The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 08, 1957, Image 1

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Vol. 37 No. 48 Friday, February 8, 1957 10c Per Copy
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Cabs and Buses Join to Aid
Police in Traffic Drive
Three hundred radio-equipped
cabs and bus safety cars will re
enforce the Police Department)
in back the Attack’s crusade to ]
rid Omaha of potential traffic
killers, it was announced today.
The Metropolitan Omaha Safe
ty Council was authorized to
make a joint announcement for
Checker, Yellow and Safeway
Cab Companies—and the Omaha
Transit Company,
Cabs and bus safety vehicles
will radio to police a description
and the direction any vehicle is
proceeding which is being driven
so carelessly that its driver may
be a potential traffic killer.
Then police will close in for the
Police Traffic Inspector Jean
C. Whinnery said he is pleased
with the announcement and
praised the Metropolitan Oma
ha Safety Council and the public
transportation companies for
the move.
“It will increase by more than
seven times the number of radio
equipped vehicles prowling Oma
ha streets in search of drivers
who are so sloppy they are po
tential traffic killers,” Glenn L
Cavanaugh, council president,
Harold Hunter, safety director
for one cab firm, estimated that
from 100 to 285 cabs will be team
ed up with police at all times.
Dispatchers at cab offices
throughout Omaha are being
briefed on operation Back the
Actually, tips from drivers in
the past have been responsible
for other arrests. But this is the
first time a joint operation of
such magnitude has been plan
Bus safety car and cab drivers
also are geared to provide as
sistance where accidents do occui.
Mr. Hunter said Back the At
tack buttons and bumper stickers
will be used by Omaha cab drivers
to remind motorists that Omaha
is participating in the largest
mass driver educational program
ever tackled by a major city or
Meanwhile, James F. Green,
Back the Attack chairman, again
urged all Omaha drivers to par
ticipate in the first monthly as
sault in Back the Attack—under
the theme Crack Down on Your
"Know Your
Car" Course
One of the first non-credit
“consumer-education” courses in
the nation is “snowballing” at
the University of Omaha.
At least 15 Omaha women have
enrolled in the new “Know Your
Car Series”, a “pilot” course of
fered in the College of Adult
Education. This course will
meet from 7 to 9 p.m. beginning
Friday, February 15 at the Gen
eral Motors training center at
80th and Dodge, Omaha. The
class will meet on four consecu
tive Friday evenings, ending
March 8. Tuition is $12.00.
A second course co-sponsored
by the University and the Chev
rolet Dealers Association of O
matu will begin sometime after
February 15, according to Dr.
D. G. Emery, dean of the Col
lege of Adult Education. All
buyers of new Chevrolets in the
Omaha area will have an oppor
tunity to attend this speciil
course at the General Motors
training center.
Dr. Emery pointed out that the
purpose of both courses is to
orient car buyers to the funda
mentals of his car, its operation,
maintenance, and special fea
Mr. Robert B. Stephens, an en
gineering graduate from the Uni
versity of Maryland, will teach
both courses. The University of
Omaha instructor said he plan
ned to use films, charts, models,
and cars to help people acquire
a practical understanding of
their car.
Dr. Emery said this is the first
university-auto industry coopera
tive venture of its kind.
Now there's an ear pad that
blocks out high frequency noises
but permits the human voice to
pass through.
St. Louis
Rev. A. T. Barnett a local mini
ster is here visiting from St. j
Louis, Missouri. He attends The
Church of the Living God. C.W.
F.F., 1913 Garrison Street in St.
Louis, Mo., Rev. Barnett spoke at
Boystown, Nebraska.
Shelby, Mississippi
Mrs. Mattie Calmese was here
three months visiting her sons and
daughters from Shelby, Mississippi.
She spent her time touring the
city and visiting with friends. Mrs.
Calmese stayed with one of her
daughter’s Mrs. I. Hicks, 2510
Bristol Street.
Chicago, Illinois
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parks and
son Herman, were visiting rela
tives who are: Mrs. A. Alston, Mrs.
Neal Johnson, Mrs. I. Hicks, Mrs.
M. Foster and Mrs. A. Hudson.
They spent the weekend here from
Chicago, 111. They enjoyed their
visit very much. Their last eve
ning was spent with a private par
ty at Johnny Owen’s Steak House.
White Pastor
Appointed By
Negro Church
PRINCETON, N. J., January 12
—The 115-year-old Negro Wither
spoon street Presbyterian Church
announced the appointment of a
white associate pastor.
The Rev. David H. McAlpin, Jr.,
28-year-old son of a New York
stockbroker, will be installed at
services. His appointment was an
nounced by the Rev. Benjamin
Anderson, pastor.
The Rev. Mr. McAlpin, who Is
married to the former Joan Rock
efeller, daughter of Avery Rocke
feller, President of Shroeder and
Rockefeller Investments, had this
to say about his post.
"I don’t see anything unusual
about my accepting such a post.
It's quite natural for whites and
quite natural for Christians."
The young Clergyman, a gradu
ate of Princeton, Union Theolo
gical Seminary in New York and
St. Andrew's in Scotland, said he
didn’t anticipate any difficulties
"unless I do something stupid
and brash.”
His wife, he said, "is whole
heartedly with me in the new
The minister says he views his
job as another step in the path
to integration.
The Rev. James Armstrong,
vice moderator of the New Bruns
wick Presbytery, will preside at
the installation service.
A native of Princeton, the Rev.
Mr. McAlpin lives here with his
wife and son.
Fun Clubs
Are Busy
The Jr. Hepster’s Club consist
of fifth grade girls. They meet on
Mondays at 3:30 p.m. Their offi
cers are: President, Johnnimae
Whitaker; Vice President, Mattie
Mayo; Secretary, Sharon Black;
Treasurer, Glayds Washington and
Sergeant of Arms, Dianne Hodges.
Their colors are blue and pink.
Tha Jr. Boppars
The sixth grade girls have a
club too. They meet on Wednes
days at 3:30 p.m. Their officers
are: President, Janice Williams;
Vice President Betty Jo Chaney;
Secretary, Sharon Ross; Treasurer,
Rita Childs, and Sergeant of Arms,
Imogene Long.
Tha Rock-a-Bap Club
The older girls have a club, too.
They have parties, dances and
have a well planned schedule thati
keep them busy for the remaining
year. They meet on Wednesday at
7:30 p.m. Anita Tullis is their
President doing a wonderful job,
while Marcia Buckner is taking
notes and Helen Peterson collect
ing and taking charge of the
Lifetime earnings of the aver
age elementary school graduate,
according to a recent study, will
be $116,000; of average high
school graduate, $169,000; of
average college graduate, $268,
By Rep. Glenn Cunningham
We received many letters a
bout the proposed visit by Mar
shal Tito of Yugoslavia. Appar
ently Congressional pressure and
other objections to the visit have
caused the idea to die a natural
death. We read in the papers
that Tito does not plan to make
a visit to this country.
I am proud to say I joined
other Congressmen in signing a
petition directed to the White
House protesting any visit by
• • • •
Visitors were not too numer
ous from Nebraska during ttye
last week. The welcome mat is
out for all of you any time you
are in this part of the country.
We have some interesting ma
terial on things to see in the
nation's capitol and will be glad
to tell you about the city.
We hope the weather will clear
up before long. There were five
snows during January and only
a few days when the sun was
visible all day. Fog and light
rain are quite common here all
during the winter months.
I was pleased to introduce ma
terial in the Congressional Re
cord which took note of the re
cent globe-circling flight by B-52
jet bombers of the Strategic Air
Command. This flight was dir
-'''ted by General Curtis E. Le
May from his headquarters in
Spary County, Nebraska.
• • • •
Many thanks to all the folks
who have written about the Post
Office Department and possible
changes in rates. As yet there
has been no proposal for chang
ing any of the rates. I will cer
tainly keep the views in mind of
those folks who wrote me on
this matter.
Etiquette On
Always travel around the dance
floor counter clockwise. Do not
cut diagonally across the dance
flood. Never smoke or carry a
lighted cigar or cigarette while
dancing. When asking a lady to
dance, wait until she gets out of
her seat, then lead the way. The
man should very rarely dam
with his back to the line of dir
ection. Ladies don't pick your
foot up so high that your heel
causes damage. Avoid bulling
your way around the dance floor.
Don’t force your way through
other couples. Men, don’t Pump
handle dancers. Avoid waving
your left hand up and down
like a pump handle. Ladies,
don’t drape yourself all over
your partner, dance in. close
position but do not clutch with
your hands and arms. Men, don’t
keep looking at your feet, look in
the direction you want to move.
Ladies, don’t be a social butterfly |
while dancing, concentrate on
dancing and not on being seen.
John Raybon
Mr. John Henry Raybon, 69
years, 2118 Grace Street, passed
away Friday January 25th at a
local hospital.
Mr. Raybon had been a resident
of Omaha thirty two years. He
was a member of the Paradise
Baptist Church and a former em
ployee of the Gate City Steel
Mr. Raybon is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Alice Raybon, Omaha;
seven step daughters, two step
sons, two brothers, Mr. Agee Ray
bon, Argo, Uinois, Mr. Alonzo
Raybon, Little Rock, Arkansas;
two sisters, Mrs. Emma Dunbar,
Mrs. Willie Ann McGee, of Rush
ton, La., two nieces. Miss Mildred
Raybon, Little Rock, Arkansas,
Mrs. Savanah Davis, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, two nephews, Mr.
James Raybon, Little Rock, Mr.
James Wallis, Argo, llinois.
Funeral services were held 2:00
P.M Thursday January 31 from
the Paradise Baptist Church with
the Doctor C Adams officiating
assisted by Rev. D. Nicholson,
Rev. L. M. Morgan, Rev. J. H.
Reynolds, Rev. C. McMorris. Rev.
J. W. Rodgers, Rev. H. W. Black
stone. Phllbearers, Mr. Willie
Jones, Leslie Williams. Rev. David
Nicholson, Rev. L. M. Morgan,
Deacon Gus Johnson, A. Wheat
ley. Interment was at Mt. Hope
Cemetery with arrangements by
the Thomas Funeral Home.
Seven Triends Of Charter' File
The "7 Friends of the Charter"
file for the April 2, primary
election in the election commis
sioner’s office. They are (left to
right) Harry Trustin, A. V. (AD
Sorensen, Wray M. Scott, Sam W.
Reynolds, Mrs. Kenneth T, Gra
ham, James J. Dworak, N. Phil
Dodge. Taking their petitions is
Dundy Kerr, deputy election com-!
Kellom Music
Festival Next
The Kellom Youth Council will
present a Music Festival at the
Kellom School Auditorium Wed
nesday, February 13, 1957 at 8
p.m. Several young adult and
youth choirs will appear on the
I One of the feature attractions on
this program will be the band of
the Salem Baptist Church.
This program is one of the cul
tural affairs sponsored by the
Kellom Recreation Center.
The public is invited to attend
this program. This should be a
good opportunity for you to see
The Community Center. There
will be no admission charged.
At Omaha U
Dr. Ruth Eckert, representa
tive of the Ford Foundation,
will confer with University of
Omaha officials February 11.
The University last June was
awarded a $8,500 grant from the
Fund for the Advancement ot
Education, a Ford Foundation
agency, to finance experimenta
tion in improving effective use
of faculty resources in view of
the growing teacher shortage.
Dr. D. N. Marquardt, head of
the Chemistry Department, is
currently comparing two teach
in g methods with beginning
chemistry students—the labora
tory practice or class demonstra
tion technique.
Dr. Eckert is professor at the
University of Minnesota and
author of “When the Child
Leaves School.”
The University of Omaha De
partment of Journalism Feb
ruary 11 begins a scries of seven
lectures by prominent local and
regional communications people.
4 Omaha U
Students to Denver
Four University of Omaha stu
j dents will attend the Rocky
Mountain Speech Confer e n c e
February 8-9 in Denver, Colora
' do.
Barbara Fleck, 6557 N. 24 St.;
Virginia Frank, 2211 S. 50 St.;
j C'hristene Larsen, 5401 S. 29
Ave.; and Niles Pixley, 2530
Hartman will debate in the 60
school tourney.
Dr. Aldrich Paul, head of the
! Speech Department, will accom
pany them.
Hello gang, are you back to
dig what the chatter has to tell
you? Well,, I guess I will begin.
I’ll touch lightly on the gossip
at the parties, dances, schools, and
hide-out too. Shall I begin? Well
College gang, I guess things have
j started popping again. Ruth B.,
what do you call your kat? Ha,
also where did you eat your lunch
Tuesday?, I think it was. Pat W.
.you have to check on your kat
i while he's working, huh? I guess
i it’s okay.
! I see loads of new faces some
of them are: Pat W., Billy If. A1
P., Huey C., Agnes and others. If
it wasn’t me writing this column I
would crow on myself, (smile)
those are the good breaks in life.
Dorsyle, Brooks, Eddy R. and
Theodora A. we had a nice time
the other night didn’t we? Ha.
Much later now college gang I'll
dig you later. Oooop I forgot to
tell you the new couple on the
campus oh, I’ll tell you later.
Personality Facts of the Week
Best dressed girls—Gwen S. and
Silvia K.
Best dressed boys—Bill W. and
Thomas D.
Best girl sport player—F. Clay.
Best boy snort player—A1 Parks.
Best couple—Percy C. and Gwen.
Cutest couple— Harvey and
Crazeo—Wila T.
Craizier.—M. Buckner.
Craziest—E. Chaney.
Good dancer—Gwen and Vincent
Seek Hikes
The Joint Postal Employees
Council of Omaha is planning a
Legislative Rally of the 2nd
Congressional District on Wed
nesday, February 13, 1957, at
8:00 p.m., in the Swedish Audi
torium, 1609 Chicago St. Postal
employees, their families and
their friends are invited.
The rally is being held to pub
licize efforts of the postal em
ployees to obtain a raise in pay
during the current session of
Congress. The postal people
claim that they have fallen far
behind in the race with living
cost as compared with other
classes of workers.
Speakers scheduled to address
the rally include Mayor Rosen
blatt, Daniel T. Monen, Jr., Oma
ha representative of Congress
man Cunningham, Postmaster
Walter Korisko, the Rev. Austin
E. Miller, S. J., Director of the
Creighton Institute of Industrial
Relations, and Phil Allen, TV
news analyst and commentator.
The Joint Postal Employees
Council of Omaha comprises five
organizations, with a total mem
bership of about 1,250, the Na
tional Federation of Post Office
Clerks, the National Association
of Letter Carriers, the National
Postal Transport Associati o n,
the National Association of Post
Office Mail Handlers, and the
National Federation of Motor
Vehicle Service Employees.
Extra, Extra read all about Boy
and Girl exchanges ring on 24th
and tuxedo pool hall Street. Alyce
Me. what name do you have all
over your folders, books, hands,
etc? V. Brown who do you have
eyes for? A. Drew, you and Bill
are getting along very Cool Keep
up the good work. J. Richard, I
must say you are the cool one.
Dennis F., Do you still go with
J. J.? I don’t see you and her to
gether anymore. Eugene O., how
is J. J.? That’s nice isn’t it? Mar
FAM-U Clinicians
The three men above—one of
whom, Jack White, is a graduate
of Florida A and M University—
will play key roles in the 28th
annual meeting and 31st annual
clinic of the Florida A k M Uni
varsity Clinical Association
which will be held February
12-14. They are, left to right,
John B. Johnson, M.D., head, de
partment of medicine, Howard
University School of Medicine;
Dr. Jack White, assistant pro
fessor of surgery and director of
ttye cancer research project at
Howard University, and Noah R.
Calhoun, D.D.S., chief, dental
service and oral surgeon, Vet
erans Administration Hospital,
Tuskagee, Alabama
The Ivy Club entertained all
the Pledge Clubs and the Dean of
Pledges at the home of Mrs. K.
Myers with a get-acquainted party.
President Fredericka Clay thought
everyone had a nice time.
Arlene Lytle, Beverly Gilbert,
Janice Minnenliall, Ollie Gibson,
Shirley Gilreath, Phyllis Bradford,
Fazetta Foster, Charlene Johnson
and Annette Davis, dean of Pled
gees, helped with the entertain
ment and served as very good hos
cia B. you sure are true to Frank
aren’t you? Anita T., you sure
are bashful when you are around
kats that admire you, or is that
your way of making time? Elsie
T., I see your old flame is back in
Omaha again. Linda L., do you,
have eyes for T. Turner? Violdora,
you really had a tuff party Sun-j
day nite. You seem to be going
back with Kenneth that’s nice, you
and he look real sweet together.
Art R., you sure did look nice at,
the party you must have eyes for
someone there.
What’s this about R. Adams tell- j
ing the girls about some cute boys
at Creighton from all over. R.
Brooks who were all of the girls
you were talking to on the phone?
Jimmy S., I must say you really
think you are Mr. Cool. Margaret
M. you really like the Hunter fam
ily, don’t you? You and Richard
looked soooo sweet. Sam W., you
must bring your friends home
more often. All the girls went for
Vincent in a big way. Richard N.,
you play basketball much better
when Jackie B. isn’t there and all
that’s good. Mary P. and Joy J.1
I see that your two boys are going
out to O. U. they’ll really need
the eagle eye. Cynthia M., who
do you have eyes for? Jay M., are
you taking Francis to the St. Bene
dict prom? Sorry, for being
nosey. Percy C., why do you al
ways sing at the lunch room, are
you thinking about your girl?
Stop, Look and Listen everyone
Melvin H. finally has out the
Green Hornet or should we call it
the rug cutter? Dig, this one
folks Jimmy S. is suppose to be
getting a ’57 Ford or is he pulling
our legs? Pat Me. and Lou went
back together again, I knew they
won’t stay apart too long. I heard
that a bunch of girls are going to
cool it and go stag to the St.
Benedict prom. Cool it girls. M.
Moss, I heard you had eyes for M.
J. Violodora J., do you still have
eyes for you know who? Con
gratulations Joyce and Gordon.
Anitia T. your party went off real
crazeeeeee. Marcia B., you seem
to be having a real nice time you
and you too, Elsie.
Well, kids and everyone that is
initerested I’ll plant you now and
dig you much later.
Some families can trace their
aneestry back 300 years but can’t
tell you where their children
were last night
Putting a mortgage on your
house is no longer considered
immoral, but it’s rapidly becom
ing impossible.
During the past 24 years, the
Federal Government has paid out
$20 billion to farmers for price
support plans, and has taken a
loss of $9% billion on it
The “7 Frienus of the Charter"
slate of candidates filed Friday
for the City Council race.
The primary is April 2 and the
general election is May 14.
The “7 Friends” are N. Phil
Dodge, James J. Dworak, Mrs.
Kenneth T. Graham, Sam W. Rey
nolds, Wray M. Scott, A. V. (Al)
Sorensen and Harry Trustin.
Five of the seven were members
of the Charter Convention, which
drew up the city’s new charter.
Each candidate presented an
average of about 2,000 signatures.
One hundred signatures per
candidate are needed.
They have announced the fol
lowing platform:
“We believe wholeheartedly
in the new charter exactly as ap
proved by our citizens. We
pledge to make full use of it
for more effective, progressive,
modern city government, for the
best interests of all the people
of Omaha.
“We believe the new charter,
properly administered, will pro
vide much greater efficiency in
the operation of our city govern
ment. We enthusiastically sup
port the financial provisions of
the new charter and pledge to
keep taxes to a minimum.
“We believe city government
under the new charter, properly
administered, will create a better
community environment so neces
sary to attract new industry to
Omaha. We pledge to use the
influence of effective city govern
ment to bring new industries to
Omaha, thereby creating more
payrolls and jobs, spreading the
tax load, and continuing oppor
tunities for our young people.
“We believe city government
under the new charter, properly
administered, will make Omaha
a better, safer place in which to
work and to live and to raise
our families. We pledge constant
vigilance in maintaining high
standards in every phase of city
government in our fast-growing
The slate was drafted by the
Citizens Charter Committee to
Finish the Job, headed by Mrs.
Paul Gallagher, honorary chair
man, and Lloyd Mattson, chair
man. The committee was formed
at the request of a large number
of individuals who actively sup
ported Omaha’s new charter,
which was approved by the voters
in the November election.
From: The Personnel Director
Director Omaha Public Library
The following persons are cer
tified by the Civil Service Board,
having passed an examination, as
required by law, for the position
1. Engel, Viva Mildred
* 2. Johns, Bernice G.
4. Thomas, Delores Elmira
Personnel Director
From: The Personnel Director
Director, Omaha Public Library
The following persons are cer
tified by the Civil Service Board,
having passed an examination, as
required by law, for the position
1. Crum, Norman James
2. McAvin, John
Personnel Director
From: The Personnel Director
Director, Omaha Public Library
The following persons are cer
tified by the Civil Service Board,
having passed an examination, as
required by law, for the position
1. Reinmuth, Margery N.
2. Jensen, Jeanne Avelyn
3. Station, Alice Elaine
4. Bauremeister, Anne Lonise
5. Bloom, Lois Ruth
Personnel Director
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright and
their granddaughter, Bernice, mov
ed into their redecorated and re
modeled home at 3010 No 26
Street which they are enjoying
very much.
A good thing to remember is
that you can’t save face if you
lose your head.