The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 06, 1957, Page Two, Image 2

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    □ National Advertising Representative
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j. Maw York • Chicago • Detroit • Philadelphia
Published Every Thursday, Dated Friday
^ach office for local news only, 2420 Grant St. Omaha 'll. Neb.
«aoed-claaa mail privileges authorized at Omaha. Nebraska.__
SC. GALLOWAY __Publisher and Managing E^N
— “ " (MEMBER)
This paper reaerwes the right to publish all mattar credited
Ae these aewi aerviraa. ____
ff ___• M
{Three Months
fc Month.-}J
Oh Month-*
Am Months-If*
Six Mouths
Oao Year
Cigarettes and Cancer
If there are those who still have any doubts, the Public Health
Service has now officially taken the position that there is “an increas
ing and consistent evidence" that excessive cigarette smoking is one
of the causes of lung cancer.
This was announced only a few days ago and reverses an offcial
pronouncement of 1954 from the Public Health Service, which took
the position that there was evidence of an association between lung
cancer and cigarette smoking but left open the question of cause-and
effect relationship.
Not only has the Public Health Service reversed this 1954 announ
cement, but Dr. Leroy E. Burney, the Surgeon-General, has begun a
nation-wide campaign to spread information on the subject. He has
sent to the public health officers of all states, and to the American
Medical Association, copies of his recent announcement and also those
of two scientific reports, which show ‘‘extremely high’ association
between heavy smoking and lung cancer.
The Surgeon-General’s statement was immediately challenged by
Dr. Clarence Cook Little, chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board to
the Tobacco Industry Research Committee. As expected, Dr. Little
claimed that there has been no proof and that the issue is still un
However, those who want to use common sense and exercise the
minimum amount of prudence would certainly be wise to limit their
cigarette smoking to a modest volume. In all of the studies we have
read about, it is the excessive cigarette smoker who seems to run the
danger of lung cancer. The smoker who smokes less than a pack a
day is on much safer ground in our opinion.
Therefore, if one smokes cigarettes, all the evidence indicates
that moderation is in order.
A Serious Opportunity
A rise in the price index for the eleventh consecutive month gives
especial pertinency—if it were needed—to the exchange of letters
Between the heads of the world’s largest labor union and the world’s
largest industrial corporation on the subject of checking the inflation
ary spiral.
Both Walter Reuther, president of the United Auto Workers, and
Harlow Curtice, president of General Motors, apparently agree that, in
Mr. Reuther’s words, “free labor and free manaegment... share joint
responsibilities. One of these_is to find a way to raise collective
bargaining above the level of a struggle between competing economic
pressure groups.” Both appear to agree also that prices are, in Mr.
Curtice’s words, “not properly the subject of collective bargaining.”
{Mr. Reuther: “Price decisions are in the exclusive hands of manage
Each has proposed specifically what the other might do to brake
the inflational spiral. Mr. Reuther suggested that the “Big Three" of
the auto industry "reduce prices on 1958 models to levels averaging at
least $100 below the prices for comaprable 1957 models.” Mr. Curtice
has called upon the UAW, insofar as General Motors is concerned, to
"extend intact our national agreement for a period of two years be
yound May 29, 1958 ” And he reminded Mr. Reuther of his previous
rather florid preview of UAW demands.
Neither has been specific as to what his own organization would
be willing to do in return. Each has couched that part of his pro
posal in general euphemistic terms. Said Mr. Reuther: “We, for
our part, will give full consideration to the effect of such reduction
on your corporation’s financial position....’’ Replied Mr. Curtice: “For
our part, we will continue to do all in our power to resist inflaitonary
pressures..... "
Getting down to "brass tacks.”—so far so good. Nobody should
expect either, at this stage or later, to spell out a bargain. But if this
exchange is not allowed to degenerate into name-calling and imputa
tions of ulterior motives it could set in motion anti-inflationary forces
on a large scale.
Mr. Curtice’s response suffered in comparison with Mr. Reuther’s
approach by branding the latter “another publicity maneuver” and
by attacking its sincerity. Mr. Reuther only shoved the reconnaissance
farther off the track by retorting that “GM has demonstrated a shock
aee as preliminary sparring between two bargaining table opponents.
If inflation is to be stopped, the price-wage leapfrog will somehow
bave to be stopped. And when a very large unit of labor puts forth
log disregard for the welfare of the American buying public-”
News From Around Nebraska
Lexington is making preparations for the State Corn Pick
ing Contest which is to be held on a Dawson County farm
this fall. The Dawson County Herald showed a picture of the
farmer, who raised the corn which is to be picked. The con
test is to be held October 8th and will be the first time in the
nation that a picker-sheller machine has been used for such
* • *
Central City has put into use a new school bus which will
provide transportation for 31 children from outlying areas. It
makes a 39 mile run daily, says the Central City Nonpareil.
• * *
The farmer who rigged up an electric fence at Ogallala
has been charged with murder following the death of a 15
year old boy who came in contact with the fence. The fence
charger unit was attached to a power line as a source of cur
rent The use of the fence came about after the boys had
made several raids on a sweet com field, taking corn without
permission and committing vandalism. The boy was in the
act of taking more corn when he came into contact with the
fence and was killed. The Keith County News at Ogallala is
following the details of the case thoroughly. There will be a
preliminary hearing this week.
• • •
South Sioux City is having trouble with youths who roam
the streets at night, commit acts of vandalism and beat up any
whom they meet. The Dakota County Star of South Sioux
revealed last week that the police department has adopted a
“get tough” attitude and is picking up all boys who are found
on the streets at night. 20 were rounded up in a single even
ing, the newspaper stated. The police department holds the
boys in jail and calls their parents to come and get them and
take them home.
Oddly enough, some of the parents become very disturbed
because the police ask that their sons be taken home in the
early hours of the morning.
• • •
The Formfit garment manufacturing company at Crete is
now employing 170, the Crete News stated last week. A new
row of machines has been installed in the factory and the build
ing is fijled to capacity. Employment has increased about 40
during the summer, the News stated.
• • •
At Fair bury there have been several cases of wholesale
deaths of English Sparrows and no one has been able to de
termine the cause. The Fairbury Journal reported last week
that the birds are found by the hundreds in numerous areas.
Others are wondering if some disease is depopulating the birds.
Schools at Minden do not open until next Monday, Sep
tember 9th, announced the Minden Courier last week. Their
opening date is the latest noted in Nebraska.
• • *
The First Christian Church at Aurora held a special Labor
Day church service last Sunday and to make it a true Labor
Day service the pastor asked the members of the congregation
to wear their work clothes to church. Each person was to wear
the type of clothing he wore all day long while carrying out
his allotted tasks. The sermon subject, fittingly, was "Labor,”
announced the News-Register.
• • •
Better late than never, is probably on the minds of the
members of the Bassett, Nebraska Senior class of 1957. The
Rock County Leader carried an announcement last week that
the High School-annuals had arrived and were ready for dis
• • •
Seward merchants held a “Daffy Day” last week and
moved merchandise to the sidewalks where it was offered for
sale. To emphasize the daffiness of it all, some of the business
men appeared in odd costumes. As has been the case in other
places, bargain hunters moved in and made it a good business
■* • •
An old fashioned cattle drive, reminiscent of the early days,
was staged in Dawes county near Chadron recently when a
rancher drove 300 steers from his ranch to a loading area
where they could be taken by trucks to market. The drive
was accomplished in 12 hours Six cowboys on horseback did
the trick.
« • »
Just across the Missouri River from Washington county is
Mondamin and that community lost its depot one day last week
when a train hit a dump truck. The truck was tossed against
the building, wrecking the building to the extent of $2000.
The truck was broken in two but the driver was not seriously
• • •
Luther College will teach some of its closes by television,
the Wahoo Newspaper announced last week. The telecasts will
originate at the University of Nebraska and will be broadcast
[ from the University’s station KUON. The new type of teaching
will be very effective, it is believed and it will be an innovation
at Luther. The system works similar to a correspondence
course but is said to be much more effective and easier to grasp.
• • •
Schools at Ogallala are on a new time schedule this year,
starting class work at 8:15 and ending the school day at 3:00.
The new time table is on trial, it has been emphasized.
That same public is too deeply concerned with stopping inflation
and getting at its cause to have much patience with what it will likely
a proposal in this direction the public expects that it be genuine and
be accompanied by a willingness to follow through. It also expects
the very large units of industry addressed to at least weigh that pro
posal at its face value until and unless it is proved spurious.
Vitamins in Apples New Harbor
Apples contain good amounts si Tim harbor at Monrovia. Liberia
vita miss A, Bl. and C plus small nT'der development under aus
amounts at calcium, phosphorus, pices of the United States and was
and iron. spaaed as a free port July M. MM
S!|S| .
Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
Castle By The Sea
These youngsters arc having a royal lime building a castle in the sand
with real towers, turrets, embaltlemenls, drawbridge and gate. Designed
by Trantogram, “Build a Sand Castle Set” it the first of its hind in
America. All the parts are made of sturdy plastic including miniature
English knights on foot and horseback. W hen filled with sand, the lowers
•tand two feel tall. Additional lowers can be used for building larger
castles. Complete sets are available in $1.00 and 92.00 sites at all toy
counters. Full instructions in all kits.
at Mackinac
gan August 29-—“The greatest
miracle in America is happening
at Mackinac Island,” William
Gordon, City Editor of “The At
lanta Daily World,” who was
formerly a Nieman fellow at Har
vard, told the MRA Assembly of
Nations here today. He was re
ferring to the change MRA is
bringing to human hearts.
Speaking with him were U Hla
Maung, Mayor of Rangoon, Bur
ma; Daw Than Nwai of the Bur
mese Ministry of Information;
Mrs Nancy Yu Huang, publisher
of "The China Post” in Taiwan;
and Guiseppe S. E. Brusasca,
Member of Parliament and for
mer Under-Secretary of Foreign
Affairs in Italy.
In the audience of more than
1,000 delegates from 47 nations
were 94 representatives of the
China Youth Corps of Taiwan,
12 members of parliament from
Thailand, and two official repre
sentatives of the Prime Minister
of the Sudan.
“If America changes, the whole
world will be compelled to
change,” Mr. Gordon said. "We
I will have no difficulty with our
foreign policy if other nations
see us living absolute moral ■
standards. I am struck by the
simplicity of MltA’s answer, j
Sometimes it seems that the;
simpler a thing is. the harder it
is to grasp for those who do not
want to change.
•‘There is something very gen- j
nine, very spiritual and very' deep
in the four absolute standards of
Moral Re-Armament — nonesty,
purity, unselfnishness and love.
We need to take them to the
South. We must change people's j
hearts before we can get people
to change the laws. It is a great
challenge to the South” Gordon
concluded. “It is a challenge to
begin with ourselves.”
gan, August 27. 1BV7—'Two Su
danese statesmen, Moslem lead- J
ers of commanding stature—
dressed in the magnificant robes
and white turbans of their tradi- j
tion, presented to Dr. Frank
Buehman gifts from their people
here today.
Sayed Ahmed Mohamed Abu
Sin, Minister of Social Affairs in
the Sudan, and his colleague, {
Sayed Mohammed Saleh Shangit
ti, former Speaker of the Assem j
bly were representing the Prime
Minister at the Assembly of Na
tions here. They were introduced
by Ahmed El Mahdi who convey
ed to Dr. Buchman the greetings
of his father, El-Eman Abd El
Rahman El Mahri, founder of the
Government Party of the Sudan
The Minister of Social Affairs
read a message to the Assembly
from his Prime Minister. “MRA
is doing the most important work
in the world. It Is the fundamen
tal answer to the materialism
which is threatening all the na
tions. If moral standards decay
then the nation dies. MRA gives
to the nation the moral standards
it needs. MRA has come at the
most fortunate time to give to
the peopple of the world a most
inspired ideology.”
He then turned to Dr. Buch
man, who chaired the session and
presented a prayer mat, a coffee
um and other gifts.
“The Sudan, with both African
and Arab races in its midst, is in
an important position in Africa,"
said Shangitti. "It can stretch
out its hands to both the north
and south of Africa and protect
the continent. With MRA in the
Sudan we can achieve our objec
live of good relations with our
El Mahdi said that without the
principles of MRA, which he li
kened to those of Islam, the
whole Moslem world will “fall
.prey to either chaos or Commun
ism.” In the present world strug
gle between America and Com
munism, he said, the victory of
one will mean the destruction of
the other. “MRA steps in and pro
duce* the answer for both these
peoples and also for people who
have lost their values and princi
ples,” he concluded.
Amanda Gustin
Mrs. Amanda Gustin, age 80
years, of 3925 Blondo Street, ex
pired Monday September 2, 1357
at a Lincoln hospiptal.
A native of Milan County, Tex
as. she came to Omaha a number
of years ago.
She is survived by her sister,
Mrs. Josephine Adams; nephew,
Fred Pickard;, Jessie Mac
Funeral services tentatively
arranged for Thursday September
5th, 1957 at 10:00 a.m. from the
Clair Methodist Church with Rev.
E T. Streeter officiating. Inter
ment will be at Forest Lawn
Myers Brothers Funeral Ser
Overheard at the Museum of
Modern Art: “1 11 bet this one was
final clearance! men's
summer and
orig. 37.50 and
much, much more
* wash 'a wear
* tropicals
* all wool flannels
* broken sixes
Handsome suits In light
and dark fabrics. Single
breasted models. Save
new on this final clear
IBM's ciotttH—foot
Richard Nared
Mr, Richard Nared, 51 years,
passed away Tuesday afternoon
September 3rd at his nome 2517
Grant Street.
Mr. Nared had been a resident
of Omaha twenty six years. At
the time of his death he had been
a faithful employee of the Watson
Brothers Transportation Com
pany. Mr, Nared was a member
of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
where he served on the Usher
Board and was a member of Nat
Hunter Lodge No. 12 F.&A.M,
He is survived by his wife,
Mrs, Hollis Mae Nared, Omaha;
one son, Mr. Clauzell Nared,
Omaha; seven sisters, Mrs. Bertha
Jam.nson, Xenia, Ohio, Mrs. Ar
dela Huston, Alvin, Mich., Mrs.
F r n estine Littlejohn, Omaha,
Mrs. Jura Mae Brown, Detroit,
Mrs. Evelyn Bradley, Mrs. Annie
Mae Thornton, Mrs. Arta Fioyd,
Evergreen, Alabama; two broth
ers, Mr. Percy Nared. Omaha, Mr.
Willie H. Nared, Xenia, Ohio and
other relatives.
'i mtalively funeral services
have been set for two o’clock
Monday afternoon September 9th
from Mt. Moriah Church with the
Rev. David St. Clair officiating,
Nat Hunter Lodge No. 12 in
charge of Masonic rites. Ar
rangements by the Thomas Fun
eral Home.
In Borneo
Win Praise
NEW YORK, Sept. 2—A Negro
couple from Florida who are
Methodist missionaries in Borneo
were today called “pioneers akin
to Jackie Robinson in baseball.”
Tom Harris, an agronomist and
former county farm agent, and
his wife, Jennie, a school teach
er, are featured in an article on
"The Methodists” in this new is
sue of Look Magazine. The story
is the first in a series on the
“Story of Religions in America.*
Mr. and Mrs. Harris are ‘out
standing among modern Metho
dist missionaries,” the Look ar
ticle reports, because they typify
the highly trained specialists the
Methodists are now sending a
broad to supplement the work of
native pastors.
In 1948, the Harrises were sent
to Fukien Province, China. They
were the first regularly com
missioned Negro missionaries to
be sent by any Christian church
to an East Asian country.
“They did so splendidly there,"
Look notes, “that when Chinese
Communists over ran the area,
anti-American propanda found
no sympathizers among the vil
lagers. The Harrises had disap
proved Communists charges that
American Negroes were illerate
and exploited. They spoke fluent
Chinese, had materially improved
local agriculture and learning,
and were friends to Chinese of
the lowest station."
When they were ordered out
of China in 1951, they went to
work among the Dyaks in Sara
wak, Borneo where their mission
is now flourishing.
Radio Class
The Fall schedule for the free
Laboratories has just been an
ftee amateur radio classes offer
ed continually by World Radio
nounced by Mr. Leo Meycrson,
president of the organization.
Two courses will be given, be
ginning Tuesday, September 17
and Tuesday, October 22, 1957,
respectively. Classes meet each
Tuesday and Thursday evening
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for a per
iod of four weeks. Upon the
conclusion of the course, the nec
cessary examination will be given
so that students may obtain their
operator's license and call let
Though anyone, male or fe
male, who is a citizen of the Uni
ted States and has never held an
Amateur Radio License, may take
the course at no charge, the num
ber of students must be limited
in order to allow maximum in
dividual attention. Anyone wish,
ing to register should contact
Mr. Jim Noland at World Radio,
2-0277 in Council Bluffs or
JAckson 4700 in Omaha.
Belt Repair: To prevent a plas
tic belt from breaking at the eye
lets, put a strip of adhesive tape
on the under side. Use a darn
ing needle or awl to puch hoies
for the eyelets. This also helps
keep the belt from stretching
when it gets warm from body
Drip Drying Tip: When drying
"no iron" dresses and skirts, fold
a large bath towel over the clothes
hanger so towel hangs between
the folds of the garment. Then
the front and back of the garment
won't cling together.
' "
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Balf-allve, headachy, when conatlpa
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sweeten sour stomach too. No harsh
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rba. Brings thorough but gentle
relief In morning. Life looks sunny
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•In Powder or Orannlatti form .., and
now In aew, eaey-lo-l«*e TaMrtt, tool
CHILDREN: When constipation sours
Children's digestion, get Byrup of Black
Draught. They love Us honsy-sweet lasts.
'56 Buick.......
Convertible, Dyne-flow, power brake*.
New car warranty
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'56 Cadillac.
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'56 Chevrolet.
2-door A 1-owner beauty including warranty.
'56 Pontiac.
Star Chief Convertible Coupe or Catalina Sod.
Full power, 7000 guaranteed mile*.
'56 Oldsmobile - --$9495
98 or S 88 Holiday Sed. Loaded, including ** * *
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Roadmaster Riviera 2-doer. Factory fresh
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'55 Chrysler.<2100
Windsor DeLuxe V-S Sedan. Full power, *T ®
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'55 Ford <|595
Fair lane Convertible V-8, Fordomatic and w m ^
many other extras.
'53 Lincoln.$1295
Comopolitian Hardtop 2-Door. The one ™
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'53 Cadillac.<1995
Coupe DeVille. Guaranteed 1-owner. Full T * * m nS
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W* have many, many more exceptionally fin* automobiles at
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Far too many te try and list here, end above all alee..Remem
ber, folks, we will be here tomorrow to back up what we say
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2721 Ilodge St. JA BOI5—Ja 6293
Over 45 years in the automobile business in Omaha.