The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 15, 1958, Image 3

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WANTEID: Houses, Apartments, and the
Names and Addresses of people who are
looking for a place to stay; and for people
who want to rent an apartment. Call
HA 0800. _
The birth of a new car, the Ed
sel, Is announced by Ford Motcn
Company of Dearborn, Michi
gan. You are cordially invited
to see this newest addition to
the Ford Family of Fine Cars
at your nearest Ed*el dealer.
In loving memory of my dear
wife and wother, Mary L. Ash
ley. A silent thought, a secret
tear keeps her memory ever
dear, who passed away Septem
ber 4th, 1956.
Thomas J. Ashley
1941 No. 23rd St.
FOR RENT: 1 large 3 room un
furnished apartment. Priced
right for the right family.
Owner will accept children if
they are under good control.
Call HA. 0900._
FOR RENT; 1 3-room unfurn
ished apt. Near school North
of Lake St. Call HA. 0900.
FOR RENT: 2 lovely room apt.
All furnished ready to move
in. North of Lake. St. Call the
Omaha Guide office, HA.
0800 or HA. 0801.
FOR RENT: A 2 room furnish
ed Apt. for a working couple.
Call WE. 3372. All utilities
paid by owner.
FOR RENT: 1 3 roomTurnishod
apt. at 28th St. and Pratt. Call
PL. 3165.
FOR RENT: 1 2 room furnished
apartment on two bus lines.
Close to 24th & Lake St. Call
HA. 0800. _.
FOR RENT: 1 3-room furnished
apartment north of Lake St.
All utilities paid by owner.
Only $15.00 per week. Call
HA. 0800.
FOR RENT: 1 2-room unfurn
Ished apartment north of
Lake St. Will accept children
and A.D. mother. Call HA.
FDR RENT: 1 6-room unfurn
ished apartment north of
Lake St. Will accept children.
Also A.D. mothers. Call HA.
0800. _ _
FOR RENT: Large room and
living room with kitchen use
for $12.50 per week. Utilities
paid by owner. Call PL. 7401.
Located at 2611 Bristol St.
Walter Brown, owner.
FOR RENT: A 3 room room fur
nished Apt. Call PL. 9186,
FOR RENT: 1 large sleeping
room for working man or wo
man. In a lovely home with
use of kitchen. Located at
2611 Bristol St. Call PL. 7401.
Walteer Brown, owner._
United States Civil Service
Commission. Board of U. S.
Civil Service Examiners.
U. S. Army Engineer District,
1709 Jackson Street
Omaha 2, Nebraska
FOR KENT: 4 single rooms fur
nished for working man or
woman. Utilities paid by,
owner. 1 block from 24th and
Lake St. Rent only $8 per
week. Call PL. 7017 before 8
a.m. or after 4 p.m. From 8:30
am. to 4 p.m. Call PL. 0304.
The Board of Civil Service
Examiners, U. S, Army Engin
eer District, Omaha, Nebraska,
has announced an examination
few Messenger, GS-1, at a sala
ry of $2690 per year. Employ
ment opportunities exist In the
Corps of Engineers in Omaha,
Messenger duties include col
lecting and delivering mail,|
carrying messages, and dlstri
huting stationery and other of
fice supplies.
Those interested In a posi
tion as Messenger should con
tact th.- Civil Service Repre
sentative at the local Post Of
fice for application blanks and
further information.
male or female, from this area,
wanted to service and collect
from automatic vending ma
chines. No selling. Age not
essential. Car, references,
and $600 working capital
necessary. 7 to 12 hours week
ly nets to $250 monthly. Pos-,
sibility full time work. For
local interview give full par
ticulars, phone. Write P. O.
Box 70M, Mpls. 11, Minn.
FOR RENT: 4 large furnished
rooms. All utilities paid by
owner. 1 block off of 24th and
Lake St. Front and rear en
trance for only $17.50 per
week. Call PL. 7067 or PL
FOR RENT: 2 full size rooms
and 1*4 size room unfurnish
ed at 2517 North 20th St. |
Owner pays all utilities. On-1
ly $13.50 per week. Call JA.I
7563. __ I
FOR RENT: For single man or
working woman, one large
furnished room. One block
from 2 Bus lines. Use of kit
chen. HA. 0800.
FOR RENT: 3 lovely furnished
rooms, 2 blocks from school.
All utilities paid by owner.
Only $15.00 per week. HA.
FOR SALE: Bought an apart
ment have now found him
self with too many refrigera
tors, want to sell one large
gas refrigerator. Price $75.
Cost $350 seven years ago.
HA. 0800.
leather and lose 2 or 3 days
work looking for a room or
an apartment All you need
to do Is to call HA. 0800. We
have the right place for the
right person. Just call th<j
Omaha Guide, HA. 0600.
FOR R&HT; 15 room house.
Call Mrs. Williams. JA. 2631.
FOR RENT: 2 2-room furnished
apartment Call HA. 0600.
FOR RENT: 1 furnished 2-room
apartment. All utilities paid
by owner. Call HA. 0600.
FOR RENT: One 5-room apart
ment, unfurnished. Will ac
cept children under good con
trol. Private entrance and pri
vate bath. Very reasonable.
Call HA. 0800.
CHILD CARE: My home - close
to school. Reasonable. Meals.
PR. 4284. _
National Firm needs an op
erator to service a Cigarette Ma-1
chine route. Established. Part
or full time will net you from
$200 to $600 monthly. Depend
ability, Honesty and capital
isecured) - $1600 to $2800 will
qualify you for an interview.
Please write to Sheridan Enter
prises, 711 W. Lape St., 509
Calhoun Bldg., Minneapolis 8.
WANTED: Several women. Un
der 50 who enjoy meeting
public. Earn up to $5 an
hour with Studio Girl. Full
or part time In your neighbor
hood. No experience requir
ed. Phone HA. 2246.
FOR RENT: Kitchenette apart
ment. Phone JA. 5257.
FOR RENT: Nice warm apart
ment for employed adults.
Reasonable. Phone 3165.
Apt. Pvt. entrance and bath.
Call AT. 9671 or WE. 4892.
FOR RENT: 3 rooms unfurnish
ed apt. near car line. Call AT.
FOR RENT: 5 room house. HA.
Unfurnished apt. for rent. AT.
Women sew easy ready-cut
wrap-a round aprons at home.
Earn $26.16 dozen - spare time.
Write • Accurate Mfgr’s., Free
port, New York.
APTS. FOR RENT: Furnished
or unfurnished. AT. 8927.
Nebraska State
Medical Association
fhe Seventh Annual Senior
M ?dieal Day will be held on
March 18, 19S8, at the Hotel
Paxton in Omaha.
This program is presented
under the auspices of the Ne
braska State Medical Associ
ation and its Rural Medical
Servfce Committee.
Guests for this day-long pro
gram will be the 148 senior
medical students from the
Creighton University School of
Medicine and the University of
Nebraska College of Medicine.
The talks, which will be given
by practicing physicians, will
I discuss the art of the practice
I of medicine, medical ethics, the
I doctor's obligation to his com
! munity, and his role in volun
tary health insurance, and oth
er allied subjects. Several other
speakers will discuss medical
economics and the role of the
pharmaceutical representative
in the physician's practice.
Speakers for the program, |
who are largely general prac
tltioners, will come from all
parts of the state to participate
in this event. Members of the
faculty are Dr. M. E. Grier,
Omaha; Dr. W. C. Kenner, Ne
braska City; Dr. Walter Reiner,
Holdrege; Dr. A. J. Offerman,
Omaha; Dr. W. Max Gentry,
Gering; Dr. Fay Smith, Imperi
al; Dr. J. E. M. Thomsen, Lin
coln; Dr. E. A. Rogers, Lincoln;
and Dr. Charles F. Ashby, Gen
eva1. Other speakers include Mr.
M. K. Mills, Waterloo, Iowa, and
Mr. Harvey Hallum, Evansville,
A banquet will be held at the
conclusion of the afternoon
program with each table being
hosted by a practicing physi
cian from the out-state area.
Over the past years the pro
gram has proved to be very
popular among the senior medi
cal students and Is now an an
nual function of the Rural Med
ical Service Committee.
The program is designed to i
acquaint the students with the
virtues and merits of rural
Lucille Washington
Mrs. Lucille Washington, age
45 years, of 2424 Charles St
expired Monday, Febr. 10, 1958
at a local hospital.
A native of Hopkinsville, Ky.,
she has been an Omaha resi
dent 25 years.
She is survived by her hus
band. Perry Washington of
Omaha; 3 daughters, Mrs. Doris
Bern ore of Oklahoma City. Glor
ia Jean Washington and Gladys
Charlene Washington of Oma
ha; 5 sons, Perry, Jr., William,
Marshall, Tyrone of, Omaha
and Donald of Newport, R. I.; 7
grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs.
Noley Gray and Mrs. Mary Eli
za Hunt of Hopkinsville, Ky.; 2
brothers, Gobel Gant and Dan
Gant of Hopkinsville.,.. Ky.;
nephew, Dallas Gant of N.Y.C.,
N.Y.; niece, Mrs. Ann Reeves of
Toledo, Ohio, and a host of oth
er relatives.
Funeral services were held
Monday Febr. 17. 1958 at 2:00
p.m. from the Pilgrim Baptist
Church with the Rev. Charles
Favors officiating assisted by
the Rev. J. W. Rogers. Inter
ment was at Mt. Hope Ceme
Pallbearers Messers. P. H.
Norvell. Nathan Daniel, Jessie
Franklin and J. W. Dacus.
Myers Bros. Funeral Service.
Loraine White
Mrs. Loraine White, age 55
years, of 2209 No. 28 Ave., ex
pired Saturday Febr. 8, 1958 at
a local hospital.
A native of Tyler, Texas, she
has been a resident of Omaha
for 27 years.
She is survived by her hus
band, Wesley, Sr. of Omaha; 4
sons, Wesley, Jr., James Ed
ward, Clifford L. and William
of Omaha; 5 daughters, Mrs.
Lillian M. Hawkins of Los An
geles, Mrs. Dorothy Mae Alex
ander of Omaha, Mrs. Velma J.
Marion of Los Angeles, Mrs.
Evelyn L. Liggins of San Fran-,
cisco and Mrs. Etta Mae Pace of
Omaha; 4 sisters; 27 grand
Funeral services were held
Wednesday Febr. 12, 1958 at
2:00 p.m. from the Church of
God in Christ, 2318 No. 26 St.,
with Elder M. J. Bradford of
ficiating assisted by Elder E.
Halcomb, Elder M. Chambers,
Eider F. G. Price, Elder B. T.
McDaniels and Elder R. Craw
ford. Interment was at Forest
Lawn Cemetery.
Pallbearers Messers. O. L.
Reed, C. Artry, H. Kimsey and
L. Lawson.
Myers Bros. Funeral Service.
Compton Wheeler
Compton Wheeler, age 71
years, of 2302 Grace St., expir
ed Wednesday Febr. 26, 1958 at*
a local hospital.
A native of Oklahoma, Miss.,
he was an Omaha resident 41
He is survived by his cousin,
Mr. Theotis Glass of Omaha.
Funeral services were held
Saturday March 1, 1958 at 10:00
a m. from the Myers Funeral
Home Chapel with Rev. F. C.
Williams officiating. Interment
was at Mt. Hope Cemetery.
Minimum Beet Wages
Set at 70 to 80 Cents
Minimum wages ranging
from 70 to 80 cents an hour for
sugar beet field workers In
California, Southern Oregon,
and Western Nevada have been
set by the U. P. Department of
The wage provisions are the
same as those for 1957. Hourly
rates must not be less than 75
cents for thinning, hoeing, or
weeding sugar beets and 80
cents for pulling, topping, load,
ing, or gleaning, except In the
Imperial Valley where the rates
for these operations are 70 and
75 cents respectively.
To qualify for payments un
der the Sugar Act, producers
cannot pay less than the wages
set by the U. S. Department of
Agriculture after public hear
ings. These rates were set fol
lowing a public hearing in
Berkeley, Calif., on Nov. 1. In
recent years wage rates have
exceeded the minimum.
Josephine Mitchell
Mrs. Josephine Mitchell, age
61 years, of 1835 No. 23 St., ex
pired Wednesday morning Febr.
18, 1958 at a local hospital.
A native of Platte Co., Mo.,
she has been a resident of Om
aha 19 years.
She is survived by her sis
ter, Mrs. Mazie Gilmore of Los
Angeles, Calif.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday Febr. 25, 1958 at 2:00
p.m. from the Myers Funeral
Home Chapel with Rev. F. C.
Williams officiating. Interment
was at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Pallbearers Messers. Otis
House, Alfern Geary,J. C. Avery,
J. T. Saunders and Adam Lee.
Myers Funeral Service.
to service a route of CIGARETTE machines. No
selling or soliciting. 1 Routes are established for
operator. Full or part time. Up to $360 per month
to start. $1,100 to $2,200 cash required which is
secured. Must have capital and desire to eventually
operate in $19,000 annual net business. Write, giving
full particulars and phone number to American Vik
ing Ffg. Co., 1513 Foshay Tower, Mpls., 2, Minnesota.
Responsible person, male or female, from this area, to
service and collect from automatic dispensers. No selling.
Age not essential. Car, references, and $700.00 working
capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets up to $300.00
monthly. Possibility fulltime work.
FOR LOCAL INTERVIEW give full particulars, your phone num
ber. Write Oepl. MO-1, P. O. Box 8047, Miracle Mile Station.
Minneapolis 16, Minn.