This Is Your Newspaper ■ < ► y This Is Your Newspaper What you are doing is news. B IXB \ Jm ■ f§ jrl|, . if- mm W - 1 If ff Wk i / -' What you are doing is news. ;: Please Phoive^Your News To B nan® y JrJL B"*1® B B of Wisconsin is harsh comment on President Eisenhower’s leardership. Aterf five years in the White House, the President and his fellow Re publicans were unable to elect a member of their party in a state that is a traditional stronghold of Republicanism. Instead their candidate, Walter Kohler, was trounced thoroughly. From the outset, Mr. Eisen however has avoided facing up to right wing members of the COP and has given an altogether un inspiring performances, as Pres dent of the greatest nation on earth. His backing and filing on civil rights, foreign aid, defense, aid to education and other issue i have robbed the slogan, “modern Republicanism,” of any meaning whatsoever. Proxmire is a fine addition to the IT. S. Senate. Supported hy Local News By GERALDINE MILLER Mr. and Mrs. Speigel and daughters, Connie and Bonnie have just returned from a vaca tion that took them to New Or leans, Arkansas, and Dallas, Tex as. Bonnie Speigel is attending her first year at Nebraska Uni versity. Mr. and Mrs. Dell from Illinois are visiting at the home of Mrs. Iladele Jorgenson. They plan a three week stay. Mr. and Mrs. Pittman Foxall are entertaining their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wll liam Rogers, formerly of Dallas, Texas, who are enroute to Roch ester, New York. Mr. Rogers is employed with the Eastman Ko dak Co. and is a recent graduate of the University of Nebraska. Mrs. Rogers will join her husband after a brief stay with her fam ily. Mrs. Rogers was entertain ed with a cocktail party at the home of her parents. Miss Barbara Carson and friend Jo Ann Hansen vacationed at Camp Carson, after which she re turned home for the wedding ol her brother, Mr. Jerry Canon. He was married to Miss Marjorie Hunter. They were married at the Latter Day Saints Church in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Miss Car son, sister of the bridegroom was the bridesmaid. Miss Carson ro sidc£ at 139 No. 32nd Ave. The oil reserves of Kuwait are substantially greater than those of the U. S. _____ The world’s firt long film, “The Birth of a Nation," cost $115,000 when it was made in 1915. all elements of organized labor in the Badger State, he brings a fresh liberalism with him that has jjcfn lacking among Wiscon sin’s Senatorial delegation since the days of the LaPoIlettes It is worth recalling, incident ally, that Proxmire made his de but on the national politico! scene in 1952 when, as a member of the credentials committee of the Democratic convention, he opposed the sealing of the Shivcr crat delegation from Texas. Get-out-the vote campaigns by organized labor resulted in an es timated 106,000 votes for Pror inire which helped to turn hie victor}' into a landslide So, once again, the Wisconsin election has proved beyond a doubt that when union members know whet the Issues ere, whet the cendidetee stend for end stend against, and then get regis tered and go to tho polls on ■ lec tion Day, liberal candidates will be victorious. Dog Pays National Dog Week—September 22 to M-is a good time to ask yourself how you're feeding your four-legged friend. Which of these statements are true and which are false? * Milk makes worms. PoUtoes cause akin rashes. Garlic elimln. •tea intestinal parasites. Fat la poison. Raw egg white makes a dog's coat shine. ... ..—-• If you bit tor any, you don't rate high as s dog nutritionist. These statements, says Dr. Leon F\ Whitney In his Com plete Book of Dog Cars, "are •11 fallacies which for yoara have prevented people from fowling their pete Intelligently.'* Dr. Whitney has published 30 i books, including many on the ' wire and feeding of "man's bast I friend." He l» founder of the Wtntney Veterinary CUnie at Orange, Conn., and a member of (tbs Tola Medical School faculty. Enter RaIIom v A watt-nourished dog Is a happy, healthy pot who an ni si st infections and other diseases. If your dog does got rick. It's ■ mood to know that veterinarian* 1 can often take cars of the trouble with paatoUiin or Terra my'in, hormones such aa Bter •na, and ether modern drag* that work aa well in pate ae they do in human balhfa. r , But all tii« better If you keep your pet healthy. And that'* where rations come In. Feeding Fido need not be a complicated chore, says Dr. Whitney: The important thin* to remember, he advisee. is that a dog requires a balanced diet or protein, carbohydrate and fat, |ust like other animals and P*°P Wholesome Mint No need, however, to stand over a hot stove or work out special menus each day. A wholesome meal can he supplied by prepared dog (cud with or without family leftovers Dr. Whitney says a dog can digest anything you cap, and a tot more besides. Don't be afraid te feed your dor milk. Cooked fish baitao and all—la good occasionally sad, says the veterinarian, as are asm. rice and pouto—r* pi v. hied U*y ais cooked ^ GET YOUR POLIO SHOTS NOW! The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Adminis'tion Goofed on Salk Vaccine A report of the House Govern m e n t Operations Committee shows, once again, just how barf ly the Eisenhower Administration messed up the Salk antipolio vaccine program. The Commit tee criticizes what it calls unim aginative and less-than-effoctivc leadership by the Public Health Service in the nationwide pro gram. For one thing, the Committee reports, it found evidence of a possible price-fixing conspiracy In the sale of the vaccine. It says the Health Service and the De partment of Health. Education and Welfare "did not exercise » proper regard for economy and efficiency.” Everybody remem bers that the Administration pledged, above ail, economy and efficiency in government during the political campaigns of 1052 and 1056. In this connection, the Com mittee points out that the Health Service paid about twice as much for the vaccine as did the Nation al Foundation for Infantile Par alysis; further that the Health Service got no quantity discount for buying its 1 .ill ens of dollars worth of vaccine, made no genu ine attempt to secure inter-com pany competition before the Committee started its investiga tion into the program, and did no try to find out the vaccine's production cost. The reports says the Health, Education and Welfare Depart ment and the Public Health Ser vice were careless in not guard ing against possible antitrust law violations, and that the Justice Department did not take effec tive action against a possible price conspiracy until after heat ings by a subcommittee last Octo ber. Health Group Discusses Asian Flu A comprehensive discussion of, the Asiatic flu was held this noon' Health Committee oi the Omaha (Septemebr 24) by the Public Chamber of Commerce and Or. Edward Lyman, director of the ment. Dr, Lyman emphasized to the Douglas County Health Depart committee the specific control of the disease by vaccination, 70 per cent of which is usually ef fective. In his talk he warned persons allergic to chicken feath-i ers or eggs in the use of the vac cine because of a possible violent reaction. Quieting the fear of widespread epidemic, the Direct or said the attack rate is about “10 per cent of the population and the death rate la very, very Inw.” The Chamber committee also, studied the report and reeom •! mendatlons of the Sanitation Committee of the "Omaha Plan." Committee Chairman Francis Hath called for a special commit tee to study the sewer ict.'ip of the Sanitation Committee’s re port A major problem under study wtil be the manner in which some 933 million could be raised to pay for the program. Mr Hath said. James W. Carr James W. Carr, of 929% No. 26th Street, expired Wednesday September 18, 1957 at a local hos pital. A native of Logan County, Ken tucky, Mr. Carr came to Omaha in 1917. He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Brice of Omaha; " sons, Harold Carr of Omaha, and Millard Carr of Detroit, Michigan. Funeral services were held Monday September 23, 1957 at 10:00 a.m. from the Myers Fun eral Home Chapel with Rev. Roy W. Johnson officiating assisted by Elder James Stewart, Sr. In terment was at Mt, Hope Ceme tery. Pallbearers were Messrs Wil bur Pettis, Arthur Johnson, Rob ert Hightower and Floyd Buck ner. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. Vaccination Is Reducing Polio Threat With the peak of the polio season practically over, one big fact becomes apparent. Over 70 million people in the country had had at least one shot of Salk polio vaccine by September 1, and this summer the number of polio cases dropped to a new low. It is clear that the Salk vaccine is safe and it works. How do we know it's safe? Be cause the U. S. government tests this vaccine thoroughly and con tinuously, and must approve all that is used. How do we know It works? Because recent medi cal studies show that three piop crly spaced shots of Salk vaccine give immunity to 90 per cent of the persons injected. But once the summer polio sea forget about it. They think that polio is licked and they don't son is over p. ople tend to need to worry about it any more. Nothing could be farthur from the truth. that, in the words of Dr. Jonas The first thing to remember is Salk, ‘‘Your neighbor’* vaccina tion doesn’t protect you.” The Salk vaccine does not “wipe out’’ the polio virus. It protects a gainst paralysis, but the virus remains alive and can be passed on to other people. Unless you yourself have been vaccinated, you are as likely to "catch” po lio as you were before there was a Salk vaccine. The second thing to remember is that you need three shots of vaccine: the second shot two to six weeks after the first, the third shot seven months after the sec ond. Unless you get all three, you don’t have maxium protec tion against paralysis. M you start thia fall, you can be fully protected by next spring when paralytic polio may again become a menace to your life, your earning capacity and your rarcer. See your doctor about vaccinations now for every mem ber of your family under 40 year* of age, beginning with the baby. About 240 speclna of fish and ahellfish appear on American dinner tablea, according to the N a t i o n al Fisheries Institute. The#* fishery products vary aa to content of protein, minerals and vitamins, but ail are low to carbohydrates Asian Flu Epidemic Is Epidemic Alert Medical and public health au thoritics now believe that we are almost certain to have widespread epidemics of influenza this fall and winter. This prediction is based on the appearance of an entirely new strain of Type A influenza virus against which our people have no specific immuni ty, and which has already caused widespread epidemics in several foreign countries and localized outbreaks in this country. This 1 new “Asian” strain of virus la now seeded throughout the Lni ted States. Characteristics of the Disease The disease caused by this virus is characterized by its abruptness, severity of symp toms, shortness of duration (3 to 5 days), and low mortality rate. Deaths that occur are usually in the extremes of age and those who are debilitated, and particu larly those who have pulmonaiy or cardiac diseases. The serious ness of an epidemic in a com munity is expected to arise from the high attack rate (15 to 20 percent) occurring over a period of 3 to 4 weeks, which can seri ously disrupt normal community activities and overwhelm hospi tal and/medical facilities unless the proper steps are taken to minimize this situation. Vaccina Program A monovalent vaccine giving good protection against Asian in fluenza is being manufactured in ever-increasing quantities by si* pharmaceutical houses. The ’ widest possible use of this vac | cine la to be encouraged in an attempt to prevent epidemics 1 froth occurring, or to minilnize | the impact on a community, j There are to be no government ' restrictions or controls on the use of the vaccine, but the phar maceutical houses have volun tarily agreed to an allocation plan whereby each state will re ceive its proportionate share of vaccine based on its population Nebraska receives 0.8% of the total outpput. Vaccine is now coming into the state in increas-1 ing quantities. It is anticipated that the supply will be adequate in sixty to ninety days. During the next few weeks, when the demand for vaccine is expected to be greater than the available supply, physicians are urged to use some form of pri ority system in the administra tion of the vaccine. It will be de sirable at the local level to ar rive at this priority plan by joint decision between the medical profession and local community advisory groups. A suggested priority plan places those persons in the community responsible of providing medical and hospi tal services at the head of the list, with persons deemed essen tial for maintaining other com munity services second (fire, po lice, public utilitites, communi cation workers, etc.), and those persons most likely to have sc vere complications third, (Per sons who are debilitated or have cardiac or pulmonary diseases.) Two precautions are to be ou served in the use of the vaccine. First, since it is an egg product, persons sensitive to eggs, chick ens, or chicken feathers, should under no circumstances receive vaccine, but rather should run the risk of contracting Asian in flurnza. Second, since it does cause undesirable reactions in very young infants, it is recom mended that it not be given to infants under 3 months of age. For pre-school children under 3 years of age, 1/10 cc intracu taneously or subcutaneously re peated after an interval of one to two weeks, is considered safe. Children from 5 to 12 years of age may be given % cc subcutan eously, also repeated after an in terval of one to two weeks. Child ren 13 years of age and older may receive the adult dose of 1 cc subcutaneously. When vaccine becomes avail able In sufficient quantities to meet the demand and It becomes necessary to embark on a vaccine promotion campaign, materials will be available to assist each community in such a program V>*iqa spws • oiui uor)*inj ,mineo:fo right. Elder G. Herfih Taylor of Sharon Sevanth Day Adventist Church made this temment: The President’s speech was forthright and direct. And it ex forthright and idrect. And it ex pressed in my opinion,, and I quote: The position of any true executive who would want jus tice to prevail. And as chief ex cutive o fthe United States of America he had no other choice Rev. St. Clair Pastor of Mount Moriah Baptist Churdi comments: The President gave a very fine talk. And the things that he sug i gested be done, were the things that needed tp be done. The Rev. I. Parker of Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church remark* that the President made a very appropriate address and that hi* actions were justified when he sent troops to Arkansas in order to uphold the law of the United States. What Others Say CATSKILL, N. Y., ENTERPRISE: "Statistics are working in favor of older employees in industry and the premise that they are less productive is being continually disapproved. The Industrial Bulletin, published by the New York State Dept, of Labor, opines that ‘output man-hours show little significant variation among age groups.’ The magazine gives figures to show that older workers have a better at tendance record than younger employees and that older workers have fewer accidents on the job. Hiring older workers is good sound busi ness practice. Their expeirence gained through the years is indispens able." HARMONY, MINN., NEWS: “To train children at home, it’s necessary for both the parents and children to spend some time there.” LAKE CITY, IOWA, GRAPHIC: "The federal government owns billions of dollars worth of... businesses that arc not paying any taxes. It takes our tax dollars to keep them operating. Theae should be sold and applied to our public debt ... Six to ten billions in taxes could be saved in this manner. LINDSBORG. KAN., NEWS-RECORD: "Anza Amen Lema, whose home is in Tanganyika, East Africa... .is attending Bethany Collaga, Lenta told me that one of the greatest problems in hit country waa to make his people believe that a government could be operated the way oura is, in the United States. That is. that everyone can taka a stand on government operation, can vote for the individuals, in our free elections, can criticize our governmental operations if they are not in agreement what our law makers are doing. These things, he stated, are difficult to get across to his people and it is hia belief j that our government is going to have to make a definite effort to gal these things acroas to the peoplea of many foreign countries if we are to hold the spread of Communism " , NOBWAlX COWN. HOUR: “In IOT7. the first federal regulatory j agency in this country waa set up with the establishment of the Inter stale Commerce Commiasion to regulate the railroads In the 70 years since-there are... no fewer than 115 leaser bodies with authority to make rules and regulations, investigate complaints end judge the findings They are rightly called quMi-judicai agencies ... It is now the personification of big government.” I ' ' * -