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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1957)
An Electronics Partnership An ultrasonic generator Is tested by Dr. Leslie Gulton and his wife, Edith, at their laboratory In Metuchen, New Jersey. More than sixty elec tronic Items are made by their company. 1 . Working as a tehm In their elec tronics business, as well as their private family life, this husband pnd wife combination, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Gulton, each holders of Ph.D.’s In pure chemistry and noted research experts in the field, head ft staff of engineers at their Me tuchen. New Jersey, laboratories. Which is engaged In furthering this country's guided missile program, i In addition to their guided mis sile work, the Gultons are respon sible for significant developments In such unrelated fields as heart 1 research, the harnessing of ultra sonics for industry, microminiature electronic components and current emitting ceramics, Gulton Industries, in their plants at Metuchen, New Jersey, Albu querque, New Mexico, Culver City, California and Gananoque, Canada, pioneered piezoelectric ceramics, which opened up many new areas for industry, including bringing the perfection to high fidelity repro duction which made America's pres ent hi-fll boom possible. fNS Cherries Are Red for Winter Holidays FEBRUARY'S A MONTH FOR PARTIES ... and this easy-to make cherry coconut pie may be decorated with hearts for Val entines ... with cherries or hatchets for a Washington’s Birthday party ... or with cut-ctut pastry flags for Lincoln ... which make this pie as versatile as it is delicious! ' In addition, this excellent cherry pie lives up to the familiar rhyme "She can bake a cherry pie. quick as a cat cgn wink her eye"—and with tender-thin coconut flakes to enhance both flavor and color, it s sure to be a holiday favorite. CHERRY GLAZED COCONUT PIE 1 cup Baker's Angel i Flake Coconut 2 tablespoons butter 1 package vanilla j pudding and pie 1 filling mix 2 cups milk 1 baked 9-inch pie shell 2 teaspoons gelatin 1 cup cherry juice and water H cup sugar Hi cups drained canned red sour pitted cherries, packed in heavy syrup 2 teaspooifs lemon juice — — Saute V4 cup of the coconut in butter in saucepan until golden brown, stirring constantly. Add pie Ailing mix and milk; blend well. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture comes to a full boil. Cool only about 5 minutes, stirring once or twice. Pour into pie shell. Chill. Combine gelatin and V* cup of the cherry juice Heat re maining juice and dissolve gelatin and sugar in hot juice. Add cherries and lemon juice. Chill until thick, but not Arm Turn onto chilled pie Ailing. Sprinkle with remaining */4 cup coconut. Chill until Arm. Valentine Pie. Use recipe for Cherry Glazed Coconut Pie. Cut small hearts from leftover pastry. Bake hearts in hot oven (450’ F.) about 10 minutes, or until done. Arrange mounds of coconut on cherry topping to resemble lace and place hearts on coconut. (ANS) Advice te the Airborne Travel Advisor | kWhot To Wear In Arizona 4 Getting tired of the grey winter days ? Want to escape to the Sun country? Maybe Arizona it the answer to your needs. You can get in a quickie vacation by arranging a stopover in your coast to coast flight. Since TWA serves both Tucson and Phoenix, many women have asked me what to wear for an Arizona holiday. t Like most women, you II prob- ' obly want to travel in a suit. Perfect for a plane trip. Remove the jacket and relax as soon as you board your flight. You'll want a stole or light top coat for those pleasantly cool mountain evenings that follow the incredi bly sunny days. The remainder of your ward robe will depend on the place you atay. For example: Dude Ranch If you visit a dude ranch you will spend most of your time out doors. Bo all set for horseback riding, swimming, square danc ing, and those wonderful moon light "chuck wagon dinners" pre pared and served by the cowboys. Your wardrobe should be well equipped with bluejeans or jod phurs, and shirts for riding, big cotton skirts and ■ buses tor square dancing. Blouses and shirts to be worn with “slim iim»" slacks, or shorts for re laxation. Sun back dresses with their own little jackets, flat-heel ed shoes, and a stole or sweater will all be useful. , Hotel Clothes Some of the most elegant hotels to be found anywhere are located In Arizona. Your hotel will quite likely have its own swimming pool and it is a good idea to take not only your swim-suit, but a robe to wear over it when leaving your room. Although sports clothes will be an important part •f your wardrobe, it is wise to take along a cocktail dress. Like the dude ranches, Arizona hotels help you to soak up as much of that warm sunshine and dry desert air a* possible. They usually serve lunch on terraces built around the swimming pool and sponsor guided tours to near by mountains. Riding clothes, sunback dresses and full cotton skirtB and blouses will fit1 your days, an informal cocktail gown or cocktail separates will prove useful for after dark festivities. Here you may live in brilliant, striking resort cottons, silk prints, floral patterned fashions. , If you would like to know more I write me at TWA, 880 Madiaon, Ave., New York City. Star Christens Largest U.S.-Made Tanker aim ■ Mg| -a ,|- r r* LOVELY MADELEINE CARROLL lends a hand at building the newest Niarchos tanker. Here the famous actress and friend of the Merchant Marine is seen making the first weld at the keel-laying of the 46,000-ton giant. Unique ceremony hon ored largest tanker yet built in America. Christened by Miss Carroll at its launching this January, the liner-sized ship will be big help in Suez oil crisis. (ANS) _J I . - ^ V . I /tk ,VA/ I FATAL BLUNDER UH« ACTUAL. CAPTURf cm TMi BRlTlBM WPS. MAJOR i ACHtfwo rv rm*a hi-jack*** whom fibst »NTf««T wa6 in aoeetNd the SOUNW ■NfiUflMMAN. IN MAKCMtNfi HIM, THBV POUNO INOHMINATINA PAPERS I WHICH PROVED MB WA« A SPY. TW1 / Ml-jACKERS thcn turned him OVER l TP TH# AMERICAN AJCmv. I *lT»*w* “"IS? , MYSTERY MOTION I c3« secRer cm why a jumping eeAN jumps is tv* I Caterpillar,os lARYA which Lives insios tme scan and. pw. WMCM COIL.INC OB UNCOlUNA A CAUtCt THI eCAMTPJi/M*.' KnmbHbHBsC^iSa MrYafciwegvMtr . AND START A REi-l-AR P«.VJA*A OP iNv6STv.£yT in US SAVINGS OONPG toqay/ you can pj vcur**.>• i.r biggbb favor than bbcurins your FUTURE BY L«*T.Mi vful‘ DOLLAR WORK FOR YOI/* AYO vOuR COUNT A V/ IV. men Have A Hand In •«„»* Mome Plans Out of the recent Women’s "Congress on Housing, held in Washington, D. C., have come new home building plans such as this one, designed to meet the demands of todty'x family living. As one of the designs sponsored by the National Retail Lumber Dealer’s Association, it provides those features especially stressed by the Women’s Congress such as: space, privacy, storage fa cilities. and separate areas for activity and quiet. In this tri-level design included in the Celotcx Book of Today s New Homes, the home is divided into various "aones": lower level for recreation, informal-entertaining, and family-group ac tivities: ground floor level for busiest area—kitchen, dining room, living room; and upper or sleeping level with three bedroom* I and bath. . - . Indicated In the floor plan 1* the lavatory on the main level the rear entrance—another of the features strongly recom'led by the Women’s Congress. In addition, generous closet •pact has been planned throughout, including “twin ’ stoi age ».'cn* in the entrance hall. "Today’a New Homes,’’ featuring this *."</ other homes incorporating recommendations of the Women s OvgiW on Housing, is available through local lumber dealers. Tl it u'v.- : Vi liable by sending direct to The Celotex Corporation, l> triert L-36, 120 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois, < • .''••ine t’l cent* In coin. _ __t_ __ New Kit Encourages Young Sculptors k iwiur "mrn xn These youngsters are all set to bake a portrait bust they molded themselves following the simple, step-by-step instructions of Transo gram’s new Sculpt by Number kit. Each kit contains complete equip ment for molding the portrait bust of a famous president, offering a choice of Lincoln, Eisenhower a and Washington. ' The modeling material, unique in itself, is Transogram’s “Pyro con"—a wonder plastic that bakes to lasting hardness in 15 minutes in an ordinary kitchen oven at 325-350° F. When cooled, it becomes practically unbreak able and can be gilded or decor ated with plastic paints. In forming the bust, slabs of clean, white ‘‘Pyrocon’’ are rolled, cut and shaped from numbered patterns, and stacked into posi tion, layer on layer. Professional tools are provided for finer sur-J face details, and a round plastic stand for the finished bust. 4 The newest idea in modeling kits, Sculpt-by Number is avail able in the presidential series at leading toy counters at $2.98. J M HEALTH HORIZONS New Hope For The Arthritic No chronic disease is more widely spread on the North American continent than arthritis. Fortunately, the majority of the victims rep resent moderate or light cases only but, nevertheless, they are often severely handicapped and sufTcr considerable pain. It is, therefore, exciting to learn that specialists describe a new drug as “of great value in the mild to moderate i arthritic." The preparation, Cordex, com bines one of the oldest of anti rheumatic drugs, aspirin, with the most, recently discovered and most powerful of all the hormones which nave proven to have an effect on arthritis and the related rheumatic diseases. This substance is pred nisolone, a derivative of one of the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands. From Arthritis Clinic of St. Eli zabeth Hospital in Youngstown, Ohio, Drs. M. M. Szucs, Vitalij Holonko, K. M. Forster, and Dario Nalagan reported a collaborative study in which thf drug was em ployed in 400 patients. In describ ing their findings in the Ohio State Medical Journal, the physicians wrote that the treatment resulted in "notable improvement. . . with a minimum of side effects.” In no group of patients did the therapy | fail. Results were described as "fairly good” in rheumatoid arth ritis, and “good” to “very good” in those forms of the disease wdiich are called osteoarthritis — very widespread in older people — gouty arthritis, and non-specific arthri tis. Cordex, the physicians explain ed, represents a “new therapeutic r approach to the treatment of arth ritis” which combines the tradi tional efficacy of salicylates, such as aspirin, with the advantages of modern hormone therapy. “The ad vent of this combined therapeutic approach," they continued, “has given the physician a new tool in the treatment of the many cases of mild and moderate rheumatic diseases not adequately controlled by salicylates alone.” The specialists also have begun to use another preparation, Cordex-Forte, for the more seri ous cases of arthritis, in which the dosage of prednisolone is tripled. In 100 trials with this drug, “a marked improvement was noted with minimal side ef fects.” Both Cordex and Cordex Forte used in these studies were supplied by The Upjohn Com pany. _ ,’rompt First Aid It ilt ", Keep Tiny Hurts From Becoming Big | iininww-—-~ “ ‘ ~ "~H l-r'*lP»i Preventing small hurts from turning into big ones is the chief purpose of home first aid. A skinned knee, a scraped elbow, a cut finger are seldom serious in themselves, but if neglect is permitted to open the door to in fection, the result cun be serious, indeed. The tried and proved formula for safeguarding small hurts nguinst infection is an easy one to follow: (lleanse llie hurl und llie area around it with snap und warm water, applied with a soft, sterile cotton hall; tlover the hurt with n soothing cream that reduces pain, lights germs and speeds healing; Protect the hurt against tins entry of dirt and germs by rover ing it with a sterile banduge. There have been a lot of re cent developments in medicine cuhinct supplies that have made home ftrst aid easier, quicker, , safer and more effective. This is particularly true where small children are concerned, und every mother knows that1 treating small children’s small hurts con stitute . about OOjier cent of all home first aid. Cotton bulls, already formed, completely sterile and ready for use, are designed to fit on the medicine fabinet shelf. These, sterile, white balls are conven iently sized for cleansing the hurt and the perhaps grimy skin around it. A healing first aid cream that contains u stinglcss, long-lasting Antiseptic soives a problem for mothers of children who resist first aid because they dread being hurt a second time when an anti septic is applied. Finally, there are the colorful, star-decked ad hesive bandages that makes wearing a protective bandage a positive pleasure for the five-to ten-year-old. Georgia WaSfs Georgia Ann Watts, age 3 months, of 2860 Mrnderson St., expired Saturday afternoon, Jan uary 26 at a local hospital. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Watts; two brothers, Steven and Dennis Watts; sister, Mary Louise Watts, all of Omaha; grandmother, Mrs. Mary Francis Williams of Chica go, 111.; great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilder of Omaha; ____L five uncles, one aunt and a host of great aunts, great uncles and other relatives. Funeral services were held Wednesday, January 3 at 10;00 a.m. from the Myers Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Charles Favors officiating. Interm e n t was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. Today’s profits are yesterday's good will, ripened. .. Artist Of The Ice Cube Take one cake of Ice — about 400 pounds . . . Inspect to make sure It has no flaws . . Place Ice on low table and move to room of low temperature, prefer ably about 20 degrees, to prevent melting. Using ordinary wood chisel of medium width, add a dash of patience, great quantities of Imagi nation and skill, and after two to four hours of chipping and carving a beautiful objet d'art will emerge. All this may impress as a weird type of recipe, but sculptor, or rather assistant chef, Fred Beetz— of the world-famous Chateau Lau rler Hotel In Ottawa, will tell you different. Of course Beetz' concoctions are not meant to be eaten, but they nevertheless grace the tables of the Chateau Laurter at many private functions. At one of these recently, a beauti ful vase, a loving cup and a gay dancing girl all carved from ice and standing side by side on t table Photo Canadian National Railways In the centre of the room were the main conversational Items. They were representative of Beetz In hla finest kitchen form. The 34-year-old artist is not a chef turned carver. Born in Wlleroltlgen, Switzerland, in the heart of the hotel country, he served his apprenticeship and learned every phase of the art of cooking, and although carving and decorating are now his main occupations in winter, many a satis fied guest during the summer season has walked from the dining room at Jasper Park Lodge in the Canadian Rockies after sampling his culinary ability. i He either carves — in a room of below freezing temperature — from an available picture or first sketches his subject on paper. After scratching in a rough outline he then transforms, with ordinary wood chisels as tools, a block of Ice to a shining piece of sculpture. To start a large object the block will weigh about 400 pounds and 250 when carved. • fNS Which One's Real? —————— in—■■■i———— ii .. ————— THREE BUDDIES, 18-month-old Stephen Pennington and his bull dog pals, look all the world like they could be tough on a moment’s notice. Steve's English Bull, Lady Candive, is known in dog-world social circles, including the National Capital Kennel Show in Wash ington where this photo was taken. Answers to “Which are Heal?” are given below. THESE LITTLE DOLLIES walk and talk, but only one eats ice cream. Answer below. WIIITE FROST, a miniature pedi greed white Pekingese from Cob ham, England, romps with a toy playmate. Puppy was seven weeks old and weighed one pound when photo was taken. Which is White Frost? See answer below. (United Press Photos) .* 1 TOY TRACTORS too, are modeled after real ones like above, but 1 there's no mistaking which is real and which is toy as Richard Behr and his father from Dubuque, la., prepare to drive away on new 1957 Farmall 450 tractors Answers: Top—Real Lady Candive is at right; Center right—White Frost is at left; Center left—The dolly on the left is a real live girL