The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 11, 1957, Image 1

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Vol. 38 No. 30 ~ ~ Friday, October 11, 1957 1 _ 10c Per Copy
200 Church School Teachers
Take Leadership Course_
Some 200 Church School Teach
ers from Omaha and Council
Bluffs are expected to take the
leadership training courses to be
offered by the Omaha Council of
Churches on six successive Mon
day and Tuesday evenings be
ginning October 14. Ten courses
will be offered in First Christian
Church. 2Gth and Harney Slreeis.
Sessions will be held from 7 30
p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on October i4,
IS, 21, 22, 28. and 29.
“The Life of Jesus” will be
taught by The Rev. Roger Man
ners Minister of Countryside
Community Church. Other cour
ses offered include “Home and
Church Working Together” t •
be taught by The Rev. Francis
Belote, Minister of Lowe Avenue
Presbyterian Church, “The Pas
tor and His Church School” to bo
taught by The Rev. Jack Ingain
ells. Minister of Calvary Baptist
Church, and "Administration For
Superintendents” to be taught by
The Rev Carroll Lemon, Execu
tive secretary of the Lincoln and
There will also be classes for
Nebraska Councils of Churches,
teachers of each age groupp froir
Kindergarten through Adults.
The Adult class will be taught
by Mr. Ernest Barker, Count}
Superintendent of Schools in
Pottawattamie County, Iowa. Oth
er teachers include The Rev. Jler-j
thcl Dugan, Assocoatc M .
of First Christian Church whu
wdll teach “Understanding
Youth;" Mrs. William Shewau,
Offutt Air Force Base who will
teach “Teaching Juniors;” Mrs.
E. N. Gansz, Central United Pres
byterian Church who will teach
“Teaching Junior Highs."
Also, Mrs. K. F. Johnson, Pil
grim Lutheran Chu c!i who will
teach “Teaching Primary Child
ren;” and Mrs. Joseph C. Robin
son, First Methodist Church who
will teach “Teaching Kindergar
ten Children.”
Devotional leaders will be Dr.
Ernest E. Smith, Minister First |
Baptist Church; The Rev. Rich
ard Miller, Methodist District Su
perintendent; Dr. Eulis Hill, Min
ister First Christian Church; Dr.
Harold Janes, Minister First Cen
tral Congregational Church; The
Rev. John Olson, Minister Mount
View Presbyterian Church, and1
The Rev. Paul Dick, Minister Hal
ford Memorial Eub Church.
The Dean of the School is the
Chairman of the Leadership Ed
ucation Committee of the Omaha
Council of Churches, The Rev
Roger Winger, Minister of NoitV
side Christian Church.
Twelve Receive Sorority Scholarships
NERS—The twelve recipients of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority’s na-j
tional college scholarships for
the 1057-58 school year from top
left are. Lutrelle Hilton, Port St.
Joe, Fla; Bertha Hampton, Roan
ke Va.; Freddie Mitchell, Chica
g; Frances Wright Whaley, Little
Rock, Ark.; Shirley McBee, Tul*.a,
Okla.; Jean C. Williams, Ellorcc,
S. C.; Mae Bcrthann Jones, Los
Angeles; Rasheal Vincent, Atlan
ta; Joyce L. Williams, Gary, In
diana; Annie Mae Spaulding,'
Clarktown, N. C.; Gloria Dixon,
Gary, Ind. and Rose Marie Dun
can, Monessen, Pa. (ANP)
IUE To Hold
Civil Rights
On November 21st and 22nd at
the Sheraton-Cadiilac Hotel i t
Detroit, the IUE will hold its
Semi-Annual Civil Rights Con
Block reservations have been
made at the hotel, but >ou arc re-1
quested to v iite direct, making j
your own reservations the ad
dress is the Sheraton-Cadiilac
Hotel, Detroit 1, Michigan.
* This year has Been a momen
tous one in the history of Civil
Rights. The passage of tiie Civil
Rights Bill, the disgrace of Little
Rcok and the bombing of the
school in Nashville have foci sed
worldwide attention on this us
fortunate phase of American life
While there have been protests,'
surely nothing can carry more
weight to the rest of the world
than a declaration from workers j
in the shops of their determina
tion to continue the fight for fui'
equality for all.
This will lie your opportunity
to add your voice to the call for,
Justice. Your attendance at the
Conference will be a reaffirm* |
tion of your belief in the IUE’a
Civil Rights Program.
Kindly plan to attend and help
make this our most successful
Civil Rights Conference.
Long mirrors hung vertically
in a room tend to add height to
the ceiling, while large rectangu
lar mirrors mounted on the wall
give the feeling of width and
spaciousness. j
trmoOTED BKR10BNT* •» the Harriet*#
A«4r*» ihu«*r wm are »»w»*W i* k*
tl>t,r| p|tr— tkmMln Mk »«mnI»*»•
fare** ptoH • rtlal rat* t* awt ***«■■ **4 mo
uUm mevrinfiita, while ihf R#4 oMlefMe*
IrtM «* Mitaf far Ik* pMMUl Mila *f Ik*
l«f*|m (Ult Chart**, La.. Ia»itit» *r«— flair)
White and Colored
Join In
“Next Phase"
gan, September 30 - White and
colored leaders from the South
today hailed the new all-African
play "The Next Phase" as the an-|
swer to Little Rock. They com
mitted them selves to bring Its
message to America.
They spoke at the Moral Re ,
Armament Assembly of Nations
as the cast of 55 from 19 African
nations returned from a nine
week series of 49 performances
in Washington, Atlanta, Tuskegee
and Broadway to 53,000 people, j
Describing the play’s perfor-]
mances in Atlanta, Ezra Ncwana,
African Nationalist from South]
Africa and one of the cast, said,
“It’s the boldest and most auda
cious approach to today's burning
issues. For the South to see black'
and white Africans -arrayed to-]
gether on the stage fighting as
one unit, made a profound im-|
pression. The destiny of our age
is to make such a uniting idea
a reality everywhere."
Colonel A. T. Walden, Negro
attorney from Atlanta, said, “I
want to give my part in carrying
this answer to a turbulent Amer
ica. I am certain, beyond a shad
ow of all reasonable doubt, this
is the answer.
Immediately a Louisville law
yer, Stanley Newhall, with forty
years of legal experience, came
forward to the platform and
said, "We think we are on the
crest of a wave in America, but
In reality we are on a divide. One
road leads through fear, selfish
ness and greed to disaster. The
other, the road of MRA, is bring-!
ing us to a new day for the whole
of mankind. The Africans are
leading the way. All it takes Is
dedicated men—I’ll be one. We
must bring this to the South and(
to America before it is too late.
I want to apologize for m> super-1
iority towards the colored race.”
“America has given generous
aid to the world,” said Blanton
Belk of Richmond, Virginia, “but
these Africans, at tremendous
personal sacrifice, have given
America aid that money cannot
buy. As a southerner, I believe
this is our only hope. Here is
ideology which changed men of
every race and color and united
them in the task of rebuilding
Eighteen Year Old Named Top Model
bara Custis, center, eighteen
year-old Philadelpphia singing
and dancing starlet, was named
“Model of the Year” last week
at New York testimonial honor
ing Ed Branford, right, head of
the internationally-known Brand
ford Models. Moss H. Kendrix,
left, holds plaque received by
The Coca-Cola Company as win
ner in Negro market merchandis
ing poster contest. Mr. Brand
ford was recipient of Special
Seagram Vanguard Award and a
Citizens’ Citation in recognition
of his having pioneered the Ne
gro modeling field. Coca-Cola
furnished the Oscars for the win
ners of the models’ contest. The
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was the
scene of activities.
the world."
The Hon. Dowuona Hammond
M. P. of Ghana, one of the play s
authors and principal actors, re
ported, "Everywhere American!
told us 'you from Africa have
come to America at the right
lime,' We told them we Africans
have tome not on our own but
through the fortitude, sagacity
and vision of an American from
Pennsylvania, Dr. Frank Bueh
Eddie Dowling, Broadway pro
ducer, said "MBA is far ahead of
Washington, London anjl other
governments of the world in
bringing an answer to the injus
tice of the world. 'The Next
Phase’ went through the hottest,
toughest furnace of professional
art in the Broadway theatre. It
was ’S.R.O.’—standing room only.
It has the message all the white
world must see.”
Educationists in Northern Nigera
Three American teachers, Mrs.
N. Spruyt of Greenfield, Mass.,
Mrs. Christine Johnson of Chi
cago, 111., and Mr. Herbert Welir
ly of Pacific Grove, California,
recently visited in Northern Ni
geria to acquire first-hand know
ledge about local educational in
stitutions. Before leaving for La
gos (Federal capital of Nigeria)
they visited Kaduno (Northern
Nigeria capital) and Zaria, the
Region’s cultural center.
Picture shows: Mrs. Johnson
and Mr. Wehrly with Mrs. G. F.
Razaq (center), wife of Northern
Nigeria's first lawyer, who con
ducted the party around various'
institutions in Kaduno and Zaria. i
J. O'Shaughnessy
Named To
Student Gov.
Joe O'Shaughnessy, 3023 Wal
nut Street, has been elected to
the Creighton University Student
Board of Governor*.
A senior, hr was named to re
place Terry Mschamara, 5*07
Pierce Street, representative from '
»he College of Arts and •
who has entered the Creighton
University School of Law.
President of the board ia Ste
phen T McGill, 1024 Park An
HURRICANE AUDREY winds shriek across the Bat marshes of
southwestern Louisiana as cattle are herded to safety before the
onrushlng storm of last June 27. Loss of livestock as well as human
life was heavy. Prompt local civil defense action prevented a great
er toll. Survivors were moved to safe areas where the Red Cross
provided food and shelter. (Lake Charles. La.. Amerlcan-Preas Photo)
Military Hostesses Club
Need More Recruits
l *
The Miltary Hostess Club of the]
YWCA, the only official, group]
serving as Military Hostesses at
the Air Force Base at Offutt,
held an election of officers at
their monthly meeting on Tues
day night. Those elected are:
President. Eunice Snyder; Vice
President, Mary Alice Beshears,
Secretary, Darline Spencer and
Treasurer, Mary Fletcher.
The purpose of the Military
Hostess program of the YWCA
is to provide selected and trained
Junior Hostesses to serve at the
recreational programs at the Ser
vice Club at Offutt A.F.B.
Orientation for prospective
hostesses can be arranged for
any girl by calling the YWCA
and making au appointment with
Nina AUeman, Young Adult Pro
gram Director.
Central High To
Present The Swan"
Central High Players will pre
sent "The Swan" Directed Ly
Mrs.'Amy Sutton, with stage set
ting designed by Mr. Victor Went •
tel. and the costumes executed by 1
Mr. Norman Kirschbaum. the
play will be presented October
24 at 8:00 pm. in the Central;
High /School Auditorium.
it it Central Europe in iiilO
and Crown Prince Albert (Mike
Persell) in aearch of a bride, haa
arrived at the castle of the Pr.a ,
ceaa Alexandria (Karla McKee).
This Invely girl’* family hat been I
without a throne for generations!
and Alexandria1! mother, Ber
trice (Carolyn Dolgoff) U deter
mined not to Jet this opportunity ,
P»*t She plana la impress Al
bert with her daughter'! accwa-j
pli*hment* during hit four day
day, and Alexandria, brought up
to believe in duty of family, a
grees to abide by her mother’s
decisions. Albert, however, pro
ves to be an indiffeent suitor.
His search for a wife has “been
prompted by his mother, Dom* il
ea (Marlys Isack). who believes
he should be settling down with
his future wife and Queen. Al
bert prefers sleep to conversati an
and is more interested in the
castle's dairy than in Alexandria’s
rose garden. Beatrice conceives a
daring plan of attack. She has Al
exandria invite the handsome tu
tor, Agi (Larry Kohn) to the ball.
She isn’t aware that Agi has long
been in love with her daughter
The plan backfires when Alex
andria realizes that she loves Agi
and suddenly is transformed into
a woman. But by the end of the ,
evening they have all realized
that a princess is really like a j
rwan-beautiful and happy only
when in her own element. Aji -
leaves the castle and Albert, his j
new interest definitely aroused
by the new Alexandria, presses j
his suit successfully.
Other members of the east in .
elude: Tom Corritore (George),!
Patrick Hiatt (Arsene) Jim Hed
rick (Father Hyacinth). Barbara!
Bcrcult (Symphorosa), Jim Mar
tin (Colonel Wunderlick). Subby
Caeioppo (Count Lutaen). Phil
Barron (Alfred). Bernie DeKovcn
(Caesar), Joan Marx (Chamber-1
maid), Barbara Brodkey (CountJ
ess Erdely), Nancy Brodkey and
Barbara Kidwiler (ladies in watt
ing). Greg Mintnr. Douglas Miner,
Auatln Harrold, Larry Deevrr
(tackles), and Uoh Blackwoou
Roger Uuh hutaari)
The student ataff members arrr
Roger Lauh, student -liree.ur,
Joan Marx stage manager, Sally
Sheppard, assistant stage mana
ger, and Jackie Brady, book
Natl Organization Meet
With Supreme Court on ^
NAACP's Feeder Ass'n
Fourteen major national or
ganizations yesterday (Monday,
October 7) intervened with the
United States Supreme Court in
defense of the constitutional
right of the National Associaticr
for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP) to enjoy free
dom of association. The 14 groups
came to the support of the
NAACP by filing an amici curiae
(friends of the court) brief in a
case entitled NAACP v. State of
Alabama which the U. S. Supreme
Court agreed to review during
its current term.
The brief was submitted by
Leo Pfeffer. director of the Com
mission on Law and Social Ac
tion of the American Jewish Con
gress, who is serving as attorney
for the following 14 organize
tions. American Baptist Conven
tion, Commission on Christian
Social Progress; American Civil
Liberties Union; American
F r i e n ds Service Committee;
American Jewish Committees;
American Jewish Congress; A
merican Veterans Committee;
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai
B'rith; Board of Home Missions
of the Congregational ar.d Chris
tian Churches; Council for Chris
tian Social Action of the United
Church of Christ; Japanese A
merican Citizens League; Jewish
Labor Committee; National Com
munity Relations Advisory Coun
cil; United Synagogue of Amer
ica and Workers Defense League
The signatories to the brief
described themselves as "private,
voluntary associations of Ameri
cans formed to achieve specific
purposes, religious civic, educa
tionaf. and others. As such.” they
maintained, “they have a direct
interest in this proceeding which
raises the question whether a
state may constitutionally place
prohibitions or crippling restric
tions on the operation of a volun
tary association similarly organ
ized for a specific purpose, that
of promoting equal rights for all,
without discrimination based on
Voicing their deep concern at
the State of Alabama’s “assault
on freedom of association,” the
organizations declared: “Today it
is the NAACP that, is subjected
to attack. Tomorrow, the same
measures may be taken against
any group that supports a cause
opposed by state officials.”
Background of Court Test
The case is an appeal to the
high court by the NAACP to re
view the decision of an Alabama
circuit court handed down in
July, 1956 which fined the As-1
sociation $100,000 and held it in!
contempt of court because the
NAACP refused to turn over a
list of its Alabama members. The
NAACP geared that publication
of its membership records would'
subject its members to boycott]
and physical violence. The As
sociation halted its operations
in Alabama in June. 1956, after]
-e panssi uaaq peq uo’punfut ue 1
gainst it. The injunction cited
the failure of the NAACP to reg
ister with the state. When attor
neys for he NAACP offered to
register, the Montgomery circuit
court judge ruled that they could
not. The Alabama attorney gen
eral then demanded membership
The appeal of the Alabama
case to the U. S. Supreme Court
is the first time the high court
has agreed to review any of the
numerous anfi-NAACP action*
taken by Southern states in re
cent years.
Freedom of Association Is
Critical l$su»
The brief submitted by the 14
organizations does not enter into
any question about segregation
or integration, but argues instead
on the constitutional freedom of
“The record in this case
shows,” the brief points out,
“that public officials of Alabama
have attempted to frustrate the
efforts of the NAACP on behalf
of the Negroes in Alabama and
to outlaw it from the state. Wo
j are concerned with the implica
tions of this assertion of govern
mental power irrespective of
whether or not we support the
j aims of the NAACP in combatting
I racial inequality. It has become
| perfectly obvious that Alabama
i not only is attempting to maintain
its statewide pattern of racial
segregaion but is also working
for the distruction of all orsrani
zied opposition to this policy.
Alabama’s effort to expel the
NAACP has therefore placed in
jeopardy the fundamental con
stitutional right of innividuals to
join together to form associations
in order to express and advance
their views.”
Night to Anonymity
The brief argues that the Con
stitution protects the right of
the citizen to maintain anonymity
and that the NAACP cannot be
compelled to make its member
ship lists public. This right of
anonymity, the brief asserts, is
exercised by every person who
writes a letter to a newspaper ai.d
asks that his name be withheld.
Authors who write under pen
names and respondents in public
opinion polls also rely on this
right. Unless an organization op
erates illegally or has anti-social
or anti-democratic objectives, the
brief states, there can be no legal
force compelling it to publish Us
roster of members.
Right to Existence
Summarizing their concern in
the case, the 14 organization*
emphasized that they are directly
i n t e r e sted in the question
“whether the Federal Constitu
tion stands as an effective shield
against oppressive action by a
state designed to exclude from
its territory any organization it
dislikes. Since the measures taken
against the NAACP here could be
taken against any organization,
the right of each of these organ
izations to exist, as well as that
of the NAACP, is at stake."
WENDED AFTER SECTION Ml all that remained talMl W aa*
aa manned V. S. Navy alrahtp whl< h wai rmistag more than St*'
mile* away when a recenl atomic Ual deetra mi eiptodad Si’
Nevada. The remalaa ut Ike forward aerUoa arc aa groaad al Mi *
Among Ike evyartmeale oeadactod during Ike rvrrent Nevada'
atom la aerlec, railed Operation riarabkek, are toe la at -—y1
offecta aa akeUera. dam*, vaaNa aad building* wktok ecaM eervn
elvlllaae li Hkl d alto«k. INTO Maaalala Uk Photo*