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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1957)
heb. Historical Society •' • ■ ’ l; " : 1500 t\• i»ta Lluo-li o, i ebr. itus ia *w^ ewspaper ! What you are doing is news. ; ; Please Phone Your News To HA 0800 jj ;; or send it to < • ; THE OMAHA GUIDE _ ; a 2420 Grant St f /jjjSTO/fQUAm / EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Friday, March 22, 1957 Vol. 38 No. 1 10c Per Copy ___ Booker T. Washington Oratorial Contest Soon • BOOKER WASHINGTON BIRTH PLACE, VIRGINIA OOO The De partment of Education of the In dependent Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World is set ting machinery into operation to conduct its 32nd Annual Oratorical Contest. During the past 31 years this organization has given more than a million dollars to help open the doors of opportunity to young America. This year organization is coop erating with the Booker T. Wash ington Centennial Commission in its Goodwill Building Crusade which is being conducted as a part of the Year-Long celebration staged to pay tribute to the one hundredth Anniversary of the birth of Booker T. Washington. Sidney J. Phillips, President of the Booker T. Washington Centen nial Commission states that his organization is offering $3,000 in scholarships to winning partici pants in the Elks Oratorical con test who speak on the subject “BOOKER T. WASHINGTON AND THE CONSTITUTION.” It is his belief that the ideals and teachings of this Apostle of Goodwill can do much to make good, sound, solid Americans of us all. In addition to these scholarships the Commission will also send free copies of Booker T. Washington's Autobiography, "Up from Slavery” to contestants who enter the Elks 1957 Oraterical Contest and select as their subject “BOOKER T. WASHINGTON AND THE CONSTI TUTION.” This week the Booker T. Wash ington Centennial Commission is sending out letters to thousands of Exalted Rulers and Daughter Rul ers whose lodges and temples par ticipate in this great educational program, informing them that the Elks Board of Trustees, in its Mid-Winter Conference, approved of cooperating to spread goodwill through this year's Oratorical Con test. Young People everywhere are urged to enter the contest—and to select the topic—“BOOKER T. WASHINGTON AND THE CON STITUTION." Omaha Y Adds Sports To Classes The Omaha YWCA is offering many spring sports in Us spring term of classes. New additions arc tennis, golf, fencing and horseback riding. These classes will all begin the week of March 25th. Fencing is being taught by Mr. Dayton Rasmussen on Saturdays from I to 3 p.m. The first hour is a period of instruction and the second hour is a period of prac tice. Ills class will be in session for a period of eight weeks for the fee of $600 plus the YWCA yearly membership. Horseback riding or Equitation is being taught in two five week sessions beginning March 27th and May 8th at the Florence Riding Stables. The five week session will cost $12.00 per per son plus the YWCA yearly mem bership. Each lesson will be an hour in length. Lessons times are 10 to 11 on Wednesday and 8:30-6:30 on Wednesday. Doth adults and children are welcome. Golf is being offered in two six week sessions beginning the week of March 25th and May 6lh. Each lesson is one hour in length, Monday through Thursday, 10 to 11, 11 to 12, and 6 to 7 or 7 to 8 p.m. Fee is $9.00 for the six les sons plus YWCA membership. Tennis instruction will be held on Saturdays from 10 to 11, speci fically for children, and on Mon day and Tuesday from 6 to 7 and Thursday mornings from 10 to 11. The fee is 4.00 for a series of 10 lessons. Many other classes will contin ue to be held and will also start the week of March 25th. Register now for all spring term YWCA classes. Mary Lou Templeton Health Education Director, YWCA Jackson 2748 The ‘stogie’ * email cigar, was first produced for the drivers of the early Conestoga wagons, thus the name. Fund Help Is Available To Students Wanasebe S. Fletcher, Chair ! man of the Osborne Scholarship Advisory Committee, today an nounced that the committee would soon begin processing ap plications from area students in terested in securing financial as sistance from the Osborne Schol arship Fund. Fletcher indicated that accord ing to the terms of the Osborne Fund, preference will be given to Negro applicants who plan to pursue training for professional or skilled jobs in industry. Ac cording to committee chairman Fletcher, the Fund seeks to en courage youth to enter into such fields as; Metallurgy, Electronics, Engineering, Architecture, Indus trial Chemistry, etc. Inquiries about scholarship aid should be addressed to Mr. W. S. Fletcher in care of the Omaha Urban League, 513 Karbach Block (JA 7648,) or to Mr. Flet I cher’s home address, 6914 North 31st Avenue. Preference in the selection of the school will be given to the University of Nebraska; Illinois Institute of Technology; and Iowa State College. Other schools of fering technical training sought by the applicant will be consider ed. I ___ Three Named by Look To All-American New York, March 18 —Paced by 7-foot Wilt (The Stilt) Chamberlain of the nation’s second-ranked Kan sas Jayhawks, three Negroes were named today to the 1956-57 Look Magazine All America Basketball Team. Elgin Baylor of Seattle and Guy Rodgers of Temple were the other two Negro stars selected on the 10-man Look squad by the newly formed United States Basketball Writers Association. Chamberlain the sophomore sen sation from Philadelphia, Pa., led the Jayhawks to the Big Seven I Conference basketball champion ship season. “In a desperate effort to cut down Wilt’s scoring, the op position used two, three and some times even four men on him,” the new issue of Look said in announ cing the selections. Round Dance Workshop March 27 Round Dance Workshop at the YWCA will begin March 27th and is designed as a refresher course ! for all men and women interested in reviewing or initially learning the round dances to be used m the Omaha Spring Square Dance Festival, Registration is occur ing at the Omaha YWCA now. The fee is $8.00 per couple plus a YWCA membership for each par : ticipant. The class will be held every Wednesday evening from 8 to 10 for a series of eight lessons. All lessons will be concluded before the Square Dance Festival occurs. Any persons who are able to do the two-step and waltz are en | couraged to enroll in this class, even if they are not interested in being in the festival. Mrs. Orville Smith, Festival Advisor for many years, will be the instructor. Call JA 2748 for any additional information. Berna Walls Berna Walls, age 44 years, Of 2011 Paul Strret, expired sudden ly Wednesday March 20, 1957. • A native of Salisbury, Mo., he came to Omaha in 1929. There are no known survivor*. 1 Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. Americana eat about 17 pound> of candy per capita per year. Press Workshop Cake Pretty Eunice J. Peterson, a Florida A and M University fresh man, poses with the cake baked especially for the Interscholastic Press Workshop banquet by H. R. Partridge, director of university foods services. The cake is the exact duplicate of the workshop program cover. Miss Peterson is a native of Jasper, Florida. (A and 1 M staff photo by James Walden) Friends of Charter in Litigation An order to show cause why a temporary injunction should not be granted the “Seven Friends of the Charter’s” petition to stop a proposed amendment increasing the pay of city councilmen under the new Charter was filed in Dis trict Court Thursday, The order was filed by Thomas P. L^ary, attorney for the "Seven Friends of the Charter.” At the same time, a hearing was set on the temporary injunction a gainst the proposed amendment 9:30 A.M. March 28 before Judge Patton. The slate of seven City Council candidates field suit March 12 to halt the proposed amendment which would raise the pay of Qty Councilmen from $3,000 to $6,000. The petition asked for an injunc tion against the placing of the pro posed amendment—which was cre ated by the present City Council December 26, 1956—on the April 2 ballot. The plaintiffs in the suit are N. Phil Dodge, James J. Dworak, Mrs. Kenneth T. Graham, Sam W. Reyn olds, Wray M. Scott, A. V. (Al) Sorensen and Harry Trustin. They contend the ordinance is invalid. Names as defendants were Her man E. Kuppinger, election com missioner; The City of Omaha; M. J. Dineen Jr., city clerk; Samuel Howell, City treasurer; Franklin Dinges, city controller; the Mayor and the present members of the city council. mayor «iuuu hummiumiix « »u Councilman Warren Swigart voted against the ordinance when it was considered by the City Council last year. A joint statement by the “Seven Friends of the Charter” earlier this week said: “The citizens of Omaha approved the new City Charter. The Charter they ap proved contained a provision to pay members of the City Council $3,000. This salary provision was debated thoroughly by the dele gates to the Charter Convention who were elected by the people, during the four months the Char ter was being written. The $3,000 figure was considered adequate. This amount was approved by the voters themselves. 'Now, despite this approval, the present City Council is attempting to raise this salary—even before the Charter has had an opportunity to be put into operation. “The Seven Friends of the Char ter believe the new Charter should be established exactly as approved by the voters and do not favor an increase In salary for City Council •MAM " f men. Today's happiness is usually yesterday’s kindness matured. The first step to a mink is often a wink. _ St Lawrence River is ice-free barely 8 months of the year, yet it moves about tt of Canada’s foreign trade then. Easter Seals Have New Look A new look in Easter Seals will be introduced to 341,000 Ne braska homes when the 1957 mes senger for crippled children and adults go into the mails, to signal the opening of the annual appeal, March 15th. Accompanying the traditional letter will be the newly styled sheet of assorted Seals consisting i of two sizes and designs as well as a "We Have Given” sticker for contributors to display. The sticker which appears in the center of the sheet, is a dupli cate of the billboard and other posters which will be used in pro moting the campaign. It shows an inviting boy with a crutch asking contributors to "Give Easter Seals.” Contributors are urged to help promote the campaign by display | ing the sticker on windows or ' doors when they have mailed their Easter Seal contributions, j Larger size Seals are especially Men's Club Hears Aims of'7 Friends' The platform of the “7 Friends of the Charter’’ was outlined Monday noon in a speech before! the Y’s Men’s Club at the YMCA] by Charles A. Peters. Mr. Peters is a member of the ] speaker’s bureau for the slate of seven candidates for the City Council known as the "7 Friends: of the Charter.” “The ‘7 Friends’ believe whole-] heartedly in the new charter exactly as approved by the citi- ] zens of Omaha,’’ Mr. Peters stated.! "They have pledged to make full use of the charter for more1 effective, progressive, modern city government for the best in terests of all the people of Oma ha,” he added. Mr. Peters said the slate lists three basic reasons why they be lieve in the new city charter. They are: 1. It will provide much great er efficiency in the operation ol: Omaha’s city government. 2. It will create a better com- j munity environment necessary to attract new industry to Omaha. 3. It will mane umana a oeuei, safer place in which to work, live and raise families. The “7 Friends of the Charter” are: N. Phil Dodge, A. V. A1 Sor ensen, Harry Trustin, Wray M. Scott, Mrs. Kenneth T. Graham, James J Dworak and Sam W. Rey- j nolds. The first five were mem bers of the City Charter Conven tion. Mr. Peters pointed out that the people of Omaha “rallied behind the City Charter and it should follow that they would rally be hind people such as these who are experienced with the provi : sions of the document.” for use as stickers on packages and gifts. Approximately 90 percent of the funds raised during the an nual Easter Seal campaign finan ces services within Nebraska. The remainder goes to help support a national program of service, education and research. U. sTaRMY-MOTHERS Fifth Annual Spring Breakfast given by the U. S. Army Mothers Post No. 9 Sunday, March 31, 1957 at the North Branch Y.M.C.A., 2311 No. 22nd Street, 8 a m. to 12. Mrs. Ora Glass, Commander, Mrs. Florida Hunnigan, Adjutant. Omaha C of C Watching Many Bills Before Legislature t OF C WATCHES BILLS IN LEGISLATURE Legislative ' bills proposed be fore the Nebraska Unicameral were aired at the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting March 15th. According to Chamber vice president Ralph Svoboda, in the absence of President M. Cooper Smith, the directors voted unan imous in favor of LB 362 to al low public corporations in Ne braska to make contributions to charitable organizations. He ad ded that the above law would clear the way for such a corpora tions to subscribe to the Com munity Chest Fund. Board approval was voiced for LB 476, a bill which would ex empt securities in a trust from the intangible tax provided such securities are for employee re tirement or profit sharing plans. The bill provides in lieu of the intangible tax, an amount equal to 2% of the gross income from the taxable securities will be Tom Jones Mr. Tom Jones, 65 years, 2414 Franklin Street, expired Sunday af ternoon, March 17th at the Veter ans Hospital after an extended ill ness. Mr. Jones was the owner of the Lone Star Pool Hall. He was a vet eran of World War One and had been a resident of Omaha since 1918. Mr. Jones is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lula Jones; five sisters, Mrs. Mabel Parr, Los Angeles, Cali fornia, Mrs. Eula C. Williamson, Dallas, Texas, Muss Lois Thomas, Dallas, Mrs. Nettie Barber, Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, Fortworth, Texas; three brothers, Mr. John Jones, Mrs. Henry Thomas, Mr. Kenwood Thomas, of Omaha; nieces and nephews and other relatives. Funeral services have been set for ten o'clock Wednesday morn ing from the Bethel AME Church with the Rev. W. A. Fowler offici ating, with Irquoise Lodge No. 92 IBPOEW Clifton McKinley, Exalt ed Ruler, in charge of Elk’s rites. Roosevelt Post No. 30, Commander H. Stewart in charge of the Ameri can Legion services. Arrange ments by the Thomas Funeral Home. — paid. At the present time, Svoboda pointed out, many trusts for pen sions of employee benefit plans for large corporations in Ne braska arc being set up in other states to avoid the tax. The pas sage of LB 476 would encourage the establishment of such trust funds in Nebraska. LB 361, a bill to provide for additional Municipal Court jud ges for Omaha also received ap proval. The Chamber pointed out that the Municipal Court has been limited to 5 judges for many years. Mr. Svoboda said, “in the meantime, the volume of court cases has greatly increased with the result that additional judges are necessary to handle the work, load.” It was pointed out that at the present time, there is a 60 day delay in the trial of civil cases. Two recommendations of the Street Traffic and Parking Com mittee were also approved. The ordinance requiring off street parking be provided lor new buildings and to establish new parking zone regulations for auxiliary parking lots was recom mended. It was pointed out that the central business district and the South Omaha business district and stock yards are exempted from this ordinance. New buildings or additions to existing buildings in the areas covered must establish facilities for parking based on the type of occupancy of the buildings. The ordinance would also provide for a zoning classification to permit the estsablishment of parking ar eas in residential areas adjacent to commercial districts. Mr. Svo boda added that provision is made for protection of adjacent resi dential property in such cases. The above recommendation to the Chamber’s board was also urged by the Urban Development and Planning Committee. Approved was a recommenda tion calling for the prohibition of parking in certain areas in central business district between hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., Mon day through Friday. The pro hibition would also extend to the stopping of any vehicle for load ing within 60 feet of a crosswalk where right turns are permitted. The same resolution urges city authorities to work out a near far stop system for buses. Curb banking stops would not be cur tailed. me directors, upon a recom mendation of the Public High ways Committee, urged the State Highway Department to negotiate immediately for purchase of prop erty along the proposed interstate highway route between. 42nd and 48th near C Streets. It was men tioned that several commercial and residential developments are planned for this area. Such ac quisition would enanble owners in the area to fit their plans to the route of the highway. The City of Omaha, upon the recommendation of the River De velopment Committee, was urged to appropriate sufficient funds to. the Omaha Dock Board to enable it to complete the acquisition of a crane on an installment pur chase contract and to make such repairs as may be necessary to keep the municipal dock function al for the coming navigation sea son. LB 470, as introduced, was op posed. Mi’ton Abrahams, chair man of the Education Committee, informed the Board that the bill would change the method of allo cation of state educational funds to the individual school districts. At present such funds are allo cated on the basis of total census of school pupils. The bill, as introduced, would make the distribution on the basis of enrollment in public schools only. This would reduce the ap portionment to the Omaha School District by about 20ft, Abrahams said, and would have a serious ef fect on all school districts in Ne braska. The meeting was concluded by a report on the Omaha Jubilee by V. J. Skutt, general chairman, and voted full support and coopera tion in Omaha's Jubilee .plans. The directors heard a suggestion made by the Jubilee Committee that a special exhibit of Omaha commercial and industrial ac tivities be sponsored by the Cham ber’s Industry Committee. L.A. Golfers Win Miami Tournament Eolene Thornton, aecond from | right and Joe Roach, left, both of Los Angeles, California, were win ners in the recent third annual Ray Mitchell North-South Winter Golf Tournament at Miami. Ted I Rhodes, St. Louis professional, cap look on. Below are seen other trophies among which are ones given Nat “King” Cole, Sammy Da vis, Jr., Jackie _ Robinson and a large number of business firms. Chatting at right are Ann Lindsey, Miami business woman and social leader, Mr. Kendrix, who was Mcee £~'i* for trophy ball and Mr. Mitchell. Mrs. Lindsey serves on tournament committee. i