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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1958)
-CLASSIFIEDS WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people who are looking for a place to stay; and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call HA 0800. ■w. ■ , - - . ■ ■ —- ■ —■ --- I BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ‘The birth of a new car, the Ed j wl, ta announced by Ford MotoC 'Company of Dearborn, Michi gan. You are cordially Invited to see this newest addition to the Ford Family of Fine Cars at your nearest Eds-?1 dealer. ASHLEY In loving memory of my dear wife and wother, Mary L. Ash ley. A silent thought, a secret tear keeps her memory ever dear, who passed away Septem ber 4th, 1956. Thomas J. Ashlev 1841 No. 23rd St. FOR RENT: 1 large 3-room un furnished apartment. Priced right for the right family. Owner will accept children if they are under good control. Call HA. 0800._ FOR RENT: 1 3-room unfurn ished apt. Near school North Of Lake St. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 2 lovely room apt. All furnished ready to move in. North of Lake. St. Call the Omaha Guide office, HA. 0800 or HA. 0801. FOR RENT: A 2 room furnish ed Apt. for a working couple. Call WE. 3372. All Utilities paid by owner. «-■ ■ ■ ■ .... ... » ■' FOR RENT: 1 3-room furnished apt. at 28th St and Pratt. Call PL. 3165. FOR REN^T: 1 2 room furnished apartment on two bus lines. Close to 24th A Lake St. Call HA. 0800. __ FOR RENT: 1 3 room furnished apartment north of Lake St. All utilities paid by owner. Only $15.00 per week. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT; 1 2 room unfurn ished apartme'-' north of Lake St. Will accept children a.D. I.iOvh* -. Ca.I HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 1 6-room unfurn ished apartment north of Lake St. Will accept children. Also A.D. mothers. Call HA. 0800. __ FOR RENT: Large room and living room with kitchen use for $12.50 per week. Utilities paid by owner. Call PL. 7401. Located at 2611 Bristol St. Walter Brown, owner._ FOR RENT: A 3 room room fur nished Apt. Call PL. 9186. FOR RENT: 1 large sleeping room for working man or wo man. In a lovely home with use of kitchen. Located at 2611 Bristol St. Call PL. 7401. Walteer Brown, owner. NOTICE Halted States Civil Service Commission. Board of 3. S. Civil Service Examiners, U. S. Army Engineer District Omaha 1709 Jackson Street Omaha 2. Nebraska FOR RENT: 4 single rooms fur nished for working man or woman. Utilities paid by, owner. 1 block from 24th and Lake St. Rent only $8 per week. Call PL 7017 before 8 a.m. or after 4 p.m. From 8:30 am. to 4 pan. Call PL. 0304. The Board of Civil Service Examiners, U. S. Army Engin eer District, Omaha, Nebraska, has announced an examination for Messenger, GS-1, at a sala ry of $2690 per year. Employ ment opportunities exist in the Corps of Engineers in Omaha, Nebraska. Messenger duties include col lecting and delivering mail, carrying messages, and distri buting stationery and other of fice supplies. Those interested in a posi tion as Messenger should con tact the Civil Service Repre sentative at the local Post Of fice for application blanks and further information. RESPONSIBLE PERSON male or female, from this area, wanted to service and collect from automatic vending ma chines. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and $600 working capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours week ly nets to $250 monthly. Pos-( sibility full time work. For local interview give full par ticulars, phone. Write P. O. Box 7004, Mpls. 11. Minn. FOR RENT: 4 large furnished rooms. All utilities paid by owner. 1 block off of 24th and Lake St. Front and rear en trance for only $1750 per week. Call PL. 7067 or PL, 0304.___ FOR RENT: 2 full size rooms and Hi size room unfurnish ed at 2517 North 20th St. Owner pays all utilities. On ly $13.50 per week. Call JA. 7563. FOR RENT: For single man or working woman, one large furnished room. One block from 2 Bus lines. Use of kit chen. HA 0600._____ FOR SENT: 3 lovely furnished rooms, 2 blocks from school. All utilities patd by owner. Only $15.00 per week. HA. 0800. FOR SALE: bought an apart ment have now found him self with too many refrigera tors, want to sell one large gas refrigerator. Price $75. Cost $350 seven years ago. HA. 0600. WHY WEAR OUT YOUR SHOE leather and lose 2 or 3 days work looking for a room or an apartment. All you need to do is to call HA. 0800. We have the right place for the right person. Just call th^ Omaha Guide, HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 1-5 room house. Call Mrs. Williams. JA. 2631. FOR RENT: 2 2-room furnished apartment. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 1 furnished 2-room apartment. All utilities paid by owner. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: One 5-room apart ment, unfurnished. Will ac cept children under good con trol. Private entrance and pri vate bath. Very reasonable. Call HA. 0800. CHILD CARE: My home - close to school. Reasonable. Meals. PR. 4284. OPPORTUNITY MEN or WOMEN Responsible person, mole or female, from this area, to service and collect from outomotfc dispensers. No so Meg Age not essentia!. Cor, references, and $700.00 working capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets up to $300.00 monthly. Possibility fulltime work. POR LOCAL INTERVIEW give full particulars, yoor phoste mmm bar. Write Dept. MO-1. P. O. box *047. Miracle Mtfe StaAen. Minneapolis 16^ Minn. ~ 'nnnfnYIVrt MAN OR WOMAN National firm has openings for Operators to service Cigarette Machine Routes. Capital from $1600 to $2400 needed to finance business. This is secured primarily by inventory. \Ve will establish and train, and our program assures you of continued coopera tion. Part to full time available which will net you from $200 to $600 monthly. And whether you are accepted or not you may be assured of fair and courteous treatment. Qualifications including the above, are a car, and dependability and honesty. Please write SHERIDAN ENTERPRISES, 711 W. Lake St., 509 Calhoun Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn., stating qualifications, phone number and references. •...,: MAN OB WOMAN National Firm needs an op erator to service a Cigarette Ma chine route. Established. Part or full time will net you from $200 to $600 monthly. Depend ability, Honesty and capital • secured) - $1600 to $2800 will qualify you for an interview. Please write to Sheridan Enter prises, 711 W. Lape St.. 509 Calhoun Bldg., Minneapolis 8. Minn. WANTED: Several women. Un der 50 who enjoy meeting public. Earn up to $5 an hour with Studio Girl. Full or part time in your neighbor hood. No experience requir ed. Phone HA. 2246. FOR RENT: Kitchenette apart ment. Phone JA. 5257. FOR RENT: Nice warm apart ment for employed adults. Reasonable. Phone 3165. FOR RENT - TWO ROOMS Apt. Pvt. entrance and bath. Call AT. 9671 or WE. 4892. FOR RENT: 5 room house. HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 3 rooms unfurnish ed apt. near car line. Call AT. 8927._ Unfurnished apt. for rent AT. 8887._ FEMALE HELP WANTED Women sew easy ready-cut wrap-a-round aprons at home. Earn $26.16 dozen • spare time. Write - Accurate Mfgr's., Free port, New York. OMAHA STATIONERY COMPANY Commercial Stationery and Office Supplies Wfphoiw*; JAikson 0805 — 0806 — 0807 307-309 South 17th Strwt Omaha, Nebr, CDtd treasure *BRAND California Muscatel Wine Bottled by UMJU nNOCCHlARO, Inc. Omatrn, Nebraska BERNARD CADILLAC The Best-IN QUALITY PRICE TERMS ALL CARS ARE WINTERIZED '58 ED5EL - 4 door Citation Hardtop. Outstanding tutone fold and black. This one is fully equipped and one of dsel’s finest, and has few miles. Your dollar will never buy as much for ----._.--- $3595 '56 CADILLAC - “62” Coupe. 2-tone ruakin blue and white This car is fully equipped with all of Cadillac’s outstanding features. Very low miles. Local executive’s car ....... $3495 ’57 CADILLAC - “62” 4 door. Local executive’s car. Beau tiful Buckskin with Dusty Rose top. This has all of Cadillac’s outstanding features including electric win dows, 6-way seat and air conditioning. Let a few miles save for you —______ $4450 '58 EDSEL - 4-door Hardtop Pacer. Outstanding tutone yellow and white, fully equipped including power steer ing and brakes. This is a demonstrator with few miles. ——.... $3195 ■53 OLDSMOBILE . "98" 4-door. Radio, healer. Hydra Matic, Power steering and brakes with many other extras? See to believe for only....... $795 ’56 CADILLAC . "62" 4-door. 2-tone green with matching interior, radio, heater, power brakes, Hydra-Matic and , many other extras. Exceptionally low mileage.$3495 '58 EDSEL - 4-door Pacer hardtop, tutone white and tur quoise, power brakes and steering, automatic and many other accessories. Less than 3000 miles. Only ... $31815 ’56 CADILLAC - Coupe, Goddess Gold, radio, heater. Hy dra Matic, power steering and brakes. Exceptionally low mileage and In showroom condition .. $3595 *54 CADILLAC - Coupe. Beautiful 2-tone Iris and white. Power brakes and steering. Many other extras including air conditioning _____;____ $2395 ‘ST CADILLAC . ‘‘60" Fleetwood. Gleaming jet black. Local executive trade-in. This car is in showroom con dition and with all the features for many years to come. ......— $4895 '50 CHRYSLER ■ 4-door. Radio, heater, automatic. This will make a good second ear for only... $350 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ALL 54 * and Newer Carry a One-Year Warranty Bank Rates With Special Financing Arrangement* BERNARD CADILLAC 25th and DODGE STS. HA. 7077 THE OMAHA GUIDE Omaha. Neb., Frt., March 7, 1958 Clarence Watkins Clarence Watkins, age 68 years, of 3632 No. 29 St, ex pired Tuesday Febr. 11, 1958 at a local hospital. Complete notice later. Myers Bros. Funeral Service. The Best Shot in the West GOLDEN WEST STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOl'RBON MS Proof Distributed by WESTERN WINK AND MQCOR CO. ----—— Every Quart Supplies Your Daily Requirements of 9 Essential Vitamins and Minerals! reach VITA'MINERAL f0R MILK IN THE NEW TALL BOY ■ ■hhhhhi { w The BEER That r • Milwaukee Fan>°“ m New idea for B|G thirsts! • •. NEW SCHLITZ Why settle for less than Schlitx quality? •The big 24-os. Schlitx Tall Boy holds the same amount as two regular 12-ox. cans ... but in most stores end taverns it costs no more. Enjoy light, refresh ing Schlitx in the big 24-ox. Tall Boy can today. It’s easier to carry, cool and serve. You can now buy Schlitx at the same price as popular-priced canned beer. Ask for Schlitx Tall Boy l How Toll toy oconomy con poor* tom* amount a* two 12-ex. can* of popular priced boor ... yet Costs No More! - I i N Bevington ^Johnson, Inc. c 1424 WEBSTER WE. 3880