
-I. ;i iit 1 .1 1
i eu., ruos, xuuuiusuei piuubu
id $-1 50 for a years subscription
t ho Hehald." Mr. Brennan
as real estate interests in this
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McLaughlin
nd Miss Noll of Marsland visited
in Hemingford Tuesday, guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Tash Mr. McLaugh
lin and Colonel Ta&h called at
these domocratio headquarters.
Harry L. Bartlctt of Dunlap,
brother of Sheriff Bartlett, was in
tlo city Tuesday and shipped
,0u0 pounds of wool, this years
:p, from 135 sheep. Mr. Bart-
.ett is a pushing, hard working
1 jung farmer.
Miss Zelia Hazelton, ono of tho
Crawford teachers, came in on
Wednesday morning's train from
Lincoln whore sho has been at-
,1 ending a summer school at tho
iiuio uuiversiiy. ono wiu visit
W, for a time with Mr. Fenner's at
? a i. . . ni mi
J), II. Smith the ever pleasant
md eflicient night man at the de-
r por nas Deon promotea to tho day
qui, ac xiroKen uow. Vo are
leased to note D. II.'s success as
$ is worthy of it, S. B. Walleck
f-opithe southern division takes"
'Jiis place.
Dr. Haller, dentist, tho 31st.
Mr. R. S. Shipley of Liberty
was a county seat visitor Mqn
cay. .
A marriago liconso was issued
this week to John H, Clark and
Miss Armcda Squibb.
Mabel Curtis was takon' so sick
Tuesday that tho services of Dr.
Blackburn were necessary,
for tho next ten days of Welch &
Santee. Opposite Green's hard
ware store.
Don't forgot to bring yourself
and lady to tho court house next
Tuesday evening, and enjoy
F. B. Adams a former resident
of this place but now of Hill City,
S D., is in town shaking hands
with old tiino friends:
Ico cream and cake to-night.
Tho quality is sure to bo good
becauso it will bo served by tho
Congregational ladies.
B. A. McCarthy, tho only re
publican left at Berea, was in
town yesterday. Mac has been
under tho weather a little, lately.
Tho Modem Woodmen placed a
lino new chest in thoir hall this
weok. Tho lodge is growing in
membership and is in a flourishing
Gentlemen Welch & Santee
will take a picture of tho Instsi
tuto next Tuesday afternoon at
1:30 o'clock sharp. Lot all bo
promptly on time as you can
not expect to bo shot unless you
are there.
The Herald is sending out a
week, but not for the urposo of
forcing it on anyone. Should
you receive a copy, read and
hand to your neighbor; no bill
will follow.
W. C. Mounts sojourned in Al
liance Sunday. Will is a full
fledged candidate for sheriff, sub
ject to the decision of tho republi
can convention. He is a first-clas3
fellow and has tho confidence and
esteem of all his friends, and they
are numerous.
No ono would think by seeing
Mat Kratky that he is, of an inven
tive turn of mind, but nevertheless
Mat has a thinker and uses it too.
This week ho received from Tho
Scientific American, a patent
which they had secured for him
upon an invention for a cooking
apparatus. It is very simple, being
a kind of kettle with an internal
cover, for cooking all kinds of veg
etables, such us peas, beans, lintel
etc., without breaking them in any
way. The contrivance will doubt
less provo a very useful household
article and Mat is jubilant over
his prospects of realizing a neat
littlo sum for tho invention.
24a.raa.xici Items,
Tho Misses Poole, Diokoy and
Boll are attending the Institute in
Mrs. Vincent and Mrs Wootton
spent several daysx last week on
Willow Creek visiting .with Mrs.
McMillan, and gathering' blue ber
ries. Rev. J. B. Currons of Omaha
and Mr. Card a student of the
State University, were visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Wootton Monday and
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and Mrs. B.
B. Gregg attended a birthday
party last Tuesday given in honor
of Mr. Simon Wright at his homo
in Belmont.
Mr. Felix Poole, an old soldier,
died at his homo in Marsland July
12th. The funeral services were
ponducted by Rev. Wright in tho
Baptist church; thero was a largo
attendance. " ;
Alliance News.
Claud Nichols has been on tho
sick list this Moek. MisB Marshall
has been assisting in 'tho post of
fice in the meanwhile
Rev. Currons, formerly of
Crawford and now of Omaha, was
in tho city Tuesday. Ho is tho
Stato Sunday School organizer.
Mrs. Duval and two daughters
havo been visiting her sistor Mrs,
Mitchell for tho past two weeks
il is General Passenger
tho( L. & N. 11. It. fiud"
Mr. Duval
A cent for
thoir homo is in Tennesseo.
Judge A. W. Agce of Aurora,
general Attorney for tho B &Mqu
this division was in town last- Sat
urday. Ho was collecting evi
dence in tho caso of Barker vs tho
B & M in a suit for damages caus
ed by firo.
The baby of Mr and Mrs P. F.
Collins who was accidently poison
ed a short tiino ago,-died on Tues
day morning, and was buried
Wednpsday. It was a sad caso
and tho sympathies of tho com
munity are with tho family.
Marshal M. A. Shay went out to
his farm over in Box Butto pre
cinct last Sunday. Ho reports
that corn and potatoes arc- doing
fine, but that small prain is about
"done up." Ho has 35 acres of
corn from which ho hopes to har
vest a good crop.
William Hough returned from
Omaha, Tuesday whoro liomado
arrangements for opening up tho
fourth saloon in Alliance, in tho
building just south of tho Bank
of Alliance. He will movo his
family down from Edgomont as
soon as he gets to running.
First services woro hold in the
now Episcopal chapel last Sunday.
Tho building is a most neat and
tasty one, costing a littlo over
$1,000, $500. of which was donat'-.qdlbyJih0-3isUop.It.i8
for excopt $47. Tho efforts of
Rev. Bobbins and his congrega
tion in securing this chapal aro
worthy of tho highest commenda
tion. Post Master Nichols has for
warded a petition to tho Depart
ment asking for permission to re
movo tho post oflico from its pres
ent location to a building acro.ns
the street, whoro negotiations aro
ponding for the erection of a brick
building. Outrageous rents and
pea nut roasters are assigned as
the causes for a chango of location ,
and the importance of tho City de
mands a more metropolitan stylo
for a post oflico.
Attorney W. A. Ha.mpton has
in hand tho settlement of a very
largo English estate, involving
lands in Iowa, Kansas, and Neb
raska. Tho business connected
with it will probably require his
making a trip to England this
fall. There aro several hundred
thousands of dollars involved,
and tho parties interested were
fortunato in securing tho sox'vic
es of an attornoy who is thour
o uglily informed in tho mattor
of western lands and who has
tho ability to push tho caso
through successfully hi tho in
terest of his clients.
A mooting of tho directors of tho
Box Butto county Agricultural so
ciety is called at tho court houso
for Wednesday, July 31st, at 2
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
deciding upon an exhibit at tho
state fair. A. Sheiiwood, Pros.
Tho Herald and tho Omaha
semi-weekly World-Herald both
ono year for $1.75, cash. Sub
cribo now.
For the nextlO days. -
Cabinets $2.50 per dozon,
Groups, 15 cts for each
Additional porson.
Gallory south of tho
Farmors Homo.
Welch & Santee.
Tho Iustitutooponod Monday
with tho samo instructors as last
year imd with an onrollmont of
lifty-six. In this western coun
try tho summer instituto is the on
ly opportunity tho teacher has of
Obtaining class work for gaining
hqw lcnowledgo in tho lino of his
profession, consequently tho
majority of tho teachers aro horo
ready and willing and anxious to
learn. Supt. Fillmore with his
usual good judgmont, foro-saw
all this and selected some of tho
best instructors to bo had in tho
state. Mr. B. G. Moulton, as
tho conductor, has tho conlidonco
and esteem of every ono with
whom ho comes in contact, wheth
er it is tho teacher in tho class or
tho citizen. His work merits tho
closest attention of ovary mom
her of his classes. Ho ranks is
one, oJlio foremost educational
loafrox-s in tho state a.nd ho can
not fail to bo 11 great factor in
raising tho standard of our
Mrs. Muirhead's work needs
no commeudation. Sho lifts has
charge of tho classes in reading,
history, geography and grammar,
and tho happy sruilo that ilium
minates tho faces of tho toachors
when tho timo comes for her rec
itations, spoak in praiso of her
work, moro than any words can.
Sho lias tho happy faculty, (that
every successful teachor must
havo) of inspiring an interest and
a lovo for tho work, in tho heart
of every pupil.
Prof. W. R. Sidcrs, in his own
inimitable way, conducts his
classes, in that hapjjy style that
predominates in his character.
His work is interesting in pen
manship and drawing and a largo
majority of tho toachors aro tak
advautago of tho instruction in
these branches.
State Supt. H. R. Corbett was
present all day Tuesday and lec
tured in tho Congregational
church, to a largo and apprecia
tivo audience in the 'evening. Ho
digressed from the usual run of
topics and took for his text a se
lection from Holmes "Build thee
moro stately mansions O my soul"
Ho enlarged upon this and gavo
a very interesting talk upon na
ture study. His address -will
leave food for thought for a long
timo, in tho minds of thoso who
listened to it. Mr. Corbett seoms
to bo a gentleman and a scholar
in tho fullest senso of tho word
and he has high aspirations for
the schools of Nobraska.
To much can not bo said in
praise of Supt. Fillmore, who is
putting forth every effort in his
power, for the betterment of tho
teachers and tho schools in Box
Butto county. May ho continue
in his oxcollont work and ho will
bo rewarded both now and hero
Miss Hamilton who is ono of
our thorough teachers, does not
expect to teach this year.
Mrs, Gilletto, of Belmont,
Dawes county, one of Box Butto's
former teachers, is attending tho
Mr. Moulton enjoys a now Co
lumbia, this year, and bids fair
to become quite a graceful ridor
in timo His cap looks like an
"ico splitter" on a Missouri river
Tho llomingfprd nigh School
is woll roprosonted at tho Insti
tute, thoro bding sixteen of tho
pupils in attendance. Tho in
structors speak in praiso of thoir
work, of which wo aro pleased
to hoar.
Supt. Sidor Hpoko, in tho Con
gregational church, to tho teach
ers Wednesday ovoning. His
subjoct was, "Tho duties of pa
rents, pastors a'nd churches to
tho school." Mr. SJdors is an
interesting speaker,
Teacher What is
est on $1.50 for ono
per cent?
Pupil -15 cents.
T k aciieu Correct
Teacher If you
tho inter
year at 10
had $1,50
what would you invest it in?
Pupil A yoar's subscription
to The Hemingford Herald.
Teacher Why? ' , " '
Pupil Because The Herald
Srints all the news and is tho
est papor in Box Butto County.
Teacher Correct.
Scene: An up stairs
room in a village hotel.
Characters: A small
foatured good looking
noiitt aoout zu years 01 ago, sox,
male, ditto as abovo, only about
7 stone moro extensive in avoir
dupois, thoso insido tho room, on
tho outsido a porson, .with a sharp
soprano voico, whom tho repor
ter did not soo.
Act I, from tho outsidp.
Rap, Rap, Rap, Tap, Tap, Tap,
in quick succession.
In a grotto voico, from tho in.
Good morning, Good morni'm
como right in!
Shrill sliriok from outlM
Oh!!! No I won't do any. such
thing; rapid exit from outsido
down stairs, on tho inside under
thp bed.
Act H, at tho breakfast table
a few minutes later.
Cold, stern, soul freezing
stares, perfect silence.
C. L. Snodokor.
H. E. Pinkorton.
Mrs. Gillott.
Carrio Bissell.
Lillio Dickney.
Annio Gadsby.
May Davis.
Fannie Gorber.
C. M. Jonps.
Pearl Broshar.
Dora Rohdor.
Inice McCorlcJo.
Georgia Miller.
Laura McCutchin
Mattio Roberts
A. C. Reynolds
J. Baumgardner
Mrs. Blanchard
Lyndon Pierco
Jossio Frow
Nollio Harris
M. Baumgardner
N. Goodenough.
Dolla Reed
Estolla Taylor
Lillio Johnson
Francis Crowthor
James Waisnor
Ethel Crowthor
J. P. Hazard.
Bollo Sparks.
V. Curtis.
Susio Frnzier.
Sophia Roll.
Jennie Evans.
Fred Ruhtor.
L. B. Fonnor.
Rosa Parkin.
Arvilla Snow.
(A. Muirhead.
Ma ad Daws.
Addio Poole.
Annie Ellis
Iola Dovorq
Anna Ward
Art Davis
Anna Neel and
Ed. Reynolds
S. A. Curtis
W.E. Waisnor
Lulu Blair
D. Eborly
Lena Jay
Edna Johnson
Mary Gill
Ethel Kennett
R. Bevan
Chas. Lockwood
Tho following teachers havd
boon employed to presido over
schools In uiis and surrounding
May Davis, Dist. 12,
C. L. Snodokor, Dist. 15.
Lilllo Johnson, Duel county,
Voliloy Curtis, Olds' district.
Rosa Parkin, Schnrff district,
Minnie Bnumgardiigr., Nonpa
reil. ' , '
. Estolla Taylor, Diajr. 47, Dawefl
county. '
Josso Frow, Reed school, dis
trict No. L. ' , '
Mattio Roberts, Shipley dis
trict, No. 51.
Lulu Blair has been reemploy
ed at Box Butto.
Suso Fra.ior, Prairio Flower
school district No. 1J.
Mrs. Gillott, Dist. 82, Dawes
county, near Belmont.
Laura McOutoheon, Disk d,
south wost of Alliauco.
Maud Daws takes charge of '
tho grammar department of tho
Alliauco school
Carrie Bisp.eil will teach a ' fall
term in Sheridan county and this
winter in district No. 6, tho Rob
inson sclr Dl.
Miss Ncoland romainn in tho
intermediate room at Heming
ford. Mrs. Blanchard taker,
c'hargo of tho primary dopart'
mont. . '
Mr. Sidors will' have charge of
tho Alliance School again' this,
year, which speaks woll for tho
good judgment of tho Alliance
school board.
Recordon L. B. Fonnor, an
old Qhiidron. boy, who.,spr veil as
principal in the' Hemingford'
schools last year, has boeu re
olcqted to that position for tho
coming year. L. B. is a ( good
educator and deserves this rec
ognition of his abilities.
Mr. Moulton will of course stay
at York. From all reports ho is
as woll liked there as he is hero,
and that being tho caso wo sup
pose York will keep him forever
or at least as long as ho will
stay. For such men as B. G.
Moulton thero is a higher placo
and it is only a mattor of timo
until ho will bo called to fill it.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert attended
Prof. Corbotfs lecture, Tuesday.
Henry Hoffman and family
siarioa ior jxorxoiK. nod., jlOHr t
aay last.
fettPtrLUSnodekor is
iiiir. a forfiritrht at tho
douujyt, withjihe profession
al educators. - VK; K- '
John A. Wijsoirha's been -puinV
bored with tho sick tliepast fow1
days but at this writing isf fovr
ly recovering.
Wm. Randolph has returned to
his first lovo Box Butto County
af tor spending sovoral months
in tho mountains.
G. M. Banks will teach in thq
Hughes district .'the coming fall
and winter. As a teacher, G.
M. has nosuporiors in this "neck
o' tho woods."
H. C. Hoffman our popular
blacksmith, is remodeling his
shop and putting in some now
machinery, which his increasin
business demands.
Mrs. A. Spen cor is down from
Gillette, Wyo., visiting old ac
quaintances and to make proof
on a fine quartor section of lanrk
just east of this placo, her dau
lor Clairo accompanies her.
Tho ground has been broPtjn).
ior me now iu. xu. anurcn. '
structure is to be 20x40 1
rno cnurcn extension soo
havo promised aid and Rev. Cajg
giugivo ino woricnis peisgnji
supervision. a;
Thero seems to bo quite ',rovK
mg senumonc in mis p'QQinov.
among tho pops, in favo1 0JP4P
uty Clork Johnson for thferkj
ship. Ben has friends oifjerjliora
by. the score who aro rvtuciQA'
Miss Collins finished hqr school
in Sioux county and cam5 ,down
to attond tho Institute.
TOW!- J 'jnhrorfS4l'L.t ' -. M
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ru iyevao
Sf . 3
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give him a boost for
JwiLrJr 'J
f .a
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