The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 27, 1957, Page Four, Image 4

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    WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and
the Names and Addresses of people
that are looking for a place to stay;
and for people who want to rent an
apartment. Call SjA 0800.
responsible person
male or female, rfom this area,
wanted to service and collect
from automatic vending ma
chines. No selling. Age not es
sential. Car, references, and
$600 working capital necessary.
7 to 12 hours weekly nets to
$250 monthly. Possibility full
time work. For local Interview
give full particulars, phone.
Write P.O. Box 7004, Mpls. U,
Minn. ___
In loving memory of my dear
wife and mother, Mary L. Ash
ley. A silent thought, a secret
tear keeps her memory ever dear,
who passed away September 4th
Thomas J. A.'hley
1841 No. 23rd St. j
FOR RENT: 1 large 3-room un-,
furnished apartment. Priced
right for the right family I
Owner will accept children Ifj
they are under good control.
Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: One 2 room furnished
Apt. only $12JK> per week. Call
HA. 0800.
FOR RENT: 1 3-room unfurnished
apt- Near school North of Lake
St. C all Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: 2 lovely room apt.
North of Lake St. Call the
All furnished ready to move in
Omaha Guide office, HA. 0800
or HA. 0801.
FOR RENT: 2 2-room fumisbe
apartment Call Ha. WOO.
FOR RENT: A 2 room furnished
Apt. for a working couple. Cali
WE. 3372. All utilities paid by
RENT: 1 3-room furnished
apt at 28th St. and Pratt Call
PI. 3188. '
FOR RENT—1 2-room furnished
apartment on two bus lines
Close to 24th k Lake St Cal
Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT 1 3-room furnished
apartment north of Lake St
All utilities paid by owner
Only $18.00 pep week. Call
Ha. 0600.
FOR RENT: 1 2-room unfurnish
ed apartment north » of Lake
i St. Will accept children and
AD. mother. Call Ha 0000.
FOR RENT: 1 8-room unfurnisb
, ed apartment north of Lakc St
Will accept children. Alse
A.D. mothers. CaU Ha 0800.
r- i iiiwiiwi nrr
FOR RENT: For single man or
working woman, one large furn
ished room. One block from 2
Bus lines. Use of kitchen. HA
FOR RETJT: 3 lovely furnished
rooms, 2 blocks from school. All
Utilities paid by owner. Only
$15.00 per week. HA 0800.
, FOR SALE: Bought an apartment
have now found himself with
too many refrigerators, want to
sell one large gas refrigerator. |
Price $75. Cost $350 seven years
ago. HA 0800.
FOR RENT: Two 3-rooms, large, J
furnished or unfurnished. HA
FOR RENT: Two 4-room unfurnish
ed apartment HA 0800.
leather and lose 2 or 3 days
work looking for a room o
an apartment. All you need!
to do is to call Ha. 0800. W
have the right place for th j
right person. Just call the
Omaha Guide, Ha. 0800.
FOR SALE: A store room 40 x 60
on North 30th St. Large Park
ing Lot, Fine for a Doctor's of-j
fice or cleaning shop. A fine
location for Tavern. Box No
119, Omaha Guide, 2420 Grant
St. or call Ha 0800.
FOR RENT: 1-5 room house. Call
Mrs. Williams. JA. 2631
FOR RENT: 1 furnished 2-room
apartment. All utilities paid by
owner. Call Ha. 0800
FOR RENT: One 5-room apart
ment, unfurnished. Will ac
cept children under good con
trol. Private entrance and
private bath. Very reasonable
Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: 1 lovely nicely
finished room with kitchen
use. One block from bus line
3 blocks from 24th and Lake
In a good Christian home
Call Ha. 0800. s.
FOR RENT: A lovely front
large room apartment. Private
bath and private entrance.
Only $15.00 per week. Ownei
pays all utilities. Call Ha
FOR RENT: Large room and
living room with kitchen use
for $12.50 per week. Utilitiei
paid by owner. Call PI. 7401
Located at 2611 Bristol St
Walter Brown, owner.
FOR'RENT: A 3 room furnished
Apt. Call PI. 0186.
FOR RENT: 1 large sleeping
room for working man or wo
man. In a lovely home with
use of kitchen. Located a
2611 Bristol St Call PI. 7401.
Walter Brown, owner.
Man or Woman
National Firm needs an operator to service a Cigarette Machine
route. Established. Part or full time will net you from $200
to $000 monthly. Dependability, Honesty and capital (secured).
$1009 to $2800 will qualify you for an interview. Please write
to Sheridan Enterprises, 711 W. Lake St., 508 Calhoun Bldp.,
Minneapolis 8, Minnesota.
▼Itamtos to Apples
Apple* contain good amount* at
vitamin* A, 11, and C plu* *maH
amount* of calciam, pboiphonaa,
and Iron.
Wow Harbor
Hhe harbor at Monrovia. Liberia,
la aader development tinder *ua>
pie** at the United State* and waa
epeoed aa a toe* port Mr », MM.
.... ■ 1" " ti
_Combs Through the Ages
Egyptian women
were fond of goose
grease os a hair
' pomade. To set off
■h their gleaming V
H beouty, they '
W added biodi,
Y gems, feathers,;
and fancy ivory • :
combs to their coif-1 >
| fares.
[ -WV
French dendie* d the 17 th ten
fury cenddered the ortfui comb
mg at peruke* or wig* on '«re»
itonding oc» at *e«to"»ry, *e
they carried doinly cemb*
them wherever they went.
Modern women now use combs
toe on entirety now purpose—to
give themselves home perma
nents1 A comb tipped applicator
made by HIT it attached te e
squeale battle containing the lo
tion. Squeale, comb, end there
yea erel
Suit Hurts
Sugar Ray
New York CitjT.’ (Calvin News
Service) , . Not one to brag about
hie great Wg heart, Sugar Kay
Robinson's fans were just now
catching upon the fact of all
he had done for tennis champion
AHhea Gibson in her lean years
when she was a nobody who
thought Sugar was the biggest
thing in life—and another lady
a fighter's widow smilingly prais
ed Sugar’s generosity only this
week— but a blow to this kind
hearted guy’s heart—and perhaps
to his purse—is the news that
Joe Glaser, top theatrical agent
for many stars, is suing Sugar
for his share of 10% of the Car
mine Basilic fight. Glaser is
quoted as saying Sugar tried to
duck paying him, telling him he
wasn't due it. But Glaser insists
he is. In fact, he insists he loan
ed Sugar $120,000 which "saved
Robinson from complete destruc
Glaser acted as manager for
Robinson first when he went or
a tour dancing his way across
stages of the country" on person
al appearance tours. Close friends
Giaser has always attended Sugar
Ray’s fights and he has been one
of the first in the ring at the fin
ish. Sugar Ray's answer to pay
ing off the $60,000 was: $i5,060
down and $23,1X10 from the Basil
io purse—the remaining $20,000
in installment* to cover 3 year*.
Glaser called this "the silliest
deal I ever heard . . Why sloutd
I wait three years for money I
took out of the bank?’’ The man
ager implied he doesn’t wapt to
sue but cannot understand Ray
treating him this way. Glaser, in
cidentally. has made a fortune
from such stars as Billie Holiday,
Lionel Hampton land hundreds
of small Negro acts.
Meanwhile, the fighter’s widow'
who only praise for Sugar, was
Mrs Elaine Flores, whose hus
band, George Flores, died in ’51
of injuries from a fight. Thi'1
week she won a $30,000 settle
ment. In her own words: 2 was
only 18 when Georgie was killed.
I was stunned. But everybody
was so nice to me. It was their
kindness that kept me alive. It
all helped and I really appreciat
ed It. The man 1 remember best
is Sugar Ray. A wonderful man
with a wonderful family. They
were all simply terrific."
'Advise For
Living' New
Here’s the greatest news for
the Negro world since the pass
ing down of the Supreme Court
decision outlawing segregation in
public schools
Reverend Martin Luther Ring,
through the medium of Ebor.y
magazine, began a new column
entitled "Advice For Living’ in
the September issue Its purpose
is to enable persons (not exclud
ing wliites or non-readers) to
get their questions answered con
cerning religious matters ano
family problems.
Since this new column's in
ception, the response has been
highly encouraging, for letters
and questions have beecn com
ing into the Chicago office from
Ebony is serving another iunc
tion of importance for those
members of society who choose
to have the dynamic leader of
the Montgomery boycott give his
views and answers to questions
which have previously gone un
Some of the questions submit
ted are:
Should a Mississippi Negro
teach his children to love wh.te
Why did God make Christ white
when the majority of the peoples
of the world are non-white?
How can a handsome minister
dissuade his female members
from falling in love with him?
The new column gives every
indication that it will serve the
national community in a most
important and essential area—
that of happier living for our na
tions people.
Nebraska TB
50th Year
Is October 10
The fiftieth anniversary of
the Nebraska Tuberculosis As
! aociation will be marked at *
luncheon Thursday. October 10,
Omkba during the Mississippi
Valley Conference on Tubercul
osis. announces Paul Bogott of
Lincoln, president of the State
Featured luncheon speaker will
be Mark H. Harrington of Ogal*
Lala, lormer president of the Na
tional TB Association and of the
Colorado TB Association as well
as a member of the National
Committee on Chronic Illness and
the National Advisory Dental Re
search Council.
A Nebraskan for the past year
as vice president and general
counsel of the Good-All Manu
facturing Company of Ogallala,
Mr. Harrington is now a member
of the Nebraska TB Association's
board of directors.
"His topic, “Work to Do," l*
especially appropriate," Mr. Bo
gott remarked.
"Although progress in the fight
against tuberculosis the past SO
years has meant a saving of more
than seven million lives, TB still
strikes at the rate of one Amer
ican every five minutes,” he said,
"so there is *«uch ‘Work to Do'
in research and education!'*
The noon luncheon event will
be held in the ballroom »f the
Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, where
the 12-state Mississippi Valley,
Conference on Tuberculosis frill
be holding its forty-fourth annul!
meeting October 10-12.
At attendance of seven hund
red delegates and visitors is ex
pected from Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minne
sota, Missouri, Nebraska, North
Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and
Wiaconsin, according to Mr. Bo
1957 Vintage Queen Choseri
Here's an Irresistible combination: A lovely girl, a bountiful
Vintage and quality wines from America’s Wine Tend—the State
of California. It all adds up to this year's approaching National
Win* weejc, October iz-ib.
• Smiling from a vineyard is
Dee Hardy, California beauty
selected by California's wine
growers as their 1987 Vintage
Queen. With her wide hazel
eyes and auburn hair, 23-year,
old Queen Dee symbolises the
goodness of California wines and
the charm of the wine growing
areas of the State.
The Vintage Queen wilt reign
over the nationwide observance
of Wine Week, and she invites
all Americans to join with her
in celebrating tbs excellence of
California wines. Part of her
regal duties as Miss California
WTr.e include the task of pro
moting greater appreciation of
win* and its contribution to the
enjoyment of everyday dining
and special occasion eafttfUtn
J California's eifht wine-grow
ing district* sr* sources of su
perb wines tn the five major
classification*. These include
the Appetiser Wines such as
Sherry and. Vermouth. Dinner
Wines, both Red and White:
among the famous red wines
are Burgundy, Claret and Caber
net, with California’* native
Zinfandel rated one of the great
Clarets; among whits wine* are
outstanding Chablts, Riesling,
and Hauterne. Equally popular
are the Sweet Dessert Wines
including Port, Tokay and Mus
catel. Growing In popularity are
the fragrant, all-purpoae Rose'
wines, which come under the
category of dinner urines. And,
of course, the Sparkling Wines
an becoming increasingly popu
lar. Ttoaa* Include SpanriutjC
Burgundy, Champagne and Pink
Lessons Are
Taught At
She had been ha'ed into feder
district court, along witli nine
others, to show cause why she
should not be enjoined from "in
any manner deterring the atten
dance-at school of the children
of Nashville.” Just a week ago
say affidavits, she was standing
Outside one of these schools
screaming threats and calling
police “nigger lovers.” In court
^he said, “I didn’t breu! no law.”
Another, in court for the satr.e
purpose, who had shouted threats
I was just kiddin,.”
! at children and parents entering
a school, pleaded, "1 got no hate
for nobody.
Of the Nashville police (and
himself) Tennessee's Governor
Frank G. Clement said they didn't
like the idea of desegregated
schools, but
Faced with the choice between
their personal likes and the la
of the land, they had volunteered
for extra duty so th«.t the law
might be upheld.
Contained in this small parcel
6f quotes are the lessons to lie
learned at this time from rc-.tnt
events in Tennessee—and in
North Carolina and Kentucky
One is the lesson of reason,
' firmness, and fair play. None of
the 10 before the bar of the Nash
ville federal court were challeng
ed as to their racial beliefs or
their preference for segregated
schools. They were simply be
ing given an opportunity to ex
plain and defend cobduct which
Interfered with the operation ol
law and which incited to violence.
Faced with this challenge of
reason to sheer passion, thcii
emotion - fired desperation will
ed Had they merely been an
swered in kind it would have
mounted even more.
The second lesson is that of
"personal likes” versus "the law |
of the land.” It would be ufl
realistic and a disservice to ii>
terracial understanding to pre
Vend that many of the white peo
ple of Tennessee, or North Caro
lina, or Kentucky ’like” the
threat to a long-accustomed sc-ia1
pattern implicit in even gradual
desegregation. There is a differ
ence in depth and degree, bit
this attitude is analagous to most
people's personal dislike of pay-1
tog taxes and jury duty. Yet, by
and large, people ^onform to tho
Ww and carry their dissents to
the courts, to the ballot box, and
to the forums of opinion.
In Nashville; in Charlotte,
Greensboro, and WiQs(on-Salcu):
and earlier In Clinton, Clay ana
Sturgis the state and local au
thorities were doing what Arkan
saa’g Governor Faubut insists he
has been doing: keeping “peace
and order.” But they also kept
“law and order”—even though
many of them wished, no doubt,
that the law were otherwise or
had not come upon them so
much faster than they had dream
T|ie lessons of Nashville, In
short, set forth the bans of aii
civillized societies: peace and or
der—by way of law ,
name of Puerto Rlco'e famed In
dustrialization program, which has
won the admiration of the free
world. Within Are yean, this Com
mon wealth of U.8. citizen* in the
Caribbean, ha* undergone a dyn
amic induatrial and cultural irana
formatlon which raised it* standard
of living among the top In Latin
America. How the Island I* betom
Ing a big tourist attraction with
Ha modern hotels, superhighway*,
beautiful beaches and retorts and
or course . . . that Latin entertain
meat Thl* year Puerto Ricans are
celebrating the 40th anniversary of
their American citizenship.
• • •
"STAY POR LUNCH" U an inoita
lion you can extend anytime if your
panfry include* a package of pop
over mis and canned chicken a la
king. Prepare each a* directed on
package* . .. *M popover* and pour
piping hot chicken intide and ovrt
top. Ton'll need a 19% ounce eon
of a la king far each I too earning*
o • •
Fashion coordinator* havo found a
new deicrlptlve term for "transi
tion cotton*," which women favor
tor span-season wear. . . . "Cham
pagne Cotton*." designating a com
plot* line of gay dretaea. units,
separates, for wear thru October,
redeetlng fall tone* of towny beige,
via* green. Mu* foam, inlet grey
and Sparkling Burgundy.
To photograph tk* young "Cham
pagan Cotton*" appropriately to tk*
Hew York State Champagne coun
try, model* were token to Ham
mond* port, Hew York, for pictures
inside The Taylor Win* Company
las. and In ths company's vine
yard* above Lake Keek*._rwj
Arthur F. Thomas
Arthur F. Thomas, age It
years, of 2413 CaldwaU St,,„ was
shot to death Monday evening
Setptember 23, 2957,
He was a student at Omaha
Technical High School.
Survivors and Funeral notice
Myers Brothers Funeral Ser
Busy as bees building their ]
union, local 181 of the Hotel and
Restaurant Employees isn't for
getting part of the job is voting
for the kind of candidates who
believe in labor’s program. The
Louisville, Kentucky union has
set up a little COPE committee,
studied the poll books, and found
that 65 per cent out of every 100
members are not eligible to vote.
They’re not registered.
Now, 181’s COPE is going after
the unregistered members ar.d
getting them down to the city
registration office to get on he
Personal Wall Desk '
Boon to Boy or Girl
A PERSONAL desk U a boon V
1 to the school age girl or boy. '
It needn’t be costly, either. The
illustration show* a wall-hung
desk, made in the home workshop
at small expense out of common
building materials such as 1-inch
lumber, a Masonite "Peg-Board”
panel tor a back, and a piece of
hardboard that's smooth on both
sides for ths drop-down writing
Ordinary molding, obtainable
also at the lumber yard, is
another material required. An
interesting feature is the optional
chalkboard, which can be made
by painting the underside of the
writing surface with blackboard
slating, available at paint stores.
An important feature is the
built-in fluorescent lighting fix
ture, which furnishes a soft but
sufficient light right where it ia
Readers may obtain a free plan
showing how to make the wall
desk. Send a postal card to the
Home Service Bureau, Suite 2037,
111 West Washington St, Chi
cago 2, 111., and request plan Ne.
AE-310. —
If You Want
•he lew - down, the inside
baseball news, you'll w«snt to
take advantage of this spe
cial offer.
We'll tend you 12 weekly issue*
ular value $3.00) PIUS a copy
of the big, brand-new 528-page
1956 edition of the Official Base
ball Guide (regular price $1.00)
for only $2,001
This famous
book contains
ma|or and
minor leogoe
a ve rages,
records, offi
cial playing
rules end
thousands of
facts about
the game.
It's free te you — along with a
12-week subscription to THE
STORTING NEWS for $2.00. Let's
get acquainted—use this coupe* ,
without delay! I
Sett WeSMMtM Are.
St. LmS I, Is.
_ dBStSarfc,
This man can give you
delivery off
Houtowlvo*. butinottmort,
toochorc. end ttudontt all a**r
tha world rood ond anjoy thd
Inlamotlonol nawtpapar, pub*
Ifthod dally In Bottom. World
ftmout (or conifruttiv* now*
ttoriai and panttreling tditorlob.
Spatial laatura* for tha whola
Tha Ovation Scant* Monitor
On* Norway Sr.. Botton IS, Mom.
Sond your nowtpapor lor 1h* tim*
(hocked. Incioted find my chock oc
money or dor.
I yoor sit o * month* |l Q
I month* >4 0 I
Aldens Sales Grow
Twice Industry Pace
.Aldenst Inc. Increased both -mail
order an<i retail store sales during
1956 to ptyp* thohvfndred million
dollar mark for the first time in
company history, R. W. Jackson,
president, disclosed in his annual
report to stockholders.
Record sales
and earnings
during the past
year climaxed
ten years of
ihcrease at a
rate of growth
almost double
that of the in
dustry, Jackson
K. W. Jackson pointed • n t.
Since the base years 1947-1949
A idem sale* have increased
28 8% as compared with an in
dustry increase of only 14.9% ac
cording to ths president's report.
Increased customer service
through "will-call" stores^ Where
shoppers ran order and receive
-merchandise, and telephone of
fices where customers can order
for home delivery were cited as
major reasons 'or the increase.
Further service expansion by
opening catalogue order units in
supermarkets is planned for test
ing in 1957, Jackson said.- H|
What clean, refreshing
shaves you get with a
I matched to ■
your face I
with Blue Blao: I
Dispenser end ■
mESmJaI mmi
A f.w drop, of OUTORO® krtaa Womod
roftof from l.imonlloa polo of kpw«Mf.
olfTGKo toopkooitEoai. miIinulli tka
to araflay® at ail drag as—tan.
combines seveial medically proven pain
relievers ... The added effectiveness
o( these MULTIPLE ingredients brings
(aster, more complete relief, easing
anxiety and tension usually accom
panymg pain. $*>< ^
agamsl any
you've aver
Stop pain of piles
today at home
—or money back!
In doctor'a testa, amazing new
Stainlesa Paso* instantly relieved
piles' torture! Gave Internal and
external relief! fl medically-proved
ingredients Including Trtolyte, re
lieve pain, itching instantly! Reduce
imilliiill n nmwtohfKlInr You Ht,
walk In comfort! Only statutes*
pile remedy. Stainless Paso® Bup
powltariae or Ointment at druggists
•H'rtuUmarl, »f Grant Vabvratoriaa. Ins.
OifilmfnI and Svypaaitonu.
Itching Torture
A doctor*! formula—coothin* aatt
MpUc Z«mo—promptly re Here* the
Itching, burning of Skin Rachel
Scaema. PecrtaeU, Ringworm and
Athlete’! Root Zcmo itops acratch
lng and ao aide heal-fV/Wn #\
lng of Irritated dlaliVUlv
$200 Monthly
Spare Time Income
Refilling end collecting money from our high grade
Nut Machine* In thl* area. No *olling- To qualify for
work you must have tar, referent**. $400 cash, secured
by inventory.
Devoting 6-1 hour* a weak to business, your end on
percentage of collection* may net op to $200 monthly
with good possibilities of taking over full time. Income
increasing accordingly.
for interview, include phone number in application.
Writ* P. O. Bo* 1511, Lincoln, Nebraska.
“Who Says You Need Costly Shots
To Relieve ‘Hot Flashes’ And
Irritation From Change-Of-Life?”
(Mr*. A. M., W a tong a, Okla., add*, "Middle age j
wai torture. Had costly shot* 3 times a week { fL . "-Tafl
but got no relief. Then took Pinkbam's Tablet*, j a? *** ■
They brought me new happiness, comfort!"/ Re
Science offers women new freedotn
from much of the misery of
change-of-life, thanks to an
amazing new tablet developed espe
cially to relieve these functionally
caused discomforts. Doctors re
ported sense 1 tonal results using
this remarkable home treatment
alone... and no cosily infections/
tellef fee g evt ef 10 TestedI
Irritability, tortured nerve* were
calmed. Dlaslness relieved. Awful
hot flashes subsided. Here's why.
Unlike aspirin end such "general
purpose” remedies, this new tablet
M a unique combination of special
puxttolnM , , , cm tli»
cause of these troubles . .. work*
through a woman'* lympathetie
nervous system to relieve tense
feelings and physical distress that
being unhappiness to so many.
Clinical tests prove this.
Now this amazing formula Is
at drugstores without prescription.
Ask for “Lydia Plnkham's Tab
lets''. Don't let ehange-of-llfe rob
you of Joy) Get handy Plnkham's
Tablets. Contain blood-bulldlne
Iron See how fast you can tad
your happy self again — without
costly shots! (Also liquid Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.)
Cleaners & Laundry
One Day Cleaning, Laundry
SMI North 24th fl.Mt Wofcotor OtW