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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1957)
WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay; and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call fJA 0800. WANTED WANTED! WANT ED: We want to rent that Apartment ye« taw I* R*"L Call HA 08M. WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO 8ELLT WE HAVE RENTERS AND BUYERS WAITING FOR WHAl YOU HAVE GIVE US A RING. HA MM. Announcement The Waller Radio Re pair Shop, which was located at 1904 North 24th St has moved to 2525 North 20th St 1 block north from Lako St on the east side of North 20th St Let us Repair your Radio in the car or your ' home. Day & Night Service. Call JA 0669. FOR RENT: Three 2-room furnish ed apartment*. Three 3-room furnished apartments. Two 4 room furnished apartment*. Call HA 0»W. FOR SALE: One 8-room houae. 2 blocks from Wilson Packing house for only $8000 cash. Call HA 0800 FOR RENT: 5 unfurnished rooms. With use of furnished kitchen and dining room. HA 0800. BARN $40 WEEKLY COMM, sew ing Babywear! No House Sell ing! Kush stamped addressed envelope. BABY GAY, War saw, Indiana. FOR RENT: One lovely large furnished room. Only $8.00 per week. Call 0800. FOR RENT: 1 3-room all modern apartment. All utilities paid. Only $60.00 per month. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: Three 2-room furnish-1 ed apartments. North Lake St., HA 0800. ! FOR RENT: A lovely 3 large room j furnished apartment on bus line. Only $60.00 per month all utilities paid by owner. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Three 3-room furnish ed apartments. 2 on No 19th St. I north of Lake. HA 0800. FOR RENT: 2 room furnished or unfurnished apartment. North of Lake. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT. One 3 large furnish ed room apartment. All utili- ‘ ties paid by owner. Only $65.00 pper month. Call Ha. 0800 or after 6 P.M. Call We 9545. _..- i FOR RENT: 1 Newly decorated; 2 room apartment Very Rea- j sonable. Also a sunny basement! apartment. All utilities paid ! by owner. PI. 1981. FOR RENT: 2 2-room furaishe apartment Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: 1 4-room all modern unfurnished apartment. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: Two 4-room Apts. Partly furnished. Built-in cab inets, private bath and en trance. All utilities paid. Ha. 0800. RESPONSIBLE PERSON man or woman, from this area, wanted to service and collect from automatic vending ma chines. No Selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and | $600 investment necessary. 7 to I 12 hours weekly nets approxi mately $250 monthly. Possibility full time work. For local in terview give full particulars, phone. Write P. 0. Box 7047, Minneapolis 11, Minn. FOR RENT: 2 rooms, sem basement, furnished. All util Ities paid by owner. Also sleeping rooms for one person or couples. Located at 2820 North 18th. Phone Ha. 3872. FOR RENT: 2 room furnished a partment. Will accept one or 2 small children. THts apt. is north of Lake St., only Vi block from bus line. Call before 9:30 a m HA 0800. FOR RENT: One 4-room un furnished apartment. Phone Ha. 0800 FOR RENT: Two lovely furnished room apartment. All utilities paid by owner. Right price for the right couple. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One 3 loom apart ment near Howard Kennedy School. Will accept one small child. North Lake, west of 24th SL Call HA 0800. Ready to move in now. [ FOR RENT: One 3-room furnish | ed apartment. Two 2-room un furnished apartment. Call Mrs. ‘ Moore. PI. 4699 or Ha. 0800. I FOR RENT: One 3-room furnish ed apartment. Two 2-room fur nished apartments. Ail utilities paid by owner. Phone Pr 0959 or Ha. 0800. RESPONSIBLE PERSON, male or female, from this area, wanted to service and collect from automatic vending machines. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and $600 work ing capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets to $250 monthly. Possibility full time work. For. local interview give full particulars, phone. Write P.O. Box 7004, Mpls. IX, Minn. -- I FOR RENT: Neat 5 room apt., 3 rooms, 28 and Pratt. Call PI. 3165. Limit 2 small child ren. ; FOR RENT: 3 room unfurnished apartment. Will accept 2 small children. All utilities paid by owner. Call Ha. 0800. The best way to bring up chil dren is to never let them down. HIGH broWN g*. . LIGHTENS AND BEAUTIFIES Face powder —•* .- —’-jy— OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG CO CHICAGO OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG. CO. 3653 S. State Street Chicago, 9, HI. PLEASE SEND ME FREE SAMPLE (State Shade Desired) ( ) High Brown ( ) Creole-Tan ( ) Nut Brown ( ) Olive-Tan Name _ Address __ j City_ State_ ! If You Want the low - down, the Inside baseball news, you'll want to take advantage of this spe cial offer. We'll send you 12 weekly hsues of THE SPORTING NEWS (reg ular value $3.00) PLUS a copy | of the big, brand-new 528-page 1956 edition at the Official Base ball Guide (regular price Jl.00) for only $2,001 \ IT'S OFFICIAL, AUTHENTIC ! □ This famous book contains major and minor leogue a v e rages, records, ofH cial playing rules and thousands of facts about the game. It's free to you — along with a 12-week subscription to THE SPORTING NEWS for $2.00. let's get acquainted—use this coupon, without delay! ip — Kellom Kapers Style Shew—March 29 Several professional models plus outstanding personalities from the Near North Side area will be fea tured in the Adult Council’s Spring Style Show to be presented in the Kellom Center’s Auditorium on Friday, March 29 at 8:00 P M. Admission to this outstanding| show will be $1.00 for adults and' 50c for boys and girls 18 and un der. They may be purchased from any Council Member and at the Center’s office, or call JA 1116. The show is produced by Vir ginia Richburg, Program Chairman of the Kellom Adult Council and it will be directed and moderated I by Mr. John Smith, well known [expert on Women’s Dresses and Style showing. State Table Tennis The Park and Recreation Com misson will hold its Annual State Table Tennis Championship on March 16-17, at Benson Commun ity Center. There will be events for Midget boys. Junior boys. Senior boys and girls, Men's A and B singles. Women single, Men doubles, and mixed doubles. Entry fee <is 50 cents for boys and girls and $1.00 for Adult singles and 50c extra for each doubles events entered. Entry blanks may be se cured at the City Hall 605, or from any Community Center. For fur ther information call AT 8122, Totterers Bows In AAU Final Minus the play of their team star Maggie King and first string forward Jo Ann Whitley, the Kel lom Trotters lost their first game to an Omaha Team Florence Lions Sunday afternoon thereby losing the Midwest AAU crown. The Flor ence Lions four times victims of the Trotters eked out a 30 28 upset in a thrilling game in which the outcome was decided in the last 40 seconds, Penny Le Barge was the Lions hero as she sunk the win ning basket. However, three girls from the runner-up Kellom team made the All Star Team—Velma Johnson who scored 69 points in tourna ment play; Violadora Johnson who scored 14 points against the Lions and Annie Adkins very outstanding guard in the city and state. City Basketball Playoff Starting Monday, March 18, City Playoff for all Park and Recrea tion Commissions’ boys basketball leagues will be held at Florence Center. The Midget playoff will in clude—Sacred Heart No. 8 and Sacred Heart No. 7 of the Kellom League; Hawkeyes and Benson Baptist of the Benson League; and Meteors and St. Philip Neri of the Florence League. The Intermediate League will be played at Benson and will include MAC’S and Main Christ Child from Kellom; Benson Baptist and Blue Jays from Benson and North High Y and Explorers from Florence. At Kellom the Club play off will get together Cacoytea and Eagles of Florence and Court Devils and Rockets of Kellom. Team for the Senior Boys play off which will be held at Kellom has yet to be named. City Champ ions in each division wUl receive a beautiful trophy to be given away at the Kellom Award Dinner on April 10th. Basketball By the end of next week all of the Center’s Basketball Leagues will have come to an end; and the Champions and Runner-ups will be awaiting their prizes. Already the Cub League Champion have been decided as the Court Devils walk ed away with the crown, winning all 14 of their games. The Kellom Rockets (12-2) were Runner-Ups. In the Midget League, two Sacred Heart teams, Nos. 7 and 8 emerged on top while the Intermediate League winners are M.A.C.'s and Main Christ Child. The Kellom Trotters Girls team (12-0) defeated the Florence Lions (9-3) last Thursday to cinch the Girls League’s Champion. Flor ence will finish second. Only the Senior Boys League re mains in doubt as the Bouncers and Underwoods, Hardware are still battling for a share of the Play-Off money. Blue Trotters won the first half title and a place in the Play-Off. Viola Washington Mrs. Viola Washingnn, age 66 years, of 2701 Corby St. ex pired Wednesday morning. Mar. 6, 1957 at a local hospital. A native of Cedar Town, Ga., Mrs. Washington came to Oma ha in 1917. She is survived by her hus band, Robert Washington of O maha; two brothers, Clarence Wright of Lincoln and Charles Wright of Omaha; four nieces and four r ephews. Funeral services were held Monday. March 11 at 2 00 pm. from the Myers Funeral Home Chapel with Mr. Edgar Wllle of ficiating. Cremation at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser rice. f THt NIBKASK A-tOWA [LtCTRIC AL COUNCfl prtMnti EJ Quite melted and weary, one hot afternoon, George rushed for his cooler! He’d feel better soon! He turned on that cooler,.. relaxed in a chair.., But he waited in vain for some nice, clean, cool air. MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WIRING And then he recalled, as he sat there, persptnng. His dealer had told him to get special wiring! So till the job’* done, George’ll cool off like thi*. But with-modem home wiring, hi* cooler can't mis*! CALL YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON FULL HOUSEPOWER For FULL HOUSI:POWI:R Don’t be like George. It you plan on buying an air-conditioning unit this summer, have vour wir ing checked now! In most homes (even many new ones) a separate circuit is needed to operate air conditioners efficiently and economically. And now you can have the convenience and safety ol FULL HOUSEPOWER (enough circuits, switch es and outlets lor all your present and future electrical needs) with no tuss or muss and take up to five years to pay. Ask your electrical con ' tractor lor a Irce estimate—you’ll be surprised at how little it costs. NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL 1104 W. O. W Building, OimKi, Nabraita Chatter Wedding Bells are ringing, when Chit, Chit, and Chat, Chat Yes, is your turn “old maids and bach lors? D. Brown you walked down the aisle Sunday like you and Pat were getting ready to cut the cake. It isn’t nothing to be scared about. Partner is it Pat? I noticed Ruth B. and—observing like a champ. Did I hear you say, you wanted only five brides maids, Ruth? Shirley G. was also looking in a daze trying to picture she and Mike going down the aisle. Eleanor S. really looked sharp Sunday. Betty and W. T.’s wed ding was really beautiful. Every one looked fabulous. Rosemary P. should I say? Well, 1 guess I’ll let you go. Just this time. 1 heard a few kats standing in the hall say quote "The girl can't help it" when Janice M. walked by. F. Foster I heard that—oh, better not say. Margie L. are you still receiving letters fron; Crete, Nebraska? Have I salt too much? Carl W. who was you dressed up for Tuesday? Dig, what some one said “how did the CHATTER get about me doing what I did. I don’t know how you found out, I only told seven girls, Ha, Ha, Remember a secret is only a secret if you tell no one but yourself. Gang, don’t for get about the basketball game the Alphas and Kappas. Rod w. tney toia me to ieu you something but I,m not going to say. Some one said with coo! Brooks on the floor it will be just like playing with a snowball get it? Ha. There is nothing in this world for a boy (W. Barnes, and a girl but love, love, love fV. Seals). It seems that Daisy J. is being true to her one and only who is in North Carolina CHATTER thinks that Pvt. wants to make her his partner for life that is if another certain person who is receiving two letters » week don’t step in. Shirley S. why don’t you give Eddie a Chance. Oliver Whitaker is having a hard time trying to pick one ol his many girl friends. Oliver, d( you want us to give you one, ci are you going to remain a mem ber of the "Bachelor's Club? 1 just hope I’m oooops it’s againsl my policy to talk about myself C. Whitaker why don’t you slot pretending. CHATTER k n ow that you have eyes for E. Wt understand the feeling is mutual Why don’t you give him a chancel Why don’t tome of the boys oui at O. U. stop being so lame anc start showing some consideratioi for the girls. PERSONALITY OF THE WEEI Mrs. Sallie Sloan Mrs. Sallie (Mother) Sloan, age 67 years of 2428 Decatur St. expired Saturday evening, March 9, 1957 at a local hospital. A native of Greenville, Texas, she came to Omaha in 1922. She was a faithful member of the Peoples Mission Church and served on the Mothers Board. She is survived by three sis ters. Mrs. Jessie Mayweathers of ! Omaha, Mrs. Zcrla Sneed of Ft. Worth, Texas, Mrs. Nancy Wor Hats off to Miss Carolyn Whit | aker, this girl of the week was ^ born in Norfolk, Va. and attend- j ed school there until the 10th grade. While there she was an j active member in church and pop ular around the community. In elementary school she was chosen the best student, played for the assembly programs, a member of the Y-Tcen and won many medals in different activities. During her high school she was a mem ber of the Honor Roll, of the New Homemakers of America Club, and she won the Best Citi zen Award and had the honor of seeing the first inauguration of President Eisenhower. Her hob bies are playing the piano, read | ing and while in Va. visiting the I beaches during the summer months. She has stayed in N. Y. and visited Washington, D. C., Philadelphia and many other, cities. She has been in Omaha since 1954. Graduated from Tech nical High School with honors. She received a scholarship and ; is now a second semester fresh man at O. U. and a pledge to the ! Alpha Kappa Sorority. She at tends Morning Star Baptist Church and she sings in the choir there and plays for the Sunday School. More gossip. Say, James B. what did you say about a certain per son that goes to Central? Alyce, what happened to you at the Rock ’n Roll show?. Say what? Virgil W. where do you go these days? Say C. F. are you and T. going back together, I heard that he took you to Maybe I’m playing cupid, but you two really make a cute coup le. A. Parks, remind me of the "old lady in the shoe” he's had so many-he doesn’t know what to do. Ha. Ha. Pat K. I heard that you had eyes for H. P. Ha, Ha, the CHATTER knows all and sees i all. How about Mary P., Pat A., Janenette Me., Pat K., Willie F., 1 Cynthia F. in their sweat shirts, that was real cute girls. Pat A. where did you get yours from Nebr. U.? Lawrence K. who do you have eyes for? Joye J. who is the kat you have eyes for from Hawaii? Pat Me. what did you ! dream about? Hey Sam I got to 1 scram. Article in Readers Digest Reveals Jittery Pre-Menstrual Tension Is So Often a Needless Misery! Do you Miller terrible nervous ten sion—feel Jittery, irritable, de pressed—Just before your period each month? A startling article In READER’S DIGEST reveals such pre-menstrual torment Is needless misery in many cases! Thousands have already discov ered hour to avoid such suffering. With Lydia Ptnkham s Compound and Tablets, they're so much hap Dier. leas tense as those ‘‘difficult days” approacn; Lydia Plnkhar.’» hoe a remarkable soothing effect on the source of such dutrssa. In doctors' tests. Plnkham’s •topped .., or strikingly relieved .,. pain and discomfort I 3 out of 4 women got glorious relief I Taken regularly, Pinkham's re neves the headaches, cramps, nerv ous tension .., during snd befort your period. Many women never suffer—even on the first dayI Why Should you? This month, start tak ing Pinkham’s. Bee If you don’t escape pre-menstrual tension. so often the cause of unhappiness. urv b/uia a . Pinkham'i Vege table Compound . .. or eonvenient new Tablet* which have biood-bUlidirifr Iron added. At drugs***. •UMBUedM la IkIwi' mil aa amasiag paaJart, Iwla)4 irwii ft hU a* aaraaa. trtraaa, gala I Waa4artal idM 4ariag aa4 Mm than "MUl 4aji"l I tham of Greenville, Texas and i host of nieces and nepehws. Funeral services tentatively ar ranged for Wednesday, March IS at 2:00 p.ra. from the Peoples Mission Church, 1710 No. 20 St Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. Itching Torture PROMPTLY RELIEVED A doctor’s formula—soothing anti septic Zemo—promptly relieves the itching, burning of Skin Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm and Athlete's Foot Zemo stops scratch ing and so aids tng of irritated skin.£|^AAJLvr “Sweetens Whole‘Insides’, Relieves Constipation — both overnight!** S.r. Mr* MUiee Kiwlee. WmcmHBs, ft Half-alive, headachy, when constipa tion tours stomach? Black-Draught* relieves constipation overnight. Help* sweeten sour stomach too. Ho harsh griping. Made from pure vegetable herbs. Brings thorough but gentle relief In morning. Life looks sunny again! Oet Black-Draught today. •/a Powder or Ore nutated form... and now in new. eaey-to-tok* Tablets, tool CHILDREN: When constipation sours children's digestion, get Syrup of Black Draught. They love Its honey-sweet taste. ************************ Phone JA 5242 Eugene Beauty Shop SPECIAL ON COLD WAVES Complete Reg. $10_.Special $7.25 First Charge 1630 Jackson INGROWN NAIL HURTING YOU? Immtdiaf RtIMI A few drop* of OUTGKO® being blessed relief frwn tormenting pstn of Ingrown nail. OUTGRO toughens the aktn underneath the nail, fellows the nail to be rut and thus ore* 0 vents further pain end discomfort. QUToRQ * la available at nil drog counters 0 - ■ - - - - - ---1-|-rnr—i— COLD SUFFERERS Get STANBACK, tablets or powders, tor robot of COLD DISCOMFORTS Tho STANBACK proscription type formula is a combination of pain re lieving ingredients that warh together for FASTER RELIEF of HEADACHE. NEURALGIA and ACHING MUSCLES due to colds. STANBACK also RE DUCES FEVER. SNAP BACK with i STANBACK. M|r WITH BLUE BLADE DISPENSER AND STYRENE CASE S|00 Stop pain of piles today at home —or money back! In doctor's tests, amazing new Stainless Pazo* Instantly relieved piles’ torture! Gave Interna! and external relief! 6 medically-proved Ingredients Including Trlolyte, re lieve pain. Itching instantly! Reduce swelling, Promote healing. You sit, walk in comfort! Only stainless pile remedy. Stainless Pazo® Sup positories or Ointment at druggists. *Trrdtmark of Groat Lobomloritt, Inc. Uintmrnt and SuppotUontt, HEADACHE Ease PAINS Of HEADACHE, NEURAL GIA, NEURITIS with STAN8ACK TA8LETS or POWDERS, STANBACK combines several medically proven pain relievers The added effectiveness of these MULTIPLE ingredients brings tester, more complete relief, easing anxiety and tension usually accom panying pain. * M Test STANBACK •gainst any preparation you've ever uted luJjlllltllllilllllllnllltllliillllllllililllllllulllliMlIIIIIIIIIIItttHlltlllllllllllUHlI l I - PICK UP -- Cleaners & Laundry One Day Cleaning, Laundry Service CROSSTOWN CLEANERS 2101 North 24th Stroot Wobrtor 0999 UlllllilHIIIHIIIIIIIIllllllHllltlllllHIlHIIHIIIIlllllHllimHllllllllllllllllllllllllHH ... > BRANDOS Save Now! NEW BEDFORD HEIRLOOM BEDSPREADS I •Twin or Full Size • For Either Mod ern or Provincial Decor • Completely Washable • Reversible • Choice of Six Colors • Antique White • Lt. Green •Pink •Gold • Turquoise • Bleached White • Shop Early Monday ! • Quantities Are Limited mail and phone orders welcome bedspreads—sixth ploor